Is it worth planting Shuttle tomatoes - what are the characteristics of the variety, comparing the pros and cons

Description of the variety

Author, applicant and originator of the variety Panchev Yu.I. Rostov region Back in 1999, he submitted the variety for testing to be included in the register of selection achievements, and in 2001, “Golden Heart” was successfully added to the register and recommended for cultivation in open ground in vegetable gardens and farms.

Description of the bushes

Determinate variety. The growth of shoots does not exceed 50 cm and each of them ends with a flower brush. The plant quickly produces a crop, as if it is in a hurry to be the first to please the vegetable grower with delicious tomatoes. By day 93-95, after full germination, the tasty vegetable can already be served.

The leaf blade is small and green. The inflorescence of the intermediate type creates a stalk with an articulation.

Description of fruits

The fruits are not gigantic. Their weight ranges from 90-110 g. In an unripe state, the green color of the entire tomato turns into dark green at the stalk. As it ripens, the darkness slowly dissolves and the tomato takes on bright, sunny, orange tones.

Tomato "Golden Heart":

  • heart-shaped;
  • orange, solid color;
  • has light ribbing;
  • number of nests - more than 4;
  • has dietary properties.

Description of tomato Sanka Golden

Tomato Sanka Zolotoy is a representative of the nightshade family. The variety is early and determinate, which means its growth is limited. The height of the bushes barely reaches 60-70 cm, depending on growing conditions.

The stems of tomatoes of this variety are dense, ribbed, and erect. On the main stem, after three or four leaves have formed, the first inflorescence develops. After another two or three leaves, the second inflorescence is formed. Then the formation of inflorescences occurs through one leaf. The trusses finish the growth of the tomato stem when the plant reaches its final growth point. Buds are formed in the axils of the leaves. As they develop, they produce new shoots with additional inflorescences.

The inflorescence of tomatoes of this variety, in fact, like the fruit formation, is racemose and is a “curl”. Flowers have a calyx and a corolla. Sepals and petals fused. There are 5 of both of them. Sometimes you can find a different number of petals and sepals. The petals are painted in the traditional yellow color.

The foliage of the Golden Sanka variety is rich green. The leaf is deeply cut. The edges of the leaf blade lobes are smooth or have barely noticeable serrations. The short petiole smoothly passes into the main vein.

The fruits of the Sanka Zolotoy tomato grow small, round, and have a rich golden color. The average weight of tomatoes ranges from 80-100 grams. With good care and compliance with the feeding schedule, they can reach a weight of up to 120-150 grams.

The skin of this variety of tomatoes is dense, the flesh is very fleshy and juicy. The fruits contain a lot of carotene and sugars. It is for this reason that the taste of Sanka Zolotoy tomatoes is excellent.

The variety is universal in purpose. Often, ripe tomatoes are used to make fresh salads. Housewives also freeze golden fruits for the winter. Tomatoes are ideal for canning both in terms of taste and size of the fruit. They can be used in dietetics and for baby food. When cooked, tomatoes do not lose their taste characteristics.

Sanka Zolotoy is an early variety. The fruits ripen 90 days after emergence. It can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. The tomato variety is recommended for cultivation in any region of Russia.

Interesting fact! Serotonin, the hormone of happiness, is found in large quantities in tomatoes.

Fruiting, productivity

The productivity of the Sanka Zolotoy tomato variety is excellent. Its indicators do not depend on the region. But judging by numerous reviews from gardeners, the Sanka Golden tomato bears fruit more abundantly when grown in greenhouse conditions.

Fruit characteristics

The special value of the fruit is its taste and high content of beta carotene. During testing, a provitamin A level of 3.5 mg per 100 g of dry matter was identified and legalized for the variety. As for a tomato, this is very high. Although compared to carrots, it is 2 times lower.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Like every variety, “Golden Heart” has its own advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages:

  • early ripeness;
  • dietary taste;
  • originality of fruit shape;
  • the opportunity to collect your own varietal seeds;
  • high procarotene content.

The lack of productivity is described as a disadvantage. However, for determinate varieties that do not require high supports and tricks for fixing the fruit, this can be forgiven.

Productivity and fruiting

Fruiting begins very quickly. Many reviews indicate that the very first variety pleases with salad products. But this is very important. At a time when tomatoes are still expensive on the market, you can have the opportunity to enjoy tasty, aromatic fruit from your garden. This is also important for those who want to sell products on the market. The price drops every day, and it is important to sell the first homemade fruits at a good price.

According to the register, the yield is 7 kg per m2. Productivity is not high. However, given that the variety has a good commercial yield, the productivity is considered normal.

Area of ​​application of fruits

According to varietal tests, the fruits of the Golden Heart tomato are suitable for:

  • fresh consumption;
  • whole fruit canning;
  • processing into tomato products;
  • production of dietary juices.

The sweet fruit with a high content of dry matter and carotenoids is very healthy. However, it should be noted that the content of substances in a product does not mean they are absorbed by the body.

The bioavailability of carotenoids from vegetables, herbs, and fruits is very low. The reason is that they are linked into a protein complex. In order for carotene to be released and the human body to absorb it, fats are needed.

Therefore, the best tomato dish is a salad with vegetable oil or sour cream. The fruits of this variety produce high-quality:

  • juice;
  • sauce;
  • paste;
  • lecho;
  • canned salads;
  • adjika.

“Golden Heart” rolled in brines and marinades performs well. All this is due to the fact that the skin does not allow the pulp to be released. It holds it well when slicing and cooking. We manage to get the tomatoes out of the jar whole and beautiful. When bitten, the skin gently releases the pulp.

Resistance to diseases and pests

When describing the variety “Golden Heart”, the registration commission did not make any indications regarding disease resistance. This only means that the variety has average resistance and needs preventive treatments.

Since tomatoes are recommended for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation, you need to act in accordance with the climatic features of the area.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Nothing is perfect, and when we read only rave reviews about something, the thought creeps in that this is not entirely true. Of course, the Shuttle tomato has disadvantages, including very significant ones. But it undoubtedly has more obvious advantages. This is for example:

  • cold resistance of the variety: of course, the bushes will die in frosts, but the plant can easily withstand very low positive temperatures, as well as their sudden changes;
  • no need to form or even tie up the bush: all work in this regard is limited to removing the lower leaves as the fruit grows;
  • good yield for an early variety;
  • very good taste of early ripening tomatoes;
  • convenient size of fruits, allowing them to be used for canning in standard jars;
  • universal purpose of the crop, its good transportability and fresh preservation;
  • extended fruiting: starting to ripen in June, the harvest continues to arrive until frost.

Among the disadvantages of the variety, the following are most often noted:

  • low resistance to diseases;
  • reduction in yield in case of cold snaps during the period of mass flowering;
  • excessive acidity of fruits;
  • significant reduction in aroma during canning.

The positive aspects undoubtedly outweigh the negative, which is why Chelnok enjoys well-deserved and undeniable popularity among amateur gardeners in most of our country. The main difference from most other early-ripening tomatoes, of course, is in the shape of the fruit: not many varieties have a pepper-like shape. This can hardly be considered an advantage, but there are many fans of such tomatoes: they are very convenient to cut into rings, for example, for sandwiches. Such fruits also look beautiful on holiday tables. The shape of De Barao's tomatoes is somewhat similar, but this variety is not an early variety.

The fruits of De Barao do indeed resemble Chelnok a little, but this is a mid-season variety that grows as a tall bush

If we ignore the form, then among early-ripening tomatoes Chelnok is among the best, successfully competing, for example, with White filling or Betta. All these varieties have comparable yields, disease resistance, and fruit taste: if, for example, White Naliv is somewhat superior in unpretentiousness, then Chelnok is superior in elegance, and Betta is superior in early ripening. Actually, there are currently many hundreds of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, and each gardener chooses his own favorites.

Growing seedlings

Growing seedlings must be approached responsibly. The yield and stability of the bush will depend on its quality.

When to sow seedlings

"Golden Heart" early tomato. However, this does not mean that it needs to be sown in February. By the time of planting in the garden, the plant should be:

  • strong;
  • stocky;
  • height up to 25 cm;
  • with well-developed 6-7 leaves;
  • with visible places of flower clusters.

If agricultural practices are followed, such seedlings will grow in 55-60 days. For each area, you need to independently decide on the sowing date. If you can plant in the garden only by the end of May, then you should sow the seeds in the ground no earlier than the end of March.

Southerners can afford to plant crops in early March. This is the case if, at the beginning of May, return frosts no longer visit the garden.

Advice. To speed up fruiting, in case of severe cold weather, you can provide a greenhouse cover with film on plastic arcs.

Soil and container for growing seedlings

If you don’t need a lot of seedlings, then it is best to purchase soil at a garden store. Such earthen mixtures:

  • free from weeds and pathogens;
  • lungs;
  • nutritious;
  • balanced in acidity.

If a significant number of seedlings are sown, then you need to prepare it yourself in the fall. To do this, make a mixture consisting of:

  • garden soil;
  • mature compost;
  • ready-made animal humus;
  • sand.

All components are mixed in equal parts. Add 20 g of superphosphate to 10 kg of mixture, shovel it and leave it to rest until spring. The place must be frost-free. During this time, all the ingredients will “make friends” and the minerals will become available for absorption by the plant’s root system.

Containers for sowing can also be purchased. They are comfortable, light and practical. However, you can also use what you have on the farm. Experienced gardeners use:

  • pots, bowls, basins;
  • plastic boxes and containers;
  • disposable containers and utensils.

Preparing seeds for sowing

If the seeds are from a bag, then the manufacturer has already processed them and they are ready for sowing. If they are collected by a vegetable grower from his own tomatoes, then they need to be calibrated and pickled. To do this, dip the seeds into a solution of manganese (pink color) and stir. Those that emerge hollow are thrown away. The rest remain in the bowl for 25-30 minutes.

Next, the seeds need to be warmed up. This operation is performed like this:

  • moisten the fabric in warm water;
  • the seed is placed on it;
  • wrap;
  • wrapped in film or a bag;
  • placed in a warm place.

It takes 3-4 days for the seed to warm up. Unfolding the canvas you can immediately see the seed that is alive. A small white root-like, rudimentary shoot will be visible.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

If you sow with heated seeds, then the soil should be warm. Prepare the tubs in advance. In this case, the tender, sprouted seed will not be stressed.

The tubs are filled with soil and compacted. Spread the seed, cover it with soil and compact it again. Spray with warm water. The sowing itself does not cause any difficulties, but the temperature regime must be strictly observed. Tomato is heat-loving. For germination it needs at least 24 ᵒC and high humidity.

In order for the microclimate parameters for seed germination to be optimal, the crops should be wrapped in film or covered with glass.

In a few days, the first shoots will be visible, and after another 2-3 days, they will reach 70%. Now the film or glass needs to be removed for better aeration.

Conditions and care of seedlings

Caring for tomato seedlings consists of:

  • watering;
  • ventilation;
  • compliance with temperature parameters.

You need to water the seedlings with warm, settled or melted water so that it does not fall on the leaves. It's best to do this in the morning.

Temperature parameters for seedlings are as follows:

  • night - 15-17ᵒC;
  • day - 21-23 ᵒC.

Daily ventilation by opening the window is a must. The presence of oxygen will improve the growth and development of the root system.

After 15-16 days, the seedlings will have two true leaves. At this moment, diving is carried out into disposable, individual cups or tubs. In this case, part of the root is plucked off from the sprout removed from the soil. This transforms it from rod-like to fibrous. A procedure is performed to increase the area of ​​absorption of nutrients.

Hardening of seedlings

2 weeks before planting in a permanent place, the seedlings begin to harden. This will allow her to painlessly transfer the transplant to the garden.

Initially, leave the window open for longer, then take the containers out into the fresh air. If possible, install a mini greenhouse outside.

As the temperature drops, the color of the leaf may change slightly. The leaf plate will acquire blue-lilac shades. There's nothing wrong with that. When adaptation takes place, the leaf will again become a rich green color.

Key points in growing the Sanka tomato

"Sanka" is an unpretentious tomato that can grow in different climatic conditions and is resistant to:

  • temperature fluctuations;
  • low light;
  • lack of moisture in the soil;
  • affected by fungal diseases.

The optimal time for sowing tomatoes is the first ten days of May. Seeds prepared independently in advance or purchased before planting must be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, for which they are placed for 15 minutes in a light pink solution, then washed. Seeds disinfected in this way are sown in boxes with fertile, well-drained soil. Sprinkle a 1 cm layer of soil on top and moisten with a spray bottle. Boxes with crops are covered with film and placed in a place protected from the cold.

Attention! When watering tomatoes, use only warm water.

When seedlings appear, the boxes should be moved to the windowsill or provided with additional artificial lighting, which will allow you to obtain strong, properly developing seedlings. The appearance of two true leaves indicates that the seedlings are ready for picking into separate containers.

By planting the “Sanka Golden” tomato in a greenhouse, you can get a larger yield from one bush

A couple of weeks before transplanting seedlings into open beds, they should begin to be hardened off by taking them outside during the daytime or by opening the greenhouse covering material. The planting density in permanent beds is 4-5 bushes per 1 m2.

Advice! Tomatoes should not be grown in areas where potatoes and other nightshades grew; their best predecessors are all representatives of pumpkin and legume crops.

The main requirements for growing “Sanka” include:

  • the need to weed;
  • sufficient watering;
  • applying organic fertilizers during the flowering period.

Choosing the “Sanka” variety is an excellent solution for those who are growing tomatoes for the first time, but experienced gardeners will also be able to appreciate their merits, since they are unpretentious and have good returns.

Transplanting seedlings to a permanent place

The chosen location for tomato fruiting will determine the yield and timing of fruiting.

Planting period

Seedlings are planted only when frost is no longer possible. Even a temperature with a thermometer reading of plus 1 ᵒC will destroy tomatoes irrevocably.

Seedlings ready for planting in the garden should have:

  • well developed root system;
  • 5-7 developed true leaves;
  • Elastic, dense main stem.

Planting in the soil

You may be interested in: Dates for planting tomato seedlings in open ground and greenhouses according to the garden calendar Favorable days for planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar sowing calendar Favorable days for picking tomatoes in 2022 after germination: timing of picking tomato seedlings in the table by day

The plants are transferred to the ground approximately 60-65 days after planting, but each should already have 5-6 leaves growing and one flower cluster should have formed. Tomatoes are usually planted in early April, if temperatures permit and there is no threat of frost. Sprouts are planted in the soil at the rate of 4 bushes per 1 m2.

The best predecessors of tomato are legumes, pumpkin, zucchini or cucumbers. Tomatoes should not be planted in a place where eggplants or potatoes previously grew. Does not require pinching; a garter is needed only if many ovaries have formed on the bush.

“Sanka Golden” likes regular watering; it is not advisable to get water on the leaves; it is better to water the plant at the root in the evening, when the heat has subsided a little. Mullein or bird droppings are suitable as fertilizers; it is better to apply them during the flowering period, this can significantly increase the yield. Do not forget about regular weeding of plants from weeds and the need to loosen the beds.

In order for the fruits to be stored longer, it is better to pick them with the stalk. Tomatoes at the stage of milky ripeness will ripen within a week at home. This variety can be stored for a long time, observing the necessary conditions, and thanks to this, you can enjoy fresh tomatoes until winter.

Choosing a place to plant seedlings

When choosing a place for the growth and fruiting of tomatoes, you should pay attention to the fact that it should be:

  • light, although the tomato tolerates some shade;
  • protected from northern winds;
  • without flooding;
  • without previous nightshade crops.

Planting in a greenhouse

The Golden Heart is intended for open ground. The tomato is not tall. He quickly gives away the harvest and “leaves”, making room for other crops. It’s a pity to give up expensive greenhouse space for such super fast tomatoes.

Planting in open ground

There is always room in the garden for a low-growing, compact bush. The distance between bushes is maintained no more than 50 cm. For ease of passage in a row, the distance should be within 50-60 cm.

If you plant in two rows, then between the bushes and row from row they also maintain 50 cm.


Northern regions should be careful about the lighting of the area with tomatoes. It should be open and bright. If this is not possible, then it is advisable to maintain illumination in the first half of the day.

For more southern regions, light shade is quite appropriate. The tomato tolerates partial shade well and sets fruit.

The soil

The soil for tomatoes should be the most nutritious. Prefer:

  • light;
  • neutral or slightly alkaline;
  • without stagnant water;
  • with a high topsoil layer;
  • nutritious.

If your soils do not meet the specified parameters, carry out targeted application of nutrient soil to the planting site. This will greatly increase the chances of getting a high yield.

You can also apply precisely under the bush:

  • humus;
  • fresh compost;
  • chicken droppings;
  • 2-3 g of superphosphate or ammonium nitrate.

Before application, all additives are mixed with the soil.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

The Golden Heart tomato does not create any special problems for the gardener. It is planted and grown in the same way as any other determinate variety.

Some gardeners practice not tucking or tying it up. This is possible, but only in the southern regions.

Questions and answers

Is it worth growing the Shuttle tomato in a greenhouse?

The tomato showed the best productivity in open ground. In regions recommended for cultivation, it is unprofitable to use protected soil. One of the reasons is the short stature of the plants. Growing in a greenhouse and other shelters is possible in regions with risky farming and short summers.

For which region is the Shuttle tomato best suited?

The highest yields of the Chelnok tomato were recorded in the Volga-Vyatka region, where it was possible to harvest from 220 to 441 centners of tomatoes per hectare of land, and in the Omsk region, with a record yield of 792 c/year. In the Central and Western Siberian regions, the yield was 226-269 and 160-412 c/year.

Whether to plant a Shuttle tomato is worth it, each gardener makes his own decision. After studying the characteristics and description of the variety, it becomes clear whether it is suitable for you personally or not. Overall, this is a simple and unpretentious tomato for open ground. It can be grown by beginning gardeners. Small fruits are especially good for canning and whole pickling.

Tomato care

To get a good harvest, you need to comply with all the conditions of agricultural technology. "Golden Heart" is respected by many vegetable growers because it does not require much effort.

Bush formation

Formation can be carried out in 2-3 shoots, or you can not touch the bush at all. The fruits themselves are not very large. The properties of forming stepsons are also not very pronounced. Those shoots that formed fruits will finish growing and allow the harvest to be harvested.


Tomato needs water at an average level. This is due to the fact that the root system penetrates deep enough into the soil and can take moisture from there. To do this, watering must be deep to create a supply of water under the tomato plant.

Watering is carried out:

  • regularly, but not often;
  • abundantly;
  • after noon.

Pinching and tying

A heart of gold doesn't have to be a stepson. But you need to tie the shoots to the supports. If the soil is fertile and the bush produces a good harvest, then the tomatoes may break off the branches. To avoid trouble, it is advisable to tie it up.

Mulching the soil and removing weeds

Weeds are not allowed in the city. Competing with tomato bushes, they take from them:

  • light;
  • water;
  • nutrients.

In return, all conditions are created for the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms and harmful insects.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Tomatoes need nutritious soil. If they are poor, then feeding can somewhat compensate for the missing elements.

To feed bushes you can use, per 10 liters of water:

  • manure of horses, cattle, small cattle or pigs - 1 kg;
  • chicken droppings -0.5 kg;
  • superphosphate - 15-20 g;
  • ammonium nitrate - 10-15 g.

Fertilizers are dissolved and kept for one day. Next, add 1 liter to the irrigation water (per bucket). 0.5 liters are applied to each bush at intervals of 15-20 days.

Attention. When choosing a fertilizer for feeding tomatoes, give preference to ammonium nitrate only once, and then in the first half of the growing season.

Tips for growing the Chelnok tomato variety

The agricultural technology for growing the Shuttle tomato is standard. Seeds are sown for seedlings, and then the seedlings are planted in open ground. In the southern regions, direct sowing of seeds into beds is possible.

When to sow Shuttle tomatoes for seedlings?

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in the second ten days of March or in the first ten days of April, from March 20 to April 10. The seeds are sown in the soil for seedlings, buried 1-1.5 cm into the soil. Watering is carried out from a spray bottle with warm, settled water.

How many days does it take for Shuttle tomato seeds to germinate?

When maintaining a temperature of +21+23 degrees in the room, the seeds sprout within 5-7 days. After 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings must be planted in individual pots. To prevent it from stretching, the plants need to be provided with good lighting.

When and at what distance to plant tomatoes in the ground Shuttle - distance between bushes

Seedlings should be planted in open ground at the age of 2 months, when the air temperature is consistently above +14 degrees. The exact date depends on the region and weather conditions. For the Moscow region, the optimal period is from May 20 to June 5. At first, it is recommended to cover the seedlings at night.

Due to the compactness of the bushes, tomato seedlings can be planted quite densely. For 1 sq. You can place up to 7 plants per meter. The recommended distance between bushes is 30-40 cm. A 50 cm path is left between the rows.

Tomato varieties like Chelnok are often planted in a checkerboard pattern.

Ripening period

Tomatoes begin to ripen at the end of July, on the 82nd day after emergence. Fruiting is extended and continues until the end of August. When it gets colder, it is recommended to remove the fruits. They ripen well in storage.


Tomato Shuttle is watered as the soil dries. The soil at a depth of 10-15 cm should remain moderately moist.

If the weather is dry, the plants need to be watered 2 times a week; if it is rainy, watering can be skipped.

It is important to ensure sufficient moisture for plants during the formation of ovaries and active growth. Water consumption for each bush is from 1 to 3 liters. After fruiting begins, watering is reduced.

What and when to feed?

Like all tomatoes, Shuttle loves nutritious soil. Usually, for planting in open ground, the beds are fertilized with 10-15 g of urea, 40-50 g of simple superphosphate and 15-20 g of calcium chloride per 1 square meter. meter. Phosphorus and potassium preparations are used in the fall, nitrogen preparations in the spring, and complex preparations for spring digging. It is also possible to add compost or humus in the spring (3-4 kg per 1 sq. m).

After planting the seedlings, you can feed the tomatoes starting from the second week with an interval of 15-20 days.

In open ground, mainly organic fertilizers are used: green infusion, infusion of bird droppings or mullein. After flowering, tomatoes do not need extra nitrogen. You can feed plants with nitrophosic acid, boric acid and potassium sulfate, and wood ash.

Is it necessary to pick Shuttle tomatoes and form a bush?

Shuttle tomato seeds are quite large in size and affordable. They are usually placed in one large container for germination. The seeds are placed at intervals of 1 cm. The strongest shoots after the appearance of 2 leaves are planted in separate pots.

The bush does not need shaping. You can partially remove the stepsons for better ventilation of the bush and rapid ripening of the set fruits.

Diseases and pests

Tomato Shuttle has good immunity and is rarely affected by pests and diseases. Mostly plants that suffer from a lack of sun and heat and are poorly ventilated.

Possible diseases:

  • late blight;
  • tobacco mosaic;
  • crown rot;
  • fungi;
  • brown spot.

Pests find the Shuttle tomato attractive and may attack it. Insecticides are used against them.


When talking about analogues of the Chelnok tomato, they most often mean the same unpretentious varieties and varieties with small “cream” fruits.

Name of tomato varietyLady fingersRocketDe Barao
Description of fruitsElongated cylindrical red fruits weigh 50-75 g. The taste is slightly sour, the flesh is fleshy.Red, plum-shaped fruits weighing 50-60 g. The pulp is dense and sweetish.Small “cream” weighing 50-90 g with a pronounced “tomato” taste
Ripening period102-112 days115-125 days115-128 days
Productivity3 kg per sq. m (1 kg per bush) 7-10 sq.m. m (1.5-2 kg per bush) 5-6 kg per plant
Growing regionAll regionsCentral Black Earth, North Caucasus, Ural, West SiberianAll regions
PeculiaritiesIn cold regions, yields are lower. Requires plenty of sunlight for good taste. It grows compactly and is unpretentious. Disease resistance is average. Rarely affected by mosaic. The plant is short, compact, with strong immunity and good resistance to rot. For a good harvest, fertilizing is necessary. With irregular watering, the fruits may crack. There are several varieties of De Barao with red, yellow, pink fruits. This is a tall variety recommended for growing in a greenhouse. Requires stepsoning.

Pests and diseases

Tomato "Golden Heart" is moderately affected by diseases. Like other varieties, it requires attention. Daily inspection of the leaf apparatus, stems and buds will help to timely detect the pest and pathogen and provide assistance

Pest and disease control

On a tomato plant the following may occur:

  • blossom end rot of fruits. The disease is easy to recognize; the top of the tomato begins to rot. This most often occurs in very dry weather. Regular watering can help the plant cope with the disease;
  • microsporosis. During wet weather, brown spots appear on the shoots and then on the fruits. Then they become covered with a fungal coating;
  • bacterial cancer. The stem and leaf are covered with bird's eye spots;
  • septoria, or white spot of tomato leaves;
  • brown spot.

For most diseases, preventive treatments are very effective.

Preventative treatment

Modern fungicidal preparations make it possible to prevent the spread of the pathogen even before it manifests itself on shoots and fruits.

The weather is unpredictable. However, she needs to be monitored. Hot days and warm nights do not portend trouble. But as soon as the heat turns into the cold of the night, dew appears in the morning. This is the impetus for the spread of fungal infection. This is the moment when you need to start processing.

Attention! When choosing a drug, remember which one you used last year, whether it was effective in your garden, perhaps you should give preference to another.

Gardeners have long decided on the most effective, complex preparations and developed their own preventive spraying schemes.

Tomato processing scheme depending on the phenological phase:

  • period of flowering and budding - Ridomil Gold (late blight, alternaria);
  • fruit growth - Revus Top (late blight, alternaria, microsporia);
  • ripening period - Quadris.

By alternating fungicidal preparations, we will not give the mushrooms the opportunity to get used to their action.

Rules of care

Cultivation of the plant is standard, as for other varieties of tomatoes. Tomatoes need regular watering and timely feeding.


Tomatoes need to be watered 1-2 times a week, the soil should be moist, but without stagnant water. Before moistening the soil, you should loosen the bed. It is necessary to water in the evening or early morning strictly at the root and with warm, settled water.

Top dressing

Feeding schedule:

  • when the ovaries appear - phosphorus and potassium;
  • the beginning of fruit formation - iodine, ash;
  • during the ripening of the crop, with a frequency of 12–14 days - complex fertilizers.

Fertilizing should be stopped two weeks before harvest. You should focus on the appearance of the plant - fruits and leaves indicate a lack of microelements.

Soil care

Tomatoes do not tolerate proximity to weeds - they need to be removed regularly. The soil is loosened to a depth of 7 centimeters; there should be no crust under the bushes.

Protection from diseases and pests

If the summer is cold and wet, you need to regularly treat the plants with phytosporin according to the instructions, alternating with spraying with iodine solution. Blackened parts of tomatoes should be lubricated with iodine and diseased branches, as well as leaves and fruits should be removed. Effectively use garlic infusion to combat late blight.

Disease Control Products:

  • Profit Gold;
  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • Abiga Peak.

To combat pests, you need to inspect tomato bushes - leaves and trunks. Insects are removed manually, and the bushes are treated with special poisons.

Tomato pests:

  1. The Colorado potato beetle destroys the leaves and fruits of the plant. Zubr, Commander, and Iskra Zolotaya are effective against him.
  2. Slugs eat fruits and leaves. When processed manually, without the use of chemicals, they are returned. You can fight them with a beer trap for slugs, spraying with ammonia, or spreading salt between the beds.
  3. Rusty mites are a type of spider that spins webs on plants and drinks the sap. They can be scared away by treating tomatoes with Tamaron or Fufan.
  4. The whitefly is a moth that lays larvae on tomato leaves. Causes leaf curling and bush wilting. Biotlin, Fosbecid, Actellik work well against them.

Photo gallery

Colorado beetle


rusty mite



Tomato “Golden Heart” has positive reviews. Gardeners like tasty, fleshy tomatoes, and the fact that they do not require high supports attracts vegetable growers even more.


Producer - your own seeds

City - Ulyanovsk

Where they grew it - vegetable garden

I'm happy with the variety, I've been growing it for several years now. Last year he became insolent and did not tie up at all. It turns out that with the “Golden Heart” it’s possible. Everything went fine, but until the rainy season. Further, what lay down was damaged, but the hanging ones were saved. Still need to tie it up. The taste is impeccable. Banks truly have a heart of gold.


Manufacturer: Aelita

Krasnodar city

Where they grew it - vegetable garden

I gave in to the saleswoman's persuasion. I believed it and was right. Very satisfied. The yield may not be high, but it is no problem. I treated everything the same way, but only this variety was not affected by late blight. They taste like the best I've ever grown. Some people lack sourness, but I really like it.


Producer - your own seeds

City - Rostov region.

Where they grew it - vegetable garden

I grow this variety for my grandson. Very tasty, vitamin-packed, healthy tomatoes. I prepare juice and sauce, which are simply incomparable. I add red tomatoes for color and it turns out well. The plantings are not difficult to care for; I tie them to short sticks and they hold up well. I don't use chemicals. Sometimes there is a withdrawal, but it is bearable.

Stepan Antonovich

Manufacturer - Siberian Garden

City - Kemerovo

Where they grew it - vegetable garden

I already grew this variety once, but lost the seeds. I tried again and was very happy with my find. Beautiful, orange, super tasty. These tomatoes are very tasty when pickled under a nylon lid, I even drink the brine. I planted it a bit densely, but they survived. Before the rains, I pick off all the leaves (this is my method) so they don’t get late blight. Good, decent variety.

Reviews of tomato “Sanka”

Ekaterina: “I have known this variety for a long time, and I willingly grow it every year. I mainly use the dense, tasty and medium-sized fruits fresh, but canned ones are also good.”

Grigory “For all the time that I have been growing tomatoes, this variety has never let me down. It is well suited for the Moscow region, giving high yields until frost, even when other tomatoes wither due to weather conditions or fungal diseases.”

“Sanka Golden” tomatoes are suitable for canning and for preparing salads


The Golden Heart tomato is beautiful on the table, in a jar and in photos. It can be viewed from all sides, and it will be perfect everywhere.

Longitudinal and transverse sections look equally attractive in a photo of a tomato. Small seed chambers do not allow voids to form. They are filled with pulp, and there are very few seeds.

Photo gallery

Planting seeds for seedlings

Transplanting seedlings into open ground

One way to tie up tomatoes

Ripe fruits

Photo of tomato bunch

Sectional view of Sanka

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