Cucumber Phoenix Plus: variety description, reviews, photos, yield
Updated: April 16, 2019 Phoenix, Phoenix 640 and Phoenix plus cucumber varieties are the most
Cherry (duk, VCHG, cherry cherry) Nochka: description of the variety, photos, reviews, pollinators, frost resistance
Basic characteristics of the Nochka cherry Before planting a hybrid, you need to familiarize yourself with its basic characteristics. This
Tomatoes Yamal and (Yamal 200): characteristics and description of the variety, photo
Ripening period: early (90 days from emergence) Shape, weight of fruits: round, red, weight
The original species is characterized by blue-blue color of flowers
Decorating a bed with unusual flowering - the Japanese Rose tomato and its advantages over other varieties
Japanese roses are special. Once you see them, it will be extremely difficult to forget this spectacle.
pepper leaves curl
What to do if pepper leaves curl, proper care and treatment
Types of deformation of the leaf plate The leaves of a healthy bell pepper are tender, juicy, bright green, and shiny. Their
Phosphorite flour
How to use phosphate rock in the garden in 2022
Without phosphorus fertilizers, plants cannot fully develop. When there is a phosphorus deficiency, they experience
Stunning tomatoes with basil for the winter - TOP 6 delicious recipes
To prepare tomatoes with basil for the winter, you should choose well-ripened tomatoes, without visible
The best potato varieties for the Moscow region: planning plantings
For many crops, including potatoes, the best climatic conditions are in the south.
How to feed cabbage
How and when to fertilize cabbage? Rules and step-by-step recommendations
Regular and high-quality fertilizing is a prerequisite for good cabbage growth and the formation of strong heads of cabbage.
Feeding cucumbers with bread infusion: how to prepare fertilizer
Bread for cucumbers There are several recipes for homemade tincture from baked goods. They vary depending
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