Fungicide Horus: instructions for use for plants and reviews

How does the substance work?

Cyprodinil penetrates pathogen cells through the membrane and slows down the process of creating amino acids. As a result, the parasites can no longer act as actively as before and increase in number, which leads to the growth of the mycelium stopping.

Important information!

The substance shows 100% results only when treating young plantings, but, unfortunately, it is ineffective on vegetation aged 3 years and older. He simply won't be able to get inside the structure.

Horus - Effective control of plant diseases - video

The list of pathogens for which Horus is dangerous includes:

  • deuteromycetes;
  • basidiomycetes;
  • axomycetes.

Humidity and elevated ambient temperatures do not reduce the effectiveness of Horus, and at the same time, it does not pose any danger to wildlife.

How to treat grapes before flowering?

Spring spraying of grapes should begin after pruning the shoots and forming the bush. Treatment is carried out in early spring before the buds swell. In most regions, this time falls in the second half of April - early May. At the same time as pruning, all fallen leaves and last year’s weeds are collected from the vineyard, and the beds are loosened. Then the vine is tied up.

When all of the above procedures have been completed, you can begin preventative spraying against diseases and pests.

It is important to irrigate the vineyard with medicinal preparations in dry, windless weather. Rain, fog, wind are unfavorable factors that significantly reduce the efficiency of grape processing

According to reputable winegrowers, the optimal air temperature should be about +5 degrees. How to treat grapes before flowering? We suggest using the following spraying agents, namely:

  1. Copper sulfate 3% is one of the best remedies for fungal diseases. Before the buds open, a higher dosage of the drug is used, since there are no leaves on the vine yet and it will not be possible to harm the plant. After the leaves bloom, it is allowed to use a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate. 3% copper sulfate destroys all fungal spores.
  2. Iron sulfate is another alternative for preventing fungal infection of the vine. If the buds have not opened, then a solution of iron sulfate is prepared as follows: take 400-500 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water. Apply 200 grams of the drug to the blossoming buds.
  3. “Chorus” or “Strobi” are antifungal agents that are used to treat the bushes 14 days after spraying the vineyard with iron or copper sulfate. “Chorus” or “Strobe” is used when small leaves appear on the shoots. The drug penetrates the leaf plate and reliably protects the plant from infections. At the same time, insecticides against pests, for example, “Aktellik”, “Fufanon”, can be included in the solution.
  4. Immediately before flowering, the grapes are treated with Ridomil, a potent fungicide. When preparing the solution and spraying, you must strictly adhere to the recommended dosage and follow safety rules. It is highly toxic to humans and is effective against fungi and their spores. The drug “Ridomil” does not act on oidium, so the drug “Topaz” or “Fundazol”, which are effective against this disease, is added to the working solution.

Scope of application

Now in more detail about the diseases that Horus can easily cope with:

  • Alternaria blight. This disease affects vegetables, shrubs, fruit trees, and berry plantings.
  • Moniliosis affects fruit trees more often than shrubs. The most initial symptoms are the branches and leaves drying out, and the inflorescences dying off. If no corrective measures are taken, up to 80% of the crop may die.
  • Powdery mildew is a white coating that especially likes to settle on roses and grapes.
  • Scab is a dangerous disease with a rapid spread rate. Looks like spots on fruits and leaves.
  • Grape rot is an insidious disease that affects bunches during the flowering period, berries and wood.
  • Monilial burn. Characteristic of stone fruits.

Gamair Drug Ridomil Gold Ampligo
Thus, Horus can help with most diseases, and therefore must be in every gardening medicine cabinet.

Fungicides for the gardener. “Azofos”

Manufacturer: Belarus

Properties of the drug: Azophos is a contact fungicide and destroys pathogens on the surface of plant stems and leaves. Ammonium copper phosphate (AMP) is used as the active substance. Azophos contains mineral nutrition and microelements (nitrogen, phosphorus, copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium, molybdenum, manganese, calcium, iron).

Plants: Fruit trees; berries, grapes; ornamental and flower shrubs; potatoes, vegetables (open and closed ground).

Objects of application: Apple tree, pear - scab, septoria, fruit rot. Cherry plum, plum and cherry - moniliosis, coccomycosis, clusterosporiasis. Blueberry – stem cancer, Phomopsis branch wilt. Cranberry - gibbera, phomopsis. Currants, gooseberries - septoria, anthracnose, etc.

Recommendations for use: The prepared solution is suitable for use only for 24 hours. Raspberries, wild strawberries, blueberries are treated twice at the rate of up to 30 ml of the drug per 1 sq.m., before flowering and after picking the berries. Cranberries and lingonberries are treated once before flowering - 30 ml of the drug per 1 sq.m. Cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, plums, cherry plums are sprayed four times. The first time is when the kidneys are swollen. The second is before flowering, in the budding phase. The third is after flowering. The fourth is after the harvest. Currants are processed three times. The first treatment is when flowers appear. The second is necessary after flowering. The third is carried out after harvesting. The solution consumption per 1 bush is 1.5 liters.

To protect apple and pear trees from fruit rot and scab, double spraying is used. The first treatment is carried out in the bud breaking phase. Not only the buds of the tree are treated, but also the trunk and tree trunk circles. The second treatment is carried out before flowering.

Application rate per 10 liters of water: 100 ml

Advantage of the drug: In addition to its fungicidal properties, Azofos provides foliar feeding of crops, increases productivity and helps preserve finished fruit and vegetable products. In addition, Azophos is an environmentally friendly plant protection product. Even with repeated use during the season, its residues do not accumulate in the crop. The cost of treatment with this fungicide is several times cheaper than with imported analogues.

Notes: Available in the form of a 50% suspension concentrate and a 65% paste. The drug is not compatible with pesticides that contain polysulfide sulfur (for example, lime-sulfur decoctions, PS). The main disadvantage is Azofos - it clogs filters and nozzles of the spraying apparatus.

Advantages and disadvantages

The instructions for Horus are quite detailed. It talks about the advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Horus:

  1. You can safely use it at temperatures above +10 degrees and get an excellent effect.
  2. The active substance of the drug Horus quickly penetrates the plant tissue and begins to act in 2 - 3 hours.
  3. Safety in terms of non-toxicity for living beings, including the inhabitants of rivers and reservoirs, which is rare.
  4. Horus is well compatible with other agricultural pesticides.
  5. Convenient packaging.
  6. Simple and clear instructions.
  7. Economy.
  8. Groundwater safety.

Disadvantages of the drug Horus:

  1. It acts locally, that is, not in the entire plant, but only in a separate area.
  2. Does not penetrate the coating of adult plants, which limits the scope of application only to young plants.
  3. Processing only during the growing season. Chorus showed effectiveness in the temperature range from +3 to +25 degrees above 0.

Complex fungicides

Now, let's look at the best fungicides for treating grapes. These are relatively new drugs that have been used not so long ago, but have already gained great popularity among winegrowers.

Convertible Top

This is a combined remedy that allows you to simultaneously get rid of two grape diseases - oidium and mildew. In addition, this product, like biological insecticides, destroys harmful insects. The principle of action of the substance is the ability to create reserves of the active substance on the surface of the green mass. This protection is maintained even after precipitation.

Cabrio Tom is one of the few drugs that is highly effective against mass infection of bushes with mildew and oidium. It is used in the treatment of anthracnose and various types of spots.

Due to the long-term effect of action, there is no need for frequent treatments of plants, and accordingly, the degree of exposure to toxic substances on plants and their fruits is reduced.


This is a contact-systemic fungicide that treats and eradicates any disease of grape bushes. In addition, this substance promotes the regeneration of affected tissues. The principle of action of the drug is as follows: the active substance - flutriafol - disrupts the reproduction process and synthesis of the cell wall of the fungus. Vapors of a toxic substance enter the fungal cells, resulting in the process of poisoning pathogens.

Popular analogues of the drug Paracelsus are Scalpel, Impal, Medicine Man, Cornet. These are antimycotic agents with a similar spectrum of action.

Paracelsus fungicide has many advantages:

  • creates protection for plants from re-infection for a period of 45 days;
  • non-toxic;
  • penetrates deeply into tissues, creating the maximum degree of protection for the entire plant;
  • absolutely safe for the environment and humans;
  • acts quickly and is rain resistant;
  • It has a triple action - contact, systemic and fumigation.


A complex product that provides effective protection to the vineyard from infection by pathogenic microflora. The active components are copper oxychloride and polycarbocin, which together enhance the effect of the substance.

It is also important that the instructions for using the complex allow you to treat plants in any weather conditions. In addition, Polychom has an affordable price

The fungicide is used only during the growing season of plants. In general, at least 4 treatments are necessary during the season. Such products as Revus, Polyram and Tilt have a similar effect.


Contact-systemic antifungal agent used for spraying vineyards. The active components of the substance - Dimethomorph and Mancozeb, provide a double barrier to pathogens, both from the inside and outside.

The substance is used in diluted form. The solution is prepared according to the instructions. To ensure maximum protection of grapes from mildew, oidium and other fungal infections, fourfold treatment is carried out. The following drugs have a similar effect: Homecin and Horus.

Preparation of solution and dosage

The effectiveness of the Horus drug is absolutely 100% dependent on the correct preparation of the working solution and compliance with consumption standards. Before preparation, you should carefully read the instructions for use of the Horus fungicide.


The drug solution is used only fresh.


How to breed Horus:

  • The cooking container should be filled a quarter full with well-settled water.
  • The product is injected into the container in accordance with the indicated dosage.
  • Stir.
  • Add the remaining ¾ of water.
  • Make a homogeneous composition by thoroughly mixing the components.
  • Sprayed.

Below is the specific dosage:

  • Cherry, plum, apricot, peach - 2 grams of product per 10 liters of water - against leaf curl and monilial burn and 2 grams per 5 - 6 liters against fruit rot, clusterosporiasis, coccomycosis.
  • Pome crops, as well as apple, quince, pear - 2 grams per 10 liters of water against scab, Alternaria, fruit rot.
  • In accordance with the instructions, the consumption of the working solution depends on the size of the crop being treated. One planting takes from 2 to 4 liters.


Stone fruit plants are treated only in the evening.

Mechanism of action

Quadris: fungicide, instructions for use for grapes

Horus fungicide has a systemic effect on the treated crops. It not only protects plantings from diseases, but also successfully treats the plant in the presence of infections. The effect of the drug is equally effective at any period of growth of grapes and other plants. Vineyards can be cultivated both in spring and summer. The first treatment can be carried out immediately after spring frosts, when the air temperature becomes +3 oC.

Important! If the temperature is too high (more than +25°C), the service life is reduced and the efficiency becomes lower.

When and how to use Chorus

It has already been said that Horus treatment is carried out by spraying. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the time periods specified in the instructions. Most often, several treatments are required. The first - before the flowers bloom, the next, 10 - 14 days after the end of flowering, the last - 15 days before harvesting the fruits.


at temperatures above +25 degrees above 0, the Horus drug loses its properties.

The protection period is 10 days.

Fruit trees - Horus treatment

The drug Horus is used to prevent powdery mildew, scab, monilial burn, and alternaria. Treat 2 times:
when the buds open and 14 days after the flowering period.

To preserve and increase the shelf life, the tree is sprayed 2 weeks before harvesting the fruit. This is an important point and should not be ignored because the drug is non-toxic.

The earlier the treatment is carried out, the better. A good option is prevention.

Pests in the garden:
How to deal with cutworms How to get rid of wireworms How to deal with mole crickets

Coniferous trees

Coniferous plantations tend to turn brown. And in this case, Horus comes to the rescue. Spraying time is spring at the beginning of active shoot development.

Chorus preparation for the treatment of stone fruits - video

Chorus for roses

Treatment is effective during the period of bud setting on bushes. It is important to take temperature into account. For roses, optimal treatment is up to +10 degrees above 0.

Strawberries and wild strawberries

Strawberries and strawberries are very susceptible to gray rot, powdery mildew, and spotting.

Treat strawberries with Horus 3 times, observing the dosage:

  • The first procedure before the formation of buds. For 10 liters of water take 6 grams of the substance.
  • The second is recommended at the stage of berry formation. For 10 liters of water 3 g.
  • The third is after picking the fruits. The consumption rate is the same as before the formation of buds.

Fungicide HORUS - video

Processing grapes with Horus

A stronger concentrated solution is prepared for grapes.

Horus dosages are as follows


  • First treatment at the bud formation stage: take 6 grams of the substance per bucket of water (5 liters).
  • Second treatment of grapes with Horus at the stage of bunch formation: 5 grams per 5 liters.
  • The third at the time of grape ripening: 6 grams per 5 liters.


To cultivate a vineyard there must be no wind or precipitation. Each leaf must be processed carefully.

HORUS on grapes. 7 days waiting period. Fungicide for mildew, oidium and rot - video


Fungicide "Horus, VDG" is intended to protect:

a) pome crops (apple, pear) from scab, Alternaria blight, moniliosis, partly from powdery mildew (together with other fungicides);

Examples of diseases of pome fruit crops (scab, moniliosis)

b) stone fruit crops (cherry, apricot, plum) from clasterosporiosis, coccomycosis, monilial burn, fruit rot, etc.;

Examples of diseases of stone fruit crops (moniliosis, coccomycosis)

c) grapes from gray rot, white rot and other rots.

Examples of grape diseases (black and gray rot)

It is important that “Horus” has both preventive and therapeutic properties.

Compatibility of Horus with other drugs

The fungicide Horus has excellent compatibility with Skor and Topaz. The mixture is used immediately, otherwise an irreversible chemical reaction may occur, reducing the effectiveness of the product.

Do not mix with unfamiliar products. Especially those that are very toxic.

Chorus - fake or original, how to tell the difference? - video

"Topaz": instructions on how to use

When carrying out processing, do not forget about safety measures, since Topaz is toxic to people. Processing should be carried out in protective clothing and using protective equipment (goggles, respirator, gloves). For your own safety, spraying is carried out in the direction of the wind. If the solution gets on your skin, rinse the affected area of ​​skin thoroughly with water.

If Topaz is used as a preventive agent, then 4 fungicidal treatments over the entire growing season will be sufficient. To prepare the solution, dilute 2 ml of the drug in a bucket of water. Spray the bushes with the solution, maintaining the same liquid flow rate as for therapeutic spraying of the vineyard with Topaz.

If the entire Topaz solution is not used, then it must be poured out. It is not suitable for subsequent processing. The fungicide components will be effective only immediately after preparing the working fluid. Therefore, you can dose the drug according to the area that needs to be treated. You can use a regular medical syringe for this. For example, you can take 1 ml of the drug and dilute it in 5 liters of water.

Precautionary measures

Despite the mild toxicity, when using Horus, precautions must be taken:

  • During the procedure, wear protective clothing.
  • If ingested, you must take activated carbon.
  • Processing must be continuous.
  • After finishing the treatment, thoroughly wash your hands and face, wash your clothes, and clean the place where the procedure was performed.

If any waste remains, it will be disposed of immediately.

Phytohormones and stimulants

Unique means, the reward for the invention of which would have been a fire in the Middle Ages. Gibberellin is a phytohormone responsible for the acceleration and quality of flowering, preserving ovaries, increasing green mass, improving the taste of berries, and increasing shelf life. But the advantages of phytohormones can only manifest themselves in favorable weather and competent agricultural technology. The drug is designated by the abbreviation GKZ, GK1-GK6. The phytohormone powder is dissolved in an alcohol solution - 100 ml of 95% alcohol + 1 g of powder. Gibberellin is not used for wine varieties, Isabella and it is used during flowering, the next week.

Scheme for using Gibberellin:

  1. A week before flowering and 7 days after it - Japanese-Chinese version.
  2. In the blooming phase, 50% of the flowers and during the formation of the ovaries - the European version.


Biostimulator based on indolylbutyric acid. The heels of the cuttings are dusted with dry powder, which stimulates the formation of roots. The cuttings are soaked in an aqueous solution of Kornevin for 20–24 hours, immersed in 1/3 of the lower part. After budding, before bandaging, the grafting site is sprinkled with the drug and then tied. For better fruiting, the bushes are watered in the evening on a warm day, when the leaves have already opened, and a second time at the beginning of budding: for an adult bush, 0.35–0.5 liters at the rate of 2 g per 1 liter of water, a young bush is half as much.

Analogue: Heteroauxin.

Powdered cuttings cuttings

Analogues of the drug Horus

Almost every drug has analogues. Fungicide Horus is no exception. There are fungicides with a similar mechanism of action and a different composition.


A drug with the active substance as copper. It copes well with fungal infections and serves as a good preventive measure. Its range of applications is slightly wider. You can process hops and nightshades.


– two-component drug. It is used to treat fungi, viruses, and bacterial infections. Effective against some agricultural pests.

Horus fungicide is a modern biological fungicide of proven quality. It eliminates fungus on many crops and serves to prevent the occurrence of this type of disease. Many gardeners have already appreciated its effectiveness.


Fertilizers for grapes often combine the action of a fungicide or insecticide.

Urea (urea)

Fertilizer in the form of small white odorless granules, soluble in water. Urea is a nitrogenous compound with 46% pure nitrogen, non-toxic, used for all types of fertilizing and for pest control.

They begin to use urea 2–3 years after planting, combining root and foliar feeding. For root use, 30–50 g per 10 liters of water are used by watering in trenches or holes, at a distance of 0.5–0.8 m from the trunk, wetting the soil to a depth of 0.5 m. With surface watering, the roots rush upward; in winter they freeze slightly, the plant weakens. The first feeding takes place in March: 40 g of urea and superphosphate + 30 g of potassium fertilizers, the second before flowering. At the same time, the grapes are sprayed with a 1% urea solution (100 g per 10 liters of water). Against aphids, verdigris, scab, and weevils, the vine is treated with a 5–7% urea solution before buds open or after leaf fall.

Potassium starvation affects leaves and grapes

Excess urea promotes the growth of green mass to the detriment of fruiting. Urea cannot be mixed with lime.


Fertilizer + systemic fungicide of the Kvadrat brand. Excellent prevention of fungal diseases and feeding the plant with phosphorus and potassium: 10 liters of water + a bag of Phytophos, spraying 2 times with an interval of 8–20 days. Therapeutic treatment and fertilizing are carried out with the same solution, but with an interval of 3–4 days.

Plantafol and Plantafid

Combined fertilizer, containing different percentages of basic substances (nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium), suitable for a certain stage of crop development. A similar drug, Plantafide, is more saturated with microelements; in addition to the traditional nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium trinity, there is molybdenum, zinc, boron, sulfur, copper, etc.

Scheme for using Plantafol or Plantafid fertilizer:

  • in the spring, use packaging marked 30:10:10 to increase the vegetative mass;
  • in the period before and during flowering for setting ovaries, as well as foliar feeding - with the index 10:54:10;
  • during the formation and development of ovaries, use fertilizer without nitrogen;
  • the fruit ripening stage is accompanied by processing (package marking 5:15:45);
  • At any time, fertilize with a percentage of 20:20:20.

Dosage of the drug: 25–30 g per 10 liters of water.


The main components of the contact fungicide are ammonium, copper and phosphate, additional components are nitrogen, calcium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, etc. The drug protects against powdery mildew, spotting, stimulates root growth, and increases plant resistance. Treatment with Azofos is carried out before and after covering the grapes at a temperature of at least +5 °C (250–300 g of substance per 10 liters of water).

Lack of nitrogen extremely weakens the bushes

Zinc sulfate

Used as microfertilizer on depleted soils. Grapes especially need it during the period of ripening of juicy berries. Zinc deficiency can result in empty grapes. Treatment with a solution (3 g per 10 liters of water) is carried out in calm weather in the morning or evening. An important point is that the leaves are moistened on both sides.

Baikal-M 1

Environmentally friendly biofertilizer based on strains of healthy soil microorganisms. The use of Lake Baikal is part of the so-called em-technology - a healthy approach to the land and flora. For open planting of grape seedlings, compost prepared using Baikal-M 1 is added to the holes. Compost is added 1-2 times throughout the season. Seedlings in such holes grow very quickly and in the first year it is possible to form sleeves with fruit links. Or, when planting, mullein is introduced, then the ground under the bush is watered with Baikal in a ratio of 1:100. When the air warms up to + 12–15 °C, the vine is sprayed with a solution (1:500 or 1 tablespoon of the drug per 10 liters of water). After the buds open, repeat watering the soil (ratio 1:250), followed by loosening and spraying with a weaker solution - 1:500 or 1:1000 (2 tsp per 10 liters of water). Before flowering, fertilize the soil again. Spraying is carried out every 10 days. If the bush is sick, it is permissible to spray it 3-4 times in a row with a solution in a ratio of 1:250 (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) or 1:100 (8 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). It is impossible to use frequent medicinal treatments, otherwise the opposite effect will occur and the plant will begin to weaken.

Description, composition and principle of operation of the fungicide

The pesticide has a systemic effect against fungal infections. Horus is used against diseases such as Alternaria, moniliosis, gray and white rot. The product is more effective if used as a preventive measure.

The active ingredient of the drug, cyprodinil, belongs to the class of anilidopyrimidines. 1 kg of powder contains 750 g of active substance. Thanks to it, it has a detrimental effect on most diseases that affect vegetable and fruit crops.

Cyprodinil penetrates the plant and disrupts the life cycle of the pathogen. This is accomplished by inhibiting the chemical processes that occur in the cells of the pathogenic microorganism. Which in turn leads to disruption of its functions necessary for development. The pathogenic organism dies without causing damage to the plant tissues.

The active substance has a big drawback. It penetrates through the thin leaf walls that only young plants have. It does not pass through the dense membrane of the leaf blade, which means that Horus should not be used on an infected mature plant.

But the substance is not washed off with water and remains on the plant for up to 14-18 days, which means that you should not be afraid of rain after treatment.

Fungicide Horus

The use of a fungicide does not cause addiction in pathogenic microorganisms; it does not have cross-resistance with other similar agents.

The drug Horus is more effective against scab of fruit crops with the onset of warming. The fungicide can be used against gray and white rot, spotting, leaf curl, oidium, etc. It is used for pome, fruit crops, grapes, roses, strawberries, wild strawberries.

Chorus can have an effect on some types of fungus that are in the overwintering stage. This class of fungi is Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes.

Cyprodinil protects plants from both infections and harmful insects. The drug is best used for trees and shrubs in the initial stage of the growing season, at a time when the disease or insects have not spread throughout the tree or plant.

Horus against insects acts as follows: an insect eats the treated leaves, and the active substance of the drug enters its body, which causes dysfunction of the nervous system, which leads to death.

Preparations for treating grape diseases

Fungicides are used to spray grapes against diseases. There are many drugs based on them, and sometimes it can be difficult to figure out which one is best to use.

There are a number of drugs that have proven themselves to be effective. These drugs are “Abiga-Pik”, “Baktofit”, “Bordeaux mixture/liquid”, “Kuproksat”, “Cumulus / colloidal sulfur”, “Oxychom / HOM”, “Rapid”, “Profit Gold”, “Sporobacterin”, “SKOR”, “Strobi”, “TOPAZ”, “Tiovit Jet”, “Homoxil”, “Horus” and a number of others.

Examples of preparations for spring processing of grapes

For clarity, preparations for treating grapes against diseases are summarized in a table indicating:

  • the diseases for which they are used;
  • dosage/application rates;
  • method and time of processing;
  • application features;
  • waiting period and frequency of treatments
A drugApplication rateDiseasesMethod, processing time, application featuresWaiting period/number of treatments
Abiga Peak40gr/10l. water Mildew, oidium, anthracnose, black spotSpraying in stages 1-3. Working fluid consumption 8-10l./100m2 30/6
Albite3 ml./ 10 l. water Oidium (with weak development of the diseaseSpraying before flowering, at the beginning of berry formation. Consumption 10 l/100m2 -/4
Baktofit30 ml./ 10 l. water OidiumSpraying in stages 1-3 with an interval of 8-10 days. Consumption 10l./100m2 1/3-5
Bordeaux liquid3-4% solutionMildewSpraying before and during bud break. Consumption 10-15l./100m2 1/-
But0,15OidiumSpraying in three stages during the growing season, minimum interval 10-12 days. Consumption 10l./100m2 21/2
Buzzer0,5-0,75Black spot, mildew.Spraying in stages 1-3. Consumption 8-10l./100m2 20/2
Cumulus/colloidal sulfur6-8OidiumTreatment upon detection of the first signs of disease, min. interval 10-12 days. Consumption 8-10l./100m2 1/3
Cuproxat5-6MildewSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - up to 10l./100m2 20/4
Kuprolux25-30 gr./10 l. water MildewSpraying in all three stages. Working fluid consumption 10l./100m2 28/3-4
Medea0,8-1,2Oidium, black rot, black spot, gray rotSpraying when the first signs of disease appear, with an interval of 7-10 days. Consumption up to 10l./100m2 28/3-4
Oksikhom / HOM15-20 g/10 l waterMildewThe first treatment is when spots are detected in the phase of formation and loosening of inflorescences and the separation of buds (at least 10 days before flowering), the second is late flowering, the third is the formation of berries, the fourth is a pea-sized berry. Consumption 15l./100m2 20/4
Rapid2,5MildewSpraying during the growing season with an interval of 10-14 days. Consumption 8-10l./100m2 30/3
Profit Gold4g/10l. water MildewThree-stage processing. Working fluid consumption 10l./100m2 30/3
Sporobacterin20g/100sq.m.Mildew, oidium, gray moldSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 10l./100m2 -/4
Score0,3-0,4Oidium, black spot, rubella, black rotThe first treatment is in the budding phase, the second before the berries close in the bunch, further treatments with an interval of 10-14 days. Consumption 10l./100m2 10/4
Strobe0,15-0,2Oidium, mildewSpraying during the growing season. Consumption up to 10l./100m2. The drug is used in a system with other fungicides other than strobilurins. 10/3
Topaz0,4OidiumSpraying during the growing season. Consumption 8-10l./100m2 21/4
Tiovit Jet30-50 gr./10 l. water OidiumSpraying in three stages during the growing season. Consumption 10l./100m2 1/4-6
Homoxyl15-20 gr./10 l. water MildewThe first treatment is when spots are detected in the budding phase or preventive treatment 10 days before flowering, the second is after flowering, the third is the formation of berries. Consumption 10-15 l./100m2 20/4
Horus0,6-0,7Gray rot, white rot and other rots - moldy, black, watery rhizopusThree-time spraying is the first beginning of flowering, the second is before the berries close in the bunch, the third is the beginning of coloring of the berries. Consumption up to 10l./100m2 7/3

Features of the drug's action

In addition to temperature limits, it is important to consider other characteristics:

  • The greatest activity of the drug occurs at air humidity above 80%.
  • The active substance has low mobility when it gets into the soil, so it cannot end up in groundwater.
  • The effect on plants is selective; it cannot penetrate into the leaves of ovaries and fruits.
  • Belongs to the third class of danger to humans. Almost non-toxic to bees, birds and fish.
  • It is used not only to protect fruit trees and berry bushes, but also for ornamental perennial plants.

Over many years of use, no long-term consequences of negative environmental impact have been detected.

Horus - antifungal agent for grapes

Grape fruits are tasty and healthy. But in order to grow a good harvest, the winegrower has to work hard and protect the garden from diseases. To combat fungal flora, summer residents need different pesticides. New among them is Horus. The good thing about the drug is that it can be used not only for the preventive treatment of grapes, but also other fruit crops.

Horus is an antifungal agent from the Swiss manufacturer Syngenta. The drug has the form of water-dispersed granules. The grains are packaged in bags weighing 1, 3, 15 g and 1 kg. The active substance of Horus is cyprodinil.

Each kilogram of the drug contains 750 g of cyprodinil. The pesticide destroys the fungal infection by disrupting the vital functions of parasitic individuals.

Its peculiarity is the ability to infect ascomycetes, basidomycetes and deuteromycetes fungi, which are in the overwintering stage of grape wood.

After using the Horus drug, the active substance does not spread throughout the entire bush along with the juice. It penetrates only into young leaves and fruits and works as a preventive agent inside the plant.

When the pesticide is applied in dry weather, cyprodinil penetrates into the cells of grape leaves within a few hours.

The medicine is not afraid of subsequent precipitation and temperature changes - it acts in humid conditions and at low temperatures.

If fungicidal spraying of grapes is carried out shortly before cutting mature bunches, the procedure improves the safety of the crop. The treatment also reduces losses from rotting of collected berries by 40%.

What diseases is Horus used for grapes against?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Horus

The developers of Horus have identified a number of advantages that other fungicides do not have. First of all, experts highlight the ability of the active substance to quickly penetrate the structure of young leaves. This happens in 2 – 3 hours. The fungicide fights fungi in hot and cool weather, while simultaneously performing various functions useful for grapes:

  • Protective;
  • System;
  • Treatment and prophylaxis.

The product does not have a phytotoxic effect, and its consumption when spraying is lower than that of other protective drugs. The number of advantages of the fungicide is completed by the low mobility of the constituent components, which do not penetrate into groundwater.

Among the disadvantages of Horus, consumers highlight:

  1. Local effects of cyprodinil. This fact is considered a “minus” due to the fact that the drug cannot penetrate the structure of old leaves with a thick cuticle. In this regard, it is better to treat the garden in the spring, when young plants go through the initial stage of the growing season;
  2. At air temperatures above 25°C, the effectiveness of the drug on pathogens decreases;
  3. Spraying old leaves with cyprodinil reduces the effectiveness of treatment. Horus cannot cope with infection of adult grapes.

How to treat grapes with Horus: instructions

Each package of Horus is supplied with instructions for use for grapes and other fruit crops (cherry, cherry plum, peach, cherry, apricot, plum). The abstract gives the gardener recommendations on preparing the solution and spraying the plants.

To spray grapes, Horus solution is made from 6 g of the drug and 5 liters of water. For 1 hectare of plantation take 2 liters of solution. The rules for preparing the working substance require first pouring water into the spraying device, and then adding fungicide and other preparations, if necessary.

Spray the grapes in dry, windless weather, carefully irrigating all the leaves with the solution. The work is completed by washing the sprayer with running water. Horus provides protection to grape bushes for 7 – 10 days. The following treatment is carried out in warm weather using the drug Skor.

How many times can grapes be treated with Horus? Experts recommend spraying the young vine and leaves 3 times in one season:

  1. The first treatment occurs during the budding of the bushes, until they begin to bloom;
  2. The second time Horus is used is when the inflorescences transform into clusters;
  3. The final spraying is carried out as the berries ripen and change color.

Recommendations for use

It is important to know the following

  • For grapes, it will be useful to treat them with “Horus” almost before removing the ripe grapes. This measure contributes to the long-term preservation of fruits. There is (according to data from large plantation farms) a decrease in berry rotting by approximately 40%.
  • The main diseases that the drug is designed to fight, in addition to gray rot, are mildew, powdery mildew, fruit rot, oidium and leaf spot.
  • The developers emphasize that their drug not only penetrates the cellular structures of early leaves. It is equally effective on hot and relatively cold days. You can spray a vineyard with Horus without any risk, because it does not poison the plant itself.
  • Also positive features of the drug are its relatively low consumption compared to analogues and the impossibility of penetration of the active substance into groundwater.
  • A problem may arise due to the fact that cyprodinil does not get into the old foliage, which is already covered with a powerful cuticle. Therefore, it is necessary to use “Chorus” only in the spring, when young plants go through the vegetative phase.
  • If the air temperature is more than 25 degrees, the effectiveness of the mixture is reduced.
  • Before spraying, “Chorus” must be diluted in a proportion of 6 g of the drug per 5 liters of clean water. It is easy to calculate the amount of the prepared solution, if you consider that there should be 2 liters per 1 hundred square meters.

The spraying itself is carried out on a dry day when there is calm. It is necessary to process all leaves without exception.

The sprayer itself is washed with running water after completion of work. Important: first of all, the spraying device is filled with water and only after that the fungicide itself is added, and, if necessary, other drugs. The standard dosage, subject to basic requirements, ensures protection of the bush for 7-10 days. The solution remaining after treatment cannot be stored or reused. Sealed bags of Horus can be left in a dry place at temperatures from -10 to +35 degrees. According to agronomists, treatment should be carried out three times in one season.

The first time it is done after the buds appear (before flowering), the second time - when transforming the inflorescences into clusters. The final blow to pathological organisms is carried out, focusing on the ripening and color change of the berries. “Chorus” is compatible with “Arrivo”, “Impact”, “Opercat”, “Sumition”. During storage, the drug packaging should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Shelf life before opening is 3 years. Judging by reviews from gardeners, Horus is much better suited for treating grapes against foulbrood than alternative preparations. Many people manage to achieve an impressive result after just two treatments and preserve the harvest even against the background of a massive fungal infection.

You will learn more about the drug “Chorus” by watching the following video.

Differences from existing analogues

The systemic drug Horus, unlike most antifungal agents, is distinguished by its ability to maintain its effectiveness even under unfavorable conditions: excessive humidity, dry air, relatively low temperatures (+3 °C). In addition, the fungicidal agent does not pose a danger to human health, animals, or beneficial insects. The universal use of the drug makes it possible to use it not only in spring, but also in autumn.

Also, unlike other agrochemicals, Horus has a high attack rate. Just 2-3 hours after spraying garden plantings, the active component penetrates deep into the leaf plates. It has a minimal degree of phytotoxicity and excellent compatibility with other products from the group of agricultural poisons and chemicals. You should not worry about the accumulation of this drug in the ground; it does not concentrate in groundwater. And most importantly, with a small consumption of the drug, its high effectiveness is not lost.

In order for the fight against pathogenic microorganisms to be successful, it is necessary to treat young plants, since the active substance of the agrochemical cannot penetrate through the dense leaves of adult plantings. It is undesirable to use Chorus when the air is heated above 25 °C; under such conditions its performance properties are reduced.

Horus has received recognition from experienced and novice gardeners due to its universal use, rapid action and the ability to be used not only for spraying stone fruits (cherries, plums, peaches, etc.), pome fruit trees (apple trees, pears, etc.), but also shrubs.

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