Remontant strawberry yellow miracle growing from seeds when to plant

Characteristics and description of the variety

Strawberries called “Yellow Miracle” have an elongated conical shape. The average weight of one berry does not exceed 2.8-3 g . The pulp of the berry is juicy and sweet, with a very subtle and pleasant aroma. If there is insufficient sunlight, surface coloring may be almost completely absent. This variety has fairly high winter hardiness and is resistant to diseases and pests. Strawberry bushes are compact, no more than 23-25 ​​cm high.

The variety has proven itself well as an ornamental berry crop and is quite often used in modern landscape design. “Yellow Wonder” has such a characteristic feature as the need to replace berry plantings every three years, which is due to a sharp decrease in yield after the third year of life of this strawberry variety. As a rule, gardeners use several methods to renew the berry fields in their garden plots.

Collection and storage of seeds

Seed collection is limited in time, because this is only possible when the berry is fully physiologically ripe. The frequency of harvesting depends on the variety and the weather, but harvesting time should not be delayed. Strawberries are short-lived, and berries left unpicked from the garden for too long will rot before they produce seeds.

The collected berries are crushed, the pulp is placed on a very fine sieve and washed thoroughly under running water. The resulting seeds should be spread out in a thin layer and dried in a dry place in a warm room. Properly stored seeds remain viable for 3-4 years from the moment of collection.

One strawberry can contain about 200 seeds per skin. Most of the seeds, about 400, have first-order berries; second-order berries have about 250 seeds.

Growing from seeds

Strawberries called “Yellow Miracle” can only be grown by seedlings or by dividing the bush. The variety "Yellow Wonder" is most often grown from seeds. It is important to remember that such a procedure requires strict adherence to planting technology and agricultural technology:

  • sowing strawberry seeds should begin at the end of February or in the first ten days of March, which will allow you to obtain strong, well-developed seedlings suitable for planting in a permanent place in open ground already in May;
  • prepare clean planting containers 6-7 cm high with the obligatory presence of high-quality drainage holes;
  • fill the planting containers with universal soil with the addition of a small amount of wood ash;
  • about a day before sowing, water the soil in the planting containers with hot water with the addition of a small amount of potassium permanganate;

  • strawberry seeds should be spread over the surface of the moistened soil using tweezers, maintaining a distance of 1-1.5 cm;
  • cover the containers with the crops with film and place them in a warm room with optimal temperature conditions;
  • You should check the soil daily for moisture levels and, if necessary, moisten it with warm water from a spray bottle;
  • It is very important to periodically ventilate crops to prevent the formation of mold colonies on the soil surface.

If planting is carried out correctly and the specified temperature conditions are maintained, mass seedlings of strawberries appear approximately three weeks after sowing. Immediately after the appearance of strawberry seedlings, it is recommended to remove the film covering from the crops. Seedlings should be planted in separate planting containers after the third or fourth leaf appears on the seedlings.

Preparation: how to select and disinfect seeds

When the dates for sowing strawberries have been chosen, preparations begin. To do this, you need to select the seeds correctly, properly prepare the soil and carry out disinfection.

Seed selection: a few rules

To grow strawberries from seed, it is recommended to carry out a stratification process. A berry growing in nature begins to germinate on its own during a sharp transition from winter to spring. When the snow melts, the seeds begin to grow. To organize such an amplitude (difference) in temperature at home, you can use a refrigerator and warm water.

Do one of the following:

  • the seeds are placed in a plastic container with a lid and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3 days;
  • put snow in a container, level it, distribute the seeds with tweezers, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 3 days;
  • The seeds are placed in melt water, changing it every day, put in the refrigerator for 3 days, when they swell, you can sow.

After stratification, the seeds are placed on a wet cloth. Those seeds that germinate can be used to grow seedlings.

How to prepare the soil?

For seedlings of remontant strawberries, the same soil composition is required as for ordinary strawberry seedlings. There are several types of compositions:

  • ready-made store mix;
  • a mixture of sand, peat and vermicompost in a ratio of 1:3:1;
  • a mass of turf soil, peat and sand, the sand is enriched with manure and wood ash.

You can also use peat tablets, which are very popular for seedlings. With this method of cultivation, there is no need to pick seedlings, and this procedure often harms the roots if the technique is carried out ineptly.


Preparation of the substrate also includes complete disinfection of the soil for seedlings. To ensure healthy seedlings, preliminary measures are taken to eliminate pathogens in the soil. There are 2 common methods of tillage:

  1. Steam treatment - the soil is steamed for several hours. After steaming the soil, strawberries are planted only after a week.
  2. Gardeners often treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate: it kills insects and prevents them from laying eggs.

Care after landing

The description of the “Yellow Miracle” strawberry allows us to classify it as an unpretentious variety of small-fruited strawberry suitable for growing by beginners or inexperienced gardeners. When cultivating “Yellow Wonder”, it is recommended to pay attention to the implementation of care measures, primarily to fertilizing:

  • for the first feeding in the spring, complex fertilizers with microelements or solutions based on the preparations “Effect” and “Vito” are used;
  • the second feeding should be done at the stage of extension of flower stalks with a fermented solution of mullein or bird droppings with the addition of wood ash;
  • The third and fourth fertilizing is carried out at the flowering stage and when preparing berry plantings for winter.

Standard care for strawberries also includes systematic irrigation, removal of weeds, loosening and, if necessary, planting of berry bushes.

Seedling care

And then the first sprouts appeared, delicate, delicate, requiring special care. They need to be sprayed every day with a spray bottle, and then covered with film so that the sprouts are in a kind of greenhouse.

Temperature and lighting of seedlings

It is important that the room is humid; dry air is detrimental to seedlings. The room should be moderately warm, about 20 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to exclude drafts, but the air should not be musty.

Lighting is of great importance: strawberries need long daylight hours, ½ day. To achieve this effect, you need to use additional lighting devices.


Chlorinated water is the enemy of healthy seedlings. Therefore, you need to water strawberries with settled water. The best option is melt water, but not in industrial areas.

Water tender sprouts at the root. Usually a syringe without playing is used for this purpose. Fill the syringe with water and carefully, avoiding contact with the leaves, inject the stream under the root. You need to make sure that the soil is not dry. Therefore, seedlings are watered three times a week.

Feeding seedlings

The seedlings may need stimulants to grow well. It is better to use mineral fertilizers. Gardening stores sell such complexes as Aquarin, Mortar and others.


Plants can only be picked when three true leaves appear. The picking process occurs as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the sprouts so that the roots remain in the ground.
  2. The sprouts are separated from each other with great care so as not to harm the fragile and delicate roots.
  3. If the plant's root is too long, you can pinch it off.
  4. The sprouts are planted in containers with prepared soil, but it must be taken into account that the gap between plants must be at least 4 centimeters.
  5. After replanting, plants need feeding. For these purposes, you can use Aquarin.

Reviews and advice from gardeners

Strawberries called “Yellow Miracle” form a harvest of berries completely devoid of the classic red color. At the initial stage of ripening, the berries have an amber or yellow surface, and when fully ripe, the color changes to light, banana-yellow. Fully ripe berries, according to consumers, literally melt in your mouth. The taste of the berry is sweet, with a pronounced pineapple aftertaste. The advantage of the variety is its lack of tendency to shedding. It has been noted that the absence of a mustache significantly complicates independent reproduction.

Green strawberry (Fragaria viridis)

Probably many have tried to figure out the difference between wild strawberries and strawberries. As a rule, it is mistakenly assumed that strawberries have large berries and strawberries are small. So, green strawberries are the plant that was originally called strawberries. Not because it has any special “tubers”, but because the berries are spherical in shape and resemble... a ball. Other names of this species found in everyday life: strawberry, polunitsa, creeper.

Article on the topic

How to plant garden strawberries? Expert advice

The color of the berries is rarely completely red, more often it is pale pink with a greenish side. Hence the species name – green (greenish). The seeds seem to be pressed into the pulp, as a result the surface of the fruit is always uneven. The sepals are separated from the berries with great difficulty. Therefore, the latter are often eaten and prepared “with tails”. By the way, the fruits of this species are not only used to make jam or compote, but also dried. So, if you see “dried strawberries” on sale, know that these are green strawberries. Dried berries are added to tea or used as raisins.

It was not possible to make this species industrial, just like wild strawberries. I.V. Michurin tried to develop varieties with large and numerous berries. However, in 1911, in the article “Breeding new cultivated varieties of fruit trees and shrubs from seeds,” he stated: “...The productivity of these hybrids is more enhanced provided they completely and closely overgrow the ridge.” If the bushes grow in a continuous “carpet”, then, of course, there is no need to talk about industrial production.

In the country

But in amateur gardens any experiments are possible. And you don’t have to make any special efforts to “overgrow the ridge” - green strawberries form a huge number of tendrils. Zemlunik. Photo: Mikhail Vorobyov

Remontant strawberries: the best varieties

Strawberry lovers who grow the berries themselves can say with confidence that there are some operations that create difficulties for them. For example, removing a mustache. Strawberries form new plants on their tendrils - creeping shoots. Therefore, many people strive to grow vineless strawberries, which save gardeners from tedious thinning of beds. There are varieties that do not throw out shoots. They are called varieties of beardless strawberries.

It is also worth dwelling on the concept of remontant strawberries. The usual one bears fruit no more than once a year, while the remontant one can lay fruit buds on days of varying lengths. Beardless strawberries grow for many years in one area. The only negative is that the bushes reduce productivity due to rapid thickening. That is why varieties of vineless remontant strawberries require planting bushes once every 4 years. Flowering and fruiting lasts from June to mid-September. The aroma and taste of the berries are very reminiscent of wild strawberries, but the yield of the garden representative is much higher. Among its species there are large-fruited varieties and small-fruited ones, but all are in great demand.

What else attracts gardeners to beardless remontant strawberries:

  1. With strict adherence to agrotechnical measures, a third harvest of delicious berries is possible.
  2. The absence of mustaches allows you to grow remontant strawberry varieties in a limited area without allocating a large space. This is very beneficial for small summer cottages.
  3. It is very easy to weed strawberry beds.
  4. On varieties of beardless strawberries, the number of inflorescences is many times higher than in ordinary species.
  5. More resistant to diseases.
  6. The strength of the fruits is much higher, so their transportability attracts farmers.
  7. Frost resistance allows you to grow the best varieties of strawberries even in regions with a cool climate.

The nuances of growing bare strawberries

Having listed all the advantages of remontant strawberries, we can note that they do not have a usual method of propagation. Therefore, such varieties are grown by sowing seeds. The method is quite labor-intensive at home. The seeds are small and require careful care when growing.

Gardeners usually propagate beardless strawberries by dividing the bush.

This method is proven and reliable. But for varietal breeding, seed sowing is also necessary. Experienced gardeners take on this difficult but worthy task.

How to grow varieties of strawberries from seeds

First about the soil. The beardless beauty strawberry loves sandy loam and loam, but the seeds will gratefully respond to the presence of humus. You can take ready-made soil for seedlings. Important! Be sure to read the composition of the soil and its acidity.

There are special mixtures for growing strawberries that contain sand.

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