Aquarius cucumber - growing an ultra-early, high-yielding variety

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Description of the cucumber variety Aquarius

The Aquarius cucumber belongs to the determinant semi-standard type. It reaches a height of 1 m, then growth stops. The variety is early ripening, the fruits ripen in 45–52 days. The Aquarius cucumber forms 2–4 stems of the first order, 3 of which go to form a bush. Excess and subsequent ones are removed as the growing season progresses. The plant is not densely leafy, open type. The Aquarius cucumber belongs to a new generation of varieties created for cultivation in open ground; cultivation in a greenhouse is possible. Low crops for growing in a protected area are unprofitable.

The Aquarius cucumber variety does not belong to parthenocarpic hybrids, this is another reason why growing the crop in a greenhouse is difficult. The plant produces flowers of different sexes; pollinating insects are required for fruiting.

External description of Aquarius cucumbers shown in the photo:

  1. The shoots of the first order are of medium thickness, intense pubescence, the pile is long and prickly. The structure of the shoots is rigid, not brittle, light green with a gray tint. The conformity is high.
  2. The leaves are large, five-lobed, attached to long thin petioles. The leaf blade is rough, slightly corrugated, with hard veins. The edges are finely toothed.
  3. The root system of the Aquarius cucumber is fibrous, not deep, growing to the sides. The root circle is small - within 25 cm.
  4. The variety blooms with single, heterosexual, simple flowers of bright yellow color. Like all pollinated crops, it has 15% barren flowers. All female flowers produce ovaries.

The Aquarius cucumber was created by cross-pollination of varieties, and not in the laboratory, and therefore does not contain GMOs. A varietal feature of cucumber is the uneven ripening of greens. The fruits of the first harvest are larger, the latter have less weight. The fruiting period is long, the first harvest is carried out in July, the growing season ends at the end of August. When fruits reach biological ripeness, they do not increase in size, do not turn yellow, and there is no acid in the taste. Changes affect the peel, it becomes tougher.

Description of the Aquarius cucumber fruit:

  • oval-oblong shape;
  • length – 14 cm, diameter – 4.5 cm, weight – 110 g;
  • the surface is light green at the base, towards the top a yellowish spot is formed with longitudinal light lines up to the middle of the fruit;
  • tuberosity is sparse, the main location is on the lower part, the irregularities are round and finely pubescent;
  • the peel is glossy, without a waxy coating, thin, durable;
  • The pulp is white, juicy, without voids, large seeds in small quantities.

The variety is grown mainly in summer cottages or garden plots and is rarely used for commercial purposes.

Characteristics of the variety

It was developed by the All-Russian Research Institute for Selection and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops.

Permitted for use in the following regions of Russia:

  • in the Central Black Earth;
  • Central
  • Volgo-Vyatsky
  • Srednevolzhsky
  • North Caucasus regions.

This variety can be used both fresh and for canning.

Recommended for planting in open ground, but also in greenhouses:

  • Designed for sunny places. Vegetable of mixed flowering type.
  • Cucumbers should be harvested as regularly as possible. Throughout the entire fruiting period.
  • To sow cucumbers, you need to choose a bed taking into account the plant’s love for warmth. There are approximately 2-4 shoots. This means first order.
  • The leaves are green, pentagonal. Relatively dissected. The color of the “blades” at the base can reach black.
  • The ovary is oval in shape. The pubescence is mixed and dense. White and brown.
  • The green leaf has a slightly elongated base. On a cross section, the greenery looks rounded - triangular. The taste of the fruit is excellent.
  • Taste qualities of cucumbers

    According to the varietal description and reviews from vegetable growers, the Aquarius cucumber is juicy, aromatic and sweet. Bitterness does not appear when there is a lack of moisture, and there is no acid after overripening. The fruits are of standard size and are suitable for canning in their entirety. The peel tolerates heat processing well. No voids appear in the pulp; the surface becomes slightly lighter after the hot marinade. After cold pickling, the cucumbers are elastic, dense, and crispy. Cucumbers are consumed fresh and used as a component in assorted vegetables.

    Diseases and pests

    "Aquarius" has a high degree of resistance to plant diseases, but can become infected with anthracnose.


    To prevent it, cucumber bushes are treated with copper sulfate or Trichodermin. Colloidal sulfur is used to treat the disease. “Aquarius” is not resistant to pests. The greatest danger to it is the melon aphid.

    Pros and cons of the Aquarius cucumber variety

    The Aquarius variety is a relatively young crop, but quite popular among vegetable growers in the Central region of Russia. This is one of the few representatives of the species that does not stop growing at a temperature of +12 0C. Along with frost resistance, cucumbers of this variety have many advantages:

    • resistance to infections and pests;
    • early ripening and long fruit harvesting period;
    • high gastronomic assessment;
    • universal purpose;
    • good yield for a medium-sized bush;
    • suitable for pickling in its entirety;
    • unpretentious in care.

    Attention! The Aquarius cucumber variety produces valuable planting material and is propagated by seeds from the parent bush.

    The disadvantage of this variety is the presence of barren flowers and increased demands on watering.

    Diseases and parasites

    The cucumber variety Aquarius is resistant to diseases such as downy mildew, anthracnose and bacteriosis. However, Aquarius cucumbers have not developed immunity to other cucumber diseases and pests.

    Spraying and dusting with wood ash are used as preventive mixtures, as well as for treating the Aquarius variety. In addition, wood ash can be added to the roots of the bushes. To prepare such a mixture, add 1 cup of wood ash to 10 liters of warm water.

    In addition, the soil is saturated with fertilizing from urea, manganese, vitriol and boric acid:

    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea is diluted with 10 liters of warm water;
    • A small amount of manganese is added to the solution;
    • After manganese, you need to add 3 grams of copper sulfate and 3 grams of boric acid.


    Despite its resistance to anthracnose, the Aquarius cucumber variety is occasionally infected by it. Anthracnose is a fungal disease that affects the leaves and shoots of cucumbers.

    To combat anthracnose, bushes are treated with Trichodermin, colloidal sulfur, or copper sulfate. In addition, it is important to observe crop rotation and remove all weeds from the land.

    melon aphid

    The melon aphid is the smallest (2 mm) pest of cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins. The melon aphid is located under the leaves, on flowers, shoots and ovaries of the plant. The pest causes the Aquarius cucumber to dry out and curl.

    As a preventive measure, use a solution of karbofos: 2 tbsp. spoons of karbofos are diluted with 10 liters of hot water. The prepared solution is used to treat damaged bushes and plants that have come into contact with them.

    For spraying against melon aphids, 30% Fosbecid or Komandor tablets are also used.


    Whitefly is a small species of pest that looks like a moth. As a rule, whiteflies appear in greenhouses or greenhouses. They cause damage to cucumbers, grapes and even flowers.

    At the first sign of whitefly, it is recommended to spray the leaves of cucumber bushes with Confidor Extra.

    Optimal growing conditions

    The Aquarius cucumber variety is a light-loving plant that feels comfortable in a periodically shaded area. Place the crop on the south or east side, taking into account that cucumber does not react well to the north wind. The soil composition is chosen to be neutral, fertile with good drainage. The Aquarius cucumber requires frequent watering, but at the same time does not respond well to stagnant moisture.

    The site is prepared 3 weeks before planting:

    1. Digging up the garden bed.
    2. If the soil is acidic, add lime or other alkaline agents.
    3. Remove weeds and roots.
    4. Add superphosphate, compost and saltpeter.

    Attention! Cucumbers are not placed in one bed for more than 3 years in a row; crop rotation is observed.

    Harvesting and storage

    Aquarius cucumbers are distinguished by their presentation and resistance to transportation. To keep cucumber in good condition, it must be stored in a cool place. Cucumbers can last only a few days in the refrigerator.

    If there is a need to preserve cucumbers for a longer time, they are placed in a cold place. In addition, the Aquarius variety is also used for seaming.

    Growing cucumbers Aquarius

    According to the characteristics and description of the variety, the Aquarius cucumber is cultivated using the seedling method and planting seeds directly on the garden bed. Pre-grown seedlings shorten the growing season before fruiting. When growing seedlings, harvesting begins 2 weeks earlier. The generative method of propagation (planting seeds in the ground) is suitable for regions with a milder climate.

    Direct planting in open ground

    Before starting work, the Aquarius cucumber planting material is wrapped in damp canvas and placed in the refrigerator for a day. Then disinfection is carried out in a manganese solution. They are placed on the site when the soil has warmed up to +120 C. If there is a threat of frost after the shoots appear, the cucumbers are covered. For central Russia, the approximate landing time is the second half of May.


    1. Make holes to a depth of 2.5 cm.
    2. Place three seeds and cover with soil.
    3. After the formation of the third leaf, the cucumbers are thinned out, 1 seedling should remain.

    Advice! The interval between holes is 45 cm, 4-5 plants are planted per 1 m2.

    Growing by seedlings

    The culture does not tolerate transplantation from one place to another. When growing seedlings, Aquarius cucumbers do not dive, but are immediately planted in a permanent place. Experienced vegetable growers recommend planting them in small peat containers and placing the seedling in the hole along with the container. The material is sowed approximately in mid-April; after 25–30 days, the cucumbers are ready for planting in the ground.

    Planting seeds of the Aquarius variety:

    1. Prepare a nutritious soil mixture from equal parts of sand, peat and compost.
    2. They are poured into containers, the planting material is deepened by 1.5 cm, and watered.
    3. Place containers with cucumbers in a room with a constant temperature (20–220 C) and good air circulation.
    4. Lighting must be at least 15 hours a day; additionally, special lamps must be installed.

    Seeds and young shoots of cucumbers are watered with a small amount of water every evening, and complex fertilizers are applied before planting.

    Watering and fertilizing

    The watering regime depends on seasonal precipitation; the main task is to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged and drying out. Moisten cucumbers in the evening or in the morning so as not to cause burns on the leaves.

    Feeding the Aquarius cucumber is necessary for normal development and fruiting:

    1. After the formation of first-order shoots, urea is added.
    2. After 21 days, fertilize with potassium, phosphorus, and superphosphate.
    3. After 2 weeks, organic matter is given.
    4. During fruiting, cucumbers are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

    After 10 days and until the end of fruiting, mineral fertilizers are applied at intervals of one week.


    A bush of the Aquarius variety is formed with the first shoots; usually 3 stems are left so that the cucumber is not overloaded. You can leave 2 or 4 stems. When the stepsons grow to 4 cm, they are removed. The lower leaves and shading fruits are removed from the bush. Throughout the growing season, the shoots are tied to a support. There is no need to break the top; the variety does not grow higher than 1 m.

    Protection from diseases and pests

    Aquarius resists almost all infections well. Anthracnose infection is possible. For preventive purposes, crop rotation is observed, weeds are removed, and cucumber bushes are treated with Trichodermin or copper sulfate in the spring. At the first signs of illness, colloidal sulfur is used. Only the caterpillar of the Whitefly moth parasitizes the Aquarius cucumber. The pest is destroyed with the “Commander” insecticide.

    Planting and care

    Aquarius can be grown by seedlings and direct sowing in open ground. But, like other species, this cucumber variety reacts poorly to any damage to the root system. Therefore, at home it needs to be planted in peat pots.

    Important! When growing Aquarius in seedlings, harvesting can be done 2 weeks earlier.

    Sowing time

    Planting seeds in open ground should be done in late May - early June, when the soil temperature is at least +12 degrees. When grown by seedlings, seedlings must be transplanted to a permanent place at the age of 25 days, so sowing is recommended at the end of April for subsequent cultivation in a greenhouse, or at the beginning of May for transplantation into open ground.

    Selecting a location and preparing beds

    For Aquarius, it is necessary to choose sunny, open areas, protected from strong gusty winds. This cucumber variety prefers to grow on loam, chernozem and sandy loam soils with an acidity of about 6.5 pH.

    Before planting cucumbers, the bed must be prepared in advance. To do this, you need to dig up the area in a week and remove the roots of the weeds. You should also contribute for each square. m humus 10 kg, superphosphate 30 g, potassium sulphide 15 g. At the end of preparation, the bed must be carefully leveled.

    Important! Heavy podzolic soil with high acidity is not suitable for growing Aquarius.

    How to plant correctly

    When sowing directly, cucumbers should be planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. In the case of planting seedlings, seedlings should be buried to the first cotyledon leaves, which promotes the development of the root system. For 1 sq. m you can place from 4 to 6 seedlings so that they can fully develop.

    When planting, a distance of 25 cm must be maintained between seedlings.

    When transplanting cucumber seedlings, it is necessary to prepare holes 15 cm deep. They should be watered abundantly, and then a peat pot with a seedling should be placed in the center. After this, sprinkle with soil up to the first pair of leaves and compact the surface at the base. Then water again with warm water.


    After planting Aquarius, you need to constantly keep the soil slightly moist. Therefore, watering must be carried out as the top layer of soil dries. It is also important to promptly remove weeds and loosen the soil in the garden bed to improve air access to the roots of the cucumbers.

    As seedlings grow, their need for nutrients increases. Therefore, during the period of active growth of green mass, you need to feed the cucumbers with organic matter: mullein 1:10 or chicken manure 1:15.

    During the flowering and ovary period, it is recommended to use superphosphate 30 g and potassium sulfide 20 g per 10 liters of water.

    Aquarius does not need to pinch the main shoot, but requires the formation of bushes to improve productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to leave 3-4 shoots from the first row, and remove all the upper ones so that they do not waste energy.

    During particularly hot periods, mulch should be placed in the root circle of cucumbers, which will prevent overheating of the roots and excessive evaporation of moisture. To do this, you should use straw or humus.

    Important! Using mulch helps reduce the amount of watering.

    Proper care of cucumbers

    Caring for cucumbers in open ground

    First of all, this is, of course, regular watering. Next, you need to hill up the exposed roots to protect the stem from fungi. You should also shape the plant: pinch the central stem somewhere above the 6th leaf.

    You need to collect regularly (every other day) in the morning! It is forbidden to pull or unscrew cucumbers. They need to be cut with scissors so as not to injure the whip.

    Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse

    In a greenhouse, caring for cucumbers requires a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees. You also need to form a bush, water it, feed it and pinch it. You need to get rid of all male and female flowers and side shoots on the lower ovaries, pinch them in the middle part above the first leaf, and from above - above the second. Bees must have access to bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids. You can attract bees with sugar syrup.

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