High yield with small growth - Bratchud apple tree variety

The apple tree is the most widespread fruit crop in Europe. There are many stories and legends associated with it.

Currently, thanks to selection, old varieties of apple trees have been preserved and newer fruit crops have been developed.

Not so long ago, a new variety, Brother of the Wonderful, was developed, which in a very short time became famous throughout Russia . Why is the apple tree widely known among gardeners? In the article below we will look at its advantages in more detail.


Apple tree Bratchud (Brother of the Wonderful) is a variety of winter ripening apples .

The fruit crop was bred by V.I. Putyanin and M.A. Mazunin. in Chelyabinsk , at the Scientific Research Institute for Horticulture. Breeders decided to breed the most frost-resistant apple tree with the best performance for the Siberian region.

To do this, they crossed a fruit hybrid crop (Uralskoe Zimnee x 11 – 20 – 12) with Vydubetskaya Plakucha.

According to the results of the State Register, gardeners coped with the task.

Since 2002, the Brat Chudnogo apple tree has been zoned in Siberia, but thanks to its high performance, the variety has gained great fame and popularity throughout Russia .

Low-growing Bratchud apple tree.

Additional characteristics of the variety will allow you to get acquainted with the fruit crop in more detail.

Where to buy and how to choose planting material

Experienced fruit growers recommend that beginners rely on the following rules for purchasing seedlings:

  • buy plants from fruit nurseries;
  • the age of the apple tree is 1-2 years and guarantees rapid establishment;
  • the roots of healthy material are elastic, moisturized, without growths and damage, the root lobe is well developed;
  • second-order shoots are covered with smooth bark and large buds;
  • a healthy plant has no traces of damage by pests or areas affected by disease;
  • Between the root collar and the trunk there is a grafting site in the form of an influx.

At the nursery, you can ask for a certificate for the plant, which indicates all the details of the seedling - budding period, characteristics of the rootstock, variety, planting date.

additional characteristics

Bratchud has gained great popularity among gardeners due to its characteristics of the variety.


The apple tree, like other fruit crops, has its advantages and disadvantages.

The peculiarity of the variety is that there are many more positive qualities .

These include the following indicators:

  • Good frost resistance;
  • High yield;
  • No periodicity in fruiting;
  • Taste qualities of apples;
  • Convenient fruit removal.

Attention! The only thing you should pay attention to when choosing a seedling is its poor resistance to powdery mildew and scab.

Appearance of the tree, crown height and width

The apple tree is considered a dwarf crop:

  • The tree reaches a height of 2 - 2.5 m.
  • The branches are quite spreading and grow horizontally from the trunk.
  • The crown has a flat-round shape, reaching a diameter of 3 - 3.5 m.
  • The shoots are brownish-green, of medium thickness.
  • The foliage is large, round, bright green, slightly drooping to the bottom


The fruits on the tree are arranged in a uniform order and have different sizes, the weight ranges from 110 g. up to 200 gr.

The yield is quite high , which allows you to harvest up to 150 kg from one fruit crop. apples

Tasting assessment

is rated 4.7 points in terms of taste

Apples have a yellow-green color, with a pink-red blush.

The pulp is grainy, very juicy and sweet, with a slight characteristic sourness.

You should know! You can distinguish a fruit crop from other varieties by the presence of side seams on the fruits.

Winter hardiness

Thanks to its high frost resistance , the tree does not freeze over in harsh winters.

At low temperatures of -40 degrees, without proper care, only the root system can suffer.

Disease resistance

Apple tree "BRATCHUD".
The fruit crop has no immunity to fungal diseases.

In a rainy year, foliage and fruits are affected by powdery mildew and scab.

Lifespan of a tree

Despite the numerous advantages of the variety, the short life span of the fruit crop is considered important disadvantage

After 18 - 20 years, the apple tree ends fruiting and should be replaced.

Winter hardiness and disease susceptibility

The plant does not freeze even in very cold winters; it can normally withstand temperatures down to -40 °C, but with a greater decrease it is advisable to cover the root system, which is more susceptible to the negative influences of low temperatures.

The crop lacks immunity to pathogens of fungal diseases; in case of excessively rainy weather, the risk of the plant being affected by scab and powdery mildew increases significantly.


Hope. Tula: “I am very glad that I once purchased the Bratchud apple tree after I found a photo and description of the variety. The tree itself is small in size, but the yield is more than enough. The apples are very tasty, aromatic, with a characteristic sourness. Every year I prepare several liters of compotes, preserves, marmalade, jam.

And good preservation of the fruit allows us to enjoy them fresh until the New Year.”

Konstantin. Chelyabinsk region: “The Brat Chudnogo variety has been growing on our site for 15 years. When purchasing a seedling, the seller gave me a detailed description, a photo and immediately explained that the tree’s lifespan is short, up to 20 years, but the apple tree has a number of advantages. Over time, I became convinced of this myself. The fruit crop, despite its size, has a very high yield. The fruits are medium-large, with very high taste characteristics.

Apples can be stored fresh for a long time, up to 5 months. The plant is unpretentious in care ; it has never been fertilized or pruned. The only care is pest control.”

Elena. Irkutsk: “My Bratchud variety grows on a columnar rootstock. The tree is very compact and does not take up much space in my small area. The first fruiting, to my amazement, began in the first year after planting. True, there were few apples, only 4, but the next year there were many more.

I would like to characterize the fruit crop from the best side. The apple tree pleases not only with its high yield of tasty fruits, but also with its decorative appearance.”

Harvest and storage

By the end of September it is time to harvest. The fruits are collected in boxes and stored in cool, ventilated areas. The optimal temperature for storing fruit is –3…0°С.

Important! If during storage the apples begin to rot or become covered with plaque, it is better to throw them away. Such symptoms indicate the development of dangerous fungal infections.

The use of apples of this variety is universal. They are eaten fresh and also used to make jam, juice, cider, and desserts.

The dwarf Bratchud apple tree is primarily notable for its delicious fruits. There are a number of nuances in caring for this variety, but growing these plants is not too difficult. A gardener who follows all the above rules ultimately receives a tasty and healthy harvest.

Features of planting and care

For better survival of the seedling , choose an area protected from the wind with good lighting and fertile soil.


Planting an apple tree.


The best time to plant a seedling is spring.

If, however, planting is carried out in the fall, the optimal time for this is the end of September.


In the absence of fertile soil, humus and peat are added to the hole at the rate of 50 cm x 50 cm in equal proportions.

Next, a peg is driven , a seedling is placed next to it and buried with earth.

When planting, do not bury the root collar . After the work is completed, the tree is watered abundantly.

Important! After installing the seedling in the hole, you need to straighten the roots in different directions.

Slate shape

Planting of seedlings of stylata forms is carried out in early spring or autumn 15 days before the first frost.

For better survival , choose annual crops with fibrous roots:

  • Dig a hole 60 cm deep and 70 cm wide.
  • Pour 4 buckets of water into the hole and wait for it to be absorbed.
  • Then the seedling is installed, the roots are spread out in the form of a fan and buried with earth.
  • After planting, the soil is mulched and watered again with 2 buckets of water.


To prevent the crown of mature trees from intertwining, when planting, maintain a distance of 3 m from other fruit crops.

Agricultural technology

Before the first fruiting, the apple tree is watered 2 times a month, with 2 buckets of water.

2 years after planting, mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring. The tree's root system is weak, which requires timely care.

To ensure sufficient saturation with oxygen and nutrients, every year the soil near the trunk is mulched and weeded to remove weeds.

Important! The roots of the tree are located near the surface of the earth and if they are not covered before the winter, the apple tree will die.

Pruning and crown formation

In order for the fruits to have high consumer qualities and stability in yield not to be disturbed, the plant needs timely pruning :

  • The first pruning is carried out after planting the seedling, removing 1/3 of all branches on the central conductor.
  • Next, pruning is carried out so that the crown is not too thick.
  • For the growth of strong shoots, weak and damaged branches are removed in early spring.

Scheme for a columnar apple tree

When forming a columnar Bratchud apple tree, one should take into account the fact that the central conductor serves as a support for the entire tree and cannot be pruned.

The horizontal and vertical branches of the tree are removed according to the following scheme:

  1. To strengthen the shoots, in the first year the branches of the seedling are cut into 2 buds.
  2. In the second year, all horizontal branches are cut to 35 cm. Vertical branches are not removed; fruits will be located on them.
  3. In the third year, pruning is repeated according to the previous year and all previously fruiting shoots are removed.

To make the trunk more powerful, when pruning, all small branches on the trunk are removed.

Pollinator varieties

need cross-pollination to set fruit .

The best varieties for this are considered to be: Sokolovskoye, Podsnezhnik and Chudnoye.

The Brat Chudnogo variety has features not only in the structure of the tree, but also in fruiting and ripening of fruits.

Self-fertility and pollinator varieties

In order for fruit ovaries to appear, the apple tree requires cross-pollination.

The best options for the Bratchud variety are the following varieties of apple trees:




Features of ripening and fruiting


The first fruits of the apple tree appear 3–4 years after planting.

Ripening time

The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. But since the variety does not tend to shed, it is harvested in mid-October.


Bratchud differs from other fruit crops in that it bears fruit on all types of wood and on last year’s growths.

The variety does not show any periodicity , even in an unfavorable year with bad weather conditions.

Shelf life

The shelf life of the fruit is quite long. At above-zero temperatures of 3–7 degrees, the shelf life is 4–5 months.

Advice! To ensure that apples do not lose their consumer qualities for up to 6 months, it is better to store them in the refrigerator.

Advantages and disadvantages

Apple trees of the Bratchud variety are characterized by high productivity. The fruits are distributed evenly throughout the tree and do not bunch up.

2-3 apples grow at one level of the tree


  • high resistance to prolonged frosts;
  • rich sweet and sour taste;
  • storage duration;
  • after ripening, the apples do not fall off;
  • the small height and uniform distribution of fruits on the branches makes the harvesting process convenient and quick;
  • for the same reason, pruning dry and damaged branches does not cause difficulties;
  • a small amount of pink pigment allows apples to be given to young children, as well as those prone to allergies;
  • saving space on the site;
  • annual and abundant fruiting.


  • lack of immunity to fungal diseases;
  • slow increase in fruiting;
  • poor tolerance to prolonged high temperatures and drought;
  • relatively short lifespan of a tree.

Subspecies and options

Chudny's brother is widely used in breeding work to develop low-growing subspecies and variety variants.


  • Creeping apple tree Brother of the Wonderful - winter ripening period.
  • Apple tree with a horizontally flat crown. On a seed rootstock the tree reaches 1.5 – 2 m.
  • The fruits are medium , weighing 110 – 150 g, with juicy, sweet and sour pulp.
  • The advantages of the variety are considered to be high yield and consumer qualities of the fruit.

Naturally – low

The Bratchud apple tree is used in the selection of varieties of naturally low-growing fruit crops:

  • The trees are quite short - 2 meters tall.
  • The crown has a large diameter and is located very close to the ground.
  • The fruits are above average size, weighing 150 – 180 g.
  • The fruit crop is quite early-bearing; fruiting begins 3 years after planting.

The qualities of the variety are considered to be high frost resistance and resistance to strong winds.


The dwarf fruit crop Brother Wonderful has the same tree structure as the ordinary variety.

The only difference is that the apple tree has a restrained growth. Thus, by 10 years of age the tree reaches no more than 1.5 m in height.

The variety has a number of advantages:

  • Precociousness;
  • Restrained growth;
  • Small crown.

The size of the dwarf apple tree makes caring for the plant easier.


The Brother Wonderful apple tree, when used as a rootstock for columnar crops, is considered a super-dwarf variety .

The height of the tree reaches no more than 1 m.

Dwarf apple tree.

The branches are located upward at an acute angle to the trunk. In addition, overgrowing fruit branches are located along the thickened trunk.

Thus, the fruits are located along the entire trunk.

The advantages of this variety include the following indicators:

  • High winter hardiness;
  • Very early fruiting;
  • Taste and consumer qualities of fruits;
  • Saving space on site.

The disadvantages of apple trees include slow yield growth.

You should know! The lifespan of a super-dwarf variety is very short, no more than 13 years.

Growing conditions

The variety was originally intended for cultivation in Siberia and the Urals , but it grows successfully in all regions of the country. When planting, it is important to take into account the climate of the region and, depending on this, adjust the care of the plant. So, in the north you should take special care to prepare the apple tree for winter, and in the southern zone you should pay more attention to watering.

Basic requirements for growing conditions:

  • elevated area;
  • protection from sharp wind currents;
  • bright sunlight and no shadow;
  • nutritious fertile soil.

Video: Instructions for planting an apple tree

Features of cultivation in different regions

The Bratchud apple tree is suitable for growing throughout Russia, but there are still several peculiarities in care for each individual region.

In outskirts of Moscow

In order to prevent a decrease in the yield of the Brother of the Wonderful apple tree in the Moscow region, you should pay attention to the hot summer in this region.

During droughts in this area, water the plants at least 3 times a month - with 3 buckets of water.

In the Moscow region you should also pay attention to pests. Timely treatment against insects will prevent the reduction of fruit ovaries.

In the Urals

In order for the apple tree to develop well and not wither in the Urals, choose a place for planting where fruit crops have not previously grown .

For good yield in this region, the tree needs complex fertilizers:

  • In the fall, organic, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied.
  • In spring, the tree trunk circle is mulched only with nitrogen fertilizers.

In Siberia

Siberia is characterized by long and frosty winters .

The Bratchud apple tree has high frost resistance, but the root system of the tree is close to the surface of the earth.

To avoid freezing of the roots, the tree trunk circle of the plant is covered with a large layer of compost in the autumn.

In the middle lane

Central Russia is characterized by strong winds . Since the apple tree has a weak root system, a strong gust of wind can knock the tree out of the ground.

To avoid this, the seedling is planted on the south side of buildings and tall plants.

Advice! For better stability of the plant, a support is built around it.

Rules for caring for the Bratchud apple tree

Planting and caring for the Bratchud apple tree is easy and simple, which has led to the wide popularity of this variety among novice gardeners.

For high yields, it is enough to follow a few simple agrotechnical rules:

  1. Watering is carried out as needed, on average 4-6 times during the season. Warm and settled water is poured directly into the tree trunk circle in a volume of 5-6 buckets.
  2. Loosening - carried out after each watering of the tree. It prevents the formation of a dense crust on the soil surface. Simultaneously with loosening, weeds must be removed from the tree trunk circle.
  3. Fertilizing - in the first half of spring, before the start of the growing season, Bratchud can be fertilized with nitrogen (urea), during flowering, use complex mineral fertilizers for fruit crops, and after harvesting, apply compounds based on potassium and phosphorus.

The Bratchud apple tree is one of the most popular dwarf varieties of Russian selection. The secret of its popularity lies in its miniature, compact size combined with excellent frost resistance and high yield under any climatic conditions.

Features of the variety

Bratchud has the following features:

  • high winter hardiness values;
  • lack of frequency of fruiting;
  • high yield values;
  • ease of harvesting;
  • high taste qualities.

However, the plant has a fairly low resistance to mildew and scab.

Plant lifespan

The key disadvantage of the variety is the life span of the plant, which is quite short. The tree stops bearing fruit after 18-20 years, which determines the need to replace it with young ones.

External qualities

The Bratchud apple tree is considered to be dwarf, since its indicators are as follows:

  • height – 2-2.5m;
  • crown diameter 3-3.5 m;
  • branches grow horizontally from the trunk.


Bratchud is widely used in breeding work; it has several subspecies:

  1. Creeping - winter ripening period, the crown is horizontally flat, on the seed type of rootstock the plant grows up to 1.5-2 m. The fruits are medium, weighing 110-150g, sweet and sour. Productivity is high.
  2. Naturally low - trees up to 2 m, medium-sized apples, weighing 150-180g, early-fruiting crop - bears fruit within 3 years from the moment of planting.
  3. Dwarf - plant height 1.5 m, early fruiting crop. The crown is quite compact.
  4. Superdwarf - plant height is no more than 1 m, the fruits are located along the trunk, increased winter hardiness, early fruiting, the taste of the fruits is highly appreciated. But the lifespan is up to 13 years.

Where can it be grown?

Bratchud can be grown in all gardening zones , but it is officially zoned for the Urals. Particularly recommended due to its outstanding winter hardiness and unpretentiousness for Siberia, the Far East, and regions with cold climates. Feels great in the middle zone (but with protection from the wind) and in the Moscow region (but with timely watering during dry periods).

Also, Brother of the Wonderful bears fruit well in Altai and the north-west, in the Orenburg, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk regions, in Bashkortostan, in the Central region. The variety is popular not only due to its official zoning.

The tree is small, but the yield is high, so Bratchud is recommended for intensive commercial gardens and home gardens , including small ones.

Best variety

Thanks to their advantages, dwarf apple trees have taken a strong place in the hearts of gardeners. Agronomists have developed an amazing number of varieties of such trees, each of which differs in technical characteristics and is somehow superior to the others.

Melba apple tree has a caramel flavor

  1. Summer ones are “Melba” with its fruits of an unusual caramel taste, “Wonderful”, characterized by winter hardiness and dessert apples.
  2. Among the autumn varieties, the best varieties are “Zhigulevskoe” with large, scarlet-orange juicy fruits; “Sokolovskoye” with its sweet and sour green-yellow apples.
  3. Winter varieties include “Grushevka Podmoskovskaya” with small elongated apples that are highly preserved, “Bogatyr”, whose fruits are similar in taste and appearance to “Antonovka” and “Moscow Necklace” with its large, juicy crimson apples. One of the most popular winter varieties is called Bratchud.

The variety appeared thanks to the efforts of employees of the South Ural Research Institute - V.I. Putyatin and two of his colleagues. In 2002 it was successfully zoned. The “parents” of the apple tree were the hybrid varieties Uralsky Zimniy and Vydubetskaya weeping. The name arose from the phrase “brother of the wonderful”; initially the variety was called that, but later the name was shortened for the sake of convenience.

It is worth noting that the “Wonderful” variety also came out of the bowels of the South Ural Institute. The first attempts to grow trees took place in Siberia and the Southern Urals, and then apple trees began to be grown in other regions of Russia

Here are the technical characteristics of the variety that are worth paying attention to:

Winter hardiness. Although dwarf apple trees are not known for their love of frost, “Brother of the Wonderful” can withstand cold temperatures down to -40 degrees. But, like any other dwarf variety, it is worth warming it up a little before wintering. The plant tolerates cold, but does not like heat. On hot and dry days, the taste and appearance of the fruit are reduced. The fruits ripen by the second half of September, and the harvest is abundant, up to 120 g per tree. The shelf life of apples after picking is quite long - up to 4 months or more. For better preservation, it is recommended to place the fruits in wooden boxes with holes. The storage location should be dark and cool, with a constant temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius

A cellar is suitable for storage, but it is important to remember that apples cannot be stored together with some vegetables, especially potatoes. The tree is undersized, like any dwarf apple tree. On seed rootstocks the height is 2.7 meters, and on clonal rootstocks - from 1 to 2 meters. Young shoots of "Bratchud" do not differ in thickness, and their color is greenish-brown

The leaves are large and deep green. The crown is compact, rounded and slightly flat. The apples are ribbed, oblong, not large, but they cannot be called small either. The skin is shiny and tender, thin, and the weight of each fruit varies from 140 grams to 250 grams. The taste of the white pulp is sweet and sour, pleasant, and the color of the skin is yellow with a greenish tint. Apples are suitable for fresh consumption and for making various delicacies from them - jams, preserves. The shoots grow quickly. For pollinating the tree, the “colleague from the institute” apple tree of the “Wonderful” variety, as well as such varieties as “Sokolovskoye” and “Prizemlennoye”, are best suited. The tree begins to bear fruit 4 years after the apple tree is planted in the garden. Harvests are regular, the apple tree bears fruit every year.

Apple tree “Wonderful Brother” brings a harvest every year

Planting seedlings

The best time to plant a Bratchud apple tree is spring, but this does not mean that you cannot plant seedlings in the fall. However, in this case, the event should be carried out before the first frost, so that the plant has time to take root.

The twenty-centimeter top layer of soil from the planting hole is removed to the side. It can be used to prepare a nutrient substrate. Combine the soil with two buckets of peat or humus, add 600 g of superphosphate and 700 g of wood ash. After mixing the prepared substrate, it is poured into the hole, driving a stake into its center. You will get a mound on which the seedling will be placed.

The roots of the plant must be well straightened, and then fill the hole with the rest of the soil. Please note that after planting, the grafting site should be located 3 cm above the soil level. Compact the soil around the young plants and make a roll of soil. Its height should not exceed 15 cm, 0.5 m from the trunk. The young tree is watered with 30 liters of water. After it is completely absorbed, mulch the area with peat and humus, in a layer of no more than three centimeters, but in such a way that the mulch does not come into contact with the tree trunk. Tie the seedling to a stake.

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