Tomato Melon F1 (Melon honey premium): reviews of tomato yields, photos of seeds, description and characteristics of the variety

The Melon tomato received its name for its unusual appearance and taste. Large tomatoes have appetizing orange flesh. The taste will shock even gourmets - sweetish with melon notes.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-earlyOrangeLargeVarietyFlat-round

Differences between tomato varieties

Each tomato variety has its own personality.
Behind each are years of work by breeders and decades of popular selection. The beauty of the best modern tomato varieties is their diversity. So we “exploit” tomato hybrids and varieties with unlimited growth - indeterminate, semi-determinate, and determinate, the average height of which for the most part ranges from 70-80 cm, and low-growing vegetables, whose height does not exceed half a meter (all of them We will discuss the differences and features in the article below). You cannot give advice based on outside experience, as some do, deliberately introducing not entirely truthful information about the yield (quantity and quality) of grown tomatoes. They say here they are - the best varieties of tomatoes of the past (and, further, in descending numbers) for tomatoes of the year. With everything, however, it should be noted that they often focus on plant varieties proposed for planting for open and closed ground, without understanding that the advice will be good only after personal experience - better after at least 3-4 years (honestly, but extremely rarely , and 2 are sometimes enough) and with meticulous experiments (starting with growing seedlings using the soil additive Vermiculite, the growth stimulator Gumi and, ending with fertilizing: magnesium sulfate, mineral fertilizer Fertika-Kemira and so on - already in the garden) for each variety.

Why am I giving such a deadline? Yes, because you definitely need to take into account the weather, which differs from year to year, and this is the minimum, in my opinion, period to have more or less an idea about each variety of tomatoes.

Planting seedlings in the ground

As soon as the plants get stronger and the soil warms up well, you can plant the seedlings in the garden. According to calendar dates, this falls at the end of May.

Note! Tomatoes prefer to grow in a sunny area. Therefore, you should be very careful when choosing a bed.

Before planting, the site must be prepared. To do this, you need to dig up the soil and apply fertilizer. Next, you should make holes and plant the seedlings.

In order for the harvest to soon delight you with its abundance, the plants must be properly cared for. The main care activities are as follows: watering, weeding, loosening the soil, fertilizing, tying up bushes.

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A little history

The tomato is the fruit of a perennial nightshade plant called tomato.

This word and the plant itself came to Russia from France, and to France from Italy, presumably in the 16th century. In Italy, the plants were called pomo d'oro - “golden apple” and they were yellow-sunny in color, because this is how the Mays and Aztecs grew them, believing that “tomatli” were sent to them by the solar goddess of medicine, health and healing - Ishtilton (Ichtilton) .

The Spaniards, who introduced Europe to this golden berry after 1520, introduced it as “pommel de Peru” - “apple from Peru.” The loving French gave the “apple” its name, which the Russians also used for a long time - “une pomme d 'amour' - 'love apple'.

Both the French and the Spaniards used tomatoes as a remedy for coughs and as a powerful remedy for increasing potency, but frequent consumption of la mela d'oro (“golden apple” - Italian), according to scientists of that time, threatened death.

Such a gift for anyone's heart!

In 1780, new fruits from Italy were served at the table of Catherine the Second, most of which were “golden apples”. The empress liked the new fruit so much that by the greatest decree it was ordered to plant this vegetable for the imperial table and the process of Russification of the Italian “love” berry took on unprecedented proportions.

Oh, the queen didn’t know that tomatoes had long been settled on the outskirts of the Russian Empire as a medicinal vegetable, and Crimeans, Astrakhan, Georgians and other southerners had long mastered the methods of growing French-Italian berries!

So who is Senor Tomato? By definition, it is a fruit. In the everyday consciousness - a vegetable. According to biological classification - berry. And this fruit and vegetable has long become the king of our greenhouses and gardens!

What varieties of tomatoes does the 21st century offer us?

Features of cultivation and storage

Our technology for growing tomatoes of different varieties is as follows. On our plot we allocate 6 long rows for tomatoes (including closed soil). On three of them, representatives of the best varieties of tomatoes, proven over the years, are grown (there are also tomatoes to choose from), guaranteeing a harvest according to the declared characteristics (regardless of the “delights” of the weather), and the other three are planted with new varieties, which are “considered” this way and that in during the above time. That seems to be it.

PS To make life easier for readers and reduce the time it takes to absorb the article, instead of determining the yield of vegetables in kg per 1 square meter, it will be written below - kg “per square”.

And now I am announcing the number of tomatoes tested in growing, presented below for your viewing, which can still be called the best - 60 varieties.

PS The results were recorded in an area that: with a good warm season, corresponds to the Central Black Earth region (region), and with a bad warm season, corresponds to the North-Western region. Naturally, this range of latitudes in which the above regions are located definitely includes Siberia, the Moscow region, the Middle Zone, the Urals, the Far East, and then figure out for yourself where exactly the paths lead to your site.

Seeds are sown in March, seeding depth is 1.5 cm.

How to care:

  • maintain a temperature of 22-24 degrees;
  • dive at 2-3 leaves;
  • irrigate with a spray bottle.

Mid-season / Tall

User rating: 4/5

Early maturing / Tall

User rating: 4/5

Medium early/Tall

Growing technology

Tomatoes are grown in seedlings. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the timing of sowing seeds. You can start planting work in March. This will allow the seedlings to be planted in the ground as early as May.

Before planting seeds, they must be prepared. To do this, planting material should be checked for germination and soaked for further germination.

You also need to prepare the planting container and soil. Cups, boxes, and pots can serve as containers. The substrate can be purchased ready-made, or you can mix turf soil, peat, sand.

The landing process will not take much time. To begin with, you should fill the containers with soil, water it, and place the seeds on the surface. The top of the crops should be sprinkled with soil and covered with film.

For seedlings to be strong, they must be properly cared for. Care procedures are as follows:

  1. Watering. It is necessary to water the seedlings carefully. It is important to ensure that there is no stagnation of water.
  2. Temperature conditions. Tomatoes prefer to grow at a temperature of 20 degrees.
  3. Lighting. Seedlings need at least 12 hours of daylight.

Let's start with the yellow-orange pomo d'oro, the color "pommel de Peru"!

Honey Saved, Persimmon and Oxheart Orange and Gold. Golden heart

Honey saved

Filled with honey to the brim...

Typically, orange-colored tomatoes are considered more acidic than those with a “skin” of a different color. But these three have an excellent sweet taste! Especially Honey saved!

Bred by such a breeding luminary as V.N. Derenko, Honey Spas, registered in 2004 as a “variety for greenhouses and open ground,” quickly won its place in each region of Russia.

Growing freely in a greenhouse up to 2 m in height (in open ground - up to 170 cm), this nightshade forms on one cluster up to 6 large, round orange or deep yellow, rich berries covered with large green leaves. Berry weight up to 250 g.

Ripe pomo d'oro keeps well in the refrigerator until winter.

“I sowed the seeds in mid-March, since I don’t use lighting. The seedlings grew well and strong (spring brought us plenty of sunny days). I planted my tomatoes already in mid-May. I grow a lot of different ones in order to select the best ones for myself.

But the weather in the summer of 2014 was not on the side of gardeners; heavy torrential and prolonged rains were followed by heat. Many died, but Honey saved us, and the first babies on it had already matured by July 20, although it was declared as average, while the well-known Riddle gave nothing at all.

My Honey Spa fruited the longest and lasted until the last and survived the fight against late blight. The last tomatoes were picked clean and healthy, although not very ripe. Honey Spas showed its best side even in not very favorable conditions. Sow this variety and you won’t regret it!”

It even looks sweet!

The Persimmon tomato is not so tall - only 70-90 cm in open ground and 120-140 cm in a greenhouse. It needs a garter. This nightshade has good yields, but is susceptible to frequent diseases.

The shape of the Persimmon berry resembles a persimmon, weighing 350-400 g. Ripe Persimmon is very sweet and fleshy, but overripe ones begin to sour. Excellent for both salads and canning.

There is no exact definition for ripeness. Judging by the reviews, some believe that ripeness is in a bright, orange-yellow color, others argue that this color is a sign that the Persimmon is already overripe.

Red-red F-1, Siberian precocious, King of kings, Babushkino

Let's skip ahead to the classic hybrid.

Red-red F-1

Like a bright light in the garden

This is not just a red tomato, this is a pure scarlet tomato! And despite the fact that this “spark” still does not feel very comfortable among the established types of tomatoes, it is stable enough to recommend it for private greenhouses and plots - it is reproduced from the seeds that its berries contain without changes.

The berry size is average (at least 150 g, but not more than 500).

Number of scarlet balls up to 7 pcs., early ripening. The pulp is very juicy, classic tomato taste with a slight sourness, when broken it is sugary, loose, crystalline. The height of the stem does not exceed one and a half meters.


Everything for your beloved grandchildren!

But this is not a hybrid at all and, contrary to widespread rumors, the F-1 does not have any hybrids! Grandmother's Basket, Grandmother's Happiness, Grandmother's Kiss or Grandmother's Secret are separate varieties of “grandmothers”.

And Grandma’s Secret generally applies to pink tomatoes! True, this does not prevent Secret from growing sunny fruit weighing up to 700 g, but to be honest, the normal weight of the fruit is 350-400 g.

But let's return to the blush-red Babushkino. Their weight is 300-800 g. Outwardly, the skin of the flat-round, smooth, dense “granddaughters” may have a faint pinkish tint, but when scrapped you can see how bright red their flesh is. “Apple” can be stored for a long time, but its puree tastes simply excellent! Salads and marinades are also good. There are usually 12 of these red-cheeked “granddaughters” on the hand.

Grandmother's mid-early plant can be planted not only with seedlings, but also with seeds in open ground, because These sprouts tolerate low temperatures well and are resistant to common tomato diseases. So Babushkino tomatoes can be grown in any region of Russia!

Turns red right before our eyes...

This Peruvian fruit especially pleases the residents of the Urals and Siberia. It can be sold under different names: Siberian Tiger, Siberian Giant, Siberian Trump, Siberian Malachite, Siberian Bear and even Siberian Pirouette or Cossack. These are all varieties of an early, productive, low-growing variety of Siberian early ripening bunch tomato.

The name speaks for itself - a pleasant red color with yellow-green “streaks” or an orange-yellow tint, weighing 100-120 g, with a yield of up to 7 kg. from an open bush and up to 9 kg. in the greenhouse.

Excellent pure tomato taste, ideal for juices and salads. The downside is that it is completely devoid of keeping quality, and when you try to fill it with marinade, it bursts.

But it is absolutely resistant to brown spot and tobacco mottle virus (TMV). It is resistant to other nightshade diseases with a solid “4”.

King of Kings

A royal product - definitely!

This is another giant among tomate, the favorite “tomatl” of Ukraine and Moldova.

Bushes with medium foliage reach 1.80-2 m in height, so it is worth forming them into 2 stems and be sure to tie them up, otherwise round, dense, heavy tomatoes weighing 1 kg (and more!) will easily break the fragile support, and the entire harvest will be destroyed. 5-6 kg. from the bush will end up on the ground.

One can sing songs of praise about the taste qualities of the mid-late King, they are so good fresh, in salad delights, and in tomato pastes and juices. This is when the berry has already turned deep red, and while it is still yellow-green, it is readily used as an ingredient for interesting winter salads and as individual twists.

Nobleman or Budenovka?

How to distinguish and is there a difference?

And so - Nobleman.

Noble berries

The powerful stem grows up to 80 cm in height. Formed from 2 initial ones.

In order for the plant to become as fruitful as possible, only 1 stepson is left at the bottom under the very first flower cluster, the rest are pinched.

Somewhat similar to the Bull's heart - elongated, heart-shaped (sometimes adjacent to rounded, robust ones), weighing up to 500 g, fleshy, sugary at the break, excellent sweet, slightly sour taste of freshly squeezed juice. A whitish spot remains on the cut near the stalk.

Ideal for table consumption. Unfortunately, it cannot be stored for a long time.

Now - Budenovka.

The nobleman, having changed color, becomes... Budenovka!

A powerful bush grows up to 80 cm in height... And so on.

The description is one to one with the Nobleman. So why are they still separated by name? There is a difference - the color of the berry.

Velmozhi has red-burgundy fruits, while Budenovka has bright pink-scarlet fruits.

Both tomatoes have common related roots, hence their identity. The only difference is the color!

“I grew Budenovka for many years and was very pleased. This year I replaced her with Nobleman. It is more productive, it seems to me, although the varieties are very similar. The fruits grow by leaps and bounds, are very fleshy and sweet. The trouble is that they quickly lose their elasticity, but they don’t go into salads and are not processed – that’s just it!”

“This year I tried Velmozha. Didn't like it at all! The fruits quickly lose their elasticity, begin to leak, and become soft. Next year I will return to my beloved Budenovka!”

Emerald domes F1

This hybrid was named not only because of its endurance and fertility. It is thanks to such varieties and hybrids that the popularly beloved tomato received the proud name from the French - pomme d'amour ("pomme d'amour") - the apple of love, or the cupid apple. The fact is that only the ripe green fruits of this tomato contain the alkaloid solanine in an amount that causes a love mood. But in ripe red and yellow tomatoes there is almost no this substance.

An early-ripening, super-yielding hybrid (from germination to the beginning of technical ripeness - 90-95 days), determinate (height - 70-80 cm), suitable for growing in open ground and under film covers. The fruits are large (120-150 g), at the stage of biological ripeness, light green, round in shape with a spout. The pulp is fleshy, juicy and sweet, incredibly tasty. Tomatoes can be used for all types of processing. Hybrid Emerald Domes F1 is resistant to major tomato diseases.

Due to the absence of yellow and red pigments - lycopene and carotenoids - this hybrid practically does not cause allergies, and children and people with a tendency to food allergies can safely eat it.

The following two hybrids are not classified as tomatoes by mistake; their fruits are simply so sweet that they are more reminiscent of fruits than vegetables.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Melon is an indeterminate tall hybrid. The shoots grow strong and thick, reaching a height of 1.8-2 m.

Ripening dates are early - 94-98 days from germination.

Description of tomatoes:

  • weight varies in the range of 300-350 g, the largest specimens reach 700 g;
  • the pulp is fleshy, sugary;
  • The taste is sweet with pronounced fruity and melon notes.

There are few seed chambers, one continuous, tender pulp.

Before you accurately choose a variety or hybrid of tomatoes, you need to decide where exactly they will grow.

For open ground, low-growing varieties that will ripen early are more suitable. Mid-ripening species in good summer weather can produce a fairly good harvest, but they are susceptible to microflora, which can destroy most fruits.

It is customary to grow tall varieties and various hybrids in greenhouses. Here you can plant absolutely any tomatoes, even late-ripening ones.

Eligible bachelor F1

Not only the name of this hybrid arouses curiosity, but also tomato plantings invariably attract the eye with an abundance of ovaries on heavy clusters! Starting from the 3rd internode, brushes are formed at each node! The fruits weigh 100-130 g, without a green spot at the stalk, rich crimson color, without voids, cylindrical, fleshy, do not crack, very tasty, all as if chosen - handsome.

The winner of the “Best Tomato for Canning and Pickling” competition, this “bachelor” is so good that he probably won’t find a worthy “pair” for a long time.

Early ripening (90-93 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), determinate (height 90-110 cm), with a scattered harvest. Suitable for growing in open ground and film greenhouses, it grows in any weather.

The hybrid Enviable Bachelor F1 is resistant to Alternaria and TMV, and due to the dense skin of the fruit, it is also insensitive to late blight.

Let's meet pink tomatoes!

Pink Pink, De Barao, Pink Honey, Giant, Sanka and Mazarin. This magnificent six has gained extraordinary popularity in Russia because of its taste, excellent keeping quality and ease of care.

Not only is the acid content in pink tomatoes lower than in red ones, they also delight gardeners with a high content of lycopene (a carotenoid that breaks down fats). More recently, it was believed that the champions in terms of the content of this pigment, which gives the leaves and fruits a blood-red color, are rich red tomatoes, best of all overripe ones.

However, Pink, Honey, Giant, De Barao, Mazarin, and with them Sanka, Flamingo and Miracle of the Earth, are superior to the usual dark tomatoes in terms of the content of this antioxidant. This means that consuming pink “tomatillos” significantly reduces the risk of developing cataracts, gingivitis, coronary disease and atherosclerosis.

Let's get to know each other!

pink pink

Small, strong, like a cucumber!

There is some “oil oil” here, because “pink” in English is translated as “pink”. This rosy-cheeked youngster (150-190 g) has a dense, aromatic and meaty appearance. In addition, this is one of the earliest salad vegetables to ripen; the period for picking berries is 65-75 days after planting the “short-growing plant”.

But strong pinks are also good in pickles and marinades, and the paste from them turns out to be a pleasant light shade.

The already well-known Paradise and Unicum were recently joined by a new hybrid (F-1) - Pink Heart.

Pink honey

So handsome!
You won’t get tired of admiring! This ruddy Honey is characterized not just by sweet and delicate “apples” in consistency, but by the almost complete absence of seeds in them. From one plant, twisted from 2 stems, in a good year you can remove up to 6 kg. strong, pink-cheeked “medics.” The height is up to a meter, and the ripening time is 100-110 days after planting in a greenhouse or open ground.

Honey is a common determinant, that is, new stepsons appear gradually and must be removed, otherwise the period of “giving away” the harvest will drag on for an indefinite time, and in open ground conditions this is not always justified, because the return should be friendly - take it off, roll it up and forget it!

Before planting, it is worth treating the area with antifungal compounds: late blight is the main scourge for Pink honey!

De Barao

Small but remote

This baby, although it weighs only 50-70 g, is resistant to late blight, unlike delicate seedless Honey. Forming in the same way as Honey in 2 stems, it grows up to 50-60 cm, and the fruits can be harvested after 120 days. The harvest will be 4 kg. from a plant.

De Barao belongs to super-determinate varieties, such as Sanka.

Neither De Barao nor Sanka require the removal of stepsons, because they stop growing after throwing out 4 or 6 brushes.

Planting in open ground no earlier than the first days of May. You can go to the greenhouse a couple of weeks earlier.

According to reviews, De Barao, grown by gardeners for several years now,

“... has never failed, always produces an excellent harvest, and quickly responds to any feeding. Cute tomatoes are very tasty and pickle well. It’s easy to roll up to 40 3-liter jars in a season!”


Good! Oh, and our Sanka is good!

This is another super-determinant, with a height of only 50 cm and a berry weight of up to 80 g. Early it stops stretching upward and rushes to form and fill its friendly fruits, which are distinguished by their amazing “one-size”.

  • These juicy balls with thick skin can be not only pink, but also red and black (it all depends on the type of Sanka)
  • Sanka prefers the open ground of the Central region, zoned for Kursk and nearby regions, feels great in the Moscow region
  • All 3 types of Sanka mature in 75-80 days
  • The planting pattern is compacted 35x45, but they do not tolerate weeds nearby.
  • Drought resistant


A very “bearded” sprout!

The name Signora Tomato is directly related to the cardinal and first minister of France, an Italian by birth, Giulio Mazarin. The Italian goatee is exactly the same shape as a pink tomato. Or vice versa? Or do you mean hot southern blood? The “hot blood” of this nightshade is “hot” only in the South!

The Mazarin tomato can be grown in open ground only in the southern regions of the Caucasus and Crimea. In the middle regions and Leningrad region. The Peruvian berry feels good only in heated greenhouses.

This is an F-1 hybrid with a powerful, weakly leafy stem up to 1.5 m high, with 4-5 brushes, on which large (180-200 g) red-pink “beards” flaunt, which darken as they ripen . Productivity – 4-20 kg. from 4 bushes into one stem, which grow without interfering with each other over an area of ​​1 sq.m.

This vegetable is extremely good fresh, as well as for making juices and sauces.

It is worth emphasizing that the main care for the red-pink “love apple” will consist of timely pinching (indeterminate variety), fertilizing with mineral complex fertilizers and abundant watering when the “beards” are forming.


Heavy, huge and beautiful!

This pink “love apple” really “suffers from gigantism”! If the stem is not trimmed in time, then “une pomme d'amour” can grow into a real tree 5-5.5 m tall!

The fruits are not of the same suit: the cluster can contain both 300 g and 2 kg berries. It will take 115-120 days to ripen, and new ones will constantly appear, so excess flowers should be eliminated in time before the ovary appears.

On 1 square it will be good for 2 single-stem plants with a mandatory garter. The fruits are consumed fresh; they are not suitable for storage or preservation.

It is not easy to get hold of the Giant seeds - the number of seeds in this fruit is tiny, and it is almost impossible to preserve them at home. It's a shame, though!

No matter which of the pink “tomatoes” finds its home on your site, these pink-cheeked berries will definitely not be able to disappoint you!

Requirements for the quality of tomatoes

In the climatic conditions of the middle zone with sudden changes in weather and temperature fluctuations, everyone who grows vegetables on their own has to make this choice.
After all, only the hardiest, most reliable and fastest-ripening hybrids can produce a guaranteed harvest. They are also the most environmentally friendly, because you can protect your crop from late blight without chemicals only if you grow early-ripening varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. At the same time, tomatoes should be beautiful in appearance and pleasant in taste. All these qualities are combined by hybrids bred by breeders who took into account many different factors - climate characteristics, soil characteristics, disease resistance of tomatoes, and, first of all, productivity.

I. Hybrids

Hybrid tomatoes are virtually guaranteed to be resistant to diseases and bad weather conditions, which is something that non-hybrid varieties suffer from. Greenhouses and greenhouses are valued for storing heat, but in them tomatoes can suffer from too high temperatures and sudden temperature changes. In recent years, world selection has been aimed at producing “heat-resistant” hybrids with a reliable guarantee of ovary production.

Hybrids are especially helpful in a greenhouse or a small garden plot where there are no real opportunities for crop rotation and diseases are prevalent. Selection successes demonstrate confident resistance to various types of infections - viral (especially the most dangerous tobacco mosaic virus), fungal, bacterial. In addition, the hybrids have uniform fruits and consistently high yields.

Tomato Incas F1

One of the best hybrids for canning whole fruits without skin. Popular early high-yielding bush hybrid. The plant is medium-sized, compact.

Tomato from the Dutch company Numens, zoned in Russia; entered into the state register in 2000. Mid-early hybrid (105 days) of meter-high vegetables, determinate. Very high resistance to fungal diseases has been recorded. The fruits are 80-100 g, dense, bright red, pepper-shaped, fleshy, uniform, tolerate sunburn well, are very easy to ripen, transported over long distances without loss of quality.

Tomato Torquay F1

Dutch hybrid from Bejo Zaden; in the Russian register since 2007. Mid-season tomato (119-123 days from germination to ripening), bush type - determinate, maximum height 100 cm. Forms abundant multiple clusters with fruits weighing 60-140 g. Dense tomatoes withstand long-term transportation, excellent in pickling and pickling matters.

Tomato Mariana F1

The tomato was created in the French branch of the Japanese company Sakata (the image of the woman Mariana is a symbol of the French Republic). The breeders of this agricultural company are often suspected of producing GMOs, but so far without real evidence. Mariana is a mid-early determinate hybrid. The fruits are similar in shape to Incas - also elongated-oval, perfectly smooth, super dense.

Tomato Bagheera F1

Hybrid from the leading French seed company Cloz. Included in the Russian seed register in 2007.

Early high-yielding hybrids are a real boon for the garden. They are cold-resistant, do not need pinching or tying up, and practically do not get sick. The ripening period is marked as medium-early; determinate bush. The fruit is round, flattened on top, ribbed, weight ranges from 80-220 g. The hybrid is resistant to soil drought and nematode, more suitable for regions located in the south. Does not suffer from fusarium and verticillium wilt.

Tomato F1 Semko 2005

The tomato is suitable for open ground and under film shelters (greenhouses). Determinate, medium-sized, compact. Resistant to soil salinity, drought, high temperatures, grows well in open ground in both southern and northern regions. Vegetables practically do not suffer from viral and fungal diseases, even late blight.

Tomato F1 Semko 2010

Included in the state register in 2010. Ultra-early ripening determinate hybrid - 85-88 days pass from the sprouting of green vegetables to the coloring of fruits. The first brush is formed immediately after the sixth leaf grows. The fruits are incredibly dense for such an early tomato, and are by no means small - 130 g. The shape is round hearts with a beautiful pointed tip.

The newest indeterminate hybrid (on the register since 2015) - tested by us, everything is fine - created taking into account all possible greenhouse disasters. Firstly, it sets well even in the heat, as well as during temperature changes. Secondly, it is tolerant of problematic soil substrates. Thirdly, it shows high resistance to viral, fungal and bacterial infections.

The yield of vegetables varies between 20-30 kg/1 square meter. Mid-early hybrid (100 days from green shoots). The clusters begin to form after 7-9 leaves, each bears 5-6 tomatoes in the shape of rounded hearts, smooth, beautiful, attractive orange color. The weight of the “heart” is 160-190 g. The pulp contains a high percentage of dry matter, sugars, and carotenoids. The fruits are quite dense and do not wrinkle during transportation. Purpose: salad. Created as an orange variant of another hybrid - Tomato Pink Spama.

Bushes of unlimited growth, with dense foliage. Mandatory shaping is required, including a garter. Hybrid of medium early or medium ripening period (112-118 days). Clusters of 6-8 tomatoes weighing 130-150 g. The fruits are plum-shaped, slightly tapering downwards. They are deep red in color, thick-skinned, with a high percentage of dry matter.

Tomato Empire F1

Indeterminate hybrid of a new generation, in the state register since 2011. Medium-early (100 days - 2 days - from germination). The plant is tall, much taller than other types of tomatoes. Therefore, the tomato requires gartering and pinching. Tomatoes are oval-shaped with a spout, weight ranges from 80 to 140 g. On average, 9 kg are obtained per bush. The color of the fruit is red-orange. The skin and pulp are dense. Can be stored for 6-7 weeks. In greenhouses people do not suffer from viral and fungal infections.

On the register since 2015. The bushes are semi-determinate, beautiful, a meter and a half high. Suitable for any soil - open or closed. Plants require pinching. Multiple clusters bear up to 30 fruits with a sweet taste and a perfect “strawberry” shape. The weight is typical for classic cherry tomatoes - 25 g. Thanks to the strong skin, the fruits can be stored for a long time. Early hybrid: ripe fruits appear 91-93 days after the sprouts emerge. The plant is resistant to Fusarium wilt.

Tomato F1 Kaspar

The bush is short, usually up to the first cluster, 60 cm. The fruits of the plants are cylindrical with a spout, the length varies around 11 cm, and the weight is 95-115 g. They are very dense, without juice. It is convenient to pickle them assorted with cucumbers of a similar size.

The average ripening period is 115 days. The hybrid is intended for open ground, or is planted under low shelters; We plant three to four vegetable bushes per square.

Tomato Aunt Valya F1

Valya f1 tomatoes are early-ripening, tall hybrids with average yield. The bushes easily and quickly reach a height of 200 cm. In the register since 2015. Productivity is within 20 kg per square meter. On average, one bush produces 7 kg of tasty and beautiful tomatoes. Tomatoes ripen simultaneously, reaching 200-250 g in weight.

The fruits have a regular round, slightly oblong shape. The scope of use of tomatoes is very wide. Salads are prepared from the first fruits. As the volume of the harvest increases, the fruits are used for winter harvesting, as well as juices, ketchups, pastes, sauces and lecho. Tomatoes retain commercial quality for a long time and tolerate transportation and long-term storage well.

Ruddy man F1

This is the tomato you've been looking for! Sweet, tasty and most importantly - its yield has been tested in the harshest conditions and is therefore guaranteed! This ultra-modern hybrid of a new class is intended for cultivation in open ground and under film covers in all regions of Russia.

It is early ripening - no more than 90-95 days pass from germination to the beginning of ripening, determinate (height - 75-85 cm). The fruits are a delightful crimson color, round in shape, large (150-250 g). They are incredibly tasty thanks to their fleshy and juicy sweet-sugar pulp.

They can be used for all types of processing. In addition, the hybrid Ruddy Man F1 is resistant to major tomato diseases.

II. Indeterminate varieties (unlimited growth)

These are tomatoes that will grow until they turn blue until the owner or the onset of the cold season stops them. They have great yield potential, which is more successfully realized in high greenhouses. We place approximately three bushes on 1 square. With supports such as strong trellises, open ground is not prohibited, which will be especially welcome in the southern regions.

Tomato Scarlet candles

Good for pickling, sweet. This is a patented mid-early variety (Siberian breeders distinguished themselves!). In the state register since 2007. They are characterized by a high ability to form ovaries in any conditions. From 1 sq.m you can actually get a bucket and a half. The clusters are arranged in tiers, the weight of the fruit on the lower branches reaches 120 g, on the top ones - half as much.

Very lightweight. A mid-early Siberian variety for canning whole vegetables. The fruits are elongated, reaching (maximum in our conditions) 13-14 cm in length, weighing about 120 g, and have a beautiful crimson hue. They have few seeds, are very fleshy, strong, and easy to keep. If they are picked green, they do not spoil and ripen perfectly.

The longest

A new product of Siberian selection. It begins to ripen already on the 110th (you can add a couple more) days from the sprouts appearing on the surface of the soil. Fruits have a unique length - 20 cm (specific size)! They are very elongated, with a small pear-shaped constriction in the upper part, uniformly slightly expanding downwards, with a spout. Vegetable clusters bear up to seven red fruits weighing up to 180-190 g. The product is successful in transportation, long-term storage, and pickling. Collection - at least a bucket from three plants.

High yield

The variety is productive and unpretentious. Tolerates slight shading. It ties well. Neither high nor low temperatures are scary. It succeeds in protected soil, but outdoor cultivation is not prohibited. Tomatoes begin to ripen in 106-113 days; at the same time, the plant successfully continues to grow and form clusters - up to 10 pieces per bush.

Each bears up to eight graceful fruits - cylindrical and pointed, in full ripeness - iridescent pink in color. The weight of each vegetable is 100-120 g. They contain a high percentage of sugars and dry matter. They do not burst when pickled, are good for drying, obtaining thick juice and, oddly enough in your opinion, for making tomato jam. With diligent care, the bush can bear up to a bucket of quality fruit.

Tomato Niagara

Weighty brushes

This mid-early vegetable variety has been on the state register since 2010. The bush is tall, but compact in width. It has a highly branched root system, responsive to increased nutrition and good water supply. A valuable feature of this Siberian variety is its multiple clusters, each of which bears up to 14 fruits weighing 85-115 g.

Meaty and sweet

This is one of the sweetest and meatiest products of Siberian breeders. It has been registered in the state register since 2007. The tomato is mid-season (116-118 days from the appearance of sprouts), with large foliage. The fruits resemble long, sharp peppers - they grow up to 15 cm. They are an elegant red color, the weight ranges from 120-185 g. The pulp of vegetables contains very little water and seeds. In the best case, there are up to a dozen fruits in one cluster. One bush gives 2-3 kg.

Tomato Koenigsberg

Excellent ovary

Included in the state register in 2005. The variety rightfully takes its place among the most productive Siberian varieties (up to 20 kg per square meter of land in a greenhouse). It sets perfectly even in the hot atmosphere of closed ground. Plants with a powerful bush with large leaves require increased nutrition and careful pinching.

The first ovary is formed after the growth of the 12th leaf, then inflorescences are formed every 3 leaves. Refers to varieties of medium ripening; in Siberian conditions, approximately half of the crop ripens; the rest of the fruits turn red quite well when ripened. Tomatoes in the lower clusters of vegetables weigh 300 g, and in those above - no less than 150 g. The shape is elongated, heart-shaped, smooth, and beautiful.

Vitamin and sweet

Ripe tomatoes have a golden-orange color and contain a record amount of carotene vitamins. The pulp is sweet and aromatic, like berries and fruits. The ripening period is average. The lower fruits are capable of filling up to a mass of 400-450 g, higher up the bush - 200-300 g. They are oval, often with a spout. The plants grow clusters through the leaves, each containing on average, as stated, up to 5 fruits. Productivity is high. The keeping quality is excellent. It is especially tasty when salted with gelatin.

Harvest hearts

Close internodes and a powerful trunk with dense foliage are like standard varieties, only the height is two meters. The Siberian breeding novelty produces half a bucket of fruit from one such “tree”. Ripening begins on the 115th day. Forms up to 6 beautiful clusters with 5-7 red tomatoes weighing 200-250 grams, shaped like strawberries.

Tomato Budenovka

Resistant to cracking

The variety is an improved version of Ox Heart, with a higher yield (about 9.4 kg per square), early ripening, good resistance to diseases (even to late blight) and cracking of the apical tissue of the fruit for a fleshy variety. Heart-shaped, ribbed tomatoes with excellent taste.

Record weight

The variety is a new product from a team of breeding scientists under the leadership of V.F. Gavrisha. Registered in the state register in 2015. Due to the unrealistically large fruits of vegetables, it is included in the “Russian Hero” series. The variety is not very fast in terms of ripening time (from 120 days), therefore it requires early planting of seedlings, especially careful pinching and decent feeding.

In Siberia and Central Russia it works well only in closed ground conditions, including a greenhouse. The average return from a bush is 3.6 (plus or minus) kg, the record is 7 kg. The tomatoes are flat-round, slightly ribbed, have an excellent smell and are very juicy, each weighing 400-600 g, not uncommon - 800 g. There are 2-3 tomatoes in one cluster of plants; if you leave only one tomato in it, it can pull more than 1 kg. Such “bogatyrs” are better suited for salads and distillation for juice.

Bowl of salad from one fruit

One of the best salad novelties, the yield is high. The plant bears 5-6 racemes. The fruits look very attractive due to their raspberry-pink color, large up to 500-800 g. The tomatoes are flat-round, ribbed, sweet. There is high resistance to cracking; The pulp density is average. A rare quality for large-fruited varieties: the fruits do not tend to quickly soften and spoil during storage.

According to the ripening period, the variety is classified as mid-early and mid-ripe. Perfect for preparing preparations: tomato paste, juice. This tomato variety is characterized by high yield. You can remove up to 5-6 kilograms of tomatoes from one bush.

Giant orange sweet

It has plasticity, rare for a large-fruited variety, and relative unpretentiousness. Delicate sweet pulp combines with excellent keeping quality. The tomatoes are round-flat (their “ribs” stand out a little), sunny orange in color. The average weight of a tomato is 0.5 kg, but in reality there are 1 kg of fruit on the bush.

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