Simple rules for record tomato yields - fertilizing tomatoes with urea: why is it needed and how to do it

Everyone has heard about the dangers of nitrates - these substances are dangerous to human health. Gardeners are trying in every possible way to avoid using fertilizers that contain harmful compounds in their garden beds. Therefore, mineral fertilizers, unlike organic fertilizers, are not particularly popular among gardeners. How to feed tomatoes so as not to harm the plant and fruits?

Urea, or urea, is a mineral fertilizer that stimulates the growth of tomatoes. How safe it is to use this fertilizer, how to dilute the solution for root, foliar feeding and spraying - you will learn all this from our article.

What is urea

Urea, popularly called urea, is a mineral fertilizer produced in the form of white granules. The substance contains nitrogen, which is considered the main element for healthy plant growth. Of all existing fertilizers, urea contains the highest concentration of nitrogen.

Fertilizing tomatoes with urea is often used for industrial purposes; in addition, the fertilizer has also found use in small greenhouses and greenhouses. Urea is popular because it allows you to control the concentration of nitrates through proper dosing. The compounds included in its composition partially evaporate, which prevents the accumulation of hazardous substances in the fruits.

Peculiarity . Urea can be used in combination with superphosphate and potassium fertilizers.

The role of urea in the development of tomatoes

Urea is used as a fertilizer when growing tomatoes. It is especially important for the full development of seedlings, as it can enhance the growth and productivity of the plant. Fertilizer is involved in the growing season of tomatoes, making the seedlings strong and hardy. Its active components are necessary during the period of plant growth of green mass and development of the root system. However, it is important not to exceed the recommended dose, otherwise it will harm the tomatoes.

The fertilizer consists of 50% nitrogen - a substance that helps the plant become more resistant to diseases and pests. With a lack of this substance, tomatoes are deformed, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off, which negatively affects the formation of the ovary and fruits.

Benefits of urea:

  • complete dissolution in water;
  • evaporation of harmful substances;
  • does not contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in soil and fruits;
  • accelerates the growth of vegetative mass;
  • Serves as a preventive measure against diseases and insects.

Disadvantages of urea:

  • using a cold solution can cause plant stress;
  • Exceeding the dosage leads to seedling burns.

How does urea work?

As soon as urea enters the soil, its active compounds begin to interact with local microorganisms. During the reactions, ammonium is produced from carbon dioxide, which, when released into the open air, is converted into ammonia.

Due to the ability of urea to transform, it should be applied as deeply and in large quantities as possible. The effect of its use is reduced to zero if a little fertilizer was used or it was intended for external feeding.

Peculiarity . Urea is not very effective in alkaline or neutral soil.

Mineral fertilizers are best suited for foliar feeding, as they do not burn the stem and leaves, which cannot be said about saltpeter, which gardeners often use.

It is believed that urea is not suitable for use in greenhouses, however, if used correctly, the fertilizer can be used in closed beds. This is especially true for soil with excess moisture: urea is more appropriate than saltpeter, since nitrogen is less washed out by rain and groundwater.

When to use urea for tomatoes

Tomatoes need to be fertilized at all stages of development, but at the seedling stage, urea is especially necessary.

Urea should not be added to the soil immediately before planting: if you put it in the holes, the plant may die. It is also not recommended to use it too often.

Foliar feeding is carried out in early June. The use of urea is prohibited during the period of flowering and ovary formation. Large amounts of nitrogen in the soil can delay fruit development.

Important ! Do not water the beds immediately after using the fertilizer.

You can moisten the soil a few hours after adding urea. The plant must have time to absorb the beneficial components before they are washed off with water.

Solving possible problems

Any fertilizer is important for agricultural crops. But if the dosage is exceeded, they can harm plants and even lead to their death. An excess of nitrogen leads to weakened immunity of cucumbers, slow fruiting and growth. To avoid problems, you need to follow the established proportions and carefully read the instructions for use. Typically, proper feeding takes place according to the following scheme:

  • You need to apply urea under the roots in the form of a solution during the period of planting seedlings or a few weeks after it, when the first leaves appear on the bushes;
  • nitrogen spraying is carried out during the formation of inflorescences - late spring or early summer;
  • adding dry granules to the soil is recommended during active fruiting, that is, in the middle of the summer season. After the procedure, the bushes should be watered with clean, cool water.

If urea is used too often due to the slow growth of seedlings, it can lead to a violation of the acidity of the soil. Therefore, the drug must be combined with lime mortar or superphosphates. A significant disadvantage of urea is easy leaching. If it rains after irrigating the cucumbers in open ground, it will wash away all the nitrogen residues. The preventative procedure will have to be repeated. Therefore, you need to monitor the forecast and choose those days when precipitation and weather with high humidity levels are not observed in the next few days.

Urea does not combine well with organic fertilizers that crops need. For productive growth of cucumbers, not only mineral but also organic components are needed. Therefore, an unfavorable tandem can harm the seedlings. It is not recommended to combine urea with wood ash, dolomite flour, or chalk. A positive reaction is observed in combination with manure or droppings.

To prevent the possibility of burns, you need to choose urea with a concentration of less than 5%. This especially applies to the treatment of young, recently planted seedlings. This product is well absorbed by agricultural crops and reduces the likelihood of complications to a minimum. But during the growing season, more concentrated solutions will be required.

How to prepare urea

When preparing urea-based fertilizer, it is important to observe the following proportions:

  1. For application to the soil per 1 sq. m use 20 g of fertilizer.
  2. To prepare a solution for irrigation, you will need to dilute 20 g of urea in 10 liters of water.
  3. In the spray solution, 30 g of the nitrogen element should be per 10 liters of water. Experienced gardeners prepare the mixture according to this recipe: dissolve 20 g of urea in 5 liters of water. For 1 bush, 1 liter of fertilizer is enough.
  4. A liquid solution is also prepared based on urea: 50 g of the substance is diluted in 9 liters of water. This amount is calculated to fertilize a garden with an area of ​​20 square meters. m. This solution is also suitable for spraying and feeding adult plants. The mixture is enough to process 50 bushes.
  5. Urea is used to feed the roots of the plant: 200 g of fertilizer is mixed with 10 liters of water. The mixture is suitable for treating an area of ​​100 square meters. m. This concentration is often used by industrialists; ordinary summer residents can reduce the amount of fertilizer by 2 times.
  6. The most used recipe for urea solution is: 1 tbsp. l. fertilizers are diluted in a bucket of water. The mixture is suitable for spraying the green mass of plants and foliar feeding. To prepare the solution you need to use warm water.

Important ! An increase in the concentration of urea in the solution can cause plant burns.

Processing rules and recipes

Before carrying out preventive procedures, you need to familiarize yourself with the main rules that will help you avoid trouble:

  • to prevent the possibility of decomposition, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to a greater depth;
  • urea is used to treat plants indoors and outdoors; it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for use and take the product in the required dosage. An excess of nitrogen negatively affects the development of fruits;
  • on dry soils, urea is used in combination with a lime mixture, since as an independent agent it changes the acidity level of the soil;
  • abundant fertilizing is carried out after the first foliage appears on the bushes; during the period of fruit formation, the number of procedures is reduced by 2 times;
  • use the product at the rate of 8 g per 1 m2, during watering use 40-50 g of the product dissolved in water;
  • To enhance the effect on the root system of plants, use a special solution made from 70 g of urea and 2 buckets of clean, cool water. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured under the roots of the bushes;
  • For foliar fertilization, spraying is used. To dilute the solution, take 10 urea granules and 1 bucket of water, mix the components and spray the resulting mixture onto the foliage. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure on the eve of rain.

There are two main types of fertilizing with urea: root and foliar. Each type has its own characteristics and advantages.

Root feeding

Actions should begin at the stage of planting seedlings or seeds.

You can feed cucumbers in open or closed ground as follows:

  1. Dig up the soil thoroughly.
  2. Make holes and place nitrogen granules inside them (depth - 5-8 cm).
  3. Plant the seedlings and compact the soil well.

The drug consumption should be up to 10 g per square meter. It is important not to exceed the dosage, since in large quantities urea slows down the growth of bushes and the development of root crops. If no fertilizing was applied when digging up the plots, this process can be carried out after planting the seedlings. To do this, place urea granules under the cucumber bushes and sprinkle them with soil. It is necessary to prevent the nitrogen fertilizer from coming into contact with the plant stem, otherwise the development of the crop will slow down. The permissible norm for each bush is 4 g.

See also Why and what to do if cucumber seedlings fall and wither

When the first leaves appear, urea is used to water the cucumbers. To do this, stir 30 g of the drug in 2 buckets of water, and water the bushes at the root with the resulting solution. For young shoots, it is recommended to combine nitrogen fertilizing with superphosphate; it is applied at the root after thorough watering. The permissible dosage is 50 g. When the formation of root crops begins, the frequency of watering is increased. Mineral treatment is necessary to stimulate growth. At this time, urea is mixed with potash fertilizers and the resulting mixture is poured over the cucumbers at the root. During active fruiting, procedures should be kept to a minimum.

Foliar feeding

Foliar feeding in the cucumber garden is carried out when the growth of inflorescences and root crops is weakened and slow. The current period for nitrogen irrigation is the height of the summer heat, when there is severe drought. Spraying has the following benefits for cucumbers:

  • increases the fruiting season;
  • enriches plant tissues with nutritional components;
  • improves the immunity and resistance of cucumbers to diseases.

If you spray the plant in time, you can forget about its fungal and bacterial infections. The procedure is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. the solution is diluted at the rate of 5 tablespoons of urea per 10-12 liters of water. Increasing the dosage is not recommended, as there is a risk of the leaves getting burned. For young shoots, the amount of urea is reduced by 0.5 times;
  2. Spraying is best done early in the morning, in dry and windless weather (no sun);
  3. It is not advisable to process cucumbers before the oncoming rain.

To increase the effect after spraying (after 3-4 days), the plant is fed with organic fertilizers (manure, droppings). Foliar feeding extends the fruiting period. Experienced gardeners advise carrying them out without fail at the stage of inflorescence formation. This method is very economical. Because during the fertilization process, the solution is directed specifically at a specific bush. In this case, the substance does not move to the lower layers of the soil.

How to use fertilizer

Urea is used to fertilize the soil and root system. It is also suitable for spraying tomato leaves.

Planting seeds in a substrate with urea

For the full development of seedlings, urea is added to the substrate before planting the seeds. Some people make holes, pour fertilizer into them, and then plant the seed. Experienced vegetable growers do not recommend this method - it is better to mix urea with all the soil in the planting box.

Before using urea, you need to moisten the soil. If it is not possible to water the entire garden, sprinkle the fertilizer with a small amount of soil. For 1 sq. m, 10-15 g of fertilizer is enough.

Watering tomatoes with urea

When watering tomatoes with urea solution, do not allow the liquid to get on the leaves. The solution is applied strictly at the root. It is better to do this in the evening to eliminate the risk of burning the plant.

Foliar sprays

For foliar treatments, prepare a solution with a weaker concentration of urea. A large tablespoon of fertilizer per 10 liters of water is enough.

Spraying with urea has a good effect on the growth of green mass - the leaves become fuller and greener.

Important rules for feeding tomatoes with urea

Urea is a chemical, so when working with it you need to follow some rules:

  1. Dilute the solution according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Water the plants only in the evening.
  3. Carefully monitor the reaction of tomatoes to fertilizing.
  4. At the first sign of burns or soil saturation with nitrogen, stop using.

Nitrogen deficiency and excess

Although urea is beneficial for cucumbers, if you overdo it with fertilizing, the drug can be harmful.
This is manifested in the active growth of green mass. The leaves will become large and dark green. The fruits may also suffer - they will be crooked, or there will be none at all. Cucumbers need proper and proper care, otherwise it is impossible to get a rich harvest. In case of nitrogen deficiency, you may notice:

  • growth has slowed;
  • leaves and stems turned yellow;
  • during the flowering process, the leaves fall off;
  • ovaries are not formed;
  • crop reduction;
  • the growth of side shoots slowed down.

If these signs appear, then treatment of cucumbers with urea is necessary.


Fertilizers should be applied not superficially, but deep into the soil. Thanks to this, ammonium loss is minimized.

An excess of nitrogen is just as harmful to plants as its lack. In this case, the green mass will grow too actively and become dark green in color. The fruits will be crooked or not appear at all.

Nuances of feeding tomatoes

Urea can be used in both open and closed beds.

In the greenhouse

When using urea in a greenhouse, it is important to consider the location of the beds. If tomatoes are planted in a permanent place, fertilizer is applied in small quantities, otherwise the plants will experience an excess of nitrogen. An imbalance in the soil will negatively affect the number of ovaries - the tomatoes will intensively form foliage and stepsons.

In the open ground

When fertilizing tomatoes in open beds, various factors are taken into account: the characteristics of the soil, the variety of tomatoes, their growth and the formation of ovaries. Urea is usually used during the development of seedlings. Additionally, it is added only if the condition of the plants has deteriorated.

Many gardeners, in order not to get confused when it is necessary to fertilize, draw up a schedule. However, it is important to consider that at different stages of development the plant will need different microelements. Urea is not an all-purpose fertilizer, so it is not recommended for continuous use. It is better to combine urea with organic and phosphate fertilizers.

Precautionary measures

Urea can cause burns and an allergic reaction, so before fertilizing seedlings you need to familiarize yourself with the safety precautions:

  • when spraying in open ground, the selected area must be cleared of unnecessary debris: sticks, rotting leaves, dead tree bark;
  • It is worth choosing the most suitable day for processing cucumbers. It is advisable that the weather be dry and not very hot. There should be no wind, otherwise its currents can direct the nitrogen product to the wrong place;
  • The optimal time of day for preventive procedures is early morning or late evening. This is the most suitable period for seedlings to absorb nutrients;
  • It is imperative to use protective masks and gloves; they will help protect the skin from chemical burns and irritation;
  • processing is carried out only from special sprayers that regulate the flow of the released chemical.

See also How to plant cucumbers in open ground

After completing the preventive work, you must thoroughly wash your hands and face, and wash soiled clothes in a washing machine.

Tomato feeding scheme

Fertilizer application is practiced in areas with poor soil. In one season, urea can be used 5 times:

  1. During the period of growing seedlings. Add 1 g of fertilizer to the planting box, and then sow the seeds.
  2. When planting seedlings in the garden. Fertilizing is applied a week after planting.
  3. 3 weeks after planting the seedlings. Premature use of fertilizer will lead to vigorous growth of green mass. At this stage, you can use a solution of mullein and urea.
  4. Fertilizing is carried out only if the inflorescences begin to fall off. Urea can be diluted with other microfertilizers for tomatoes.
  5. The last time urea is used is during the fruiting period. It is best to combine urea with other fertilizers - dilute 2 g of urea, potassium sulfate and potassium magnesium in 10 liters of water. After watering, the beds can be sprinkled with wood ash.

Tips and tricks

The nitrogen contained in urea can spoil the soil. To reduce the likelihood of soil depletion, use lime - it neutralizes the effect of nitrogen. For 2 kg of fertilizer you will need 1 kg of lime.

Lime is used three times throughout the season. The first time it is introduced during preparation for planting seedlings, then mixed with urea and applied during the period of active growth.

Another way to protect the soil from acidification is to add bird droppings, wood ash and superphosphate to the urea.

To protect tender shoots from the aggressive components of urea, copper sulfate is added to the spraying solution.

Many gardeners use urea as fertilizer after picking. Like no other product, it promotes the rapid growth of tomato green mass. 1 tbsp. l. urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water and the plant is watered abundantly.

Features of working with greenhouse plants

Spraying of cucumbers in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, glass and plastic begins after the first leaves bloom, until the period of flowering and fruit formation begins. Fertilizers are applied a second time if the bushes grow slowly, the leaves turn yellow and wither. If after some time signs of nitrogen deficiency appear again, it is necessary to carry out a third feeding. If there are no signs of disease, the first and second spraying may not be done. The solution for working during the period of active flowering is mixed according to the following rule:

  1. Fill a bucket with clean, cool water.
  2. Dissolve 50 g of urea in it, mix the components.
  3. Treat the bushes on all sides.

For feeding during the fruiting period, the dosage is reduced - 15 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters. The resulting mass is sprayed onto the leaves and stems of the plant crop. In this case, the treatment must be carried out so that the drug gets onto the ground. The optimal period for the procedure is considered to be evening. Experienced gardeners believe that at this time the risk of burns on leaves and stems can be avoided.

In greenhouse conditions, cucumbers are fed with dry granules. But they are placed strictly a few centimeters from the root of the bush. No more than 7 g of urea should be consumed per 1 square meter. After treatment, abundant watering is recommended. The dry method is considered quite unsafe, so it is carried out only in exceptional cases.

Reviews from vegetable growers

Almost all gardeners who have used urea speak positively about it. This product is highly recommended by people of the older generation, who began fertilizing their beds with it back in Soviet times. Over time, urea has not lost its relevance; practice has shown that the fertilizer packages currently produced are more convenient to use.

Svetlana, 52 years old: “Urea is an accessible, inexpensive fertilizer that helps grow strong seedlings. I noticed that after using it, tomatoes are more resistant to diseases.”

Victor, 72 years old: “I’ve been using Carbamide in the garden for a long time. The product can be used to fertilize the soil, root system and spray. I use it not only for tomatoes, but also for processing garden plants.”

Alexandra, 60 years old: “I feed tomatoes with urea during the period of seedling growth. When breeding it, it is important to follow the dosage, otherwise the plants may die.”

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