Zdraven fertilizer for tomatoes is the key to a rich harvest

Fertilizer composition

Zdraven mixture for tomatoes is a domestically produced complex fertilizer with universal properties. It contains all the substances and microelements necessary for the growth, development and active fruiting of the plant.

The composition of the fertilizer is presented in the table:

Element Effect on the plant Content, %
Nitrogen Stimulates the growth of the optimal number of green shoots and root system. 15
Phosphorus Activates metabolic processes and the formation of the root system. 20
Potassium Reduces fruit ripening time. 15
Magnesium Participates in the process of photosynthesis, promotes better absorption of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus; improves the taste of tomatoes. 2
Sodium humate Increases productivity, activates the supply of plants with necessary microelements. 2
Bor Increases the resistance of tomatoes to diseases and pests, promotes the saturation of fruits with sugars, prevents the fall of ovaries and the formation of barren flowers. 0,03
Manganese Enhances photosynthesis processes, accelerates plant development, stimulates the synthesis of vitamin C, carotene, and sugar content in tomatoes. 0,04
Zinc Activates protein synthesis and the action of enzymes, increases resistance to adverse weather factors (frost, drought), and participates in the regulation of growth processes. With its deficiency, the leaves wither, the fruits become small, and the yield decreases. 0,02
Copper Stabilizes the water balance of the plant, which promotes adaptation to sudden temperature changes and the development of frost and drought resistance properties. 0,02
Iron Deficiency leads to chlorosis. 0.03 (in chelate form)
Molybdenum Stimulates metabolism, plant growth and formation processes, participates in the development of the root system. With its deficiency, nitrates accumulate in fruits. 0,005

There is no chlorine in the Zdraven fertilizer for tomatoes. The fertilizer does not contain sulfur S. It is believed that plants grown on a personal plot receive it in excess through precipitation. And for crops cultivated on an industrial scale, it also comes from pesticides.

Self-assembled tablecloth for indoor and garden flowers

Any gardener has his favorites, be it beautifully blooming begonias, roses, violets or monsteras, dieffenbachias, dracaenas and ficuses that attract with their original foliage. Plants have very different nutrient requirements. The Zdraven Turbo line of mineral fertilizers has created a balanced fertilizer for each species, thanks to which the indoor garden will always be healthy and pleasing to the eye.

"Zdraveni Turbo for palm trees, dracaena, yucca, monstera"

has a high percentage of nitrogen content, which is so necessary for growing beautiful foliage. Fertilizing provides adequate nutrition for large indoor plants:

  • increases resistance to stressful conditions;
  • increases the number of shoots;
  • stimulates the root system.

The fertilizer is diluted in warm water 1 g per 1 liter for the first feeding a week after replanting the plant, then with subsequent waterings 1.5 g per 1 liter of water. Foliar feeding is not recommended for plants with pubescent leaves; it is also undesirable for the solution to get on flowers and buds.

"Zdraveni Turbo for roses, begonias and Saintpaulias"

balanced for flowering plants, contains the required amount of phosphorus and potassium, which is intensively consumed during the period of budding and flowering. By regularly applying fertilizing, plants bloom profusely and for a long time, form shoots, and expand the root system.

"Zdraven Turbo for dahlias and bulbous plants"

contains everything necessary for the construction of the root system of these plants. Powerful bulbs and tubers with a balanced diet produce strong shoots and flower stalks that are resistant to weather changes, pests and diseases. Fertilizing helps to grow large “cups” and “caps” of dahlias with bright, intense colors.

A lemon on the window will appreciate “Zdraven Turbo for citrus plants”


Like a true “southerner”, he is demanding regarding lighting conditions, humidity, temperature and the application of mineral fertilizers. This is the only way to increase the number of fruits from the bush, the intensity of the formation of shoots and leaves, and strengthen the root system and immunity of the plant.

Effect of the drug

The action of the Zdraven complex when growing tomatoes is based on the use of the properties of the triad of components nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus:

  • Nitrogen: participates in the construction of plant tissues;
    Attention! The low nitrogen content in the Zdraven tomato fertilizer is optimal in order to prevent the crop from growing an excessive amount of green mass, and to direct all the energy to the formation of fruits.
  • Potassium: its balanced content gives impetus to the formation of large, juicy, sweet tomatoes and increases the plant’s resistance to harsh environmental conditions;
  • Phosphorus: stabilizes the hormonal system of the crop, thanks to which the plant develops correctly and becomes resistant to pests and diseases.

The remaining components of Zdraven nutrition (Mg, B, Mn, Mo, Cu, Zn) help the plant to form, accumulate vitamins and sugars in tomatoes, maximizing the taste qualities inherent in the variety. They promote abundant and high-quality fruiting.

Important! Fertilizer Zdraven cannot be used with Bordeaux mixture. These two drugs are incompatible.

Tomato fertilizer is available in the form of a complex fertilizer with an improved, specialized formula. This drug is labeled “Turbo”. The drug contains:

  • Iron - in divalent form is the active nucleus of chlorophyll formation, then replaced by magnesium;
  • Cobalt – promotes the cultivation of thin soddy-podzolic soils, characteristic of household plots, increases the survival rate of tomatoes on them;
  • Sodium humate – promotes the correct balance of microelements in the soil, preventing its saturation with potassium.

Zdraven belongs to the category of chelate fertilizers. Metal ions are present in it in association with chelating agents, which contribute to the most complete absorption of nutrients by plant tissues. Without a chelate shell, ions of useful components, reacting with (OH)—, are neutralized in the soil and become inaccessible to plants.

Important! Chelates (from the Latin word “claw”) are stable complex compounds in which the metal ion is protected by a shell (ligand) from reaction with hydroxides (OH)—. They are well absorbed, broken down and consumed by plants.

An important property of such compounds is that they decompose at a rate that meets the tomato’s needs for various microelements, depending on the phase of development. That is, they nourish the plant with the required elements at the required time.

Attention! Chelation agents are selected based on the needs of a particular crop. The effectiveness of feeding tomatoes, for example, Zdravnem intended for strawberries, will be low.

Fertilizer Zdraven is produced in the form of powder and solution of high concentration:

  1. Water-soluble powder Zdraven Turbo is created specifically for feeding tomatoes. The price of the drug is low. The contents of the package are not stored after opening, but are used immediately.

  2. Concentrated solution for tomatoes Zdraven Aqua can be dosed in the required quantity from an opened package. For convenience, it comes with a measuring cup.
  1. Zdraven MIX Turbo as a universal product is used for all major crops grown in the garden.

  2. Health for seedlings activates the life processes of young tomatoes. The seedlings become resistant to spring conditions and phytodiseases, and are well prepared for transplanting into open ground.

Advice! Zdraven for tomatoes is produced in various packaging from 15 g. This amount of fertilizer is enough to treat crops grown on an area of ​​1 - 1.5 square meters. The size of the package should be selected depending on the area where the tomatoes are grown.

A walk through the dacha red forest

Red forest is called a pine forest (the bark of this tree, adjacent to the trunk, has a red, terracotta tint). It releases a huge amount of phytoncides, and the air in it is cleaner than in a medical operating room.

Nowadays it is very fashionable (and useful) to plant conifers in your garden. Spruce, juniper, thuja, yew, larch, pine - will create a cozy corner of natural redwoods, in which walking is a pleasure, and even healing!

Zdraven Turbo fertilizers for coniferous plants have been created to help gardeners.

“Health Aqua for garden ornamental and coniferous crops”
. Fertilizers guarantee:

  • active growth and harmonious development of trees;
  • quality, density and richness of color of needles;
  • strong root system, strong plant immunity.

Indoor coniferous plants are fed once a week in spring and summer, and once a month in autumn and winter. In open ground, the feeding schedule is once every two weeks from May to August.

Advantages and disadvantages

Important! Zdraven increases tomato yields by 17 - 20%.

This drug has advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages are as follows:

  1. Taking into account the biological specifics of the plant. Zdraven was developed specifically for tomatoes and contains elements necessary specifically for this crop.
  2. No chlorine in the fertilizer. This element is toxic to tomatoes. It negatively affects the development of seedlings and its root system. Under the influence of chlorine, the fruits of the plant become small and the leaves turn yellow.
  3. Complete and rapid solubility of the drug. Minimal effort is required to prepare the solution. The fertilizer penetrates well into the soil, nourishing the plant and its roots.
  4. No need for additional feeding. Health for tomatoes contains all the elements important for plant development and fruit ripening.
  5. Low chemical load on the soil and high digestibility of the fertilizer by plants due to the chelated form of the microelements contained in it.
  6. Increasing resistance to powdery mildew, late blight, chlorosis, scab.
  7. Long shelf life, up to 3 years.

Attention! Zdraven is not used as a pest control agent.

The use of this fertilizer contributes to the formation of a powerful root system in tomatoes. The crop yield increases and the number of barren flowers decreases. The period of fruit ripening is reduced by almost a week. They become richer in vitamin content and acquire a sweeter taste, regardless of the variety.

The disadvantages of feeding include:

  • when stored for more than 2 years, the solubility of the drug in water decreases;
  • Irregular application of fertilizer reduces its effectiveness.

Attention! Tomato fertilizer Zdraven is sold at an affordable price. It is safe when the requirements for use and storage are met.

Features of the product, composition and beneficial properties

Balanced feeding with a complex of minerals is the cornerstone in caring for your garden and garden. Plants of all types and varieties need adequate nutrition and fertilizer - this is the right decision if you need a product that has the optimal price-quality ratio.

The composition of multicomponent fat includes macroelements necessary for full development: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as a long list of microelements, the most significant of which are: iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, boron, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, etc. At the same time, the substances are translated into a chelate form that is easily accessible to the root system, which promotes rapid absorption and maximum saturation of plants with nutritional components. And, what is important, the list of minerals does not contain toxic chlorine, which opens up wide application possibilities: the product is suitable for crops that are highly sensitive to this substance: tomatoes, peppers, etc.

The drug also contains a unique natural growth stimulator, sodium lignohumate, which plays a leading soil-forming role. The substance helps to increase the moisture-carrying capacity of dense, heavy loams, and enhances the moisture holding capacity of light sandstones. In addition, sodium lignohumate stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora, enhances the activity of soil microorganisms and opens up the inherent potential of the soil by 100%.

Instructions for using Zdraven fertilizer

Zdraven fertilizer is applied by root and foliar methods.

Advice! The addition of urea together with the Zdraven fertilizer for tomatoes increases its effectiveness.

Root feeding

Root feeding of tomatoes with Zdraven fertilizer consists of watering the plants with a solution containing this drug. To do this, it is diluted in warm water, depending on the amount of fertilizer in the package:

  • 15 g – per 10 l;
  • 30 g – per 20 l;
  • 150 g – per 100 l;
  • Zdraven Aqua - 50 ml per 10 liters of water.

Important! Zdravnya packaging weighing 15 g is designed for 1.5 square meters. planting areas.

The following schedule for root feeding of tomatoes is recommended:

  • Tomatoes are fertilized for the first time 10 - 15 days after planting seedlings in open ground;
  • the next feeding is necessary at the beginning of the flowering period;
  • until the end of fruiting, Zdraven is applied once every two to three weeks, while for tomatoes in open ground a solution prepared in a ratio of 15 g per 10 l of water is used, and in greenhouses: 30 g per 10 l of water.

Attention! Tomatoes are watered at the root in the morning. Sprinkling is used only in very hot and dry weather. Excessive air humidity provokes the occurrence of diseases.

When growing seedlings, the appropriate type of Zdraven fertilizer is applied as follows:

  • within two days, young plants are well watered;
  • make a solution in a ratio of 15 g per 10 liters of water, add 3 - 4 g of urea crystals into it;
  • Zdraven is poured under the root until the soil is deeply moistened;
  • the next time the plant is fed after 2 weeks.


Foliar feeding of tomatoes consists of spraying the leaves of the plant. It is carried out once every 7 - 10 days, taking into account the recommendations:

  • prepare a working solution of 3.5 ml of Zdravnya per 1 liter of water, which is used to spray the leaves with a spray bottle;
    Advice! For foliar feeding, 10 g (1.5 heaped teaspoons) of powdered Zdravna is mixed in 10 liters of water.
  • Fertilization can be combined with treatment with insecticides (for insects) and fungicides (for fungi), with the exception of Bordeaux mixture;
  • spray tomatoes in cloudy, windy weather, early in the morning or in the evening after sunset.

Advice! In hot weather, tomatoes are not sprayed to avoid burning the leaves and evaporation of the drug from their surface.

Nectar for indoor flowers

“What a delicious geranium!” - said the hero of the good old cartoon “Cat House”. It’s difficult to say about taste, but it’s easy to provide beauty and lush flowering to your indoor sissies.

There is a ready-made solution for this - “Zdraven Turbo for indoor flowers”

“Zdraven Aqua for indoor flowers”
​​The concentrate in dry and liquid form contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium humate, as well as boron, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum and iron in chelated form.

Fertilizing helps plants form a healthy leaf mass, prolong the flowering period, maintain decorative properties, rich color of leaves and buds, and be resistant to attacks by insect pests.

"Zdraven Turbo for indoor flowers"

Available in bags weighing 15, 30 and 150 g. For 1 liter of warm water (this way the drug dissolves better) only 1 g of fertilizer is required. It’s profitable, the feeding lasts for a long time!

For convenience, it is calculated that there is 7–8 g of fertilizer in a heaped teaspoon, 20–22 g in a heaped tablespoon, and 18–19 g in a matchbox.

"Hello Aqua for indoor flowers"

Sold in plastic ampoules of 10 ml and a bottle of 150 ml. For foliar feeding (applied to leaves), 10 ml per 3 liters of water is consumed. “Under the spine” 10 ml should be dissolved in 2 liters of water. It also increases plant immunity, stimulates the growth of the root system, and increases the duration of flowering.

Safety regulations

Fertilizer Zdraven is a low-toxic substance of the 4th toxicity class. When working with it, you must follow the safety rules:

  • work is performed in a waterproof apron and protective gloves;
  • after finishing the treatment, wash your hands thoroughly with laundry soap;
  • in case of contact with mucous membranes, eyes, skin, they should be washed with water;
  • when the drug is taken orally, it is necessary to take any available sorbent, for example, activated carbon, and if the condition worsens, seek medical help;
  • store Zdraven in undamaged packaging in a cool place inaccessible to children, separately from other pesticides;
  • The concentrated solution can be stored after opening in the original container with the lid tightly closed.

Important! Fertilizer is dangerous for bees. The radius of the apiary protection zone must be at least 500 m. After applying Zdravnya, bees are limited for 6 hours.


Proper feeding of plants is an issue that concerns many gardeners and gardeners. Among the wide variety of products on the modern agricultural market, it is difficult to choose the optimal drug for a particular case. “Zdraven” is deservedly popular , well-digestible type of fertilizer, the components of which are the microelements necessary for plants for stable vegetation. This product, which is optimal due to its rich composition, is suitable as a top dressing for any crops.

Reviews of fertilizer Zdraven

Yuri, 42 years old, Krasnodar

I have been using Zdraven fertilizer for tomatoes for three years now. I think this is a very effective and inexpensive feeding. I fertilize twice: during flowering and during fruiting. I do foliar application once a season. The tomatoes bloom profusely, they have more ovaries, thanks to this I got a good harvest. Plants get sick less.

Marina, 45 years old, Saransk

Two weeks after I planted the seedlings in the ground, I fertilized the plants with Zdraven Turbo for tomatoes and peppers. I bought a 30-gram sachet and diluted it according to the instructions in 20 liters of water. The feeding was repeated another 15 days later. My tomatoes immediately began to grow, the first ovaries began to appear on them, and very abundantly. In my opinion, the fertilizer is good. I recommend.

Detailed description

Fertilizer Zdraven for seedlings of flower, vegetable and green crops.

ZDRAVEN-AQUA for seedlings of flower, vegetable and green crops is a liquid complex organomineral fertilizer for root and foliar feeding of seedlings (vegetables, flowers and green crops) in private farms. Contains an optimal set of macro and microelements for feeding tomatoes and peppers. Does not contain chlorine. Accelerates the development of seedlings, improves the survival rate of seedlings when planting, increases resistance to diseases, and helps the development of the root system. Convenient to use, easily and accurately dosed, economical.

Dimensions and weight (gross)

How to feed strawberries

Based on the method of using fertilizers, fertilizing is divided into root and foliar. The first type involves applying fertilizer to the ground, and the second - spraying on the leaves. The effect of root feeding appears within 2-3 or more days and can last from 10-14 days to a month, depending on the type of soil and the fertilizer itself. The effect of foliar feeding usually appears within 1-2 days.

In the form of foliar feeding, it is better to use mineral microfertilizers and fertilizers containing amino acids, some growth and other physiologically active substances. For example, it is believed that microelements, as well as some macroelements from fertilizers, are more fully absorbed when applied on the leaves, that is, by spraying.

In addition, it is advisable to apply fertilizers in the form of foliar feeding in case of acute starvation of plants for individual elements, including nitrogen, phosphorus, boron, magnesium, and in cases where it is necessary to obtain a quick effect.

scientist agronomist Alexander Zharavin

We fertilize remontant varieties

The peculiarity of feeding remontant varieties is that the formation of flower buds in strawberries occurs over a longer period of time. Plants of these varieties of strawberries and wild strawberries require intensive nutrition. This especially applies to varieties independent of daylight hours. They are designated NSD.

Many phosphorus-containing fertilizers, such as superphosphate and AVA fertilizer, dissolve slowly, so if you applied superphosphate before planting or AVA fertilizer during planting, then when fertilizing strawberries you need to add more nitrogen and potassium, as well as magnesium and microelements. These elements can be added to strawberries as part of fertilizers such as infusion of manure or chicken droppings.

The difference is in the degree of dilution: the infusion of cow manure is usually recommended to be diluted 5 times, and horse and bird droppings 10 times. Some gardeners suggest feeding remontant strawberries 10 or even 15 times per season. In the author's opinion, for some varieties of strawberries this is overkill, since a significant part of the nutrition must be added before planting and during planting. That is, for strawberry varieties that bear fruit twice a season, 2-4 feedings during the growing season may be sufficient.

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