Instructions for use of Bayleton fungicide, composition and release form of the product

Composition, purpose and release form of the drug Bayleton

The main active ingredient of the fungicide is triadimefon. The drug is available in powder form in packages of 1, 5 and 25 kilograms. It is used to protect plants from a variety of pests and diseases, including:

  • powdery mildew;
  • fusarium;
  • rhynchosporioses;
  • pyrenophores;
  • septoria;
  • cercosporelliosis;
  • net spot;
  • red-brown spotting;
  • rust mushrooms.

Scheme for treating a vineyard with fungicides

Below we present a time-tested option for treating vineyards against fungal diseases. In the spring, before the buds swell, it will be useful to protect your vine. During this period, we destroy mites and other pests that hibernate under the bark and fight black spot. For these purposes, you can use “Nitrophen Dnok” (drug concentration 1-2%). With the appearance of the first shoots and leaves, the treatment must be repeated. A mixture of Bordeaux mixture and Fozalon is suitable.

After flowering, the probability of infection of the vineyard with fungal diseases is still very high, so during this period we carry out another treatment at the stage of ovary formation. We treat with sulfur against oidium, against gray rot we use “Euparen”, against mildew and black spot with “Polychom” and “Homecin”. It would not be superfluous to treat the vineyard against pests at this stage; you can use the drug “Rogor”. Closer to autumn, but not earlier than 20 days before harvest, treatment is carried out with a Hexochlorane solution.

How does it work?

The active components of the drug, due to the inhibitory processes of dimethylation of sterol synthesis and disruption of the selectivity of the permeability of cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms, effectively combat plant diseases.

The product penetrates the plants through the surface of the leaves, after which it moves into the root system. The death of pests occurs as a result of the formation of haustoria, as well as appressoria and vesicles.

Triadimefon is most active in the gas stage. Taking this into account, the fungicide can be used when treating plants that are grown indoors against leaf infections.

The product also has a pronounced insecticidal effect. After spraying, necrosis of the larvae of leaf beetles, which feed on the leaves of plant crops, is observed.

To combat aphids, Bayleton is recommended to be used together with other insecticides.


A systemic fungicide used to protect plants from a wide range of diseases.

Active ingredient: triadimefon, at a concentration of 250 g/kg


Bayer CropScience Company.

Preparative form:

Wettable powder.

Release form:

Packaging 1 kg, 5 kg, 25 kg.


A systemic fungicide used to protect plants from a wide range of diseases. It is used, in particular, to combat powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis), fusarium (Fusarium spp.), rust fungi (Puccinia spp.), rhynchosporium (Rhynchosporium secalis), septoria (Septoria pp.), pyrenophora spp.), red-brown spot (Helminthosporium avenae), net spot (Drechslera teres), cercosporellosis (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides).

Features of the drug.

Principle of action: triadimefon, thanks to the inhibitory processes of dimethylation of sterol biosynthesis and disruption of the selectivity of penetration of cell membranes of the pathogen, fights diseases.

Mode of application.

The working solution is prepared immediately before spraying. For spraying use 1 g per 1 liter of water. First, the drug is diluted in a small amount of water, and then brought to a volume of 1 liter.

The drug is dissolved in a small amount of water, then the required amount of water is added at the rate of 10 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. In the case of treating tomatoes against powdery mildew, the concentration, depending on the lesion, can be doubled. Processing is carried out in calm weather. The drug penetrates the plant within 2-4 hours from the moment of treatment.

The period of protective action of the drug, depending on weather conditions and the stage and strength of the disease, lasts for 2-4 weeks.

The best results are achieved when used during the period when the first signs of disease appear.


The drug is not phytotoxic to the treated crops, subject to the recommended consumption rates. According to some data, on apple and grapes, a significant exaggeration of the norm can cause unwanted phytotoxicity.

Possibility of resistance

No resistance was detected when used according to the rules.

Compatibility with other pesticides.

Bayleton is compatible with most fungicides and insecticides. However, in each specific case, a preliminary check for chemical compatibility is necessary.

Security measures.

Hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

The drug has no restrictions when used in sanitary zones around fishery reservoirs.

The border protection zone for bees is about 2-3 km. The summer limit for bees is 20 hours.

Preparation of working fluid and refueling of the sprayer should be carried out away from residential buildings, livestock yards, water supplies and food crops.

When processing, avoid contact with skin and eyes. Smoking, drinking and eating is prohibited. Do not inhale water vapor from the drug solution. Work in special clothing, protective gloves, goggles and a respirator.

After treatment, before removing gloves, you should wash your gloved hands with a 5% solution of soda and water.

In case of poisoning with a substance, remove the victim to fresh air and remove personal protective equipment.

If the drug gets on the skin, wash off with plenty of soap and water; In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with running water.

In case of accidental ingestion, immediately drink 1-2 glasses of warm water with activated carbon (at the rate of 1 g of sorbent per 1 kg of human body weight). Induce vomiting. Contact your doctor. Keep out of the reach of animals and children.

Storage temperature ranges from +5 to +25℃.

Shelf life: 4 years from the date of manufacture

This article was created based on the manufacturer's instructions; it is for informational purposes only and is not an advertisement.

date of article: 05.12.2012

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Main advantages

The main advantage of the product is its effectiveness in combating a wide range of pests and diseases of plant crops. In addition, among the advantages of the fungicide are:

  • low level of product consumption;
  • availability;
  • lack of phytotoxicity to treated crops;
  • eliminating the possibility of resistance developing after spraying;
  • systemic effect in the treatment of plants;
  • Moderately hazardous to humans, honey insects and the environment.

See also

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Contact fungicides

To achieve maximum preventive or therapeutic effect, biofungicides must be carefully and efficiently applied to the entire above-ground part of the plant - vines, leaves and trunks. In addition, if it rains after treatment, spraying must be repeated.

The disadvantage of such products is the rather large frequency of treatments (7-8 sprayings) to ensure proper protection of plants

In addition, it is very important to carry out such treatments in a timely manner. If the spraying period has been missed, then the infected plants should be treated with systemic or complex agents.

Dosage of the product for different types of crops

When processing grain crops, you need 500-700 grams of the product per 1 hectare of plantings. The consumption of the working solution is 300 liters. The waiting time between treatments should be at least 3 weeks.

To spray cucumbers grown in open ground, 80-120 grams of product per hectare are used. The consumption rate of the working solution is 500-600 liters. The waiting time between treatments should be at least 3 weeks.

The total number of treatments is 4 times per season.

Cucumbers grown indoors need 0.2-0.6 kilograms of fungicide. The consumption of the working solution is 1000-2000 liters per hectare. At least 5 days should pass between sprayings.

Tomatoes in greenhouses need 2-2.5 kilograms of the product. It is stirred in 1000-2000 liters of water. This is enough to process 1 hectare of plantings. The maximum number of treatments is 2 in one season. There should be a break of 10-12 days between them.

Corn seed crops require 500 grams of product per 1 hectare. The consumption rate of the working product is 300-400 liters.

Instructions for use

The freshly prepared solution is shaken and the procedure begins. Events are held outdoors in the absence of children and animals nearby. Cultivated plantings are sprayed 1-4 times per season. The number of treatments depends on the type of crop and the degree of damage. It is recommended to use the product during the growing season.

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Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

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Work is carried out in the early morning or evening, in the absence of wind and precipitation. Calm weather is an important indicator, since strong air currents will carry the product throughout the area, and the ineffectiveness will be unnoticeable.

Precautions when working with the product

Fungicide Bayleton belongs to toxicity class 3. This means that it is moderately safe. To prevent intoxication of the body, you must adhere to safety rules. These include:

  1. Availability of a change of clothes that can be used when working with chemicals. To do this you need to use things made from thick fabric. It is also recommended to have personal protective equipment in the form of a headgear, vacuum goggles, respirators for respiratory protection, and a rubber apron.
  2. Checking the serviceability of the sprayer using water.
  3. The procedure is recommended in the absence of wind and rain, in the morning or evening.
  4. It is not recommended to drink, eat or smoke during the procedure, as this can lead to intoxication of the body.
  5. After the treatment, you need to neutralize the spray tank with a 5% soda solution or laundry soap.
  6. Spraying should not be carried out on children, nursing and pregnant women, as well as people who are hypersensitive to the components of the drug.

See also

Instructions for use of the herbicide Volnik, consumption rates and analoguesRead

Terms and conditions of storage

Despite the fact that Bayleton fungicide is considered conditionally safe, it must be stored out of the reach of children. Do not give the solution to pets to drink, as this will cause intoxication.

The product is kept in a dark place, away from direct sunlight. When exposed to strong heat, the drug loses its properties. Therefore, it is put away in a pantry or other cool place.

The optimal storage temperature is no higher than 25°C. The product must be kept in a tightly closed container. Otherwise, its properties will decrease, and the secretions may have a toxic effect.

The fungicide has a long shelf life of 5 years. When purchasing, be sure to check the manufacturing date.

Similar means

If it is not possible to purchase Bayleton, it is recommended to use T-rex and Bayzafon fungicides. These alternative products have a similar composition and effect, which allows them to be used as a replacement for the main pesticide.

Fungicide Bayleton is one of the most effective drugs that will protect plant crops from powdery mildew, fusarium, pyrenophorosis, rhynchosporiosis, septoria, cercosporelliosis, net and red-brown spot, as well as rust fungus.

The use of such substances is effective if the instructions for use and safety regulations are followed. This will make spraying beneficial for the crop and safe for health.

What are fungicides?

There are protective and curative fungicides. Protective ones are used as a prophylactic agent. Medicinal fungicides are necessary in cases where the disease has already been identified.

Fungicides are also divided into contact and systemic. Contacts remain on the surface of plant parts without penetrating into the tissue. Use contact fungicides to effectively target spores that are just beginning to germinate. It should be taken into account that precipitation completely washes away the contact preparation, and the treatment will need to be repeated.

Systemic fungicides penetrate the plant tissue and cells, helping to destroy the spreading infection. Systemic fungicides for the vineyard include: “Quadris”, “Strobi”, “Mancozeb”, “Falcron”, etc. The advantage of systemic fungicides is that the effect will be noticeable after just a few hours. In addition, these drugs are not washed off by precipitation.

Fungicides are used to detect the following fungal diseases: mildew, oidium, anthracnose, gray rot, white rot, black rot.


Among the advantages of this fungicide, the most important are the following:

  • treatment using this drug will not harm your crop, since the drug does not have pronounced phytotoxicity;
  • compared to other fungicides that have a contact principle of action, it has a more pronounced effect when using low dosages;
  • no phenomenon of cross-resistance was detected with modern drugs that are used for the treatment and prevention of potato diseases;
  • has a good indicator of water resistance and a fairly long period of active resistance to diseases;
  • helps to stop sporulation by reducing the production of zoosporangiophores;
  • its use has an inhibitory effect on zoospores both inside the plant and in the soil, during the movement of spores through capillaries located in the soil, thereby creating a barrier for spores to reach the soil surface and significantly reducing the likelihood of infection of young plants.

Safety precautions

When working with chemicals, you must adhere to safety precautions:

  1. The entire body must be protected by a work suit or overalls, and gloves should be worn on the hands.
  2. The hair is hidden under a headscarf and a respirator is used to protect the respiratory tract.
  3. The remaining working solution is disposed of away from the site; under no circumstances should the fungicide be poured into a nearby body of water.
  4. After completing the work, wash the clothes and take a shower to wash off any accidentally dropped drops of the drug.

The container is washed under running water and put into the outbuilding, without subsequently being used for harvesting.

Regulations for the use of the drug Shirlan, SK

Advantages of the drug:

  • Minimizes the risk of early manifestations of late blight in the field under conditions favorable for the development of the disease.
  • Keeps plants healthy during the germination period.
  • Ensures obtaining tubers undamaged by late blight during the harvesting period and during storage, subject to timely application.
  • Helps reduce possible infection of tubers with secondary infection due to late blight (bacterial, dry rot and mixed rot).
  • Guarantees stable protection of potatoes under conditions of watering and precipitation.

Analogs for the active substance:

Buzzer, KS Shirma, KS

The list of data on the website is presented for 2011 - 2022

(c) Online directory of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use in the Russian Federation, from the portal

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