Taboo VSK and Taboo TRIO from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm: instructions for use, reviews

Composition and effect of the drug Tabu VSK

The Tabu insecticide contains the following substances:

  • Imidacloprid
    is an insecticidal substance of the neonicatinoids class. It is a synthetic analogue of natural alkaloids contained in tobacco. Its concentration per 1 liter of Tabu is 0.5 kg;
  • dyes
  • adhesives
  • antifreeze
  • dispersants
  • thickeners

Video about the Taboo product

The insecticide Tabu is used to treat potato tubers before planting, and is also added to planting holes or trenches when planting planting material.


When liquid Taboo gets on the potatoes, it immediately begins to harden, and a thin reddish film forms on the skin of the potatoes, which does not crumble even after planting. Pests feeding on tops or tubers die within 24 hours

– first they “lose” their appetite, then they stop moving, and as a result they die.

Mechanism of action

Treating potatoes before planting against the Colorado potato beetle forms a kind of chemical protection for its surface. Getting into the sprouts and young shoots, the active substance rises with them to the surface, leaving the tubers free from its effects. Imidacloprid begins its work upon contact with an insect or upon entry into its digestive organs, having a detrimental effect on the nervous system.

The duration of the plant protection period is up to forty-five days in any weather conditions. The presence of the drug in potato leaves, and not on their surface, ensures that the substance works even during the rainy season.

After contact or ingestion of the active substance into the body of an insect, the pest quickly loses the ability to move and the ability to feed due to the chemical effect on the organs of the nervous system that the drug “Taboo” has for processing potatoes. Consumer reviews claim that the death of Colorado potato beetles occurs within 24 hours.

Benefits of Taboo VSK

This insecticide is highly effective - it is enough to treat the planting material once before planting in the beds

. It is not washed away by watering and rain, and the effectiveness of Taboo is not affected by a sharp change in air temperature. When preparing the solution, the drug does not generate dust; it dissolves completely in water, without sediment. One Tabu ampoule (10 ml) is enough to prepare a solution for treating more than 120 kg of tubers.

Photo of the appearance of Taboo from the Colorado potato beetle

For large farms, it is more profitable to purchase this insecticide packaged in canisters with a capacity of 1 and 5 liters.

This drug protects potato plantings for a month from the moment of germination of planting material (but not more than 1.5 months). The drug is contained in the cellular tissues of leaves and stems for 2 months, then removed from the plants. Tabu is not toxic if the dosage and rules for its use when processing potatoes are followed.


You should not treat planting material of those potato varieties with this chemical preparation whose tuber ripening period does not exceed 2 months from the moment the sprouts appear.

In this case, the active substances included in Taboo do not have time to be removed from the tubers and can cause poisoning of the human body.

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How to prepare a working solution for treating tubers

Tabu in its instructions and rules for use contains information about the stages of creating a solution for potatoes. Doses must be taken taking into account the amount of planting material being processed. For 100 kg of tubers, it is necessary to dilute 8 ml of the product in 1 thousand ml.

Advice! There is no sediment in the solution, but the manufacturer recommends stirring the drug from time to time before use. A flow-through machine for distributing the finished solution is as good as a sprayer.

Taboo from the Colorado potato beetle - instructions for use of the product

The main convenience of this drug is that when processing potato tubers you can immediately see which of them have already been Taboo applied.

. The skin of the processed potatoes immediately turns reddish. You can process planting material directly in the holes, while simultaneously protecting the tubers and soil.

To treat this vegetable crop with the drug Tabu against the Colorado potato beetle, 16 ml of insecticide is required for every 2 liters of water

. In this case, the planting material is processed immediately before planting. 2 liters of the prepared solution is enough to process 200 kg of potatoes. Processing is carried out once.

Treating tubers before planting

The drug "Tabu" for processing potatoes (instructions for use are included in the package) is used for treating tubers by spraying.

Classic hand or pump sprayers are used, depending on the scale of the work.

Preparing the working solution is not difficult. Being highly soluble in water, the concentrate forms a stable suspension that does not precipitate. The working solution use time is 24 hours.

Consumption rate of the drug: 10 ml of concentrate/1.25 l of water.

Consumption rate of working solution: 1.25 l/125 kg of potatoes.

For ease of work, seed potatoes are laid out in one row on plastic film. When spraying tubers, their surface turns pink, which allows for thorough processing of all seed material by turning the potatoes over. It is ready for planting after drying.

Precautionary measures

This drug is quite toxic, therefore, from the moment the solution is prepared until the end of processing and planting of the tubers, certain precautions must be observed:

  • containers in which the drug is diluted must be disposable. After use, they should be destroyed or thrown away;
  • from the moment of preparing the solution until the end of processing, you should be in a protective suit, protect your nose and mouth with a respirator or gauze bandage, and put on rubberized gloves on your hands;
  • During treatment, it is prohibited to eat, drink and smoke;
  • Upon completion of work, you should take a bath and rinse your mouth with water.

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What to do in case of poisoning

The person must leave the area in which Taboo is used, carefully remove the respirator, goggles, and protective clothing. If Taboo gets into the stomach, rinse your mouth, drink activated charcoal, then water and induce vomiting

Afterwards, drink activated charcoal again with a small amount of water. And then take a saline laxative to cleanse the intestines.

If Taboo gets on your skin, you should rinse your skin with plenty of water. If it is impossible to wash the skin at the moment, then you need to remove the dirt with cotton wool. Then wash the skin with soapy water. If tabu gets into your eyes, you also need to rinse your eyes with plenty of running water. And then call a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

There are a number of advantages when using the drug:

  1. It's convenient to work with him. Since the drug is sold in the form of a concentrated aqueous suspension, it is easy to dilute it to make a working solution. Its difference from bulk substances is that it does not form dust and does not settle as sediment at the bottom.
  2. The preparation contains elements that help the solution to be evenly sprayed over the tuber and not run off.
  3. The fact that where Taboo is applied the potatoes turn pink is very convenient. This way you can see which part of the tuber the drug was applied to and which not.
  4. Tabu easily destroys potato pests.

Taboo has only one drawback - it is toxic.

Taboo and Taboo VSK

Both drugs: “Tabu” and “Tabu VSK” are sold by. The company produces pesticides for agricultural enterprises and private farms.

The composition is sold in the form of a concentrated aqueous suspension. For enterprises and industrial use, 5 liter canisters are sold. and 1 l. And for gardeners they sell Tabu VSK in small bottles with a capacity of 10 ml.

This volume is sufficient for one-time use. There is a taboo when planting potatoes, reviews from gardeners are positive, people like the fact that a 10 ml bottle is enough to process 125 kg of potatoes or 1 hundred square meters of vegetable garden.

Compatibility with other tools

Not all potato varieties can be sprayed with Taboo. It is not recommended to process early varieties, since their root growth period is shorter than the duration of the Taboo.

Tabu cannot protect potatoes from fungal diseases, so it is mixed with fungicides:

  • Vial Trustom - the drug protects potatoes from rot and other fungal diseases;
  • Vitaros;
  • Bunker;

After pouring any of the fungicides into the Tabu solution, mix the mixture thoroughly.

Which product is better Prestige or Taboo

Tabu is a relatively new insecticidal drug, so many vegetable growers do not dare to use it to combat wireworms and Colorado potato beetles in potato beds, preferring to use “Prestige” for these purposes.

When comparing these insecticides, the following should be noted:

  • the period of protection for potatoes with Prestige is 37 days, and for another substance – 1.5 months;
  • Tabu is also used for soil treatment, unlike in “Prestige”;
  • Prestige can be used to control pests and diseases, unlike Taboo;
  • Potatoes treated with Prestige grow better and faster.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any insecticide, it has its positive and negative sides.

Among the features are:

  • the pest dies after 20-24 hours;
  • the drug works not only against the Colorado potato beetle, but also against wireworms and aphids;
  • lack of phytotoxicity (you don’t have to worry about crop poisoning);
  • clear instructions;
  • beetles do not get used to the poison, so the product can be used next year;
  • the drug can be used both for treating tubers and tops;
  • thanks to the dye, the treated area of ​​the beds is clearly visible;
  • rain, heat or frost will not affect the effectiveness of Taboo.

There are quite a lot of positive aspects. But despite this, there are also disadvantages that are worth knowing about. Taboo is quite expensive. For example, a 1-liter canister will cost about 1,000 rubles. Also, small bottles have an inconvenient volume for preparing a solution.

Drug Taboo for the Colorado potato beetle - reviews of those who have used the product

Olga, 50 years old, Nizhny Novgorod: Last year I treated potato tubers and sprayed the bottom of trenches against the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm. I want to say that as a result there were no such pests; the tops and the harvested crop had no visible damage from these pests. I will continue to use Taboo in the future.

Natalya, 48 years old, Barnaul region: I can say the following about Tabu - the drug is very effective, preparing the solution and processing potatoes is very simple. The only drawback of the drug, in my opinion, is its cost.

Oleg, 44 years old, Tula: After treatment with the Tabu insecticide, Colorado potato beetles completely disappeared from the potato beds. But I have a nagging doubt: maybe the use of this insecticide is not so safe. Maybe it accumulates in the tubers that we then eat?

Elena, 56 years old, Kazan: In my opinion, Tabu is a very effective drug. I don’t see any disadvantages to this insecticide.

Despite the fact that the Tabu insecticide is a relatively new drug, today its effectiveness in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm is not questioned by those vegetable growers who have used the drug on their plots at least once.

Treatment of furrows or holes when planting

The method of treating the soil before planting is an innovative solution that makes it possible to implement the Tabu preparation for processing potatoes. Reviews about this method are only positive, as it significantly reduces the consumption of the drug without reducing its effectiveness.

In this case, other consumption rates are used to prepare the working solution.

Consumption rate of the drug: 4 ml of concentrate/10 l of water.

Consumption rate of working solution: 10 l/100 m2 area.

Taboo TRIO from the Colorado potato beetle - instructions for use from the manufacturer

Comprehensive protection of potatoes from diseases, Colorado potato beetles, wireworms and weather stress.

Active ingredient: 500 g/l imidacloprid + 75 g/l fludioxonil + 500 mg/l colloidal silver.

Preparative form: VSK - aqueous suspension concentrate (Tabu), SK - suspension concentrate (Sinclair), VR - aqueous solution (Zerebra Agro).

Manufacturer: TABU ® TRIO - registered trademark of JSC, Russia.

Security measures:

Carry out the treatment in the absence of children and animals.

Work in clothing specially designed for this purpose, rubber boots, gloves and a respirator. After work, you need to take off your overalls and take a shower.

Store the drug separately from medications, food and animal feed in a dry, cool place out of reach of children and animals.

What kind of remedy?

Tabu is a remedy from the Russian manufacturer August, which helps protect potatoes from wireworms and the Colorado potato beetle. In addition, gardeners have found that it also repels other pests, including the fall armyworm, aphids, leafhoppers, Swedish and Hessian flies. In addition to potato tubers, it is recommended to treat the seeds of the following plants with the product:

  • rapeseed;
  • sunflower;
  • corn;
  • wheat;
  • soy;
  • flax;
  • sugar beets.

The drug is available in the form of a concentrated aqueous suspension, colored pink. During processing, potatoes are covered with a special film, which dries on the skin and remains unchanged, repelling dangerous pests.

Tabu is produced in large containers - plastic canisters with a capacity of 1 liter and 5 liters. Sold in specialized gardening stores. The approximate price depends on the volume of the container:

  • 1 liter canister – 900-1000 rubles;
  • 5 liter canister – 4500-4700 rubles.

The drug can be purchased in bulk, as it has a long shelf life - 3 years at temperatures from -10°C to +40°C. After this time, the product should not be used, as it loses all its properties

In addition, it is important to consider that after opening it becomes ineffective in a short time

Features of the drug

  1. “Tabu” can be effective up to 45 days from the moment of planting the potato tubers treated with it.
  2. By taking such pre-planting measures, you can significantly save your time and money, since there is no need to make additional trips to the site to carry out spraying against the Colorado potato beetle.
  3. The finished suspension is quite dense, which allows it to be evenly distributed over the surface of the seed tubers.
  4. This drug controls the activity of aphids and leafhoppers, which are the main carriers of viral diseases, for a month.
  5. “Tabu” is allowed for use with the following fungicides: “Vitaros”, “Vialom Tras T”, “Bunker”, “TMTD VSK”. If it is necessary to use other drugs in combination, it is necessary to first check for compatibility.
  6. The active ingredient, imidacloprid, is not the most “popular”, so the likelihood of a pest becoming accustomed to it is quite low. But in order to reduce the risk of developing resistance, it is recommended to alternate “Taboo” with disinfectants from another chemical class.
  7. The cost of one bottle with a capacity of 10 ml in online stores ranges from 100-130 rubles, for 1 liter the price is about 6800-7000 rubles. This is somewhat more expensive compared to other insecticidal treatments, but the result is well worth the cost.

The drug "Taboo" should be stored only in hermetically sealed original packaging. As a storage location, you must choose a room that will not be accessible to children and animals. Ideally, this should be a warehouse specifically designed for storing insecticides. The storage temperature in the selected room should be between -10°C and +40°C. The unused working solution must be disposed of one day after preparation - storing it is strictly prohibited!

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in working with the Tabu drug. Follow the instructions and observe safety rules when preparing working fluid and processing planting material. Let your garden be free from pests and have good harvests!

“Taboo” for processing potatoes: harm to humans

How to correctly use “Taboo” for potatoes? The harm to humans will be significant if the established precautions are not followed. First of all, a person working with such a chemical must take care of his uniform. You will need a thick suit, gloves, a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage.

Important! After working with the substance, you should wash the skin of your hands and face with laundry or other soap containing an antiseptic.

“Taboo” should not be allowed to come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, otherwise it may cause intoxication, because the active component of the drug is a poison.

According to experts, this product is not absorbed into new potato tubers, so eating vegetables treated before planting is absolutely safe for human health.

Important! It is strictly prohibited to eat, drink or smoke during processing.

If this chemical is ingested, even a small amount will cause intoxication.

  • dizziness;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • gag reflexes.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

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