How and when to prune grapes in the fall of 2022 according to the lunar calendar, diagrams for beginners

Why prune grapes in the fall?

First of all, pruning is important for many processes occurring in the plant. Thanks to it, mineral salts, nutrients and growth hormones are evenly distributed in plant tissues, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the quality and quantity of bunches.

Autumn formation has a positive effect on:

  • correct formation of fruit links;
  • preparing the vineyard for winter shelter;
  • volume of grape bunches;
  • early ripening of berries;
  • taste qualities of berries;
  • increasing immunity to garden diseases.

If pruned correctly, it simplifies both the general care of the perennial and the actual collection of the bunches. Formation should not be neglected in the fall, and should be pruned annually. Ignoring shaping is one of the key factors leading to thickening of the vineyard, reduced yield and smaller berries.

ATTENTION! If you choose the right scheme, you can regulate the amount of harvest by pruning.

How to choose the right time for autumn pruning of grapes

A well-chosen time to begin removing unnecessary vines is the key to a good harvest and the general condition of the grapes. The fact is that the choice of the start time of formation must be approached competently and responsibly. By doing this spontaneously, you can lose not only the berry bunches, but also the entire grapes.

Trim the vine after all the leaves have fallen. At this time, sap flow slows down, and formation does not cause unnecessary stress to the perennial.

There are no specific dates on which grapes begin to be formed annually in the fall, since they directly correlate with the region of cultivation. The basic rule to follow is to prune no earlier than the first frost.

RECOMMENDATION! In Central Russia, crop pruning begins in the second ten days of October, and finishes forming no later than the second ten days of November. In the southern regions, pruning can be done 10-15 days later.

Features of grapes

When grown in favorable conditions, the length of the vines of cultivated grapes can reach up to 30–40 m. And for those bushes that grow in regions with a cool climate, the maximum length of the shoots is 300 cm. The grapes cling to the support with the help of tendrils. Young shoots are covered with pale yellow or light red bark. At the same time, the bark on adult trunks is peeling brown, and there are deep grooves on its surface. The three- to five-lobed entire leaf blades are alternately arranged and have petioles.

Flowering begins in May or June. At this time, paniculate inflorescences are formed, consisting of bisexual small flowers of a pale green color. Fruiting begins at the end of summer or beginning of autumn. In this case, the fruits of late-ripening varieties ripen in October.

The clusters can have different sizes and shapes, and they consist of berries that are highly juicy. Each fruit contains 1–4 seeds. And there are varieties whose berries do not contain seeds. The color of the fruit can be different - yellow, dark red, green or purple-black. Until 1963, the lifespan of cultivated grapes was about 150 years. But then phylloxera appeared on the territory of European countries. This pest poses a great danger to grapes.

@Pruning grapes in autumn. Preparing grapes for winter

The structure of a grape bush

In order to carry out pruning correctly in the fall, you need to know not only the technology of the procedure, but also the structure of the bush. This is especially important for inexperienced winegrowers.

The grape bush includes:

  • deep roots - they are located in the soil and play a major role in the life of the culture;
  • trunk - the main (main) stem from which the branches extend;
  • sleeves - a vine whose age exceeds 3 years;
  • fruit link - a vine formed on last year's shoots;
  • fruiting shoots - young stems responsible for fruiting in the current season;
  • replacement knot - a vine that is necessary in order to form a new fruiting link, it should have no more than 3 buds;
  • ocelli - they are usually formed in the axils of the leaves and consist of 2-3 buds.

Experienced winegrowers know that the largest clusters are formed from the middle bud.


To thin out grape bushes, you will need a small set of tools and improvised means, including a cutting tool, garbage bags, and a rake for collecting fallen leaves.

When pruning grapevines use:

  1. pruners;
  2. grape hacksaws, saws;
  3. special, sickle-shaped knives (sickles).

Each type of tool must be thin and sharp, cutting well.

Grape pruning tools

Choose garden equipment from the company – in the company store.

Different types of grape shaping

There are several schemes for forming grape bushes. The shaping pattern often depends on the grape variety. The most popular among experienced winegrowers are three grape formation schemes.

Standard forming scheme

This formation scheme implies a high main trunk about 1.5 meters in height, from which 1-2 sleeves diverge.

Their length depends on the grape variety and the growing season speed of a particular specimen and can reach up to 1.5 m in length. Trim so that 4-5 fruit links are formed on the sleeve.

Such bushes look great in the garden and allow you to get up to 35 kg of grapes every autumn.

Fan formation pattern

This forming scheme in the fall involves two sleeves on a short stem. And 2 fruit links already extend from them.

Fruit links in a fan-shaped formation pattern should include a pair consisting of a substitution knot and a fruit arrow. As a result of the winegrower’s use of this pruning scheme, two pairs of strong shoots are formed on one bush, which are in the active fruiting phase.

Specimens pruned in the fall according to a fan pattern can produce up to 55-60 kg of berries.

How to form according to the Guyot pattern

This is a standardless pruning scheme. It is usually used in the fall. Fruit links are formed directly from the base of the bush. In this scheme, replacement shoots are shortened to three buds.

In the fall, branches on which the fruiting process has completed are pruned, after which a new shoot develops on the replacement branch. This formation scheme is acceptable for almost all varieties of berry crops.

ADVICE! Before you begin to form according to one of the above schemes, you need to familiarize yourself with and take into account the specifics of each variety.

Care after pruning

After properly performed autumn pruning until spring, the vineyard does not require special care. But it is important to process each cut, otherwise the entire plant may die. And also properly cover it for the winter before frost sets in.

Processing slices

The most important thing after the autumn pruning of grapes is to treat the cuts against pests, dampness and infections. There are many special chemicals, gels, and pastes for this. A traditional effective method is treatment with a hot 5-7% solution of copper sulfate. And only after this can you begin to carefully cover it for the winter.

Shelter for the winter

Depending on the grape variety, frost resistance and other technical characteristics, it is necessary to decide on the advisability of covering the bushes for the winter. In warm climates this may not be necessary at all. When choosing a variety, it is initially important to pay attention to this and give preference to non-covering types with high resistance to cold. However, in the first years of development (up to three years), it still makes sense to cover the bush to give it the opportunity to gain strength without stress and gradually learn to withstand winter. Sometimes more experienced gardeners prefer digging in to ground shelter.

Pruning grapes in autumn, schemes by year

The main goal of the pruning and shaping is to complete the formation of a bush with the required number of branches by the age of four, as a result of which the crop will bear fruit abundantly. To do this, it is necessary to prune unnecessary vines annually, taking into account the characteristics of their age.

Grape pruning scheme for 1 year

In the first year, grape seedlings undergo minimal pruning. On a young seedling, all weak shoots that have not had time to grow stronger are removed. Cut everything down to three, maximum four eyes. If 2 shoots have developed during the growing season, then they are left with two eyes.

Grape pruning schemes for 2 years

In a year, by autumn, 4-6 shoots will develop on a properly pruned seedling. You need to trim all but 4, choosing the strongest and healthiest.

The rest are subject to removal. Three or four eyes are left on the remaining shoots. The length of the shortened vine must reach the lower trellis in order to attach the garter.

How to prune grapes in the fall for the 3rd year

By next autumn, four strong sleeves with young shoots should form. They need to leave three strong, healthy shoots with 6 to 10 eyes. On the lower shoot there are 3 eyes.

Here new replacement knots will be formed in the future.

Methods of forming grapes and the correspondence of methods to regions

When choosing a grape pruning scheme, you need to consider various factors. These include experience in such work, type of support for the vine and region of cultivation. For example, the standard version of forming a bush is not suitable in the north, since at low temperatures the vine should be covered for the winter.

According to Guyot's method

This pruning method was developed by the French winegrower Guyot. By observing the development of the vine after manipulation, he developed a variant of the formation of the bush, leading to full illumination of the entire plant by sunlight and sufficient ventilation. Pruning is carried out in the fall, starting from the first year, according to this step-by-step guide:

  1. On a young plant, leave 2-3 eyes from the soil or grafting point.
  2. For two-year-old grapes, one pagon is shortened to 2 buds, and 8-12 buds are left on the second.
  3. The prepared sleeve is fixed parallel to the ground on a supporting trellis.
  4. New vines coming from the fruiting sleeve are tied vertically.
  5. After harvesting, the sleeve is cut off, leaving a knot with two arrows.
  6. The next year, everything is repeated cyclically, starting from the first step.

On a note!

The fruiting of a strong mature bush can be increased by tripling. Three buds are kept on the replacement branch, and a pair of new arrows are kept on the vine.

The Guyot method is applicable in the northern regions. The plant remains quite compact and can be protected from the cold.

Fan model

A simple technique for forming a vine, which is similar to the Guyot version. However, not 1-2 sleeves are left on the bush, but 5 or more. The fruiting vines are fanned out on a trellis, hence the name. Pruning is performed in a similar way annually. There are several varieties of fan formation:

  • extensive and small;
  • short sleeves and long;
  • one-sided and two-sided;
  • single-tier or 2-3-tier.

How to prune old grape bushes in autumn

Mature grapes are most often pruned to rejuvenate and increase yield. Formed according to the following scheme:

  1. Two strong shoots of the first sleeve are shortened to 7-9 eyes. The replacement knot is shortened to three eyes. All other shoots are completely removed.
  2. On the second sleeve, you need to trim everything so that only 2-3 vines remain, of which the lower one will be used to form a replacement knot, and berry clusters will grow on the upper ones. Up to 10 buds should be left on the upper shoots.
  3. The third and fourth sleeves are cut according to the same pattern.

IMPORTANT! Experienced winegrowers recommend always pruning a vine that bears fruit.

Features of pruning a neglected bush in autumn

To tidy up neglected bushes, all dry shoots are removed. If it is possible to preserve perennial shoots, be sure to leave them. It is advisable to shorten all living shoots on the vine to two strong buds.

Crooked and completely decrepit shoots are removed onto a stump. In the future, they will need to form new shoots that will bear fruit.

Covering grapes for the winter

Covering grapes is a procedure that must be carried out if you want the vines to survive severe frosts. Even if you live in the southern part of the country, you should still insulate this delicate plant so as not to get unnecessary problems in the spring.

There are many methods for insulating grapes. For example, you can simply cover them with garden film, or sprinkle the entire length of the bush with soil.

Previously, grapes were covered with plastic film, however, today other materials for covering are preferred

The most preferable option for covering vines is to use branches of coniferous trees:

  • ate;
  • pine trees;
  • fir trees

Essential oils of spruce branches work as a natural antiseptic, protecting the vine from the development of diseases and the formation of rot, in addition, air circulates well through them. It is not so easy for snow to penetrate through coniferous needles, therefore, covered with such branches, the vine overwinters well even in severe cold.

Whatever method of covering you prefer, you should start wrapping the grapes immediately after they have been pruned, fed and treated for various diseases. If you start this procedure too late, you may damage the stems and leaves, so do not delay.

The best option for covering grapes is spruce branches of coniferous trees

Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, it’s better to stock up on spruce branches, or use a sprinkle of earth - the most environmentally friendly, simple and gentle option.

How to trim grapes for a gazebo

In local areas, grapes are often found growing on garden houses, tents and gazebos. This helps not only to save space, but also to get a good harvest. Not all crop varieties are suitable for this. The variety, first of all, must be resistant to pests and diseases and have high growth vigor.

These are important factors, since such grapes will be constantly exposed to unfavorable conditions, pests, etc.

Grapes for the gazebo are formed over several years.

The seedlings are planted two meters apart and cut to 3-4 buds. The next year, the strongest vine is attached vertically to the arbor, the remaining two are shortened to 3-4 buds.

A year later we continue to form in the same way, strengthening the longest vine on the gazebo.

In the third year, we form the part that will be located on the roof. To do this, the top of the vine is shortened by 3 buds, in this place sleeves will begin to develop, on which vines will subsequently form, completely covering the roof of the gazebo.

Methods in step-by-step description

How to prune grapes step by step. Methods for forming a bush are usually divided into standard and non-standard. The former are usually used for non-covering (frost-resistant) varieties, the latter for covering varieties.

How to properly prune cover grapes after winter. Proper spring pruning involves using the standardless fan method. Spring pruning should be done when the winter shelter has been removed. After opening the grapes, it is necessary to inspect the branches for diseases and damage and only then begin pruning.

When and how to prune grapes correctly in the fall: pruning patterns for beginners. Pruning grapes in autumn: clear instructions for beginners

How to prune uncovered grapes after winter in March. After a thorough inspection of the overwintered bush, frost-damaged, broken branches and those affected by diseases or pests are cut off using the standard method.


The method involves the formation of several arms with fruit arrows located on them. There are two types of fans - multi-armed and one-sided.

Video: fan-shaped grapes


The number of sleeves is determined by the crop variety:

  • 3-4 are suitable for plants with slow and medium growth;
  • 6-8 is ideal for varieties with medium to strong growth.

The sleeves are shaped so that they are shorter in the middle of the bush than at the edges.

How to properly prune depending on the age of the plant:

  • 1 year. The first step is to get rid of any lifeless, twisted or damaged vines. Then select 2 or 3 healthy ones and trim the remaining ones.
  • 2nd year If after wintering only 1 vine has survived, it is shortened to the 3rd eye; two - up to 2nd. During the season, at least 3 strong shoots should form: sleeves will be formed from them. They should be tied to a trellis.
  • 3rd year. Shaping depends on the number of its shoots: if there are 2, shorten to 3-4 buds;
  • 3 – form shoulders from two, the third – shorten to 3-4 eyes in order to grow new sleeves on it;
  • 4 – do everything with sleeves, shorten to 3 kidneys.
  • 4 year Similar to the previous period:
      highlight new links and shoulders;
  • to form new sleeves, the vine on top should be removed from the old shoulder;
  • the remaining branches should be cut off to form fruit shoots;
  • the skeleton of the bush needs to be tied up.

  • When and how to prune grapes correctly in the fall: pruning patterns for beginners. Pruning grapes in autumn: clear instructions for beginners

    After the leaves appear, it is recommended to remove damaged and dried vines.

    Subsequent care consists of removing the remaining branches, removing fruit-bearing vines, forming new fruiting links from replacement knots and pruning excess vines.

    Important! If the bush grows slowly, then it is better to begin its formation at the age of three.

    Single sided long sleeve

    The method is preferable for vigorous and medium-sized crop varieties and assumes that the bush has several long (up to 150 cm) branched sleeves directed in one direction. The shape of the plant is given by wire: it is stretched parallel to the ground at several levels: 15 cm, 85 cm, 135 cm and 175 cm.

    How to trim correctly:

    • 1 year. After the procedure, 2 vines should remain, which are subsequently tied to the first level of wire.
    • 2nd year Vines whose height is: more than 0.7 m are cut to 1 m and fixed on the first two levels at an angle of 20°;
    • less than 0.7 m - cut off at a place whose thickness is more than 5 mm, tied to the bottom wire and cleared of buds.
    • At the same time, the formation of a Z-shaped base of the bush begins: the lower wire is stretched for one growing season, and in the fall it rises to a higher level. After swelling, the eyes (with the exception of the upper pair) are cleaned.
  • 3rd year. Correct bush formation:
      on shoulders longer than 0.7 m leave 3 arrows, shorter - 2;
  • annual shoots - processing and cleaning according to the algorithm of the 2nd year;
  • two-year-olds - tied to the 2nd level, cut off the buds from them until they reach the 3rd level.
  • After the leaves appear, get rid of damaged branches.
  • 4 year Form new fruiting links, then remove the fruiting arrows and form new ones instead. The sleeves should be cut close to the main branch of the top.

  • When and how to prune grapes correctly in the fall: pruning patterns for beginners. Pruning grapes in autumn: clear instructions for beginners


    The standard formation is interesting when a tall standard is formed, 1.2-1.5 m long. The crown of a grape bush can be located in the form of a tent, which is pruned in the summer - such plants look very impressive on plantations and in landscape design. In addition, you can get up to 25-30 kg of harvest from them.

    One or two sleeves can extend from the formed trunk in different directions of the trellis (perennial wood). The length of the sleeves corresponds to the growth strength of the bush and the capabilities of the trellis: from 80 cm to 1.4-1.5 m. The vines are cut on the sleeves so that 4-6 fruit links are formed.

    When and how to prune grapes correctly in the fall: pruning patterns for beginners. Pruning grapes in autumn: clear instructions for beginners

    Forming a long stem for grapes

    Long-stem grapes are grown on a powerful single-row trellis (1.5–1.7 m) in one trunk 120–150 cm high, with the optimal trunk width being at least 10 mm. With this formation, 2 to 6 shoulders are laid horizontally on a wire without a garter. 3–4 eyes are formed on the lashes; only 2 buds are left on the replacement knots. The growth on the shoots hangs freely.

    When and how to prune grapes correctly in the fall: pruning patterns for beginners. Pruning grapes in autumn: clear instructions for beginners

    Grapes on a long stem take up little space and minimize care

    The grapes grow on a long trunk, often in the area of ​​uncovered viticulture and look compact.


    The Guyot formation is the easiest for beginning winegrowers to master. She is standardless. From the base of the bush, one or two fruit links are immediately formed in different directions of the trellis or only on one side (one-armed Guyot).

    When and how to prune grapes correctly in the fall: pruning patterns for beginners. Pruning grapes in autumn: clear instructions for beginners

    One-armed Guyot

    The pruning pattern involves one vine and one replacement branch that come straight from the ground. In this case, the underground shoot will gradually thicken, but only fruit-bearing wood and shoots of the current year remain on the soil surface. In the fall, the fruit-bearing part is removed and in the spring they work with new shoots.

    When and how to prune grapes correctly in the fall: pruning patterns for beginners. Pruning grapes in autumn: clear instructions for beginners

    Pruning grapes for a gazebo

    The formation of a grape bush on an arbor includes a vertical cordon and is only suitable for uncovered varieties. The plant is not only capable of producing an excellent harvest, as with other forms of pruning, but also serves as a decoration for the building (pergola, gazebo, canopy) and the entire site as a whole. The “green cape” of grapes provides good shade and protects from drafts. Support for the shoots can be vertical welded metal rods or arcuate arches. An additional load is held by a wire fastener when the maximum load of the crop is expected (5-7 year old bush).

    When and how to prune grapes correctly in the fall: pruning patterns for beginners. Pruning grapes in autumn: clear instructions for beginners

    In order to rationally use the planting space without changing the load on the bush, a vertical cordon or a four-armed fan is used. Most often, technical or vigorous frost-resistant varieties are used for arched and arbor planting. Plants are planted along the perimeter of the support walls - one plant in the center (fan) or in the corners on each side (one-sided multi-tiered cordon). Trimming is carried out according to the selected shape.

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    When pruning grapes for a gazebo, you can use any shaping method. The main thing is that the grapes should not suffer from frost, then a low standard and cordon shaping are suitable for any variety. Or a fan - for frost-resistant grapes. A standard up to 60–80 cm high and a multi-tiered formation with freely hanging shoots looks very beautiful and modern, even if the grapes grow only on one side of the arbor.

    When to prune grapes in the fall of 2022 according to the lunar calendar

    Often the result of pruning grapes depends on what phase the moon is in. More experienced winegrowers resort to the help of astrologers and carry out pruning and shaping activities, following the lunar calendar.

    Favorable days for pruning grapes in the fall of 2022 according to the lunar calendar

    In the fall of 2022, favorable days to form grapes, according to the recommendations of astrologers, were:

    • in September - 8, from 12 to 15, 18, 20 and 21, from 27 to 30;
    • in October - 3, 5, 7 and 9, 12,13,15.

    When to prune grapes in the fall of 2022 according to the lunar calendar is not worth it

    Unfavorable days for grape formation are:

    • in September - 5, 6, 10, 17 and 25;
    • in October – 1, 8, 11, from 18 to 22.

    These days it is better to suspend all work with grapes.


    One of the important features of the grapevine is its polarity. This uniqueness is characterized by uneven growth of the bush, during which the formation of new vines and young buds slows down. The growth of fresh shoots is observed only on last year's taps. There is an increase in the size of the climbing plant, reducing productivity. Nutrients that were aimed at developing fruit ovaries are redistributed to growing useless vines. To prevent excess growth, bush pruning is required.

    Pruning grapes in the fall has several purposes:

    • improved fertility;
    • creating the correct form;
    • increasing natural ventilation;
    • improved pollination by insects;
    • formation of large clusters with large berries;
    • acceleration of full maturation;
    • improvement of taste;
    • making it easier to care for fruit-bearing bushes;
    • preparing cuttings for planting;
    • simplifying harvesting.

    Gardening Tips and Tricks

    Experienced winegrowers advise not to prune if there are leaves left on the grape bushes. If they do not fall off on their own, they need to be torn off. This will make the procedure easier.

    Removal of shoots should be carried out with a sharpened garden tool, periodically disinfecting it.

    For good fruiting and increased taste of the berries, it is recommended not to touch those fruit vines that are closer to the root. Thanks to this, the sleeve will not lengthen, and important microelements will be spent next year on the formation of the crop.

    Autumn fertilization of vines

    After you remove the crop from the vines, the remaining bare vines lose strength and become weak. Unfortunately, watering alone, accompanied by loosening the soil, is not enough to restore their strength, therefore, to maintain the life of the plant, it is necessary to feed the plant, at the same time:

    • giving strength for the winter;
    • laying the potential for the formation of large and sweet fruits in the next growing season.

    All the substances that grapes need during this period of the year are organic and are contained in full in:

    • compost;
    • breaking manure;
    • humus.

    The best way to apply fertilizer for grapes in this case is represented by digging up the soil again and simultaneously mixing the selected organic fertilizer with the soil.

    Ash is an excellent fertilizer for grapes, containing many natural nutrients

    However, if for some reason you do not have time to carry out digging, then you are allowed to carry out simple mulching with the selected substance at the base of each vine.

    So that you don’t find frozen suckers in the spring and enjoy a great harvest at the end of summer, an excellent solution would be to add additional nutrients as fertilizers, for example:

    • ash (about two handfuls per bush);
    • 150 grams of lime per grape bush.

    Using only these two fertilizers, you can saturate the vine:

    • manganese;
    • copper;
    • selenium;
    • molybdenum;
    • calcium;
    • boron;
    • zinc;
    • sulfur and other useful substances necessary for the grapes to gain strength to fight the cold.

    Manure contains almost all the elements that grapes need

    If you are an avid winegrower and love juicy berries picked from the vines, and all the products made from them at home, then it is better not to stop at the methods listed above to “feed” the vines, but also add to the list of fertilizers formulations containing:

    • phosphorus;
    • potassium.

    Most often, gardeners prefer the following fertilizers:

    • superphosphate;
    • potassium sulfate.

    Potassium sulfate

    The fertilizers listed above are sold in every store for gardeners and gardeners. They are sold in the form of granules. So, for 1 square meter of area planted with vines, it will be necessary to use approximately 25 grams of each fertilizer.

    In addition, it would not be a bad idea to spill the area planted with vines with fertilizer in the form of a liquid consisting of:

    • water;
    • 20 grams of superphosphate extract;
    • 10 grams of potassium salt.

    The watering depth should be approximately 20 centimeters.

    If the soil on which the grapes grow has been depleted for years and has not been fertilized in any way, it will be very useful to add to the indicated extract:

    • boric acid in an amount equal to 2.5 grams;
    • zinc, in the form of 2 grams of the specified substance;
    • ammonium molybdate, 5 grams;
    • manganese sulfate, 2.5 grams.

    Digging the soil around the vine is necessary to mix all the fertilizers added to it into the soil.

    It is not necessary to fertilize grapes using the methods described above every year, but only once every three years or so. If you planted the plant the first year this spring, and you fed it as necessary, you can leave the vine alone for the next three to four years.

    Superphosphate prices


    Common mistakes

    Inaccuracies in caring for grapes are most often made by beginners in the grape business.

    The most common is incorrect pruning. Inexperienced winegrowers remove all shoots, leaving only old, woody sleeves that do not bear fruit at all.

    When starting the procedure, you must definitely study the structure of the bush and the characteristics of the variety.

    Often, beginners leave weak shoots when shaping sleeves. This leads to the fact that they do not tolerate winter well, and next year they need to start shaping the sleeves again.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Why prune vines in the fall when you can do it in the spring?

    Autumn events are very important not only for obtaining a harvest next season, but also for wintering the shrub. If you ignore the procedure, then the vitamins accumulated by the grapes will not be used to strengthen and develop the buds, but to feed the vine. Subsequently, this will affect the yield and general condition of the perennial.

    Why can't you cut close to the kidney?

    This can lead to the saw cut drying out and the peephole dying along with it.

    Preventive spraying against pests and diseases

    Autumn is the most suitable time of year for treating various diseases of grapes and controlling pests, since there is no longer any danger that you will cause any harm to the future harvest, and the grapes themselves are much more amenable and responsive to all manipulations.

    If you are lazy and do not treat the problems listed above, then the plant will overwinter along with this “good”, which in the spring will resume its vital activity, which harms the grapes, with renewed vigor.

    It is best to spray any plants in a protective suit, however, if you do not have one, stock up on at least a shirt with a collar and sleeves, long pants, gloves, goggles and a mask

    There are many grape foliage treatment options available. The cheapest, and at the same time very effective means for processing can be made with your own hands. We are talking about a solution for spraying leaves, containing soda and salt.

    So, it is prepared by mixing the following ingredients:

    • ten liters of heated water;
    • 10 tablespoons of regular table salt;
    • 5 tablespoons of soda.

    It is better to spray the resulting solution onto the leaves while they are still warm. Using a garden sprinkler, the entire plant is treated, from base to top. It is important to spray every stem and leaf. Such processing must be carried out at least three times during the period from October 15 to October 20. In principle, if the weather permits, you can do it every day during these five days.

    Copper sulfate solution perfectly helps fight various infections

    To prevent the vine from becoming overgrown with fungus and various molds, you can spray it using copper sulfate. However, this treatment method requires special preparation for spraying. Here's how it's done.

    1. The first step is pruning the grapes according to the scheme described above, during which infected or damaged vines are removed.

    2. After removing the damaged branches, the vine is laid on the ground and pinned along its entire length, and then remains in a lying position.

    3. At the third stage, it is necessary to prepare a solution of copper sulfate, the ratio of which will be as follows:

    • for 10 liters of water;
    • 400 grams of copper sulfate.

    Having made a solution according to the ratio we are interested in, it is necessary to spray each lash. In this case, the liquid must be heated, the most acceptable temperature is 40-50.

    Only after the solution has dried will it be possible to carry out all subsequent procedures to prepare for winter, but not earlier.

    Another interesting way to protect grapes from pests and fungal infections is with a solution of slaked lime, which will protect the plant even during the thaw, when all infections become especially severe.

    You need to work with unslaked lime carefully, dissolving it well so that it does not burn the thin skin of the grapes

    It is prepared like this: one kilogram of unslaked lime is diluted with three liters of water. When the quenching process is completed, so much more water is added so that the total amount of liquid is 10 liters. It is necessary to coat all the leaves of the vine with the resulting solution, or spray the composition with a spray bottle.

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