Early ripening and transportable tomato “Premium F1”: description of the tomato variety

Updated: 04/22/2021 16:43:02

Expert: Nikolay Alexandrovich

*Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

In a greenhouse, it is possible to collect tomatoes all year round. To do this, it is advisable to select seeds taking into account the climatic characteristics of the area. Tomatoes grown in this way are characterized by the following:

  1. fast ripening;
  2. bountiful harvest;
  3. excellent commercial quality;
  4. resistance to pests, diseases, bad weather conditions.

When choosing seeds, taste characteristics, storage and transportation possibilities are also taken into account. The yield of greenhouse tomatoes is affected by the internal microclimate and the type of bushes. Among them, there are 2 main types: indeterminate and determinate.

Elementary to care for domestic tomato Premium F1: description of the variety and features of its cultivation

Tomato Premium F1 has a self-explanatory name. This is a high-quality hybrid, which, like most hybrids, will delight the gardener with an early and abundant harvest, and caring for it will not be complicated by all kinds of diseases.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningRedsAverageHybridWith spout

Chocolate gingerbread F1

Fantastic new product - recommend to your neighbors and treat your friends! This hybrid is so productive that there will be enough fruit for everyone. It is early ripening (the period from full germination to the beginning of ripening is 100-105 days), indeterminate.

Fruits with a harmonious dessert taste will not be damaged during transportation. They are round in shape and large (150-250 g). The taste of the juicy, aromatic and sweet pulp has chocolate and coffee notes. These “gingerbreads” simply melt in your mouth.

The average yield of the hybrid Chocolate gingerbread F1 is 17-22 kg/sq.m. A bucket of such beautiful, tasty, one-to-one fruits, which you will treat your neighbors with with a wide soul, will cause them an explosion of delight with a slight “taste” of annoyance and slight envy.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The bushes of the Premium F1 hybrid are determinate, reaching 70-80 cm. In terms of timing, the tomato is early ripening - the harvest appears 85-95 days after germination. The fruits are round with small spouts, medium-sized - 110-140 g, red in color. There are 3-4 seed chambers inside. The skin is dense. The taste is quite pleasant for a hybrid, universal use.

Country of origin, year of registration

Hybrid Premium F1 was created in Russia. The originator, an agro company from Moscow, included it in the State Register in 2010.

Growing regions

Tomatoes can be planted both in shelters and in open ground. In the middle zone and in the south of the Russian Federation, in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova, there are optimal conditions for its cultivation.

Melon F1 (Melon honey F1)

Super-yielding, super-large-fruited, unique and very tasty tomato with melon flavor! Its taste and consistency, incredible for a tomato, are compared by some to Uzbek melons, others (obviously due to the original color) to the tropical fruit papaya. Still others detect apricot notes in the taste. Everyone who has ever tried this tomato will forever fall in love with its unique taste.

Early ripening (from germination to the beginning of ripening - 95-98 days), indeterminate, the yield of Melon F1 is amazing - up to 25 kg/sq.m! But her bushes need garter. The hybrid is suitable for all types of greenhouses and open ground cultivation.

The fruits are heart-shaped, very beautiful, orange-raspberry in color, sweet, fleshy and incredibly tasty, taste like melon and, just like melon, melt in your mouth. The average fruit weight is 350-500 g, and individual specimens can reach 700 g.

Diseases and pests

The hybrid is immune to stolbur, bacterial infections, Alternaria, and tobacco mosaic. With improper care and high humidity, it can suffer from late blight. For prevention, ventilation and proper watering are needed. When the bushes begin to bloom, they are sprayed with Barrier or Profit Gold, then repeated when fruit sets.

Home remedies will help against pests - a soap solution for aphids and spider mites, sprinkling the soil with pepper for slugs or insecticides.

Golden Budenovka F1

An exclusive super-new product with an unforgettable taste! Tomatoes like this one are rarely brought into the kitchen - both children and adults enjoy eating them straight from the bush. They are not at all sour and have no calories, so you can eat them without fear of developing stomach problems or gaining excess weight.

Like all the hybrids already listed, Golden Budenovka F1 is early ripening (from germination to the beginning of ripening - 95-98 days), indeterminate, the yield is almost “off scale” - up to 25 kg/sq.m. This tomato is grown in all types of greenhouses and open ground with obligatory garter.

The fruits are heart-shaped, very beautiful, sweet, dark yellow in color, fleshy and so tasty and tender that they simply melt in your mouth. The average fruit weight is 250-350 g, and some can reach half a kilogram. Grow and enjoy!

The main task of Premium Seeds is to breed unusual, outstanding hybrids. You will not find such an “exclusive” anywhere else! But this is the most difficult thing to do in tomato breeding - there are so many different varieties and hybrids on the market that it’s dizzying. But we are sure that you will definitely like at least one “man” from our eight. We also advise you to take a closer look at other, no less outstanding varieties and hybrids: Accordion, Bayan, Chocolate Fingers F1 and Ruby Fingers F1, Emerald Domes F1 and Honey Domes F1, Honey Heart and Soul of Siberia F1. Choose any one – you won’t go wrong!

Description and characteristics of Premium F1 tomato, reviews, photos

Early ripening (the period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 90-95 days), determinate, productive hybrid of tomato for open ground and film shelters.

Bush 0.7-0.8 meters high, medium-sized leaves, green. The inflorescence is simple. A garter to the support and partial stepsoning are required.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are round with a “spout” at the top, red in color at maturity, weighing 130-140 grams, fleshy. These tomatoes are suitable for canning and processing into tomato products. For fresh consumption, it is advisable to let the fruits ripen on the bushes.

This hybrid is characterized by friendly fruiting.

Resistant to TMV, bacteriosis, Alternaria, stolbur. Thanks to its early ripening, it “escapes” late blight.

Tomato Premium F1 is included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in the Russian Federation.

Seed producer : Poisk company.

If you grew Premium tomatoes, please write what the yield and taste of the fruit were in your climatic conditions. How do you rate the disease resistance of this hybrid? If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual fruits you grew.

Your reviews of the Premium tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this hybrid more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Golden man F1

A trouble-free early-ripening determinate hybrid with a height of 135-145 cm. From germination to the beginning of ripening - 92-95 days. The fruits are round, dense, weighing 200-220 g, amber golden-orange in color. Productivity – up to 18-19 kg/sq.m. Indeed, the fruits are worth their weight in gold! Their sweet and tender pulp contains large quantities of vitamins C, E, group B, as well as powerful antioxidants - valuable lycopene and myocin.

Since there are very few organic acids in the pulp, even in processed form these tomatoes will not be sour, will not cause heartburn and will not cause allergies, like their red “brothers”. Thanks to their thick skin, which almost never cracks, tomatoes are easy to transport.

The hybrid Golden Man F1 is resistant to Alternaria and Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), and due to its early ripening, the fruit crop ripens earlier than late blight develops and begins to spread throughout the plantation.

Early ripe tomatoes

Tomato seeds "Pervoklaska"

This variety is considered one of the most versatile, and fruit ripening occurs approximately 90-105 days after sprouting. It is perfect for open spaces, since the maximum height of the bush does not exceed 100 cm; it needs tying, but this is not necessary, since the fruits ripen well on the ground surface. The bush should be formed into three stems, as this ensures maximum yield. From one bush you can collect about 6 kg, and the fruits lie well and withstand transportation. In addition, this type of tomatoes will feel excellent both in open ground and in a greenhouse. The first stalk is formed approximately on the 6-7th leaf.

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The average weight of the fruit is about 250-300 grams. The ribbing is low, the shape is flat-round, painted bright pink. Tomatoes of this variety have thin and slightly transparent skin, slightly translucent. The taste is pronounced tomato. Well suited for direct consumption, canning, preparing ketchups, juices, pastes and other tomato products. In terms of chemical composition, this variety has many vitamins, sugars, and lycopene, which will support human immunity.


  • High germination rates;
  • Pleasant to the taste;
  • Compliance with the labels on the packaging and real indicators.


  • The lower leaves are quite large, which is why ripening may slow down by one to two weeks.

Tomato seeds "Pervoklaska"

Tomato seeds "Red Rooster"

Perfectly suited for most climatic conditions of our country, it will feel good both when grown indoors and in open ground. This variety ripens earlier than all others - for this it only needs about 85 days under optimal weather conditions. If the weather is a little cooler, then this period may be delayed by about 10-15 days. When seedlings are planted in open ground at the age of approximately 60-65 days, this allows the first fruits to be harvested after 30-35 days. The maximum height of the bush is 80 cm, so it does not require garter. In addition, it does not need tying. The best yield is ensured if there are no more than three stems on the bush.

The fruits are quite large - their average weight is about 250-400 grams; if you care for the plants well enough, you can achieve heavier tomatoes. The color is bright red, there is slight ribbing in the area of ​​the stalk. The taste is sweet, there is a slight sourness. Tomatoes are universal - they can be eaten fresh, pickled, pickled, made into juices, pastes, and so on. It tolerates transportation quite well.


  • The variety is unpretentious to weather conditions;
  • Large fruits;
  • The harvest is large, about 5 kg of fruit can be collected from one bush.


  • A hybrid variety, you won’t be able to get the seeds yourself.

Tomato seeds "Red Rooster"

Tomato seeds “My love F1”

The height of this variety is about 50-80 cm, in greenhouse conditions and in the south of the country it can grow up to 120 cm. The average fruit ripening period is about 90-100 days, well suited for both greenhouses and open ground. This variety does not have very many leaves, the fruits do not become cracked during ripening, and the plants are well resistant to diseases and pests, including aphids. The immunity of this variety is one of the highest among all the best tomatoes in 2022 presented in our review. The color of tomatoes is red or bright red, they are round in shape, slightly elongated. The pulp is sugary, the taste is typical tomato, slightly sweet.

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Weighing approximately 150-200 grams, all fruits are the same size, which can significantly increase their commercial value. There are four seed chambers, dry matter content is no more than 5%. Tomatoes withstand transportation remarkably well and can be stored for a long time in a cool place. The fruits look ideal as canned products, but they are also well suited for fresh consumption. They contain a significant amount of vitamins and sugars, making them very beneficial for health.


  • High germination rate – can reach about 97%;
  • Great taste;
  • Fast maturation.


  • In a strong wind, despite their short height, they can either bend significantly or even break.

Tomato seeds “My love F1”

The best productive varieties

Tomato seeds "Rio Grande"

The bushes of this variety are low - reaching only 70 cm, so they do not require tying or pinching. There are not too many leaves, the fruit shape is standard. They grow in clusters of 8-12 tomatoes per plant, with a slightly oblong shape. The rafts have dense pulp and thick skin, and not too many seeds. The weight is a maximum of 150 grams, but they are often smaller and colored bright red. It tastes like classic tomatoes – with a slight sourness. Ripening occurs approximately 120-130 days after sowing. Fertility is high, can reach three months, until the onset of cold weather.

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The variety perfectly resists low and high temperatures, can withstand even prolonged drought, and is not sensitive to parasites and diseases. If grown over a large area, it does well in bright sun. The fruits can easily withstand even long-term transportation and are well preserved for two to three months if kept cool. They are considered universal in use; if desired, they can be dried or even dried.


  • Strong fruits;
  • The thick skin prevents damage to the crop;
  • High level of endurance.


  • The taste is a little worse compared to large-fruited varieties.

Tomato seeds "Rio Grande"

Tomato seeds "Snow Leopard"

One of the most productive and hardy varieties in terms of climatic conditions - well suited even for Siberian conditions. The yield is quite high: with proper care, you can harvest about 8-9 kg from one bush. This variety can be considered quite early - the average ripening period is about 105-110 days when grown in open ground. In terms of height, the breed is ambiguous: the bush can grow to an unlimited height, so it will need not only gartering, but also shaping. As experienced gardeners advise, it is best if it grows in two stems; moreover, it should not grow higher than 60-70 cm. This is quite convenient, since you do not have to tie it up.

This variety has quite a lot of foliage, and all such leaves are quite large; they should be removed in a timely manner, as they will take away additional moisture, nutrients, and block access to sunlight for the fruit, which will slow down ripening. The shape of the fruit is oblong, slightly flattened. The density of ripened tomatoes is medium, the skin is strong and thick, which allows them to withstand transportation. The color of the fruit is orange-red, the average weight is about 150 grams, but there are tomatoes weighing about 300 grams or even more. From one bush you can collect up to 5-6 kg.


  • Can be grown in any conditions, including on the balcony;
  • Ripens quickly;
  • Resists well against any disease;
  • Retains an attractive appearance for a long time;
  • Handles transportation well;
  • High yield.


  • It is necessary to monitor the condition of the bushes and shape them in a timely manner.

Tomato seeds "Snow Leopard"

Tomato seeds "Asvon F1"

This is a hybrid variety that perfectly withstands temperature changes, does not get sick, and is also able to please the summer resident with a fairly rich harvest. It grows well not only in open ground, but also in a greenhouse, greenhouse or even on a balcony. The fruits will be stored in their original form for a long time and can be transported over long distances. It is distinguished not only by its high yield, but also by its early ripening. The bush is not tall and takes up little space, so one square meter can accommodate significantly more plants than another variety. There are not too many leaves, dark green in color. The fruits are formed in clusters of 5-6 pieces; about 8-9 kg of selected tomatoes can be harvested from one bush. During the fruiting period, the plants are simply strewn with fruits, and they also look very beautiful.

The shape of the tomatoes is round, slightly reminiscent of a cube, and the ribbing is almost not noticeable. The skin is shiny, dense, the fruits almost do not crack. The weight of the fruit is about 100 grams - not too large. The pulp is dense and retains its original shape for a long time. The taste is rich, has a slight sourness, tomatoes contain a large amount of vitamins and sugars, dry matter no more than 6%. The color is bright pink.


  • Excellent taste;
  • Good yield;
  • Immunity to parasites and diseases;
  • Fast maturation.


  • Not detected.

Tomato seeds "Asvon F1"

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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