Delicate and sweet fruits with a creamy color - Snow White pepper: characteristics and description of the variety

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Description of the variety

Sweet pepper Snow White is an early ripening variety. The time frame from sowing to full ripening is 4 months. The culture is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse. This variety is not suitable for open ground.

  • The bushes of an adult plant are low - about 50 cm.
  • The fruits are slightly elongated, triangular in shape.
  • Painted whitish-lime color.

With the onset of full ripening or biological maturity, the color changes from white to red.

The length of the mature fruit reaches 12 cm in length and up to 9 cm in diameter. The walls of the pepper are quite thick. Productivity is high. Among the advantages of the variety, one should also note its high resistance to disease. In cooking, Snow White pepper is used for preparing vegetable salads, as well as for canning.

Snow white pepper: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews from gardeners, photos of the bush

A true gardener, as well as a connoisseur of variety in his garden and on the table, always strives to grow a variety with an unusual color or shape. Snow White pepper is an excellent opportunity to add white fruit to the standard shades of sweet pepper.

A variety for any region, but it is very heat-loving, and therefore will only feel great in a greenhouse. This is where all his requests end, and gardeners receive only pleasure from growing and from their neighbors’ assessments of the harvest.


Sweet peppers, and especially the Snow White variety, are best consumed fresh. It has a harmonious taste and smell, and a very delicate white tint. When stewed, it darkens somewhat, but the taste remains amazing.

It's better to store it:

  • frozen for making sauces and stuffing;
  • fresh (can be stored in the refrigerator for at least 20 days);
  • in blanks in their entirety;
  • in pickles in their entirety.

Characteristics of the variety

On the bushes the fruits are distributed evenly. Vegetables with very smooth skin bend slightly towards the ground and appear drooping. Peppers are usually 9 cm in diameter.

The length of the Snow White pepper fruits can reach 12 cm.

The walls of the sweet peppers produced by the Snow White variety are quite thick. Their parameters can reach 0.6-0.7 cm. Another feature of the pepper of this plant crop is that it is large-fruited. The weight of one fruit can vary from 100 to 150 grams.

It is impossible not to say about the shade of the fruit. It was thanks to him that the variety received such an unusual and attractive name. The thing is that unripe fruits are pale green with white tints. Only technically ripe vegetables acquire a rich red hue.

Do you think it is possible to can unripe Snow White peppers?

Not really

Among other features of the fruits of the Snow White plant crop, it is worth noting their versatility. Ripe peppers can be used for:

  • canning for the winter;
  • pickling and stewing;
  • consumed fresh.

Another advantage of the fruits of this variety is the possibility of long-term transportation without loss of presentation. Thanks to its fleshy and thick walls, this vegetable fits perfectly. Due to their thick skin, peppers do not crack. From 1 m2 you can harvest up to 7 kg of pepper.

In order for the fruits to last as long as possible, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for them. The optimal temperature in the room where these vegetables are stored is + 3-6 degrees.

Delicate and sweet fruits with a creamy color - Snow White pepper: characteristics and description of the variety

Snow White pepper retains the delicate whitish-cream color of the fruit for a long time (explains the name), which then gradually turns ruby. The variety is resistant to nightshade infections and bears fruit well with proper care.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Bell pepper Snow White is a reliable and productive representative of early varieties. It is cultivated in greenhouse structures (with or without heating), in greenhouses, and tunnels. Not suitable for cultivation in open beds. The first harvest is harvested 4 months after planting.

Sweet pepper Snow White grows in small compact bushes. The height of the plants does not exceed 50 cm, the stems are distinguished by their strength and abundance of ovaries and fruits.

Peppers grow up to 12 cm in length, their diameter is 9–10 cm. The shape is moderately elongated, with a triangular outline. The weight is massive - 100–150 g. The ribbing is expressed on the sides and at the stalk. The pericarp is thickened, fleshy, juicy. Wall thickness - 6–7 mm. The color is white-lime for a long time, only turning red at the very end.

The fruits of the variety are cut into salads and snacks, and first and second courses are prepared from them. Pickled peppers delight with their rich aroma and pleasant taste. They are convenient to freeze, stuff, and preserve.

Ripe peppers are well transported and stored on bushes and in refrigerated conditions. For storage, maintain the temperature at 3–6 degrees.

Snow White pepper is popular among farmers and private gardeners and is represented in the line of well-known domestic agricultural companies: Russian Garden, Gavrish, Biotekhnika, Aelita.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • large fruit;
  • early ripeness;
  • significant productivity;
  • presentation and keeping quality;
  • excellent taste;
  • versatility of use;
  • cold resistance;
  • strong resistance to infections;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • high level of useful components.


  • Suitable only for greenhouse growing conditions.


Snow White pepper consistently produces good yields. The yield of commercial products is from 7 kg per 1 sq. m.


Before sowing, the seed material is checked, soaked in warm water and any seeds that float are thrown away. To activate germination processes, they are treated with stimulants: Immunocytophyte, Epin. Leave in moistened gauze for a couple of days.

For planting, use separate containers: peat pots or cups (volume of at least 0.3 l), cassette boxes. Peppers do not like picking, which will allow you to do without the procedure. A good option is sowing in peat tablets.

The seedlings are transplanted into greenhouses when they reach 60–65 days of age. The air temperature must be at least 15 degrees, and the ground temperature at least 12 degrees.

Growing and care

The variety is unpretentious and responds positively to traditional agricultural practices. How to care for Snow White:

  • moisturizing is carried out with a frequency of 1–2 times a week (water norm is 1–3 liters per bush);
  • fertilizing is necessary once every 12–14 days;
  • shaping comes down to removing the lower stepsons and shoots without productive ovaries;
  • ventilate greenhouses for 15–30 minutes in the morning and evening to avoid oversaturation with moisture;
  • surface treatment of beds (loosening, mulching, weeding);
  • fruit rationing (pruning weak ovaries during cold weather to allow the set peppers to ripen).

For maximum yield, special attention is paid to the application of fertilizers. The first time feeding is carried out 10 days after planting the seedlings. They use a solution of urea with superphosphate, complex mixtures: Malyshok, Fertika-Lux, Agronom Profi.

During mass flowering, peppers need potassium salts. 1 tsp. potassium sulfate is dissolved in 10 liters, superphosphate is added. When ripe, the subcortex is watered once every 2 weeks. Complexes and phosphorus-potassium mixtures are suitable.

Diseases and pests

Snow White peppers are rarely affected by nightshade pathogens if the care regimen is followed. During epidemics in the area, preventive measures are necessary. If there is a risk of fungal diseases, the bushes are irrigated with Bordeaux mixture or copper-containing products (with an interval of 7–10 days). Use Fitosporin or Fundazol for treatment.

It is important to observe crop rotation - plant peppers after pumpkins and cucumbers, carrots and beets, peas and herbs. Busidine is used for cultivating the land in the fall.

Among the pests feared are aphids, slugs, wireworms, and ticks. Solutions of tobacco and ash, infusions of garlic, onions, and bitter herbs help against insect infestation in the initial stages.

When wireworms are found in the ground, lime and dolomite flour are added, and deep autumn and spring plowing is carried out. Snow White pepper resists infections and cold snaps and does not require effort during cultivation. The fruits ripen early.


Features of cultivation

Planting of Snow White seedlings can be done in mid-February - early March. Take into account the capriciousness of the variety, therefore, when deciding to breed it yourself, ensure a stable temperature in the room. In the afternoon it should be 25-28 degrees.

Planting material will be stronger and healthier if flower seeds are planted in the soil immediately before the full moon. In this article you will learn when it is better to start sowing vegetable seeds for seedlings in March according to the lunar calendar.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature at night:

  1. The difference in air temperature does not exceed 5-6 degrees.
  2. Lighting also matters. There should be enough light, but the lighting should be slightly shaded, not allowing direct sunlight to fall on the shoots.

To ensure the quality of the seedlings being grown, you must first check the quality of the seeds. To do this, they are soaked for a few minutes in water and only those that settle to the bottom are left for use.

Those that float up are pacifiers that can be safely thrown away. Deepen the seeds into the soil no more than 1 cm. Before germination, they can be covered with glass or film.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

If you want to speed up the germination of sprouts, you need to soak the seeds in wet gauze. Many people make the mistake of filling the seeds with water. This is impossible. Yes, they will germinate, but they will be too weak and simply will not be able to produce a decent harvest. You can sow the seeds in a common container, and then, when 2-3 leaves appear, transplant them into separate cups. But, if possible, it is better to immediately use peat tablets or containers that are more convenient in volume. The way a plant grows in the long term depends largely on the condition of the root system, and during transplantation it can be inadvertently damaged. Peat cups allow you to avoid replanting, and when planting in the ground, do not remove the plants from the container, but immediately immerse them in the hole. The planting plan for seedlings is carried out according to a 50x40 cm pattern.

Snow White pepper: characteristics and description, reviews, cultivation, variety yield

Bell pepper is present in the diet of every family.

Some people can’t imagine a fresh vegetable salad without this ingredient, some love the flavor it gives to first courses, and for others, stuffed peppers are their signature dish.

Among the many varieties follows Fr. What are its advantages, and why it is necessary to allocate at least a small area for it on a personal plot, we will consider further.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Despite its name, Snow White is a chameleon variety. It has a soft green color, which over time changes to deep red, and also amazes with its amazing taste and incredible aroma.

This pepper is an early ripening one. The harvest can be harvested after 4 months from the moment of sowing. The bushes are small. The height is usually up to half a meter. You don’t have to tie it up, but only on condition that the fruits are regularly removed and the stem does not break under their weight.

The fruits are triangular in shape, slightly elongated. Average dimensions are 12 cm in length and 9 cm in diameter. The walls are dense, fleshy, juicy.

Increased productivity. From one meter of kV you can collect an average of 10-12 kg.

“Snow White” tolerates transportation well and is stored well. Resistant to most common pepper diseases and pests. It should be noted that the variety gets along well with others, does not take away strength from them, and does not suffer from its “neighbors.”

Despite all the advantages, the variety is quite capricious, so even in areas with a stable climate it is bred mainly in greenhouses.

Growing seedlings

“Snow White” seedlings can be planted in mid-February – early March. Take into account the capriciousness of the variety, therefore, if you decide to breed it yourself, ensure a stable temperature in the room.

During the day it should be 25-28 degrees. A sharp night drop should not be allowed. The difference in air temperature is a maximum of 5-6 degrees.

Lighting also matters. There should be enough light, but it should be slightly shaded, avoiding direct sunlight on the sprouts.

To be sure of the quality of the grown seedlings, you must first check the seeds for quality. To do this, they are soaked in water for several minutes and only those that settle to the bottom are left for further use. Those that float up are pacifiers that can be safely thrown away.

The seeds should be deepened into the soil no more than 1 cm. Before germination, they can be covered with glass or film.

Note! If you want to speed up the germination of seedlings, you can pre-soak them in damp gauze. Many people make the mistake of filling the seeds with water. This cannot be done. Yes, they will germinate, but they will be too weak and simply will not be able to produce a decent harvest.

You can sow the seeds in a common container, and then, when 2-3 true leaves appear, transplant them into separate cups. But if possible, it is better to immediately use peat tablets or more convenient and larger containers.

How the plant ultimately grows depends largely on the condition of the root system, and during replanting it can be accidentally damaged. Peat cups allow you to avoid replanting, and when planting in the ground, do not remove the plant from the container, but immediately immerse it in the hole.

The seedling planting scheme is carried out according to the 50x40 cm pattern.

Features of cultivation and care

Snow White pepper does not require special attention. The main thing is to water in a timely manner, loosen the soil from time to time to avoid stagnation of moisture, and also fertilize with mineral fertilizers 3-4 times during the growing season.

One of the conditions for the full development of the plant is the removal of the lower leaves before the formation of the first fork.

Pepper is stored at a temperature of 3-6 degrees in dry, dark rooms. In the refrigerator, “Snow White” retains its freshness for up to 4-5 weeks, in the pantry or cellar for up to 6-8 weeks. If a longer period is envisaged, it is better to use the freezer or preserve this type of pepper.


Vladimir Ivanovich, 52 years old

Peppers are one of my favorite vegetables. I just can’t imagine how you can make a salad without it. I love Snow White for its special smell and taste. This pepper is very juicy, with a long aftertaste. When the color changes, the aroma and taste characteristics change slightly.

In the greenhouse I always set aside a small area for growing. The yield is high, so even the minimum number of bushes is more than enough for a small family. At least my wife and I have enough.

She cans and I like to freeze. I immediately cut it into slices and try to use different colors. In winter, I take out the required amount and add it to soup or stew.

This gives the finished dish not only a summer smell, but also makes it very visually appealing.

A remedy that makes plants grow by leaps and bounds! Just water your plants with this Read more…

Marina, 28 years old

I often use “Snow White” for preparations, but I always bought it at the market and never grew it on the plot. I bought it last year, but didn’t have time to roll it up. How surprised I was when the pepper began to change color.

This happens gradually and in jars this assortment looks very attractive. Yes, you can also freeze it by cutting it into pieces.

This time I will definitely plant it, especially since, according to reviews, this is one of the most unpretentious varieties to care for.

Sweet pepper “Snow White” will come in handy on any table. Its pleasant taste, rich aroma, as well as the ability to use it for food in different degrees of maturity and in different shades add piquancy and originality to even the simplest dish. Select a small area for its cultivation. You will be satisfied!



Snow White pepper is a fairly unpretentious variety that does not require special methods for growing, however, like all peppers, it needs some care:

  • Watering - good results can be achieved by using drip irrigation.
  • Weeding - loosening when weeding should be done superficially so as not to disturb the root system located close to the surface.
  • Formation - to get a full harvest, you must remove the stepsons growing below the bush's fork.
  • Garter to a support - despite the low growth, if there are a large number of fruits, the stems may break.
  • Mulching helps retain moisture in the soil and prevents weeds from growing. Using grass clippings or hay as mulch is an additional source of plant nutrition.
  • Feeding begins after the plants have adapted to the soil in 7-10 days. The first fertilizer is necessary for plants to gain mass; usually these are nitrogen-containing infusions of grass or mullein. After fruit set, fertilizing with potassium phosphate fertilizers is introduced. Typically, fertilizing is combined with watering and is carried out no more than once every two weeks.
  • When growing peppers in stationary greenhouses, it is necessary to regularly ventilate them using windows and doors, since with high humidity there is a risk of fungal diseases.
  • Harvest rationing. When it comes to cool weather, it is important to promptly remove weak ovaries and flowers so that existing fruits ripen.

Agricultural technology and care

Growing sweet peppers of the Snow White variety is not difficult. It is enough to have the desire and follow simple advice from experienced gardeners.

  1. Snow White pepper does not like drafts and temperature changes, therefore, if in the middle of summer the temperature suddenly drops below 170C, it is better to equip the greenhouse with heating. Thus, the harvest will still remain high.
  2. Water the Snow White sweet pepper, as gardeners advise, with settled warm water.
  3. Transplant seedlings on a cloudy day. Otherwise, the leaves may burn from the sun.
  4. Use fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

A good harvest also depends on your mood, on how much you want to grow a new variety yourself. Reviews of Snow White pepper confirm that the variety is worthy and worth the effort and space in the greenhouse.

Important! The variety does not like drying out the soil at the root, so it is better to use mulching.

Diseases and pests

The variety has relative resistance to most pepper diseases, subject to the basic requirements of agricultural technology:

  • Compliance with crop rotation (plants can be planted in the same place or after other crops of the nightshade family only after 3-4 years).
  • Carrying out preventive spraying with copper-containing preparations or phytosporin in case of signs of disease - changes in leaf color, the appearance of spots, slower growth.
  • Properly prepare the greenhouse - treat it with antifungal treatment after the end of the season.
  • Before sowing, treat the seeds with disinfectant solutions.

To combat pests of peppers - aphids, spider mites, slugs - spraying with repellent infusions of tobacco and onion peels is used. Do them twice, at intervals of several days.

To get rid of the wireworm, which often causes damage to the root system of peppers, use deep digging and liming of the soil.

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