Bere pear: varieties and characteristics of the variety

Characteristics of the variety

All varieties of the variety have different characteristics. Each individual species differs in fruit ripening period, appearance and parameters. Varieties of the family ripen at different times, but most of them ripen in the fall.

Description of trees

The Bere pear variety, according to the description, is of medium height, but with a large crown. Over the years, the foliage becomes dense and the crown becomes wide.

The shoots and trunk are thick, the leaves are oval-shaped, with rounded ends. The flowering period occurs late, so the inflorescences are not affected by return frosts.

Description of fruits

According to the description, the fruits of the Bere family reach 200-300 g.

Their skin is yellow, yellow-green, golden, greenish or red. The fruits ripen from late July to early November. The average shelf life of fruit is up to a month.

Pear called "Bere Giffard"

The summer pear 'Bere Giffard' is a random seedling selected by the French breeder Giffard. The variety has proven itself well in home gardening conditions in the North Caucasus and the Lower Volga region. The tree is small in size and of medium vigor, with a spreading and drooping crown, represented by shoots of purple-red color. The tree begins to bear fruit early, but is characterized by moderate yield.

Harvesting is carried out before the yellowing stage, but the average shelf life of the fruit does not exceed a week. The ripened fruits are sharp pear-shaped, somewhat oblong, fairly average in size, weighing no more than 150-160 g. Greenish-white in color, wine-sweet, dessert taste, the flesh is covered with green, and when ripe, an attractive greenish-yellow skin with a slight blush. According to reviews of domestic amateur gardeners, this variety is deservedly one of the best summer varieties in terms of taste characteristics.

Summer varieties

These are special varieties that bear fruit from mid-July to the end of August, and in some northern regions of Europe even in the fall. The fruits are tender and sensitive to storage conditions, so they can be stored for no more than 3 weeks.

Variety Golden

The golden pear was obtained by breeders in Belarus. After planting, at least 5 years must pass for the tree to begin to bear fruit. It usually bears fruit at the end of August, the fruits remain in good condition for about a week.

The trunks reach a height of up to 3 m and have good resistance to bacterial cancer and scab. The bush withstands winter and is resistant to low temperatures.

Bere Giffard

The Giffard variety has a short tree and does not require special conditions for growth.

As the tree matures, growth slows down, but resistance to cold increases and productivity increases. Fruits are not prone to scab, but sometimes they can contract fruit rot.

Bere Summer

The Bera, or Summer, pear is fast-growing and early: it produces fruits from the 4th or 5th year of growth, and is resistant to low temperatures.

Its yield after 15 years reaches 120 kg of dessert fruits. The bush bears fruit in early August, the fruits are resistant to scab.


Bera pear seedlings are planted in the fall. About 2 weeks before frost. This time must be observed; the tree will need to get used to the change in environment. Tree planting is carried out in open areas where there are no buildings or other structures. The hole for the hole is made 70 cm deep. 1/2 of it is filled with humus mixed with soil. The seedling is carefully placed in the hole and covered with soil and fertilizer. After planting, water thoroughly. Mulching is a prerequisite when planting seedlings. Mulch will protect the root system from fungi and parasites.

Important! When buying a seedling, it is important to pay attention to the root system. It should not be dry or damaged.

Autumn varieties

Autumn varieties are resistant to frost

Autumn varieties are characterized by low yield resistance. The fruits are soft and sweet, so they cannot withstand high temperatures and adverse weather conditions. The harvest is harvested from September to early October.

Fruits picked in advance ripen at home and improve their taste. Such fruits can be stored for up to 70 days under the right conditions. Most varieties are resistant to frost.

Bere Russian

Bere Russian pear is resistant to low temperatures and has good yield.

The fruits are tasty and have a long shelf life. Russian pear is resistant to various diseases and has no significant disadvantages.

Bere Klerzho

Klerzho is a subspecies that bears fruit 4-5 years after planting and tolerates low temperatures well.

The fruits ripen and fall quickly. The fruits are very sweet, can be stored for up to a month, are resistant to scab, but are sometimes affected by the codling moth.


Moscow pear is the result of selection of several summer and autumn varieties. This is a fast-growing variety; seedlings bear fruit already 3 years after planting.

The bush bears fruit on short branches. The fruits themselves are soft and juicy; if they are not picked in time, they quickly become overripe. Resistant to disease and cold.


The Krasnokutsk pear produces fruits already in the 4th year and is characterized by winter hardiness and resistance to scab.

The pear has a high yield: in the 15th year of life it bears up to 130 kg of fruit. Fruits are harvested from the end of September.

Bere Bosc

The variety is characterized by high productivity

The Bere Bosc pear is one of the most popular autumn varieties of the family. Bosc is capable of reaching large sizes and has good productivity. Fruiting begins 6-7 years after planting.

Fruit ripening occurs as early as September. The fruits of the Bosc tree are large and can be stored for up to a month. Usually, ripe fruits are firmly held on the branches and do not fall off even after ripening.

The Bere Luca pear is a late autumn variety developed in France. It is highly resistant to scab and septoria and bears fruit regularly.

The variety has small fruits with a greenish tint, yellow or green skin, and good density. The first fruits are harvested in November.

Small, medium and large varieties of pears, descriptions and photographs

Depending on the size and weight of the fruit, large-fruited, medium-sized and small-fruited pear varieties are distinguished.

Large varieties of pear are fruits weighing from 200 to 500 g and above. A pear with large fruits is characterized by stable fruiting and motivates owners to set personal records for growing giant fruits without the use of any chemicals.

The best large pear varieties:

  • “Bere Dil” (250-500 g);
  • "Marianna" (200-350 g);
  • “Marshal Zhukov” (320-560 g);
  • “Autumn large” (200-250 g);
  • “Space” (300-550 g);
  • “Vidnaya” (350-540 g);
  • “Clapp’s Favorite” (250-450 g);
  • “Bere Ardanpon” (200 - 250 g).

Variety Favorite Clapp

Medium (medium-large) varieties of pears are fruits weighing from 80 to 200 g. The largest varietal group is characterized by increased fertility, which is why most trees are often overloaded with harvest.

Popular medium pear varieties:

  • “Ilyinka” (up to 150 g);
  • “Melting” (up to 200 g);
  • "Dicolor" (up to 150 g);
  • “Talgar beauty” (up to 200 g);
  • “Muratovskaya” (up to 150 g);
  • “Chizhovskaya” (up to 120 g);
  • "Lada" (up to 120 g);
  • "Annushka" (up to 140 g).

Variety Chizhovskaya

Small (small-fruited) varieties of pears have a fruit weight of 30-80 grams and are most often intended for processing and preparing compotes, jams, confitures and other desserts.

The best small varieties of pears:

  • "Ultra-early";
  • "Olga";
  • "Myth";
  • "Veselinka";
  • "The First Swallow";
  • "Thumbelina";
  • "Moskovskaya";
  • "Northerner".

Variety Severyanka

According to the method of use, pears are divided into fruit and ornamental.

Winter varieties

Winter varieties will ripen by mid-autumn. They are grown in regions with a mild climate, where there is still no frost in November.

The fruits should not be allowed to become overripe, otherwise the fruits will fall off, damage the shell and lose their unique soft taste. Late winter pears can be stored for up to 5 months at a temperature of 3-5°C.

Bere Kyiv

The Kiev variety is fast-growing and bears fruit already 4 years after planting. Young trees may not produce large yields, but later the owners will experience high fertility.

The pear is not afraid of low temperatures and lack of moisture, and is resistant to disease. In good conditions, the fruit can be stored for up to 3 months.

Bere Winter Michurina

Bere Winter pear named after Michurin is the result of crossing the Ussuriyskaya Wild and Royal varieties. It is resistant to cold weather and prone to scab.

The variety bears fruit regularly and stably from 6-7 years after planting. The fruits are sweet and versatile in use.

Bere Ardanpont

The Ardanpont Bere pear variety was developed in Belgium in the 18th century. The seedling received its name from the discoverer of an unknown pear. This is the latest variety, it is very demanding on growing conditions.

Ardanpon Bere is not resistant to low temperatures, but gives a good harvest, the fruits are stored for a long time. Productivity depends on the growing region, and the fruits themselves can be stored for up to 4 months.

Growing rules

Bere varieties are undemanding to growing conditions. They grow well in light and loose soils with average moisture.

If the tree grows in the shade or in a wetland, the yield will not be high, but there are some recommendations for growing:

  • when planting a young tree, you need to provide it with all the conditions for growth, and also cut off the upper branches with leaves;
  • in the first stages of growth, organic and nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be used to improve tree growth;
  • all trees require fertilizers containing potassium, so you need to constantly monitor the composition of the soil;
  • In dry and hot weather, be sure to water each plant 3-4 times a day in the amount of 3 buckets of water;
  • in mid-autumn, the soil should be dug to a depth of no more than 15 cm.

Otherwise, this is an undemanding variety that is resistant to low temperatures. Bere is resistant to diseases, but is not immune to pests. Among the infections, the most common are scab, cytosporosis and rust.

How and when to plant

It is best to carry out planting activities in April, while the buds have not yet swelled. You can also plant the plant in October, when the leaves have already fallen. The choice of location must be approached responsibly, since this pear variety does not like numerous transplants. It is best to grow Bere in an area located in the western or southwestern part of the garden. For high fruiting, it is necessary to choose a place that will be thoroughly illuminated by the sun's rays. There should also be no draft at the chosen location.

And although the Bere variety, like the description of the Chizhovskaya pear, loves moisture, it needs to be planted where the groundwater level is at least 2 m. For the full growth of the seedling, it is worth giving preference to loose soil. To improve the aeration qualities of the soil, it is necessary to combine it with 10 kg of coarse sand. This will give the soil lightness and airiness.

Even before planting, you need to dig up the soil, adding mineral fertilizers, peat, and humus to it. This procedure is extremely important, otherwise the tree may not take root due to lack of nutrients.

Since the Bere tree has a lush crown, a distance of 3-4 m must be maintained between seedlings. The depth of the hole should reach 1 m and the width 60-80 cm. Such large sizes are necessary for better growth of the root system. But how to plant the best summer varieties for the middle zone, as well as what they are called, is described in great detail in this article.

The video shows a description of the pear variety:

Make a mound in the prepared recess. It should be 3-5 cm above the main soil. Place a tree trunk on it, and carefully distribute the root system in a circle. Be sure to drive a peg so that the tree does not break from the wind in the first years of its life.

Before sprinkling the seedling with soil, you need to add 10 liters of water to the hole. Next, lay a layer of mulch, which will retain moisture in the soil and protect it from drying out.

Pear "Bere-Clerzho"

This pear was developed around 1838 in Western Europe.

Bere Klerzho is quite common in Crimea. According to 1911 data, it was in tenth place in prevalence. In Kabarda, in old gardens, you can also find it quite often; in Kuban and Ukraine it is very rare.

Winter hardiness is not entirely satisfactory. In the Kuban, during the harsh winter of 1939/40, Bere Klerzho’s fruits, young branches and annual growth suffered.

Insufficient winter hardiness of this variety has been noted in all mountainous regions of the North Caucasus. The northern regions of Ukraine suffer greatly from frost. Fruits do not suffer from scab.

Bere Klerzho begins to bear fruit very early. Already from 5-6 years old trees produce a harvest. They bear a good harvest almost every year, but the poorly developed crown and severe shedding of fruits both from the wind and from damage by the codling moth greatly limit the yield, and a good tree produces no more than 50-80 kg. Some authors note the high yield of this variety, but this mostly happens in more favorable soil and climatic conditions and with good protection from pests and wind. Thus, in protected areas of North Ossetia and Kabarda, well-developed trees produce up to 200-240 kg, but the average yield does not exceed 80-100 kg. In Ukraine and in the northern steppe regions of the North Caucasus, the fruits are harvested on September 20-30; in Crimea and in the central regions of the North Caucasus - September 5-15. The fruits ripen simultaneously; They become suitable for consumption in the southern regions after 20 days, in Ukraine and in the northern regions of the North Caucasus - after 30 days. They stay for 30-45 days. Thus, the fruit consumption period in Crimea and the southern regions of the North Caucasus lasts from October 1 to November 1, and in the northern regions from October 20 to December 1.

The fruits are large, very beautiful in appearance, good taste, and transportable. They are used almost exclusively for fresh consumption.

It grows very weakly on quince, so it requires intermediate grafting. Due to weak branching, it requires short pruning in the first years of growth. On dry soil, fruits do not have the high taste qualities that they achieve in good conditions. The fruits do not stick well to the tree.

If harvesting is delayed, the taste of the fruit deteriorates.

Advantages of the variety: early fruiting, good taste of fruits and their beautiful appearance.

Disadvantages of the variety: weak growth and demands on soil and location, inconsistent taste of the fruits and their easy shedding from the wind.

The variety is included in the standard assortment in the first and second groups in the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and in the third group in the Krasnodar Territory. This elegant, large-fruited and early-fruiting variety for amateur fruit growers can be recommended for planting in home gardens both in the Crimea and in all the foothill regions of the North Caucasus, where with good care it will produce large and tasty fruits.

The tree is small, especially in width, the crown is dense, narrow pyramidal; skeletal branches depart at an acute angle; the standard is thin. The shoots are red and quite thick. The buds are protruding. The leaves are medium sized, 70×50-45 mm, shiny. The leaf edge is almost entire, sparsely toothed, the tip is long. The petiole is long, reddish. The flowers are medium-sized, 7 in dense racemes. Petals are elliptical, spaced. Flowering period is average.

The fruits are large (weighing on average 150-250 g), the shape varies somewhat; The middle fruits are conical or round-conical, often bent to one side, smooth, without ribs or tubercles. Large fruits are elongated, obtusely pear-shaped, tuberous. The peduncle is short, thick, mostly set obliquely, and often has an influx near the fruit. There is no funnel. The calyx is large, open or semi-open, the sepals are quite long. The saucer is small, covered with rust. The peel is green when picked, and after 15-20 days it turns yellow. The illuminated side has a bright carmine blush, often covering half the fruit. The surface is matte, rough, covered with rusty spots, which often turn into a mesh. The aroma is very noticeable. The seed nest is very large, delimited by large, few granulations. The subcupal tube is wide, round-conical. The seeds are large or above average, elongated, light brown. The pulp is light cream, melting, juicy, sweet with a slight sourness, very good taste - 4.5 points. The aroma is not strong.

Distinctive features of the variety : a narrow pyramidal crown and large, beautifully colored fruits, on thick short stalks, easily crumbling.

The main varieties of vigorous Bere pear

Bere pear is an ancient species, characterized by autumn ripening. Bere pear (lat. Beurre) is an ancient species, characterized by autumn ripening. In many countries it is recognized as a leader and is well distributed. In Russia, Bere is cultivated mainly in Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, and Dagestan. The tree is also grown in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

Main varieties of Bere pear

There are several varieties of Bere pears. They differ from each other in appearance and care conditions, and have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The Bere variety blooms late, so the flowers do not suffer from spring frosts

Description of Bere Royal pear

Beurre Royal (lat. Beurre Royal) is an old Italian variety. It is characterized by low frost resistance, so it is practically not grown in the Russian Federation. The crown of the tree is medium dense, the flowers are white, the fruits are large and yellow when ripe.

Harvested pears of this variety can be perfectly stored until the end of March. Among the disadvantages of wood it is worth noting:

  • 1. Tendency to scab.
  • 2. Demanding requirements for growing conditions.

As for reviews, gardeners note the good fertility of the variety. However, in winter, Bere Royale may freeze slightly, which is why the fruits may not appear. That is, the variety is not suitable for all regions.

How to grow a pear in the middle zone (video)

Characteristics of Bere Luke

Beurre Luca (lat. Beurre Luca) is a productive French variety. The tree has a crown of medium density; fruiting cannot be called regular. One of the characteristics of the variety is that it has average resistance to septoria and scab.

The main characteristics of the variety:

  • wavy leaves;
  • large fruits that ripen in winter;
  • presence of thorns.

The size of the fruit is average, the color is greenish with a slight blush. The skin is aromatic, medium density, the flesh is yellowish. The fruits are collected in November and stored until January.

Bere Luca - a productive French variety

Varietal characteristics of Bere Ardanpon

The variety was created in Western Europe. Now it is actively cultivated in Ukraine and Crimea and is considered one of the best types of winter pear. The fruits of the tree are very tasty and store well, but the pear itself cannot be grown everywhere. It can only take root in fertile soil.

And if the pear does not have enough moisture, its fruits will be ugly. In cold climate areas you will get the same result. As for the winter hardiness of the variety, it cannot be said that it is high.

The yield of a tree directly depends on the area in which it grows. The best results are observed in the regions of the southern coast of Crimea. In Kuban and Crimea, the pear harvest is obtained in the 3rd decade of September. The main disadvantages of the variety are the unevenness of the fruits and frequent scab damage.

Description of Bere pear Winter Michurina

The domestic variety was obtained as a result of pollination of the Ussuri pear with pollen from Bere Royal. The winter hardiness of the bred variety is average, so it can only be grown in black earth zones. The tree itself is strong, the crown is pyramidal, and the yield is excellent.

Pear fruits are large, the skin is whitish, and there is no astringency. They are removed at the end of September and stored until February. You can make jams and candied fruits from pears; the fruits are also used for drying. Bere Michurina (lat. Beurre Michurina) is grown in Ryazan, Belgorod, Penza and some other regions.

The winter hardiness of the Bere Zimnaya Michurina pear is average, so it can only be grown in black earth zones

Bere Kyiv

The variety was bred in Ukraine. The tree has a crown of medium density and is highly winter hardy. The fruits are practically not affected by scab, and fruiting itself occurs only in the 4th year.

The variety is perfectly compatible with quince. The fruits can be stored until January. The variety is zoned in Ukraine, southern Polesie. Kyiv Bere (lat. Beurre Kievskaya) is distinguished by such characteristics as late fruiting, vigorous growth, and slow fruit growth.

Pears: choosing a variety (video)

Characteristics of the Bere Russian variety

Autumn-winter variety , is a wide-pyramidal, medium-sized tree, average density. The pear bark is gray, the shoots are medium thick, slightly pubescent, the petioles are medium in size.

The inflorescence is an umbrella-shaped raceme, the flowers are small, white, fragrant. The variety blooms early.

The fruits are of medium weight, their skin is slightly rough. The flesh of pears is whitish and oily. The fruit looks attractive and tastes great. The transportability of the variety is excellent, thanks to its thick skin.

Pears are grown mainly in the Voronezh region. She doesn't freeze there. Moreover, in any region, the variety is resistant to powdery mildew and scab. But in some years it may be affected by septoria.

Pear Bere Klerzho

The variety was bred in Western Europe. At the moment, it is actively cultivated in Crimea and Ukraine. The tree's winter hardiness is satisfactory ; in northern regions it may suffer from frost. Fruiting is early.

In the North Caucasus and Ukraine, fruits can be harvested on September 30, in Crimea - from September 5. The shelf life of pears is determined to be 30 days. The fruits are large, have a pleasant taste, and are consumed mainly fresh. If you are late in picking, the taste of the fruit deteriorates.

The tree itself is small, the crown is narrow-pyramidal, and the shoots are red. The leaves are medium in size, with an elongated tip. The flowers are average, the flowering period is average. The fruits fall off easily.

Description of the variety Bere Giffard

The summer pear of the presented variety was bred by accident. The variety was zoned in the North Caucasus region.

The tree is medium in size, the branches are thin, the bark is peeling. After planting, the pear develops well, and then its growth slows down . The shoots are thin, reddish, the leaves are light, the petioles are thin. The flowers are large and bloom early.

The fruits are below average in size and regular in shape. The skin of the fruit has light brown dots. The pulp melts in your mouth, juicy, tastes great. The tree variety is undemanding to the soil, but it will grow better in fertile soil. Pear fruiting begins in the 6th year, yield increases with the age of the tree. The winter hardiness of young pears is low, but it increases with age. The fruits are resistant to scab, but can be affected by fruit monilia.

Description of the variety “Kyiv Bere”

“Bere Kyiv” was obtained by a breeder from the Ukrainian Institute of Horticulture. The authorship belongs to the breeder I.M. Kovtun. Plant of above average vigor. The fruit tree has a wide, pyramidal shape, medium dense crown. The trunk is covered with gray and peeling bark. The medium-thick shoots are straight-growing, brownish-brown in color. The foliage is smooth and glossy, medium in size, elongated and elliptical, with a short point. The leaves are green in color, with a flat leaf blade and smooth, finely serrated edges. The petioles are medium in length and thickness.

Small flowers are cup-shaped and white in color, without a pronounced aroma. Varietal characteristics include winter hardiness, drought resistance, relative resistance to scab and leaf brown spot. The fruits are large, of medium weight, one-dimensional, elongated pear-shaped, with smooth and dry skin, covered with single subcutaneous points. The surface is brown-red with a diffuse blush. The harvested crop is perfectly preserved for a long time.

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