Cucumber Tufted splendor F1: characteristics and description of the variety. Cucumbers Beam splendor F1: reviews, photos, productivity, growing secrets.
Beam splendor cucumbers are a unique hybrid that was bred in the 13th year of this century. Is different
In our country, for planting in open beds, prepared seedlings of zoned, low-growing, early-ripening varieties of domestic selection are most often used
15 best varieties of sweet peppers for open ground
Video reviews For those who are interested in replenishing their “collection” of peppers with varieties for open ground,
Soil acidity scale
Do raspberries like acidic or alkaline soil? Why are raspberries sour: reasons, what to do?
Do raspberries like acidic or alkaline soil when growing? Look for answers in the article. Malina
The Kolobok variety has proven itself well when grown on open ground ridges and under film covers
Sweet pepper “Aristotle F1”. Description of the variety and secrets of a good harvest
Pepper “Kolobok” A popular variety of bell pepper in our country, which forms semi-standard, densely leafy,
How to care for cherries in spring and autumn: detailed instructions
Author rating Author of the article Yakov Pavlovich Professor, Head of the Department of Vegetable Growing Articles written 153 Cultivation
Characteristics of the Pelageya tomato and important tips for growing the variety
A large-fruited variety from Bulgarian breeders - the “Mom’s Love” tomato. Work is constantly underway in the world
Iodine for strawberries: feeding, correct dosage, advantages and disadvantages of plant processing method
Among the “home” remedies that are recommended for treating, protecting and feeding garden plants, one often finds
Chicken manure as fertilizer and food for potatoes
Fertilizing potatoes with poultry manure Many summer residents have chickens not only for the sake of environmentally friendly eggs,
'Exotic cantaloupe cantaloupe: review of a variety with amazing taste and aroma' width="800
Exotic cantaloupe cantaloupe: review of a variety with amazing taste and aroma
Melon is a tasty and healthy product that is considered a symbol of summer and relaxation. Popular
Golden Jubilee - thick-walled pepper with excellent taste
Description of the variety Sweet pepper Golden Jubilee is a mid-season variety. The harvest is already starting to be harvested
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