Differences between mint and lemon balm. Comparison of useful properties and appearance

Every housewife knows that the aroma and taste of a culinary masterpiece depends on what spices and spices are used in preparing dishes. Gardeners are trying to grow the necessary components in their garden beds - homemade greens have a fragrant bouquet and a lot of useful qualities. Mint and lemon balm are frequent inhabitants of garden beds, but it often happens that there is confusion when growing these crops - not everyone knows the differences between the plants. How to correctly determine what is growing in the garden and what features distinguish similar and at the same time such different types of spices?

Difference in appearance: what do they look like in the photo?

Many people confuse herbs because of their appearance. However, with a detailed review, one can understand that the plants are opposite to each other and have practically no similarities.


Mint bears virtually no fruit, while lemon balm produces seeds and fruits annually.

The fruits resemble a rounded box, visually reminiscent of an egg. The seeds are oblong in shape and brown in color.

Melissa seeds

Leaves and stem

The main feature of mint is that it sprouts as an erect plant with a distinct stem. The leaves are oblong, pointed, with a smooth surface. Unlike lemon balm, the shade of the leaves is rich green with a dark tint.

The lemon balm bush, in turn, consists of several stems united into a neat bush.

The leaves are round, light green in color, velvety to the touch. The difference lies in the height of the bush: mint does not exceed a height of 50 cm, while lemon balm can reach 80 cm and higher.



How does it bloom?

The flowers of the two herbs are visually similar. The main difference is in the shade of the inflorescences: in lemon balm, the buds are collected in rings and painted in a soft blue hue. Mint buds are collected in a spikelet and are characterized by a lilac, or in rare cases, violet color.




If you ask herbalists what properties mint and lemon balm have, they will confidently say that the first one calms and tones, and the second relaxes and has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. The reason for the difference is the chemical composition.

Melissa contains the following components:

  • vitamins of groups A, B9, B6, B9, PP, C1, D2;
  • mineral, rosmarinic and caffeic acids;
  • potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, chromium, nickel, manganese.

Melissa is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system. The plant effectively fights headaches, insomnia, and low blood pressure.

Mint contains:

  • vitamins A2, A5, B6, B9, C1;
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, sodium.

Mint is used as an anti-inflammatory drug and is also used as a choleretic agent.

Regular consumption helps reduce anxiety and panic attacks. The plant is used in a wide range of cosmetology: from the infusion you can prepare a healing hair rinse, or lotions that fight irritation and inflammation on the skin.

The nutritional energy value of spices is presented in the comparative table below:

Calories, kcal7050

Medicinal effect of plants

The differences between mint and lemon balm are not only in taste, aroma, appearance, but also in medicinal properties, which are best studied in advance to avoid errors in treatment. It is recommended to use mint for the following health problems or diseases:

  • inflammatory processes of internal organs or on the surface of the skin;
  • persistent problems with high blood pressure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • fatigue, loss of strength, apathy;
  • problems with the digestive tract, frequent heartburn, bloating, stool disorders;
  • heart pathologies, problems with vasodilation.

Melissa is not so often used in the treatment of diseases, although the plant has no less medicinal qualities, and is often more useful than mint. It is recommended to use plant materials with beneficial properties for the following problems:

  • nervous disorders, depression, stress;
  • problems sleeping (insomnia);
  • all types of dermatitis, skin rashes, non-healing wounds, severe burns;
  • constant diarrhea;
  • increased gas formation;
  • nausea, which can progress to prolonged vomiting.

It is not necessary to use plants as remedies - you can simply add raw materials to dishes and prepare refreshing healing drinks based on them. The main rule of preparation is not to mix mint with lemon balm; this will not have a positive effect on your health, since herbs have their own characteristics and have different effects on the human body.

See also

Description of the Strawberry mint variety, recommendations for cultivation and careRead

Is it possible for pregnant women?

Mint in small quantities is useful during the first months of pregnancy, as it relieves attacks of severe nausea and prevents vomiting. In order to speed up the process of action of the medicinal plant, it is necessary to mix it with pomegranate juice.

Consult your doctor before resorting to self-medication. There is a possibility of intolerance to the herb due to the high amount of estrogens in its composition. In this case, there may be a risk of miscarriage.

Mint is contraindicated during lactation and when diagnosing infertility.

Melissa may be prescribed by your doctor to treat cramps and severe pain during pregnancy. Decoctions containing this rava will improve the general condition and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizing its functioning.

How else can you use these herbs?



  • It is often recommended to brew it for intestinal problems;
  • mint is also considered an aphrodisiac;
  • due to its refreshing properties, it can often be seen in mouthwash or toothpaste;


  • is considered a good sedative, so a cup of drink won’t hurt when you’re stressed;
  • This herb is also considered an excellent helper for “feminine” problems;
  • lemon balm is mentioned in the works of Paracelsus and Avicenna.

The following video will tell you more about the use of these herbs in folk medicine:



  • Girls with oily skin should make an infusion of this herb - if you wipe your face with mint infusion or include it in homemade skincare cosmetics, it will help narrow pores and remove unsightly greasy shine from the face;
  • If you add this infusion to your shampoo (or make homemade mint-based shampoo), hair growth will accelerate, as this plant improves blood circulation in the scalp, so the hair follicles receive more nutrition.


  • suitable for skin care of all types;
  • If you add the herb to hair masks, it will help cure dandruff.



  • since teas with this herb suppress hunger, those who want to lose weight are often addicted to them;
  • In addition, the plant has a diuretic effect, thanks to which it helps remove toxins from our body (which are released in especially large quantities during weight loss, due to the “melting” of fat deposits).


  • Those losing weight who suffer from stress eating should drink teas with lemon balm, because such drinks will calm the nerves, and the hand will become less and less inclined to reach for a bun;
  • like mint, lemon balm has a slight diuretic effect;
  • This herb also activates the metabolic process in our body.

Herbs and folk superstitions

  • Mint. In the Middle Ages they believed that mint helped the mind work better. Many people planted it because they believed that those who frequently consumed mint would live longer.
  • Melissa. There is only one belief associated with her: it was believed that she heals a broken heart. That is, it can “patch up the wound” caused by separation from a loved one. Although if you remember the sedative properties of weed, then you can’t argue with such a superstition!

The video will tell you what you need to get fragrant fresh herbs:

This is interesting: Heliopsis

What calms you down better?

Both plants have calming properties. Melissa is indicated for insomnia, anxiety, and loss of strength. Mint is necessary for toning and restoring energy in case of rapid fatigue.

It is recommended to take 100 ml of decoction or tea twice a day for 8-10 days. During this time, physical activity will normalize and the person will be able to react less conflictively to irritable situations.

Growing conditions: where to plant?

In order to get a sufficient amount of mint on your site, you must comply with the following requirements:

  1. any soil except sandy will do;
  2. the area should be sunny;
  3. the plant must be watered systematically;
  4. soil cultivation should be carried out correctly in the spring;
  5. It is recommended to propagate the crop using root layering.

Read here how to sow peppermint seeds correctly and when to plant seedlings in open ground.

Melissa needs other growing conditions:

  1. the area should be dark and cool;
  2. the plant must be watered several times per season;
  3. the plant loves sandy soil;
  4. The species is propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings.

Application in cooking: the same thing or not?

Melissa is added to salads and vegetable soups, and is also used as a decoration for desserts. Dry leaves are used for marinating fish and meat, as well as for preservation. The most popular use of lemon balm is in the preparation of herbal teas: the plant is combined with thyme, marjoram and basil.

Mint is suitable for preparing salads, meats and sauces. Widely used in baking and making creams or oils for marinades. The herb is used to prepare not only teas, but also syrups or alcoholic cocktails.

Various Ways to Use Mint and Lemon Balm

Fresh and dried plant leaves are added when preparing various dishes - salads, sauces, desserts. If products require heat treatment, add them at the very end. This helps preserve the characteristic taste.

Attention! When heated, mint imparts a bitter taste. Melissa is used as an independent ingredient in many salads, and menthol-flavored leaves are used in desserts.

In other cases, it is enough to add a few leaves for decoration, otherwise the dish will taste like cough medicine. Schisandra combines flavors in a dish and highlights them

Melissa is used as an independent ingredient in many salads, and menthol-flavored leaves are used in desserts. In other cases, it is enough to add a few leaves for decoration, otherwise the dish will taste like cough medicine. Schisandra brings together the flavors in a dish and highlights them.

Use in the garden

Mint is grown in the garden not only for later use as a medicine or spice. If you plant grass between the rows, you can get rid of insect pests. Spider mites, garden fleas, ants, ticks and many other insects cannot tolerate strong odors. Using the juice of a fresh plant you can get rid of fleas and cockroaches. They need to spray their habitats. Melissa does not have insecticidal properties.


The beneficial properties of the plants were appreciated by professional cosmetologists. Due to their anesthetic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, mint extracts are added to professional hair and skin products. Creams and shampoos are universal:

  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • stop the development of acne;
  • eliminate inflammation of the upper layer of the epithelium;
  • help get rid of pigmentation;
  • accelerate hair growth.

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You can make homemade masks and lotions with this plant to soften the skin. For example, if you freeze mint infusion and wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning, your skin will become fresher and restore tone. And to get rid of dryness, 10 fresh leaves are ground with the pulp of half a medium cucumber, seasoned with sour cream to obtain a mushy consistency, and applied for 20 minutes.

Schisandra is more often used in the perfume industry; it is valued for its delicate aroma. Extracts are introduced into hygiene products for oral care. Homemade masks with this ingredient suppress bacterial inflammatory processes, restore complexion, stop age-related changes, and protect against external influences. But the scope of application is limited - for oily and combination skin:

  1. To stop early wrinkles, 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves are poured with half a glass of boiling water and left for 15 minutes. Strain, soak 20 g of kelp leaves in the infusion, add 10 drops of rice germ oil. Apply to the skin and décolleté for 10 minutes for 2 weeks.
  2. A mask of 1 tsp will help stop acne. fresh juice, 10 g yellow clay and 2 drops of ginger oil. Apply for 15 minutes 2 times a week for 1.5 months.

According to signs, mint attracts money. To get rich, you put fragrant leaves in your wallet. A sprig of blooming lemon balm will protect you from evil thoughts and damage.

The magic of plants manifests itself most effectively if they are grown on a plot or on a windowsill. In order for them to develop well, you need to remember - mint needs a lot of light and soil with good drainage - for example, sandy, and lemon balm needs fertile soil and high humidity.

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