Greenhouse tomatoes with long storage - Palmira tomato: description of the variety and tips for growing

Palmyra tomatoes are ideal for canning and other processing, including freezing and drying. Elongated bright orange fruits with a lot of pulp retain their shape well and do not become limp from high and low temperatures.
HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouseMid-earlyOrangeAverageVarietyPlum-shaped or oval

Description and characteristics of the variety

The variety was obtained jointly with the agro-Moscow Research Institute of Health Protection and was included in the register in 2008. The tomato is recommended for cultivation under film in the following regions:

  • Northern;
  • Northwestern;
  • Central;
  • Volgo-Vyatsky;
  • Central Black Earth;
  • North Caucasian;
  • Middle Volga.

Medium early variety. The first fruits ripen 90 days after picking the seedlings in the phase of 2 true leaves.

Plants of unlimited growth, 190-200 cm high. Few leaves. The plates are dark green and medium in size.

On a simple inflorescence, elliptical-shaped fruits with weakly expressed ribbing ripen. When unripe, tomatoes are light green, when ripe they are orange. There are 2-3 seed chambers. Average fruit weight is 90 g.

Palmyra, like many yellow-fruited varieties, has an excellent taste. The fruits accumulate a lot of sugar and carotene.

Basic ideas about the variety

Detailed characteristics of the variety are studied by beginners for a reason. This information helps to correctly place the plant on the site and avoid mistakes when growing.


  • Indeterminate,
  • 1.9-2 m tall.
  • 5-8 tomatoes per brush.
  • Ripens within 105-110 days.


  • Orange color. Elongated shape.
  • Weight 90 g, length 8-10 cm.
  • The pulp is dense.
  • Great taste.
  • Keeps for a long time.
  • Tolerates transportation well.

Features of cultivation and storage

Tomatoes are sown 2 months before moving the seedlings to a permanent place. The seeds are disinfected for 20 minutes in potassium permanganate, then soaked for 24 hours in clean water.

Seedlings must be grown with picking - this technique makes the seedlings stronger.

Distribution into cups is carried out at the stage of formation of the second true leaf. Immediately after picking, keep the tomatoes in a cool room with a temperature of 15-18 degrees for 3-4 days. This is necessary to strengthen the roots.

High-quality seedlings have 6-7 true leaves and one raceme.

Diseases and pests

Although this Siberian variety is considered to be highly resistant to most diseases, it can still be affected by the following diseases:

  • late blight;
  • verticillium wilt;
  • top rot.

Such diseases can be controlled with the help of certain fungicides (Oxicom and similar drugs). These drugs are also used for preventive purposes.

Against blossom end rot, it is best to use calcium nitrate, which is poured into the soil around tomato bushes and also treated with plants.

In the process of fighting late blight, all damaged parts of tomatoes should be collected and burned, and the plants themselves should be treated with Bordeaux mixture or Fitosporin. To prevent late blight, tomato bushes should be sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate.

The most common pests that appear on the bushes of this vegetable plant are:

  • mole crickets;
  • spider mites;
  • chewing cutworms;
  • Colorado potato beetles;
  • slugs

To prevent the appearance of harmful insects, you should fill the soil around the bushes and between the rows with wood ash or tobacco dust. You should also inspect your plants regularly.

The easiest way to get rid of slugs and Colorado potato beetles is to collect them by hand. Plants with a pungent odor that will repel the pest are used against mole crickets.

Spider mites most often live in greenhouses, so they should be ventilated more often in order to destroy the comfortable conditions for their existence. If there are too many harmful insects, then insecticide solutions must be used. But the last treatment with such preparations should be carried out 25-30 days before the expected fruit harvest.

Planting and care

2-3 plants are planted per square meter. The bush requires shaping and gartering. When pinching, all lateral branches are removed, except for two - those that grew before and after the first flower cluster. Thus, each plant is grown in three stems.

The fruits are harvested in the phase of full ripeness, when they have the brightest color possible.

Tomatoes are frozen washed and blanched, placing them in the freezer in small portions in plastic bags.

During growth in the greenhouse, 2 feedings are carried out with azophoska (tbsp per 10 liters of water per 1 sq. m):

  1. During flowering.
  2. During the period of mass ripening of fruits.

Recommended tomato varieties

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What summer residents say about Palmyra tomatoes

Various reviews about the variety mostly characterize the plant positively. By sharing their experiences and impressions, gardeners help beginners make their choice.

  • Elena. I liked everything and recommend growing it in a greenhouse. Calls it a “hard worker”, since the ovaries are formed without a gap.
  • Svetlana. I planted the variety in a greenhouse and formed it into 2 stems. The taste is excellent and they last a long time.

The high density of Palmyra tomatoes allows them to be grown for sale or storage.

Features of agricultural technology

Seed processing begins in March. It is advisable to replant seedlings in late spring, when the soil has warmed up sufficiently. If the region is northern and frosts often return, the sprouts should be planted in greenhouses. Closer to the center, you can use temporary shelters or place seedlings directly in open beds.

The bush is prone to splendor, but you should not let the development of shoots take their course. Excessive branching inhibits the fertile function of the plant. It is enough to leave 1-2 shoots.

Advice. There is no need to thicken the plantings; there is only room for 3-4 bushes per 1 m².

The return is gradual, so the tomato needs regular feeding. The plant actively reacts to mineral and natural compounds. When tomatoes bloom and ripen, the bushes need azofoska. Increased hilling and weeding will help increase the average yield.

Watering is regular, a little more abundant as the fruit grows. Preventive treatments should be carried out against diseases and pests. The variety is genetically protected from many infections.

The Palmyra tomato can be grown in large quantities for sale. The harvest does not spoil and does not lose quality benefits.

Features of the fruit

The shape of the tomatoes resembles heart-shaped tomatoes. There is pronounced ribbing near the stalk, but the rest of the surface is even and smooth. The fruit is slightly elongated in length, sharply narrowed towards the apex. The color at biological ripeness is bright red.

Description of the King of large tomatoes and growing a mid-season variety


The skin is strong and thin. Tomatoes can crack if watering is not uniform and the soil in the greenhouse has time to dry out greatly. If you follow the watering schedule (after 4-5 days), the problem does not arise.

The pulp is evenly and brightly colored. The fruit is multi-chambered and belongs to the fleshy type of tomato. The consistency is juicy, tender, tomatoes contain a small amount of seeds.

The Signor Tomato variety is also suitable for winter preparations. The housewife who planted these tomatoes on her plot can choose small fruits for pickling and pickling. Large tomatoes are suitable for processing into juice, sauces and lecho.

Growing seedlings

Mid-season tomatoes are grown in seedlings. This is the only way they have time to ripen before the onset of frost in our country.

The key to productive tomatoes is strong and healthy seedlings

To get such plants, it is important to take a responsible approach to each stage of their cultivation.

Seed treatment

One of the most important stages of growing seedlings is the preparation of planting material. The resistance of the variety to diseases and negative environmental factors depends on how correctly this procedure is performed:

  1. The first step is to choose planting material that will germinate. To do this, the seeds are soaked in warm salted water (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 cup of water). For planting, only those specimens that have sunk to the bottom are used.
  2. Planting material is disinfected, since infections persist on the seeds. It is soaked for 20 minutes in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. They also use folk remedies that not only disinfect seeds, but also stimulate their germination. As such, use aloe juice, diluted in half with water, or a soda solution (1 tsp per 1 cup of water). The planting material is kept in such preparations for 12 hours.
  3. The last stage of processing tomato seeds is to stimulate their growth. This procedure not only speeds up their germination, but also increases cold resistance. They use purchased products (“Epin”, “Sodium Humate”) or homemade preparations (honey water).

Selection of containers and soil

When growing seedlings in a heated greenhouse, use the same soil in which adult tomatoes will grow. It is disinfected with hot copper sulfate.

When growing at home, prepare a special soil mixture. They take soil from the area where adult tomatoes will be grown. It is mixed in equal proportions with humus or peat (sometimes two options are taken at once). Add half of the sand, sawdust or coconut substrate to the soil. A bucket of this composition is mixed with 1 tbsp. ash and 1 matchbox of superphosphate.

Suitable for growing seedlings and purchased soil. Choose a universal soil mixture or special soil for tomatoes and peppers.

Both purchased and homemade soil are disinfected. It is poured with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate, hot copper sulfate or calcined in the oven.

Inexpensive tomato varieties, which include the Heart of Ashgabat, are first sown in a common box. They use both special containers for seedlings and improvised materials (boxes of semi-finished products, cut-off six-liter bottles, etc.).

When the seedlings grow, they are planted in separate containers with a volume of 300-500 ml. Plastic cups, peat pots, cut 1-2 liter bottles are suitable.

Sowing planting material

Heart of Ashgabat seeds are sown 55-60 days before tomatoes are planted in the ground. As a rule, this happens in March.

The seedling boxes are filled with soil, which is watered with warm water. Grooves 1 cm deep are made in the soil at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Seeds are placed in the recesses at intervals of 2 cm.

The seeds are covered with soil. The containers are covered with film and placed in a warm place. Every day the film is opened slightly for 15-20 minutes so that the water does not stagnate.

Seedling care

Growing seedlings is a simple but responsible process. The main thing is to follow the basic rules:

When the seeds germinate, the film is removed. Plants are placed on the windowsill. If the seedlings do not have enough natural light, use fluorescent lamps.

Water tomatoes as the soil dries out

It is important to use water at room temperature and make sure that it does not come into contact with the greenery of the plants. Make sure that the seedlings are not exposed to a draft

Otherwise, fragile plants will die

Make sure that the seedlings are not exposed to a draft. Otherwise, fragile plants will die.

When two true leaves form on the plants, they are planted in individual containers, the bottom of which must be drained

For 10 days after transplantation, tomatoes are not watered or fed.

14 days after picking the tomatoes, apply the first fertilizing. The next two times the soil is fertilized with an interval of two weeks. Use complex fertilizers that include phosphorus.

Before planting tomatoes in a permanent place, they are hardened off. Before this, two weeks before picking, the seedlings begin to be taken out into the fresh air, gradually increasing the time they spend there.

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