Hybrid with early ripening - tomato Pyshka F1: description of the variety and its characteristics

Ripening period:90-95 days from emergence
Shape, weight of fruits:round, weight 150 g
Determinacy:short (height up to 60 cm)
Growing regions:the entire territory of Russia
Productivity:up to 10 kg per 1 sq. m in closed ground conditions

For gardeners growing tomatoes, a common problem is choosing a variety from the hundreds of varieties of crops presented. Based on reviews and recommendations from experienced friends, many choose Pyshka tomato for their garden. The plant is unpretentious, resistant to a number of diseases and produces an abundant harvest of large fruits.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The originator of the hybrid is domestic. Pyshka is included in the seed register of the Russian Federation and is recommended for cultivation in open and closed ground. The hybrid is also successfully grown in neighboring countries.

The description of the variety begins with the ripening period of the crop. The tomato is an early ripening tomato; it forms ready-to-eat fruits on the 95th day from germination. In the short summer conditions of central and northern Russia, this allows you to enjoy tomatoes directly from the bush, starting in July.

The tomato bush reaches a height of 60 cm. It is spreading, formed into 2-3 stems with a mandatory garter to stakes. The leaves are medium in size, emerald green, slightly pubescent.

Pyshka's tomatoes are red, round, slightly flattened in shape. The surface is smooth, the skin is dense.

The tomato weight is 130-170 g, which is rare for determinate plants. Gardeners note the taste of the fruit as excellent - pronounced, sweet and sour. The interior is fleshy, with 6-8 chambers. The photo clearly shows the structure of the pulp.

Characteristics of the Pyshka variety will be incomplete without mentioning the resistance of tomato to Fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus.

Tomato variety “Fat”: photo, video, reviews, description, characteristics, yield

Growing vegetables in the middle zone and Siberia is sometimes quite problematic due to harsh climatic conditions. It is almost impossible to grow greens, cucumbers or tomatoes in unprotected soil. However, thanks to selection, there are tomato varieties that can grow even under unfavorable conditions. This article describes in detail the tomato variety “Tolstushka”.

Tomato varieties for open ground:

Origin of the Tolstushka tomato variety

The tomato variety “Fat” belongs to the Dutch selection. The year of inclusion in the State Register of the Russian Federation is 2011.

Description of the variety


  • Flat-round, medium-ribbed shape;
  • With thick skin, bright red color;
  • With fleshy, tender pulp;
  • Medium size. The average weight varies from 250 to 320 grams.

Large-fruited tomatoes:


  • Determinate, medium leafy plant;
  • Reaches approximately 80 cm in height;
  • The leaves are small in size, typical tomato shape, light green in color;
  • The inflorescence is simple. The formation of the first inflorescence occurs above the 9th leaf.

Tomato: advantages and disadvantages

The tomato variety “Tolstushka” has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Compactness;
  • Good taste characteristics;
  • No need for stepsoning;
  • Immunity to diseases;
  • Commercial appearance of the fruit;
  • Possibility of transportation;
  • Unpretentiousness in care.

The disadvantages include:

  • The need for a greenhouse structure for cultivation;
  • Unsuitability of tomatoes for whole-fruit canning.

Application of fruits

Tomato fruits are used to produce pastes, lecho, salads, juices, and sauces. Tomatoes are not used for whole-fruit canning, since the size of the fruit does not allow it.

Growing tomatoes

To get a bountiful harvest, tomatoes are cultivated through seedlings.

How to prepare seeds:

  • The seed material is dipped into a salted aqueous solution. Seeds that float to the surface are discarded;
  • High-quality seeds in a gauze bag are placed in a pale solution of potassium permanganate. After 30 minutes, the gauze with seeds is washed in clean water and left for three days on a saucer for germination.

Sowing seed material:

  • Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of March;
  • Tomato seedlings require neutral soil with good drainage. Before sowing, prepare the soil. Mix peat, turf soil and sawdust in a ratio of 7:1:1.5. Humus or rotted manure is used as fertilizer. An alternative would be to purchase a ready-made substrate. It is convenient to sow seed material in peat pots, which contain a complex of useful substances;
  • The containers are filled with moistened soil. Seed material is sown at intervals of 2 cm and sprinkled with a 1 cm layer of black soil. Containers should be covered with glass or polyethylene and placed in a warm, dark place;
  • With the emergence of seedlings, the containers are moved to a lighted windowsill;
  • Water the seedlings with settled water using a spray bottle. Water 1-2 times a week as the soil dries;
  • After the formation of two permanent leaves, the seedlings are planted in a larger container. When sowing seed material in peat pots, picking is not carried out;
  • For three weeks before planting in a permanent place, the seedlings begin to harden. In the room where the seedlings are located, keep the window open for several hours, avoiding drafts. Then the containers are moved to a glassed-in balcony. Immediately before transplanting, the seedlings should be left outdoors for 24 hours.

Rules for planting seedlings:

  1. Planting in a greenhouse structure is carried out in May in completely heated soil;
  2. Seedlings ready for planting should have a height of 25 cm, a developed root system and 5-7 leaves;
  3. In the fall, wood ash and humus are added to the soil;
  4. In spring, the soil is thoroughly loosened and planting holes are formed at intervals of 40 cm, the row spacing is set at a distance of 50 cm. It is optimal to use a checkerboard pattern. This way the tomatoes will be provided with maximum lighting, and this will greatly facilitate further care of the plantings. It is recommended to plant no more than 4-5 seedlings per 1 m2;
  5. Tomato seedlings are transplanted together with a lump of earth. Sprinkle soil on the roots and compact it a little;
  6. Finally, the tomato bushes are watered abundantly.

Bush care

Plant care includes standard activities:

  • Plantings need regular watering. At different stages of development, tomatoes need a certain amount of water. They pour water from barrels, where it warms and settles. After transplantation and before flowering begins, 5 liters of water are added to the root once a week, since young seedlings have a poorly developed root system for extracting moisture from the deep layers of the soil;
  • Tomato bushes are fed with microelements and chemicals. The variety responds well to the addition of organic matter (bird droppings and a mixture of green herbs). The first time they fertilize until the ovary forms. The next feeding is carried out no earlier than 10 days after the first;
  • It is also necessary to weed the rows and gently loosen the soil to avoid injury to the root system.

Diseases and pests

Tomato variety “Fat” has average resistance to major diseases. “Fat girl” is rarely affected by fusarium and verticillium. If the rules of agricultural technology are violated, blossom end rot may occur. It is characterized by the appearance of dark spots on leaves and stems. Affected parts should be removed immediately. Then the plantings are treated with copper-containing preparations. Preventive actions:

  • Compliance with the watering regime;
  • Regular ventilation of the greenhouse or greenhouse structure;
  • Cutting off excess tops;
  • Once every 2-3 weeks, the plantings are treated with Fitosporin or other biological products.


From each bush you can get from 6.0 to 7.5 kg of tomato harvest.

Which regions are best to grow in?

The tomato variety “Tolstushka” is recommended to be cultivated in film shelters and greenhouse structures. In the southern regions, cultivation in unprotected soil is allowed.

Reviews about the variety from those who planted

The tomato variety “Fat” has captivated gardeners with its versatility. Even a beginner in gardening can grow this variety, since it is unpretentious in care. The advantages also include a high yield of large, juicy tomatoes.

The Tolstushka tomato variety will be an excellent option for gardeners living in regions with an unfavorable climate. Compact tomato bushes, requiring minimal care, will provide a good harvest of fruits with excellent taste characteristics.

Timing of sowing seeds

Pyshka tomatoes begin to be sown for seedlings in February. The seedlings are placed on the bed at the age of 55-60 days. By this time, the plant already has the first brush with buds or flowers.

The exact sowing date is calculated based on the growing method and climate of the area. Tomatoes are planted in open ground when the threat of frost has passed and the temperature at night does not drop below +10 degrees.

Seedlings can be placed in film greenhouses or polycarbonate greenhouses 2-3 weeks earlier.

Depending on the region, Pyshka tomatoes are sown for seedlings at the following times (data for open ground):

  • in the middle zone and Moscow region from March 10 to 20;
  • in the Leningrad region at the end of March;
  • in the south of Russia, sowing is carried out in mid-late February;
  • in regions with a cold spring (frosts may occur in June), tomatoes are sown for seedlings in April.

Advice. In the Urals and Siberia, heat-loving tomatoes are recommended to be grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. The bushes are planted in high, warm beds. Pyshka seeds for greenhouses are sown for seedlings in March.

Tomato Olya: characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes Olya F1: photo of variety

  • The tomato variety Olya f1 was bred by Russian breeders. The variety was included in the state register in 1997. It is grown in gardens, orchards, and in large quantities for industrial purposes.
  • Olya F1 tomatoes are determinants. The flower tassel limits the growth of the bush; the continuation of the development of the bush occurs from the side branch. The first ovary grows after 6-7 leaves, the next ones - after every 3 leaves.
  • Tomato Olya is not on the trunk; it doesn’t require much tying. The growth of the bush in open beds is 100 cm, in greenhouse conditions - 1.2 m. The plant forms shoots to an average extent, there are not many leaves. Plants do not need to be pinched.
  • The leaves are pinnate, light green, small. Flower tassels are simple, formed along the entire stem in pairs. This trait contributes to high varietal yields. Each bush forms 15 tassels, each of which produces 7 tomatoes.
  • The fruits of the Olya F1 tomato variety begin to ripen early. Ripening period – 105 days. Tomatoes ripen simultaneously, which is why tomatoes need to be harvested consistently.
  • Olya tomatoes are medium in size and can be perfectly preserved whole. The average weight of a tomato is 110-120 g, but there are also record holders weighing up to 180 g. They are used for salads or juices. Anyone can grow this variety. But it is necessary to properly apply fertilizers and regularly water the plants.
  • All tomatoes on one bush are identical in weight - this is the specialty of the variety.

Tomatoes Olya: photo of variety

If we compare the most famous tomato varieties with the Olya tomato variety, we can observe that in terms of the size of vegetables and tasting assessment, our variety takes first place of honor.

  • "Olya F1". The declared weight of tomatoes is 110-180 grams.
  • "Diva". Fruit weight – 120 grams.
  • "Golden Jubilee". Weight of tomatoes – 150 grams.
  • "Countryman". Weight of tomatoes – 50-75 grams.
  • "Dubrava". Fruit weight – 60-110 grams.
  • "Shuttle". Weight of tomatoes – 45-64 grams.

The appearance of the Olya F1 tomato variety is very decorative. The tomatoes are smooth, round in appearance, with pronounced ribbing. The peel at the beginning of the period of maturity is rich green in color, there is a dark spot near the stalk. When the fruits are fully ripe, they turn red.

  • The peel is durable, glossy, and does not crack. A cut Olya tomato contains 3-4 chambers; there are few seeds in the fruit.
  • The internal contents of tomatoes are sugary and compacted. Tomatoes contain 6.5% dry matter. Based on these characteristics, the fruits are used for squeezing juices, preparing purees and pastes.
  • The description says that the taste of Olya’s tomatoes is excellent. But the taste is strongly dependent on the timing of ripeness and weather conditions. If you want sweet tomatoes, you need to grow them in a place where there is good lighting and where the sun hits.
  • If it rains and the sun practically does not show, then the taste of the fruit will be sour. To avoid this, it is necessary to plant plants in greenhouse conditions.

Features of cultivation and care

Growing the hybrid Pyshka is no different from the agricultural technology of other low-growing tomatoes.

For seedlings, prepare a substrate from a mixture of peat, humus, sand and turf soil. You can purchase ready-made seedling soil in the store. The soil is enriched with complex mineral fertilizer for tomatoes (OMU, Fertika, Gera).

Pyshki seeds are immersed in the ground to a depth of 8 mm, in increments of 3-4 cm. You can immediately sow the plants in separate cups. Before germination, boxes with crops are kept at a temperature of +25 degrees.

Comfortable heat conditions for seedlings are +18 degrees at night and +22 during the day. The duration of illumination is at least 10 hours. Watering is moderate, with water at room temperature at the root.

Picking (transplanting) is carried out at the age of 15-18 days, placing the plants at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other or planting them in separate containers.

Before planting in a permanent place, seedlings are accustomed to sunlight and fresh air. Plant the bushes in the garden on a cloudy day or in the evening. The layout is 35 by 50 cm.

It is useful to mulch the soil under the stems with straw, hay, shavings or tree bark.

Caring for adult plants consists of weeding, watering and fertilizing, and shaping.

Water the tomatoes 2-3 times a week, not with cold and soft water, strictly at the root. After the bulk of the fruits have turned orange, the number of waterings is reduced to 1 per week. This technique accelerates the ripening of the crop.

Form a bush of 2-3 stems, removing all excess shoots. When fruits form on the first cluster, cut off the lower foliage.

The yield of the Pyshka hybrid largely depends on the composition of the soil and the application of fertilizers. Tomato needs fertile loamy soil and 3-4 fertilizing per season.

Before the formation of buds, plants are fed with nitrogen fertilizers (a solution of manure, urea), during the flowering and fruit formation phase - with phosphorus-potassium compounds (ash, superphosphate, potassium sulfate).

A good effect is obtained by fertilizing tomatoes with grain fertilizer and spraying with a solution of ammonia.

You can get acquainted with the nuances of growing the Pyshka tomato in the presented video.

Tomato variety Fat

Tomato Fatty is a popular Dutch variety whose fruiting does not depend on cloudy periods. In the middle zone it is recommended to plant it in greenhouses, in the south - in open ground. The variety is considered unpretentious, but to obtain good yields it is important to familiarize yourself with its characteristics and cultivation characteristics.

Tomato variety Fat


The tomato variety Tolstushka is a determinant variety; the bush usually reaches 70-90 cm. However, there are also tall hybrids of the same name, reaching 150-250 cm.

When purchasing seeds, carefully study the description and characteristics of the variety on the packaging.

The variety belongs to the mid-early variety and begins to bear fruit 110-115 days after sowing.


Tomato Fatty is round, “plump”, slightly flattened. Has weak or medium ribbing. Color – bright red. Weight – from 200 to 350 g. The pulp is sweet, the peel is dense.

The fruits are great for salads, snacks, fresh cuts and preparing main courses. Large specimens from the first harvest can be preserved in pieces, and subsequent, smaller specimens can be preserved whole.

Due to their tender pulp, they are often used to make ketchup, sauces, juice and pastes.


This tomato is distinguished by consistently high yield. With proper care, 6-7 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one bush. The fruits on one cluster ripen at the same time - they can be collected immediately. On average, the crop is harvested every 4-6 days.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the characteristics, the following advantages of the Tolstushka tomato are highlighted:

  • large and tasty fruits;
  • high productivity;
  • keeping quality;
  • transportability;
  • compactness of the bush and easy care.

Disadvantages sometimes include susceptibility to blossom end rot.


Seeds for seedlings are sown in the second half of March, and two months later the plants are transplanted into a greenhouse. The seeds are first disinfected by immersing them in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.

The first layer of soil is poured into the seedling container and the seeds are laid out on it (at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other), and then moistened with a spray bottle.

Another layer of earth 1 cm thick is poured on top. The container is covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm place, maintaining a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C.


Excess leaves and shoots should be removed from plants

4-5 days after sowing, seedlings appear - they are watered with warm water and the film is removed. Place the container with seedlings on the windowsill and lower the temperature to 16°C for a week.

In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, seedlings are picked. The plants are transplanted into separate pots, while adding mineral fertilizers. Before transplanting into the greenhouse, the seedlings are hardened (the pots are taken outside for a week, increasing the hardening time every day).

The first feeding of seedlings is carried out no earlier than 6-7 days after picking. Until the seedlings have taken root and the roots have begun to work, this is not necessary.


Before planting seedlings, the soil in the greenhouse is disinfected and loosened. The bushes are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other. There is a space of 50 cm between the rows.

Ash, mineral fertilizers, compost, and ground eggshells are added to the holes. Plants are watered at the root with warm, settled water.

Egg shells, even crushed into powder, become available to plant roots in the form of calcium no earlier than 2 years after application. It can be applied only on acidic soils to deoxidize it. But acidic soil is not suitable for tomatoes; the soil should be neutral with a pH of 5.5-6.0.

Low-growing bushes do not need staking, but for heavy fruits it is better to provide support. Alternatively, you can stretch a net in the greenhouse, passing plant stems through it. In this case, the ripening fruits will lie on the net and will not pull back the stems of the bushes.

In order not to thicken the beds, you should remove excess shoots and lower leaves. This low-growing variety does not require targeted cultivation.


Moisten the beds once every 10 days using warm, settled water. In summer, more often - once a week, but at the same time they focus on the weather.

Water strictly at the root or by drip method. They do this early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset.


To increase productivity, tomatoes need to be fertilized once every two weeks. Organic fertilizers are alternated with mineral complexes, if possible combined with irrigation.

If the appearance of plants indicates a deficiency of any minerals, foliar “quick” feeding is done on the leaves.

Foliar feeding does not replace the main application of fertilizers, they only supplement it and are an “ambulance” for plants.

Other care measures

Plant productivity depends on the quality of care

Equally important is regular loosening of the soil - usually done after watering.

It is useful to mulch the bed with peat or dry grass (to reduce evaporation, prevent weeds, and make maintenance easier). The humidity level in the greenhouse must be controlled through regular ventilation.

The optimal air humidity for tomatoes should be 45-55%. If the air humidity is too high, there is a risk of developing various fungal diseases. Low air humidity causes plants to spend a lot of energy on transpiration (evaporation), resulting in lower yields.

Diseases and pests

The Tolstushka variety is highly resistant to diseases, especially late blight, but tomatoes can be attacked by blossom end rot due to a lack of calcium or irregular watering.

In such cases, the soil is enriched with calcium - lime, crushed eggshells or chalk are added, and the bushes are sprayed with a solution of calcium nitrate. In addition, tomatoes can suffer from insect pests: aphids, spider mites, whiteflies.

Aphids need to be washed off the leaves with a soap solution, for whiteflies - use biological products or insecticides, for spider mites - acaricides.

Tomato reviews

According to reviews from gardeners, tomatoes of the Tolstushka variety fully correspond to the description. The fruits are large, beautifully round in shape, bright red in color. The pulp is tasty.

The bushes naturally form into 3-4 powerful stems. Some gardeners do not engage in pinching at all, while others remove shoots without fruit to thin out the beds.

Diseases and pests of the hybrid

Despite the resistance of tomato to Fusarium wilt and TMV, the Pyshka hybrid can be damaged by some diseases. This is due to errors in agricultural technology and unfavorable weather.

The real scourge of tomato plants is late blight (late blight). The fungal disease spreads in damp and cold weather, with excessive watering. Brown spots appear on the foliage and stem, which turn into rot on the fruit. Treatment is ineffective; prevention is safer:

  • place the bushes spaciously (especially in a greenhouse) so that the plants are well ventilated;
  • water the tomatoes only with warm water, without getting the liquid on the leaves;
  • spray tomatoes every 2 weeks with Fitosporin, garlic infusion, whey or kefir solution.

Top rot affects high-yielding hybrids with large fruits. Brown spots appear on the “butts” of tomatoes, turning into dry black rot. The disease is caused by a lack of moisture and calcium. At the first signs of illness, plants are fed with calcium nitrate and watering is increased.

In open ground, tomatoes can be damaged by pests: aphids, cutworms, Colorado potato beetles, thrips. Insects eat the foliage or suck out the sap, weakening the plants. They fight pests using folk remedies (infusion of tobacco, ash, garlic, soap solution) and chemicals (Inta Vir, Aktara). As a preventive measure it is necessary:

  • observe crop rotation, not planting tomatoes after potatoes and eggplants;
  • pull out weeds on time;
  • plant the beds with marigolds, calendula, fennel (the aroma of these plants repels pests).

Pests and diseases

The pumpkin variety has good immunity, and the risks of phytoinfections in such plants are minimized. The most common diseases are bacteriosis and powdery mildew.

With bacteriosis, dark green spots appear on the leaves, which dry out and crumble over time, leading to the formation of holes in the leaf blades. To prevent the disease, seeds are treated with 0.02% zinc sulfate before planting.

With powdery mildew, whitish spots appear on the leaves, which over time completely cover the entire surface of the plate. In this case, spraying with sodium, phosphoric acid solution or colloidal sulfur is used.

Description of the Hazelnut pumpkin variety, cultivation and careRead

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the hybrid Pyshka F1, according to reviews from gardeners, is the exceptional unpretentiousness of the tomato and the ability to grow in different climatic conditions.

There are other advantages:

  • large fleshy tomatoes;
  • strong skin, allowing the fruit to be transported without damage;
  • excellent taste.

The disadvantages of tomato include its belonging to the group of hybrids. This eliminates the possibility of obtaining seeds from grown plants. Seeds must be purchased from the store annually.

Similar hybrids

You can also get large, fleshy tomatoes from other determinate varieties and hybrids. Their main advantage is their unpretentiousness and the ability to grow in open ground. The most popular varieties are presented in the table below:

Variety nameDescriptionCharacteristic
Mongolian dwarfCold-resistant amateur variety with large red fruits. Does not require gartering or shaping. Ripening time: ultra-early (80-90 days) Determination: height 30-40 cm Shape and weight of tomatoes: round, smooth, weighing 120-160 g Productivity: 5-6 kg per bush Resistant to stress, fruit cracking
Raspberry ViscountThe salad variety has an exceptional taste; the fruits are fleshy and dense.Ripening time: mid-early (100-110 days) Determination: height 50 cm (does not require shaping or garter) Shape and weight of fruits: flat-round raspberry tomatoes, weighing up to 300 g Yield: up to 6 kg per plant Resistant to late blight, cracking
YamalSiberian tomato, resistant to low temperatures. The fruits can be used fresh and for canning. Ripening time: early (90-100 days) Determination: stem height 50 cm Shape and weight of fruits: round, smooth, red, weighing 140-160 g Productivity: 10 kg per 1 sq. m The tomato is slightly affected by late blight, is resistant to blossom end rot, and does not crack.

Pros and cons of the Pyshka variety

When creating this tomato hybrid, breeders were guided by the harsh and unpredictable weather conditions of our country. The result of the work was very successful.

The Tolstushka variety has the following advantages:

  1. Resistant to temperature changes and strong winds. The plant also tolerates drought and high humidity that occurs during prolonged rains.
  2. Excellent germination. Almost all seeds and seedlings are accepted. Tomatoes grow quickly with minimal care and fertilizer costs.
  3. Strong immune system. Plants are resistant to most diseases at the ripening and fruiting stages.
  4. Attractive appearance of the fruit. They look beautiful and appetizing. When cut, you get neat little slices.
  5. Sufficient tolerance of even the most difficult conditions of transportation and long-term storage. Tomatoes are willingly purchased from warehouses and stores for sale in the winter.
  6. Versatility in terms of cooking. Tomato is used for consumption in raw, canned, fried, boiled form. Delicious juices, sauces and ketchups are made from it.

As for the shortcomings, there are few of them. Farmers note the high cost of seeds and the need to tie up bushes.

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