Planting winter garlic in the fall: timing, rules and recommendations
Garlic is a very healthy product, so it is one of the most common vegetables that
Planting cucumbers in May 2022 according to the lunar calendar: favorable days
Cucumbers are among the most popular vegetable crops. Seeds are rarely planted for seedlings. Usually
Growing, caring for and feeding onions for turnips in open ground
The best varieties of onions Planting a crop begins with choosing seeds. To get a bow with
Description of melon varieties with names, what varieties there are
Early varieties of melon Melons with a growing season of 60 - 80 days are considered early ripening. AND
Suvorov onion (Anzur): cultivation and care, photo, benefits and harm, how to plant
Suvorov's onion, or Anzur (Allium suworowii), is an original early flowering crop that is grown by many gardeners.
Honeysuckle “Pride of Bakchar” - description and technology for growing a large-fruited variety
Honeysuckle is a valuable berry; it is useful for hypertensive patients, as it lowers blood pressure. Until 2000
Large Darselect strawberries on the palm
Strawberry Darselect: detailed characteristics of a large-fruited variety and features of growing a good harvest
The Darselect strawberry was obtained in France in 1998. Its “parents” were popular in
Photo of digging up tulips
When to dig up tulip bulbs after flowering in open ground
If you do not want your tulips to become smaller and degenerate over time, you should
description of tomato summer resident
Tomato Summer resident: description of an early and easy-to-care tomato variety
A summer resident at the dacha, and we’re not talking about men at all who take their
tomato Mahitos
Large-fruited Dutch hybrid tomatoes "Majitos": secrets of proper care for a bountiful harvest
Tomato Makhitos f1: description of the variety and characteristics Tomato Makhitos: photo of the variety Tomato variety Makhitos
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