Variety with huge fruits - tomato 1884: reviews of yield, description of tomatoes

Tomato 1884 is the envy of all gardeners. It was created by an American farmer and quickly spread around the world. It is grown in various regions and is successful everywhere. The main highlight is the huge fruits, sometimes weighing more than 1 kg.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonPinkLargeVarietyFlat-round

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato 1884 is a non-standard indeterminate. Has tall, strong shoots.

Height, plant weight, color, shape

What are the typical signs of bushes:

  • the height of the stems reaches 1.6-2 m;
  • shoots need fixing and shaping;
  • Fruitful clusters will bear up to 3-5 giant fruits.

The fruits of 1884 invariably attract attention. And it's not just the huge size. The characteristics of tomatoes are as follows:

  • average weight 400-500 g;
  • large specimens from the lower clusters reach 1 kg or more;
  • flat-round shape;
  • ribbing is moderately expressed;
  • bright crimson color;
  • the pulp is fleshy, oily, moderately juicy;
  • The skin is durable.

Classic tomato taste. A wonderful combination of sourness and sweetness.

In what regions is it grown?

The ideal climatic conditions for the variety are in the southern regions - Crimea, Astrakhan, Krasnodar Territory. When planting in temperate and northern latitudes, care should be taken in greenhouses and protection from return frosts.

The main purpose of the variety

Use for fresh salads and slices is one of the leading directions. Tomatoes 1884 are good when canned in slices. They are added assorted. Placed in second and first courses. Used for making juice, ketchup, dressing.

American selection tomatoes

Ox's heart is the most popular tomato of Italian origin. The fruits are often irregular in shape and contain little liquid compared to other varieties. It is famous for its excellent taste; the fruits are dense and have dense pulp, which gives it a sweetish taste.

Pink Claire F1 is an Israeli selection tomato with large pink fruits that have a delicately sweet taste. It is ideal for fresh consumption, as well as salads, canning, preparing side dishes, and juices. The fruits simply melt in your mouth, thanks to which the tomato attracts you again and again.

VOLUME 02044 F1 - for the first time in the world, a Japanese breeding company managed to develop a perthenocarpic tomato, which immediately attracted attention. Not only is this tomato parthenocarpic, but it also has a small seed chamber and virtually no seeds. This gives the hybrid an excellent taste, because the tomato contains almost only sugary pulp.

Big Sasher F1 is a new chokeberry tomato from a Turkish company. The dark color is obtained due to the high content of lithopone, which is actively involved in the breakdown of fats and is an antioxidant. The tomato has not only an unusual color, but also a special taste.

KS 10 F1 is a golden yellow tomato from a Japanese company that contains a large amount of carotene. This is what makes it special among all tomatoes. The tomato has dense pulp and amazing taste, and most importantly, it is highly beneficial, as it contains a large amount of vitamins.

Porpora F1 is a tall cherry tomato from an Italian company, which has small, uniform, sweet fruits weighing 25 grams with the highest taste characteristics. The fruits are very sweet, grow literally in clusters and are often used in restaurants to embellish their dishes.

Summer Sun F1 is a yellow cherry from a Dutch company, which is also called summer sun. The fruits are pleasing to the eye, as they literally glow from the inside. I just want to eat them. Cherries have a dense structure, tasty, juicy, sweet, with a honey flavor.

Akela F1 is a multi-chambered tomato from a French company with a rich red structure. The fruits have a pleasant taste that resembles the taste of country tomatoes.

Proven tomato varieties: practical large-fruited ones

Every year I take the time to experiment and try to grow something new. I think almost every summer resident has a favorite plant, in my case it’s tomatoes. Growing them truly excites me and brings me satisfaction. Therefore, most of all I am interested in new varieties of tomatoes, especially practical ones.

Tomato 'Pink Giant' (Homestead variety). Photo by the author

Each gardener has his own idea of ​​what practical varieties are.

Some people grow the bulk for pickling, and then they need the appropriate tomatoes: medium-sized, strong, dense, and ripening together.

For example, I prepare tomatoes in a different way; it’s convenient for me to use large fruits. Such tomatoes, as a rule, also go well in salads: you pick one, 600-700 grams, and cut it for the whole family at once.

This is why I am attracted to tomato varieties with large fruits. Although, to be honest, I also like them because of the enthusiastic oohs and aahs from friends and neighbors. I want to share with you my experience of growing some of them, which I planted in a greenhouse and open ground.


The 'Delicious' tomato belongs to the varieties of American selection; it can be called old: it was bred in 1964 by the famous Burpee company. The plant is indeterminate; in a greenhouse it grows more than 2 m per season. The growing season is 110-120 days.

Tomato variety 'Delicious'. Photo by the author

The leaf type is standard, the fruits are of a pleasant regular shape, flat-round. The color is orange-red, the tomato itself is glossy. Ripe fruit does not have hard inclusions or green caps and ripens evenly. The cut shows that the seed chambers are quite small, that is, there is not much “water with seeds”.

Tomato 'Delicious' cut. Photo by the author

The taste can be called old-fashioned, with a slight sourness. These are classic tomatoes, a reliable variety. The weight of the fruits ranged from 400 to 600 g.

The weight of the 'Delicious' tomato ranges from 400 to 600 g. Photo by the author

I grew this variety in a greenhouse with 2 stems and I must say that it did not require any special care. The education of the stepchildren is very moderate, no diseases were observed.

And even when the tomatoes in the neighboring bed (and in the greenhouse it is very close) began to suffer from late blight, there was none on 'Delicious'.

True, for prevention, I treated all the plants in the greenhouse as soon as the fungus was noticed.


The Homestead variety was developed in 1960 in America (Florida). It was very highly regarded, and many varieties were developed from it. I grew 2 types, the seeds of which were purchased in Bulgaria, produced by the Florian company. I cannot help but note that the seeds were poured into the bag with all my heart; before this I have never come across such generous packaging.

Packages of seeds of the Homestead variety. Photo by the author

'Pink Giant'

The plant is determinate, tall. In open ground, the tomatoes grew up to 1.5 m, and the greenhouse specimens behaved like indets and stretched to the ceiling (about 190 cm), after which I completed them in the usual manner for ripening. In the main photo of the publication you can see this variety planted in open ground.

'Pink Giant' (Homestead variety) is good for harvesting. Photo by the author

The leaf shape is standard, and the fruit itself is flat-round, slightly lumpy, pink in color. The growing season is 90-100 days. The photo shows that ripe tomatoes have denser green strokes on top, but there are very few of them, there is no woody core.

The taste is mild, the flesh is quite smooth, but in overripe tomatoes it becomes a little grainy. The fruits are exceptionally fleshy, the seed chambers are small and there are very few seeds themselves; this is clearly visible on the cut.

'Pink giant' on a cut. Photo by the author

The weight of the tomatoes varied from 500 to 700 g, although, to be honest, I expected more, given the manufacturer’s promises: the packaging clearly states that the weight is from 400 to 1000 g.

The weight of 'Pink Giant' tomatoes is from 500 to 700 g. Photo by the author

The formation of shoots is average; late blight was noticed in mid-summer, but after a single treatment the outbreak was stopped, very few fruits were affected, and even only a few. Nevertheless, I want to say that this variety is definitely practical and productive, I will grow it and recommend it to everyone.

Features of growing and caring for the variety

Some of the features of growing 1884 tomatoes have already been mentioned - the stems are constantly growing, which means they require pruning; the best results can be obtained by leaving 1-2 stems. Representatives of the variety love the sun and a lot of moisture, and, despite their high immunity, require feeding and disinfection. Timely planting of seedlings and adherence to soil planting technology will also help you get a good harvest. For 1 sq. m, as a rule, no more than 3 bushes are planted; more is possible, but in this case it will be more difficult to care for the plants.

Planting time for seedlings

Seeds should be sown in the ground approximately 60 days before the intended planting in open ground or in a greenhouse. When growing seedlings, a number of conditions must be observed to promote rapid growth and strengthen the immune system:

  • the room temperature should not be lower than 24-26℃ - in this case, the first shoots will appear within a week or even earlier;
  • when the second leaf appears, the plants must be picked and planted in different containers;
  • to increase immunity and better adaptation of seedlings, they need to be hardened off - one or two weeks before transplanting, you will have to take them out into the fresh air;

After taking the above measures, you can prepare to transplant the plants into the soil, which will first have to be prepared. It is better to loosen the soil and add organic and mineral fertilizers, to which this variety has no contraindications.

Ripening time

Having planted tomatoes 1884 in the garden or in the greenhouse, you must provide them with proper care. This consists of periodically pinching the plant, watering it and feeding it with peat, manure, chicken droppings and other fertilizers. The variety is mid-season, which means that tomatoes can be fully ripened in 120 days, although in a greenhouse it could be 100-110 days. The seedlings are transplanted into open ground no earlier than June, but they can be moved to the greenhouse as early as mid-May.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

If you want to grow giant fruits, grow the bush with one stem, removing all the stepsons and normalizing the number of ovaries. In this case, you can get tomatoes weighing over 1 kg.

When planting seedlings in the ground for 1 sq. Place no more than 3 plants per meter of plot.

If you grew 1884 tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits in your climatic conditions? Has this variety become your favorite? If possible, attach a photo of these tomatoes to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of tomato 1884 and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety objectively and decide whether it is worth growing or not.

It is known that South America is considered the birthplace of tomatoes, from where the “golden apple” came to Europe and Russia. Meanwhile, our gardeners continue to discover their America in the form of new varieties of salad vegetables, among which the 1884 tomato, discovered by an unfamiliar American farmer, deserves special attention. The popularity of the variety is growing every year, and is due to many factors.

Reviews from those who planted

Elena, Naberezhnye Chelny

“I met variety 184 two years ago, and I think that I have already succeeded in growing them and can give advice. I recommend growing them in a greenhouse - my area is 25 square meters. This year I was able to fit 80 bushes into it, I think that this is not the limit, and next year I will try to grow 100 bushes at once.”

“I live in the south of Russia, so I’m used to good harvests of vegetables, and last year I met the American tomato 1884. I planted it in open ground, on a hill, left 2 stems on each plant, and for the experiment I left it on two bushes 1 stem each. Here I raised my “record holder” weighing 700 grams. I think this is not the limit."

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