medium tomatoes – 8-10 pcs., greens (dill or parsley) – 3-4 sprigs, granulated sugar –
Advantages and disadvantages Tomatoes of the Drova variety have some positive characteristics that must be
Description of the variety The Tea rose is characterized by an impressive bush height (up to 2 m), high resistance
Pepper variety Edino f1 has been grown since 1991. The producer is Russian. Capsicum is in demand
In pursuit of a high-quality and healthy harvest of zucchini, you should know exactly when to plant
Each tomato gardener has his own taste preferences. Some people like tomatoes with a slight sourness, others prefer
Potato 'Borodyanskiy pink' Latin name: solanum tuberosum 'borodyanskiy rozoviy' Main genus: Sandy loam potato
Tomato Bolivar from breeder L.A. Myazina is a hybrid obtained by the classical method of selection (hand pollination).
Places One of the best places to store a large volume of sauerkraut is the cellar. For
Disadvantages of the variety Reviews Video Among the cultivated plants living in domestic areas, there are many varieties of foreign