Severyanka red-cheeked pear: the ruddy sister of a resistant variety

Northern red-cheeked.

Description of the variety

The Severyanka red-cheeked pear is one of the summer ripening varieties. The variety feels best in the Central and Central Black Earth regions of the country.

Characteristics of wood

The trees are medium-sized and can reach 5-6 meters in height. The crown is wide, dense, and has a pyramidal shape. The trunk and skeletal branches are covered with smooth brown bark. The leaves are medium in size, dark green, and oblong in shape. The leaf blade is smooth, with small jagged edges.

Description of fruits

Northern red-sided pear.

The fruits are small and the average weight of one pear is no more than 100 grams. The shape of the fruit is standard, slightly expanded.

The color of a ripe pear is light yellow. Most of the surface of the fruit is covered with a beautiful blush of a dark red hue.

The taste of pears is juicy, sweet and sour, semi-oily, with a weakly expressed aroma.

The fruits of this variety ripen in the second ten days of August. The shelf life of the crop is 2 weeks.

History of selection and region of breeding

This variety was obtained by crossing the Red-cheeked and Severyanka . Its founder is considered to be the breeder P.N. Yakovlev , academician of the All-Russian Center for Selection and Genetics of Fruit Plants named after Michurin .

The samples have been undergoing state variety testing since 1998.

The following pears are suitable for planting in the Central Black Earth region: Duchess, Bere Russkaya, Feeria, Quiet Don and Skorospelka from Michurinsk.




The pear tree is tall and quite difficult to care for. Every year it is necessary to carry out thinning pruning of the crown. If you let the tree grow, insects will immediately appear on it, and it will be even more difficult to deal with them.



The fruits of this variety are small, but very beautiful and tasty. It’s a pity that pears don’t last long and you have to make jam or jam from them. When fresh, they taste simply wonderful. Around mid-August, the grandchildren begin to eat them straight from the tree.



This variety is not worth choosing for small summer cottages. The tree grows large and, moreover, does not bear fruit without pollinating varieties. Overall the pear is very good. The tree overwinters without problems, practically does not get sick and regularly produces a good harvest of high-quality fruits.

Harvest and storage

The harvest period falls in mid-August and can last until early September. Closer to the autumn period, the pear pulp becomes brown. Ripe fruits begin to fall and within 2-3 days the tree loses the bulk of the harvest.

If you pick pears when they are fully ripe, they will last no more than 10 days. At the same time, they need to be provided with a cool temperature and wooden or wicker containers.

Experienced gardeners recommend picking fruits a week before full ripening; in this case, the least amount of the crop will have time to fall and it will be stored much longer (2 months).

The best place is considered to be a cold cellar, but instead, use the lower compartment of the refrigerator.


Trees of this variety are unpretentious and adapt well to different types of soil, but the planting area must be well lit. The selection of articles below contains a lot of useful materials on the topic of choosing and preparing a place for the northern red-cheeked pear.

How to plant a pear tree correctly

At what distance to plant pears?

How to choose pear seedlings

How to replant a pear

Location of seedlings

The time for planting pears is chosen, as for all fruit trees - early in the spring before the buds open or in the fall after the leaves fall. The best place for it is the warmest and most illuminated place in the garden.

When buying seedlings, you should give preference to proven nurseries. In the fall, for example, they dig up plants, having first removed their leaves (pulled them down). If this is not done, the trees will lose a lot of strength, the first years will be sick and grow poorly. And in the spring, when the risk of mis-grading increases among careless sellers, it is important to make sure that you purchase exactly the desired seedling.

Planting holes are dug, leaving time for ventilation. Be sure to season them generously. After planting, the soil around the stem is filled in several stages, spilling well and trampling down for the best fit to the roots.


Due to the fact that the crown is prone to thickening, the tree needs regular pruning and shaping. By clicking on the links below, you can familiarize yourself with recommendations for caring for the Severyanka red-cheeked pear variety.

How to care for a pear Pruning a pear Pruning a columnar pear Treating a pear from diseases and pests Feeding a pear How to water a pear

Growing pears and caring for trees

For the Severyanka pear, planting and care involves almost the same actions performed for other varieties. Nurseries probably no longer sell seedlings, but you can find them on the market from private owners. Hobbyists who still have this variety propagate it by grafting. If you managed to buy a Severyanka seedling, then you immediately need to choose a suitable place for the tree:

  • The tree loves loamy or sandy soil. Before planting, you need to add a large amount of humus to the soil.
  • The pear tree does not like groundwater. If the layers are located above 2 m, the root system of an adult tree will become wet.
  • The northerner loves sunlight and does not tolerate wind.

Attention! Two-year-old seedlings are optimal for planting. Trees take root better in new soil.

Planting time falls in April or late September early October. It all depends on the climatic conditions of the region. If severe frosts are observed in winter, then it is better to plant a pear seedling in the spring. Before autumn, the tree will have time to take root and will not freeze. The place for the seedling is prepared at least a week in advance. First, dig a hole measuring 80x100 cm. Two buckets of humus mixed with a bucket of fertile soil are poured onto the bottom. To this mixture add 200 g of fertilizer containing potassium, as well as superphosphate - no more than 800 g.

After purchasing a pear seedling, they begin planting it:

  • First, a liquid solution is made from clay - mash. The roots of the seedling are dipped into it.
  • The next step involves inspecting the crown. Long branches are shortened, and damaged ones are completely cut off.
  • The seedling is immersed in the hole with its roots, a peg is driven in nearby and the tree is loosely tied to it.
  • The root system is lightly sprinkled with soil, and then watered abundantly. When the water is absorbed, the soil will settle a little. The hole must be completely filled with earth, and the seedling must be tied more tightly to the peg.

When the pear is well rooted, the support can be removed.

The main action during care is considered to be pruning the Severyanka pear, and this should be done from the first days of the seedling’s life. If the tree was purchased without skeletal branches, then the trunk must be shortened with pruning shears so that a twig 90 cm high remains above the ground. If there are skeletal branches on the seedling, they are partially pruned. Leave twigs with three buds. Similar actions have been carried out for three years in a row. Further pruning of the pear is considered sanitary. Dry, frozen and damaged branches are removed from the tree. Be sure to trim the shoots.

Caring for a pear involves periodically loosening the soil around the trunk. This is necessary to provide oxygen to the roots. It is advisable to get rid of weeds immediately. They draw moisture and nutrients from the soil. Severyanka is a rather moisture-loving variety. The pear tree needs to be watered more often so that the soil does not dry out, but waterlogging should not be allowed. Once a season, the tree is fed with minerals. In autumn, humus is added to the roots. Before winter, it is important to water the pear abundantly and mulch the soil. This procedure increases the chance of the tree overwintering.

Diseases and pests

The variety has good disease resistance, but to maintain strong immunity, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures. In the articles selected below, you can find tips on protection and prevention.

Dangerous Pear Pests

Pears often suffer from pests, they affect the leaves, bark and fruits.

In this article, we have selected 11 of the most harmful insects that harm pear trees, and also ways to destroy them.

Diseases of pear trees

To get what they cherish, gardeners have to work hard, and the reason for this is pear diseases.

Read about 19 common pear diseases and how to combat them.

The summer variety was obtained at the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants named after. I. V. Michurina S. P. Yakovlev from crossing the Severyanka variety with Krasnoshcheka. It is of interest for the middle zone and in the future may replace Severyanka in a number of regions. Zoned in the Central Black Earth region.


tall, fast-growing, the crown is wide-pyramidal, due to its high shoot-forming ability it can become somewhat thicker, the branches extend at an acute angle. The bark on the trunk and skeletal branches is brown and smooth. The predominant type of fruit formations during the fruiting period is simple ringlets.


medium thickness, slightly geniculate, slightly curved, brown, hairless. The buds are medium-sized, appressed, pointed. The leaves are medium, green, oblong. The plate is horizontal, shiny, with rough nerves, the apex is short-pointed, the base is wedge-shaped, folded, curved, the edge of the leaf is serrate, the stipules are saber-shaped, the petiole is medium, thin, pubescent. The flowers are of medium size, on a long peduncle, saucer-shaped, white, in an inflorescence of 4-6, petals are entire, slightly closed, weakly double, stigmas are at the level of the anthers. Flowering is early, the flowers are highly frost-resistant.


below average size, average one-dimensionality, oval shape, smooth surface.
Color at the moment of ripeness: the main color is light yellow, the integumentary color is brownish on a significant part of the fruit; when stored, the main one is light yellow, the integumentary one is brownish-red on the sunny side. The peduncle is medium, not thick, set straight. The funnel is small, medium, the calyx is open, the subcalyx tube is short, wide, sac-like. The heart is medium, elliptical, the chambers are medium, open. The seeds are large, ovoid, brown. The pulp is slightly creamy, medium density, semi-oily, juicy, sweet and sour taste, with a weak aroma, without astringency and stony cells. Chemical composition of fruits: sum of sugars - 9.4%, titratable acids - 0.75%, ascorbic acid - 7.0 mg/100g, P - active substances (catechins) - 46 mg/100g, pectin substances - 0.64% , arbutin – 3.81%. The fruits ripen in mid-August, the consumption period is up to two weeks. In terms of ripening, it fills the period between the ripening of the fruits of the earliest variety Skorospelka from Michurinsk and Severyanka. Taste is lost during storage. The fruits
adhere firmly to the tree and are quite transportable. Good for processing into juice and compote. The degree of self-fertility is low and requires pollinators; the best variety is Pamyati Yakovlev. The trees begin to bear fruit 5 years after planting in the garden, fruiting is regular, the yield of 8-year-old trees is about 120 c/ha. Winter hardiness is high, slightly lower than Severyanka. It is resistant to the most common fungal diseases, primarily to scab, and only in some years can leaves be damaged by septoria.

Advantages of the variety:

early fruiting, high winter hardiness and resistance to scab, attractive appearance of fruits, their universal use.

Disadvantages of the variety:

small fruit size.

Pear Severyanka - pollinators

The fruit tree is a partially self-pollinating variety. For successful cultivation, you need to know how the Severyanka pear grows, whether a pollinator is needed and what plants should be planted nearby. If the tree grows alone, the yield will be no more than 35%. To increase fruiting, it is necessary to plant pollinator plants with similar flowering periods nearby. These include the following varieties:

  • Memory of Yakovlev;
  • Permyachka;
  • Krasulya;
  • Lada.


The main distinguishing feature of Severyanka is its high winter hardiness. Cases have been recorded when, during short-term frosts down to -50 degrees, only young trees died, and with a stable temperature change to -42 degrees, only the above-ground part of the tree froze, while the root system was preserved.

Also, this variety quickly recovers after frost .

Now Severyanka is not used on an industrial scale, and it is impossible to find seedlings for sale. You can meet Severyanka on the plots of experienced gardeners.

This can be explained by the fact that breeders have developed many other frost-resistant varieties that are more attractive and have more advantages.

Severyanka is used in scientific work , and it has already become the parent form for such varieties as Yeseninskaya and Tyutchevskaya.

Another feature of the variety will be the need for pollination , because if the procedure is carried out independently, only 30 percent of the fruits will set.

The best pollinator for Severyanka will be Memory of Yakovlev , such trees are advised to be placed next to each other.

A feature of the Severyanka pear variety is its high winter hardiness and need for pollination.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • the high frost resistance of the variety characterizes it well for cultivation in northern regions with harsh climates;
  • the Severyanka tree is small and compact, which allows you to grow pears even on small plots of land;
  • early ripening, you can treat yourself to fresh fruits already in August;
  • with proper care, one tree brings up to 100 kilograms of harvest;
  • Northern weed is resistant to scab;
  • used for various purposes.

The advantages of the Severyanka variety include its frost resistance and early ripening of fruits
. Cons:

  • a large number of fruits fall off ahead of schedule, so the harvest period should not be missed;
  • the pears themselves are quite small in size and do not have outstanding taste;
  • this variety needs to be watered promptly and abundantly, because it does not tolerate an insufficient amount of moisture;
  • short shelf life and poor transportability make Severyanka unattractive for commercial purposes.

Pear Severyanka - where to plant?

When choosing a place to plant a plant, you must take into account that the tree does not like high humidity. The summer pear Severyanka may not take root and die if groundwater is located at a distance of less than 2 m from the surface of the earth. For planting, choose a dry area on a hill. Northern Pear loves a lot of light. The site must be protected from strong winds and drafts. For planting Severyanka pears, loamy soil rich in organic fertilizers is suitable.

How to plant Severyanka pear?

It is necessary to plant a fruit tree in autumn or spring. Planting the Severyanka pear is carried out as follows:

  1. Holes for seedlings must be prepared in advance. The depth of the pit should be at least 60 cm. A mixture of mineral and organic fertilizers is placed at the bottom. For 2 buckets of sand you need to take a glass of granular fertilizer “Superphosphate”. The mixture along with compost is placed in the hole and sprinkled with a layer of fertile soil.
  2. At the bottom of the hole you need to form a small hill. A seedling is placed in its center and the roots are carefully spread along the slopes.
  3. The neck of a young plant should be 5-6 cm above ground level. The hole must be filled with soil and compacted.
  4. After planting, each tree should be watered. At least 20 liters of water are poured under the root.
  5. Additionally, the root area is mulched with pine needles or fresh sawdust.

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