What are indeterminate tomato varieties and what are the differences and differences from determinate tomatoes?

At the beginning of winter, beginning gardeners are faced with the question of which type of tomato to give preference to when growing, which varieties should be cultivated in a greenhouse and which in an open garden bed.
To become familiar with the types and varieties of tomatoes, you need to know what an indeterminate type of tomato is, since it is often used for growing in small areas. Dear readers! For you, we have created communities on social networks in which useful articles and interesting ideas are published several times a day! Subscribe and receive useful content in a convenient format!

What does an indeterminate tomato variety mean?

This means that the bush has no limited growth, and it can reach more than the 2 m mark. In a heated greenhouse, growth does not stop, and the species can produce 45 clusters with ovaries that are normal according to the tomato variety.

Therefore, in the conditions of the middle latitude of Russia, the top of this type of tomato should be removed so that those tomatoes that have already started on the bush have time to ripen.

Important! Indeterminate tomatoes can be grown in the southern and middle regions of Russia.

What it is?

Attention : Indeterminate tomatoes are tall crops that grow over a long period of time. During its entire development, the bush can reach 1.5 meters, and in some varieties - up to 6.

In the southern regions, such tomatoes can be planted in closed and open ground. As they grow, the stem must be tied to stakes or a trellis.

For mid-latitudes, it is recommended to grow indeterminate varieties in a greenhouse . But in the northern regions such varieties should not be planted. The point is the late ripening of these types of tomatoes. During the short northern summer, the fruits do not have time to ripen.

The main differences between determinate and indeterminate and other tomatoes

IndexDeterminant typeIndeterminate type
Bush growthThe bush grows to the height stated in the variety.Unlimited growth, the bush requires removal of the top.
Bush formationDoes not require tying.Requires a mandatory garter.
Structure of the handThe brushes are not large. Tomatoes may shrink towards the top. Collected in large clusters with tomatoes of the same size and shape
Education of stepchildrenAbundant.Average.
Harvest ripening timeTomatoes ripen immediately within a short period of time.Tomatoes ripen throughout the summer and until the first autumn frosts.
Recommended cultivation regionsAll regions of RussiaOnly the southern and part of the middle regions of Russia.

How are the seeds different?

In indeterminate varieties, the seeds have a larger diameter and stand out noticeably against the background of other varieties.

Differences in seedlings

Even at the stage of seed pecking, indeterminate bushes are already distinguished by their longer knee. It reaches 3-5 cm. Growing seedlings also stand out larger and have a strong, powerful stem.

What does an adult plant look like, features of the bush?

Mature bushes grow powerful, and after 2 weeks the greenhouse turns into a jungle. Provided that the tomato bushes are properly cared for.

Planting tomato seeds

To obtain a high-quality harvest, it is necessary not only to properly plant tomato bushes in greenhouses and provide them with proper care, but also to grow strong seedlings from which strong plants can form. You can buy tomatoes for planting only from a reliable seller who guarantees the quality of his planting material and its compliance with the variety.

Preparatory work

The soil for planting seeds is selected to be loose, neutral acidic, nutritious and light. To simplify the task, you can buy ready-made soil for industrially produced tomatoes. When preparing the soil yourself, it should have the following composition:

  • turf soil – 1 part;
  • peat – 1 part;
  • coarse river sand – 1 part;
  • compost - 2 parts.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! It is useful to add wood ash to the soil for seedlings, in the amount of 1 cup per 10 liter bucket.

The soil, if it is not factory-made, must be disinfected. To do this, a week before sowing the seeds, it must be calcined in the oven at a temperature of 70 degrees for 30 minutes. Then the soil is shed with a strong solution of manganese or phytosporin.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! If the seeds are planted in peat tablets, then no preparatory work is required.

When sowing seeds in the ground, use wooden or plastic boxes, cassettes or cups. For initial planting, containers with a volume of 100 to 200 ml are needed, and for diving - with a volume of 500 ml.

Growing seedlings

Before sowing seeds, they should be prepared. To prevent the occurrence of diseases in seedlings, all seeds that will be sown are disinfected. To do this, they are soaked for 30 minutes in a strong solution of manganese, which can be replaced with the drug phytosporin. After soaking, the seeds are washed in settled water and, to activate growth, they are dipped for 10-15 minutes in a stimulant such as zircon or epin.

Germinate the seeds before planting in the ground. To do this, cotton pads are laid out on a saucer and moistened with water. Then the seeds are placed on them and covered with the same wet disks. To create a greenhouse effect, you need to cover the saucer with plastic wrap or put a bag on it. Afterwards the saucer is placed in a warm place with a temperature of 22 to 30 degrees.

After the seeds germinate, they are planted in prepared soil. To do this, grooves are made in it at intervals of 3 cm between them and a depth of 1 cm, into which the seeds are laid at a distance of 2 cm from each other. If sowing is done in separate containers, then 2 seeds are planted in each cup or cassette, and then the strongest plant is left.

The container with seeds should be kept warm, at a temperature of 22 to 28 degrees, and covered with film until germination. The film is removed as soon as the plants emerge from the soil to prevent excessive moisture and rotting of the sprouts.

Feeding seedlings is mandatory. It is optimal to use for the first infusion, which is prepared at the rate of 1 part humus and 10 parts water. This feeding is carried out a week after the picking. The second time the tomatoes are fed with the following solution: ½ teaspoon of urea, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate per 5 liters of settled water. You can also use ready-made fertilizer for vegetable seedlings, which is sold in all gardening centers.

At the time of planting, the seedlings should have fully formed 9-10 full-fledged true leaves and a flower cluster. The length of the internodes is also an important indicator, and at planting it is 5-7 cm long.

Greenhouse seating charts

Typically, planting is carried out in the first ten days of May. For tomatoes in the greenhouse, beds with a height of 30 cm are prepared. The distance between them should be from 120 cm to 140 cm. A gap of 40 cm should be left between plants. A maximum of 3 bushes of indeterminate tomatoes can be planted per 1 m2.

At the time of planting, the lower leaves of the seedlings are broken off and sprayed with a solution of boric acid. Tomatoes begin to be tied a week after they are planted in the greenhouse. As the plant grows, it will need to be additionally tied up 2 times a week, otherwise the bush will break under the weight of its fruits. In order not to injure the tomato trunk, choose a wide ribbon made of soft material for tying.

See also Dates for picking tomatoes in March 2022

Types of indeterminate tomatoes

The indeterminate type of tomatoes is divided into types according to the size and color of the fruit:

  • Large-fruited with a weight of 500-1000 g;
  • Medium-fruited with a weight of 80-90 g;
  • Small-fruited with a weight of 30-50 g;
  • Pink;
  • Red;
  • Yellow.

There are many different types of indeterminate tomatoes and they all delight the gardener with the unique taste of the fruit.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of indeterminate varieties is the space saving. In a small garden bed you can plant several bushes, from which you can then harvest a decent harvest. A good indicator of productivity is considered to be 13-16 kg of tomatoes from a 1 m2 bed.

Other benefits are:

  • the possibility of creating optimal conditions for their growth;
  • use of vertical space;
  • uniformity of lighting of the bush;
  • normal ventilation of the plant;
  • resistance to fungal diseases;
  • ease of bush formation, which consists in eliminating stepsons;
  • long-term fruiting.

The disadvantages include the need to use a support and pinching. Indeterminate varieties are distinguished by a later onset of flowering and ripening of tomatoes , so they need artificial heating and lighting or a longer summer period.


  • Bushes of this type are tall and are grown in one trunk, tied vertically to a support. This method increases the amount of harvest and guarantees approximately 16 kg. From one square meter;
  • Tomato bushes are practically not exposed to diseases that are inherent in tomatoes; during cultivation, the lower leaf plates are removed before ripening tomatoes, and this increases the access of fresh air, which helps fight fungal diseases;
  • Extended fruiting period - usually lasts until the first severe cold snap. In the southern regions of Russia, the end of fruiting can be considered the end of October;
  • Care is quite simple , since this type of bush is cultivated in one stem, all stepsons are removed.
  • Harvesting is simple for a summer resident ; there is no need to bend over or crawl on your knees.

Rules of care

Typically, indeterminate tomatoes are grown in polycarbonate greenhouses. Plants need to be provided with timely watering, fertilizing and rooting. Without this, you cannot get a full harvest. With insufficient care, it will be insignificant, and the quality of the fruit will be low.

Watering mode

For tomatoes, the correct humidity level in the greenhouse is important. If you overdo it with watering, the plants may get sick, and if they don’t have enough water, then due to drought the fruits will be of poor quality. For tomatoes, air humidity should be 60%, and for soil - 90%. In such conditions, the bushes will fully develop, and fungal diseases cannot arise.

For tomatoes growing in a greenhouse, watering 1-2 times a week is sufficient. It is important to evaluate not only the level of soil moisture, but also the air. If it is too wet, then you need to postpone the next moistening of the soil a little. To assess soil moisture, you should look at how deeply it has dried. At a depth of 3-5 cm, the soil should always be moist. In order for a sufficient amount of oxygen to reach the roots, after watering the soil around the plant must be loosened.

Important! A good option is to organize a drip irrigation system that constantly maintains an optimal level of soil moisture.

Fertilizer application

Tomatoes are fertilized regularly several times a season. If you ignore them, you will not be able to get a full harvest, since the plants will not have enough strength to lay a large number of ovaries and allow them to fully ripen. This also applies to areas with nutritious soils.

The first fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out at the moment of active growth of stems and leaves, as soon as the planted bushes take root. The second application of fertilizer occurs at the time of flowering. Then the tomato’s need for potassium increases. To satisfy it, potassium sulfate is added to the soil. The third feeding is carried out 20 days after the first and an infusion of ash is used for it. When the fruiting period begins, superphosphate is needed. It is embedded in the soil under the bushes and then watered. The granules dissolve slowly, so they nourish the plants for a long time. Fertilizer application rates are indicated on their packaging.

When growing indeterminate tomatoes, special attention should be paid to fertilizing. If low-growing varieties can often do without them without losing much in yield, then tall varieties simply will not bear fruit.

Shaping and garter

Bushes must be formed. Fruiting clusters are formed after the 9th leaf. First, the first one appears, and after a short period of time, the second one develops 3 leaves higher, and so on continues along the entire stem.

The first stepson is formed after the appearance of the first brush, just below it. It can be left to increase the yield of the plant. As soon as the first brush is formed on it, it is pinched, leaving 2 sheets above the brush. All other stepsons are removed from the bush immediately after their appearance. They should be removed by hand. They break off easily and do not leave significant damage on the stem.

Leaves from the plant begin to be plucked from mid-June. This is done according to the following scheme: as soon as the tomatoes on the bunch reach their size established by the variety, the leaves underneath it break off. This must be done by pulling the sheet to the right or left. You cannot tear them off by pressing down, as this easily damages the stem, which is dangerous for the tomato.

At the beginning of August, all bushes are plucked, removing the crown, and thereby stopping their growth. In mid-August, all the flowers are picked off. In early September, the entire ovary, which is less than 2 cm in size, is cut off so that the remaining tomatoes have time to gain sufficient weight before the cold weather.

The garter is made to a vertical trellis. Twine 4 mm thick is tied to a wire trellis near the ceiling of the greenhouse and lowered down. The lower end is tied around the stem of the plant at the base, and then it is wrapped every 2 leaves. As the lash grows, it is wrapped around the twine.

Disease and pest control

To prevent the occurrence of tomato diseases, it is important to strictly follow the rules of watering and feeding them. Indeterminate varieties are resistant to diseases and pests, and therefore usually there should be no problems when growing them. To protect against flying insects, you need to hang a fine mesh on the windows of the greenhouse. If diseases or pests appear, it is necessary, if possible, to immediately treat the crop with a treatment agent or remove the diseased bush from the greenhouse.

The best indeterminate varieties

There are a large number of such varieties and the best of them are:

  1. “Miracle of the Earth” is an early ripening variety; the bush grows to a height of 2 m. The tomatoes have a heart shape and weigh up to 500 grams. The variety is drought-resistant, the fruits do not crack with heavy watering and tolerate transportation well.
  2. “Christina Plum” - the height of the bush reaches 2 m. With proper care, the yield is 8 kg. from the bush. The cream-shaped fruit has a tiger color.

  3. “Cherokee” - the fruits are collected in a cluster and ripen in it at the same time, the fruits do not crack. The variety is popular among gardeners.

  4. “Star Gold” - the fruits are collected in clusters, each individual yellow tomato weighs 30 grams. The variety is not picky about soil.

  5. “Andreevsky Surprise” - the fruits grow to almost 1 kg. The ripening of the first fruits begins 120 days after seed germination. Variety of universal use.

Determinate variety of tomatoes: what is it?

It is quite simple to determine what a determinant type is - these are plants that, at one stage of the growing season, stop growing in height. This feature allows the bushes to redirect nutrients to inflorescences or fruits, instead of wasting them on a set of green mass. However, this may activate the lateral shoots, which enhance the bushiness of the tomatoes.

Typically, determinate tomatoes stop growing after the flower clusters appear. The top of the main stem of the bush ends in an inflorescence.

The average height of plants of this variety is 0.8 m. There are several subtypes of determinate tomatoes:

  • semi-determinate;
  • superdeterminant;
  • standard.

Subtypes differ both in the maximum height of the bushes and in the principle of branching. This means that plants need different care and formation during the growing season.

Which indeterminate varieties are suitable for open ground?

For growing in open ground, it is better to pay attention to the following varieties:

  1. “Bull's Heart” is the most popular variety among gardeners. The fruits are sugary and weigh 500 g. Do not crack. The yield of the variety is 5 kg. from the bush.

  2. “Abakan pink” - has a mid-season ripening period, the height of the bush reaches 180 cm. The fruits are shaped like a heart and have a pink color. Fruit weight 300 g.

  3. “King of Siberia” is the best variety among orange-colored tomatoes. The fruits are large and sugary, reaching 1 kg. The variety is resistant to diseases.

  4. “Japanese crab” is a new variety, the ripening period is 120 days from the moment of seedling germination. Fruits that are flattened at the poles have ribbing and a red tint.

  5. “Chernomor” amazes not only with the unusual color of the fruit, but also with its excellent taste. The yield, even in bad weather conditions, is 4 kg. from one bush.

  6. “Honey Spas” - the bush reaches a height of 2 m; it will take them 110 days from the moment the seeds germinate to fully ripen the tomatoes. The shape of the fruit resembles a heart and the color is orange. Leads in sugar content in pulp. The weight of the tomato is 170 g. The yield per bush is 6 kg.

Features of agricultural technology of determinate tomatoes

Caring for determinate tomatoes has its own characteristics. In general, the list of agricultural techniques is standard:

  • abundant but infrequent watering;
  • fertilizing (at the root, foliar spraying) with organic matter and mineral fertilizers;
  • stepsoning;
  • bush formation;
  • carrying out preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

In most regions of the country, tomatoes are grown as seedlings; after planting, the children can grow in a greenhouse, as well as in open ground.

For unprotected soil, low-growing varieties (including dwarfs) are usually selected, while tall, determinate tomatoes are preferably grown in greenhouses. You can get your own seeds from varieties, but you cannot do this from hybrids, so you will have to purchase seed material of determinate tomatoes every season.

Features of plant formation

Of all the subgroups of determinate tomatoes, it is easiest to “work” with superdeets and standard varieties, which have a small number of stepsons and do not need to be pinched. Such tomatoes are an ideal choice for beginning gardeners, as well as those who, due to their busy schedule, cannot pay much attention to caring for the crop.

Caring for tomatoes of the determinate group will take time, since only with the correct formation of the bush can you get the maximum yield from them. How to form such plants?

Usually they are “led” into one or two trunks, leaving either a single fruit-bearing main stem, or in addition to it a stepson. Most often, the one that grows under the first flower cluster and is the most powerful and strong is left.

It is recommended to form semi-determinate tomatoes in a stepwise manner, when one side shoot is preserved, and the main stem is pinched later. The harvest is obtained due to the fruiting brushes of the central trunk, the stepsons of the lateral stem, while their tops are gradually (stepwise) pinched off. If you have space in the greenhouse, you can grow plants with two or three stems, following planting patterns and providing such bushes with adequate nutrition.


Removing side shoots is required for most varieties of this group, and this must be done correctly. The shoots are removed by breaking them off or cutting them off, leaving a small stump in the bosom no more than one and a half centimeters long.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning so that the wounds dry out during the day and do not become infected. Tomato bushes should be pruned regularly, about once a week, without allowing the shoots to grow longer than 5-6 cm.

ON A NOTE! It is recommended to disinfect tools for work in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Timely pinching reduces the density of plantings, accelerates the formation and ripening of fruits, which generally increases the overall yield. Also, removing side shoots improves air exchange in greenhouses, thereby reducing the risk of infections.

Tomato garter

Many determinate plants need supports and garter, otherwise the bushes may break under the weight of the fruit. It is recommended to grow such tomatoes in greenhouses using trellises.

Stakes with cotton ribbons (ribbons) are also used, but the garters should not be firmly fixed on stems and branches. In open ground, it is recommended to tie low tomato bushes to stakes during the fruiting period.

Removing leaves

Along with the side shoots, some of the leaves are removed from the tomatoes. They mainly pinch off the leaves at the bottom of the stem, as well as those growing on the left side shoots.

By the time the fruits ripen, there should be no leaves left on the first cluster at the bottom of the stem. In this case, they are removed gradually, no more than 1-2 sheets at a time.

Pinching plants

Pinching the stems is done during the process of plant formation; it is also necessary for some varieties of tomatoes in August. In the first case, the stem is pinched when a stepwise plant formation scheme is used.

In the second case, pinching is done so that the plant devotes all its energy to the ripening of the set fruits.

ON A NOTE! When pinching the stem or shoots, you need to be careful, and you need to leave two leaves above the ovary.

Pinching, like pinching, is recommended to be done in the morning.


Determinate, and especially semi-determinant varieties are mostly generative plants. When there is a heavy load of fruits, they need complete feeding, which must contain all the necessary nutritional elements.

Features of fertilizing:

  • during the flowering of the first clusters, the plant needs more phosphorus;
  • during the period of fruit filling on these clusters, priority in fertilizing is given to nitrogen and potassium;
  • when the next clusters begin to bloom, phosphorus is added again;
  • During mass fruiting, potassium is added.

Such alternation in the application of fertilizers makes it possible to fully provide the tomatoes with nutrition, and therefore ultimately obtain good results.

Which indeterminate varieties are suitable for greenhouses

Many indeterminate varieties can be grown in greenhouses, but the leading ones are:

  1. “An Amateur’s Dream” is a late-ripening variety, the fruits are red and reach 600 grams. With proper care, the yield from one tomato bush is 10 kg.

  2. "Marfa" - mid-ripening and has a high yield. The fruits are sugary and fleshy; the weight of the fruit is 130 g. The variety is resistant to diseases and tolerates transportation well.

  3. “Orange miracle” - the fruits are noted for their good taste and have an orange tint of a dense tomato mass. The fruits weigh 150 grams.

  4. “Sprut” is a mid-season ripening variety. Marked by rapid growth of the vegetative mass of the bush. If you do not monitor the planting of this variety, the bush grows up to 6 m without formation. The variety has a good yield of fruits that are uniform in shape and weight. Suitable for preservation.

  5. “De Barao” - a tall variety reaches 2 m. Depending on the subspecies, the fruits can be: red; yellow; pink; black. Bushes can grow and bear fruit under almost any conditions, even growing slightly in partial shade. The fruits are noted for their good taste and reach 60-80 g.

  1. “Sunny Circle” – has good indicators of resistance to stressful situations. It resists diseases that are inherent in tomato bushes well. Tomatoes grow in weight of 300 grams, round shape, light orange color. The taste is sugary.

Interesting! Find out also about determinate tomatoes

Features of seedling production

Timing of sowing seeds

Plants with a long growing season must be planted in the ground as early as possible in order to maximize the use of daylight energy to ripen more ovaries. Seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 55-65 days. To this period you need to add another 5-7 days for seedlings grown with picking.

Taking this into account, you can calculate the time for sowing seeds for seedlings, which will depend on what type of greenhouse or open ground it will be planted in.

For heated greenhouses, seedlings can begin to be prepared in December, but in this case additional lighting of the seedlings will be required to lengthen the daylight hours.

Attention! The sowing container must be treated for disinfection with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or scalded with boiling water.

For sowing seeds, it is better to use special soils that are fully balanced in terms of basic parameters.

Sowing seeds

If everything is ready for sowing, the dates have been determined, approximately 2/3 of the seedling mixture is poured into the prepared container, which is first well moistened.

Advice! Do not water the soil after sowing the seeds, as this contributes to their absorption into the soil, deterioration of germination and air exchange.

Sow in furrows with row spacing of about 5 cm, a distance of 1.5-2 cm between seeds, to a depth of 1.5 cm. Excessive deepening of seeds will affect germination, and thickening, as well as lack of lighting, contributes to the elongation of seedlings.

When to dive?

Picking is transplanting seedlings into a looser container (with a size of at least 8x8 cm). It stimulates the development of the root system of seedlings. Pinch the tap root to form lateral branching. Picking is carried out after 1-2 true leaves emerge from the cotyledons.

This period begins 10-14 days after sowing, depending on the variety and growing conditions.

In this video, the author explains how best to shape indeterminate tomato varieties grown in a greenhouse.

How to stepchild?

Tomatoes should be harvested in the morning and preferably in sunny weather. This will help the wounds heal quickly, and rot will not develop at the cut site. Stepchildren must be removed regularly until they reach 5 cm in length.

Important! When breaking out the stepson, you need to leave a stump 2 cm long. This will slow down the growth of new stepsons in this place.

The best greenhouse species and hybrids

Indeterminate varieties are excellent for growing in greenhouses. Here you need to properly care for them:

  1. create a certain temperature;
  2. do not forget about ventilation and timely feeding.

Verlioka F1

This variety is an early ripening variety. It takes 100-115 days from germination to ripening. This hybrid gives a high yield . The bush grows up to 2 m. Red fruits weighing 65-90 grams have a flat-round shape. It is resistant to tobacco mosaic.

Watch a video about the features of Verlioka F1 tomatoes:

Octopus F1

Octopus F1 is an excellent variety of indeterminate tomatoes. The tomatoes themselves are dark red in color without green spots near the stem. These tomatoes can be grown in a greenhouse all year round. If good conditions are created for their growth, it is possible to harvest several times a year.

Watch a video about the features of tomatoes of the Sprut F1 variety:

Tretyakovsky F1

This tall, mid-early tomato hybrid has raspberry fruits , each of which weighs 120-130 grams. The brushes on the bushes are arranged compactly. They weigh 8-9 tomatoes. The juicy flesh shines when cut. This tomato contains in large quantities:

  • selenium;
  • carotene;
  • lycopene

The variety is different:

  1. high productivity;
  2. increased shade tolerance;
  3. resistance to padosporium, fusarium and mosaic.

This type of tomato bears fruit despite unfavorable weather conditions.


Gardeners love this variety because of its very sweet sugar fruits. The dense pink flesh allows them to be easily transported. These tomatoes taste very good. They are delicious in salads. The plant is resistant to temperature fluctuations and many diseases .

Start F1

Start F1 has red fruits, the weight of which reaches at least 120 grams. This variety is perfect for any purpose: canning, making salads, ketchup and juice.

Selfesta F1

It will be possible to harvest these indeterminate Dutch hybrids in 115 days. These excellent-tasting tomatoes are smooth and slightly flattened. The weight of the fruit reaches 120 g. They are resistant to viral diseases.

Intact F1

This variety, due to its unlimited growth, needs to be pinched at the top . Fruit ripening occurs 108 days after complete germination. Tomatoes grow of medium size, weighing 80-90 grams, with a slightly ribbed surface, pleasant to the taste.

Wonder of the earth

The miracle of the earth is an indeterminate mid-early variety. In a greenhouse it ripens on the 100th day, in open ground a little later. With drip irrigation, the yield from 1 bush can reach 20 kg.

The fruits themselves are bright pink in color and have a round, flattened shape. Weight is about 500 g. The pulp is fleshy and sweetish. The variety is universal. Small tomatoes can be used for canning .

Watch a video about the features of tomatoes of the “Miracle of the Earth” variety:

Planting and care

The main stages of planting and caring for tomato beds:

  • Sowing of seeds begins at the end of February. To do this, they are checked for germination and treated with growth stimulants;
  • Sow in containers filled with nutritious and loose soil, cover with glass and place in a warm place without direct sunlight;
  • When the seedlings emerge, the shelter is removed and further care consists of watering and turning with different sides in relation to the sun;
  • When the seedling bushes have 2-3 true leaves, begin to pick the seedlings into separate containers;
  • In May-June, depending on the region of cultivation, seedlings are planted without thickening the plantings;
  • The garden bed requires certain care: Timely watering;
  • Weed removal;
  • Fertilizer application.

By observing all this, you can get the harvest specified by the manufacturer.

Main differences between the species

To obtain a bountiful harvest at minimal cost, choose hybrids rather than varieties. They are more resistant to disease and climate change and mature faster. Determinate varieties are preferred outdoors, while all others are suitable for greenhouses.

The big advantage of indeterminate varieties is that they produce a lot of fruit all year round. Over the entire growing season, one bush produces up to 40-50 bunches of tomatoes.

The characteristic features of the species are noticeable already at the age of the first shoots and cuttings. Unrestricted seedlings have an elongated bend (5-7 cm), while in the second type the bend is up to 3 cm. Also at the stage of ovary formation, the difference is noticeable - in tall-growing leaves 8-9 leaves are formed, and in limited ones - 5-6 true ones. A clearer difference can be seen in the table below:

Seedling length1-3 cm3-7 cm
First ovaryAfter the fifth sheetAfter 8-9 leaves
Beam spacing2-3 sheetsEvery 3 exits
Bush height40-170 cm2-4 months
Fruit ripening timeEarly maturationLate
How to growInside and outsideJust a greenhouse
Number of fruit bunches5-10 pcs.Many (up to 40)

Possible errors during cultivation

Sometimes inexperienced gardeners complain that tomatoes do not look like the stated description. But if you look carefully at how tomatoes were grown, you can often see the following mistakes:

  • Bushes are grown in more than one stem;
  • Step-sonning is not carried out;
  • There is no application of mineral fertilizers;
  • There is no timely watering;
  • Loosening the soil around the tomato bush is not done.

You need to take care of the tomato bushes and then the harvest will be as stated in the description.

Which types are best suited for growing in a summer cottage?

Each summer cottage has its own soil and climate characteristics. If you have a greenhouse whose height exceeds two meters, then indeterminate tomatoes can be planted in it. They will be able to stretch to their full height and will enjoy the harvest all season long. But if the greenhouse is small or absent altogether, then you should opt for standard, determinate tomatoes.

It’s impossible to say for sure - this variety is better, and this one is worse. You need to choose tomatoes that will be the best option for the needs of the gardener. Another important question is whether it grows in closed or open ground. If there are these two species in the same area, then you can afford to plant determinate and indeterminate tomatoes.

The best varieties suitable for growing in open ground

First, it’s worth understanding the concept of “open ground.” So, open ground is a part of a land plot that is not covered by anything, closed, etc. Roughly speaking, this is open-air land, that is, the direct opposite of greenhouses.

Gardeners do not always have the opportunity to install a greenhouse or greenhouse on their plot. Often, lovers of home vegetables have to grow tomatoes in areas exposed to weather conditions. The best varieties of tomatoes that love open ground are considered to be:

Raspberry ringing f1

  • He will sing early;
  • high productivity;
  • fruit weight – up to 200 g.

The best low-growing tomatoes for open ground


  • Unpretentiousness;
  • fetal weight – 50-55 g;
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • good for salads and marinades.

Moravian miracle

  • High yield;
  • fruit weight – 80 g;
  • suitable for preservation.

Koenigsberg gold

  • Weather resistance;
  • good yield;
  • fruit weight – 270-300 g.

Selecting a type depending on the region

When thinking about choosing a variety, a gardener proceeds not only from his preferences regarding the early maturity of the crop, the shape, size and taste of the fruit. It is important to correlate the quality characteristics of the variety with the climatic conditions of the growing region. A mistake at this point can have fatal consequences for the future harvest.

Indeterminate tomatoes are famous for their productivity. However, they ripen a month later than determinate varieties. Taking into account this feature, it is necessary to decide on the placement of seedlings on the site. The warm and moderately humid climate of the southern regions of the country makes it possible to successfully grow such tomatoes both in a greenhouse and in open beds. Beyond the Urals and in central Russia, greenhouse cultivation is preferable.

In northern latitudes, standard varieties are becoming the only alternative to completely abandoning the cultivation of indeterminate tomatoes. Low-growing, with a strong thick stem, standard tomatoes are resistant to the vagaries of the weather and require minimal care.

Their happy owners are freed from the tedious chores of tying and pinching bushes. And the fruits will be pleased with early ripeness at the end of June. They tolerate long-term storage and transportation well.

Most determinate varieties are adapted to open and closed types of soil. They take root well in any climate zone of our country. But in conditions of short and cold summers, it is better to grow them in greenhouses.

Benefits of growing

Proper cultivation techniques will help unlock the many benefits of indeterminate tomatoes, especially when grown in a greenhouse.

It is advantageous to cultivate such varieties in a small area, since they form into 1 stem, sometimes 2. With this formation, the plant is a tall shoot, hung with clusters of fruits, which is very convenient for a small area. A narrow strip of planting takes up little space.

Slender rows of tall tomatoes

Attention! It is especially good to grow such varieties in a greenhouse. They are easy to guide along a rope stretched between the roof and the ground surface.

Determinate and indeterminate tomatoes: which varieties are better

During the course of the article, it became clear what determinate tomatoes are and what an indeterminate variety is. It is very difficult to choose the best one. Comparing varieties of varieties gives an idea of ​​their characteristics, pros and cons. Determinate and indeterminate modern tomato varieties are suitable for certain climatic zones and have different yield rates.

If a bountiful harvest is important, an indeterminate tomato is the most profitable to grow. If it is necessary for a friendly and early harvest, preference is given to determinate type tomatoes, but the yield and size of the fruit will be less.

It is necessary to approach the choice of variety consciously. To try the fruits and find out what kind of indeterminate tomato it is, you will have to make every effort, but it will pay off with an “outlandish” harvest. But determinate varieties will also require some effort and will bring early harvest and health benefits.

For the garden

In open ground, to grow tall tomatoes, you will need to build a frame to tie up the plant. For such conditions, you can choose the varieties listed below.


These tomatoes are very popular due to their juicy and sweet fruits , the weight of which reaches 100 grams. The color of the tomato is red-orange, round in shape with a pointed nose. The variety belongs to the mid-early variety and is characterized by high yield. It can be consumed fresh until December, and is also good for canning.

Watch a video about the features of tomatoes of the Tarasenko-2 variety:

De Barao

From 1 De Barao bush you can harvest about 10 kg of tomatoes. The variety is distinguished by its high taste qualities. The plant grows strongly in height, sometimes reaching over 2 meters. The fruits are oval in shape. Their weight is 50-100 g. They are perfectly preserved. There are several varieties of the De Barao variety regarding color. They are:

  • red;
  • black;
  • orange;
  • yellow.

Watch a video about the features of De Barao tomatoes:

Wonder of the world

This indeterminate variety is mid-season. It should be grown in 1-2 stems. Basically, 4-5 pieces of clusters are formed, each of them contains approximately 25 fruits. The weight of one is 50-60 g. The color and shape of the tomatoes are very beautiful. They taste great and contain large amounts of beta-carotene. The fruits are excellent for fresh consumption and canning .

King of Siberia

One of the large tomatoes bred by Siberian breeders is the indeterminate variety King of Siberia. The average weight of its bright yellow fruits reaches 200-300 grams; the fruits hanging below often weigh 400 grams. They have thin skin and sweet, fleshy flesh.

Mikado black

The color of these tomatoes is dark, purple-burgundy. The variety is mid-season and large-fruited. The flesh of these tomatoes is sweetish, and the presence of acid is felt . The weight of heart-shaped or flat-round fruits reaches 300 g. The surface is ribbed. Planted in a greenhouse, they give a good harvest. Tomatoes are intended for making salads.

Watch a video about the features of Mikado black tomatoes:


The advantages of this mid-season variety are:

  1. excellent taste;
  2. high productivity;
  3. resistance to disease and frost.

The raspberry-colored fruits have dense, fleshy pulp . Their weight can reach 500 grams.

Important : This hybrid needs regular feeding and loosening of the soil. The plant requires systematic abundant watering, obligatory pinching and reliable support.

Honey drop

Tomatoes of this variety look like drops. They are yellow in color and very light in weight - 30 grams. They taste sweet. Honeydrop is immune to a large number of diseases . The variety is drought resistant.

Watch a video about the features of Honey Drop tomatoes:

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