Planting roses in spring and caring for them. How to save seedlings

Author: Elena N. Category: Garden plants Published: February 07, 2019Last edits: November 04, 2020

Hybrid tea roses are a group of varieties obtained by crossing a Chinese tea rose and a remontant rose. The hybrids turned out to be very successful: the shape and aroma of the flower, the wide palette of colors of these garden roses are simply mesmerizing, and their flowering can last from spring to late autumn. Even beginners can grow hybrid tea roses with success, as they are easy to care for. But, like any other plant, plants in this group have features, which we will talk about in this article.

Planting in open ground

For the normal development, growth and abundant, long-lasting flowering of roses, the planting location is of great importance. The area should be well lit, but in the hottest sunshine the bush should be protected by shade. Tea hybrids grow best in permeable, well-fertilized, loose, slightly acidic soil. Roses do not like drafts, so it is better to plant them under the protection of taller shrubs or hedges, as well as along walls.

Growing roses from A to Z - complete information

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If you plant a rose in the spring, from May to June, the plant will have time to take root and get stronger before winter. The purchased seedling is stored in a cool, dark place until planting, and immediately before planting, the root system of the plant is immersed in water for 1-2 hours so that it is saturated with moisture.

In the photo: How to plant rose bushes

A hole for the seedling is dug of such a size that the roots fit in it freely and do not bend or break. The bottom of the pit is loosened with a pitchfork, then a layer of organic fertilizer (rotted manure, humus) is placed in the pit. The seedling is placed in the center of the pit, its roots are straightened, the hole is filled halfway with soil, a bucket of water is poured into it, and then the remaining space is filled with soil. After filling the hole, the grafting site of the seedling should be buried 2-3 cm. Water the root area, and when the water is absorbed, mulch it with organic material.

Choosing a place and time to plant roses in spring

The rose is demanding of warmth and light, and cannot tolerate drafts, especially cold winds. It is best to place bushes near the walls of buildings or solid fences, which will protect the plant from the wind and release the solar heat accumulated during the day at night. The plant is not afraid of shading of roses in the afternoon.

If you plan to place rose bushes near large plants, you should remember about timely fertilizing with fertilizers, since large plants require more nutrition.

It is advisable to decide on a place to plant roses in the fall and fill the soil with rotted manure or compost at a dose of 8-12 kg per 1 square meter. meter. If the soil is clayey, additionally add coarse river sand, at least a bucket per square area.

In spring, the planting hole is prepared 10-14 days before planting the seedlings. A layer of crushed stone or expanded clay is poured into a hole 50-70 cm deep as drainage (this is not necessary on sandy soils). Then, the pit is filled with a nutrient mixture of garden soil, peat, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. This mixture is filled with superphosphate (120 - 140 g). You can use another complex mineral fertilizer for flowers (Agricola, Kemira).

The time for planting seedlings is determined by the soil temperature; it should not fall below +10 degrees.

  • In the middle zone and Moscow region, the best time is the end of April.
  • In Siberia and the Urals, you will have to wait until mid-to-late May.

You shouldn’t delay planting too much either; the buds on the seedling should not begin to grow. Closer to summer, spring moisture leaves the soil and the plant will need increased watering for rooting.

Watering and fertilizing

A rooting rose seedling must be watered once every two to three days. When the plant gets stronger and grows, watering is reduced to moderate: between waterings, the soil under the bush should dry out. But during the budding period, watering should become plentiful. It is best to moisten the soil in the early morning or evening.

In the photo: Watering rose bushes

The rose is very responsive to fertilizers and fertilizing. A combination of organic and mineral fertilizers gives a good result. Fertilizing and feeding plants begin in the second year after planting. Organic matter or minerals are scattered onto moist soil around the bush, loosened and watered.

The main periods for feeding roses:

  • spring feeding (organic and mineral fertilizers);
  • budding period (infusions of manure or bird droppings);
  • before flowering (mineral fertilizers);
  • autumn fertilizing (organic fertilizers).

In the photo: Feeding roses

After rain or watering, the soil around the bush is periodically loosened and weeded to remove weeds.

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Caring for roses in the spring after planting

In addition to regular watering under the root with cold water, the seedling should be shaded from bright sunlight. The plant is covered with lutrasil (some summer residents use ordinary tulle) so that the sun does not burn the young shoots. Roses need shading within 2 weeks after planting.

After watering, the soil around the rose bushes is loosened shallowly, providing air access to the roots. If necessary, add mulch.

The first fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer or mullein infusion (100 g per bucket of water) is carried out 3 weeks after planting.

Important! Before applying fertilizer, the bush is always watered with clean water. Adding nutrient solutions to dry soil is not allowed. This can lead to burns to the root system.

In the first summer after planting roses, the flowering of the plant is limited. Only 1–2 buds are left on the bush, plucking out the rest. This measure will allow you to admire the flowering, and will not weaken the young plant.

Bush formation and sanitary pruning

An important role in the development of the plant is played by pruning, which can be sanitary and shaping. Sanitary pruning is carried out in order to improve the health of the plant, from which dead, weak and diseased shoots are removed.

Formative pruning is carried out three times per season:

  • in the spring, after the buds swell, low-growing varieties are pruned above 3-4 buds, leaving a shoot 15-20 cm long. Tall varieties are pruned after 8 buds, leaving a shoot 30 cm long;
  • in the summer, after flowering, remove faded stems so that the plant does not waste energy on ripening seeds, as well as diseased and wilted flowers;
  • In autumn, damaged and immature shoots are cut out.

Varieties of roses

There are a lot of hybrid tea varieties. There are so many lovers of this culture. There is a feeling that every day a new variety of this beautiful plant is replenished. If we describe even well-known varieties, the list will be incredibly long. Let's look at some varieties and their main characteristics.

Peer Gynt

An early variety of hybrid tea rose is represented by the Peer Gynt variety. The height of the bush is almost 1 meter, but the bush is very compact. A lot of foliage grows on the shoots, and the shoots themselves have sharp and thin growths.

The buds are formed solitary, large when opened, yellow in color with a golden tint. The aroma of the petals is very delicate and subtle. When the flowering of the bud ends, a pink border appears on the edges of the petals.

Very long flowering of each bud. Many flower buds are formed on the bush, which bloom into beautiful flowers. The downside of this variety is its susceptibility to powdery mildew.

Dame de Kerr

Dame de Kerr roses are frost-resistant, with double inflorescences of crimson color. Opened buds are up to 12 cm in diameter, cup-shaped. The bush is tall, about 90 cm.

The flowers grow one at a time, but the plant produces many shoots with flower buds. Used as a standard culture. They look beautiful in group plantings. They are also grown for cutting.

Lucky Peace

Popular among gardeners is the Lucky Peace variety, with unusual, double-sided petals: at the bottom the petals are orange with a red tint, and at the top they are pink with an apricot tint. The bush is very compact, up to 80 cm high. There are up to 50 petals on a blossoming bud.


The Alexander variety is grown to create bouquets. The bush is tall and can grow up to one and a half meters. The buds are semi-double, orange-red in color.

When blooming, the diameter is up to 12 cm. The petals have a faint pink smell. They look good in cut bouquets and are planted as flowering living fences.

Prima ballerina

The flowerbed variety Prima Ballerina is also very famous among rose bush lovers. The aroma of the petals is very pronounced. The flowers are large, cone-shaped, pinkish cherry in color. The height of the bush reaches one meter.

Preparing tea hybrids for winter

To save the plant from freezing, it is necessary to cover the rose bushes for the winter. The lower buds of the plant are sprinkled with a layer of soil, and on top of the soil the root zone is mulched with sawdust or leaf litter. Small bushes are covered with an inverted bucket, on which a weight is placed so that the wind does not knock down the shelter. A metal or wooden frame is built around a large plant, the internal space between the frame and the plant is filled with dry leaves, spruce branches or sawdust, and a covering material is placed on top of the frame so that air is supplied to the plant. The main thing is to prevent the bush from rotting in winter.

In the photo: Sheltering roses for the winter

Hybrid tea roses are very responsive to care, and the more time you devote to these plants, the more lush, bright and long-lasting their flowering will be.

Pests and diseases

Rose often suffers from fungal diseases. Their cause is excessive humidity. To prevent this, you need to plant bushes, maintaining sufficient distance between them, and moderate watering is also necessary. Powdery mildew, gray rot and other diseases may appear on the leaves, the main symptom of which is spots on the buds and leaves. For treatment, you need to use fungicides that treat not only the plants themselves, but also the soil around them.

Pests can also appear on roses. The most common are spider mites and aphids. Leaf rollers and various caterpillars are also found. As soon as you notice damage to the plant by these insects, immediately treat the surface with insecticides. Many pests reproduce very quickly and cause enormous damage to plants. Another common problem is root nematode, its symptoms are drying of leaves and wilting of shoots. Dig up the plant, wash its roots and treat it with nematode repellent. After which you can plant it in another place.

When to plant

Planting roses is possible at different times: autumn, spring and even summer. Shrubs with a closed root system, grown in containers or pots, can be transplanted into the ground throughout the warm season. As for seedlings with an open root system, they should be planted in spring or autumn. Each time period has certain advantages and disadvantages. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the climate of the region where roses are planted and plant in accordance with its characteristics.

Autumn planting is acceptable for southern territories with mild and short winters. When planting young bushes in these regions, you don’t have to worry about them freezing. However, there is a catch here too. It may happen that the winter will be very warm or the constant cold will be late, and then the planted bush will grow, which will most negatively affect its wintering. There are also positive aspects to autumn planting - sufficient air and soil humidity. In autumn, the temperature gradually decreases and it rains often, which eliminates the need to water the plants and ensure that they do not overheat.

The downside to spring planting is that temperatures soar and the soil warms, so plants need frequent watering and shelter from the sun. Planting in early spring also does not solve this problem, since in March or early April the ground is still frozen, and roses need to be planted in completely thawed and warmed soil.

And yet, many gardeners choose spring for planting. Plants are planted in open ground as soon as the soil warms up to +10 °C (April - early May). The exact timing depends on the climate of the region, but planting must be done before the buds open. In spring, it is recommended to plant roses in mountainous areas, where sudden temperature changes often occur.

Spring is the right time for planting standard roses, since the flowers of these varieties do not tolerate autumn planting and cold in general. It is also preferable to plant climbing roses in spring, but ground cover varieties can be planted both in spring and autumn. Taking into account all the pros and cons of planting periods, there is no clear answer to the question: when is the best time to plant roses? – is very difficult, so you should accept the fact that both options are applicable in practice, and which one to choose, decide for yourself, based on external factors.

Problems and their solutions

When growing hybrid tea roses, you need to pay them a lot of attention and carefully care for them. Although hybrids are more resistant to diseases, gardeners still sometimes encounter some problems.

Spots, holes and plaque appear on leaves and shootsThe development of fungal diseases due to high humidity. This could be powdery mildew, rust, black spot or gray mold. To prevent fungal diseases, the bush should be sprayed with an aqueous solution of soda.
Avoid thickening of plantings and excess moisture when watering. If the disease has already appeared, then you need to cut off the affected branches and leaves and burn them. Spray the bush with a fungicidal preparation: Topaz or Fundazol
Flowers grow small and without fragranceImproper pruning or insufficient watering during bud formation and floweringTo make roses larger, you need to prune the shoots heavily in early spring.
During the period of buds and flowers appearing, the bush needs regular watering
The shoots freeze in winter and dry outUntimely autumn pruning or lack of suitable shelter for the bushPrune the rose in November so that it does not start growing new shoots that will not have time to ripen.
Before wintering, create a shelter from mulch, sawdust, spruce branches and snow

Description of the plant

Hybrid tea is a class of varietal roses that are obtained by crossing remontant and tea plants. These aristocrats are distinguished by high quality buds and continuous flowering throughout the entire growing season. On average, plants are about 65 cm high, tall specimens sometimes reach one and a half meters in size. Roses can grow in a standard culture, form spreading or narrow pyramidal bushes. The leaves are of various shades of green, some are dense and delicate, matte and shiny.

The diameter of fragrant double flowers is usually from 10 to 14 cm. Depending on the variety, they are arranged singly or collected in inflorescences. Petals are of very different colors and textures. Flowering begins around mid-June and continues until frost.

Reproduction methods

Two popular methods are used to propagate a hybrid rose yourself.

  • Cuttings.

The semi-lignified shoot is cut off and divided into small cuttings about 6 cm long. Each shoot must have at least one bud and leaves. The shoots are slightly dried and the lower cut is sprinkled with a stimulant for root growth. Plant in nutritious soil and cover with glass jars, plastic bottles or film. Watering, spraying and ventilation are carried out regularly. For the winter, young plants are carefully covered; next season they are grown or transplanted to a permanent place, depending on the appearance of the bush.

  • Graft.

Rose hips no older than three years are most often used as a rootstock for varietal roses. It is better to carry out work in the second half of summer. Budding is performed with a sleeping eye. On an annual faded shoot of a varietal plant, cut blanks approximately 1 cm wide with 2-3 buds. Leaves and thorns are removed from the resulting scion. In the middle part of the cutting, a bud is cut off with a sharp knife along with a piece of bark and cambium about 3 cm long. The soil near the rose hip bush (rootstock) is raked and the root collar is exposed - the place where the trunk transitions into the root. Carefully wash away the dirt in this area, otherwise the graft may not take root. A T-shaped cut is made on the root collar so that the scion and rootstock are tightly connected. The grafting site is wrapped with plastic wrap, leaving the bud open. The root collar is sprinkled to hide the budding site.

It is not easy to propagate roses, so ready-made seedlings are often purchased for planting. It is better to purchase them in a specialized store or from a trusted seller. When purchasing, pay attention to the appearance of the bush. Choose healthy plants with a well-developed root system and dormant buds. The number of stems is 2 or more. They should be strong, green, with a diameter of at least 6-7 cm.

You can buy rose bushes in March and store them in damp sand or soil in a cool room until planted outside.

How to choose rose seedlings for spring planting

Having decided when to plant roses, you need to move on to the next, no less important stage - choosing seedlings. Today they can be purchased in nurseries, gardening stores and online.

The latter method provides a wider choice and, possibly, economical options, but makes it impossible to check the quality of the seedlings

It is especially important to pay attention to the condition of the root system. High-quality rose seedlings sold in containers have the following characteristics:

The earthen lump is tightly braided with well-branched roots. The seedling has 2 or 3 strong and thick shoots. The leaves on the plant are rich green in color without holes or spots. There are no traces of pests in the soil and on the seedling. When buying rose seedlings without a box, pay special attention to inspecting the roots.

A good root system looks like this:

  • abundance of ramifications,
  • light sections,
  • without drying out or damaged areas.

If you come across imported seedlings sold in a box with peat, most likely these are the remnants of the autumn batch. If they look fresh enough and painless, feel free to buy them. But keep in mind that storing them in this form until spring is dangerous. Plant the seedlings in a box and place them in a cool place in winter, but with above-zero temperatures. Transfer the roots to the box along with the peat.

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