Description of the Logjain tomato variety and its characteristics

Description of the Lojane tomato

Tomato Logane F1 is a mid-season hybrid, included in the state register for the Central Black Earth region in 2011. The originator of the variety is the private Dutch company Enza Zaden. The company is engaged in the cultivation of vegetable crops: tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, peppers.

The plant is of a determinate type, powerful, with many leaves. The inflorescences are simple. The leaves are medium to large in size, dark green in color. Fruiting begins 70-75 days after transferring the tomatoes to a permanent place. Description of fruits

Description of tomato Logan F1:

  • round shape;
  • weak ribbing;
  • 4-6 nests;
  • thick skin;
  • weight 160-200 g;
  • there is no green spot near the stalk;
  • good taste.

The yield of marketable fruits from the bush is about 92%. Due to their thick skin, tomatoes are sold for sale. The variety is capable of producing high yields even in conditions of extreme drought. Powerful leaves cover the fruits from the sun and prevent burns.

Tomato care

Reviews from experienced gardeners prove that caring for the “Lojane f1” tomato variety is not at all difficult. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil for better oxygen supply. The bushes are also watered as needed. The most important and responsible thing is to properly feed the tomatoes for better yield.

Tomato feeding is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The first feeding is necessary in early June during active plant growth. To do this, combine 500 ml of cow manure, microfertilizers (two tablets), nitrophoska (a tablespoon), and boric acid (a small spoon) in one container. All this is dissolved in 10 liters of water and the bushes are watered. One liter of fertilizer is enough for each plant.
  2. The second feeding of tomatoes is carried out a month after the first. Again, take 10 liters of water, microfertilizers (two large spoons), potassium sulfate (large spoon). The required quantity for one bush is a liter of the prepared mixture.
  3. Before fruiting begins, a third feeding is carried out. For this, ammonium nitrate (five grams), superphosphate (about 20 grams), and potassium chloride (4 grams) are used. All this is dissolved in water. This amount is enough to water 1 square meter of area.

Attention! It is better to add organic matter in the fall when digging the site. Compost and manure are suitable for these purposes.

Characteristics of the Lojane tomato

When choosing a Logan tomato, they evaluate its advantages and disadvantages, fruiting time, and harvest volume. Productivity and fruiting

The first fruits of the Lojane variety ripen at the end of July. The harvest is harvested until the end of September, until the first frost occurs. 8-9 kg of fruits are removed from the bush. Productivity per 1 sq. m stated in the range from 2 to 3.6 kg.

The Logane variety is intended for cultivation in open ground on private farms. In cold climates, tomatoes are planted in greenhouses or greenhouses. Yields are positively affected by the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, loosening and mulching of the soil. Area of ​​application of fruits

The purpose of the Lojane variety is salad. The fruits are used fresh for preparing salads, appetizers, first and second courses. Tomatoes are suitable for processing into juice, paste and other products. Tomatoes tolerate long-term transportation and are stored well in the refrigerator and at room temperature. Resistance to diseases and pests

Tomato Logane has increased immunity to verticillium, fusarium and tobacco mosaic virus. To protect plantings from fungal diseases, agricultural practices are followed and the humidity in the greenhouse is monitored. Insecticides are used against tomato pests.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Before choosing tomato seeds for planting, any summer resident evaluates the pros and cons of each variety. According to the description and reviews, Logane F1 tomatoes have the following advantages:

  • high yield rates;
  • immunity to common diseases;
  • excellent taste;
  • drought resistance;
  • unpretentious care;
  • Possibility of growing in open ground and greenhouse.

Despite many positive aspects, gardeners also note the disadvantages of the variety:

  • fetal hardness;
  • unsuitable for canning;
  • change in taste from the fertilizers used;
  • not every region is favorable for growing fruits.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

As for the unsuitability of tomatoes for growing, depending on the territorial location, this is a significant drawback of the variety for avid gardeners. Living in a cool region, it is possible to grow a tomato only if you create artificial heat for it using a greenhouse.

Growing rules

Lojane tomatoes are grown in seedlings. Seeds are planted in containers and the seedlings are cared for. When the tomatoes grow, they are transferred to a permanent place. Planting seedlings

Logan tomatoes are planted in March. First, prepare containers 12-15 cm high: cups or boxes. The substrate is obtained by mixing black soil, sawdust and compost. It is convenient to plant seeds in peat-humus tablets, then you can do without picking the seedlings.

Advice! The substrate is first disinfected: kept in the cold, placed in the microwave for 30 minutes or watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The containers are filled with soil, the tomato seeds are deepened by 1 cm, watered abundantly and covered with film. Plantings are kept in a warm and dark place. Seed germination takes 7-10 days. When shoots appear, the containers are transferred to a windowsill or other illuminated place.

Logane tomatoes are provided with a certain microclimate:

  • daytime temperature from 20 to 25 °C;
  • night temperature range from 15 to 18 °C;
  • continuous lighting for 12-14 hours;
  • no drafts.

Logane tomato seedlings are watered with warm, settled water. It is best to add moisture using a spray bottle. Tomatoes require watering twice a week. If the plants develop well, you can do without fertilizing. If the seedlings look depressed, they are watered with a weak solution of superphosphate and potassium salt (2 g of each substance per 1 liter of water).

Tomatoes peak when 1-2 leaves appear. The seedlings are thinned out, the strongest specimens are planted in separate 0.5 liter containers. It is allowed to use soil of a similar composition as when planting seeds. Picking is stressful for plants, so the procedure is carried out as carefully as possible and try not to damage the tomato stems. Tomato transplant

Logane tomatoes are transplanted under film cover in mid-May, and in open ground in early June. The beds for the crop are prepared in the fall. Tomatoes prefer sunny places and light fertile soils. The best predecessors are cabbage, carrots, onions, and beets. The variety is not recommended to be grown in an area where tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplants had already grown a year earlier. In autumn, the soil is dug up and fertilized with humus.

Logane tomatoes begin to be ready for transplanting 3-4 weeks in advance. First, open a window in the room for several hours to provide fresh air. Then the containers with seedlings are moved to the balcony or loggia so that the plants get used to natural conditions.

Important! For 1 sq. m place 2-3 bushes. Leave 40 cm between tomatoes and 60 cm between rows.

Tomatoes are planted in holes along with a lump of earth. The soil is compacted, after which the plants are watered abundantly. Over the next 14 days, the tomatoes are not watered or fed. This time is necessary to adapt to new conditions. Subsequent care for tomatoes

During the growing season, Logane tomatoes are provided with regular watering. Before flowering, moisture is added twice a week; 2-3 liters of water are used for each bush. When buds appear, the tomatoes are watered every week, then the water requirement will be 4-5 liters. When the fruits ripen, it is enough to apply 3-4 liters of water under the bush every week. After watering, be sure to loosen the soil, but try not to damage the roots of the tomatoes. This way plants better absorb moisture and minerals.

Important! Mulching the soil with straw, humus or peat helps reduce the number of waterings.

Logjane tomatoes are regularly fed with mineral and organic substances. Fertilizers are applied 3 weeks after planting in a permanent place. For 10 liters of water, 30 g of Nitrophoska or 0.5 liters of mullein is required. Tomatoes are watered at the root in the morning or evening, when there is no direct sunlight. Subsequent feedings are carried out no more than once every 14 days. During flowering and fruiting, mullein and other organic matter containing nitrogen are discarded. Tomatoes are fed with superphosphate and potassium salt. Add 35 g of each fertilizer to 10 liters of water.

Logane variety bushes form 1-2 stems. Shoots less than 5 cm long are broken off manually. As a result, the plant directs its energy to fruiting, and not to the growth of green mass. Tomatoes are planted every week.

The Logjane variety is convenient to tie to a support. To do this, choose wooden pegs or thin pipes. In open ground, tomatoes are tied to a trellis. First, several bases are driven in and 3 rows of wire are pulled between them with an interval of 30 cm. Pest and disease control

The Lojain tomato variety is resistant to major crop diseases. To prevent diseases, agricultural practices are followed: watering is rationed, the greenhouse is ventilated, and stepsons are removed in a timely manner. When signs of disease appear, plants are sprayed with a solution of the drug Fundazol or Zaslon.

Tomatoes attract whiteflies, aphids, spider mites and other pests. Insects feed on plant sap, which inhibits their development and reduces productivity. The insecticides Iskra, Karbofos, and Actellik are used against them. Plantings are sprayed at the first signs of damage. Treatment is carried out every 2 weeks. For prevention, tomatoes are treated with folk remedies: infusion of onion peels, wormwood, tobacco dust.

Pest and disease control

The plant attracts insects that negatively affect the health and yield of tomatoes. They are controlled using insecticides. If insects are detected, the plantings are sprayed with chemical and biological preparations every 14 days. Tomato variety "Lojane F1" is highly resistant to diseases, but if you do not take proper care of it, the bushes may wither. If the disease has attacked the plant, the bushes must be treated with the drugs “Zaslon” and “Fundazol”.

Preventative treatment

To prevent diseases, it is important to follow agricultural practices:

  • water the bushes regularly;
  • ventilate the greenhouse if the tomato is grown in greenhouse conditions;
  • remove stepchildren in a timely manner.

As a preventive measure, you can treat the plant with folk remedies - infusion of wormwood, onion peel, tobacco dust. Also, gardeners often use the biologically harmless drug “Fitospirin”, which prevents the occurrence of fungal diseases. Plants should be treated with biofungicide every 14 days. To increase immunity, herbal biostimulants “Viva”, “Benefit”, “Kendal” are used. They minimize the risk of disease and also have a beneficial effect on the yield of bushes.

It is important that preventive treatments are carried out when the plant is healthy. If the bushes already show signs of disease, the above measures will be useless.

Features of agricultural technology

Logane tomatoes can be grown both as seedlings and as a binge (sown at the place of growth. In this case, they are planted in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of approximately 40 cm. To improve germination, seeds are sown up to 6 in each hole. If possible, on top of the holes is allowed use special devices to retain heat.A more economical way is to cover the plantings with plastic bottles.

Recommended by experts is the seedling method. About 2 months before planting in the ground, the seeds are planted in a container with garden soil mixed with chernozem, sawdust and compost, deepened to 1.5-2 cm with an interval of 40 cm between holes, and 50 cm in rows in the middle. Pre-soak the seeds not necessary, but it is recommended to treat with substances to accelerate growth.

After sowing the seeds, the soil is moistened. It is recommended to develop a greenhouse effect by using polyethylene film for this purpose (removed after germination). After about a week or a week and a half, the first loops of plants appear. To obtain high-quality seedlings, the soil temperature is maintained at 15 degrees, the air temperature at 22 degrees.

The seedlings are systematically watered and the room is ventilated. If seedlings are grown in small containers, and then two true leaves appear, they are picked and transplanted into larger containers. Picking can be avoided with the help of peat-humus tablets, in which it is allowed to grow seedlings throughout the entire period. The main conditions for the growth of seedlings are temperature conditions (20-25 degrees during the day, 15-18 degrees at night), protection of the light source for up to 14 hours a day, and control of drafts.

The next week, before planting the seedlings in the ground, it is good to harden them - reduce the air temperature to 15-17 degrees. One square meter of bed can accommodate 3 bushes. Plants regularly shoot, forming a bush of 2-3 stems. Butts do not require any special care. To ensure good root development, the soil is carefully loosened for better aeration and the plants are fed with mineral or organic fertilizers at intervals of approximately 2 weeks during the growth period. During the flowering and ripening of tomatoes, the use of organic substances is recommended. You should water the bushes only with warm water, especially in the morning. The first fruits ripen at the end of July, and the harvest is harvested before the end of September. During the period of fruit formation, tomatoes require garter, since the abundance of large fruits can lead to stem breakage.

The variety is famous for its resistance to diseases. In particular, it is disadvantaged by leaf spot and powdery mildew, blossom end rot and fusarium.

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