Tomato Altai Zarya: reviews of tomato yields, description of the variety, photo of the bush

Tomato Altai masterpiece - description of the variety with photos

Not long ago, new varieties from the Siberian collection appeared on the Russian tomato market, including the Altai masterpiece, which has already gained fame and popularity.
Plants from this region are distinguished by high yields, even when growing in less than favorable conditions. The Altai masterpiece has been on the State Register since 2007 and is a success not only in Siberia, but also in the middle zone. Gardeners noted the tomato’s resistance to summers, which are full of rain and not the highest temperatures, but at the same time, the taste characteristics of the tomato continue to remain at the highest level.

Characteristics and description of the Altai masterpiece variety with photos

These tomatoes are indeterminate, non-hybrid plants with average harvest ripening periods, suitable for growing both in greenhouse conditions and in open beds. According to the observations of experts, in order to stop the growth of a bush, it is necessary to pinch its top. The ideal height for an open garden bed is considered to be 1.5 meters, and for a greenhouse - 1.8 meters. The variety has no varieties.

The shrub has a powerful and thick stem, and as it grows it produces large quantities of shoots. The branches are also not weak, and therefore can support the weight of several heavy fruits. The color of large leaves is light green. The formation of brushes occurs from above the 10th or 11th leaf, then the brushes are formed every 3 leaves. Plants have a simple inflorescence.

The fruit has a bright red color and a flattened shape. During the ripening period, tomatoes have a predominant light green skin color; the stalk is surrounded by a dark-colored spot, which will disappear when the tomato ripens. The average weight of one tomato is 0.2 - 0.4 kg; if you follow agrotechnical conditions, you get tomatoes weighing 0.5 kg, and when grown in a greenhouse, you can achieve tomatoes weighing 1 kg.

Pros and cons of the variety

If a person has never dealt with a particular variety, then he is recommended to familiarize himself with the positive and negative sides of the plant in order to draw a conclusion whether it is suitable for cultivation in specific conditions or not. You can find out about the advantages and disadvantages of the Altai masterpiece in the following table.

Positive sidesNegative sides
High yield. If you comply with all growing conditions, you can get 10 kg of tomatoes from 1 m². Growing in open ground guarantees 3-5 kg ​​(from the same area) of tomatoes, and with greenhouse cultivation 7 kg Plants can only reach their full potential in a spacious and tall greenhouse
Excellent tasteTo get fruits with the weight stated in the description of the variety, you need to carry out regular pinching of shrubs
Attractive appearance of fruitsNot suitable for whole canning
The peel practically does not crack, which is very convenient for transportation.
Long-term fruiting from August to the last days of October with greenhouse cultivation
High resistance to viral and fungal diseases, regardless of growing conditions
Stability at low temperatures

A few words about productivity

As mentioned above, in order to get a harvest of 10 kg per 1 m², the vegetable grower will have to comply with all agrotechnical requirements. When planting the Altai masterpiece in an open space, harvest in the amount of 3 - 5 kg, also from 1 m². The use of greenhouses makes it possible to increase the number of tomatoes, and then 7 kg of fruits are harvested from the same area.

Despite the fact that the variety was bred in Barnaul, Altai Territory, it is adapted for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation, due to its resistance to not the most pleasant climatic conditions. You can plant tomatoes both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

Features of cultivation and care

To grow the Altai masterpiece, the seedling method is used. Sowing of seed material begins 60 days before the expected date of planting tomatoes in their permanent habitat.

Tomato seeds should be planted in early March, provided that a greenhouse is selected for the shrubs. To plant this variety in open ground, the seeds are planted a little later; here it is worth taking into account the climate characteristics in the region. If there are enough sunny days, seeds are sown for seedlings in early April. After the sprouts have acquired a pair of true leaves, it is necessary to pick.

The transfer of seedlings to greenhouse conditions begins in early May; plants should be placed in an open area in the second half of May and until mid-June. Small plants need to be protected from direct sunlight and possible frost, using non-covering material.

As for subsequent care in the beds or in the greenhouse, there are some nuances:

  • Watering is done with warm, settled water. This is done in the evening in an open area and in the morning during greenhouse cultivation;
  • It is necessary to loosen the soil so that the root system receives sufficient air. Along with this procedure, weeds are destroyed. It is recommended to remove the Altai masterpiece from its proximity to weeds, because the latter are often favored by harmful insects;
  • It is necessary to carry out pinching carefully to avoid cutting off the entire branch. It is recommended to leave small stumps up to 1 cm so as not to injure the stem part of the plant;
  • fertilizing is applied 3-4 times during the growing season.

To get maximum tomato yield, it is recommended to do the following:

  • carry out mandatory pinching of shrubs, tying them up or installing supports;
  • if the plant is topped, then leave 4 to 6 leaves above the topmost inflorescence;
  • Most often, the formation of an Altai masterpiece is carried out with one stem. You can also get a good harvest if the formation takes place in 2 or more stems. To obtain the second stem, it is necessary to leave the stepson that grows under the first tassel;
  • In order for the fruits to receive the maximum amount of sun and air, it is necessary to remove the foliage from the bushes; it is removed below the first cluster;
  • You can get large tomatoes by cutting small or non-standard flowers from the tassels.

Reviews, who planted

Alexandra. Kurgan

The Altai masterpiece appeared in my garden several years ago, and it has taken root. I really like the unpretentiousness of tomatoes, which reach the very top of the greenhouse in height. Over the entire period of growing, I have not had any problems with tomato diseases, but we still carry out preventive treatment. We harvest in mid-August; the average weight of one tomato is about 0.4 kg.

Sergey. Vladimir

Despite all the statements about the beginning of the fruiting period of the Altai masterpiece, in my greenhouse I already receive the first vegetables in July. We begin to grow seedlings in February, and plant the bushes in a permanent place in the last days of April. I form my tomatoes into 2 trunks, the last harvest is harvested at the end of October.

Tomato variety Altai masterpiece, description - video

As a conclusion, we can say that this variety is ideal for growing in any region, both when using greenhouses and in open beds.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. per meter of plot, up to 3 plants are placed, when formed into 1 stem - up to 4.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, pinching, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer and preventive measures to protect the crop from diseases and pests.

For other interesting varieties with photos, descriptions and reviews, see our Tomato Catalog alphabetically. Enjoy watching!

If you grew tomatoes of the Altai pink variety, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? How do you rate the disease resistance of this tomato? If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual fruits you grew.

Your reviews of the Altai pink tomato, as well as additions to the description, will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

This is a natural variety of tomato. Therefore, we recommend taking seeds from a ripe fruit and using them for planting in subsequent seasons.

Altai Zarya – variety of Tomato plant

Variety characteristics:

Properties of the Altai Zarya variety:

Recommended region on the map:

Information on the admission of Tomato Altai Zarya from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 65017, registered 2014-11-17. The Tomato variety Altaiskaya Zarya was included in the register of those approved in 2015. Approved for use in regions: All regions.

The originator of the Tomato variety Altaiskaya Zarya is:

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Description of tomato Zarya

  • 02 October 2022 21:05:34

Tomato is one of the most popular vegetables grown at home. Every gardener loves to experiment and choose the best varieties. Very often in the garden beds you can find completely different species: large, small, round, oblong, with or without a spout. One of the record holders for fruit size is the very large tomato variety Zarya. This is an original, rare tomato that is difficult to find in regular stores. It is grown by collectors and experienced gardeners who have become familiar with the unusual taste of the vegetable.

Description of tomato Zarya

The plant is an indeterminate tomato, tall, and produces maximum yield when grown in a greenhouse. This is a large-fruited variety that gives high yields and is resistant to the climatic conditions of Russia.

  • tall bush, reaches 2 meters in height;
  • medium-sized leaves, slightly spread along the trunk;
  • the fruits are collected in clusters, 4-5 fruits ripen on one ovary;
  • the shape of the tomato is flat-round;
  • belongs to rare giant species.

With proper care, you can grow a tomato up to 1 kg. The fruits are huge, flat-round, and hold well on the stalk. The color is red, with iridescence, possible orange vertical stripes from the corolla. In cross section, the tomato is multi-chambered and has an average number of seeds. Well suited for salads, it has a distinctive bright sweet and sour taste, juicy and meaty structure.

If there is a lack of moisture, the pulp may become grainier and drier. The tomato is tall, so it needs to be tied up and shaped. Since the fruits are very large, it is better to leave 3 stems so that the plant does not break and the tomatoes do not come off.

The plant is very unpretentious to planting conditions. It withstands temperature changes well and is resistant to disease. If the fruits end up on the ground, they may darken or rot, but this is easily prevented. It's safe to say that this variety is very interesting to grow. The most effective use of tomatoes of this variety in cooking is fresh. The taste is quite unusual, rich, and when cut, the tomato smells pleasant.

Features of growing a plant

I pre-plant the seeds for seedlings. You can treat the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to prevent the appearance of pathogenic bacteria. Planting begins in late February or early March. Seeds are placed in boxes and sprinkled with about 1 cm of soil.

Seedlings need to be watered regularly. At the end of April or beginning of May, you can transplant the seedlings into a greenhouse or greenhouse. Before transplanting into open ground, it must be fertilized with humus or peat. It is better to mulch the ground. The tomato variety is classified as mid-season. The first fruits can be served on the table already on the 110th day.

The variety produces the best yield results in a greenhouse with optimal climate humidity.

Disadvantages and advantages

Due to the large size of tomatoes, they have a narrow implementation in cooking. But the bright and unusual taste will appeal to children and adults. Difficulties in care arise only at the stage of plant formation. It is optimal to use 2-3 stems. You can strengthen the tomato by tying it to a support or to a stretched twine.

The variety is quite rare; not every gardener will decide to grow a giant, although the plant is quite unpretentious. Buying Zarya tomato seeds, which will sprout well and set inflorescences, is even more difficult. Collectors and professional gardeners often hide their growing secrets.

On our website you can find rare and exotic species, high-quality planting material that provides excellent germination. Shipping is carried out in reliable packaging, which prevents mechanical and physical damage to the seeds.

Description of pink tomato

The Altai pink tomato variety is a late-ripening hybrid with a large amount of sugars and dry substances. The fruits are rich in amino acids, lycopene, and beta-carotene. Tomatoes help improve health and improve immunity. They are used for dietary nutrition.

Altai pink tomato bushes are indeterminate and reach two meters in height. The plant is characterized by a small number of leaves, but they are large and dark green in color. The variety is productive; from one square meter you can collect an average of 10 kilograms of tasty fruits. The variety's clusters contain 4-6 tomatoes weighing 300-500 g. With proper agricultural technology, the harvest is harvested from mid-summer until frost.

The fruits of the variety have a flattened shape with ribbing at the base. When unripe, the fruit has a dark green spot near the stalk. The skin of the variety is dense.

The plant is suitable for growing in open ground and in greenhouses.

My favorite tomato varieties

January and February are the right time to select and purchase tomato seeds, which we will sow in March. I have been growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and in open ground for only 6 years, but I have already managed to create my own hit parade of tomato varieties.

The best varieties of tomatoes

There are must-have varieties that I always plant every year. I like them not only for their taste and unpretentiousness, but also for the way they look on the bush. I’ll paraphrase one bearded joke: “I don’t really like tomatoes... But the process itself...”. I love going into the greenhouse and admiring the tomato plantations. And I don’t hesitate to show off my particularly spectacular huge tomatoes to my neighbors, and then post photos on the forum. It’s a shame to hide it – we all love it!

The following varieties are among the favorites also because they do not need to be fanatically cultivated and shaped. And they will always give a harvest: small, large, and a lot, depending on the variety and what I grow them for - for salads, for preparations, or, the smallest and sweetest ones, so that “like seeds, they click.” .

The “Rocket” variety is suitable for both greenhouses and open ground. The fruits are identical in shape and sweet. We love to eat them by the handful. Look good in blanks. The bush requires garter, despite the fact that the package says the opposite. This is because a lot of fruits grow, and the bush bends from the weight. Its height in open ground is about 40 cm, and in a greenhouse it can reach up to 60 cm. This is a mid-season variety; it does not need to be pinched.

Rice. 1. “Rocket” matures smoothly and is well stored in both technical and biological maturity.

I got the “Big Man” variety During a tour of her greenhouse, I really liked the way it looked on the bush. The neighbor said that she has been planting it for a long time, that it is unpretentious and always sets fruit, even if the ventilation regime in the greenhouse is not followed. Of course, I took one fruit for seeding. “Zdorovyak” can grow up to 100 cm in height, so it is better to grow it in a greenhouse, although it produces large tomatoes in open ground.

Rice. 2. There is almost no need to pin the “Big Man” wrist.

Rice. 3. It ripens in batches, gradually, which is very convenient.

Among the vigorous-growing tomatoes with large fruits, I singled out the variety “Red Giant” . This amateur variety was bred by simple gardeners. Despite the fact that it grows a lot of leaves, it does not have to be pruned too often. The fruits on the lower tiers are the largest. If I had not been lazy and plucked out the inflorescences, leaving no more than 3-4 in the brush, the fruits would have been even larger. It is fleshy inside and contains few seeds.

Rice. 4. “Red Giant” in mid-July.

Rice. 5. You can take your own seeds, but the fruit must ripen on the bush and come from the second cluster from the bottom.

Rice. 6. The fruits are slightly ribbed, quite transportable, there is never a yellow-pink top from unbalanced care, as in pink-fruited varieties.

Rice. 7. Both the side of the stalk and the reverse side always have a marketable appearance.

Rice. 8. The only drawback of the “Red Giant” is that the largest fruits require a garter.

However, almost all large-fruited tomatoes require additional tying of the brushes. Except for my next favorite, Bull's Heart . I also always grow it year after year, as my grandmother advised me. “He will never let you down!” - she said, and every year I am convinced of this. Even if I took my own seeds and not factory ones, “Bull’s Heart” invariably bears fruit and does not require pinching at all, although it is vigorous. Somehow I didn’t have enough space in the greenhouse, and one bush of “Bull’s Heart” grew on the street without shelter. It grew to 1 m instead of 140-150 cm in the greenhouse, but still pleased me.

Rice. 9. The hands grow in such a way that they do not need to be additionally secured with a garter to prevent them from falling.

Rice. 10. There is one peculiarity of the “Bull’s Heart” - a predisposition to the formation of such gnarled fruits.

Therefore, if you see a bud or flower that is too large, feel free to cut it with scissors, it will still take a long time to ripen, even though it will be large, the skin will be hard and gray, you cannot take seeds from it.

Rice. 11. But the bulk of the “Bull’s Heart” fruits are very beautiful, tasty and fleshy. By the way, this variety comes in both orange and red.

Tall tomatoes for the greenhouse

I definitely plant the listed varieties, but there are also some that I just liked, and I periodically grow them in the greenhouse, but I have not become a fan of them. Of the indeterminates, I like the raceme varieties the most. Again, this is primarily because they look beautiful on the bush. There are only three varieties, and each has a special reason to grow it.

“Intuition F1” is a mid-season hybrid, but I would classify it as a late-season hybrid. Not only does it reach harvest ripeness only by mid-August, but biological maturity also comes quite late. Some specimens of these tomatoes ripen even until the end of October. But, on the other hand, this is convenient because as a result, we have our own fresh tomatoes at home for a very long time. That's why I sow it in February.

Rice. 12. Photo from the end of July, but the fruits have not yet begun to ripen.

But “Intuition F1” is very easy. This hybrid is great for freezing for future use. In winter, I make pizza and frittata with them, as they do not defrost like porridge, but retain their meatiness well when cut.

Rice. 13. The fruits are all smooth and beautiful.

Rice. 14. In this form, I send “Intuition F1” to deep freeze.

“Scarlet Candles” is a cluster variety, mid-season. They don’t have a special taste, but what a shape! Looks impressive in preparations with cucumbers. However, this is why I grow them. It’s nice to admire such a jar later in the winter.

Rice. 15. The length of “Scarlet Candles” is almost like pickling cucumbers.

Rice. 16. “Scarlet candles” look neat, they all have a characteristic “spout”.

“De Barao” is quite late-ripening; I sow it earlier than the bulk of tomatoes. I really like it in preparations, it does not crack and is very tasty, both fresh and pickled.

Rice. 17. "De Barao" is resistant to disease. I always plant it on the north side, tying it above the entrance to the greenhouse, because it is very tall, and the upper tier ripens even in the last ten days of August, despite the first cold nights.

Rice. 18. The fruits are beautiful, all as one.

I have tried a great variety of salad varieties, I still want to find the most delicious one. Of the unusually colored tomatoes, I really like the taste of Malachite Box and Black Prince . Both are tall and require pinching, gartering, and formation into 1-2 stems, but the effort is worth it, the fruits are magnificent. “Black Prince” is dark burgundy when fully ripe.

Rice. 19. “Malachite box” in biological maturity – green.

Rice. 20. All these “Malachite Box” tomatoes are already ripe, although in appearance they seem unripe.

The yellow giants are not inferior in taste, of which the most fleshy and tasty for me are “Yellow Truffle” - of an unusual shape, “Persimmon” - indeed, the pulp is cut like the fruit of the same name, “Golden King” and sweet like a melon, “ Golden Bull" . “Golden Heart” and “Altai Yellow” were less impressive But it should be noted that the shelf life of yellow tomatoes is inferior to red ones. From salad reds, I grew “King of Large”, “Cardinal”, “Canary”, “Bear’s Paw”, “Mazarin”, “Altai Red” . What can I say about them - they are all equal, as if they were selected. It tires them to constantly tug and tie them up. One good thing is that they are large.

Rice. 21. Everyone looks the same on the bush. This is Cardinal.

Rice. 22. “Cardinal” is well kept.

Rice. 24. In the foreground is “Mazarin”. It differs only in shape, in taste - like all other red-fruited ones.

Rice. 25. “Altai Reds”, however, can be praised for their friendly maturation.

Separately, I would like to mention the pink-fruited tomatoes “Miracle of the Earth”. If you are lucky with the summer and it is not very hot, then you can get a good harvest from this variety.

Rice. 26. “Miracle of the Earth” are also tall.

But, if there is not very good ventilation in the greenhouse, then this variety will give a characteristic light yellow border, I don’t like it, and I cut it off before use.

Rice. 27. “Miracle of the Earth” - on the right. They are the same size as the Red Giant on the left.

Separately, it should be said about tall cherry tomatoes, for example, “Chio-chio-san”, “Sweet Cherry F1” and others. Yes, many of them are sweet, they look elegant both in the greenhouse and in pickles, but many of them are thrown away and require careful care. No matter how much I refuse to plant them, I still “break down”, I really want to admire the brushes.

Rice. 28. “Red date” is, of course, delicious.

Rice. 29. “Goldilocks” also tastes good if you resist and don’t eat it half-ripe - and it can be eaten even half-ripe.

Tomatoes for open ground

Among the tomatoes for growing outside, I liked only five. Although all tomatoes for open ground can be grown in a greenhouse, if there is space. It is simply more efficient to occupy a greenhouse not only in width, but also in height, so it is customary to place low varieties outside, under temporary shelter or without it at all.

The hybrid “Market King III F1” got its name for a reason. I grow it under cover and without, depending on how much space remains in the greenhouse after the main plantings. It is considered early ripening, although I would not say so. I plant it with pleasure, because in any summer - both cloudy and hot - it produces a stable harvest. Most likely, this is because it is resistant to various diseases. In a greenhouse it grows slightly higher than in open ground. A garter is needed because the fruits, especially the lower ones, are very large.

Rice. 30. “Market King III F1” produces aligned fruits (in the red basket).

Rice. 31. “Apple tree of Russia” on a bush.

Rice. 32. “Apple Tree of Russia” stores well, including when frozen.

Rice. 33. “Buyan” is a long-known trouble-free variety for open ground.

Rice. 34. “Buyan” is good for pickling.

Rice. 35. I bought “Leningrad Chill” in economical packaging - 200 seeds in one. It lived up to its name, did not freeze during frosts, and grew well both in the greenhouse and outdoors.

Rice. 36. But the yellow-fruited variety “Wonder of the World” turned out to be the most cold-resistant for open ground. It sets an incredible amount of fruit.

From the low ones I also tried “Kremlin F1”, “Peach”, “Orange Sun”, “Dushechka”, “Tiger”, “Sanka” . Despite the hype, these varieties disappointed me.

And finally, dwarfs. These tomatoes are suitable for even the laziest or busiest gardeners. They do not require gartering, watering and, especially, pinching.

Rice. 37. Dwarfs only need to be mulched in mid-June and come to harvest in early August.

Rice. 38. Although, if you sow them at the end of February, you can harvest the first harvest on July 1, as in this photo.

Rice. 39. They bear fruit all summer.

I tried “SamRastet”, “Florida Petit”, “Pygmy”, “Pinocchio”, “Balcony Duet” - I liked them all.

Rice. 40. “Florida Petit” bore fruit even at home.

This year I will have only three new products: the tall “Shuntuk Giant” and the standard “Far North” and “Winter Cherry” . All of them have good reviews on the forum.

Do you have any tomato varieties that you must plant every year? How many are there, and what are they called?

Diseases and pests

Diseases are a big problem when growing tomatoes, regardless of the region in which they are grown. The most dangerous diseases of tomatoes are late blight, brown spot, blossom end rot, and tobacco mosaic. They usually occur due to rain and lack of heat. The combination of rain and cold can be very damaging to tomatoes.

To exclude diseases, it is recommended to follow certain rules of prevention:

  1. It is recommended to plant zoned varieties.
  2. To grow plants, it is recommended to use hybrids and varieties from reliable producers.
  3. It is best to grow tomatoes in protected conditions: greenhouses, greenhouses.
  4. Maintain crop rotation. If it is impossible to change the top part of the soil.
  5. At the slightest damage to plants, immediately remove diseased bushes.
  6. Remove weeds.
  7. Stepchildren, remove leaves only in dry weather.

A tasty variety with long fruiting - Altai pink tomato: reviews and photos of yield

The tall Altai Pink variety will give the gardener delicious, sugary salad tomatoes, of which there will be so many that the branches will bend under their weight.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallOpen groundMid-seasonPinkLargeVarietyFlat-round

Description and characteristics of the variety

The hybrid was included in the State Register in 2007. A high-yielding variety for private farms, suitable for cultivation in open ground and under film covers, was developed by the Demetra-Sibir agricultural company in 2005.

Altai pink is an indeterminate tomato that requires staking and shaping. The leaves are small, green, the inflorescence is simple. Mid-season, the first fruits can be harvested after 110-115 days.

The fruits are multilocular, flat-round, slightly ribbed, loose. Weight - 300-500 g. Unripe tomatoes are light green with a dark emerald spot near the stalk, ripe ones are pink. The pulp is juicy, the taste is excellent. The variety can be grown in all regions.

By growing plants under film covers, gardeners receive 10 kg of fruit per square meter. The variety is ideal for making juices and eating fresh. Typically, the fruits of large-fruited tomatoes do not tolerate transportation well, but the variety is quite transportable.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • one of the most delicious varieties;
  • large-fruited;
  • high productivity;
  • long fruiting;
  • does not require glass or polycarbonate greenhouses.


  • requires stepsoning;
  • tall, requires careful tying and shaping;
  • Without competent agricultural technology, the harvest will be low.

Features of cultivation

Seeds for seedlings are sown in any ten days of March. Planted under film in late May-early June. Harvesting occurs from late July to mid-September.


Already on the second or third day after planting the seedlings in open ground, the stem is tied to a trellis wire. The twine is secured under the first or second leaf, making sure that as the stem grows and thickens, the rope does not cut into the fabric.


Plants grow in one stem, cutting off all the stepsons and leaving a small stump in place of each. The lower leaves that have served their purpose must be removed. The signal to begin the operation is the yellowing of the leaf plates. No more than two leaves are removed at each time. The stem is exposed only up to 5-6 brushes. At the end of August, the top of the main stem is pinched, allowing all the fruits to ripen.


Growing seedlings begins with sowing seeds. For planting, you can use a substrate consisting of peat, sand and soil in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Before sowing, to speed up germination, seeds are soaked overnight in 0.02% succinic acid. After this, they are treated for 20 minutes with 1% potassium permanganate, washed, dried until crumbly and sown.

Immediately after sowing, the temperature in the room is maintained at 25-30 degrees. With three-day germination on damp cloth or paper, seedlings will appear in 1-2 days, without germination - in 5-7 days. Immediately after the leaves appear on the surface, the temperature is reduced to 16 degrees. After 4-5 days, they increase it to 19-22 degrees and continue cultivation in this mode until planting in the garden.

When the cotyledon leaves on the seedlings are fully expanded (usually this happens 10-12 days after emergence), the seedlings are dropped into prepared pots filled with a nutrient mixture. The day before picking, water the soil generously - this will make it easier to extract the roots from the soil. Weak plants that are lagging in development are discarded.

Seedlings that have reached the age of 55-60 days are planted in the ground. Each hole is filled with a handful of humus and a tablespoon of superphosphate. Immediately after planting, the plants are watered with warm water.

During the summer it is necessary to carry out 3-4 feedings with mullein or slurry. During the period of fruit growth, a mixture is used for fertilizer:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 30 g of Chilean saltpeter;
  • 40 g double superphosphate;
  • 30 g of potassium sulfur.

10 liters of fertilizer solution is poured onto 4-5 square meters.

The soil is kept in a loose, slightly moist state. If for some reason you had to skip watering and the soil is very dry, you cannot immediately pour a lot of water onto the garden bed - this will lead to cracking of the fruits.

Tomatoes are harvested daily, trying to leave the stems on the bunch. If, due to cold weather, the brushes do not tie well, they are treated with the drug Bud or Ovary.

Characteristics of the variety

VarietyAltai honey
Description of fruitsTomatoes are heart-shaped with thick skin. Grows in the form of brushes on bushes
Fruit weight200-300g
ColorYellow, deep pink
Tomato sizeLarge up to 20 cm
SkinDense, does not crack
PulpJuicy, with few seeds
Ripening period105-110 days
Productivity8 kg per m2
Bush height1.5 m
Pollination typeSelf-pollinating
Type of ovary formationSimple, brush-shaped
Transportability and keeping qualityHigh
Landing locationOpen ground, greenhouse
Resistance to adverse conditionsHigh
Resistance to diseases and pestsThere is immunity to late blight
Should I dive?After the appearance of 3 leaves
Recommended growing regionsIt can be grown under film cover in all regions, including the Moscow region. It is not grown outdoors in cold regions. Tomatoes do not have time to fully ripen.
Year of inclusion in the State Register of the Russian Federation2017
OriginatorOgnev V. V., Tereshonkova T. A., Klimenko N. N., Chernova T. V. (SSC 'ROSTOVSKY' LLC)
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