Tomato Egyptian rook characteristics and description of the variety

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Egyptian Rook, reviews, photos

Mid-season, tall, productive tomato variety. In the middle zone, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse.

The bush is powerful, indeterminate type, up to 2 meters high. Requires tying to the support and pinning. The best results were obtained when forming a plant with 1 or 2 stems.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are flat-round (many are boat-shaped, hence the name), quite dense, rich pink in color at maturity, weighing 300-600 grams (up to 700 g), fleshy, very tasty. These tomatoes are good for fresh consumption, making juice and sauces.

If the plant is formed into 1 stem and the amount of ovary is normalized, then you can easily get fruits weighing up to 1 kg.

If you grew Egyptian Rook tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush as a whole or individual fruits you grew. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Egyptian Boat tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

  • December 26, 2022 09:22:07

The Egyptian boat tomato is characterized by a fairly high yield and, with proper care and regular watering, produces very large fruits, the weight of which reaches 700 grams and even 1 kilogram. But this is not the only feature that attracts attention to it, so let’s take a closer look at this type of plant of the nightshade family.

Care measures

As soon as shoots appear, the shelter must be removed and the containers moved to a well-lit windowsill. During this period, plants need to be properly cared for. This will allow you to grow healthy seedlings.

Care consists of the following:

  1. Temperature conditions. Plants require a temperature of approximately 20 degrees.
  2. Light mode. Tomatoes need good lighting. Experienced gardeners use lamps for additional lighting.
  3. Watering. Seedlings should be watered rarely, and you need to focus on soil moisture. You should not overwater the plants, otherwise the root part will begin to rot.
  4. Hardening. 2 weeks before transplanting seedlings into the ground, hardening should be carried out. Plants must be taken outside, gradually increasing the time spent in the fresh air.

Planting and care

Ready-made soil can be purchased at the store. When making it yourself, you need to mix garden soil, peat and river sand, add a little wood ash and superphosphate. Sowing of seeds is carried out 60-65 days before transferring the bushes to a permanent place. They are placed in grooves 1-2 cm deep, lightly sprinkled with soil, watered with a spray bottle or a teaspoon and germinated in a warm place. Then the young seedlings will need good lighting.

3-4 bushes per 1 sq.m. are planted in a permanent place.

Further care includes 3 feedings per season, tying, pinching, regular watering, preferably drip, and preventative spraying against pests.

Growing seedlings

To get a high-quality harvest, you need to take care of growing seedlings. First of all, the following preparation activities should be carried out:

  1. Land preparation. Tomatoes are considered capricious crops; they prefer to grow in nutritious soil. The soil should be purchased at the store, or you can make it yourself. To do this, mix sand and peat and add fertilizer.
  2. Preparing containers. Tomatoes can be grown in any container. However, culture has a negative attitude towards picking. Therefore, it is advisable to select separate containers for planting seeds.
  3. Seed preparation. In order for the seedlings to appear together, the seeds should be prepared. First, they need to be tested for germination. To do this, the seeds should be immersed in a glass of salted water.
  4. Specimens that sink to the bottom are suitable for planting. The remaining seeds should be removed. All preparatory activities have been completed. It's time to start planting. The planting process is quite simple and does not take much time.

The first step is to fill the containers with soil, water it, and distribute the planting material. The top of the crops should be sprinkled with earth and covered with glass.

Note! Containers must be placed in a warm place. There is no need to carry out care procedures before the emergence of seedlings.


As soon as the plants get stronger, it is worth planting them in the garden. According to calendar dates, this should be done no earlier than May. By this time, the soil will have warmed up well, and the threat of frost will have completely passed.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the area. To do this, you need to dig it up, clear it of weeds, and apply fertilizer. Next, you should prepare the holes and carefully plant the plants.

To reap a good harvest, crops need to be looked after. Basic care is as follows:

  1. Watering. Tomatoes are considered moisture-loving crops. They need to be watered regularly and carefully. Watering must be done at the root, without getting on the leaf part.
  2. Weeding. Weeds slow down plant growth, so it is necessary to get rid of them in a timely manner. In addition, weeds can cause diseases and pests.
  3. Loosening the soil. The procedure is important; it allows you to get rid of the soil crust. As a result, air will flow to the root part.
  4. Feeding. During the season, fertilizing is required three times. For this, it is allowed to use organic and mineral compounds.
  5. Garter and stepson. Procedures are considered important. They allow you to improve the quality of the harvest and protect plants from unfavorable factors.
  6. Processing of crops. The Egyptian Rook tomato is resistant to many diseases. However, treating crops with chemicals will not be superfluous.

Note! To protect plants from diseases and pests, crop rotation should be strictly observed and all care activities should be carried out on time.

Top 2. Pink Elephant

Rating (2021): 4.84

Excellent taste and cold resistance Pink elephant is loved by gardeners for its sweet, juicy and fleshy pulp. Even in the short Ural summer, tomatoes have time to turn red in the greenhouse.

  • Characteristics

    Ripening period: 110-115 days

  • Fruit weight: 250-300 g
  • Productivity: up to 4 kg per bush
  • Bush height: 150-160 cm

“Pink Elephant” is a mid-ripening variety, but begins to ripen simultaneously with the early ones. In the weather conditions of the southern and middle Urals, it turns red on the vine and fully gains sugar content. The standard height of the bushes is 150-160 cm, but in a greenhouse they grow above two meters. The growth is simply rapid, you need to form the plants in time. The best option is to leave one or two stems. Then the tomatoes will be large and neighboring tomatoes of other varieties will not suffer from shading and oppression. The fruits are a pleasant pink-raspberry color, sweet, tender and very juicy. But tomatoes crack due to temperature changes and non-compliance with the watering regime, which is why they are poorly stored.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Large fruits
  • Sweet and meaty
  • Disease resistance
  • Intensive growth
  • The fruits are cracking
  • Average yield

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See also:

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Tomato Sarah

Characteristics of the variety

Variety typeHybrid
Bush typeIndeterminate
Soil typeFilm greenhouses
PrecocityEarly ripening
Fruit weight200 g
Productivity22 kg/sq.m
Taste qualitiesGreat
Number of nests6

When it comes to growing tomatoes, experienced farmers and summer residents most often recommend trying the Sarra variety. Even though it is a hybrid form, its taste will give shape to many natural varieties, as Sarra is often described as a tomato with a “childhood” taste.

Unfortunately, with the help of a short article it will not be possible to describe the taste and aroma of these tomatoes, but you can at least figure out what else is good about this variety.


To begin with, we note that the Sarah tomato is a French invention. This hybrid form is being developed by the Clause company and it was originally intended that these tomatoes would only be grown on an industrial scale, and not in home gardens.

But then the variety was refined, it gained great popularity in Europe, especially in the UK, Italy and its native France. Gradually it reached Eastern Europe, and in Russia it was entered into the state register in 2022 with the designation “early ripening salad hybrid.”

Among its main characteristics:

  • Bushes grow up to 2 meters in greenhouses; in open ground they usually grow to just over 1 meter.
  • The stems are powerful, the distribution of fruits throughout the bush is always uniform.
  • The average weight of one fruit is 200–350 g.
  • The fruits are fleshy, dense and juicy.
  • The shape of the fruit is heart-shaped with a small beak. This is a characteristic feature of Sarra tomatoes.
  • The seeds are small and there are few of them.
  • The taste is tomato, sweet and sour, not bland.
  • The color is rich red, but natural.
  • The smell is present, characteristic, like other tomatoes.

Among the advantages of Sarra tomatoes:

  • High yield - more than 5 kg of fruits from one bush.
  • Uniform, rapid growth.
  • Suitable for sale and culinary decoration due to its appearance.
  • The fruits do not crack and retain their shape.
  • The bushes are unpretentious, even with minimal care the harvest is guaranteed to be good.
  • Resistance to low and high temperatures.
  • Resistance to stress.
  • Resistance to the main diseases to which tomatoes are susceptible.
  • When ripening and storing, it does not lose its appearance and taste.

By the way, in Europe the variety of these tomatoes is called not Sarah, but Gourmandia. So, if you see the designation “Gourmand” in recipes or stores, you can be sure that these are the same sweet and juicy tomatoes that you would like to try.


It is best to grow tomatoes of this variety in film greenhouses, so we will consider the planting method specifically for these conditions. However, regardless of whether the greenhouse is heated or not, and whether you plant bushes in a greenhouse or open ground, the scheme will always be almost the same.

Growing seedlings

First, the seedlings must be planted. This happens in the first ten days of March. Tomatoes of the Sarra variety have good germination, so after 4–5 days you can find stronger seedlings. The loops straighten out quickly, and progress can be recorded daily.

For proper seedlings you will need the following mixture:

  1. Turf soil and humus in a 1 to 1 ratio.
  2. Mineral complex - for 1 kg of soil mixture you need about 7 g of superphosphate, as well as 1 gram of potassium salt and ammonium sulfate.

Next, the diving process begins, although it may not be carried out. But if you are used to growing with picking, then you need to do it at the end of March, on the 20th of the month.

Landing in the ground

Planting of Sarah tomatoes in a permanent place occurs from late April to mid-May.

Here it is important to maintain planting density - this is 2 bushes per 1 square meter. After this, all that remains is to properly care for the plants and wait for the harvest.

First of all, the bushes will need to be tied up, since there are supposed to be a lot of fruits, and they have a decent weight for tomatoes. And it doesn’t depend on whether you use a greenhouse or open ground.

As mentioned earlier, this variety is not very demanding on its nutrition, but if you want to use fertilizers, pay attention to potassium-phosphorus complexes.

After transplantation into open ground has occurred, it is recommended to fertilize weekly with soluble NPK (1:1:1). Fertilizer can be purchased either root or foliar; they are both suitable, but are not used at the same time.

As soon as fruit coloring begins, the nitrogen content in the fertilizing should be reduced, but the potassium concentration should be increased. You can use potassium nitrate.

If you want to do everything perfectly, then also use:

  • Drip irrigation.
  • Fertigation method when carrying out fertilizing.

All this will be enough so that in a couple of months the bushes with tomatoes of the Sarra variety will delight you with the first harvests. That is, by the end of June you will have beautiful, juicy and incredibly sweet tomatoes on your table that can be used to decorate any dish.

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