The Cherry apple tree is a high-yielding and early-ripening variety!

Gardening » Apple tree



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Kira Stoletova

In modern gardening, the Cherry apple tree takes pride of place - it is a winter variety with a compact crown and high yields. The culture is unpretentious in care, so even a novice gardener can grow it.

Apple tree variety Cherry

Characteristics of the variety

The technical characteristics of the Cherry variety need to be considered in more detail in order to determine the subtleties of planting and care.

Tree dimensions

The apple tree is medium in size, its usual height is 4 meters. The crown is formed from thin, neat branches, folded into a round and compact hat. The photo shows how the skeletal shoots are located.

Cherry apple variety tree.


The branches extend from the trunk at right angles. Young shoots can be an interesting reddish color. The fruit twigs on which the ovaries appear are small but elastic.


Most often, the shoots are straight and medium in thickness. They are arranged compactly and neatly. Internodes are quite short, lentils are frequent.


The leaves are medium sized, smooth and slightly pubescent. Their shape is ovoid, with small serrations on the edges.


Fruits of the Cherry variety are usually regular or slightly round in shape. Size varies from 110 to 130 grams. The skin is yellow-green, with a beautiful blush, covered with a light waxy coating.

Cherry apple tree fruits.

Tasting assessment

The taste of the pulp is described as harmonious, sweet and sour. It is soft and tender, fragrant. For taste, Cherry received a mark of 4.3 points, and for appearance - 4.5.

Fruit harvest time

Harvesting of ripe fruits usually occurs in September. Depending on climatic conditions, it may shift, but usually occurs at the beginning of the month. But apples acquire taste after 10-14 days.

Harvest shelf life

Fruits can be stored for 150-180 days from the moment of picking. However, this is only possible if appropriate conditions are provided: temperature and humidity. Fruits can be transported over long distances.


Yields are described as average. About 130-150 kg of fruit can be collected from the tree annually. There are no breaks in fruiting.

Apple harvest.


The tree is characterized by low growth and a dense, lush, rounded crown. This is due to the fact that the branches extend from the trunk at almost an angle of 90 degrees, but are located very compactly. The most common fruit formations are those that resemble spears in shape (can be short or long). The color of the bark is slightly different from other trees and has a red tint, while the shoots are cherry-colored.


The early fruitfulness of the variety is at an average level. The harvest can be harvested 5-6 years after planting, but you can try the first few fruits in the third year.

Winter hardiness

In harsh winters, the apple tree may freeze. In normal winter cold, the suffering of the apple tree is minimal. There are also damages to the apple tree during spring frosts, but they are completely minimal.

Disease resistance

The Cherry apple tree variety has an average level of immunity to scab and other fungal diseases. Only in conditions of excess moisture or a severe epidemic is defeat possible.

Pollinator varieties

The varieties on which the hybrid was created are best suited for pollination - Antonovka or Pepin. But if there are no such ones nearby, then those that bloom at the same time will do. The varietal characteristics do not change due to pollination with other varieties.

History of selection

Vishnevoe (Vishnevaya) was obtained by breeders of the VNIIS named after. I.V. Michurina. The work was led by the authoritative scientist Sergei Ivanovich Isaev, famous for varieties for the middle zone. The co-authors were breeders G.A. Lobanov, V.K. Zayats and Z.I. Ivanova.

The sources were Pepin Saffron, Antonovka vulgare . The hybrid received a name that quite accurately reflects the color of not only the blush of its fruits in the ripe phase under favorable conditions, but also the color of the bark - it is dark cherry, sometimes dark red.

In 1938, the Cherry apple tree was included in the State Register, and was finally zoned by the end of the 40s. Antonovka vulgaris gave Cherry a high yield, resistance to scab, Pepin Saffron - fruiting without periodicity, average shelf life of fruits, aroma.

Photo of Cherry variety apple tree:


Planting of the Vishnevka apple tree variety follows the standard scheme, without any additional costs. It is better to choose a seedling in advance and buy it at a nursery. The technology is familiar to all gardeners.

Preparing the hole and properly planting the apple tree.

The place should be well lit and protected from strong winds. It is important to avoid planting in areas where there may be waterlogging or where groundwater is close.


Planting can be carried out in spring or autumn. In summer, only seedlings with a closed root system are planted. But they need to be given attention and provided with watering and protection from the sun.


The landing takes place according to a certain algorithm:

  1. Preparing the planting hole. It needs to be dug up in advance, fertilized and, if necessary, improved structure.
  2. Place the seedling in the middle and place a peg nearby for support.
  3. Spread the roots to the sides, sprinkle with soil, leaving the neck of the root on top.
  4. Water and shorten the branches by a third.

In a few days, when the soil has settled, you still need to add more soil, water it and mulch it.


The Cherry variety apple tree grows quite independently and does not require special attention. There are no subtleties as such, but there are several nuances.

Apple tree seedlings for planting.

Caring for a young seedling

Pests often attack young plantings of the Cherry variety. Therefore, in the spring it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying; in some cases, fishing belts are used. For the winter, you need to insulate the trunk and at the same time protect the tree from rodents.

A young tree needs regular watering. Nitrogen fertilizers must be applied every spring to stimulate seedling growth.

Pruning and crown formation

The formation of the crown of Cherry begins to be carried out very early, even in the first year after planting. Damaged and spiny shoots are cut off, as well as those that grow in the middle of the crown. A young apple tree is pruned once per season, but an adult one must be pruned twice. It is important to cut branches with a clean tool to prevent disease.

Features of ripening and fruiting

In order for fruiting to be abundant, pollinators need to bloom in May, when the fragrant flowers of the Cherry apple tree variety open. Beautiful abundant beige or white blooms attract many insects.

Apples of the Cherry variety.

Abundant fruiting of the Cherry variety begins only in the fifth year of the tree’s life. And since then there has been no stop in fruiting. A healthy tree is harvested every year.

The Cherry harvest is harvested in September, usually at the beginning of the month, but under conditions of insufficient temperature it can even be at the end. Although apples can be consumed immediately after picking, it is advisable to set them aside for a week or two to allow the sourness to go away. But very often sweet preparations are prepared from the Cherry fruits.

Storage is possible until February. In order for the fruits not to lose their marketability and taste, they should be placed in a place where the temperature is about 0 degrees and high humidity.

Selection principles

To plant a garden, you need to purchase seedlings. The selection of suitable varieties is carried out based on personal preferences, type of soil cover, climatic conditions and the most suitable ripening time. Experts recommend planting apple trees belonging to different varieties in one area. In this case, the need of trees for pollination should be taken into account.

To identify the variety, an examination is carried out. In this case, special attention is paid to the following points:

  • The structure of the vegetative parts of the plant.
  • Indicators of organoleptic type.
  • Color and consistency of pulp.
  • Peel structure.
  • Determination of fruit shape.
  • Fruit size (average).

Large-fruited apples are more popular than small-fruited ones. Ranetki can be considered an exception to the rule. Their flesh is hard.

Peculiarities of cultivation in the Moscow region and the Central zone

The Chernovoye apple variety is zoned for the stable climate of the Central Black Earth region. But Moscow and the region do not have cozy and comfortable winters.

Growing in this region is possible subject to several conditions:

  • young seedlings cover the first few years of life;
  • the trunk must be whitened in spring and autumn so that frost damage and burns do not appear on it;
  • It is better to fertilize and mulch the tree trunk circle in the fall;
  • If young branches are frozen due to spring frosts, then it is better to cut them off.

Growing Cherry apple trees in a garden near Moscow.
A tree can grow in the Moscow region, but only if it is provided with additional shelter. In other colder regions, the apple tree will not take root. Even in the middle zone, during cold winters, the apple tree sometimes freezes.


The Cherry apple tree is distinguished by straight, thin shoots with shortened internodes. The leaves have an oval, ovoid shape, the plate itself is flat and slightly pubescent. They are distinguished by fine serrations, which more closely resemble a serrated shape. In order to hold a fairly large fruit, the tree’s petiole is thick and has an average length. It departs from the shoot at an acute angle and changes color near the base. The stipules are either small in size or absent altogether.

The flowers are small, mostly white or cream in color. The stigmas of the pistils are at the same level as the anthers. The flowering period will be the second half of May.

Useful tips

Not everyone likes to listen to advice, much less apply it. However, here they are:

  1. To prevent the apple tree from freezing, it needs to be insulated: both the tree trunk and the trunk.
  2. If you whiten the trunk in the fall, there is a greater chance that the shoots will not get burned by the bright sun in winter.
  3. If the shoots are frozen, you need to cut them off and feed the crop itself.
  4. If for no apparent reason the variety begins to wither and dry out, look for pests.
  5. To preserve fruits longer, remove them carefully and pack them in paper.

Such useful tips will help preserve your apple tree and harvest.


Sergei Lyudvigovich: “We planted the Cherry apple tree in the spring, it seemed to have taken root over the summer, but just this winter there was a severe frost. The tree disappeared, it’s a shame, of course, but it’s my own fault. It was necessary to take into account that it is heat-loving.”

Ulyana Sergeevna: “The Cherry apple tree was planted in the fall, the very next year the first flowers appeared, but we tore them off. They left a few only for the third year. I can’t say that they are sweet; those who like sourness will like them more. But juicy and flavorful.”

Viktor Fedorovich: “My apple tree doesn’t freeze, but every year it gets scab. And in the spring I constantly spray it for prevention, and I keep an eye on my neighbors. But this is the only drawback - otherwise there are no problems.”

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