Endowed with many advantages - Charoit potatoes: description and characteristics of the variety
The Charoit potato variety was created by Leningrad breeding specialists and the Belogorka Agricultural Research Institute. Grow it
Characteristics of Anna German tomato and agricultural technology for cultivating the variety
Planting tomatoes The first flower cluster in indeterminate tomatoes is formed after 9–11 leaves. First stepson
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Gloucester apples: photo and description of the variety, reviews, country of origin
Apples are the most common fruits that are eaten fresh or canned.
Photo of cabbage planting
Planting cabbage in May 2022 according to the lunar calendar, favorable days
To get a good harvest of cabbage in the fall, it is best to plant the vegetable in May according to
tomato frog princess in the photo reviews
A fairy tale on your site - the “Frog Princess” tomato: reviews and recommendations for proper cultivation
Most people are used to seeing red, pink and yellow tomatoes on their tables. They are available
The fruits have a pleasant taste
Small-fruited Korobovka apple tree - characteristics, photos, growing tips
One of the ancient early-ripening varieties of folk selection is the Korobovka apple tree, also known as Medunichka
Description and characteristics of Carmen grape variety, planting and cultivation
Description, characteristics of the variety The Carmen variety, obtained as a result of selective crossing, is not demanding in terms of composition
Dried onions
How to properly dry onions after harvesting from the garden and at home for the winter
Description and features of dried onions Dried onions can be prepared yourself or purchased ready-made,
Preparing the soil for planting potatoes: what soil acidity is needed
For potatoes, it is necessary to prepare fertile and soft soil. Root crops grow well on chernozems and loams
Why don't the leaves of the apple tree bloom in the spring - what to do?
The apple tree seedlings, planted in the fall, overwintered well. With the arrival of spring they should “fill up” their buds
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