How much to water a pumpkin: a universal irrigation schedule

The watering regime for garden crops depends on several factors. Watering a pumpkin in open ground should take into account the weather, soil structure, and stage of development. Irrigation can be carried out in different ways; each gardener chooses a method that is convenient for him personally. Pumpkin is one of those crops that love moisture, but are afraid of overwatering, so the water application rate must be observed.

What water is suitable for irrigation

The irrigation system in gardens is organized in different ways. Summer residents can get water from a tap, the nearest river, well and other natural sources:

  1. Centralized water supply. Often water is supplied to the site through pipes from the central water supply system. In this case, there are no complaints about the quality of the irrigation liquid. However, the water from the pipes is too cold. If you water the pumpkins directly from a hose, the crop will become stressed and may become sick as a result. Water must be poured into barrels in advance, where it will be heated to the desired temperature.
  2. Rainwater storage tank. The precipitation is ideal for watering pumpkins. This water is soft and does not contain harmful impurities. You can collect it by placing a container under a drain designed to remove moisture from the roof. As a reservoir, you can use a metal or plastic tank, a barrel of a suitable size, or an old bathtub.
  3. Spring. Sometimes the only way to organize irrigation is to use spring water. As with tap water, it is important to warm it up first. This will take at least a day. It is important that the container with water is in a sunny place.
  4. River, lake. The water in natural reservoirs may or may not be quite clean. In any case, its use is always a risk. The quality of water in our rivers leaves much to be desired. Its use may lead to contamination of the soil by pathogenic microorganisms. It is better to use water from the nearest river only in case of emergency.

Ideal water for watering pumpkins should have a temperature of + 20-23° C. During settling, harmful impurities will settle to the bottom, so you need to scoop water from the barrel carefully, without shaking. The bottom layer of liquid is drained. If a film has formed on the water surface, it is removed using a ladle. You should not let the water sit in the barrel, as this will deteriorate its quality (blooming begins and bacteria can multiply).

Tips from Mister Summer Resident

In order for the pumpkin harvest to please you at the end of the season, you must:

  • Observe the specifics of crop rotation. Experienced gardeners recommend planting a pumpkin in its previous growth location no earlier than after 4 years. It is advisable that cruciferous or legume crops grow in the new bed before the pumpkin.
  • Periodically fertilize the plants. As soon as the bush has entered the stage of active growth and the first ovaries have begun to form on it, it is recommended to additionally fertilize the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Organic fertilizers (manure, compost, litter, peat, etc.) also show high efficiency when used. Ready-made mixtures for feeding can be purchased at a specialized store, in which microelements are already balanced in the proportions required by the plant.

Pumpkin feeding can also be done by leaves.

The main thing is to do this in cool, but not rainy weather. There are several common recipes for preparing nutritional mixtures:

  • dissolve 2 tbsp in a bucket of water. l of the popular Kemira fertilizer;
  • Dissolve 10 g of urea in 10 liters of water;
  • add about 20 g of potassium salt, 35 g of superphosphate and 20 g of ammonium sulfate to 10 liters of water.

Rational watering and high-quality fertilizing will help you get a rich harvest of tasty and juicy pumpkin.

How to water a pumpkin - general rules

There are certain rules for watering pumpkins in open ground. It is better to adhere to them so that the culture develops as it should:

  • watering should be carried out in the evening (about 18-19 hours), at this time the moisture will not evaporate quickly due to the heat, and the roots will have time to absorb it in full;
  • in hot weather, you should not reduce the temperature of the water for irrigation, it should remain warm;
  • Weeding between rows must be done in advance, otherwise after watering the weeds will draw all the moisture from the soil along with nutrients;
  • before irrigation, the soil in the root zone should be slightly loosened, then the moisture will flow directly to the roots of the plant, and not spread over the surface;
  • young pumpkin specimens are watered carefully with small portions of water, using a sprinkler nozzle with small holes;
  • there is no need to pour water directly on the roots of the plant, the pumpkin does not like this;
  • for adult specimens, the frequency of watering is reduced, and the volume of added moisture, on the contrary, is increased;

It is necessary to water pumpkins, stepping back slightly from the base of the bush, trying to prevent drops of water from falling on the leaves; carelessness in this matter can lead to the development of fungus or sunburn.

Why grow pumpkin

The vitamins and microelements contained in the vegetable are easily absorbed. Pumpkin is ideal for dietary and baby food. It has a laxative effect, which cleanses the intestines well.

Vitamin composition of pumpkin

In addition, the vegetable is perfectly stored in winter, providing vitamins to the whole family. Growing it does not require any investment. You just need to allocate a place on the site and learn how to properly water the pumpkin and provide it with care.

The plant requires water even before the planting stage. For high-quality germination of seeds, you need to soak them for several days. To do this, prepare a glass bowl and a piece of gauze.

Pumpkin seeds should first be treated with a special solution. To prepare it, you need to dilute 6 grams of salt in a glass of water and soak the seed for 7 minutes. Then you need to wrap the seeds in a cloth, wet it with water and place it in a glass container.

The condition of the gauze will tell you how often you need to water the pumpkin seeds. If it starts to dry out, you need to add some water to the container. The fabric itself will gradually absorb it. You need to monitor the pecking process daily. As soon as a white sprout appears, immediately begin sowing.

Watering at different stages of development

During the growing season, pumpkins undergo enormous changes. From a small sprout, over time, a giant plant with thick stems, powerful roots and large leaves is formed. Of course, the moisture needs with such significant differences will also be different.

At the seedling stage

In temperate climates and northern regions, pumpkin is grown in seedlings, transplanting seedlings into open ground at the age of 3 weeks. Until the seeds under the film hatch, watering is carried out very carefully and in small portions to maintain the soil in a moderately moist state. At the same time, it is important to ventilate the crops daily to prevent mold from growing in the pots.

After the sprouts appear, the cover is removed. You need to water the seedlings approximately once every 6 days, pouring water from a syringe into the root zone. At the same time, twisted seedlings are corrected, setting the vertical direction of growth. For stability, you can add a little soil on the desired side. The water should be at room temperature, standing for at least 24 hours.

When sowing seeds in the ground

If sowing was carried out directly into the ground, you need to monitor the soil moisture. The soil should not dry out before germination. During this period, the bed is irrigated daily with a small amount of water. As soon as the sprouts appear on the surface, the frequency of watering is reduced. This is necessary in order for the plant root system to begin to actively develop. The roots begin to grow deeper, trying to get moisture.

The application rate at this stage is 1 liter per bush. The irrigation regime also depends on the weather. During heat and drought, the vegetable needs to be irrigated more often. In cool and rainy weather, the amount of water applied is reduced or watering is stopped completely. The frequency of irrigation is directly affected by the composition of the soil. Clay soil retains moisture longer, while sandy soil and black soil dry out faster.

After transplanting the seedlings to the garden bed

At the stage of establishment in the soil, moisture is extremely important for plants. It is good to water the pumpkins often, but little by little. As soon as the bushes begin to actively grow, the frequency of watering is reduced and the volume of water applied is increased. A rare irrigation regime is maintained until flowering begins.

At the beginning of flowering and formation of ovaries

Pumpkin flowers live on the plant for only 1-2 days. After this, the ovaries begin to form. Moistening the soil at this stage is very important. Lack of water will cause flowers to fall off without setting fruit. At this point, the soil is moistened every 10 days, adding 10-12 liters of water under the bush. The next time water procedures are carried out when the ovaries begin to grow on the pumpkin. If there has been heavy rain, no watering is needed.

At the stage of active fruit growth

During the process of pumpkin weight gain, the plant also requires a large amount of moisture; without this, the fruits will be small and tasteless. How many times to water is determined by the weather. If it is warm outside and there is no rain, the bed is irrigated once every 7 days. This regime has been carried out since the beginning of August. A month before harvesting, pumpkins stop watering. In the time remaining until autumn, the fruits no longer grow, but ripen and moisture will only harm them, making the taste less sweet.

Why does pumpkin taste depend on water?

Pumpkin has a deep root system. Thanks to this, it perfectly absorbs the elements contained in the soil. By watering the vegetable with clean water without any harmful components, you can improve its taste.

Pumpkin consists of more than 80% water. Its pulp fills with juice day after day. In order for the roots to absorb as much moisture as required, you need to water the pumpkin regularly.

If there is a lack of fluid, the fruits will be small and their quality will suffer greatly. Properly grown pumpkin has a delicate pulp structure, pleasant color and unique aroma.

Watering during drought and rainy periods

Drought can occur at any stage of crop development. Vegetables should not be left without moisture for a long time. Signs that it is time to urgently water will be:

  • drooping of stems;
  • wilted appearance of leaves;
  • the appearance of cracks on the soil surface.

If such phenomena are ignored, the pumpkin may simply die. On hot, dry days, water is added every two days, remembering that moisture is best absorbed in the evening.

If it rains, take into account the intensity of precipitation and, based on this, adjust watering.

What does pumpkin like?

The plant prefers sunny beds and loves warmth very much. Therefore, in the spring you need to manage and organize heating of the bed on which you plan to plant the seeds. To do this, dig a platform measuring 3x3 meters or more. Remove the top layer of soil 40 - 50 cm deep. A layer of rotted manure is placed at the bottom.

Video: How to get a big pumpkin harvest

You can even use fresh one - it will decompose and transfer heat upward to the roots of the plant. Chicken manure is used, but the layer is smaller, since the manure is more concentrated in terms of ammonia. A layer of manure is covered with old leaves - this is additional nutrition that improves the characteristics of the soil.

If there are branches or scraps left from the kitchen, they are also brought into the hole. To speed up decomposition, sprinkle the entire area with biological fertilizer containing beneficial bacteria, and pour 5-10 buckets of water on top. When all the fertilizer has been spread out, the hole is filled with soil that was dug out of it.

You can wait 2 - 3 weeks to give the soil time to warm up and then plant the seeds.

Watering methods

Each summer resident determines the most convenient method of watering for himself, taking into account the number of plants planted, the availability of free time, and his financial capabilities. Sometimes you have to alternate methods with each other.

Economical watering options:

  1. In order to save water, watering is carried out in a ditch dug around the bush at a distance of 10-12 cm. This method is also good because it helps prevent soil erosion, which leads to exposure of the root system, especially if water is supplied from a hose.
  2. Watering into the hole will also help save resources. In this case, the water does not spread over the surface of the bed, but is slowly absorbed into the ground and falls directly into the area of ​​the suction roots. This method is indispensable if the site is located on a slope. Holes can be made only when the bushes have already grown enough; this option is not suitable for young shoots.
  3. On light soils, it is better to use in-furrow irrigation. Especially if the bed is located on level ground. The grooves are cut at intervals of 50-60 cm, their depth should be 10-15 cm. In this case, water will penetrate directly to the roots, seeping deep. This watering option also allows you not to waste moisture.

You can add water manually, automatically and in other ways. Some consider the drip irrigation method to be the most optimal.


When watering by hand, gardeners use watering cans and hoses. This is the most affordable and simplest method of irrigation, but it also requires physical effort. You can water a pumpkin from a hose without a nozzle only if there is no strong water pressure.

To prevent the soil from being washed away, it is better to use a sprinkler nozzle or pinch the end of the hose with your fingers to ensure spraying. The method is suitable for small areas with a nearby water source.

Automatic and semi-automatic

An automatic irrigation system requires significant costs. Its installation is cost-effective only on large areas. It is advisable to install automatic watering for those who rarely visit their summer cottage, and therefore cannot carry out irrigation in a timely manner. In automatic systems, watering time is set using a timer.

Installation of automatic watering is possible only if there are uninterrupted sources of electricity and water supply. It is also necessary to take into account the costs of laying pipes. Most often, a semi-automatic system is installed at sites, the operation of which is controlled manually. In this case, pipes are also laid. To supply water, the summer resident must open the tap himself.


Drip irrigation is carried out using ready-made equipment or the system is assembled manually. The principle of this method is that water enters the soil drop by drop, gradually moistening the root zone of the vegetable. A more complex version of the device involves installing a timer that regulates the water supply.

As a storage container, you will need a capacious barrel on which taps and hoses are installed. While the plants are small, you can organize drip irrigation for them from upside-down plastic bottles with several holes in the cork, dug into the ground.


With the wick method of irrigation, homemade installations are used according to the number of plants. Buckets, cans, and small barrels can be used as a water reservoir. They are installed near the bush, then synthetic twine is lowered into each container, the other end of which is dug into the ground next to the pumpkin.

Water will gradually be supplied to the root zone. This is a budget irrigation option that is suitable for those who cannot install an automatic system and rarely appear at the dacha. The disadvantage of this method is that water will flow to the pumpkin in any case, even if it rains. As a result, the soil may become waterlogged.

Popular techniques

The water prepared in this way is used by any of the convenient methods.

Manual watering from a watering can or hose is the best option for small and medium-sized plantings. The spray nozzle prevents soil erosion and exposure of part of the roots. The water supply is measured and accurate, which allows you to grow healthy pumpkin vines.

The sprinkling method is a gentle way of watering both the root system and above-ground parts of the plant, which ensures good growth of greenery. It is better to do it early in the morning so that the moisture has time to evaporate before the first rays of sunlight appear, which will eliminate the risk of burns on the leaf.

A drip irrigation system is the most acceptable option for endless pumpkin plantations. Significantly facilitates the work of the farmer and is highly effective. Water is supplied directly to the root system, bypassing delicate greens and fruits, which eliminates injury and rotting of vegetative parts. A noticeable advantage is the ability to apply at all stages of the growing season, in any weather and at any time of the day.

The furrow irrigation method is a less common option for irrigating pumpkin beds using specially dug grooves along the row spacings. Water is poured throughout the entire trench (15...20 cm deep) and after waiting for complete absorption, the surface is covered with fresh soil, excluding excessive evaporation.

The wick method is the best option for those who rarely visit the site. At both ends of the pumpkin bed, containers with water are placed, lowering a long rope (rope, fabric, etc.) made of natural material into each end. Slowly saturated, the wick simultaneously moistens the pumpkin patch. To reduce evaporation, the rope itself is mulched.

Mistakes made by summer residents when irrigating

Sometimes it is not clear why a pumpkin suddenly gets sick. Most often, the reason lies in improper care, namely, violations of the watering regime. The plant will react poorly in the following cases:

  • excessive or insufficient watering;
  • using cold water without preheating;
  • irrigation during the day in the heat;
  • supplying water under pressure to the root zone;
  • watering with contaminated or stale water.

We must not forget about the need for loosening after water procedures.

When organizing watering for a pumpkin, it is important to find a balance in which the plant will not experience a shortage of moisture, but will not suffer from its excess. The stage of development of the vegetable should also be taken into account, because its water needs at different stages of life vary greatly. Last but not least, attention is paid to the quality of the water itself and its temperature.

Proper watering of pumpkins in open ground

There are two most common methods for watering, but each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Hole irrigation. When each plant grows in its own hole, water is poured under each bush. Then the rhizomes will receive all the moisture intended specifically for them. But this method is quite energy-intensive for gardeners.

Watering in furrows. In this case, the bushes are planted in one line. Water is directed along the furrows, through which the vegetables are fed. The disadvantage of this type of watering is that some bushes receive more moisture, while others receive less. But this method of watering will save you a lot of time.

If the site has a slope, then you should not use furrows for irrigation, as the water will flow down very quickly without having time to moisten the roots.

When to harvest?

When is it time to harvest the fruit? Different varieties ripen at different times, the early ones are ready for consumption in August, but most of them can be harvested no earlier than September.

  1. They are ready to come to your table when their stalk becomes dry and hard, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off.
  2. The color of the ripened fruit should be rich; depending on the variety, the shade can vary from green to yellow.
  3. The pumpkin shell is dense, without dents.

To get a lot of large and tasty pumpkin fruits even in cold climates, choose varieties with a short growing season. The grown seedlings are moved to the area where legumes, greens, cabbage, and potatoes were previously located. The location is selected on the south side with good lighting, protected from the north wind and drafts. The fertile layer should be deep, crumbly and moist.

In summer, the bushes are regularly watered, increasing the amount of moisture during the period of fruit growth. But until the ovaries reach the size of an apple, irrigation should be moderate. Otherwise, the leaves grow at an accelerated pace, and the fruits lag behind in development. For irrigation, take only warm water with a temperature of 20°C to 23°C. Otherwise, root rot develops.

When determining the time for sowing seeds to obtain pumpkin seedlings, they are guided by the weather conditions in the growing region. The rules of vegetable farming and favorable days of the Lunar calendar are also taken into account. Although the vegetable crop is not picky about the conditions, in a temperate or cold climate zone it is not able to bear fruit well without first growing seedlings in an apartment. If all recommendations are followed, a high harvest is obtained even in the northern regions.

Useful articles from the “Pumpkin” section:

  • Lunar calendar of gardening and vegetable gardening for 2022
  • Red onion: planting, care, cultivation
  • Chard: planting, growing, care, storage
  • Favorable days for planting in May in 2022
  • Preparing carrot seeds for sowing: how to prepare and process
  • Fighting ants in the garden: the most effective methods
  • Lunar sowing calendar for 2022: gardener, gardener, sowing table
  • Sorrel for the winter: preparations, the best recipes at home
  • Preparing carrot seeds for sowing: how to prepare and process
  • Horseradish: cultivation and care in open ground

Folk supplements

Feeding pumpkins in the open ground with folk remedies involves using homemade preparations to increase the plant's immunity. This could be potassium permanganate, boric acid, brilliant green. Zelenka is used when soft spots appear on the pumpkin after excessive watering. The fruit is rubbed with it. The same is done with aloe juice to destroy putrefactive bacteria. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is used as a mineral supplement to strengthen the immune system.

Ash solution is a well-known folk remedy for feeding pumpkin in August. Recommended for autumn application to the soil. Increases the sugar content of fruits due to the increased potassium content. 300 g of ash are infused in 3 liters of water for 2 - 3 days, then added to 10 liters of water and watered at the root.

Yeast solutions are another universal folk method. But this is not fertilizing as such, rather than fertilizing pumpkin, but simply stimulating soil organisms to process organic matter.

Yeast produces substances that enhance root formation, but in the process consumes a lot of potassium from the soil, which can adversely affect the taste of pumpkin pulp. If there are no organic fertilizers at your dacha, then you can feed the pumpkin in open ground, then you can cut the herbs, dig up the soil and pour in fermented yeast - 100 g per bucket of water with a spoon of sugar. Microorganisms will quickly dissolve plant residues, and the plant will receive its dose of nutrients.

Preparing seeds for planting

How to prepare pumpkin seeds is another important point. The older the seeds, the higher their germination rate. Therefore, it is better not to plant last year’s seeding material - seedlings may not appear. If there are no others, you will have to carry out a number of measures to age the seeds and stimulate them to grow:

  • Place the seeds in the sun in a dark cloth, warm them thoroughly for 6 – 7 hours.
  • Then put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  • After cooling, wrap the seeds in cheesecloth and place them in a nutrient solution that is specially sold for germinating seeds. Water temperature 25 - 30 degrees.
  • After swelling, return the seed to the refrigerator.

This is the stress method used to prepare seeds for planting in open ground. This is necessary so that during spring temperature changes the seedlings do not stop growing and die, but continue to develop.

And one more thing: when purchasing seeds, you need to clarify whether this variety is a fodder variety. Pumpkin has fewer nutrients, especially carotene and sugar. No matter how hard you work on growing it, this species will not be sweet, and in terms of nutritional characteristics it will lag behind table varieties.

Varieties for seedling cultivation

Pumpkin seeds for seedling cultivation come in different varieties. They are divided into bush, early, late, and sweet. The ripening period of a pumpkin depends on the variety, size of the fruit, productivity and properties such as frost resistance.

Most often, varieties are chosen that produce a thick rind and produce a large-fruited and sweet pumpkin harvest.

It is also important to focus on the variety’s ability to be stored for long periods of time.


Early varieties:

  1. “Healing” up to 90 days of ripening, high climate resistance, spherical fruits;
  2. “Volzhskaya gray” is most suitable for seedlings, high resistance to damage and disease, gives a flattened spherical shape;
  3. “Medicinal” is a fragrant pumpkin of bright orange color with a thin ribbed skin;
  4. “Candied fruit” is a large fruit weighing about 5 kg, the variety is distinguished by its high yield and bright orange color.

Early varieties are usually not stored well.

Volga gray can be stored for a long time, up to 6 months, if the storage temperature is not lower than +12 °C and not higher than +15 °C


These varieties can be planted in relatively small areas, as they do not have long vines. Bush varieties include:

  1. “Cold-resistant freckle” ripens up to 75 days, produces an orange peel with green spots, fruits weighing 2 kg;
  2. “Gribovskaya” (the variety is a hybrid) – fruits up to 5 kg, can be stored only until December;
  3. “Dachnaya” (the best variety) produces melon-shaped oval fruits, yellow in color, dense pulp and vanilla aroma.

Pumpkin Country


Late varieties are distinguished by the fact that they produce a late harvest, somewhere from September to November. Among them we can highlight:

  1. “Gribovskaya winter” - spherical, flattened fruits weighing 4 kg, and orange pulp;
  2. "Premiere" grows in clusters, each with up to 4 fruits weighing 6 kg, has light spots on the yellow skin and long twisted stems, due to which it requires a lot of space in the garden.


Sweet varieties usually ripen from 90 to 120 days. It is recommended to grow such varieties as seedlings. You can select:

  1. “Kroshka” – small fruits, ripens quickly, excellent keeping quality;
  2. “Giant Atlas” – huge fruits weighing up to 50 kg;
  3. “Almond” – fruits of bright color and sweet taste;
  4. "Big Max" is a late-ripening and hybrid variety;
  5. “Sweet Chamomile” - with a ribbed surface, long lashes;
  6. “Honey dessert” is distinguished by a large number of fruits, the pulp is juicy;
  7. "Chestnut" - small fruits weighing 1 kg, tolerates bad weather well.

Sweet chestnut pumpkin

What water to use

The key to successfully growing pumpkins on your plot is proper and timely watering.

Clean, settled water with minimal salt content should be used.

Depending on the quality, it is divided into groups:

  1. Rainy. Best fit. Its level is softer than any other and all garden crops respond favorably to it. It is not recommended to use rainwater only in industrial regions. In such water the level of harmful substances is quite high. Collect water from drainpipes by placing any large container.
  2. From the water supply. Always available, but her temperature is not up to standard. Therefore, first the water is placed in the sun to warm up, and only after that it is used. The optimal temperature for moistening pumpkin is 20-23°.
  3. Spring and well water is also warmed up before use. Water from the springs not only moisturizes the plantings, but also saturates them with useful components.
  4. Before using water from reservoirs (rivers, lakes and ponds), it is necessary to check it for the presence of parasites.

Regardless of what kind of water you use for irrigation, you first need to settle it, check the temperature and the presence of toxic substances.

Irrigation in hot weather

In hot weather, the plant needs abundant watering

In open ground, the pumpkin needs abundant watering, and the hotter it gets, the more moisture the bush requires.

During the period of ovary formation and before fruit formation, drought can become a decisive factor - it can destroy the entire harvest or make it of poor quality. High ambient temperatures affect the level of humidity and the condition of the soil. These two factors also influence how ripe the pumpkins will be.

The first signs of drought are reflected in the appearance of the bush:

  • the leaves begin to fade;
  • the stem sinks to the ground - it looks wilted and deprived of moisture;
  • The top layer of soil dries out and cracks appear on it.

If such symptoms appear and the ambient temperature rises, you need to increase the amount of moisture. Such changes are carried out gradually so as not to “flood” the rhizome of the bush. As watering increases, the gardener monitors the condition of the bush more closely.

Even in the driest weather, it is best to water the pumpkin after sunset.

With the arrival of cool weather, the plant will better absorb moisture. In this case, the entire bush is irrigated. Use a watering can with a nozzle or a hose. During this period, you should not injure the bushes or subject them to heavy loads. Fertilizers are applied carefully.

Types of irrigation

Gardeners use different methods of irrigating this crop, each of them has its own pros and cons.


This type of watering is the most labor-intensive: you will need a hose, a watering can and your efforts.

It is necessary to water the pumpkin using a nozzle that sprays a stream and prevents damage to the delicate stems and leaves of the plant.

The watering can with the nozzle must be held high above the bed and try to avoid dripping on the leaves of the plants during irrigation.


Plants need to be watered at the roots

This method of irrigation using a hose can cause erosion of the root system. Therefore, during watering, the hose must be compressed, thus ensuring a spray of the stream.

Many people use special attachments.


To set up this irrigation system, a looped garden pipeline is installed, from which tubes or hoses extend through the beds.

Holes are made in them to drain moisture to each bush. In this case, it is important to direct the stream of water so that it hits the root system area and not the plant tops.

To regulate the water supply, special taps are installed.


This is the most modern method; the water supply time is set in advance by the gardener. Such a system automatically turns the watering on and off.

What mistakes do gardeners most often make?

When growing pumpkin in your country house or garden, you should be aware of what can weaken the crop and even destroy the harvest. The following actions should not be allowed:

  • watering during the day during solar activity can lead to burns of foliage;
  • the use of cloudy or cold water creates conditions for plant disease and inhibition of its development;
  • insufficient or excess water will dry out the vegetable or lead to rotting;
  • the pressure of water, injuring the sprouts and roots, will destroy the plants;
  • Watering the bushes until harvest will not allow the fruit to become sweet, aromatic and capable of long-term storage.

It is necessary to monitor not only the condition of the plant itself, its leaves, flowers and ovaries, but also the soil in which it grows. The soil should not be dry or crusty. The growth of weeds weakens the pumpkin, taking away nutrients and moisture. They need to be removed in time.

Preparing beds before planting

To get a good harvest, feeding the pumpkin during cultivation may not be enough. Many experts advise adding fertilizers to the garden soil in the fall, when digging the soil. For this you can use:

  • organic fertilizers - manure or humus is most often used;
  • potash fertilizers;
  • superphosphates;
  • complex fertilizers.

What is humus, what benefits does it have and what does it consist of.

It is very useful to add wood ash to heavy soil in the fall, since this component significantly increases the fertile properties of the soil. On light soils, a similar procedure is recommended in the spring.

Variety selection

How to grow a large pumpkin in the open ground at the dacha? To do this, first of all, you should choose the right variety. When choosing a large variety of pumpkin, people most often choose types such as Big Max, Atlant or Titan. With proper care, some fruits can reach 150 kg.


  1. Big Max produces mature fruits up to 40 kg. The pulp is sweet, the peel is light orange, quite dense, slightly lumpy. Stored at room temperature until spring.
  2. Atlant is a late-ripening variety. Ripens in 110-130 days from germination. It is better to grow in seedlings. The weight of a mature fruit is from 20 to 50 kg. The pulp is juicy and soft, orange in color. The fruit has a segmented surface.
  3. Titanium. Some summer residents managed to grow the fruits of this pumpkin weighing 150 kg. In order for a vegetable to reach such a size, it must be grown on fertile soil, leaving one fruit per plant. To obtain a large fruit, the variety is grown through seedlings.


When growing pumpkin in a common container, young shoots need to be picked. Basically, out of three seedlings, one stronger one is chosen. Sometimes seedlings are thinned out by transplanting excess plants into a separate container. The culture does not tolerate this process well, so it should be removed along with the earthen clod.

Picking is necessary because as the pumpkin grows, the seedlings become denser. Because of this, the sprouts begin to struggle to obtain nutrients from the soil. As a result, the seedlings will weaken, which will lead to a weak and poor harvest.

But due to the fact that the crop does not tolerate transplantation and work with roots, you should dive carefully

This is important, since damage to even one cotyledon leaf will cause slow development

During the procedure, planting depth is important. The ideal option is if the cotyledon leaves protrude 5 mm above the soil

Otherwise, the growing point will be damaged and the sprout will die.

  • make holes in the ground;
  • carefully dig up the seedling and insert it into the prepared hole;
  • cover with soil;
  • compact and water using the root method. You need to make sure that water does not get on the leaves;
  • After absorbing moisture, sprinkle this area with dry soil.

After diving is completed, the seedlings should be transferred to a shaded place, protected from UV rays. You can take it out to a sunny windowsill after it has taken root.

Care after landing

The agricultural technology for growing this crop is based on the fact that it is not only important to plant a pumpkin correctly, but also important to care for it. This crop needs watering and fertilizing

Water the pumpkins generously, about once a week, pouring 2 buckets of water under each bush. Use only warm water. Watering must be carried out during the period of stem growth, ovary formation and main fruit growth. When they grow to the appropriate size for the variety, watering can be stopped. Loosening is carried out after each rain or irrigation. Under each ripening fruit you need to put a board, a piece of flat slate or plywood so that it does not touch the ground.

Non-bush pumpkins need to be pinched as soon as the main stem grows by 1.5 m, the side stems by 0.5-0.6 m. This will allow you to get 3 fruits from each plant, but they will be large, fleshy and will have time to ripen.

To get large pumpkin fruits, plants need to be fertilized: during active growth - every 2 weeks. An infusion of organic matter, such as slurry, is suitable as the main fertilizer. It is prepared like this: fresh manure is dissolved in water in such an amount that it becomes a slurry with the consistency of liquid sour cream. It must be left to steep until the first signs of fermentation appear. After infusion, 0.5 liters of the prepared solution is diluted in a bucket of warm water. From traditional mineral fertilizers, you can use a mixture of 10 g of nitrate and potassium sulfate and 20 g of superphosphate.

In cloudy or cool summers, when bees are weak in summer, pumpkin flowers can be pollinated by hand to ensure pollination. To do this, you need to pick a male flower (on long petioles), tear off its petals and touch them to the middle of the female flowers.

Among the garden pests, aphids can settle on pumpkins, from which a soap solution (100 g of grated household soap per 1 bucket of water) can help. They need to spray the bushes on the leaves. Plant roots and seeds during the germination stage can be gnawed by mole crickets. Control measures include placing granules of the drug “Medvetox” into the holes during planting.

Pumpkins are harvested when they are ripe, but always before frost sets in. Frozen fruits are unsuitable for storage. Store the harvest in a cool (but not cold) and always dry place.

During fruiting

A month before harvest, watering is stopped.

If small fruits appear on the bushes, the plant begins to be watered more often using large amounts of water. In this case, it is better to use drip irrigation.

This method of watering has several advantages:

  • qualitatively moistens the soil and prevents drying out of the root system;
  • prevents the formation of an earthen crust on the surface;
  • the fertile layer is not washed away;
  • the pumpkin receives complete nutrition.
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