How to fertilize and water onion sets when planting in spring, summer and autumn

From school years, everyone understands perfectly well the importance of the plant world in human life. It has long since become necessary to convince anyone that the plant world is inextricably linked with the climatic and soil conditions of existence. That it actively reacts to any change in relief or water regime, to the stability of the animal world.

Existing as a single whole, the plant world forms, together with them, unique biogeocenoses.

How to plant onion sets?

Onions are a universal product for every dish, so in summer cottages there is always a small bed for growing onions. Onions can be sprouted from seeds, but it is easier and faster to grow bulbs from onion sets. With this method of planting, the fruits appear faster, the plant develops a powerful root system that protects the bulb from damage, and the onion itself more easily tolerates a lack of moisture during hot summer days. See below for how to do this correctly.

Onions and methods of growing them

The ancient Romans, crusaders and Russians sang praises to this beautiful and useful plant. We sing them to him now. Many monumental studies have been devoted to its taste and healing properties. There is no worthy alternative to this plant.

But time passes and many still want to know what to do so that the harvest in their beds is the best. What type of plant to choose, how to plant, what to fertilize and how to preserve?

There are several main ways to grow a plant, and each of them has its own method of using organic fertilizers (humus).

Preparing onion sets for planting

I use store-bought sevka. But I buy it a month and a half before landing, at the end of February. I have more confidence in seedlings from specialized garden stores, but you can also use seedlings from fellow gardeners.

Why is such a time reserve needed?

Since I don’t know how the seeds I buy were stored, I have to do pre-sowing “roasting”. To do this, I sort through the seed, removing dry, diseased and damaged bulbs and pour the selected seed into special nets or nylon tights.

I place it on the battery for 25-30 days. I turn it over from time to time so that it heats evenly. “Roasting” is necessary to prevent onions from bolting.

If this is not done, part of the onion will go into the arrow - it will throw out a tubular stem with an inflorescence at the end. With this development, the bulb stops growing and we will not see a harvest.

I sprinkle 3 tablespoons of salt per 5l. water, potassium permanganate - until dark purple. I soak in this solution for 30 minutes. This processing allows:

  • Destroy pathogens of fungal diseases
  • Protect seedlings from onion flies
  • Provide seed material with microelements

In principle, you can start planting if the right time has come. When determining the planting date, I focus on garlic. If the beginning of the spring growth of garlic feathers is clearly visible in a bed with winter garlic, you can plant the sets.

It is undesirable to be late with planting because young, tender onion seedlings are the best option for colonization by the onion fly, the main pest of onion plantings. When feathers are older, it is more difficult for this pest to colonize them.

Seed planting

  • growing onion sets, then from the sets - onion sets;
  1. planting plant seeds in the last ten days of April, no later;
  2. mulch the plantings with a 2-centimeter layer of rotted manure;
  3. harvesting of seedlings at the end of July;
  4. according to the previous option, we grow turnips from sets;
  • obtaining onions from seeds in a year;
  1. when planting in early spring (not for long-term storage);
  2. planting should be carried out under film at the end of April;
  3. regular thinning;
  • when planting seedlings in spring, the yield is 2 times higher than with the previous planting method;
  1. seeds are sown in February at home under film at 250;
  2. when shoots (loops) appear, the temperature is reduced to 150;
  3. after 6 days, the first feeding is performed - a solution of manure (mullein) at the rate of 1/6 parts;
  4. second, similar feeding - a week after the first;
  5. after 60 days, planting in open ground. Seedlings should have 3-4 leaves;
  6. In the future, the usual agricultural technology for onions is carried out.

Tips on how to plant onion sets correctly

Well, now I’ll tell you about what needs to be put in the furrows before planting the sets

My soil is slightly acidic. Onions don't like this. Therefore, I powder the furrow with crushed chalk, which I buy at the pet store. On average it takes me 1kg. for 5 sq. m.

Photo from open source Yandex, without advertising purposes. As an example

In addition to chalk, I add river sand to the bottom of the planting furrow. This is necessary for greater soil looseness. It's a bit heavy in my area. And the onion loves loose, airy food.

Well, my last component is wood ash. In addition to alkalizing the soil, it also provides nutrition to my onions at first. It takes 0.5 kg. for 5 sq.m.

If the soil is not very wet when planting, you can water the beds after planting until they are properly moistened.

Scheme for applying fertilizing at different stages of onion development

At each stage of seedling development, different nutrients must be used. To ensure that the plant receives the substances it needs at this stage, apply fertilizers according to the following scheme:

  1. After planting the seedlings (approximately on the fourteenth day), apply compounds that enrich the soil with nitrogen. It promotes faster development of the green part, which has a positive effect on onion yield.
  2. A month after the first fertilizing, a multicomponent mixture is applied, the effect of which is to enrich the soil with phosphorus and potassium. During this period, nitrogen is also needed, but in much smaller quantities.
  3. As soon as the heads begin to form, it is worth adding additional nutrients to the soil. A potassium-phosphorus mixture in large quantities is suitable for this.

When feeding for the first time, it is important to adhere to the golden rule. With rich greens, onions usually develop poorly; if you want to get a good harvest of onions and not greens, you should not focus on nitrogen-rich preparations. To make the feather, the bulbs are planted separately and fertilized with plenty of nitrogen fertilizer. A third fertilizing is not required if the soil has been properly cared for since the fall.

Fertilizers for onions

Mineral fertilizers are applied to the furrows that have been prepared for planting bulbs: ammonium nitrate, double superphosphate and potassium sulfate. In order not to spoil the entire fertilizer cocktail, you can purchase ready-made complex fertilizers in a special store, but when choosing them, you need to carefully study the composition so that it contains all the listed ingredients, but nothing extra.

Many people believe that manure is the best fertilizer for all products when planting, but this product can easily burn the bulbs, so its use when planting onions is undesirable.

Fertilizer overview

Various types of fertilizers are used to fertilize onions.


Purchased mineral fertilizers are used by gardeners quite often. They are represented by three main groups.

  • Potassium promotes the accumulation of sugar in the bulbs and improves their taste; in addition, potassium increases the resistance of onions to various diseases; the list of these fertilizers includes potassium nitrate, potassium magnesia, and potassium chloride.
  • Phosphorus. This category includes superphosphate, nitroamphoska, phosphate rock. Phosphorus ensures metabolic processes and increases the yield of onions.
  • Nitrogen Stimulates the active growth of bulbs; ammonium nitrate or urea is most often used for fertilizer.

When feeding plants with these fertilizers, follow these rules:

  • Dilute the dry product in a special container that is not used for cooking;
  • Apply fertilizer only after watering the soil.
  • Do not allow the solution to come into contact with the greens;
  • Dilute the product with warm water;
  • Always strictly follow the dosage;

It is also worth paying attention to the characteristics of the soil in which the onions grow. If it is clay, then the concentration of fertilizers should be reduced; in the case when onions are planted on light sandstones, the dosage is increased, since all useful elements are very quickly washed out of the soil.

In addition, it should be remembered that superphosphate acidifies the soil, so the area where this phosphorus fertilizer is used must be additionally limed.


You can also feed onions with organic fertilizers in the spring; most often, gardeners give preference to manure, herbal infusions and wood ash. As a rule, organic fertilizers are used for the first and second feeding.

When choosing such fertilizers, you should pay attention to several of their characteristics.


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  • Onions do not respond well to fertilization with fresh manure, so use only decomposed product.
  • When choosing organic products, care must be taken to ensure that they do not contain weed seeds.
  • Do not apply too much fertilizer to get the best results. This can only harm the plant, since greenery will actively grow on it. After this, the bulb will form very slowly.

Organic solutions for fertilizing plants are usually prepared in advance.


In specialized stores you can purchase a complete set of fertilizers for onions. They must be used very carefully, according to the instructions on the package. To fertilize onions, preparations such as “Tsitovit”, “Clean Sheet” and “Agricola-2” are usually used. You need to work with them carefully; the plants should be watered at the root, making sure that the product does not get on the feathers.

Onion watering scheme

The main supply of moisture occurs in the spring.

It is especially important for onions to receive water immediately after planting in order to grow even in the absence of precipitation in the next 2 weeks. That’s why we water the garden beds before and after.

It is important to maintain good soil moisture during the 8th leaf stage when bulb formation begins.

If the soil is allowed to dry out at this time, the root portion may split and form two small bulbs. Therefore, when the leaves reach a height of about 20-25 cm, we apply mulch to prevent moisture loss.

The peculiarity of watering onions is that their roots are very small; watering is small and often does not make sense: the water does not penetrate deep into the soil and evaporates quickly. In this case, your work is wasted.

Water deeply per week, but only on condition that there is no rain and is not expected. Excessive watering - adding moisture to the background of precipitation - will lead to the fact that the onions will simply rot, especially in clay soil conditions.

Remember, when watering your onions, there is a fine line that should not be crossed. It is preferable to water in the furrows made between the rows, each time first doing a simple test. Stick your finger in the soil next to the plants; if you don't feel any moisture until the first joint, it's time to water.

The furrow watering method for onions looks like “flooding the beds” in the grooves, allowing the plants to slowly and thoroughly absorb the water. How to determine the measure by eye? When the top of the bed is completely dark from moisture, you have given enough water to a depth of 15 cm.

Conclusion . Uneven watering can lead to reduced yields. Too wet areas contribute to fertilizer leaching and disease. The negative impact of excess irrigation on the nutritional value, dry matter content and shelf life of onions has been proven in a number of studies.

So, in the spring, water once a week so that the onions form strong and healthy roots. In hot and very dry summers, we use watering to regulate the growing season to prevent premature ripening of the bulbs - we do not need a small harvest.

Always water early in the morning, but not in the evening to avoid rot.

How to grow a good harvest

Even the most fertile soil, rich in useful elements, is depleted over time, and for the growth and development of onions (and any other) you need, first of all, good soil. To solve this problem, use fertilizer for your onion beds. The problem is that without knowledge and experience it is easy to cause unintentional harm to plants: too much fertilizer or incorrect application can destroy an innocent vegetable.

However, with proper fertilization, onions will grow larger and increase their resistance to diseases and pests. Growing, in addition to fertilizer for onions, also includes other requirements, so it is worth knowing what is the best fertilizer for onions, but even with other care factors, the vegetables will not grow.

  1. It is better to place the bed on a free piece of land, preferably in a well-lit place. The sun is an important element when growing almost all vegetable crops, including various types of onions. The composition of the soil is essential; the crop does not like acidic soils: it grows poorly on them and gets sick easily.
  2. Moderate watering is a necessary procedure, especially when raising birds, but in June-July it is time to reduce watering, and when it comes time to harvest, the abundant moisture in the soil is no longer so beneficial. Overwatering leads to delayed ripening and, in the worst case, root rot. High humidity reduces the shelf life of onions; for the same reason, do not plant them in places where groundwater is close to the surface: in such places the soil is too wet.
  3. Like many other crops, onions do not want to grow next to weeds. Regular weeding of the beds is required.
  4. You can't grow vegetables in the same plot every year—there's a good reason why you shouldn't. Firstly, the soil is deprived of those substances that are necessary for plant growth. The second reason is diseases left by the heirs of the onions grown here last season. It is better to choose places where potatoes or cabbage grew, but in no case carrots or garlic.
  5. Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare them; unlike seedlings and seeds, seedlings are more undemanding.
  6. Growing is possible in different ways and for different purposes: it depends on how to fertilize the onions. For example, fertilizer for onions for turnips differs from fertilizer for a plant grown for its greens.

How to care for onion sets after planting

After planting the onions, it is also necessary to continue caring for the plant. On hot and dry days, the soil needs to be moistened by watering with water at a low temperature. It's also a good idea to remove weeds as they appear to give your onions enough space to grow well. It is also worth remembering that weeds may have a wide root, which will not allow the bulbs to grow sufficiently before digging up the fruits.

Feeding scheme

It is not enough to know how to fertilize onions; you also need to know how to do it. It is recommended to apply fertilizer in the evening; dry mineral fertilizer for onions is either scattered on the ground shortly before it rains, or diluted with water and carefully begin to apply the resulting solution under the root. The main thing is not to water the feathers. Complex fertilizer is applied according to the same rules.

Organic and mineral fertilizers for onions are applied at 3 stages of plant growth. At different stages of fertilizing there should be different substances; do not forget to fertilize the onions in the spring, before planting, and even better - in the fall. Below are the principles of feeding and fertilizing onions:

  1. The first time feeding begins 14 days after planting, the feathers should grow to 9 cm in length. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers are applied; urea is especially good in this role, since it is safe for young vegetation and is quickly absorbed. Urea is beneficial for other plants in the garden.
  2. The second fertilization is carried out 2-3 weeks after the first fertilization. It needs to be fed mainly with phosphorus and potassium, you can add a little nitrogen. At this stage, gardeners buy Agricola No. 2. After 7 days, it is better to spray it for prevention; you can make the product yourself: a little copper sulfate per tablespoon of soap and a bucket of water.
  3. They begin to fertilize the third time when the onion forms a head. At this time, preparations with large amounts of phosphorus and potassium are used.

We decide what fertilizer is needed for onions individually after a visual assessment of the condition of the plant. If the appearance of the bulb leaves much to be desired, the feathers grow poorly, this means that there is too little nitrogen in the soil, you need to add it. Urea is suitable for this purpose, but you should not water it with such a solution often. Are the onions no longer green, but yellow? This means that the problem is a lack of potassium, which needs to be replenished as soon as possible. Greens lose color and die in vegetables that lack phosphorus.

The above symptoms may indicate diseases and pests, in any case, it is worth taking care of it. Good growth and abundant harvest can only be expected if there is a balance of nutrients. An excess of these substances is just as harmful as a deficiency. Nitrogen is good for the growth of greens, if there is too much nitrogen, the vegetables will grow nice and lush, but they will not have the energy to create large bulbs.

You can do without 1 feeding if you see that the plant feels good, the greens are growing well, and the onions themselves are green and not pale. The third fertilizer is also not always necessary; it is carried out only when there are not enough nutrients in the soil.

Why feed sets and onions?

All garden crops need sufficient nutrients in the soil. The composition of the soil affects the development of the crop, the duration of the growing season, and the formation of fruits. To obtain a rich harvest, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of growing crops, as well as feed onions on time. The plant in question quickly absorbs nutrients from the soil, which leads to its depletion. For normal development of the crop, it is necessary to prepare the correct composition of fertilizers.

To obtain a good harvest of greens or turnips, plants are fed up to 3 times per season.

Fresh manure and onions are incompatible; to enrich the soil with nutrients, shortly before planting the plant, compost or humus is added at the rate of 5-7 kg of organic fertilizers per square meter of area. The same nutrients can be applied in the fall. On lands that are poor in composition, mineral fertilizers cannot be used. Before digging the beds, nitroammophos is added for the winter.

Feather fertilizer

Onions (or greens) are in great demand, so you need to take care of a constant harvest throughout the season. Experienced gardeners recommend feeding seedlings with organic fertilizers, excluding the addition of inorganic fertilizers. It is believed that agrochemicals can harm human health.

To care for the crop, folk recipes are used:

  • ammonia;
  • herbal infusions;
  • ash infusion;
  • bred mullein;
  • diluted bird droppings;
  • yeast feeding.

If the dosage is calculated correctly, seedlings are fed only three times per season.

Mullein is a very useful and nutrient-rich fertilizer, which is pre-diluted in water (1:12). The beds are watered with the working solution, being careful not to get it on the feathers. Mullein can be strengthened by adding ammonium nitrate in small quantities - up to thirty grams. Mullein is applied two, maximum three times per season. It would be enough.

Chicken manure completely replaces mullein and is not inferior to it in nutritional value. However, fresh droppings will cause harm instead of benefit, because the minerals in it are in a very concentrated form. Therefore, the droppings are first infused in water: 700-750 g of dry or fresh droppings are taken per 5 liters. The mixture is infused for a couple of days, waiting for it to ferment. Usually the container with the mixture is dug into the ground and covered with a lid on top. Before watering, the finished concentrate is diluted with plain water (1:2 or 1:3).

If you do not want to use chemicals, you can replace them with a solution of wood ash. This substrate contains a lot of useful nutritional ingredients for the development and growth of onions. In addition, ash alkalizes the soil, which is especially important for acidified soil. The ash is diluted in water, or simply poured onto the garden bed. When moistened, the ash will gradually release nutrients to the soil. To prevent dry ash from being blown away by the wind from the garden bed, you can sprinkle sawdust or another substance on top.

How to prepare an ash solution for watering beds? For one liter of rainwater, take a teaspoon of powder and mix well. The working solution is ready. In addition to nutrition, ash repels garden pests and protects plants from certain diseases.

Yeast infusion

To prepare a nutrient substrate for feeding green onions, you need to take several ingredients:

  • 10 liters of warm water;
  • 0.5 kg bread crumb;
  • 0.5 kg of freshly cut grass (any weeds);
  • 500 g fresh yeast.

The ingredients are placed in the tank and covered with a lid. The grass is pre-cut. After two days, the nutrient substrate will be ready if you place it in a warm place without drafts. This mixture can be used constantly instead of regular water for watering the beds.

Recipe with dry yeast:

  • 10 liters of warm water;
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 10 g dry yeast (sachet).

In a couple of hours the mixture will be ready to fertilize the beds. The finished substrate is further diluted (1:5) and the beds are watered.

Yeast feeds not only provide plants with the necessary elements, but also attract soil microorganisms. Yeast also promotes faster decomposition of organic matter in the soil and enriches it with oxygen.

Herbal infusion

A nutrient substrate for watering seedlings can be prepared without yeast. To do this, fresh weed grass (about a kilogram) is crushed, placed in a plastic tank and filled with a bucket of water. The mixture is covered with a lid and left to infuse for 7 days. When watering, the concentrated infusion is diluted with plain water in a 1:1 ratio.


Many experienced gardeners and hobbyists use pharmaceutical ammonia to care for seedlings. It is very useful for plants due to the high concentration of nitrogenous substances. The strong smell of alcohol repels pests that like to feast on young onion shoots. However, ammonia is not used immediately, but when green feathers turn yellow. Yellowness indicates an acute nitrogen deficiency, which can be replenished with ammonia.

Treatment of beds with ammonia should be carried out in June and July, since this period is the peak activity of garden pests.

Onion seedlings are watered strictly at the root from a watering can, preparing a working solution of three tablespoons per bucket of settled or rain water. Due to the strong smell of alcohol, you have to wear a respirator, otherwise it will be very difficult to breathe when making the solution. Ammonia fertilizers are used no more than twice a month.

Solution for killing aphids

If aphids appear on the onion beds, you need to make the following spraying composition:

  • 50 g laundry soap;
  • 3 tablespoons of ammonia.

The soap should be grated, the solution is made using clean warm water - 10 liters. The soap is mixed well in water to form a foamy soap solution. Then ammonia is added to the mixture, and the onion feathers are thoroughly treated with the prepared liquid.

Onion fly protection

To prevent crop damage from this pest, preventive measures must be taken.

The simplest and most effective way is to spray ash over the garden bed. The fly is afraid of a certain concentration of wood ash: 200 g per square meter. Ash should be sprayed in dry, windless weather; the beds should not be watered on this day.

A solution of ammonia is also an effective protection against pests. For irrigation, dilute a tablespoon of ammonia in five liters of water: this volume is enough to treat a square meter of bed. Don't forget to water the bed with plain water the next day. After a couple of weeks, the treatment of the beds is repeated, but not with ammonia, but with a salt solution: take 5 tablespoons for 5 liters. And after 10 days, the beds are treated with a manganese solution: it should be quite strong.

If wormwood, valerian or mint grows in the garden, you can repel the onion fly with an infusion of these herbs. The plants are cut, immersed in a bucket of boiling water and cooled. Take about 200 g of fresh grass per bucket. The beds are treated with the strained infusion.

Time to apply fertilizers and fertilizers for onions

The first application of nutrients to the soil is carried out 12-15 days after planting. The best fertilizer for green onions is considered to be urea, ammonium nitrate or other substances that contain nitrogen. This microelement stimulates the development of green mass. 20 days after the first fertilizing, fertilizers with a high concentration of potassium and phosphorus are applied to the crops, and the amount of nitrogen in the composition is reduced.

The smell of nutrients attracts pests; before adding them, treat the beds with tobacco dust or wood ash.

The second feeding of onions in the spring on the head with a minimum amount of nitrogen will promote the development of the root crop, which will allow you to get a good harvest.

The gardener must constantly monitor the crops and add additional microelements as needed:

  • nitrogen deficiency is determined by yellow spots on the leaves, pale color and slow growth of the plant;
  • Potassium deficiency can be recognized by necrosis in the upper part of the feather;
  • Phosphorus deficiency is determined by slow growth of crops and brown spots on greenery;
  • Twisted greens indicate a lack of zinc in the soil.

If there is a deficiency of nutrients in the soil, an integrated approach to solving the problem is needed. Feeding onions with yeast in the spring helps increase the amount of nutrients in the soil. On rich lands, pre-filled with organic matter and mineral fertilizers, such signs do not appear.

Variety of fertilizers

Groundbaits are saturated with various useful minerals, but what kind of fertilizers are needed for onions?

  1. Organic fertilizers saturate the soil and facilitate the absorption of other types of fertilizers.
  2. Fertilizers rich in nitrogen are needed for onions so that their feathers grow more actively. The lack of this substance entails weakening of plants, delays in development, which ultimately affects the richness of the crop. Nitrogen fertilizers are primarily represented by chicken manure. Urea is also suitable, and you can also feed the soil with saltpeter;
  3. Potassium strengthens the plant, allowing it to withstand the test of drought with flying colors. Ash and some mineral additives contain potassium; summer residents often use potassium salt;
  4. Superphosphate is a complex fertilizer that includes various substances, including phosphate, which is necessary for the growth and development of onions. Superphosphate is an excellent fertilizer for onions, which improves the plant's immunity.
  5. Fertilizing is most conveniently done with purchased complex mixtures. Such fertilizers for the growth of onions have a balanced composition. For example, Agricola-2 fertilizers for onions and garlic or Reflex are good.
  6. You can feed future products with yeast: this is an excellent tool for preparing the soil for planting. Summer residents do not use undiluted yeast: they are first diluted in warm water.

How to fertilize onions in spring

The feeding schedule is drawn up taking into account the characteristics of growing the crop, for turnips or for feathers. The easiest way to get greens is to add nitrogen to the soil. When feeding onions to turnips, an integrated approach is needed.

At the beginning of spring, after the snow has melted and the soil has thawed, it is necessary to dig up the area. In the presence of dense clay soils, peat or sand is added to their composition. Such substances improve the structure of the soil and make it looser.

If nutrients were not added to the soil during autumn preparation, you need to prepare the following composition of fertilizers for onions when planting, per m2 of plot area:

  • 5-6 kg of humus;
  • 30 g superphosphate;
  • 25 g urea;
  • 20 g potassium salt.

Complex mineral fertilizers replenish the deficiency of microelements, which will facilitate crop care. Avoid applying fresh manure; the plant reacts poorly to such a substance.

ash for onions Not every gardener knows how to feed perennial onions in the spring. The soil under the crop should be enriched with humus, wood ash or peat. When the first greenery appears, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied.

Postpone treating the crop with karbofos or ammonium nitrate, because nitrogen quickly dissolves in water and the benefits of its use will be minimal.

Spring feeding

In spring, all garden crops need sufficient nitrogen. This is necessary for intensive growth of green mass, especially for onions. Gardeners use agrochemicals containing nitrogenous compounds or diluted bird droppings.

Mineral fertilizer for onions when planting:

  • urea;
  • superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • others.

The role of nitrogen in growing garden crops is difficult to overestimate: it ensures vegetation. Nitrogen is especially important for greens consumed as food: they simply will not grow. Potassium is important for a smooth metabolic process in plant tissues; it ensures the resistance of garden crops to unfavorable conditions - temperature changes, lack of moisture. It also ensures the presentation of the fruit, keeping quality and taste. Phosphorus increases productivity, ensures high-quality development of the root system and strengthens the immune system.

Seedlings are fed immediately after green leaves appear. Then a couple of weeks after the first feeding and 2-3 weeks after the second feeding.

Three dressings of onions

A couple of weeks after the first greenery appears, the following composition of mineral fertilizers is used: 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of nitrate are dissolved in five liters of prepared water. You can supplement this mixture with potassium chloride in a volume of 10 g.

The second feeding is carried out a couple of weeks after the first. This time, 25 g of superphosphate and potassium fertilizer are mixed in a bucket of warm, settled water. If the onion does not grow well, you should feed it with ammonium nitrate. Just don’t make a too concentrated working solution: the substance is taken in minimal quantities.

For the third feeding, dilute a tablespoon of nitrophoska in five liters of rain or settled water. Do not forget to periodically deoxidize the soil with ash or lime, since regular application of agrochemicals promotes acidification.

It is recommended to apply urea immediately after green sprouts appear. In five liters of rainwater, dilute a glass of slurry with urea mixed in it (half a tablespoon). This mixture is watered at the root of the seedlings.

Urea is mixed not only with manure, but also with mineral preparations. To do this, you can take equal proportions (2 tbsp/l) of urea and a mixture of the “Ideal” preparation and dissolve it in a bucket of prepared water. This solution is used to water the soil around the bulbs or in the grooves between the rows.

Feeding plants in summer

What fertilizers are needed when planting onions - this question worries many gardeners. Microelements do not need to be added if they were added to the soil in the fall before digging or nitrogen was added in the spring. You should not completely abandon fertilizing, because this procedure increases the quantity and quality of the harvest of onions and other types of this plant, for example, trumpet.

Microelements are added to the soil for the third time from the last ten days of June to mid-July. Not all gardeners know how to feed onions to make them large. To do this, you need to use a special composition with a high concentration of phosphorus, potassium, copper and other trace elements. Enriching the soil with such useful substances accelerates crop growth and increases yield.

The use of mineral fertilizer granules will not create the desired effect; they must be incorporated into the soil. How to fertilize the onions in this case? To improve plant absorption, fertilizers are introduced into the soil in liquid form. It is recommended to water crops in the evening or on cloudy days after precipitation. When working with nutrient solutions, you must be extremely careful. If liquid gets on the leaves of the plant, it causes burns and yellowing.

Manure as a factor in intensive farming

Having become the owners of even a small plot of land, everyone strives to regularly receive the maximum possible return from it. Sooner or later, the idea comes that you can only receive something by bringing something extra. Biogeocenosis loves to be in balance.

Poor soil cannot produce rich harvests even in good climatic conditions. Not to mention the critical agriculture zone.

Since ancient times, manure, the excrement of herbivores, has been the only hope for a decent harvest. Apply plant fertilizer in the following form:

  • freshly collected bedding with manure, when even the color of the straw has not changed;
  1. prepare liquid fertilizer from it and apply it to the soil after 2 weeks of fermentation;
  2. when organizing warm beds for early planting;
  3. for mulching raspberry bushes;
  • in the form of a compacted substrate. The color of the straw has darkened and become fibrous;
  • rotted, within 2-3 years, completely into a mass that bears its own name - humus. The most valuable state of humus, which has universal use, forming the top layer of humus;
  1. Humus can be obtained by composting;
  2. by vermicomposting using California worms;
  3. when using special additives during composting - humates.

Such a natural fertilizer, although it contains phosphorus with magnesium, calcium with potassium and a huge amount of various microelements, is considered nitrogen. Therefore, it is better to apply this plant food in the first half of the gardening season.

Feeding onions in the fall

Autumn is the ideal time to prepare a bed for the crop in question. At the initial stage of work, it is necessary to disinfect the soil in the beds. The day before adding micronutrients, the soil is soaked with a solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 15 g of the substance per 10 liters of water. This volume of liquid is enough to treat 5 m2 of area.

Now we’ll find out how to fertilize onions in the fall. When digging the beds, add compost or humus at the rate of 4-6 kg of organic fertilizers per square meter. After this, the area is cleared of weeds and their rhizomes. Before sowing the seeds, dolomite flour is added to the soil at a rate of 150 g of the substance per square meter. This substance helps reduce soil acidity. Wood ash or fluff lime is used for the same purpose.

Many gardeners do not know what fertilizers to apply in the fall for onions on depleted lands. In such areas, in addition to organic matter, special mixtures with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are used. Such components will restore the balance of the soil. If a gardener plans to grow sweet and red varieties of onions on the plot, then he should give preference to fertilizers with a high potassium content.

When growing onions with regular addition of nutrients to the soil, the gardener will be able to get a good harvest. Such root vegetables will have excellent taste and a long shelf life. Additional microelements in the soil stimulate intensive growth of the crop; onion feathers quickly become coarser and become inaccessible to pests.

Fertilizers for turnips

What is the best way to feed onions to grow large and juicy turnips, and so that the harvest lasts until next summer?

Feeding application scheme:

  1. after green shoots appear;
  2. a couple of weeks after the sprouts appear;
  3. when the turnip reaches 3-4 cm in size.

Three feedings per season will be quite enough.

Among fertilizers, organic matter (cow and poultry substrate), agrochemicals (for example, Agricola-2) and their mixtures have become widespread. That is, organic matter is often mixed with mineral fertilizers and fertilized onion crops.

In early spring, the soil in the beds should be fertilized with ammonium nitrate or ammophos (10-20 g per square). For loams, take a smaller dosage of the drug, for loose sandy soils - at least 20 g per square.

The drug “Vegeta” has proven itself well, which is used to activate the growth of green mass. Instead of Vegeta, you can use a combination of the elements: superphosphate (40 g), saltpeter (30 g) and potassium chloride (20 g).

When growing onions for turnips, yellowing of the feathers during ripening is a natural process, so the crop does not need additional feeding.

Among organic fertilizers, slurry performs well. The solution is made in the following proportion: a glass to a bucket of water. The slurry must be infused; a fresh substrate will quickly destroy young plants with a strong concentration of microelements. The slurry is infused for about two weeks, this is precisely the time period necessary for high-quality fermentation. For a liter of fresh manure or bird droppings, take 5 liters of warm water. However, before watering, the slurry is diluted again with clean water: mullein 1:10, and bird droppings 1:20.

When the turnip reaches a size of at least 4 cm, you need to apply fertilizer enhanced with potassium and phosphorus. It is these minerals that will contribute to the formation of a large, strong head. However, an excess of micro and macroelements in the kidney will have the opposite effect, so follow the recommendations and instructions on the drug packaging. Recommended dosage for a 5 square bed: potassium chloride 60 g, superphosphate 30 g, a bucket of water. Together with superphosphate, the drug “Effekton O” is also used. In this case, 2 tbsp of the drug and 1 tbsp of superphosphate are diluted in a bucket of water.

Ash solution is an excellent organic fertilizer for onions when planting and for growing. You can simply scatter the ash over the garden bed or make a solution: take 0.25 kg of ash per bucket of liquid. It is recommended to infuse the ash solution for 24 hours.

How to feed onions when the feathers turn yellow

If at the end of the growing season the onion feathers turn yellow, do not worry - this is a natural process signaling the ripening of the crop. However, if it turns yellow prematurely, it is necessary to find out the reason for this and take appropriate measures immediately.

Premature yellowing of onions indicates nutritional deficiency or disease

Experienced gardeners know: to quickly restore the bright green color of yellowed feathers, you can water them with a saline solution. Sodium chloride improves nutrient absorption and promotes plant growth. It also provides good protection for onion plants from diseases and pests. Yellow feathers can be caused not only by poor nutrition, but also by pathogenic microflora. Plants that have turned yellow from peronospora, rot, rust, onion flies and nematodes can be treated with saline solution (200 g/10 l).

Table salt acts as a growth stimulant for onions

When using salt in the garden, do not increase the concentration of the solution; apply it at a distance of 8 cm from the roots of the plants, between the rows, avoiding contact with the greens.

The first salt treatment is carried out when green shoots reach 7-10 cm, the second - after 15 days. The beds are well moistened with water the day before and the day after applying the solution so that the salt does not remain on the surface of the soil. At the end of the season, to increase fertility, the amount of organic fertilizer

Baking soda is an effective remedy against yellowing of onions and helps cure powdery mildew, which causes chlorosis of feathers; To prepare a solution of soda (1 tablespoon), dilute it in 10 liters of water and water the beds with onions. To enhance the antibacterial effect, you can increase the concentration of the liquid (500 g / 10 l) and add 10 ml of iodine and potassium permanganate.


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Baking soda is used for yellowing onion feathers

This area should be increased.

Salt solution for onions

Experienced gardeners know: to quickly return yellowed feathers to their bright green color, you need to sprinkle the garden bed with saline solution. Sodium chloride improves nutrient absorption and promotes plant growth. In addition, it provides good protection for bulbous plants from diseases and pests. Yellow feathers can be caused not only by poor nutrition, but also by pathogenic microflora. Plants that have turned yellow from peronospora, rot, rust, onion flies and nematodes can be treated with saline solution (200 g/10 l).

Table salt acts as a growth stimulant for onions

When using salt in the garden, do not increase the concentration of the solution; apply it at a distance of 8 cm from the roots of the plants, between the rows, avoiding contact with the greens.

The first salt treatment is carried out when green shoots reach 7-10 cm, the second - after 15 days. The beds are well moistened with water the day before and the day after applying the solution so that the salt does not remain on the surface of the soil. After the end of the season, to increase fertility, increase the amount of organic matter in such an area.

Processing onions with soda

Baking soda is an effective remedy against yellowing of onions; it also helps to cure mold, which causes chlorosis of feathers. To prepare a solution, soda (1 tablespoon) is diluted in 10 liters of water and watered onion beds. To enhance the antibacterial effect, you can increase the concentration of the liquid (500 g / 10 l) and add 10 ml of iodine and potassium permanganate.

Baking soda is used for yellowing onion feathers

What are green manures for onions and how are they useful?

In small garden plots it is difficult to maintain crop rotation, so one crop is planted in the same beds for several years. In the case of onions, this threatens to reduce the quantity and quality of heads; soil contamination with onion pest larvae (root mites, western spider mites, moths, flies, hymenoptera, nematodes) and infections (downy mildew, rot, rust) leads to a decrease in yield.

Restoring nutrients used during the season and disinfecting the soil is possible with the help of green fertilizer - greens sown immediately after harvesting onions or in the fall. In August, you can sow fast-growing plants (peas, barley); the seedlings are cut off and slightly buried in the ground when they reach a height of 20-25 cm.

With the decomposition of green mass, mineral salts and organic substances enter the soil. At the end of September, sow vetch and rye for winter; they will overwinter well, since before the onset of frost they form a root system and an above-ground part 5-10 cm high. In the spring, before planting onions, green manure grows, which must be plowed (dug up).

The sets can be sown between the rows of onions.

When the above-ground part grows, we cut it off and leave it as mulch. In beds with onions, it is recommended to sow phacelia, yellow lupine, and peas.

Caring for sets

In fertile soil, planting material sprouts very quickly, but to get a good harvest, you need to provide the plants with appropriate care. It consists of regular watering, proper care of the soil around the plants and timely application of the necessary fertilizers. Let's consider all these components of caring for seedlings in more detail.

Watering and loosening

Plants need moisture for normal growth, but if there is too much water, the root part of the onion can rot. Therefore, the soil in the beds should be moderately moist and loose enough so that water does not stagnate around the roots.

The basic rules for watering plants are listed below:

  • in May, watering is carried out once every 7 days, spending about 6-10 liters of water per 1 m²;
  • in June, during the active growth of green mass, 10-12 liters of water are consumed per 1 m², and the frequency of watering is once every 8-10 days;
  • in July, watering is reduced, using 5-8 liters of water to irrigate 1 m² of beds every 8-10 days. If the weather is too hot, it is acceptable to water the onions a little more often;
  • in August, watering is not carried out so that the formed bulbs can ripen in the ground;
  • It is recommended to use the drip method of watering from a small watering can to moisten the green part of the plants, but not to break it.

Did you know? The scientific name of onion is Allium. It comes from the Celtic word “all” and translates as “burning”.

To prevent weeds from interfering with the growth of onions, they must be removed immediately after they appear. Weeding between rows must be done carefully, because... When large weeds are pulled out, the bulbs may shift in the soil and slow down growth. If the top layer of soil is too compacted, you need to carefully loosen it to a depth of 2-3 cm. All these procedures are recommended to be carried out after watering the plants.

Top dressing

In addition to watering and maintaining the soil in onion beds, the plants also need a lot of nutrients. Therefore, to obtain a bountiful harvest, know what to fertilize the plants with and how often to fertilize them.

The basic rules for applying fertilizers when growing onions are listed below:

  • You can use store-bought fertilizers as a top dressing, diluting them with the amount of water indicated on the package;
  • after the height of the green shoots reaches 5-6 cm, apply nitrogen-containing and potassium fertilizers at intervals of 10 days;
  • During the formation of the bulb, a solution of special complex fertilizers for bulbous plants is added. The interval for applying such fertilizing is every 12-14 days;
  • an aqueous solution of fertilizers is applied using the drip irrigation method, for which you can use a small watering can;
  • The last time fertilizer is applied is a month before the planned harvest.

Read how to properly chop onions without tears.

Preparing for cleaning

Fertilizer application is stopped 2-3 weeks before the scheduled harvest. During this period, the green part of the onion gradually begins to dry out, and the application of fertilizing can again stimulate unnecessary green growth. It is also not worth watering the beds before harvesting, because... During this period, the plant no longer grows, and waterlogging of the soil can provoke the appearance of rot or fungal diseases, especially in combination with cool air temperatures at night.

What fertilizers to add to the soil before planting to avoid fertilizing

Before planting this crop, like any other vegetable, it is advisable to immediately prepare a bed on the site of a private house or under a canopy. Preparation includes, but is not limited to, applying fertilizer.


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If you immediately fertilize the soil in your garden bed, you will be able to avoid a lot of troubles in the future and will probably get a good harvest (after all, all the necessary substances will already be in the soil).

This is best done throughout the season, such as spring for fall planting and fall for spring planting. You can also prepare the soil 2-4 weeks before planting the bulbs outdoors.

If you haven't added organic matter such as humus or compost to your yard in the last 2-3 years, be sure to add it. About 5 kilograms of organic matter (preferably humus) per square meter of soil.

To nourish the soil, it is very important to apply mineral fertilizers, in the fall - potassium and phosphorus (for example, double superphosphate (25 g per 1 m2), potassium sulfate (30 g per 1 m2)), and in the spring - nitrogen (for example, ammonium nitrate (20 g per 1 m2)). Or you can immediately add the combined drug nitroammofosk (30 g per 1 sq. m) in the spring.

Wood ash is also useful (200 grams per 1 square meter).

Preparing the soil for planting

Onions grow best in moderately moist, loose and fertile soil that allows air and water to pass through well. Depending on the timing of planting, scheduled spring and autumn tillage is carried out. Let's consider its main features in more detail.

The crop's demands on the composition and structure of the soil

Onions have weak roots, so they need loose and light soil. If the soil in the area is too heavy, it is recommended to form small raised ridges before planting onions. This is necessary so that the earth is better warmed by the sun, does not accumulate too much moisture and allows air to pass through well.

To get a good harvest, you need to plant onions in fertile soil so that the plants receive all the nutrients they need for growth. But even in this case, additional fertilizer is necessary to ensure that the bulbs are large and have a good taste.

Features of different types of soils and their preparation

It is best to plant onions in fertile and loose black soil. But this type of soil is quite rare, so you can plant seedlings in other types of soil. At the same time, you need to know what to add to them to increase fertility.

Did you know? In ancient Rome, only poor people ate onions. The rich did not like the bitter taste and specific aroma of the vegetable, so they believed that it was indecent to eat it.

Depending on the type of soil, the following ingredients are added to it (the amount is indicated per 1 m² of area):

  • loamy soil has a suitable structure for growing vegetables, but needs to be enriched with nutrients, so add 4 kg of humus and peat, 1 tsp. urea and 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate;
  • clay soil is too heavy for the weak root system of onions, so it is mixed with peat and humus (6 kg each), 1 tsp. urea and add 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and nitrophoska;
  • add 5 kg of humus or compost, 1 tsp. to loose and light peat soil. urea and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and nitrophoska to enrich it with essential nutrients;
  • sandy soil is poor in useful components, so it is worst suited for growing onions. Add 1 bucket of peat, humus and compost, 2 buckets of clay, 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska, and after digging, add 2 liters of liquid potassium fertilizers.

Technology of autumn and spring tillage of soil for planting

The procedure for preparing the soil for planting onions is carried out in autumn and spring in order to enrich the soil with useful substances and destroy pathogenic microorganisms and pest larvae.

The basic rules for autumn soil cultivation for planting winter onions are listed below:

  • autumn soil preparation begins after harvest;
  • it is necessary to collect and destroy all plant debris, because larvae and pupae of pests may remain on them;
  • for disinfection, it is recommended to water the soil generously with a solution of copper sulfate;
  • Humus and fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are added to the soil. During the winter they will be evenly distributed in the soil;
  • the soil on the site needs to be dug up to a depth of about 20 cm;
  • the surface of the dug area is not leveled so that all pathogens and pests die under the influence of low air temperature.

Winter preparation of a site for planting onions includes regular snow removal.
This will ensure better freezing of the ground and effective destruction of all pests. In the spring, we prepare a plot for growing onions immediately after the snow melts. Important! To keep the soil loose and speed up its warming, the prepared bed for planting onions is covered with film and left for a week.

Spring tillage is carried out according to the following rules:

  • organic and mineral fertilizers are applied depending on the composition of the soil. The rules for their introduction were discussed above;
  • the soil needs to be dug up again to further saturate it with oxygen;
  • A few days before planting, it is imperative to harrow and loosen the soil to eliminate large lumps and speed up the evaporation of excess moisture.

Fertilizing winter and spring onions

The differences between the two types are in the time of planting; if the onion is planted in the spring, then the first feeding is carried out after 2 weeks, the second is repeated after 14 days, and the third after 3 weeks. Winter onions are planted before the onset of frost; in this case, fertilizing is carried out 2 weeks before planting, using phosphorus-potassium fertilizers for onions. Another soil treatment should be planned for the period when the snow melts, using liquid organic products - bird droppings, mullein or herbal decoctions. To increase the efficiency of processing, you can add ammonium nitrate, after 2-3 weeks, fertilize the seedlings with a solution prepared according to the recipe: 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate per bucket of water. If you do not want to prepare a solution for fertilizing onions, you can use nitrophoska (1 tsp per 10 liters of water). After another 3 weeks, you fertilize the onions by dissolving 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium salt in 10 liters of water.

About agricultural technology

There are many varieties of the crop: leeks, chives, shallots, batun, but most often you can see onions in the beds. It is planted for producing bulbs and for growing greens, creating the necessary conditions for a high yield.

The culture is cold-resistant, but prefers open sunny beds. Onions love moisture, so the close location of groundwater will come in handy. As for the soil, it should be neutral or slightly alkaline, enriched with organic matter.

The bed for planting is prepared in advance, in the fall: aged compost, rotted raw manure or humus are added to the soil for digging. If you couldn’t do this before the cold weather, you should think about how to prepare a bed for onions in the spring. Digging and fertilizing are carried out a month before planting, loosening the beds - a few days before.

On a note. Mineral fertilizers will not interfere. To begin with, potassium and nitrogen are needed, and when the bulb is formed, the emphasis is on the phosphorus-potassium assortment.

A good harvest will be ensured if you take into account the rules of crop rotation. You should not choose beds where asparagus or garlic previously grew. The best predecessors are cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, peas, and melons. Areas after corn and cabbage are also acceptable.


Growing radishes in the fall: preparing the bed for the crop

Radishes can be grown until frost, because their seeds germinate at a temperature of +1°C. Autumn planting is carried out in organically enriched, slightly acidic soil. Good precursors to culture are:

• early potatoes;

• cucumbers;

• garlic;

• tomatoes;

• beans.

You can’t plant radishes after cruciferous vegetables, because they have similar diseases and pests.

The planting site is dug deeply, the entire thickness of the arable layer is enriched with humus, superphosphate, and potassium sulfate. The bed is formed of a strip type. The distance between lines in the tape is no more than 15 cm, row spacing is up to 45 cm.

Optimal area for onions.

The area for onions should be flat, open and, preferably, as sunny as possible. Shaded ridges located near trees are unsuitable for onions. A necessary, but not the only condition for the fruitful cultivation of any variety and type of onion is weed-free soil.

  • Predecessors of the onion.

The best vegetable predecessors of onions are those crops to which you have applied significant doses of organic fertilizers. These can be cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, early/white/cauliflower, early potatoes, beans, vegetable peas, tomatoes, green crops. The onion itself is a good predecessor for almost all garden crops. If you are interested, you can read in more detail about how to plan a vegetable garden depending on the placement of vegetables last year.

  • Neighbors of onions in the garden.

When placing onions in your garden plot, you should also know that they can be combined with cabbage crops, beets, carrots, parsley, all tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, watercress, as well as garden savory, chicory and cannot be combined with peas and beans. Find out also about the optimal proximity of other vegetables.

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