When to plant carrots in June 2022 according to the lunar calendar

Planting carrots in June according to the lunar calendar is considered late, but rational.
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How is June useful for a plant like carrots, which varieties should you definitely work with, and which days should you avoid according to the lunar calendar?

Here are the recommendations for planting carrots in June 2022 according to the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Should you plant carrots in June?

June is a great month to sow. The days are pleasant with sun and weather, and for summer residents this is the start of sowing the garden with the main vegetable crops.

Often, novice gardeners are afraid to plant the queen of the vegetable garden in June due to lack of moisture in the soil or changeable climate. Others sow carrots in their country beds even in late summer, not forgetting to take into account which days are considered successful and suitable according to the lunar calendar.

A huge advantage of planting in June is that by the beginning of the summer season, the activity of the main pests of crops - carrot flies and psyllids - ceases.

The growing season will also be a plus. Those who are accustomed to planting carrots early in the spring see sprouted seeds only after 3-4 weeks. It’s even more difficult when frost returns and you have to insulate the beds. In June, the first 7 days after planting are enough to notice the first shoots.

Can I plant in summer?

Is it possible to sow root crops in the middle or end of June and generally plant them in the summer and when exactly is it permissible and when is it too late? In practice, it has been noted that carrot planting occurs in the last days of April and the first days of May , when the air temperature reaches 15 degrees, and the soil reaches 10-12 degrees. During this period, the soil on the ridges is already warmed up, but still moist enough for seed germination.

But in the first half of summer it will not be too late to sow vitamin-rich roots. If certain conditions are met, then by mid-October we will get medium-sized carrots that will be well stored in winter, healthy and tasty.

Does it make sense to plant carrots in mid-June if you planted them earlier, but the previous crop did not grow well? Summer sowing of vitamin vegetables is suitable for :

  • who at the beginning of the summer season wants to devote more time to planting other vegetables;
  • whose first sowing of carrots did not grow well;
  • who experiments and wants to get several harvests.

What varieties of carrots are sown in June?

In June, carrots of different varieties are planted. To ensure a satisfying result, take into account the germination time and storage duration of the finished crop.

Types of carrots depending on ripening time:

  1. Early ripening - 80-90 days
  2. Mid-season - 110 days
  3. Late ripening - 120 days

Early ripening varieties of vegetables are most popular when planting. By mid-September, gardeners are content with the first vegetables. One minus is that early varieties are poorly stored.

Popular varieties of early ripening carrots:

  • Amsterdam - plant in greenhouses and greenhouses. The ripe vegetable reaches 10-12 cm in length, has a juicy and delicate taste. Resistant to cracking.
  • Laguna F1 - reaches a length of 20 cm, and is suitable for late sowing. Has excellent taste.
  • Carotelle Parisian is early ripening, with a sweet aroma and a round shape.
  • Finchor is disease resistant. The fruits reach a weight of 120 grams. Ripens on average 85 days after planting.

It is also convenient to work with late varieties: mature vegetables are harvested before the first frost in the second ten days of October. By this time, the carrots will have grown and become suitable for long-term storage.

HELP : if the cold comes earlier than expected, then there is no need to panic - the growing season will end, and the fruits will not suffer in any way.

Popular late-ripening carrots:

  • The Queen of Autumn bears fruit well. It is highly resistant to adverse conditions. Well kept.
  • Canada F1 - excellent productivity, adaptability to not the most fertile soils. At the same time, it does not like overly moist soil.
  • Samson F1 is unpretentious and stress-resistant. At the same time, the carrot pulp is tender. When harvesting, you need to dig, otherwise there is a high risk of leaving part of the crop in the ground.
  • Anastasia F1. High-yielding variety. It has excellent taste. The fruits are large, weighty and have a regular cylindrical shape.

Modern breeders have developed varieties of mid-season carrots. The advantage of long-term storage of the crop after ripening is from 8 to 10 months.

Popular mid-season carrots:

  • Nayarit F1 is a productive variety that can be planted even in infertile, poor soil. Heat-resistant and does not crack, but has poor shelf life, so the vegetable is either processed immediately or eaten.
  • Nantes 4 is one of the most popular varieties of carrots. Ecologically plastic. If planting on heavy and over-compacted soil, severe deformation and curvature of the fruit cannot be ruled out.
  • Vitamin 6 is well preserved in winter, but there is no immunity to diseases. Slows down its growth when there is a lack of moisture.

Seed preparation

Before sowing, carrot seeds should be prepared, then they will sprout quickly and easily. And since planting is done late, this is especially true regardless of the variety.

To separate empty seeds from quality ones, all planting material must be placed in water at room temperature for about 10 hours. Those remaining on the surface by the end of the period are non-germinating. The rest will be activated during this time and will be ready for rapid germination.

Carrot seeds take a long time to germinate (about a month) due to the high content of essential oils, but they can be easily washed. To do this, the planting material is placed in a fabric bag, which must be rinsed in water at a temperature of about 50 ° C for several minutes. Then the water is drained, new water is drawn in (also warm), and the bag is left in it until it cools completely. Thanks to this preparation, the time until the first shoots appear is reduced by 2 times. Carrots need to be planted with dry seeds; it is advisable to bury them at the same level.


To protect against the onion fly (its next flight is in August), when sowing carrots, it is advisable to alternate rows with onions. Together, these plants form a symbiosis that is beneficial from a safety point of view. Anise or dill should not be planted nearby.

In which regions can you plant carrots in June?

The unpretentious vegetable is sown everywhere from mid-spring until the end of June.

In June, excellent conditions arise for sowing in the conditions of Central Russia, the Urals, Siberia and the Northern regions.

This is all due to weather conditions, which are shifting work to the beginning and end of June. Concerned about the harvest, summer residents are moving this date even to July for their own reasons.

Harvest dates

When determining the timing of harvest, they focus primarily on the variety of carrots. Early ripening varieties are harvested in July. If you delay harvesting, the fruits will crack and lose their juiciness.

Attention! Early carrots are good for eating fresh. It is not suitable for long-term storage.

Average ripening carrots ripen in 80-110 days. It’s also not worth keeping it in the ground, as this will have a bad effect on the taste.

Late carrots will take 110 days or more to mature. The fruits continue to grow until the air temperature drops to +4°C, but there is no need to wait for night frosts. For cleaning, choose a dry, sunny day.

Carefully dig up the carrots with a pitchfork and pull them out of the soil by the tops. Root vegetables are cleared of soil, greens are rolled or trimmed. After this, the carrots are air-dried for a couple of hours and stored.

When to plant carrots in June 2022 according to the lunar calendar, favorable days

The lunar calendar helps summer residents plan work in the garden: caring for plants and seedlings on those days when cultivated plants are most predisposed to specific agrotechnical measures. The general rules for the garden are known: do not plant plants on the New Moon.

They don’t plant them on the Full Moon either. At this time, the Moon is filled to the brim with power and transfers it to the plants, so it is recommended not to interfere with growth and allow it to gain a foothold in the soil on its own.

Sown on fertile zodiac signs: Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn.

The most suitable time for planting carrots is in June 2022: 3, 11-13, 16, 21-23, 29

All favorable days: 2, 6-8, 19, 20, 25, 30.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of late planting are a comfortable soil temperature, the absence of frosts and sudden drops in temperature. Additional benefits:

  • The period of emergence of seedlings is reduced, the fruit ripens faster;
  • the photosynthesis process takes longer;
  • fruits collected in autumn are stored longer and are less susceptible to rotting;
  • pests lose activity by late planting;
  • Before heavy autumn rains, the fruits will have time to get stronger.

Fast germination and the absence of pests do not guarantee a good harvest with late sowing. This method has significant disadvantages:

  • due to hot weather, frequent watering is required in the evening;
  • if the month is windy, this will negatively affect the growth and development of the fetus;
  • frequent rains can knock seeds out of the soil;
  • the choice of suitable variety is limited.

Knocking out the top layer of soil with seeds by rain can be prevented by first covering the crops with film. Watering can also be provided. Good care will minimize the disadvantages and possible difficulties of late planting of carrots.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! Gardeners recommend planting early varieties from mid-June to mid-July in order to halve the time for the first shoots to appear.

What should you consider when planting carrots in June?

Depending on when you want to get the harvest and for what purpose the vegetable will be used, the planting time varies.

In addition to the recommendations of the lunar calendar for June, the early maturity of the varieties that are planned to be grown is also taken into account. After all, situations when vegetables are already ripe, but it’s too early to store them or, on the contrary, happen and are upsetting.

Carrots are a heat-loving plant, so it is important to monitor the daily temperature.

In the European part of Russia (from Vyborg to Voronezh), the temperature at night in June already reaches 12 degrees. That is, there is no threat of night return frosts. Therefore, carrot seeds can be sown in open ground.

In southern latitudes the temperature is higher, and at +20 degrees the seeds will germinate much earlier.

80% of the success of an excellent carrot harvest depends on the composition of the soil. You should pay attention to such types of soils as:

  • Chernozem - easy to process, high percentage of nutrients, retains moisture and heat;
  • Sandy - loose and free-flowing, well aerated, but quickly loses moisture and nutrients;
  • Peat is a natural type of soil that does not require additional fertilizing.

ATTENTION! Heavy loam is not suitable for growing carrots.

When planting, it is important to consider the shelf life of the seed material. Basically, purchased grains are stored for up to 5 years, but the fresher they are, the more intensive the germination. In addition, attention is paid to storage conditions. The correct solution is a dark, ventilated room.

Caring for planted plants

Thinning crops is one of the important stages of caring for them. You can't ignore him. Otherwise, the crop will not be able to grow.

First thinning

The development of young carrot plants, immediately after germination, occurs slowly.


During this period, they can easily become overgrown with weeds.

1.5-2 weeks after germination, the first leaf appears, a week later - the second. When the third leaves begin to appear, the carrots must be cut at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

To make it easier to remove excess plants, the beds should be watered abundantly before the thinning procedure.

Immediately after this, it is recommended to fertilize. For this you can use:

  • potassium magnesium and urea solution (5 liters of water require 1 teaspoon of each fertilizer);
  • diluted infusion of slurry in a ratio of 1:15.

Watering the nutrient liquid should be done at the root and between the rows.

Repeated thinning

The second time the carrots must be thinned 3 weeks after the first procedure.


This thinning cannot be skipped, since in cramped conditions the roots of the plants will begin to intertwine with each other, and as a result, they will be pulled out in bunches.

After the procedure, the carrot beds must be watered.

To get a large harvest of root crops, the second thinning should be done at a distance of 4.5-5 cm. If it is smaller, the carrots will not be able to reach the required size. This is especially true for large-fruited winter varieties.

Excessively sparse crops are also undesirable. Because of this, root crops can begin to grow quickly, which will certainly affect their quality.

Feeding after thinning

After the thinning procedure, the beds must be watered abundantly, as well as fertilized with potassium fertilizers. For this you can use:

  1. Potassium sulfate. For 5 liters of water you need to add 2-3 tablespoons of solution.
  2. Infusion of ash. A bucket of water will require 0.5 liters of ash.

To prevent the smell of tops from attracting carrot flies, it is better to thin out plants in the morning. Insects are most active in the evening. If weeding is late, they may flock to the carrot smell and lay eggs in the bed with root crops.

After the excess plants have been removed, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the remaining sprouts, water them generously and gently compact them with your hands. This will protect the soil from pests.

How to plant carrots in June step by step

The main thing in planting is “fresh”, healthy grains and strict adherence to planting instructions. There are many planting methods, the main thing is to choose the one that is suitable for the climate, soil and lunar sowing calendar:

Plant dry seeds in the soil

This method is the simplest and most popular, but also with a nuance. Dry, not swollen, grains germinate slowly even in the presence of moisture in the ground.

Sow soaked and sprouted grains

After planting, the soil is kept moist, otherwise the seeds saturated with moisture will die without sprouting the first shoots. Of course, with good care, this method will show results.

Sow "carrots from a bag"

The point of planting this way is to get quick and friendly shoots. A hole is dug on the site “on a bayonet”.

A canvas bag with moistened carrot grains is placed in the resulting depression, covered with earth and a stick is placed as an identification mark.

Seeds hatch in 10-12 days. After the bag is taken out, the seeds are mixed with dry sand and scattered over the garden bed. At the end, the earth is loosened and covered with film.

We sow using the belt method

The principle is in ribbons that already have sprouted grains. They are easy to find at the agricultural market, but also easy to build yourself: carrot seeds are glued to a strip of paper using paste.

This prepared tape is easily pulled along the row and sprinkled with earth. One drawback is that the carrots you need are not always on sale, but gluing the seeds is a labor-intensive task.

Planting “coated seeds”

Each seed is in a shell made of dry hydrogel and fertilizers with microelements. The size of such “seeds” is slightly larger than pepper seeds. They have bright colors.

Dried carrot seeds are provided with all the necessary nutrients for the first time.

NOTE FROM EXPERIENCED SUMMER RESIDENTS : Instead of coated grains, they usually take moistened grains mixed with dried, ground mullein. This method is not for everyone, but according to reviews it has a good effect on the harvest of root crops.

Organic question

Another challenge is that growing root vegetables successfully requires very high quality soil and the right balance of nutrients.

For example, rocky soil will “give” you carrot freaks, while dense clay soil will create a soil crust with a favorable environment for pests and pathogens to reproduce in the depths of the garden bed.

Too much manure or compost will over-fertilize your plant with nitrogen, resulting in lush tops and sparse roots.

For only one root crop, it is recommended to heavily manure the beds: potatoes. The preferred option is to cover the bed with a layer of manure in the fall and dig it up in the spring. The benefit of adding manure in the fall is that the worms will have a chance to transport the manure deeper into the soil.

Given that manure tends to acidify the soil, do not forget to carry out pH tests. And for the mentioned crop, this is a plus - potatoes love slightly acidic soil, but in order to prevent diseases, you can add a little wood ash: it will turn the soil more alkaline and provide a little potassium for plant health.

How to care for carrot seedlings after planting carrots in June

After planting carrots, it is necessary to provide proper care throughout June.

First of all, keep your garden beds clean. It is very important to weed the weeds so that they do not “clog” the carrots.

The next important point is irrigation. Watering should be done by sprinkling, but water should be poured carefully and from a low height so as not to wash the grains out of the ground.

7-10 days after emergence, thinning is carried out. It is necessary to remove unnecessary plants that will interfere with each other.

A few words about feeding vegetables after planting in June.

You cannot fertilize root crops with fresh manure! Just like you can’t plant carrots in places with organic fertilizer for 2 years. Otherwise, the crop will be branched and more likely to contain nitrates.

At the first stage after planting, carrots need complex fertilizer. For example, nitrophoska (3 tablespoons per bucket of water).

Features of planting and care during summer planting

For the crop, choose a flat area, without close groundwater, with loose neutral or slightly acidic nutrient soil.

Before digging, the soil is fertilized to ensure rapid germination and active plant growth. For 1 sq. m of beds are poured: 2 cups of wood ash + 20 g of potassium salt + 15 g of urea + 15 g of superphosphate.

Seed preparation is one of the most important stages when sowing carrots late. The germination process must be accelerated by softening the dense shell before sowing: the seed material is immersed for 3 seconds, first in boiling water, then in ice water, repeating the manipulation three times. The seeds are dried and mixed with sand.

Make furrows with a maximum depth of 2 cm, water abundantly and sow the prepared material.

Cover the plantings with soil and tap them down a little. The bed is watered moderately from a watering can with a spray nozzle.

Aftercare includes:

  • removal of weeds immediately after their appearance. The grass should not be allowed to grow higher than the carrot shoots. When harvesting neglected weeds, the root system of the root crop can be damaged. In addition, weeds inhibit the growth of young plants, delaying ripening;
  • daily evening watering with warm water. As soon as the carrots begin to actively grow, the beds are moistened as the soil dries out;
  • To ensure that the root crops are large and have time to ripen before frost, the seedlings must be thinned out. First, after the formation of the second pair of leaves, leaving a distance between plants of about 3 cm. After 7 days, the procedure is repeated, carefully removing the weakest shoots;
  • If after rain or watering a crust has formed on the surface of the ground, the beds are carefully loosened with a thin hoe in the rows, without catching the furrows with carrots, so as not to damage the young plants.

Signs associated with sowing in June

People have come up with many beliefs and predictions that are verified from case to case. An experienced gardener has even more of them in his arsenal, because almost everything will affect the future harvest. Below are 5 signs of June that are believed and followed when sowing carrot seeds:

  • If it rains the first two days of June, the rest of the month will be dry.
  • If the dew does not dry in the morning, there will be a thunderstorm.
  • In the evening the weather is warm and muggy - rain should be expected.
  • Ranunculus flowers close on a clear day - there will be rain, but if they open when it is cloudy - you should not expect rain.
  • The chirping of a grasshopper at dusk means dry, clear weather. Before the rain you can't hear the grasshoppers.

Tricks and tips for sowing carrots in June

If carrots are thickened with weeds, small and unsightly root vegetables will form. In some gardens, it was noticed how the pulled carrot plants were being planted.

But you can’t pick young carrots: you get branched root vegetables with an ugly shape.

In this situation, we can advise you to do the following. Do not plant a carrot plantation separately, but do regular plantings. For example, onions - carrots - celery - onions, etc.

Good proximity of these crops will provide you with a bountiful harvest.

You can decorate the carrot bed in advance with borders made of organic matter, sawdust and weeds. Such fertilized walls are food for worms. By autumn you can get loose and fertile soil.

To ensure that the grown carrots do not taste bitter and delight you with their bright color, you should not forget to treat the beds with manganese sulfate. This element sweetens root vegetables and increases the content of sugars and carotene.


In June, you can begin not only to thin out the grown carrot shoots, but also to re-sow for winter storage of root crops. Only those who adhere to the rules of agricultural technology, choose wisely the timing of sowing and give preference to carrot varieties that are best suited for growing in certain climatic conditions can obtain a harvest of beautiful, well-aligned root crops. and for many years of cultivating carrots, I had to sow seeds before winter, early spring, and in summer.

Many experts believe that leaving carrot roots obtained from early spring sowing for the winter is a waste of time. Therefore, I practice growing carrots at least in two periods - in spring and summer.

. It is the second harvest that I put into storage.

I sow carrot seeds in the 1st-11th decade of June (no later than June 25th) in an area cleared of early vegetable crops. Of course, when sowing in summer, it can be quite difficult to get good shoots, but if everything works out, you can store healthy, young, juicy root crops. In addition, such carrots are much tastier than those obtained from spring sowing, and the seeds grown from them for the next year are of very high quality.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is the best way to make a furrow: along or across the beds?

It will be more convenient across. This makes it easier to understand where which varieties are located, and it is easier to weed the rows. Of course, along the ridges is also not prohibited, but only 3-4 furrows, otherwise caring for the plants will be problematic

How deep should the furrows be for planting carrots?

It all depends on the soil: on sandy and sandy loam the furrows are deep - 2.5-3 cm, on loamy and clayey - 1.5-2 cm. For sprouted carrot seeds, the type of soil does not matter - the depth of the groove should be at least 2-2 .5 cm. If you sow deeper, seedlings will be delayed, if you sow shallower, the seeds may die.

What's the best way to dig up carrots?

It is better to dig up carrot roots with a shovel, grabbing a large layer of earth and dumping the vegetables along with a piece of earth, because... Damaged root vegetables will not store well.

Choosing a place

Carrots are not very picky about where they grow, but they do require a well-lit place.
Preparation of the bed should be carried out taking into account several factors:

  • carrots love the sun, so you need to prepare a place for it that is in the sun all day;
  • Loose neutral soils are preferred;
  • every year it is advisable to change the bed for carrots, because in the second year its yield will be lower if it is planted in the same place;
  • the planting area is carefully dug up and weeds are removed;
  • they introduce leavening agents such as peat, humus, but not fresh manure; on it, vegetables will grow lush tops, but not root vegetables.

Loamy soil is most suitable for carrots.

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