About the tomato effect: description of the variety, characteristics of tomatoes, sowing

Tomato Effect: characteristics and description of the variety

Nightshade crop Effect f1 is a hybrid tomato variety intended for growing in open garden beds. The plant has determinant properties, which determines the height of the bush to be no more than 80 cm.

After the emergence of seedlings, it takes about 4 months for the fruits to ripen. However, the ability to bear fruit for a long time provides vegetable growers with tasty fresh vegetables before frost.

Tomatoes The effect should be placed in an area well and evenly lit by the sun. Warm sunny days are the main condition for the successful uniform ripening of fruits endowed with sweet juice.

Note! Manufacturers note the possibility of canning its fruits, processing them into tomato juice and tomato paste.

Features of cultivation

The hybrid tomato Yaki F1 was specially adapted by the developers of this variety for growing in open ground. An unpretentious, cold-resistant tomato, suitable for industrial cultivation in vegetable farms. Gives friendly crop shoots, i.e. Most of the fruits ripen almost simultaneously.

The yield of this hybrid is 7-8 kg per 1 m2, which exceeds the yield of its closest competitors.

Direct sowing of tomatoes of this variety in the ground is not recommended, since the growing season of the plant is lengthened and the yield is reduced. In addition, under such conditions it is impossible to obtain an early harvest. Yaki F1 tomato seeds are sown 6-8 weeks from the last expected frost date in the region. Sowing is carried out in illuminated warm rooms, heated greenhouses or greenhouses.

Optimal germination of sprouts occurs after 7-14 days at constant soil moisture and temperature. An important point for obtaining healthy and fertile tomato seedlings is the optimal combination of humidity and temperature. A description of the requirements for water quality for irrigation and soil moisture is given in the table.

Soil moistureWater quality requirements for irrigation
transplanting65-75% NVacidsabsence
beginning of fruit formation76-82% NVimpuritiesabsence
first fees70-80% NVtotal salt content1100-1300 mg/l
end of growing season85% NVpH environmentclose to neutral
oxygen saturationmaximum

Planting of ready-made tomato seedlings is carried out according to the 50 x 40 cm scheme, 3-4 plant bushes per 1 m2. It is possible to plant up to 6 bushes per 1m2.

To obtain abundant harvests, the correct selection of a site for planting is also necessary. It must be remembered that it is ineffective to plant the Yaki F1 hybrid on the ground after vegetable crops such as onions, potatoes, cabbage, and eggplants.

Rules for growing tomatoes Effect

Strong seedlings with a powerful root system are the key to a good harvest. Such seedlings are obtained only if they are provided with a full range of nutritional components, which they receive from a single source - the soil.

Planting seedlings

To grow Effect tomatoes, the seedling method is used. They begin planting seeds in the second half of March. Sequence of planting stages:

  • the soil substrate is prepared in the fall. Recommended composition of the soil mixture: turf soil, peat, river sand or peat (or turf), humus, taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Instead of peat, compost or deciduous soil can be used;
  • Before planting the seeds, the prepared soil is disinfected. This can be done in winter by exposing the prepared substrate to frost several times, or using disinfectants, for example, watering with a solution of 3 g of manganese in 10 liters of water. In this case, you need to add drugs whose action is directed against fungal infection pathogens;
  • seeds should be planted in moist soil to a depth of no more than 2 cm. The distance between seeds is 2-3 cm. The container is covered with film or glass, providing the seeds with greenhouse conditions. The room should be maintained at a stable temperature within 25°C;
  • After the shoots emerge, remove the film (glass) from the container. The room temperature should be maintained at 25°C for a week to allow the sprouts to adapt. Then it is gradually reduced by 4-5 degrees;
  • during the period of growth and development of seedlings, daylight hours should be increased by 2-3 hours, using electric lighting;
  • seedlings should be gradually adapted to street conditions. To do this, the containers are taken outside, gradually increasing the time they spend in the fresh air. In good weather conditions, seedlings that have fully adapted to weather conditions do not need to be brought indoors.

With the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, the seedlings are plucked. Spacious planting containers are prepared for plant transplantation. In such conditions, the plants will be provided with a sufficient volume of nutrient substrate for the development of the root system and the entire plant as a whole.

Hybrid characteristics

An early-ripening, semi-determinate f1 tomato is intended for growing mainly in film and polycarbonate greenhouses, and in open beds. Seeds of Dutch selection. It takes 50–60 days from planting seedlings in the ground to harvesting. The bush requires gartering and shaping.

The height of the plant at maturity reaches a height of 1.7 meters. The root system is highly developed, the branches are powerful. One plant produces 8–9 clusters of fruits.

When ripe, tomatoes weigh 170–250 grams, so branches with fruits need to be tied up. One bunch will bear from 3 to 7 fruits at the same time. The fruits are smooth, slightly flattened, shiny. Mature ones have a bright red color; there is no green spot on the stalk. The taste is sweet, with sourness. The pulp is dense and juicy with a small number of small seeds.

Fruits of universal use. Reviews say that they are used to make juices, sauces and pastes. Marinated, salted and dried for seasoning. And excellent transportable qualities help tomatoes to be successfully sold in markets and stores. As you can see, this hybrid has solid positive qualities.

Caring for plants in the ground

Grown, fully formed seedlings are prepared for planting in the garden in mid-May. Warm weather conditions and soil well warmed by the sun will contribute to the rapid growth of tomato seedlings.

The main care of tomato seedlings consists of watering, loosening, removing weeds and applying fertilizer.

Excessive humidity has a negative effect on tomato planting Effect. It slows down the pollination of flowers and causes them to fall off.

Important! High humidity promotes the development of fungal diseases and late blight on fruits. The yield of the bush decreases sharply.

Effect tomatoes are described in the description as a determinate variety. The height of an adult bush reaches 80 cm. A strong compact plant can do without a garter, however, support will provide it with better growth conditions.


  1. Among the varieties and hybrids, you can select tomatoes with high yield (super yield) and desired properties. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new hybrids (capable of self-pollinating) in your garden, but don’t give up proven varieties either.
  2. In heated greenhouses with an extended growing period, it is more profitable to plant indeterminate hybrids that continuously set fruit. Caring for them includes fertilizing, regular tying and pinching.
  3. High-yielding tomato varieties will show the best results in greenhouse conditions, with good feeding and proper care.

Read about Adam cucumber seeds here.

Description of the tomato variety Effect, its characteristics and yield

Tomato Effect started on the seed market in 2008 from the originator Agrofirm Poisk. The tomato was highly appreciated by vegetable growers and considered ideal for fresh salads. Seed producers give the following characteristics and description of the variety:

  • mid-season (115-120 days);
  • determinate bush (65-80 cm);
  • yield up to 5 kg/m2;
  • resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and Alternaria;
  • the tomatoes are tasty, sweet with a slight sourness, medium density;
  • salad;
  • the fruit is small (80-100 g), bright red, smooth, round;
  • universal (for open and protected ground).

The tomato has become widespread mainly as a tomato for fresh vegetable cuttings, although reviews from vegetable growers about canning are also positive.

Taste and technical characteristics

The Yaki F1 tomato variety has good taste and aroma. The dense, fleshy consistency allows you to obtain high-quality tomato paste during factory processing. The thick skin retains a pleasant taste and firmly holds the shape of the tomato in brine and marinades, in slices and homemade salads.

The Yaki F1 tomato also earned rave reviews from housewives for its sugary pulp. Sauces, purees and ketchups made from these tomatoes are tasty and beautiful. Yaki F1 is easily transported and stored. After being removed from the root, unripe tomatoes can be stored for 1.5-2 months in a cool place or in the refrigerator.


Tomato The effect is mid-season, the yield is not very high, about 5 kg/m2, but this is typical for tasty salad varieties. The plant spends all its energy to produce juicy tomatoes, losing slightly in yield to other less tasty varieties for canning. Fruiting is reliable and stable until the onset of cold weather.


In mid-March, seedlings are sown. The soil mixture is prepared nutritious and loose.

It is best to take garden soil from the future garden bed as a basis.

This will make it easier for the seedlings to adapt after transplantation. You need to add organic components to the soil: compost, humus. For looseness and lightness, add a little sawdust, peat and sand.

Sawdust should always be steamed with boiling water before use.

The soil is brought into a warm place at least a day before sowing the seedlings and watered with boiling water.

Seeds are planted to a depth of 10 mm at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The boxes are covered with film and placed in a warm place. The optimal germination temperature for tomato seeds is 24-25 ℃. When the shoots appear, the film is removed and the temperature must be reduced to 20-21 ℃. Tomatoes The effect is ensured by illumination with fluorescent lamps for 2-3 evening hours so that the sprouts do not stretch out.

After 1-2 true leaves appear, the tomatoes dive.

If space allows, it is better to transplant each sprout into a separate pot with a volume of 2-3 liters.

This will allow the plant to develop a normal root system and make it easier to transplant to the beds. Water the tomatoes moderately, allowing the soil to dry sufficiently, but not allowing the sprouts to wilt. Seedlings are fed 1-2 times with complex mineral fertilizers or mullein infusion.

Hardening of seedlings

If the weather is good and the temperature rises to 20-24 ℃ during the day, then at the age of 5 weeks the seedlings can begin to harden. First, the plants are taken out for 30-40 minutes during the warmest hours, shaded from direct sunlight. Every day the time is increased by 1-2 hours. During the second week, the seedlings are accustomed to direct sunlight. Temperatures below 14-15 ℃ are undesirable for tomatoes; during cold weather, you can simply arrange long-term ventilation.

If the weather permits, during the third week of hardening the plants are left outside around the clock. Depending on the region, transplanting seedlings is possible from mid-May to early June, at the age of 60-65 days.

Effect tomatoes belong to the determinant type of growth, so they do not need a garter. The height of plants usually does not exceed 65-80 cm. No more than 3-4 plants are planted per 1 m2. It is useful to mulch the soil with sawdust or peat; this will eliminate the need for frequent loosening.

Water the tomatoes sparingly, allowing the top layer of soil to dry. This will give the plant a signal to develop the root system and not overgrow the green mass to the detriment of yield. Increase watering only when fruit is filling.

Agrotechnics of cultivation and characteristics of the tomato variety Dobry F1

Tomato F1 Dobry is intended for cultivation in closed ground. The variety is distinguished by disease resistance, taste and high yield.

Characteristics of the variety

Tomato Dobry F1 belongs to the first generation hybrids. The creation of hybrids is aimed at obtaining the best qualities and plant resistance to diseases of nightshade crops. The variety is suitable for growing indoors under film coverings due to its long growing season.

The characteristics and description of the variety make it stand out among the assortment of tomatoes. The tasty fruits of the plant are suitable for preparing summer salads and as an ingredient in various dishes.


  • Tomato bushes reach 2 m in height.
  • Large dark green leaves are located on long stems.
  • Tomatoes of this variety have a round shape and a smooth surface.
  • Dense, flat-rounded fruits are red in color when ripe, reaching a weight of 170 g.

The tomato variety Dobry F1 ripens 110-120 days after emergence. The yield of the variety is 10-13 kg per area of ​​1 m².

Agricultural technology for growing seedlings

Tomatoes are cultivated by seedlings, which ensure a high-quality fruit harvest. To obtain seedlings that are resistant to many diseases, before sowing the seeds, they are treated in a solution of potassium permanganate. An aqueous solution is prepared by dissolving 1 g of drug crystals in 1 glass of water.

Then the seeds are treated in a solution of complex mineral fertilizer (Nitroammofoski) for 2 hours. Before sowing, the seeds are hardened. To do this, they are placed in a warm place for a day, and then kept in the cold for 2 days.

The substrate is poured into the prepared containers, moistened and compacted. The seeds are planted at a distance of 2 cm from each other, buried 1.5 cm into the soil. The tray is covered with plastic film to create a steam effect. This allows you to speed up the emergence of seedlings.

Watering the seedlings should be carried out depending on the condition of the top layer of soil. It is better to moisturize using a drip method using a spray bottle. During the process of growing planting material, you need to monitor the temperature regime.

As soon as the first three leaves appear, pick up the seedlings. After transplantation, the plant is fed with a solution of complex fertilizer. To do this, 15 g of Nitroammophoska is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Before transferring to the greenhouse, they are treated with Boric acid.

Cultivating plants in greenhouse conditions

For planting vegetables, the greenhouse structure is prepared before the start of the season. To do this, the premises are disinfected by fumigating with sulfur, which protects the plants from the influence of pathogenic fungi. A bleach solution is used as a disinfectant.

The soil is replaced at intervals of 5 years. Anyone who has grown tomatoes knows that in order to increase productivity, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions and provide heated soil using sawdust and compost.

The crop is planted in April. To do this, holes 15 cm deep are first prepared. To preserve the root system, the seedlings are watered with water before planting.

The plant is placed up to the first leaf. Elongated seedlings are planted at an angle, which ensures the formation of additional roots and strengthens the plant. The soil is compacted around the stem, and the bushes are sprayed with a mixture of slaked lime or copper sulfate.

To grow a high yield, tomatoes of this variety are tied to a trellis or stakes. To quickly ripen the fruits, you need to remove red tomatoes from the branches in time.

Those who have planted tomatoes advise adhering to the rules of care. Plants must be watered, periodically fed, the greenhouse ventilated and the temperature maintained at + 25 °C.

Evaluation of varieties by gardeners

Those who have planted Dobry tomatoes note their excellent taste and the plant’s resistance to the tobacco mosaic virus and fusarium. Positive reviews about the quality of the fruits contribute to the spread of the hybrid variety of tomatoes in the garden plots of vegetable growers.

Maria Sheveleva, 45 years old, Bryansk:

“Among the many varieties that are cultivated in my greenhouse, these tomatoes take pride of place. Like every crop, a tomato requires compliance with the rules of care. I’ll tell you that during fruiting this bush is strewn with clusters of bright red fruits, from which a delicate aroma emanates.”


The best varieties of tomatoes for 2022: photos and descriptions

When choosing tomatoes for their plot, gardeners, first of all, rely on varietal or hybrid characteristics. Productivity is the most important criterion on which the quantity and quality of the harvest depends. Sometimes it can be difficult to choose the right option from the rich variety of tomatoes for open ground and greenhouses. Then varieties are selected depending on the growing region, ripening period, degree of disease resistance and other factors.

Tomato Novichok

Mid-early, productive, determinate tomato variety for open ground and temporary film shelters.

The bush is compact, medium-leafed, 0.5-0.8 meters high. Medium sized leaf, green. The first flower cluster is placed above the 6-7th leaf, subsequent ones every 1-2 leaves.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are oval, smooth, dense, rich red in color at maturity, weighing 80-100 grams, good tomato taste. These tomatoes are ideal for pickling, canning and drying. They are durable and tolerate transportation well; they are also resistant to overripening and mechanical damage.

Yield of tomato Novichok: up to 3 kg of fruit from 1 plant (subject to agricultural practices).

This variety is included in the State Register for the Lower Volga region for cultivation in open ground. Recommended for one-time mechanical cleaning and for the canning industry.

Features of growing tomatoes Beginner, planting and care

You need to sow the seeds of this tomato for seedlings 55-60 days before the intended planting in the ground. It is necessary to plant it in a permanent place in open ground after the threat of return frosts has passed. Or install arcs and cover the plantings with covering material.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, weed removal, pinching and preventive measures to protect the crop from diseases and pests.

Planting pattern: 70 x 30-40 cm. Planting density: up to 6 plants per 1 sq.m.

The variety is characterized by uniform fruit ripening and disease resistance.

The tomato variety Novichok pink differs from this variety only in the pink color of the fruits. All other characteristics are the same.

Tomatoes Novichok on video

If you grew Novichok tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not.

Will you grow them again? How do you rate the disease resistance of this variety? What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? Briefly describe what, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato. If possible, attach to the comment a photo of the entire bush as a whole or individual fruits that you grew. Thank you!

This is a natural variety of tomato. Therefore, we recommend taking seeds from a ripe fruit and growing them again next season!

Varieties for open ground

A huge number of species with excellent yields are intended for growing vegetables in the open air. Low-growing bushes with large fruits are one of the advantages of tomatoes for the soil. Such heat-loving plants are easier to care for and do not require complex agricultural practices.

According to ripening period

Tomatoes, like other vegetable crops, are characterized by different ripening periods, from early to late.

The ripening time, color and shape of tomatoes depends on the variety.

Usually early-ripening vegetables with not large fruits and not a large harvest, but with a quick, friendly yield of ripe tomatoes. Mid-season ones also have medium sizes. Late ones are usually difficult to care for, but it is among them that you can find champions in weight, but there are not many such beauties on the bush.

By growing region

Every year, breeders create new species with high quality indicators. In stores you can buy specialized varieties of tomatoes designed for growing in certain climatic conditions. Classification by regions of Russia:

  • for the Moscow region: Champion, Sweet Bunch, Honey, Pink Elephant, Fireworks, Bull's forehead;
  • for the southern regions: Torch, Novice, Titan, Winner, Bison, Ermak, Gift, Mikado;
  • for the middle zone: Bull's Heart, Black Prince, Uzbek (Yusupov), Moskvichka, Snowdrop, Big Brother, Spasskaya Tower;
  • for Siberia: Siberian heavyweight, Ultra early ripening, Sanka, Abakan pink;
  • for the Urals: Coin, Bull's Heart, Button, Countryman, Yellow Buyan, Bullfinch, Demidov;
  • for the far north: Snowy Tale, Ballerina, Ladyfingers, Berdsky Large, Countryman, Oak, Gina.

An unpredictable, cold or, conversely, excessively warm climate is not a reason to refuse to grow tomatoes in open ground. Thanks to selection, varieties have been developed that grow and develop well in any terrain.

According to disease resistance

To obtain a rich harvest, you need to choose tomato varieties not only with the appropriate characteristics. It is necessary that this criterion be supplemented by such an indicator as disease resistance.

Late blight, root rot, tobacco mosaic, cladosporiosis are diseases that most often affect plantings of heat-loving crops.

A catalog of tomatoes that can withstand the onslaught of various diseases:

  • Blitz;
  • Koenigsberg;
  • Geisha;
  • Betta,
  • Anyuta;
  • Bohemia;
  • Chio-chio-san;
  • Tatiana;
  • Puzata hut;
  • Lights of Moscow;
  • Yablonka Russia;
  • Crimson giant.

Unfortunately, there are no varieties that are 100% resistant to infections. But there are hybrids that produce a harvest until the active phase of many fungal diseases and infections begins.

The most unusual varieties of tomatoes

Some of these varieties can withstand the harsh climate of the Urals very well, so why are they worth planting?

Brad's Atomic Grape

First of all, he is simply handsome! And for this alone he is worth imprisoning.

New selection from Brad Gates in 2016. Mid-season, tall, exotic variety of indeterminate type for greenhouses and open ground, 1.8 meters high, in open ground lower. The fruits are plum-shaped, ranging in size from large grapes to plums, with a fruity, sweet taste. Disease resistant

Reviews on foreign websites say that they take a long time to ripen, but they last well after harvesting in the fall at low temperatures with a small percentage of spoilage. They do not fall off the bush, but it can be difficult to understand when it is ripe. The taste is described as fantastic.

It is interesting that on our websites this variety is described as mid-season, on foreign websites as late. I will plant it in two trunks and try to plant it both in a greenhouse and in open ground for comparison.

Heart of Ashgabat (Heart Ashgabat)

I love hearty tomatoes)

An ancient variety, first mentioned in the 60s in the Turkmen SSR, since then the number of fans of the variety has been steadily growing.

Mid-early variety, semi-determinate, standard, height 110-140 cm, from the moment of planting to the ripening of the first fruits you need to wait 100-110 days. Resistant to fungal diseases, high yield, tasty, few seeds. Sensitive to light and thermal conditions, demanding of fertilizing. The weight of the fruit is 400-600 grams, they are stored for a long time and are well stored. It sets well even in extreme heat; I think in our conditions it needs to be placed in protected ground.

Irish liqueur

Tall, mid-early, productive, indeterminate (1-1.2 meters) variety. Fruit weight is 200-250 grams (can reach 400 grams),

Very tasty, sugary, sweet. It is better if these tomatoes are allowed to ripen on the bush.

It is demanding on garter and temperature conditions, does not lie well, does not like excess moisture. For protected ground.

I would like to clarify that almost all green-fruited varieties do not store well and they are more likely for fresh consumption, because... in processing they spread. Although it can be used for juice.

Wolford Wonder

Another beautiful, hearty tomato)

Tall (up to 2 meters), mid-season, indeterminate. The fruits weigh 200-300 grams, juicy, sweet, have few seeds, bear fruit well until frost. Lays well, perfect for thick juices and sauces. Demanding of nutritious soil and a sunny place, thermophilic.

Purple Fairy / or Purple Prudence

Indeterminate (up to 2 meters and above), early, fruit weight 60-100 grams, dense, tasty, marmalade-like (good for pickling), bears fruit until frost. A productive variety for greenhouses and open ground.


Indeterminate (up to 1.3 m), mid-season. Fruits are 150-300 grams or more. Golden with blush. Meaty, sweet. Demanding on warmth and light. He's just wonderful)

Paul Robeson

Brought out by Russian breeders despite the foreign name. Stores well, tasty, sweet, meaty. High-yielding, disease-resistant, it is better to grow in two trunks.

By the way: black tomatoes are suitable for those who are allergic to red ones.

Indeterminate, weight up to 500 grams, the skin is dense, which guarantees the absence of cracks and deformation of the fruit.

Brad's Black Heart

And again a hearty tomato)

Indeterminate, tall variety (1.80 m).

Tolerates temperature changes well and is unpretentious. The fruits ripen well after being picked from the bush, weight 200-300 grams, but can reach a weight of 1 kg, very productive. Fleshy, dense, sweet with exotic notes, good for juices and sauces.

Nature's Riddle

Indeterminate (from 1.5 m to 2 m), fruits weighing from 300 to 800 grams, sweet, yellow on top - pink inside, thin skin. Russian selection. Good for sauces, juice. A very productive variety.

The most beautiful magical variety, I have already planted it and will continue to plant it)

Grandma Viney's Yellow and Pink

Indeterminate (1.2-1.5 meters), beautiful, very productive, very tasty, honey-like. The weight of the fruits is 300-500 grams, I grow them in a greenhouse. It is better to plant on the sunny side

This is already my favorite tomato - I will be growing it for the second year and I am sure that I will continue to grow it in the future.

Varieties for greenhouse cultivation

Having a good greenhouse at your disposal, you can get fresh tomatoes to your table all year round. Greenhouse varieties are suitable for preparing salads or canning. Excellent salad tomatoes can be obtained from the following varieties:

  • Geisha;
  • Fairy gift;
  • Andromeda;
  • Eagle beak;
  • Pink Angel;
  • Pink Pearl;
  • Fatalist;
  • Scarlet caravel;
  • Amana orange

The best varieties for preservation:

  • Auria;
  • Banana legs;
  • Pink raisins;
  • Rajah;
  • Baba;
  • Alexander the Great.

Cherries are sweet, small tomatoes that grow well both outdoors and in a greenhouse, but small-fruited vegetables tend to be more productive in protected beds. Magic Harp F1 and Yellow Caramel F1 are hybrids whose fruit weight does not exceed 25 g.


“Maximum benefits - minimum calories” - this is how nutritionists characterize the herbaceous plant Solanaceae. The low energy value of tomatoes makes it possible to include the product in the diet of people suffering from obesity. Unlike relatives in the family, which accumulate toxic alkaloids in the pulp, tomatoes contain them in smaller quantities (5 times).

Types of tomatoes by shape:

  1. Fleshy. This is the most delicious type, the distinctive feature of which is the large size of the vegetable. Used for making salads.
  2. Round. A characteristic feature is the correct shape, which gives the product a beautiful presentation. They are used in cooking for stuffing and preparing dishes that highlight the ideal shape of the vegetable.
  3. Cream tomatoes. They are medium in size, elongated in shape, and have an exquisite taste. Chefs use the product to make sauces, seasonings and preserves.
  4. Cherry tomatoes. These are small tomatoes, the size of a nut, which are added whole to salads and appetizers to emphasize the delicacy of the dish. Unlike their larger counterparts, the dry matter content in them is 2 times higher. Thus, when consuming the same amount of ordinary tomatoes and cherry tomatoes, in the second case the human body will receive 2 times more antioxidants, sugars, and vitamins.

Cream tomatoes are valued lower than round representatives of the nightshade family. At the same time, the laurels of primacy belong to small cherry and fleshy varieties, which have an attractive appearance (the first) and an unusually sweet taste (the second).

Variety of tomatoes by ripening time:

  1. Ultra-early ripening (80-85 days). As a rule, superdeterminate tomatoes belong to this species. The fruit pulp is not sweet due to the fact that the crop grows in short daylight hours. Ultra-early ripening fruits include the following varieties: Zhavoronok F1, Olya F, Cherry Potok F1, Sanka, Children's sweetness.
  2. Early ripening (90-95 days). This group includes medium-sized determinate varieties and low standard tomatoes. Popular hybrids: Leopold F1, Prima Donna F1, Leader of the Redskins, Tsar Bell.
  3. Mid-early (100-103 days). They are grown under temporary film cover, in a greenhouse or in open ground, placing the beds on the south side of the site. Common varieties: Verlioka plus F1, Moscow delicacy, Blagovest F1, Gigant Podmoskovya.
  4. Mid-season (100-115 days). To ripen the crop, the fruits require more sunlight than early varieties of tomatoes. Mid-season varieties include: Siberian Miracle, Uhazher, Budenovka, Koenigsberg, French Grozdevoy, Kostroma F1.
  5. Late ripening (120-130 days). The best option for growing tomatoes is a greenhouse. Otherwise, when cultivating a plant in open ground, early frosts can lead to crop loss.

According to their intended purpose, tomatoes are distinguished for fresh consumption (with thin skin, fleshy, juicy, sweet pulp), for processing (they have a dense structure, fleshy with a minimum number of seeds), for canning (with a hard skin, regular shape), universal varieties (possess all listed advantages).

The traditional color of tomatoes is red. Purple, green, orange, yellow, black, white and pink tomatoes are much less common. The following pigments give the characteristic color to the fruits: lycopene, ascorbic acid, alpha and beta carotene, phenols, anthocyanins, anthoxanthins.

The best varieties of tomatoes in terms of taste are “Miracle of the Earth”, “Dina”, “Appetizing”, “Brown Sugar”, “Bull’s Heart” and “Bull’s Brow”.

Description and photos of the best hybrids

For open ground, breeders also offer species with high yields of hybrid origin; they are resistant to diseases and temperature changes. The best tomato varieties of 2020:

  1. Intuition F1 is one of the best tomato hybrids for picking with trusses, mid-season, from germination to harvesting the first vegetables - 110 days.
  2. Katya F1 is an early ripening hybrid. The fruits weigh 90-130 g and ripen simultaneously. From 1 m² you can harvest more than 10 kg of fruit per season.
  3. Search F1 – unpretentious and at the same time tasty tomatoes. The hybrid withstands cold weather and is immune to most diseases. The bushes are strewn with small red fruits, which are excellent for pickling and canning.
  4. Blagovest F1 is an early-ripening hybrid. The fruits are round, glossy, with slightly pronounced ribbing. From one bush you can collect up to 5 kg of fruit.
  5. La la fa F1 - has excellent consumer qualities, high yield and unpretentiousness. The average weight of the fruit is 140-170 g. From 1 m² you can harvest up to 20 kg.
  6. Vladimir F1 - has a high yield and is suitable for cultivation in any type of soil. High productivity throughout the entire fruiting period.
  7. Beef King F1 is an early maturing Dutch hybrid. The tomatoes are round, dense, smooth. From one bush you can collect up to 4-5 kg. Resistant to low temperatures and diseases.
  8. Ashdod F1 – tomatoes with smooth, dense skin. Fruit weight is from 110 to 140 g. The pulp has a bright burgundy color.
  9. Tanya F1 is a hybrid from the Netherlands with excellent immunity, dense structure, and good yield. The fruits have a regular round shape, weighing 150-200 g. They tolerate transportation well.

If the designation on a bag of planting material is F1 – hybrids of tomatoes (or other plants) of the first generation, F2 – of the second, and so on.

Exceptional taste, fruit weight, constant yield, disease resistance, adaptation to weather conditions are the advantages of hybrids over tomato varieties.

Greenhouse tomatoes

Raceme tomatoes, which are collected and sold in bunches, are becoming increasingly popular. These tomatoes include hybrids: Fan, Minusinsky, Vladimir, Fatalist, Volgogradsky.

Their advantages:

  • highly marketable species - the fruits are aligned, in strong clusters;
  • transportability, fruits do not crack;
  • resistance to a number of diseases.

Fatalist F1

Fatalist F1

Ripens on 108-114 days from germination. Indeterminate, medium-sized bush. The leaf is dark green, medium. The first brush is tied above the 9th sheet, the others are laid through 3 sheets, without being twisted. The fruit is flat-round, smooth, dense, red, weighing about 110 g. The taste is good.

Advantages: high yield, marketability, good taste of fruits and keeping quality. Resistant to Fusarium wilt and viral diseases.

Commercial yield (in greenhouses) up to 34.0-38.0 kg/sq.m.

Tomato Fan F1

Used when growing in extended rotation, suitable for low-volume crops. The harvest is harvested 104-112 days from germination. The plant is indeterminate. The first inflorescence is laid over 8-9 leaves, the next ones after 3. The inflorescences do not break. The fruits are round, smooth, red, weighing 100-130 g, good taste. Resistant to diseases.

Vladimir F1

Medium-sized hybrid of indeterminate type. The fruits ripen from 107-115 days from germination. The leaf is dark green. The inflorescence is compact, tied above the 9th leaf, other clusters - after 3. The fruits are red, flat-round, smooth, 110-135 g. The taste is good and excellent. The fruits are marketable, tolerate transportation well, and are shelf-stable.

Features of cultivation

There are no special cultivation rules for the variety. In order for a crop to be pleased with its yield, it is necessary to follow the general principles when growing. Seeds are planted in containers with soil at the end of March. As soon as the first pair of leaves appears, Tonopah is dived.

For good seedling growth, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate temperature regime. For sprouts of this tomato variety to appear, the air must fluctuate between 25 and 27 degrees. When the shoots appear, the temperature is reduced to 20 degrees. Indicators should not be lower than 18 degrees.

When planting tomatoes in open ground, it is recommended to make sure that the threat of frost has passed. For 1 sq. m. of soil should not be more than 4 bushes. A sufficient amount of space will contribute to the rapid growth of bushes and subsequently excellent yields.

Features of growing cocktail tomatoes

  1. The skin of most cocktail tomatoes is dense; overwatering is not as bad for them as for cherry tomatoes.
  2. Ripening is more or less consistent, but tomatoes at the ends of the clusters ripen longer.

Rice. 1 Ampel tomatoes. Photo by gulnara15

  1. Weight - from 30 to 60 g (and a little more). The shape of tomatoes is round, pear-shaped, plum-shaped or teardrop-shaped.
  2. Indets can be formed into 1-2 stems in a greenhouse or 2-3 stems in a greenhouse.
  3. In mid-August we pinch off the top of the main stem, leaving only a couple of leaves at the top. We do not cut off the determinants.
  4. Some cocktail tomatoes require frequent pinching, especially indets.
  5. Where to grow cocktail tomatoes is up to you. They grow equally well both in protected soil and outdoors.

About the features of sowing and caring for crops

It is recommended to sow tomatoes for seedlings a couple of months or even a little less before the time when ground planting is planned. In any case, it is March. Planted at a centimeter or one and a half centimeter depth. Seedlings should be picked when the first true leaves appear. So, plants are ready for open ground when they reach 50 days, for heated greenhouses - in April, and for temporary film shelters - a month later.

The planting pattern for tomatoes is called 70 x 40 cm; when planted in a stable place, each square meter allows for the placement of up to 5 individuals. It is necessary to water rarely, but generously to the very roots. As for fertilizing, they are carried out in the amount of four to five per season. The variety is well suited to procedures such as hilling and loosening.

Despite the fact that the tomato is already ripening before the onset of late blight, it is advisable to organize preventive treatment against it. Her scheme is a three-time procedure with a break of ten days. Appropriate insect and disease control agents are also applied where necessary.

Today, the tomato world is replenished with an increasing number of varieties and hybrids, so it is important to know the purpose of each of them and then make your choice according to your preferences. For those who like ultra-early species, try taking “Bistrenok” f1 seeds for growing.

Agricultural technology

Proper agricultural technology of the variety allows you to grow abundant early harvests. The seed material in the original packaging is already treated and ready for sowing

Do not touch the seeds with your bare hands! Care must be taken, especially when sowing large quantities of seeds. It is better to work with gloves, and after work, be sure to wash your hands under running water and soap.

“Supernova F1” tomatoes are sown in January-February on high-quality peat-sand soil. You can sow both in trays and in special cassettes to a depth of 1.5 cm and very lightly roll the soil for easy seed germination.

Picking seedlings, which is carried out when 2-3 true leaves appear (25 days after sowing), is a necessary measure to improve the quality of the bushes. When the seedlings reach a height of 25-30 cm, they are planted in a permanent place. The beds are made at a distance of 70 cm from each other. Planting density: 3-4 plants per 1 sq. m. It is recommended to tie it to supports, but this is not necessary. This variety is not planted.

Supernova tomatoes are resistant to major nightshade diseases. However, they often suffer from the Colorado potato beetle and cutworm. Mechanical cleaning must be used against insects.

The cold resistance of the variety allows it to be grown in secondary crop rotation. Tomatoes tolerate top watering well, but drip irrigation is preferable.

After planting tomato bushes you must:

  1. Water the tomatoes every 10 days.
  2. Mulch the soil under the plant with finely chopped grass.
  3. Fertilize and fertilize in a timely manner.
  4. Remove all lower leaves to improve tomato ripening and better aeration of the bushes.
  5. Loosen and weed the beds.
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