Remontant garden strawberries: fertilizing for high yields

Strawberries are considered a rather capricious berry. But this does not prevent it from growing in almost every garden. Recently, in addition to ordinary strawberries, in the beds of some gardeners you can also see remontant or “reusable” strawberries.

Experienced gardeners know that to get a good harvest of berries you need not only proper care, but also timely feeding. If you feed remontant strawberries correctly, during the growing season they will delight you with a three-time harvest and large, beautiful berries.

Why additionally feed “reusable” strawberries?

Remontant varieties are considered to be those strawberry varieties that have a continuous ability to flower. They bear fruit several times per season, and the weight of their berries can reach 100 g.

Feeding remontant strawberries is an important stage of growing; without it it is impossible to get a large harvest. Feeding with fertilizers and minerals should be carried out throughout the season. This will help not only save the life of the plant, but also increase its productivity.

Regular use of mineral and organic supplements allows you to:

  • Improve fruit quality
  • Accelerate leaf growth
  • Ensure proper preparation for wintering
  • Increase ripening speed
  • Reduce the likelihood of bushes rotting
  • Protect berries from various diseases and pests
  • Get a good harvest

Thanks to fertilizing, strawberries successfully bear fruit from mid-April until the onset of the first frost. Proper feeding at all stages of the growing season helps not only increase the size of the berries, but also improve their taste.

Strawberry growing methods

Processing remontant strawberries depends on the method of growing them. If the bed is trapezoidal in shape, then more liquid and fertilizer will be required than with a conventional bed system. This is due to the rapid weathering of water at higher elevations, as well as the occurrence of roots in such a system below the critical level.

If a remontant plant is planted using the plastic bag method, the berries will require less fertilizer. Gardeners consider the advantage of this method to be a good saving of space. However, excess evaporation often occurs in bags, which puts strawberries at risk of contracting a fungal infection.

The racking method is considered the most financially expensive. However, over time, the investment pays off with a decent remontant harvest. According to the observations of gardeners, with this planting method, the plant’s productivity increases up to 10 times; proper fertilizing can increase the performance.

The advantage of the covered planting method is a high-quality remontant harvest and its presentation. However, this method is not suitable for propagating remontant berries. In addition, this method also entails the risk of fungal diseases.

When wondering how to process strawberries and having understood the methods of growing berries, you can consider the main types of fertilizing.

Main recharge periods

Conventionally, feeding “reusable” strawberries can be divided into several periods:

  1. Spring
  2. During flowering
  3. During fruiting
  4. After harvesting the ripe crop

In all periods except fruiting, strawberries are fertilized once. And during the formation and ripening of berries, strawberry bushes should receive additional feeding several times.

Due to the fact that there are different varieties of “reusable” strawberries, it is impossible to give exact dates for fertilizing. This period is set individually for each specific variety.

Beginning gardeners, when choosing fertilizer, first of all need to focus on what phase of development the plant is going through in a given period of time.

The first feeding is carried out in early spring. As a rule, immediately after the snow melts. And the last batch is planted under the bushes in the fall.

Spring feeding: timing, popular “recipes”

After the snow melts, the most active period for gardeners begins. In the spring, it is necessary not only to have time to prepare the soil that has rested over the winter for new plantings, but also to help the plants that have overwintered under the thickness of the snow to regain their former strength and prepare for fruiting.

Immediately after the snow cover melts, but even before the green leaves bloom, you need to trim old bushes and saturate the soil with mineral mixtures. Organic fertilizers or mixtures with a high nitrogen content will help the overwintered plant quickly produce new leaves and form the first shoots.

For spring feeding of a “reusable” plant, you can use “Nitroammofoska”. Based on this complex mixture, a solution is prepared, which is subsequently used to water the strawberry bushes. For complete nutrition of one plant, approximately 500 ml of solution is enough.

Mullein is an excellent source for obtaining organic substances necessary for plant growth. Cow pats are infused in water, and then 0.5 liters of the resulting mixture is diluted with a bucket of water and watered over the plants. One bush requires about a liter of nutrient mixture.

Organic feeding in spring

In addition to mineral mixtures, organic fertilizers can be used to feed the bushes. One of the most effective remedies of this type is nettle infusion.

To make an infusion, nettles need to be placed in a deep container and then filled with warm water. After 3 days, the infused mixture can be used for watering or spraying the bushes.

When feeding the roots, that is, when watering the plant, the nettle infusion does not need to be filtered.

The resulting mixture must be diluted with water 1:10 and the roots of the strawberry bush should be nourished with it. For each bush you will need from 500 to 1000 g.

If nettle infusion is used as a foliar fertilizer, then for spraying it is filtered before starting the procedure. It is worth noting that the concentration of the original infusion decreases by 20 times.

Another type of organic composition that you can prepare yourself is a solution from chicken manure. The litter is filled with water in a ratio of 1:15 and infused for 1-2 weeks. During this time, the composition has time to ferment and acquires all the properties necessary for fertilizing strawberries.

Pest control – Fitoverm for strawberries

Pests of strawberry bushes are aphids, wasps, strawberry mites, weevils, which damage the leaves of the plant and reduce its productivity. A new preparation based on soil microorganisms, Fitoverm, is a safe, environmentally friendly method to save the plant from being eaten by the larvae of beetles and aphids.

The effect of the drug after spraying the leaves begins after 5 days. Their vitality gradually fades, insects stop moving, feeding and die. Complete relief occurs a week after treatment with Fitoverm.

It should be borne in mind that some insects do not feed every day and may miss the period of treating leaves with an insecticide. Therefore, spraying is carried out again after 2 - 3 days. The poison must enter the pest’s body and begin to act.

It is important to combine fertilizing of remontant strawberries in August with insecticidal preparations, because by autumn the plant weakens and is more susceptible to diseases and parasites. Fitoverm is sold in capsules. Before use, one of them is poured into a liter jar and stirred. Next, use a spray bottle to spray the leaves on both sides.

Strawberry flowering and feeding

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Abundant flowering of strawberry bushes begins around the 15th-20th of May. During the formation of flower stalks, the plant needs potassium fertilizers. Thanks to a sufficient amount of this mineral, the berries are quite sweet, strong, and juicy.

During the flowering period, you can use the following to feed the bushes:

  1. Potassium nitrate
  2. Ash
  3. Chicken droppings

When the first flower stalks appear, the bushes must be watered with a solution of potassium nitrate. Use 1 teaspoon of this substance per bucket of water. To increase the taste and sugar content of the berries, approximately 0.5 liters of the resulting solution should be poured under each bush.

In addition to potassium nitrate, ordinary ash can also be used as a fertilizer containing the required amount of useful microelements. To obtain natural fertilizer, 1 cup of ash should be diluted with a liter of boiled water. The resulting composition should be infused for a day.

Bird droppings, as well as potassium nitrate and ash, help to increase yield levels, as well as improve taste. Before use, it must be diluted in water and left for several days. The resulting solution can only be watered on damp soil.

When to fertilize remontant strawberries?


Remontant strawberries were bred by domestic breeders. The main difference from traditional strawberries is the multiple harvests throughout the year.

Strawberries planted in the fall do not need to be fertilized in the spring (with the exception of weak plants - they need to be fed with nitrogen ( a spoonful ammonium nitrate per bucket of water). This is enough for 20 bushes .

In the 2nd year, strawberries also do not need to be fed (already in the 2nd year, strawberries begin to actively bear fruit).

And only in the 3rd year in the spring, remontant strawberries need to be fertilized . 2-3 kg of compost ( fertilizer ) per linear meter of bed, we embed the compost into the soil, and leave the manure on the soil surface.


It is recommended to feed remontant strawberries throughout the season. In spring and early summer, carefully, without contaminating the berries, add organic matter - up to 5 kg of rotted manure, compost per 1 sq. meter. From the end of July, feed with ash (about 2 teaspoons per bush), fertilize once every 3 weeks. If you use industrial mineral fertilizers, they are applied with loosening in a dosage according to the instructions.

It should be remembered that in the first half of summer and especially in spring, more nitrogen is required, and then fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium are needed.

Spraying strawberry bushes during flowering

Spraying, as well as root feeding, plays an important role in the formation and further development of the plant. This simple procedure helps to multiply the inflorescences, and as a result leads to an increase in yield.

With root nutrition, the plant receives beneficial substances through the roots, and during spraying, strawberry bushes absorb microelements through the leaves. In order for the strawberry bush to receive as many nutrients as possible, you need to spray the lower part of the leaves! It is this part of the plant that is most susceptible to absorption.

Some amateur gardeners believe that under no circumstances should the plant be disturbed during the formation of flowers. This approach to feeding often leads to darkening of the tips of strawberry leaves, a decrease or complete loss of yield. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, you need to fertilize the plant not only in spring, autumn and during fruiting, but also during the flowering period!

Did you know that if you involve bees in the pollination process during the flowering period, you can significantly increase the yield of berries? In order for a self-pollinating plant to attract the attention of hardworking bees, its leaves must be treated with a special solution. To prepare the magical composition, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a liter of warm water.


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Popular means for foliar feeding

Various solutions are used for foliar feeding of strawberry bushes. Among the ready-made drugs are:

  • "Ruby"
  • "Agros"
  • "Hera"

Many gardeners prefer to prepare their own spraying compositions. Most often, a 0.02% solution of zinc sulfate or a mixture of 5 liters of water with 1 teaspoon of potassium nitrate is used for this purpose.

The economy option or spraying with nettle tincture is also popular among gardeners. To make it, you only need water heated to 50° Celsius and freshly picked nettles.

Finely chopped nettle must be poured with hot water and left for a day. After this, the infused mixture must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, and then treated with it on the leaves of flowering bushes.

For remontant strawberries, you can use not only nettle or chemical fertilizer, but also a nutrient mixture of fresh yeast. To obtain the desired concentration of the composition, you need to dissolve 1 kg of yeast in 5 liters of water. After the mixture has infused, it can be diluted in a ratio of 1:20.

Shelter for the winter

Before the onset of frost, strawberries can be covered. You should not install protection early - it will be needed only after the onset of stable frosts, when the foliage withers.

The best protection for strawberries is straw, spread over the entire bed in a layer of 20-30 cm. This is a simple and reliable way to allow the plants to overwinter normally. To prevent mice from eating the apical buds, you can place poisoned baits under the straw.

Remontant strawberries feel good in winter under ordinary white spunbond with a density of 40-60 g/m2. The fabric should be stretched over a low frame. It is not recommended to spread it directly over the bushes - with this method of covering they may freeze.

If there is no straw or spandbond, you can simply spread branches and spruce branches over the bed to hold back the snow. Strawberries will overwinter well under this layer.

Dear gardeners, tell us in the comments how your remontant strawberries overwinter – do they need shelter or not? What do your remontant strawberries like to fertilize in the fall? Also, take a few minutes and watch a master class that clearly shows how to care for strawberry beds in the fall.

Fruiting period: to fertilize or not?

It is believed that large garden strawberries cannot be fertilized during the fruiting period, since the berries will absorb nitrates. Many gardeners are convinced that there is no point in this additional feeding, because the berries are already ripe and feeding will not affect the yield level in any way.

As for remontant strawberries or strawberries, the situation here is completely different. To obtain multiple harvests, gardeners need to feed strawberry bushes not only during flowering, but also during the ripening period of the berries. Additional fertilizing with mineral complexes or organic fertilizers will help the plants quickly “recover” from the first wave of berries and prepare for the second stage of fruiting.

During the period of berry ripening, remontant strawberries need various organic substances. But, since remontant varieties, just like regular ones, absorb all the fertilizers during fruiting, experienced gardeners recommend using only certain types of mixtures to feed the bushes:

  • Mullein
  • Bird droppings
  • Compost

Feeding cannot be neglected! Refusal of it can not only negatively affect the yield of strawberry bushes, but also lead to a deterioration in the taste of the berries.

Features of remontant strawberries

The term “remontant” comes from the French word “remontant”, which means capable of bearing fruit multiple times during one growing season.

Growing remontant strawberries provides the diet with fresh berries from mid-June to late autumn. The first fruits are formed on last year's inflorescences and make up approximately 10-20% of the total harvest, the rest of the harvest ripens on young peduncles in August and September.

Unique varieties of berry crops can bear fruit within a month after planting and even on rosettes. Remontant strawberries are able to form fruit buds and form inflorescences with long daylight hours and high temperatures - in summer. In ordinary crop varieties, this process occurs only in the fall.

If you adhere to the correct agricultural technology, then when growing remontant strawberries you can harvest 2-3 times more yield than from conventional varieties.

The continuous and rapid development of remontant strawberries requires a special water and nutritional regime. There should be more watering and fertilizing per season than for conventional crop varieties.

What to “feed” strawberries while the berries are ripening?

Summer feeding is certainly important. But in order for them not to cause harm, but to bring tangible benefits, you need to approach the choice of nutritional mixtures with all responsibility and carefully monitor the dosage. In summer, it is recommended to fertilize the plants 1-2 times. In this case, the interval between procedures should be at least 10 days.

Strawberries growing in soil that contains sufficient organic matter will be strong, large and juicy. The berries will not only withstand transportation with ease, but will also delight you with their taste.

Infusions of bird droppings and mullein diluted in water are considered ideal complementary foods for “reusable” strawberries during the ripening period. In addition, a product such as compost is popular. It is laid out near the bush in a layer of about 7 cm.

Planting and growing methods

In protected soil conditions, remontant strawberries can be grown not only during the warm season, but also throughout the year. It is impossible to achieve large harvests in winter, but, nevertheless, fresh berries will always be present in the diet. In European countries, growing remontant strawberries in greenhouses has long been practiced. In domestic latitudes, in most cases it is still planted in open ground. Plant in a checkerboard pattern at the maximum permissible distance. This technology is quite common, but not perfect. Berries that come into contact with damp soil often rot. And for pests, this phenomenon is considered an excellent environment for existence and feeding.

A more advanced and perfect technology for growing strawberry beds under polyethylene or geotextile. The ground prepared for new ridges is covered with one of the mentioned materials, measured according to the number of bushes, holes are pierced and strawberry seedlings are then planted in them. The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • the berries do not lie on damp ground, which means they will not rot;
  • This will make it more difficult for pests to approach them;
  • unnecessary mustaches that draw strength from the mother bush are easier to remove;
  • Weeding itself takes a backseat; it won’t be able to break through from under the polyethylene or geotextile.

There is another way to grow remontant varieties of strawberries - tying. It is performed like a flowerpot. Small pots are filled with soil, young plants are planted there and hung from the house.

Comment! This technique will not provide the owners with a high yield, but it will be 100% decorative and unusual.

Foliar nutrition during ripening

During the formation of berries, as well as their subsequent ripening, bushes of remontant strawberries and strawberries need increased nutrition. In order to help the plant, you can use not only various types of root feeds, but also some compositions for spraying leaves:

  • 0.02% solution of zinc sulfate
  • Boric solution: Boric acid – 1g
  • A small pinch of mineral fertilizers
  • Potassium permanganate – 2g
  • Potassium sulfate – 2g

It is best to spray in the evening, when the sun has already set below the horizon. To spray the liquid evenly and not miss a single leaf, you need to use a spray bottle. Irrigation should be carried out so that most of the composition falls on the inside of the leaves, because it is this part that is responsible for the absorption of useful substances.

Autumn feeding

In autumn, after harvesting, the plants are severely depleted. They, just like mothers during pregnancy, need increased nutrition and rest. The main task of gardeners during this period is to provide strawberry bushes with all the necessary substances.

After the end of the fruiting period, the plants prepare for winter. At this time, only potassium fertilizers should be used as fertilizing, since if nitrogen fertilizing is included in the “diet,” the bushes will begin to actively grow and will not be able to properly prepare for hibernation.

During the autumn “feeding”, wood ash with urea, mullein and bird droppings are used. Mullein and bird droppings are diluted in a ratio of 1 to 15, but the amount of urea and ash increases. So for every 10 liters of water you will need 2 tbsp. l urea and a glass of ash.

When preparing the plant for winter, you can water the row spacing with a special solution. To make it, you need to dissolve potassium salt - 20 g and nitrophoska - 2 tbsp in a bucket of water. spoons. As an alternative, dry phosphorus and potassium can be used. These preparations are sprinkled on the soil around the beds and near the bushes themselves.

The most popular types of recharge

All types of fertilizer for “reusable” strawberries can be divided into two types:

  • Folk remedies Infusion of bread crusts Dried rye bread must be filled with water. The infusion can be used after 7 days, after diluting it with water 1:10.
  • Iodine solution To prepare the composition, you need to pour 7 drops of iodine into 10 liters of water. The bushes are sprayed with the prepared iodine solution three times, with an interval of 10 days between procedures.
  • Dry wood ash The most effective is considered to be ash from rye or wheat straw, as well as birch, spruce or pine branches. And the ash from grape vines, potato tops or sunflower leaves contains large amounts of phosphorus and potassium.
  • Yeast mixture Using a mixture of ordinary baker's yeast, you can not only increase resistance to various diseases, increase productivity, but also saturate the bushes with the necessary set of microelements.
  • Bird droppings and mullein Picture 13 Promote plant growth and increase the number of shoots.
  • Chemicals
  • "Autumn Kemira"
  • "Fitoverm"
  • Potassium nitrate
  • Zinc sulfate
  • Do you need feeding?

    Fertilizing plays an important role throughout the life of the plant. At the initial stages, it helps strawberry bushes produce their first leaves and ovaries, then promotes the formation of berries, and in the end provides all the substances necessary for further growth. “Reusable” strawberries grown using fertilizing will not only delight you with high yields, but will also pleasantly surprise you with their juiciness, sweetness, bright color, size and transportability.

    Proper care of remontant strawberries

    Mulching strawberries in autumn

    Autumn care for reusable strawberries includes mandatory mulching of the beds. For this purpose, you can use straw, hay, sawdust, dry leaf litter, covering the beds with a layer of up to 15 centimeters.

    Over time, the mulch will settle, covering the ground more tightly. For the winter, the ground can be covered with green manure, which has time to grow before frost.

    Before autumn mulching, the beds must be loosened and watered. The mulch does not need to be placed on the bushes themselves; it is laid out around them.

    Straw is the most useful mulch. When it rots, hay bacillus will begin to develop in the soil. This soil bacterium loosens the soil so well that the roots begin to receive more oxygen, which means they grow better. In addition, the hay bacillus protects plantings from dangerous fungi.

    Mulching provides the following benefits:

    • Ripe berries do not touch the ground.
    • Retains moisture in the soil, which leads to a reduction in watering.
    • There is no need to loosen the soil; oxygen reaches the roots.
    • Prevents weeds from growing
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