Easy-to-care and generous tomato yield - Snubnosik: reviews and description of the variety

The compact tomato Snubnosik was to the taste of farmers. Among the positive properties are uniform yield, beautiful marketable appearance, and simplicity of agricultural technology.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonRedsAverageVarietyHeart-shaped

Description and characteristics of the variety

Snubnosik belongs to varieties with medium fruiting periods. The variety is distinguished by the productivity and presentation of tomatoes. Cultivation is carried out in open and closed beds (greenhouses, greenhouses, biovegetarians).

Features inherent in tomato:

  • short stature of bushes;
  • shoot length 50-55 cm;
  • compactness and weak foliage;
  • inflorescences are simple;
  • up to 4 tomatoes per bunch.

The determinate variety does not require shaping or pinching and is easy to cultivate. The fruits are larger than average in size and attract attention with their beautiful heart-shaped shape.

Characteristics of tomatoes:

  • average weight 150-200 g;
  • the shape is similar to a heart;
  • color bright red;
  • consistency is moderately dense;
  • the pulp is fleshy, sugary;
  • the taste is pleasant sweet and sour.

Tomatoes are good in fresh salads; medium fruits can be canned. Larger specimens are processed into juices, sauces, and ketchups. The preparations have a pleasant taste and aroma.

Some information about the plant

The characteristics and description of the Kurnosik variety are as follows:

  1. The bushes of this tomato have a relatively small height - no more than 0.5 m, so they do not need to be pinched or tied up.
  2. The fruits ripen in the middle period, approximately 100-114 days after sowing in the ground.
  3. The leaves of the plant are medium in size, colored in light green tones.
  4. This tomato has simple inflorescences, and each of them develops 3-4 fruits.
  5. The average weight of the fetus is 0.2 kg. It is colored red and has a heart-shaped shape.

The yield of the Kurnosik variety is quite high. From 1 m² you can get 7-9 kg of fruit. Farmers who planted Kurnosik tomatoes give positive reviews of the variety. They note that bushes of this species have high immunity to various diseases, such as fusarium. Photos of the tomato variety described can be seen in agricultural catalogs.

Snub can be bred in open ground and in greenhouses. All gardeners who grew this tomato note that if all the rules of agricultural technology are followed, even a novice farmer can get a good harvest. The fruits of this variety do not crack, as they have a fairly dense structure. It is best to transport this tomato variety over medium distances.

Farmers prefer to grow tomatoes in greenhouses, as this avoids the plants freezing when there is a sudden change in temperature. The described variety is sown in open ground in the southern regions, which allows you to get a harvest within 3 months after sowing.

Description of the frost-resistant Taimyr tomato, variety cultivation and care



Sowing of seeds begins in March. Buy a special soil mixture for tomatoes or prepare the composition yourself. To do this take:

  • 2 parts garden turf;
  • 2 parts compost;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part sand.

The finished soil is disinfected - poured with potassium permanganate and calcined at high temperature. Sow in furrows to a depth of 1-2 cm.

Seedlings are cared for according to the following rules:

  • irrigate with warm water;
  • feed with Kemira or Krepysh before and after picking;
  • dive with 2 leaves;
  • harden - place the seedlings on the balcony, loggia with a temperature within 14 degrees.

Until germination, keep at a temperature of 25-27 degrees, cover the containers with film

How is sowing done?

The plant is sown for seedlings at the end of March or at the beginning of April. It is necessary to prepare the land for seedlings in advance.

The soil should be rich in beneficial vitamins and minerals for plants. To do this, the land must be fertilized. Before planting, the seeds must be treated with a weak solution of manganese. Seeds are planted to a depth of 2 cm in a box. After this, the box must be covered with film and placed in a warm, sunny place. After the first leaves appear, the plant must be pruned.

In order to get earlier vegetables, it is better to plant the plant in a homemade greenhouse in order to protect the bushes from possible frosts, which may occur in late May, early June.

Characteristics and description of the Khlebosolny tomato variety, its yieldRead

Before planting in the ground, it is recommended to treat it with a weak solution of manganese. The plant must be planted at a distance of 40 by 50 cm.

The bushes are quite small and neat, but at the same time they give good yield. It is recommended to water the plant with warm water at first, so that it successfully acclimatizes and begins to grow.

It is also important to maintain watering during flowering in order to get a good harvest.

Caring for the plant is quite easy

It is important to maintain watering, fertilize the plant a couple of times, and loosen the soil

Some information about the plant

The characteristics and description of the Kurnosik variety are as follows:

  1. The bushes of this tomato have a relatively small height - no more than 0.5 m, so they do not need to be pinched or tied up.
  2. The fruits ripen in the middle period, approximately 100-114 days after sowing in the ground.
  3. The leaves of the plant are medium in size, colored in light green tones.
  4. This tomato has simple inflorescences, and each of them develops 3-4 fruits.
  5. The average weight of the fetus is 0.2 kg. It is colored red and has a heart-shaped shape.

The yield of the Kurnosik variety is quite high. From 1 m² you can get 7-9 kg of fruit. Farmers who planted Kurnosik tomatoes give positive reviews of the variety. They note that bushes of this species have high immunity to various diseases, such as fusarium. Photos of the tomato variety described can be seen in agricultural catalogs.

Snub can be bred in open ground and in greenhouses. All gardeners who grew this tomato note that if all the rules of agricultural technology are followed, even a novice farmer can get a good harvest. The fruits of this variety do not crack, as they have a fairly dense structure. It is best to transport this tomato variety over medium distances.

Farmers prefer to grow tomatoes in greenhouses, as this avoids the plants freezing when there is a sudden change in temperature. The described variety is sown in open ground in the southern regions, which allows you to get a harvest within 3 months after sowing.

General agricultural practices used when growing tomatoes in Siberia

  1. soil preparation - loosening, fertilizing, disinfection. To speed up the heating of the soil, small mounds can be made on the ridge.
  2. seed preparation - soaking for a day in warm water, treatment in a solution of potassium permanganate, keeping the seeds in a solution of ash (or nitroammophosphate) for 12 hours.
  3. sowing seeds for seedlings (soil layer of at least 3 cm, sprinkling seeds - 1 cm).
  4. at the stage of the second - third leaf, tomato seedlings are picked (with the tip pinched at the root).
  5. strong and healthy seedlings are selected.
  6. providing the necessary lighting and watering.
  7. 7 days before planting in the ground, hardening is carried out - the seedlings are taken out into the open air.
  8. planting seedlings in protected or open ground (May) with the introduction of the necessary complex preparations.
  9. The first watering is carried out on the 4th day after planting the seedlings in Siberian soil.
  10. after 14 days, the plants are tied to the installed trellises.
  11. care - loosening, hilling and timely watering. Loosening - once every 2 weeks (so that a crust does not form on the surface).
  12. fertilizing tomato plants (chicken droppings). The first - a week later, the second - two weeks after landing. Then every 10 days.
  13. prevention and control of vegetable diseases.
  14. harvesting.

When selecting the best tomato varieties for cultivation in Siberia, you need to choose seeds that are truly suitable for this region. No matter how hard you try to grow a good harvest from seeds intended for cultivation in other regions of Russia, you are unlikely to get a good result. Very little daylight, unsuitable air temperature and humidity - all this will immediately “play” against this vegetable crop. If you do get a harvest, it will be small, and the taste of such tomatoes will not be at all what you would like.

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