Everything about the Novocherkassk Anniversary grape variety, from planting features to photos and reviews about it

The development of new varieties and hybrids of horticultural crops is usually carried out by breeding scientists, but there are exceptions. One of these deviations from generally accepted norms is an interspecific grape hybrid called Jubilee of Novocherkassk. The new variety was received in his garden by ordinary winegrower N.V. Krainov, who is known for independently selecting three famous and large-fruited species: Preobrazhenie, Victor and Jubilee of Novocherkassk. It is not known for certain about the “parents” of Jubilee, but experts are inclined to believe that the variety appeared by crossing Kishmish Radiant and Talisman. The “pedigree” of the brainchild of a self-taught scientist is not as important as the characteristics of the Jubilee: large fruit, excellent taste, high yield, etc.

A detailed description of the Jubilee Novocherkassk grape variety, photos and reviews about it can be found in this article. Here you can find instructions for growing the hybrid and how to propagate it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other variety, “Jubilee Novocherkassk” has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Presentable appearance of the brushes.
  • An impressive mass of bunches and berries.
  • High and stable yield.
  • Pleasant harmonious taste.
  • Good ripening of shoots.
  • The variety is relatively unpretentious to care for.
  • Drought and frost resistance.
  • Resistance to fungal diseases is above average.
  • Suitable for long-term transportation and storage.
  • Commercial benefit from the sale.


  • The need for regular pruning and crop regulation.
  • Vulnerability to wasps.
  • The need for regular treatment with fungicides.

Planting and care

When choosing a planting for grapes, you should choose a very sunny and warm place, protected from strong winds. The grapes are vigorous and will need the necessary support to support them.

Ataman Pavlyuk, Amirkhan and Amethyst are also distinguished by the vigor of the bush.

The variety has low soil requirements.

It grows well on light loam, but the addition of black soil will provide a significant increase and improvement in the quality of the fruit.

You also need to take into account the proximity of groundwater; it would be optimal if it is no higher than 2–3 meters from the surface of the earth. Otherwise, you should dig a drainage hole to protect the roots from excess water.

It is recommended to prune buds on the vine of this variety by 8–10 buds. Pruning is done in autumn or early spring. For one bush the number of eyes should be about 45, and shoots no more than 25.

IMPORTANT! Ripening a second crop on stepchildren is possible, but not recommended, as this significantly affects the quality of the next year's harvest.

Covering grapes for the winter is done by cutting the vine by ¾ and covering the woody part with mulch or sawdust.


The “author” of the Novocherkassk Anniversary variety is the famous breeder V.N. Krainov, whose track record includes more than one variety of high-quality grapes. It is not known exactly which species were crossed to produce the “jubilee”. Experts suggest that the “parents” were “kishmish radiata” and “talisman”.

Parents of “Anniversary of Novocherkassk” - “Radiant Kishmish” and “Talisman”

The hybrid was entered into the State Register of Russia only in 2016, although the patent documents were filed two years earlier.

Main characteristics

“Yubilei Novocherkassk” is an early table grape variety with excellent commercial characteristics.

Ripening period

“Anniversary of Novocherkassk” is an early ripening variety. Full ripening of the berries occurs 110–120 days after the buds swell on the bush in early spring. Typically harvested in early or mid-August depending on the region and prevailing weather conditions.


The bush of the variety is spreading and powerful. The shoots grow very quickly and require constant monitoring by the winegrower. The foliage is dark green, the leaves are five-lobed with carved edges and clearly visible veins, the flowers are bisexual.

Reference! The recommended shape for the bush is fan-shaped: this will greatly simplify the process of caring for a fast-growing vine.

Bunches and berries

The bunches of the “Jubilee of Novocherkassk” are conical in shape and dense in structure. They amaze not only with their beautiful appearance, but also with their weight: the average weight of the brushes is 1 kg, but with proper care the weight can reach 3 kg!

Each berry weighs about 12 - 18 grams, their average size is 5 by 4 cm. The elongated grapes are colored pink-yellowish, some are pink with a white tint. The peel is dense, but chews easily. The flesh is fleshy and dense. There are seeds inside the pulp, but they are small and do not spoil the taste of the berry.

Sugar content is 16 - 17% with an acid content of 6 grams per liter of juice.

Reference! Unripe Novocherkassk Jubilee grapes are very sour. A characteristic feature of the variety is the fact that the berries are filled with sugar literally a week before they are fully ripe, despite the fact that the appearance begins to look appetizing even earlier than this.

The taste of the grapes is pleasant, harmonious, without pronounced shades.


The variety is distinguished by regular and abundant harvest. With proper plant care measures, one bush of the Novocherkassk Jubilee variety can produce up to 20 kilograms of fruit.

Ripe bunches can hang on the bush until the end of September, without losing their presentation and excellent taste characteristics.


The Novocherkassk variety is considered a table variety, so its main area of ​​use is fresh consumption. It can be used in cooking as one of the ingredients in salads, desserts, the berries are often added to baked goods, and jam or jam is made from them.

Producing wine in large quantities from this variety is not profitable, but it is quite possible for those at home. The maximum profit for the winegrower will come from the sale of bunches of grapes, since the variety is distinguished by excellent external and taste characteristics.

Grapes Jubilee of Novocherkassk: description of the variety

When fully ripe, the grape berries of the “Yubilei Novocherkassk” variety have a pronounced pink color, sometimes with an admixture of white or yellow tint.
The shape is beautiful, oval, slightly elongated. Pink varieties include Gurzufsky pink, Pink Flamingo and Dubovsky pink.

The sizes of the berries correspond to all declared characteristics. The weight of one berry ranges from 11 to 19 grams , their length and width are 3.8 mm and 2.3 mm, respectively. According to these indicators, the variety is one of the largest.

The taste of the fruit is distinguished by its meatiness and high juice content.

Unripe berries are very sour, but as they ripen, the acidity decreases sharply. The ripe berry has a very pleasant harmonious taste, without unnecessary shades.

The sweetness of the fruit is at a high level. One cubic centimeter of pulp contains 16.5 grams of sugar, with 6 grams of acid per liter of juice.

Aladdin, White Delight and King Ruby also have a high sugar content.

REFERENCE! The high juice content in the pulp also allows the variety to be used for wine production.

The medium-thick skin does not interfere with enjoying the taste of the berries; when consumed, it is practically not noticeable.

The grape bunches are very large in size. An average cluster can weigh up to 1.5 kg, but clusters of this variety have been recorded reaching 3 kg . The shape of the clusters is cylindrical-conical, the berries are of medium density among themselves.

Vostorg, Merlot and Bazhena can also boast large clusters.

The vine on the bushes reaches a large length in a short period of time. In this regard, it requires regular pruning to improve the quality of ripening fruits.

Comparison with analogues

The table below shows the comparative characteristics of the best pink grape varieties bred by V. Krainov.

Anniversary of NovocherkasskTransfigurationHeliosAngelica (Ksenia)
Ripening period1150 – 120 days115 days110 days105 – 110 days
Frost resistance-23C-23C-23C-23C
ProductivityUp to 20 kgUp to 20 kg6 – 10 kg6 kg
Bunches700 – 3000g700 – 1000 g800 – 1200 g700 – 1500 g
ColorPink with white and yellow shadesPinkPinkYellow-pink
Disease resistanceAbove averageAverageAbove averageAbove average
Shelf life1 month1 month1 – 2 months1 – 2 months
Sugar accumulation16,50%19%22%17 – 20%
Acidity6g/l7 g/l6 – 8 g/l8 g/l

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety include the following qualities:

  • Early ripening;
  • high productivity;
  • stability of fruiting;
  • sizes of bunches and berries;
  • no peas;
  • thin skin;
  • small, easily separated seeds;
  • good transportability and keeping quality of grapes;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to fungal diseases;
  • the ability for easy and rapid growth of the bush when propagated with seedlings, cuttings and scion.

The disadvantages include:

  • Strong stepson formation;
  • the need for frequent pinching of stepson shoots;
  • tendency to yield overload;
  • the need to ration the future harvest of inflorescences;
  • deterioration in the taste of berries when the bush is overloaded with crops;
  • susceptible to damage by wasps and birds.

Features of cultivation

“Anniversary of Novocherkassk” has good disease resistance and requires mandatory rationing and covering of bushes for the winter.


Planting of the “Jubilee of Novocherkassk” should be done at a time when the weather is consistently warm, the air warms up to +15ºС, and the soil to +10ºС. The best option for planting seedlings is the first half of April. But it is better to graft the cuttings to the rootstock in the fall.

Place and soil

The southern plant needs plenty of sun and reliable protection from the wind. Since the bush of the variety is powerful and spreading, it is better to plant it near a strong support. This role can be played by the walls of outbuildings, houses, as well as a fence. The ideal option is their southern side: this way the sun can heat the vines of the plant to the maximum.

“Jubilee Novocherkassk” is unpretentious in terms of soil type, but black soil or loam is ideal for it. Growing in such soil, the plant will give significant growth and excellent quality of fruit. Also, groundwater should not wash away the roots of the plant, otherwise it will get sick and sooner or later die. If it is not possible to get rid of excess moisture on the site, then the winegrower will need to carefully consider the composition of the drainage.

The technology for planting this variety is no different from the classic one. A layer of humus is poured into the bottom of a meter-long hole (diameter and depth - 1 m), followed by ordinary soil, on top of which the roots of the grapes are placed. Having carefully spread them over the surface of the soil, the hole is filled with earth and lightly compacted to fix the seedling.

The final stage of planting is abundant watering with water (10 - 15 l).

Watering and fertilizers

It is necessary to water the “Jubilee of Novocherkassk” only when the soil layer is sufficiently dry. If natural precipitation occurs, you can skip watering.

Be sure to water the plant twice: before flowering and after the flowers wither. Young bushes up to a year old - once a week.

You can prevent moisture evaporation by mulching the soil. A three-centimeter layer of humus or peat around the crop trunk is an excellent solution that will not only preserve the moisture supply of the roots, but also nourish them.

It is necessary to feed the plant 2-3 times a year: in the warm season - with mineral fertilizers, in the fall - with organic fertilizers.

Important! Potassium and phosphorus are mandatory components of mineral supplements, since these elements affect the yield and taste of fruits.


It is impossible to leave the rapidly growing bush of grapes “Jubilee Novocherkassk” without pruning and rationing the harvest.

The optimal time for pruning is early spring or late autumn, when sap flow has not yet begun in the plant. For a rich harvest and normal development of the bush, experienced winegrowers recommend leaving 22 - 24 shoots, on which the total number of fruit buds should not exceed 45. The shoots are shortened once a year to the first bud.

After the clusters have formed, they must be thinned out, leaving no more than one cluster on each shoot.

Diseases and pests

“Yubilei Novocherkassk” has good resistance to mildew, oidium and gray rot. However, it would benefit from preventative treatment 2–3 times per season against these fungal diseases. This event will provide a reliable guarantee that the grape harvest will be preserved.

Irrigation must be carried out with drugs that act directly on each disease separately. The best time: before and during the flowering of grapes, as well as after fruit set. Do not forget about preventive measures in relation to other “grape” diseases: anthracnose, bacteriosis, chlorosis, rubella, bacterial cancer.

Important! An excess of water in the soil is a direct path to the development of fungal diseases. To avoid such a phenomenon, the winegrower should take care that the soil is not swampy and that groundwater does not lie close to the roots.

The greatest damage to crops can be caused by wasps, which are attracted by the sweet taste of aromatic berries. You can protect the crop by placing special baits near the bushes, destroying wasp nests, and also by using special nets placed on the bunches.


Internet sources indicate that the “anniversary of Novocherkassk” can tolerate frosts down to -23ºС without shelter. However, experienced winegrowers still recommend insulating this variety for the winter: the “behavior” of the plant is quite unpredictable.

In the south, it is enough to get by with a simple option: insulate the vines with burlap and hay, wrapping them around the wood of the plant. In regions located to the north, the plant's lashes must be removed from the support, pressed to the soil surface, sprinkled with soil and snow. Young seedlings require mandatory insulation, including in southern latitudes.

How long can the crop be stored?

The “anniversary” harvest can easily lie without deterioration in external and taste characteristics for 10 days in room conditions, in a cellar at a temperature of 0ºC - + 3ºC and high humidity - up to a month.

The dense skin of the berries protects the grapes from cracking and mechanical damage during long-term transportation , so the variety can be transported over long distances without fear.

Cultivation regions

“Anniversary of Novocherkassk” is recommended to be grown in southern latitudes: Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, Rostov Region, Crimea, as well as in Ukraine and Moldova. It is also possible to grow the variety in central Russia, provided that the plant is insulated for the winter. But in the Urals and Siberia it is not worth growing these grapes - most likely, the plant will freeze.

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The size of the planting hole is 60x60x60 cm. We lay nutrient soil on the bottom (the composition is shown in the picture below), pour a mound of black soil on top, install the seedling, lightly sprinkle the roots with black soil, add another 15-20 cm of nutrient soil, and water with two buckets of water. We don’t fill the hole to the top! Over time, the hole will be filled in, but we will do this gradually - over several years. Deep planting is necessary so that the roots do not freeze in winter and to be able to form sleeves from the soil. Such sleeves are easier to bend to the ground and cover for the winter.

When planting, use the drug Vallar against cockchafer larvae. Very often there are situations when a seedling is planted, but it does not develop at all. Khrushchev is one of the possible reasons. The larvae eat the roots, but there are no roots, no tops. Vallar is inexpensive, sprinkle a little of the drug on the bottom of the hole, then sprinkle the roots themselves and so on in layers - nutrient soil - a little Vallar - nutrient soil.

The distance between bushes in a row is 2.5 m, row spacing is also 2.5 m.

Hole dimensions: depth 60 cm, length and width 50 cm.

Composition for filling the hole:


General recommendations for watering grapes:

  • in dry, hot weather, young bushes are watered once every 14 days, adult bushes - once every 2 weeks;
  • Be sure to water the grapes a few days before flowering;
  • Be sure to carry out 2 abundant waterings during the formation of berries (when the berries are like peas);
  • we try not to water after August 1;
  • do not water directly during flowering;
  • Do not water while coloring the berries.

What kind of water should I use? I water from a well; it is simply not possible to preheat the volume of water I need in the tank. Drip irrigation? No, I have baths formed around the head of the bush with earthen sides, about 10 cm high. I direct the hose into them, and do not transfer the hose to another bush until the water stops draining.


The main rule for fertilizing grapes is in spring and early summer - nitrogen, from mid-summer until the end of the season - phosphorus and potassium. Adhering to this rule, each winegrower chooses the type of fertilizer and the method of applying it. Let's assume that you do not use mineral fertilizers at all. Okay, then take an infusion of mullein, nettle or chicken droppings and add them, and in the second half of the summer season use the ash. For example, I also mainly use mullein. And I don’t ferment it in any way. I take a bucket of mullein, dilute it with a bucket of water, and stir thoroughly. I already wrote in the section about watering that there are trays for watering formed around the bushes. I fill the bath with water and add 1-2 liters into it. (depending on the size of the bush) mullein, stir with a stick.

The recipe for the simplest fertilizer from ash is to pour 400 g of ash into a bucket of water, let it brew for 1 day, pour it under the bush.

The second option is that you don’t know where to get mullein, you live in a cottage community and there are no cows nearby. Take a complex fertilizer, for example, Plantafol. First use the formula with the maximum nitrogen content: 30:10:10, then move to 20:20:20, and end the season at 5:15:45.

If Plantafol is expensive, then ammonium nitrate can be used. 10-15 g per 10 l. water.

From August 1, potassium fertilizers are very important, because In addition to obtaining a harvest, it is very important to achieve ripening of the vine. We begin treating the bushes leaf by leaf with potassium monophosphate. The first feeding is 40-50 g/10 l. water, the second after 7 days 50-60 g/10 l. water, the third and subsequent ones, again after seven days and with a slight increase in concentration. Final concentration: 120 g/10 l. water.

Processing by leaf in May. Nitrogen content 30%

Processing by leaf in June. A large amount of phosphorus stimulates the formation of a large number of inflorescences

Since August 1st we have been using the 5:15:45 train. The minimum amount of nitrogen will not allow the shoots to fatten, the vine will ripen well

Pest and disease control

Jubilee Novocherkassk shows good resistance to both mildew and oidium, however, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. It is advisable to carry out 3 preventive treatments:

  • when 4-5 leaves are formed on each shoot;
  • a few days before flowering;
  • when the berry is in pea state;
  • If gray rot was rampant in previous seasons, then we carry out additional treatment against gray rot at the moment the berries close in the bunch.

Treatment rules and selection of drugs:

  • It is better to change drugs to avoid the formation of resistance. For example, use Ridomil Gold once, take Strobi a second time;
  • We carry out all three preventive treatments with a tank mixture: we mix a drug against oidium, against mildew, we can add an acaricide against ticks (if ticks were found on the site in previous years), a drug against gray rot;
  • preparations for mildew: Ridomil Gold (25 g/10 liters of water), Ordan, Metaxil;
  • preparations for oidium: Falcon (5 ml./10 l. water), Topaz (2 ml./10 l. water); Strobi (a drug for both mildew and oidium);
  • against ticks: Actellik, Fufanon (10 ml./10 l.), Bi-58;
  • from gray rot: Switch, Teldor, Scala;
  • We stop all treatments a month before harvest! The berries can only be treated with pharmaceutical potassium iodide: 2-3 g/10 l. water.




Pruning during the season

As for green operations, here is the classic scheme for any variety: we pinch all the stepsons above the first leaf as they appear, remove the tip of the shoot as soon as it reaches the top wire of the trellis (250 cm), remove all the shoots below the first wire (60 cm. ), remove excess shoots (there should be at least 15 cm between vertical shoots), remove doubles and tees. The only thing we do differently from other varieties is that we do not standardize the yield at the rate of 1 bunch per shoot. Jupiter's clusters are small, so he is able to stretch out 2, 3 and even 4 clusters. First of all, look at the condition of the bush; if the bush is powerful, then you don’t have to standardize it with the harvest at all.


There are many types of formations, and specifically about formations, it’s better to even watch a video on YouTube, it will be clearer. However, even on YouTube, everyone has a lot of skills and it can be difficult to choose a method that is suitable for a beginning winegrower. I’ll tell you about my method, and you decide for yourself whether you like it or not and whether everything is clear in the form of a diagram and description.

  • In the spring of the first year, I plant a woody or vegetative seedling and leave only one shoot on it. The main task of this season is to grow this shoot so that the vine on it has time to ripen. In late autumn, we prune the shoot back so that there are literally 4-5 buds left on it.
  • In the spring of next year, shoots will begin to awaken from the buds, and future sleeves will form from them. How many shoots to leave depends on the growth of the vine last season. If the vine grew powerfully, then you can leave 4 shoots, they will have time to ripen, if the seedling was frail and barely growing, then two shoots may be enough, the rest will be formed as a trace. year.
  • In the fall, we trim the shoots, taking into account their ripening and placement on the trellis. For example, the vine has matured only 1.0 m, there is no point in leaving more, an unripe vine will not survive the winter anyway. The second point - let’s assume you have not 2.5 meters between the bushes, but one meter. You will leave vines of 2 m at the neighboring bushes, as a result, one bush will “climb” onto the second, we don’t need that either. We try to leave the length of the shoots so that the entire bottom wire is occupied, but there is no overlap.
  • In the spring of the third year, we place the shoots horizontally on the lower wire of the trellis; these will already be fruit branches on which we will see the first harvest. From the buds of the fruit branches shoots will begin to develop vertically, the tops of which will be cut off as soon as they reach the top wire of the trellis (for me it is 250 cm). We also need to grow several sleeves so that the total number per bush is 5-6 pieces. If you were able to grow 2 branches last year, then this year we grow 4 more, leaving the shoots located as low as possible, it’s very good if they come straight from the ground, so it will be easier to cover them for the winter.
  • In the fall of the third year, we need to decide on the fruit branches for the next season. We have many vertical shoots on each sleeve. we need to leave only one, preferably the one closest to the head of the bush. Next year we will place this shoot horizontally on the bottom wire of the trellis and vertical shoots will develop from it. We will repeat this operation from year to year.

Shelter for the winter

The simplest shelter is to bury the vine in the ground. Don't do this too early. It’s good if a few light frosts pass, the vine will harden and you can still dig in more. We dig trenches about 15-20 cm deep, place tied vines in them, and sprinkle the trenches with earth. The earth neutralizes temperature changes very well - in the spring and during thaws the buds will not wake up ahead of time. The second indisputable advantage is earth-free covering material. 3rd: mice do not breed in the ground, as in tunnel-type shelters.

When to open grapes? Focus on the two-week weather forecast. You see that the growth is rising and night frosts are no longer expected - you can dig up the vine and fix it on a trellis.

Perennial growth is not afraid of frost! Only the current season's growth should be covered.

Beneficial features

Novocherkassk Anniversary grapes are one of the healthiest berries. Its chemical composition promotes the activation of a number of chemical reactions in the body, due to which the process of hematopoiesis improves, which has a positive effect on the condition of the bone marrow.

A huge number of useful vitamins and microelements give grape berries general strengthening and tonic properties, and the antioxidants in its composition have a strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system, help fight free radicals, which only has a positive effect on a person’s health and appearance.

However, you should remember that grapes should not be overused. This berry is quite high in calories: 100 g of Novocherkassk Jubilee fruit contains about 70 kcal. This should be remembered by those who are watching their figure or trying to lose weight. But patients with diabetes need to take into account that 100 g of product contains 17 g of sugar. And besides, the culture is not combined with all dishes, the simultaneous consumption of which can cause bloating and flatulence.

Harvesting and processing of grapes

Around August, you can pick the first ripened bunches of Novocherkassk Jubilee grapes. Once ripe, the bunches can be stored on the vine until September. But you need to keep in mind that the berries are susceptible to wasp invasion, so without proper protection or timely harvest, you can lose a significant part of the harvest.


Freshly harvested Jubilee Novocherkassk grapes are stored without loss of presentation and taste for up to 10 days at room temperature, and in the refrigerator the grapes do not lose freshness for up to 3 weeks.

Once ripe, the bunches can be stored on the vine until September

Most often, Jubilee Novocherkassk grapes are grown for sale. It has a pleasant dessert taste, so it is in great demand in the market. The use of the variety is universal. The berries can be eaten fresh, used for making desserts, baking, preparing juices, and canning. Due to its high sugar content, this variety is often used in wine production.


Read more about the photos and reviews about the “Anniversary of Novocherkassk” variety.


Hybrid of early ripening period 110-115 days, vigorous, clusters from 0.8 to 1.6 kg, large berries 12-18 g, harmonious taste. Productivity is high. Frost resistance - 23, disease resistance 3 points. Sergey, Zaporozhye

A very beautiful and large berry and a pleasant taste. When the berries had already turned pink, it rained a little over a week ago, I was worried whether the berries would crack, but no, they were all intact. I think this is a very good variety. Gregory, Poltava region.

The bush is self-rooted, vigorous, and has shown good resistance. Good sugar and very pleasant taste. Elena Petrovna, Rostov region.

What to write about the Anniversary of Novocherkassk?! He needs to be planted! Great grapes! Victor, Lviv

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that Jubilee Novocherkassk is quite resistant to mildew and oidium, these diseases can cause serious harm to the plant. Therefore, to preserve the bush, it should be treated with antifungal drugs 1-2 times for preventive purposes, and 3-4 times for medicinal purposes. Treatment is carried out immediately after the plant awakens, before flowering and after the formation of berries.

Due to the sweetness of their fruit, grapes are often attacked by birds, wasps and other flying insects. Therefore, it should be protected with a special net and pest traps should be used in the garden. It is imperative to get rid of wasp nests in a timely manner. As a preventive measure, you can treat the plant with tobacco smoke.

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