Instructions for use of the herbicide Lintur against weeds, its composition and dosage

It is extremely difficult to manually control weeds over large areas. It will take a lot of time and effort to remove them, but after some time, harmful plants will reappear on the territory. Lintur herbicide against weeds in grain crops and lawns is able to quickly destroy trash grasses without having a negative impact on cereal and lawn crops.

It is necessary to know the rules for using the herbicide, dosage, and the optimal time for its application in order to create the most comfortable conditions for the development of crops and sown grasses.

Composition and existing forms of release

The herbicide "Lintur" contains 2 active compounds: dicamba and triasulfuron. The first substance regulates plant growth, the second suppresses the production of independent amino acids. Both active compounds are able to penetrate the leaves and roots of weeds. As a result, their growth stops, the leaves and stems turn yellow, and the weeds die. The first signs of yellowing can be noticed 5-7 days after spraying, the death of the weeds occurs after 2-3 weeks. The time it takes for complete death is influenced by weather conditions and the type of weed.

The herbicide is available in the form of granules in small-capacity packages of 1.5 and 1.8 g and in professional packaging of 1 kg (with a measuring cup).

Advantages and disadvantages

Of all pesticides, herbicides are the most dangerous to humans and the environment. Consider the infamous “orange substance” alone, which killed more innocent people than all the military agents together with atomic bombs. But the herbicide Lintur noticeably “fails” its “colleagues”, which is why it is included in the composition of high-tech pesticides:

  • Relatively safe: in the soil it completely decomposes into harmless components during the growing season;
  • It does not cause chronic poisoning of people with microdoses (does not have a cumulative effect), and acute poisoning due to careless handling of the drug is treatable and goes away without consequences;
  • Low toxicity to bees and beneficial insects;
  • Highly effective: with one treatment, it completely destroys the most harmful dicotyledonous weeds in cereal crops: amaranth (amaranth), thistle, cornflowers, quinoa and other goosefoot, sow thistle, chamomile, etc.
  • The method of selective (spot) treatment is suitable for the destruction of dangerous weeds, for example. Sosnowski's hogweed and artemisia ragweed;
  • Effective against weeds that are absolutely resistant to 2,4-D and MCPA;
  • No phytotoxicity of the drug for target crops was noted;
  • Has a long period of protective action, up to 8 weeks or more;
  • The yield of cereals does not suffer from the use of Lintur on them - the length and filling of the ear remain unchanged, the quality of the grain does not deteriorate;
  • The areas treated with the preparation are suitable for sowing any other crops (including dicotyledons) by the end of the current growing season;
  • In tank mixtures it is compatible with any other pesticides except alkaline ones;
  • After ongoing lawn care with Lintur, people can visit it for long-term recreation in just 3 days;
  • Economical: treatment with the drug 100 sq. m of land area costs no more than 20 rubles;
  • Expensive personal protective equipment with a high degree of protection is not required to work with the drug.

Note: 2,4-D (2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and MCPA (or 2M-4X, 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid) from the chemical class of aryloxyalkanecarboxylic acids are first generation herbicides. Now they are falling out of use everywhere, because... all objects of elimination that were initially susceptible to them have now become highly resistant. Weed resistance to 2,4-D and MCPA is a serious problem because partially or completely applies to herbicidal agents of other chemical classes.

But the main thing, considering the future, is that the advantage of Lintur is that it has low toxicity for soil microfauna, aquatic organisms and is practically harmless for beneficial soil fungi. Therefore, this herbicide in professional agricultural technology over large areas can be occasionally used against weeds both during the transition period from intensive cultivation to natural (organic) farming, and in farms that have already fully mastered “organic”. Against this background, the disadvantages of the drug, although there are as many of them as there are advantages, do not look fatal:

  1. Not applicable before germination, because acts only on vegetative plants;
  2. Does not affect weeds that have reached the generative phases of development (from the beginning of the formation of the peduncle);
  3. Inhibits the development of all dicotyledons;
  4. To one degree or another, it is phytotoxic to any monocots except cereals;
  5. Sensitive to external conditions during processing, see below;
  6. As a consequence of paragraphs. 1-3, on large areas it is applicable only in the spring or at the end of the growing season, otherwise the biocenoses of shelterbelts will suffer;
  7. For the same reasons, in private household plots it is not applicable in productive and/or decorative areas (in the garden, vegetable garden and vineyard, in flower beds, near flower beds, flower borders, etc.);
  8. If the objects of elimination grow on soil with pH>7, then the effectiveness of the drug decreases, i.e. limited applicability for crops on alkaline and leaching-prone soils;
  9. Also, the effectiveness of Lintur decreases at external temperatures below +15 degrees Celsius and above +25 degrees;
  10. 100% destruction of objects of elimination is ensured only at air humidity of 70% and above;
  11. As a consequence of paragraphs. 7-9, the herbicide Lintur is of little use for southern regions with alkaline soils and a hot, dry (arid) climate;
  12. Due to high translaminar activity, it can also accumulate in dry cereal fruits, which causes a long waiting period before harvesting;
  13. Long-term storage of the drug is unacceptable (noted as ND in the instructions and descriptions). The purchased batch must be produced during the current season, and from the opened package within a working day;
  14. If the rules are violated, even for temporary storage during the season (kept in the light and/or at temperatures above +25 degrees), the drug can be a fire hazard.

Advantages of the drug

Advantages and disadvantages

wide spectrum of action;

destroys difficult to remove weeds;

acts in the soil, providing long-term protection;

can be used in spring and autumn;

Available in packaging of different volumes, so it can be used in areas of different sizes;

valid for more than a month;

non-toxic to lawn monocotyledonous grasses.

"Lintur" is intended for the destruction of annual and perennial weeds, including thistle, cruciferous plants, acorns, chamomile, dandelion and other species that are considered difficult to remove.

Expert opinion

Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best country expert.

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The herbicide protects major grain crops and lawn grasses. Not used for processing fruit and vegetable crops.

Instructions for use of herbicide Lintur

Before you start treating weeds, you must read the instructions for use of Lintur and strictly follow its instructions:

  1. Spraying the solution is carried out in the morning or evening, in calm weather.
  2. Treatment is carried out twice per season: at the end of May and mid-August.
  3. The most effective use of Lintur will be during the period when the weed has no more than 6 leaves.
  4. To remove harmful plants from the lawn, tall grass should be mowed and then sprayed with the prepared solution.
  5. If there is a chance of rain, the event should be postponed to another day.
  6. On an existing lawn, treatment is carried out pointwise, covering the cultivated plants.
  7. To create a new one, the entire grass is sprayed as a whole, without selecting weeds. After it dries, the area is dug up and sown.

Important! The optimal ambient temperature for herbicide treatment is from 15 ⁰С to 25 ⁰С, humidity – from 70% and above.

How to properly dilute Lintur

Before preparing the Lintur working solution for weed control, you need to check the cleanliness of the tank, tubes and sprayer tips. Using water, you should evaluate its performance, uniformity and speed of fluid supply.

To dilute the working solution, fill the tank ¼ volume with clean, settled water, measure out the required amount of herbicide and pour it into the container. Then mix thoroughly. Next, add water to the tank and achieve homogeneity of the working mixture.

Spraying of weeds is carried out according to application rates for specific crops.

Important! Lintur solution is used on the day of its preparation.

At the end of the work, all components of the sprayer are thoroughly washed with clean water.

Dosage and timing of application

The consumption rate of Lintur against weeds depends on the purpose of its use.

For lawns, the working fluid is diluted at a ratio of 1.8 g per 5 liters of water. This amount of solution is enough for 100 square meters. m of lawn. For gardeners and gardeners, preparations are packaged in small batches - 1.8, 3.6, 5 g.

Important! A 5 g package is diluted in 13.5 liters of water and used for a lawn of 270 square meters. m.

Spraying is done twice: at the beginning of summer, 3 days after the first mowing and at the end of August. You can be on the lawn no earlier than three days later.

When processing rye, winter wheat and barley, the recommended herbicide consumption rate is 0.15-0.18 kg per 1 hectare of area. Treatment is also carried out twice - in spring, during the tillering phase of grain and in autumn. At this time, it is possible to sow any crops on the treated area, subject to deep plowing.

Oats, spring crops, wheat and barley are treated against weeds at the rate of 0.135 kg per 1 ha of arable land once in the phase of three leaves of grain crops.

Both small and large packaging of the drug are very convenient for use.

How to use the product correctly?

The instructions for use prescribe the following rules for using the herbicide:

  1. Treatment is carried out when the weather is dry and windless and not earlier than 2-3 days after the lawn is mowed.
  2. Grain crops must be sprayed from the stage of 4 leaves until the end of the tillering stage of the plant, inclusive.
  3. Spraying is carried out in the mornings and evenings, when the wind speed is no more than 5 m/s, so that the pesticide is not blown onto plants growing nearby.
  4. It is recommended to spray the plants 2 times a season. The first time you need to do this is at the end of spring, the next time - at the end of summer. The optimal air temperature is 15-25 degrees.

There is no need to spray crops with the product if frosts are expected or after frosts. Do not use it on crops that are under stress, do not treat lawns where legumes are sown, and do not give cut grass to animals as feed.

It is important that the working solution does not get on neighboring plants. Also, do not spray lawns that are less than 6 months old.

Effect of herbicide on different plants

The mixture of active ingredients (preparative form) of bazagran is presented in the form of an aqueous solution, the main component of which is bentazoline. It has a selective effect and affects only weeds with dicotyledonous seeds. Cultivated plants are not affected by it. It is also possible to avoid the negative effects of the herbicide on weeds such as dandelion and spurge, dodder, as well as rhizomatous weeds.

Bentazole, which is the main component of bazagran, is quickly absorbed by leaf masses after application to plants. All photosynthesis of weed crops is blocked. An irreversible process of destruction begins in the plant cells. The assimilation of CO₂ (assimilation processes) is suspended, which means that the culture no longer develops and gradually dies.

The movement of the active substance occurs acropetally along the growth of the weed. This means that damage to vegetation begins from the root system with gradual movement to the top. The entire full process takes about a week, but these times may vary depending on weather conditions.

What can be replaced

Similar means for destroying weeds:

  • "Herbitox-L" - active substances dimethylamine, calcium, sodium salts are absorbed by the leaves, act on the root system, suppress the formation of enzymes, and inhibit the processes of photosynthesis. Designed for fiber flax, wheat, peas, rice, barley, millet.
  • "Galera-Super" - three active components (clopyramide (267 g/l), picloram (80 g/l) and aminopyramid (17 g/l) block the function of plant hormones, which leads to disruption of their growth and causes death. Effective in winter, spring rapeseed, mustard.
  • "Axial" - active ingredients pinoxaden 45 g/l and cloquintoset 11.25 g/l. Available in the form of an emulsion of 5 liters. Penetrates through the leaves and stems of weeds, is distributed inside the tissues, and effectively destroys pests on wheat and barley.
  • “Basis” - consists of rimsulfuron 500 g/l, thifensulfurol-methyl 250 g/l. Designed to quickly kill corn plants by blocking the synthesis of essential amino acids.
  • "Caribou Gold" - its active substance is trifausulfurol-methyl, granules of 100 g are produced. It acts similarly to "Basis", inhibits the biosynthesis of amino acids. Used in fields with sugar beets.

Features of preparing the working solution

To destroy weeds with Lintur in household plots and summer cottages, sprayers are usually used. Equipment with a short spray nozzle is not suitable for herbicide preparations.

Many beginners are interested in how to properly dilute Lintur. Firstly, it is necessary to use clean water without chlorine, since it is harmful to the soil and inhibits the effect of the drug. Secondly, the sprayer container cannot be filled to the top, but only a quarter full.

Lintur herbicide is poured into an incomplete sprayer, measuring the amount with a measuring cup. The solution is mixed well and only then the sprayer tank is topped up with water with constant stirring. A wooden stick is used for stirring.

Use the prepared Lintur solution against weeds within 24 hours. It cannot be stored longer, it loses its properties.

How to use Lintur to kill weeds on lawns:

Rules of application

Despite the fact that almost all herbicides are low-toxic, when using them the following rules must be observed:

  1. Before work, put on protective equipment: rubber gloves, respirator, goggles.
  2. Do not drink or smoke while using the solution.
  3. It is recommended to carry out processing in calm weather. If there is a slight breeze, then you need to stand on the windward side and spray the drug from a safe distance.
  4. You can walk on the treated area after three days.
  5. After work, it is recommended to rinse your hands and face under running water and soap.

Herbicides must be stored separately from food, water, seeds, animal feed, fertilizers, medications and flammable substances.

Killing weeds with herbicides is the easiest and most effective way to clear areas of weeds. To achieve the desired result, you should choose the right drug and use it strictly according to the attached instructions.

Originally posted 2018-02-18 13:39:52.

Safety precautions for use

Being a chemical substance, the herbicide “Propolol” carries a certain danger to humans and domestic animals

To neutralize it, it is important to remember the measures for the safe use of this product:

  1. The anti-weed solution must be prepared strictly before use. It cannot be stored before or after the procedure. Residues should be disposed of in a special waste pit.
  2. When starting work, you need to put on protective elements - a mask or goggles, as well as household gloves.
  3. To protect your body, wear long-sleeved trousers and a jacket made of rubberized fabric, as well as rubber boots.
  4. It is better to cover garden crops that grow near the treatment site with a protective film in advance.
  5. When irrigating the area, it is necessary to ensure that the prepared solution is not accidentally drunk by nearby pets.
  6. After completing the irrigation process, the solution container must be thoroughly washed and dried.
  7. Work clothes should be carefully removed, washed your face and rinsed your mouth with a solution of baking soda.
  8. If the herbicide has been accidentally scattered or spilled, it is necessary to collect it as quickly as possible from the treated area.

Toxicity and safety precautions

Herbicide Lintur is classified as hazard class 3, i.e. it poses virtually no harm to humans, mammals and bees. But when using it, you must take precautions:

  • When spraying weeds, you should use special clothing and gloves;
  • the respiratory system must be protected using a respirator or mask;
  • Smoking and eating are prohibited during the procedure;
  • after completing work with the herbicide, it is recommended to wash your hands and exposed areas of the body with soap and rinse your mouth;
  • if Lintur gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly under running water;
  • if the solution gets inside, you should take activated carbon and consult a doctor;
  • empty packaging of Lintur herbicide is disposed of.

Important! It is worth remembering that the drug has restrictions on use in the sanitary zone of fish farms.

Weed control for lawns "Lintur": active ingredient, application

With the onset of the summer season, many are faced with the constant growth of weeds. Of course, they can be fought with regular weeding, however, as practice shows, they quickly recover again. Our article describes in detail the herbicide "Lintur", which will effectively help eliminate weeds on the site, and provides instructions for its use.

Composition, release form, container

The composition of the drug includes sodium salt, which is one of the components of the chemical class of benzoic acid derivatives, as well as triasulfuron, which is part of the sulfonylurea class.

Activity spectrum

"Lintur" is actively used in the fight against annual, biennial and some perennial dicotyledonous weeds that grow among grain crops and lawn grass. It effectively destroys chamomile, pickleweed, hogweed, chickweed, sorrel, marigold, and buttercup.

Benefits of herbicide

The drug has the following advantages:

  • allows you to protect grain crops and lawn grass from weeds for a long period;
  • makes the harvesting process simpler, since there is no need to perform additional cleaning of weed seeds;
  • has a low consumption rate;
  • economical;
  • does not provoke phytotoxicity;
  • quite selective of crops to be sprayed;
  • One treatment with the drug is enough;
  • you do not need to mix it with other herbicides;
  • not dangerous for people and animals (there are a number of restrictions on the use of the drug near fish farms).

Mechanism of action

The drug affects both the above-ground part of the weed and its root system. Already a few hours after the penetration of the active substances into the plant, its development and growth stop. After about 10 days, the result of the treatment becomes noticeable to the naked eye: pale leaves and limp stems. After 2-3 weeks, the weeds die completely. The protective effect of this herbicide lasts a maximum of 8 weeks.

How to prepare a working solution

To prepare the solution for treatment, you need to fill the tank capacity with water to a quarter of its capacity. Then measure the required dose of herbicide with a measuring cup and add it to the tank. The solution must be thoroughly mixed with a stirrer, then add water until the tank is completely filled. The solution is suitable for use within 24 hours. The average consumption of the drug is 0.12-0.18 l/ha, the consumption of the finished product is 250-300 g/ha.

Features of herbicide application: how important it is to see the full picture

The effectiveness of active substances decreases in dry soil, since they accumulate only in the top layer of soil. Moreover, weed control with herbicides will be useless if there is precipitation within 2-4 hours before/after spraying.

These drugs play an important place in crop rotation. It is worth knowing that some toxic compounds remain in the soil for more than 1.5 years

Therefore, next year it is not recommended to sow crops sensitive to them in this place.

The consumption rates of chemicals are calculated taking into account the degree of contamination of the area. The dosage is determined by the amount of weed found in 1 m² (from 5 to 100 pieces)

In addition, it is important to take into account the aggressiveness of individual weed species and the mechanical characteristics of the soil.

Here are some recommendations in this regard:

  1. Vineyards and fruit crops are often treated with herbicides for dicotyledonous and annual cereals. The consumption of the poisonous concentrate is 2-4 l/ha.
  2. If there are perennial cereals on the plantation, then the dosage is doubled.

However, regular use of pesticides also has a negative impact. Gradually accumulating in the soil, they inhibit the vital activity of soil microorganisms. Bacteria, algae, fungal spores and flagella actively participate in the process of formation of nutritious humus. The smaller their number, the poorer the soil becomes.

Herbicides for strawberries: choose wisely

Herbicides are chemicals that are used to kill unwanted vegetation. Based on the nature of their impact, they can be divided into:

  • continuous action (that is, kills all types of plants);
  • selective action (affects certain types of plants and does not damage others).

Herbicides for strawberries belong to the second type, that is, those that protect crop plants from weeds. In order to prepare the area for planting strawberries in advance, it is necessary to clear it of harmful herbs such as wheatgrass, sow thistle and others.

Pre-plantation treatment of the plantation

For pre-planting treatment, the most effective herbicides for strawberries are:

  • Galtix (2 kilograms per 1 hectare) + Betanal (3 liters per 1 hectare) – used when the weeds are still in the cotyledon phase; two treatments recommended;
  • Galtix (4 kilograms per 1 hectare) + Betanal (3 liters per 1 hectare) - similar when the weeds are in the cotyledon stage, but the treatment is the same;
  • Betanal (3 liters per 1 hectare) + Venzar (0.40 liters per 1 hectare) – weeds in the cotyledon phase, one treatment;
  • herbicides with Glyphosate - used for actively growing weeds, after two treatments you can forget about serious weeding for several years;
  • Trifluralin is applied against germinating plants in the fall or spring (three to four weeks before planting strawberries). The solution is made at the rate of 480 g per liter of water; approximately 2.5 liters of solution are needed per hectare.

To obtain high-quality results, there must be sufficient moisture in the soil, and the weeds must be fresh and fast-growing. In dry weather, it is advisable to water the planting treatment.

Herbicides for the first month after planting

Immediately after planting, you can apply Dactal, which is very effective against germinating weeds, especially cereals.

To eliminate dicotyledons, Phenmedipham (21 g per liter of water) is added to moist soil together with Desmedipham (71 g per liter of water) and Etofumezate (112 g per liter of water). This mixture should be applied at the rate of 1.5 liters per hectare. Fluazifop-P-butyl is suitable for control of cereal weeds.

Weed killers in summer

  • Poast together with PAB or Prism - most often used against perennial and annual cereals. The second option is Select and Fusilade;
  • against annual dicotyledonous weeds, herbicides containing clopyralid, which penetrate the plants through the leaves, are preferable. The solution is prepared at the rate of 300 g per liter of water; half a liter of solution is required per hectare;
  • Lontrel 300-D is used against dandelion, sorrel, chamomile, buckwheat, plantain, sow thistle and knotweed. The solution is made from five milliliters of product and a liter of water. For one hundred square meters you need five liters of such a solution;
  • in the first autumn after planting, control over winter weeds can be enhanced with the help of Sinbar or Devrinol. But it should be borne in mind that Sinbar is also unsafe for strawberries - weak plants may die. Before use, you should make sure that the cultivated variety tolerates this drug well. Devrinol is very effective against cereals (when mulched with straw) and spring annuals. If two treatments are necessary, you need to ensure that the total dose of drugs does not exceed the allowable dose for one season.

To avoid damaging strawberries, you should never apply Sinbar treatment at the same time as treating them against grains. First, it is necessary to apply drugs against cereals and only after six weeks - Sinbar.

Sinbar and Devrinol affect weeds through the soil, so it is better to apply them after rain. In dry weather, irrigation is necessary after treatment. Weak plants die after two to three days, the strongest ones die after two weeks.

First autumn and subsequent two to three years

After removing the leaves in the first autumn, as well as in the second and third years, herbicides with Lenatsil are used. This drug is effective before the emergence of weeds and affects mainly dicotyledonous weeds. If there are a lot of cereals on the plantation, herbicides are additionally used against these species.

After applying herbicides, you should not loosen the soil for at least 20 days

You should also always remember that these drugs can harm people and animals, so maximum care is required when handling. Never exceed the dosage prescribed for each individual drug.

Strawberries are a perennial plant. Work on the plantation continues after the harvest. In addition to treating with herbicides, it is necessary to remove the tendrils, water and feed the plantings. Otherwise, you cannot expect a good harvest in the future.

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