The owner of perfect taste and aroma - Red Baron pepper F1: reviews and description of the variety

Pepper variety Edino f1 has been grown since 1991. The producer is Russian. Capsicum is in demand both among gardeners in the southern regions and among plant growers in the northern regions. Everyone chooses a certain growing method, in open ground or under film.

The Edino variety is harvested during the period of technical ripeness or kept until fully ripe. What are the characteristics of pepper? How is it cared for?

Description and characteristics of the variety

Pepper Red Baron F1 belongs to the early category in terms of ripening. Produced by the agricultural company Aelita, which recommends the hybrid for cultivation in temperate latitudes, in the south. In the northern zone, cultivation is carried out in covered beds.

Fruiting begins after 100–105 days and continues until autumn.

Plants grow tall and powerful. The length of the shoots varies between 1–1.3 m. The bushes are spreading, moderately branched, well-leafed. At the same time, many peppers set and ripen (first green, then red at the stage of biological ripeness).

What you should know about the fruit:

  • average weight - 180–200 g;
  • maximum weight - 300–330 g;
  • shape - cylindrical or prism-shaped;
  • length - 12 cm, diameter - 7–8 cm;
  • seed chambers - 2–3;
  • the pericarp thickens to 8–9 mm;
  • The pulp is fleshy and moderately juicy.

Peppers are ideal for fresh dishes (salads and hot sauces), stuffing, and winter preparations.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the variety is its reduced heat requirement. In addition to this positive characteristic, pepper is distinguished by the following:

  1. The culture is insensitive to changes in temperature in the external environment.
  2. The plant adapts well to greenhouse conditions and open beds.
  3. A small bush shows good yield - about 5 kg/m2.
  4. The pepper is not tall, so you don’t need to spend a lot of time shaping it.
  5. The fruits are smooth and have a shape convenient for chefs.
  6. The consumer purpose of vegetables is universal.
  7. Pepper does not belong to the class of hybrids, therefore its seeds retain the ability to produce a yield similar to the mother crop.
  8. The fruits have excellent transportability and keeping quality.

Among the negative qualities of the variety, farmers note that it lacks strong protection against classical diseases


Features of cultivation and care

Vegetable growers in the middle zone sow seedlings from February 20 to March 10. By the time of planting in the ground, the plants should be 60-70 days old.

Plants are placed according to the following scheme: 50 cm (row spacing) by 35 cm (distance between bushes).

Sweet plants need moderate pinching: it is recommended to remove side shoots and yellowed leaves before the first fork. The crown flower, which forms in the fork, is also pinched.

Water sweetener with warm, settled water every 3-4 days, loosen the soil around the bushes and weed as needed. Experienced gardeners try to avoid the last two procedures, replacing them with one-time mulching of the soil.

During the season, peppers are fed up to 3 times with complex mineral fertilizers or organic matter.

Diseases and pests

In the description of the variety, producers do not indicate Slastena’s resistance to nightshade diseases. However, user reviews say that the cultivar rarely gets sick.

For preventive purposes, plant bushes are treated with biofungicides. The risk of developing diseases can be reduced by observing crop rotation. Also, peppers should not be placed next to cucumbers.

Plants need to be regularly inspected for the presence of pests, which are not only dangerous in themselves for the crop, but are also carriers of certain diseases. The fight against plant parasites is carried out using insecto-acaricidal drugs.

Features of agricultural technology

Slastena pepper needs to be grown in seedlings. Cultivation rules:

  • seeds are germinated at temperatures from 24 to 27 degrees;
  • from the moment the sprouts appear until the bushes are transplanted into the beds, 55–60 days should pass;
  • when the length reaches 25 cm, the top of the crop is shortened;
  • feed the pepper with mineral fertilizers once every 14–20 days;
  • As an irrigation method, preference is given to drip irrigation.

Attention! Peppers are not recommended to be planted close to cucumbers, since such proximity increases the risk of scab disease in the crop.

Sowing seeds for seedlings
Planting seedlings in a greenhouse/greenhouse
Planting seedlings in exhaust gas
February MarchThe end of MayThe beginning of JuneUntil the first forkFrom July to September
*dates are indicated for central Russia

Sweet thick-walled pepper - description

This group of plants is represented by many varieties that have a number of characteristics. It is important to adhere to the main rules during planting.

Replant young bushes only in warm weather, in well-warmed soil. The average development period of pepper from the moment the sprouts peck is from 110 to 125 days. The main condition is a stable temperature above 20 degrees.

Taking this into account, we can say that growing in open ground is not suitable for all farmers in Russia. It will be more difficult for those who live in cool areas with short summers. But you can choose a variety that develops well in a greenhouse.

For proper growth, the crop will need good lighting, which is important for pepper both at the seedling stage and after.

Important! The main criteria for successful planting of a crop will be: a stable temperature between 26 and 30 degrees and an abundance of sunlight. The plant will develop slowly if the air temperature drops to 15 degrees, which will affect the number of fruits and yield level.

There are several stages in growing pepper:

  1. Seed preparation and sowing.
  2. Caring for seedlings at home.
  3. Transplantation.

The seedling method is recommended for all gardeners who want to get strong and healthy plants. Among the varieties you can find different ones not only in the specifics of cultivation, taste, but also in appearance. Thick-walled peppers can be red and yellow, orange, scarlet and brown, and recently exotic purple varieties can be seen in the garden beds. Whatever the color of the crop, there is no doubt about the health benefits of pepper.


The variety can be considered one of the most popular in Russia. Domestic gardeners love this species for its attractive appearance and pleasant color. Among other characteristics, it is worth highlighting the weight, it reaches 250 grams. Asti brings a lot of harvest. So a square meter planted with this variety will give the farmer up to 10 kilograms of fruit. This is a remarkable level of yield. The first fruits will have to be collected 110 days from the moment the crop pecks. Pepper tolerates transportation well over long distances.

Big mom

The variety may be familiar to many. Gardeners like it for its ability to resist many pathogens. First of all, Big Mom has an incredibly high immunity to tobacco mosaic. Early ripe pepper bears fruit already on the 95th day from the moment the sprouts peck. The harvested crop is distinguished by its amazing shelf life and the ability to withstand transportation well.

The standard cultivation scheme is ideal for achieving high fruiting. Big Mama is available in several color options, which are presented by different agricultural companies.

Big Daddy

An amazing thick-walled variety that can amaze farmers with its attractive color. Big Daddy looks unusual not only on bushes, but also in salads and various dishes. All thanks to the rich purple color of the pepper. The plant will bear fruit already on the 105th day from the moment the seedlings peck. An additional advantage of Big Dad is its excellent yield. This is almost 7 kilograms per square meter. A nice bonus is the protective powers of the tobacco mosaic.


Pepper capable of producing giant fruits weighing 300–500 grams. But what is noteworthy is the formation of such giants on compact bushes. The plant is not tied up. Even without this, it is capable of well revealing its potential for a high level of fruiting.

Bogdan's color varies from yellow to deep orange. This variety is not afraid of drought. Even in hot weather, the bushes actively form fruits that ripen in 100 days.


Ideal for lovers of sweet peppers with a pleasant smell. The variety's bushes are medium-sized, but strong enough to produce large fruits. Peppers will ripen 100 days from the moment the first shoots form. The variety of crop called “Granova” is not threatened by dry air, insufficient rainfall, or poor lighting. This is the number one choice for farmers whose pepper growing conditions are far from ideal.


The plant is a hybrid, which means it has excellent resistance to a lot of diseases and the manifestation of blossom end rot. A square meter planted with the Edino variety will bring the gardener 5 kilograms of fruit. The bushes are small but strong, capable of producing large quantities of tasty and large fruits. Edino pepper has a rich aroma and is perfect not only for fresh consumption, but also for various dishes.

Golden miracle

The name makes it clear that peppers of this variety have a beautiful golden hue, which looks especially attractive due to the glossy surface of the fruit. This is a popular variety among farmers who are interested in growing a crop suitable for harvesting for sale. Excellent salad pepper, ideal for marinades, responds well to heat treatment. The fruits are large, located on compact bushes, ripening in 130 days.

Golden Jubilee

An excellent candidate for active and unhindered growth in the middle zone, for growing in open ground. The Golden Jubilee is not afraid of temperature fluctuations. Sowing of seeds is carried out in February; the work can be postponed to mid-March. The main thing to remember is that the growing season of the plant is approximately 160 days. The bushes are small, form green fruits, which later become yellow, in a rich, bright shade.

Golden pheasant

The growing season is 130 days from the moment the seedlings hatch. Pepper is characterized by resistance to a host of diseases that are dangerous to the crop. The fruits are juicy and can be formed on the plant in large quantities if you follow standard planting patterns. The main feature is that there are many requirements for soil quality. The soil must be enriched with nutrients. The area should be well lit and thoroughly irrigated regularly. Many farmers compare the Golden Pheasant with a persimmon based on its external characteristics.


The main advantage of the variety is resistance to a number of diseases. This is a mid-season variety of crop, whose growing season lasts 120 days. The bushes develop without a garter, although they are medium-sized. If the height of the plant exceeds the norm, a trellis may be needed as support. Fruits average 300 grams. reach 15 cm in length.

California miracle

A popular thick-walled pepper, it can bear fruit well in the south, where the air temperature remains stable within 24-28 degrees. The bushes are small but strong, forming fruits with an unusual appearance. Ripening occurs on the 130th day after seed germination.


The variety attracts with its color variations. The thick-walled, fleshy fruits ripen on the 90th day from the moment the sprouts peck. The yield is impressive. Farmers often collect 14 kilograms of fruit per meter square plot. The Cardinal manages to avoid many diseases. The main feature is protective powers against tobacco mosaic triggers.

King Kong

The bushes are medium-sized, bearing a lot of fruits, which turn into real giants, reaching half a kilogram in weight. This size of pepper fully justifies the name of the variety. The growing season is relatively short. It takes from 90 days to 95 days to ripen. Fruits are able to ripen at unstable air temperatures.

Red giant

The best variety for farmers living in Siberia or the Urals. The bushes have excellent resistance to low temperatures, drought and a number of diseases. The yield is high - almost 10 kilograms per square meter. One fruit can weigh 600 grams.

Red bell

The fruits are formed on small bushes. The Red Bell pepper has a pleasant smell and sweet notes in taste. Grows well in open ground. To achieve maximum yields, it is enough to choose a standard planting scheme.


Moldavian variety, the growing season of which can last 140 days. The fruits on the bushes are small, neat, round. An excellent option for canning and salads.


The bushes are standard, forming from 15 to 20 fruits on one plant. One pepper weighs on average from 180 to 200 grams. This is an early ripening pepper, easy to care for and boasts an excellent taste.


The shape of the fruits of this pepper variety is similar to “Kolobok”. But this variety has its own characteristics - resistance to tobacco mosaic and temperature changes.


It takes 55 days to form pepper seedlings of this variety. This is an early ripening species. It is characterized by abundant fruiting, the formation of large fruits, which are excellent for preservation.

Orange miracle

The fruits have a rich orange color, they are large and sweet, and are formed on tall and strong bushes that need staking. Orange miracle bears fruit well in open ground.

Firstborn of Siberia

A popular variety in Russia, which is ideal for open ground in the middle zone. The bushes are small and not spreading, capable of forming an impressive amount of ovary.


The plant is classified as mid-early. The fruits can be used not only for fresh salads and sandwiches, but also for other table purposes. The main advantage of Tolstyachka is that there is no need for picking.

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