Raspberry feeding: in spring, autumn and summer for a good harvest

Rules for feeding raspberries with mineral fertilizers, organic matter, ash, bark, yeast

Raspberries are the most popular berry crop, grown by almost all gardeners. However, in order to get the largest yields of this berry bush, it is not enough to choose a suitable site, plant the bushes correctly, water and loosen the soil. This berry garden cannot be managed without timely application of fertilizers.

What nutrients should be added and at what time throughout the summer season will be described below.

The content of the article:

1. How to determine what raspberries lack 2. How much seasonal feeding is required for regular and remontant raspberry varieties 2.1. Feeding in spring 2.2. Fertilizing raspberries in summer during flowering and fruiting 2.3. Fertilizing raspberries in autumn 3. What mineral fertilizers to feed raspberries. 3.1. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers 3.2. Double superphosphate 3.3. Potassium fertilizer 4. Organic fertilizers for raspberries 5. Fertilizing raspberries with folk remedies: bark, greenfinch, ash, yeast, peelings 6. Foliar fertilizing

How to properly introduce organic matter

In order not to harm raspberries, it is necessary to correctly introduce organic elements. It is enough to follow these recommendations:

  1. Before applying fertilizers, water the soil thoroughly. Otherwise, there is a risk of burning the root system.
  2. The weather should be cloudy and not too hot. This protects against the occurrence of unwanted chemical reactions.
  3. Organic fertilizers should be applied with extreme caution; they should not get on the stems and foliage.
  4. When preparing organic-based infusions, you cannot close them too tightly, as they need air.

How to determine what raspberries are missing

A knowledgeable gardener will always determine by the appearance of the raspberry tree what macro and microelements the raspberry bush lacks, or what is in excess in the soil:

  • the foliage becomes dark emerald and glossy, and subsequently acquires a purple color with a burgundy tint - raspberries lack phosphorus;
  • the leaves turned sharply yellow, but the veins remained bright green - there is a lack of iron in the soil;
  • leaf blades begin to turn yellow from the center to the edges - the plants lack magnesium;
  • the leaves remain small, do not grow, turn yellow - the raspberry bush does not have enough nitrogen fertilizers;
  • the veins turn yellow and then turn white at the height of summer - the raspberry lacks sulfur. If you do not fertilize on time, the bushes will begin to shed leaves and may later die;
  • a brown color appears along the edges of the leaves - there is a deficiency of potassium in the soil;
  • the leaves become a dark emerald saturated color, too many new shoots are formed - too much nitrogen fertilizer has been added to the soil.

By determining exactly what elements raspberries lack, you can quickly correct the situation.

Folk recipes

Before you start fertilizing raspberry seedlings, you need to familiarize yourself with the recipes for preparing fertilizing mixtures.


June is a suitable month for using mixtures made from wood ash. Such fertilizers are used when plants lack phosphorus or potassium.

To make fertilizing liquid, pour 250 grams of ash into a bucket of water. Then everything is thoroughly stirred and filtered using gauze. Seedlings should be watered with diluted ash 3-4 times a month. In this case, the solution must be carefully poured under the root so that it does not fall on the leaf blade and stems.

Potato peelings

When raspberry fruit set slows down, it is recommended to use formulations made from potato skins.

Before preparing the top dressing, all potato peelings will have to be dried. To do this, they are laid out on a heated radiator or placed in the oven for 1-2 minutes. Then the dried potato skins are placed in a wooden barrel and filled with cold water. The potato peels are soaked for 3-4 days, after which they can be generously poured onto the bushes.


Some gardeners use yeast as fertilizer. To prepare a yeast feeding composition, use:

  • Yeast powder. When creating a means for watering bushes, 150 grams of powder are poured into ten liters of heated liquid. After 20-30 minutes, the resulting mass is mixed with 40-50 liters of water and left for 3-4 hours.
  • Raw yeast. This recipe is used when raspberries begin to grow slowly. A kilogram of the product is mixed with 7-8 liters of water and left to ferment for 10-11 hours. After this, the starter is added to a 50-liter barrel of water.


A good feeding composition can be prepared from rotted twigs and tree bark. Most often, gardeners choose autumn to add such fertilizers, since during this period raspberries often lack nutritional components.

To fertilize the soil, a mulch layer made from the bark of coniferous trees is laid out near each bush. The exposed wood is removed in early spring when the snow melts.

Chicken droppings

The end of spring is the time when plants need nitrogen fertilizing. So that the berries do not need nitrogen, fertilizing compositions from chicken manure are regularly added to the soil. The main advice to follow when using fertilizer is not to add fresh droppings. It must be mixed with water so that the composition does not damage the bushes. To do this, add 200-350 grams of litter to a ten-liter container with water.

How much seasonal feeding is required for regular and remontant raspberry varieties?

It is imperative to fertilize the raspberry tree twice during the spring-summer season.

Timing for fertilizing raspberries:

  1. in the last ten days of April during the period of swelling of the buds or in the first ten days of May, when leaves begin to appear;
  2. in the last ten days of August, when the harvest is harvested, or in mid-September in the process of preparing the raspberries for winter.

It is also recommended to apply fertilizers to raspberries during the summer and autumn during the formation of ovaries and ripening of the fruits, and after fruiting - to replenish the lost nutrients in the plants.

But remontant raspberry varieties require more frequent application of nutrients to the soil, since they bear fruit almost continuously throughout the summer.

Remontant raspberry variety

Fertilizing of remontant raspberry varieties is carried out according to the following schedule:

  1. before the snow melts, fertilizers are applied to the bushes of such raspberries for the first time (in the last ten days of March or in early April);
  2. during the period of foliage appearance, fertilizing is repeated;
  3. during the period of active fruit ripening, you still need to feed the remontant raspberry tree;
  4. The last time fertilizers are applied to this type of raspberry bushes is in the fall in the process of preparing them for the onset of winter.

In spring and early summer, fertilizers containing nitrogen are most effective - they contribute to the rapid growth of vegetative mass and the massive appearance of ovaries.


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Fertilizing raspberries in the spring

The most effective fertilizers applied to raspberry bushes are in the spring. For remontant varieties, fertilizers are applied for the first time when the snow has not yet completely melted - in early April.

It is necessary to make trenches around the bushes into which to pour a solution of cow manure diluted with water (one part of manure should be 5 parts of water). Instead of mullein, you can take chicken droppings, but it must be diluted in a ratio of 1:10. Organic fertilizers can also be replaced with ammonium nitrate or ash.

Fertilizing raspberries in spring - video


You cannot spread fertilizers on the snow cover - when it starts to melt, most of the fertilizers will “float away” along with the melt water.

The next feeding of remontant raspberries is carried out when young foliage appears on it.

The following is used as fertilizing:

  • ammonium sulfate granules. The norm for each bush is 15 g;
  • or Kemira (2 tbsp per 6 liters of water).

Regular raspberry varieties are fertilized for the first time in the last ten days of April or in the first ten days of May,

after the snow cover melts and the soil dries out a little. The soil is loosened, and only then fertilizing with mineral or organic fertilizers is applied.

For spring feeding of raspberries during the first 2 years after planting, the following should be used per 1 m2: 15 g of urea and about 8 kg of humus.

And in subsequent years, the composition of fertilizers applied to raspberries should be changed.


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Can be used:

  • Chicken manure, diluted with water in proportions of 1:20 and infused for a week.
  • Superphosphate, according to the instructions on the package.
  • Wood ash (or potassium salt).
  • Ammonium sulfate (15 for each bush).
  • Urea or ammonium nitrate (containing nitrogen for active plant growth).
  • Peat is very useful for fertilizing raspberries; it contains a large amount of nutrients.

Fertilizing raspberries in summer during flowering and fruiting

In the last ten days of May - the first ten days of June, this berry bush begins to bloom and at the moment it also requires nutrients in large quantities. During this period, fertilizers are applied to shallow trenches that are dug around the bushes.

A nutrient solution for feeding raspberries in the summer during flowering should consist of: wood ash (4 tbsp.), 1 tbsp. urea and 1 tbsp. superphosphate. All these components are diluted in a bucket of water.

What raspberries need during flowering - video

In the first ten days of June, when ovaries begin to form on the shoots, the following fertilizers can be applied to the raspberries:

  • “under the root” add a solution of slurry diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 or bird droppings (half a kilo of fertilizer per bucket of water), after letting the mixture steep for about a week in a warm place;
  • Instead of organic matter, mineral fertilizers can be applied to this shrub. To effectively feed raspberries, the following composition is suitable: dissolve 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. ammonium nitrate, 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. potassium salt.

During the fruiting period, it can be used to add complex fertilizers (Ideal and similar) to the soil.

. Such preparations are diluted in the following proportion: 3 tbsp per 10 liters of water. l. If potassium magnesium is added to such a solution, then this fertilizer will be ideal for remontant raspberries during the period of active ripening of the berries. Complex fertilizer for raspberries allows you to immediately add into the soil all the substances necessary for the formation of ovaries and subsequent fruiting.


Nitrogen fertilizers can acidify the soil, so to deoxidize the soil, you can add one glass of ash under each raspberry bush.
In the second ten days of August, after harvesting the fruits, you can apply Kristalon or other complex mineral fertilizer under the bushes of this berry crop. It is also recommended to plant green manure – mustard or rye – between the rows of the raspberry tree, which can be plowed up about a month after germination.

Fertilizing raspberries in autumn

Applying fertilizers to the raspberry tree in the autumn will improve its fruiting in the next season. First, fruit-bearing stems are cut off and excess growth coming from the roots is removed. Then all plant debris and roots are removed from the soil surface and the soil is dug up. The raspberries are well watered, then the last fertilizing of the season is done. Once every few years, it is recommended to apply a mixture of manure (up to 4 kg per square) and ash (1/2 cup for each bush) under the bushes.

Fertilizing raspberries in the fall - video

You can also apply the following fertilizers to each square of raspberry trees in the fall:

  • 50 g of granulated superphosphate mixed with 30 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 50 g of granulated superphosphate combined with 40 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 40 g of superphosphate and 100 g of ash, which are dissolved in a bucket of water.

This is the scheme for feeding raspberries in the autumn.

After applying fertilizers, the plants are watered well and covered with a thick layer of high-moor peat to protect the raspberry root system from freezing in the winter cold.

Recommendations for fertilizing during planting

As you know, it is best to plant raspberries either in early May or mid-late October. It is recommended to prepare the soil for this event as early as possible. You should carefully dig it up over the course of a year and remove all weeds (with roots). When planting, the roots of the plant are straightened and clods of earth are removed from them, immersed in mullein solution and placed in a hole.

When planting in autumn, the following complex of nutrients is needed:

  • organics – 15 kilograms per square meter;
  • potassium – 30 grams per square meter (you can take 600 grams of wood ash instead);
  • phosphorus - 45 grams per square meter.

If the soil is quite fertile, the share of fertilizers can be reduced by about 15%.

What mineral fertilizers to feed raspberries

The minerals that raspberries need in summer are potassium and nitrogen,

The need for phosphorus in this shrub is somewhat less. If, when preparing a place for this berry crop, the required amount of fertilizer was added to the soil, then in the next few seasons you can feed these bushes only with nitrogen fertilizers.

In light soils, the amount of fertilizer applied should be increased by approximately 1/3 of the indicated dosages, since potassium quickly goes along with water into the lower layers of the soil. Phosphorus is found in the soil in complex compounds, so it is poorly absorbed by the raspberry root system. Therefore, mineral fertilizing is often combined with the addition of organic matter.

Nitrogen-containing fertilizers for raspberries

Fertilizers that contain nitrogen are especially necessary for raspberries in spring and early summer, when new shoots and vegetative mass are formed. This macronutrient strengthens the roots of this berry crop and promotes abundant and long flowering.

Nitrogen fertilizers - video

Nitrogen increases the acidity of the soil, so wood ash is added to the soil at the same time it is added.

Such fertilizers should be applied to crops only until the end of flowering, then nitrogen begins to have a negative effect on raspberry plants.

The most effective nitrogen-containing fertilizer is urea or urea

, which can be applied to the soil in dry form, as well as in the form of a solution. To feed raspberries, urea is used in proportions: 20 g of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Urea is used for foliar feeding of raspberries “by leaf”, since it is less traumatic for the foliage. Dissolve 30 g of urea in 10 liters of water and spray the raspberry shoots early in the morning or late in the evening.

Photos of damaged raspberry bushes due to abuse of high concentration nitrogen fertilizers

Double superphosphate for feeding raspberries

Another fertilizer that helps increase yield, accelerates shoot growth, and increases disease resistance is double superphosphate.

This fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorus and a number of other useful substances. Double superphosphate is usually added to the soil in the form of a solution, diluting it according to the instructions. It is usually used as a top dressing together with other mineral fertilizers in the following proportion: superphosphate, potassium salt and ammonium nitrate diluted in 10 liters of water in a ratio of 3: 2: 1.5.

Potassium fertilizer for raspberries

Potassium fertilizers strengthen the immunity of raspberries, increase resistance to disease, and increase resistance to cold. Under each bush you need to add 40 g of potassium salt, which is embedded in the soil around the entire trunk circle.

What types of spring fertilizing are there?

Fertilizing raspberries
Fertilizing in the spring is aimed at replenishing the supply of mineral elements in the ground under the raspberry tree. If the soil is “poor”, then the bush will have nowhere to take nutrients for growth and fruiting.

In the spring, 3 types of fertilizing are applied to the raspberry tree:

  • Superphosphates;
  • Nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Potassium salts.

Superphosphates give the plant strength to grow new shoots. Thanks to these elements, the berries become larger and juicier, and the yield increases.

ADVICE. To further enhance the effect, experienced gardeners advise dissolving superphosphates in milk rather than in water.

Nitrogen is necessary for the plant to grow foliage. Therefore, it is added to the soil already during the first spring tillage. The most accessible sources of nitrogen are urea and ammonium nitrate.

Thanks to potassium, plants' immunity improves. They tolerate drought and frost better and resist diseases and pests. Instead of potassium salts, you can add ash under the raspberries in the spring.

IMPORTANT! When applying potassium preparations, make sure they do not contain chlorine. Raspberries do not tolerate this chemical element. It causes the leaves to turn yellow.

Organic fertilizers for raspberries

In addition to mineral fertilizers, many gardeners actively use organic matter to feed their raspberries. The main such substances are humus, manure, and bird droppings.

Humus and manure

Fresh cow manure is usually not applied to this berry crop, as it can burn the tender raspberry roots. But you can make circular trenches around the bushes of this plant and pour into them a solution of slurry diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. Fresh organic matter should always be left to steep for several days before being added to the bushes.

Humus is rotted manure; it contains a large amount of nitrogen in an easily digestible form, therefore it is actively used for applying raspberries to tree trunks in spring and also in autumn.

Chicken droppings

Chicken manure is a concentrated organic fertilizer, so it is usually not applied to the soil in its pure form. It is infused with water in a ratio of 1:10 for 4-5 days. This infusion is applied to raspberries immediately after watering, and it must first be diluted in water again - 0.5 liters of infusion per 10 liters of water.

Feeding during flowering and beginning of fruiting

At this time, potassium and phosphorus are added to make the fruits large and sweet.

Mineral potassium-phosphorus fertilizers

  • Superphosphate. Consists of 6-9% nitrogen, 26-30% phosphorus. 30-40 g of the product are diluted in a bucket of water and poured under 1 bush 5 liters.
  • Double superphosphate. Consists of 7.5-10% nitrogen, 46% phosphorus. The dosage is reduced by 1.5-2 times.
  • Potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate). Consists of 46-52% potassium. 30-40 g of the product are diluted in a bucket of water and poured under 1 bush 5 liters.

Interesting! Potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate) can be replaced with potassium nitrate, consisting of 13% nitrogen and 46% potassium. You can use potassium magnesium, consisting of 32% potassium, 12% magnesium and other trace elements.

Organic potassium-phosphorus fertilizers

As an organic matter, you can use a solution of wood ash or an infusion extract):

  • 100-200 g of ash;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • water 5 liters per bush.

Fertilizing raspberries with folk remedies

In addition to organic and mineral fertilizers, to fertilize raspberries, you can use folk recipes for fertilizing, which many gardeners prepare from improvised means, but the effectiveness of such products is no lower than complex mineral fertilizers. The most famous fertilizers according to folk recipes will be discussed below.


This fertilizer is the most affordable, easy to prepare and effective. A couple of kilograms of bird droppings are placed in a large barrel, filled 2/3 with collected weeds and topped up with water. To speed up the fermentation process, you can add sugar or fermented jam to this mixture. This green stuff is infused for 4-5 days.

To apply greenberry infusion to raspberries, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10; apply a liter of this fertilizer to each bush.

Ash fertilization

Wood ash is one of the best folk fertilizers for all “residents” of the garden and vegetable garden; most of all, this fertilizer contains potassium. Usually the following solution is prepared: nitrogen fertilizers and a glass of ash are dissolved in a bucket of water. Fertilizing with ash is applied to raspberries during the summer season, thereby improving the flowering of the bushes and their resistance to disease. In the autumn, wood ash along with mineral fertilizers is embedded in the raspberry tree trunks.

Potato peelings

Potato peelings can also be used as organic fertilizer for raspberry bushes.

They can be used as follows:

  • add to compost heaps;
  • dry peelings are placed at the bottom of the planting holes when raspberry seedlings are planted;
  • used as mulch.

Yeast supplement for raspberries

Yeast is also often used as a top dressing for raspberries.

To do this, you can use the following recipe:

  • dry yeast (0.5 kg) and the same amount of sugar are diluted in warm water (10 liters);
  • the resulting infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5;
  • The entire yeast solution is used immediately after preparation.


Peeled tree bark, rotten twigs and sticks are another type of effective and cheap fertilizer for raspberry bushes. In the autumn, crushed tree bark, broken sticks and branches are laid out in tree trunk circles; this layer of mulch, when rotted, will be a source of mineral elements and other valuable substances.

Features of autumn fertilizing

In the autumn, you can also use organic matter, which will strengthen the plant. Experts recommend introducing mature manure or rotted compost, peat, wood ash and bird droppings. The dosage and methods of application are as follows:

  • manure - 6 kilograms per square meter, the composition goes deep into the ground;
  • compost - similar to manure;
  • peat - up to 3 kilograms per square meter, it is deepened into the ground or the soil surface is mulched between plantings;
  • chicken manure - dilute with water and pour the prepared mixture over the raspberries; up to 7 liters will be required per bush.

It is advisable to alternate organic matter with mineral fertilizers. For example, next year you can use potassium (40 grams per square meter) or superphosphate (60 grams per square meter).

It is also worth noting that this time of year is considered the best opportunity to use green manure. Even in the summer, it will be necessary to plant mustard or clover between the raspberry bushes. After harvesting, they are buried in the ground.

Foliar feeding for raspberries

Foliar feeding of this berry bush is usually carried out in cases where the plant urgently needs nutrients.

If the vegetative mass of the shoots does not look good, the ovaries are formed poorly, you can foliar fertilize the raspberries with the following composition:

  • a bucket of water;
  • copper sulfate – 2 g;
  • boric acid – 2.5 g;
  • ammonium molybdate – 3 g;
  • zinc sulfate – 3 g.

If there are obvious signs of a lack of specific macro and microelements, solutions should be prepared from appropriate preparations, which are used to spray raspberry foliage.

Which fertilizer to choose for raspberries is up to each gardener to decide for himself.

But you just need to remember that without fertilizing this berry bush will become smaller, the fruits will decrease in size, and as a result the yield may suffer.
Do not forget to timely fertilize raspberries in spring, summer and autumn and you will always be satisfied with the harvest.

Fertilizer application timing

Conventional varieties are fertilized twice a year. Plants need the first portion of nutrients at the end of April - before the leaves appear. The second feeding is carried out after harvesting - at the end of summer or in September. It activates the process of bud formation for the next season.

But if the raspberry plant is located on loamy or sandy soil, additional feeding will be needed. It is carried out at the beginning of summer - during the intensive growth of stems and the formation of ovaries.

For remontant varieties, the timing will be different. They are fed:

  • in late March;
  • in May - until the leaves bloom;
  • in summer - during fruiting;
  • in the fall - to prepare for winter.

Remontant raspberries bear fruit several times per season. Therefore, she needs nutrition more often.

How to care for raspberries in different regions in June

The regions where berries are grown differ in climatic conditions.

Only the gardener chooses the time for planting seedlings. Replanting in the fall can begin at the stage of preparing raspberries for wintering. The leaves are still attached to the shoots, and the roots are ready for transplanting into new soil. It is difficult to name the exact date; replanting depends on the local climate, rainy or dry summer, and the degree of growth in the garden plot.

Northern regions

In the northern regions of Russia (Arkhangelsk, Murmansk regions, Kamchatka and Krasnoyarsk territories) plants need rapid replanting in late September-early October.

Frosts in these areas can destroy the plantings of slow gardeners. The Brilliantovaya, Gusarskaya, Polskaya, Malina Patricia, and Atlant varieties take root well in slightly acidic northern soils. They are unpretentious in care, easily tolerate light frosts, strong, low trunks resist winds.

Middle Strip

In regions with a more temperate climate (Chernozem region, Moscow region, Middle Volga region), the growing season begins with the arrival of warmth in April and lasts until October.

Alternating hot weather and heavy rains require careful attention. Proper watering, pruning and mulching will help keep plants healthy.

For regions with a temperate climate, varieties are selected that can survive heat and rain. These are Raspberry Polonaise, Raspberry Polana, Cumberland, Samokhval, Belostvolnaya.

Southern regions

In the southern regions of the country (Astrakhan, Crimea, Caucasus, Kuban), growing berries has its own characteristics. Sandy and sandy loam, sometimes clayey areas with a high level of acidity require mineral enrichment before planting.

Hot and dry climates require growing in greenhouses with controlled humidity. To grow raspberries in open ground, drip irrigation is widely used, allowing moisture to remain in the ground and nourish the roots.

The shrub is planted with a large interval between rows with the formation of a mother trunk and a minimum number of shoots. Varieties Phenomenon, Gusarskaya Yuzhnaya, Lyashka, Delbar Manifik bear fruit well in southern regions with arid climates.

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