Description of the 40 best varieties and types of parsley, what the plant looks like

The herbaceous biennial plant parsley (Petroselinum) is a small genus that belongs to the Celery (Apiaceae) family. This plant comes from the island of Sardinia. The first mention of it was found in ancient Egyptian papyri: according to legend, this culture grew from the blood that flowed from the eye of Horus, the son of the god Osiris, which was torn out by the evil Set. Under natural conditions, such a herbaceous plant is found on the Mediterranean coast. Root and leaf parsley is cultivated in southern Canada and the northern States, as well as throughout continental Europe except Scandinavia. The most popular among gardeners is root parsley, as it forms a root crop and also produces greens.

Features of parsley

Parsley is a herbaceous plant that can be an annual or biennial. Its stem is erect, and its leaf blades are double or triple pinnate. The petals of the heart-shaped flowers are yellow-green or whitish, sometimes they have a pale red tint at the base. The fruit is ovoid in shape, and it is compressed from the sides.

This crop is moisture-loving and frost-resistant. Seed germination is observed at temperatures of 1–5 degrees, while seedlings can withstand frosts down to minus 9 degrees. In this regard, in regions with mild, non-frosty winters, there is no need to extract the root of such a plant from the soil in autumn.

Parsley root

During the first year of growth, the bushes develop a leaf rosette and a root crop that looks like a carrot; it is colored pale yellow or white. And in the second year the bushes produce seeds. Parsley roots have medicinal properties, they help preserve vision, heal wounds, strengthen gums, and also stimulate kidney activity. They contain salts of potassium, iron and phosphorus. This root vegetable is used as a spice, adding it to soups and brines, as well as to marinades for canning.

Leaf parsley

Leaf parsley does not form a root crop, but it has a well-developed and branched root system. The greens of this plant are added to salads and also used as a spice for fish and first courses. Such greens are not only eaten fresh, but they are also dried and frozen. If such parsley is stored correctly, it can retain its beneficial substances for up to 12 months. This culture is still widely used in cosmetology, as well as in traditional and folk medicine.

How to grow parsley. Varieties of parsley. Website "Garden World"

Description and characteristics of the plant

Parsley is a biennial herbaceous plant with aromatic greens. There are three types of culture:

  • leafy;
  • root;
  • decorative

The first two are used as food, the latter is grown as an ornamental plant. The plant looks like a medium-sized grass with carved, curly leaves. Stems are erect. The flowers of the plant are small and green in color. After planting the seeds, the plant develops a powerful stem and a rosette of leaves; in the second year, the plant throws out an inflorescence.

Planting parsley in open ground

What time to plant

Parsley can be grown through seedlings or sown seeds directly into the ground, with the second method being more popular among gardeners. With the help of seedlings, such a plant is grown only in certain regions. Sowing seeds in open soil is carried out from mid to late April, and this can also be done in the autumn, namely, starting from mid-October. In order for leaf parsley to be on the table throughout the summer, it is recommended to sow it using a conveyor method: once every 15 days until the last days of July.

The area suitable for sowing should be sunny, and the soil should be loose, not very wet, light and rich in nutrients. This crop grows best on light sandy loam or loam with a pH of 6.5–7.0. When sowing parsley, experts do not recommend choosing an area with high groundwater levels. If there is no other place for growing, then you need to make high beds. You can grow parsley in the area after the following crops: onions, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, potatoes, cabbage and cucumbers. Bad predecessors are representatives of the Apiaceae family, for example: carrots, parsley, celery, fennel, coriander, dill, etc. However, parsley can be grown together with them, for example, in the same area you can grow carrots and parsley, dill and parsley, cilantro and parsley, etc. It can also be grown in the same area with cucumbers, legumes and tomatoes.

Landing rules

If the sowing of such a plant is planned for spring, then the preparation of the site must be done in the autumn. If the seeds are sown before winter in the autumn, then the site will need to be prepared no less than 15–20 days before the day of sowing. For root (fodder) parsley, it is necessary to add manure to the soil, but this is done approximately 12 months before sowing such a crop before growing the predecessor plant. Leaf (green) parsley grows well in manure. When digging a site in autumn, 4 to 5 kilograms of manure (compost) should be added to the soil per 1 square meter. If the soil is poor, then in addition to organic fertilizers, a complex of minerals is also added to it, but this must be done in the spring when preparing the site for sowing. If winter sowing of such a plant is planned, then organic matter and minerals must be added to the soil at the same time. Since dry seeds have very slow germination, they are recommended for 30 minutes. immerse in water, after which the seed is dried until it begins to crumble.

In the prepared area, grooves should be made, reaching a depth of 10–15 mm, while the width between them should be about 0.5 m. The grooves should be shed generously with lukewarm water, and after it is completely absorbed, the seeds should be sown. The grooves must be filled with soil, after which it is compacted. As a rule, the first seedlings appear after 15–20 days. In autumn, dry seeds are used for sowing, then the surface of the bed is covered with a layer of mulch (humus or peat).

How to sow parsley. Parsley in the country

Growing parsley seedlings

How to sow parsley seeds in open ground is described in more detail above. But in some cases, such a plant is grown in seedlings. Before you start sowing, the seeds need to be soaked in water, where they should remain for 24 hours, this will allow them to be cleared of essential oils, which help slow down germination. Then the seed must be placed in a moistened cloth. After white sprouts appear, the seeds are sown, after drying them until they flow. Picking of seedlings should be carried out after they begin to form two true leaf plates; peat pots are used for this. After 8 weeks have passed since sowing the seeds, root parsley seedlings must be planted in open soil. It is planted together with pots, and depending on the variety, a distance of 7–15 centimeters is maintained between the bushes. When planting leaf parsley seedlings, a distance of at least 20 centimeters should be maintained between them. The distance between the rows should be about 0.5 m. In this case, the preparation of the site must be done in advance.

How is it different from celery and cilantro?

Parsley is sometimes confused with two other types of greens that have similar leaf shapes: celery and cilantro (also known as coriander). All these crops belong to the Umbrella family, that is, they are indeed close relatives, but their clan affiliation is different.

You can distinguish them from each other by many characteristics - morphological, chemical (composition), etc., but it is best to focus on your own sense of smell. Each of the three indicated herbs has its own, completely unique smell, which, once remembered, cannot be confused with any other.

For those who do not trust their “smell,” below is more detailed information about three similar plants:
Sources: https: //

Growing parsley on a windowsill

In order to grow parsley indoors, it should be sown in exactly the same way as described above; for this, seedling boxes filled with a soil mixture of vermicompost and coconut fiber are used, which is laid out on top of the drainage layer. Seed material needs pre-sowing preparation. To do this, it is placed in a container with water for two to three days, which must be replaced twice a day. In this case, 2 hours before sowing, the seeds should be disinfected by immersing them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds need to be buried into the soil mixture no more than 5 mm, then the surface of the substrate is covered with loose soil, and the layer thickness should be about 10 mm. Then the box is put away in a dark place. In order for the seedlings to appear as quickly as possible, the containers should be covered with film or glass on top, however, the crops must be regularly ventilated, and condensation must be promptly removed from the surface of the shelter.

After the first seedlings appear after 15–20 days, the container with the crops should be moved to the windowsill. When the seedlings grow, they need to be thinned out, and the distance between the plants should be at least 40 mm. The optimal air temperature for growing parsley is from 15 to 20 degrees. If the room is colder, the growth of the plants will become slower, and in the heat the seedlings will dry out. In order for seedlings to grow normally, they need long daylight hours. If it is shorter than necessary, then the parsley will need additional artificial lighting; for this, a fluorescent lamp must be placed at a distance of 0.6 m. After about 6 weeks the first harvest can be harvested. When the height of the branch reaches 10–12 centimeters, if necessary, it can be picked and used for cooking, while part of the stem with 1/3 of the leaf blades should remain in the container.

For growing indoors, it is recommended to use early varieties; in this case, the first harvest is carried out half a month earlier than when growing late- and mid-ripening varieties. The most common green varieties grown on the windowsill are: Astra, Russian Feast, Fitness, Beads, Green Pearl, Morning Freshness, Gloria, etc.

PARSLEY - planting parsley and growing parsley at HOME

How to grow from root vegetables

This method of growing parsley allows you to avoid waiting for seedlings to appear. In the last days of October, before frosts begin, the parsley bush must be removed from the ground with roots about 50 mm long and about 40 mm wide. To disinfect the seedling box, you need to use a strong solution of potassium manganese; at its bottom, you need to make a drainage layer, on top of which the soil mixture for violets is poured. The roots of this plant, which were dug up in the garden, should be planted in it almost close to each other, while only the apical buds should rise above the surface of the substrate. The earth mixture must be compacted a little and watered well, after which the container is transferred to an unheated veranda or to an insulated balcony. The plants need to be provided with moderate watering, and after green sprouts appear, the container is transferred to a well-lit and warm (about 20 degrees) room. Young plants will need additional lighting on a cloudy day. After active growth of green mass begins, watering should be made more frequent and abundant. If everything is done correctly, then by the New Year holidays, fresh aromatic herbs will grow.

How to water

When growing parsley indoors, it needs to be provided with systematic moderate watering. The substrate in the containers should not dry out, and water should not be allowed to stagnate in the soil mixture. This plant needs to be watered every day with a moderate amount of water at room temperature. After a crust appears on the surface of the substrate, it is removed by loosening the soil mixture.


If this crop is grown from seeds, then the seedlings will need liquid fertilizing; for this, environmentally friendly fertilizer is used; it should be applied no more than 2 times every 4 weeks. To do this, you can use organic matter or mineral complex fertilizers, which have proven themselves well.

Use in cooking

Parsley is used in the cuisines of almost all countries of the world. The spicy taste of the leaves of this vegetable goes well with:

  • pasta (noodles, macaroni, spaghetti, pasta);
  • savory baked goods (pies, pizza);
  • vegetables;
  • rice;
  • mushrooms;
  • meat dishes;
  • fish;
  • first courses;
  • sauces on different bases (tomato, sour cream, broth).

It is most often added to dishes fresh, less often dried or frozen. Unique is the fact that most of the substances contained in parsley do not lose their beneficial properties during heat treatment.

Caring for your bird

Growing such a crop in open soil is quite simple. To do this, the bushes must be thinned, weeded, fed, watered, and also loosened the surface of the bed in time. In spring, while parsley is still very weak, it needs special protection from weeds, because they can choke out any cultivated plant. In this regard, parsley will need to be systematically weeded, and weeds should be removed both from the rows and from the inter-row spaces. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 24 hours after it has rained or the garden bed has been watered; while removing the weeds, it is also necessary to loosen the soil surface. Loosening improves the aeration of the root system of the bushes.

How to water

When grown in the garden, this crop will need to be watered systematically. In this case, you need to pay attention to the fact that root varieties are less demanding on watering compared to leaf varieties. Fodder parsley is distinguished by its resistance to drought, and therefore throughout the entire growing season it will need to be watered approximately 2 times. And green varieties need more watering.

Based on the condition of the leaves on the bushes, you can determine whether the plants need watering. Parsley should be watered early in the morning or in the evening after the sun has set. For irrigation, you should not use cold water; its temperature should not be lower than the air temperature. Therefore, the water is left in the sun to heat up. And if tap water is used, then you need to wait until it settles.


Green varieties of parsley need more nitrogen than root varieties, so fertilizing is applied 2 times during the growing season, for this they use saltpeter (5-6 grams of substance per 1 square meter of plot). Fodder parsley needs potassium and phosphorus to a greater extent, so in the spring, full mineral fertilizer should be used to feed it, while in August 7 grams of superphosphate and 5 grams of potassium salt should be added to the soil per 1 square meter of land. If you add nitrogen-containing fertilizer to the soil in the fall, this can cause the accumulation of nitrates in the root crop.

What to plant in the area where parsley grew

The place where such a crop was grown is not suitable for cultivating representatives of the Apiaceae family. The next time parsley and other related crops can be grown in this area only after 4–5 years. An area where parsley was previously grown is excellent for planting onions, potatoes, peas, garlic, tomatoes and beans.

How and where does it grow?

The natural distribution area of ​​Petroselinum crispum is the Mediterranean. According to one version, the plant was cultivated by the ancient Greeks, according to another - by the Spaniards. However, it seems that parsley was known and loved back in Ancient Egypt.

However, the culture became widespread thanks to the ancient Romans, who, capturing more and more new lands, along with new orders, introduced into them their favorite plant, a benefit that turned out to be very unpretentious and easily adaptable to the proposed climatic conditions.

Today, parsley is grown in almost all European countries (the only exceptions are the Scandinavian countries). In America, the plant is very popular in the southern states of Canada and the northern states of the USA.

As for Russia, in addition to the European part (up to Moscow), Petroselinum crispum has taken root well in the Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts, although only in the southern parts of their territory.

The possibility of growing the plant in areas with a fairly cold climate is determined primarily by the fairly short growing season of parsley, which allows it to form even in conditions of a very short and not too warm summer.

Diseases and pests of parsley with photos and names

Parsley diseases

Parsley is not highly resistant to disease. Most often, such a crop is affected by the following diseases:

Powdery mildew

When a plant is infected with such a fungal disease, a loose coating of almost white color forms on the surface of its above-ground parts. As the disease develops, black dots appear on this plaque, which are the fruiting bodies of the fungus. The reproductive capacity of such bushes is greatly deteriorated. This disease actively develops in damp weather, if there are sharp temperature fluctuations. In order to combat such a disease, after the parsley crop is harvested, the area must be cleared of plant debris that should be destroyed. Then the soil is treated with Bayleton's solution, and the instructions must be strictly followed.


This disease promotes the development of chlorosis on the edges of leaf blades of the lower tiers of plants. Over time, the edge of the foliage turns red, and then the entire plate acquires this color. In affected bushes, there is a decrease in the turgor of root crops, which is why they are stored worse. The causative agents of this disease are spread by leafhoppers, with the first signs of stolbur appearing in the last days of July or the first days of August. For prevention purposes, it is necessary to promptly destroy the leafhoppers that have settled on the site, remove weeds in a timely manner, regularly dig up the site and treat the bushes with herbicides.

Black rot or Alternaria

Defeat by such a disease can occur both in the storage and in the garden. When the disease just begins to develop, its symptoms are similar to “blackleg”: the bush has damage to the root collar, and as the disease develops, the entire stem is affected, and this happens relatively quickly. Then the bush turns yellow and dies. When the entire above-ground part of the parsley is affected by black rot, the disease can spread to the root system. The causative agents of the disease most often penetrate microtraumas on the bush (cuts, cracks or scratches), where it begins to actively develop. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of crop rotation, and the area must also be cleared of plant residues that should be destroyed. After the height of the tops of the bushes is 10–12 centimeters, they should be sprayed with Khoma solution (40 grams of substance per 1 bucket of water). In the middle of the summer period, around the root crops, it is necessary to evenly distribute the Barrier product over the surface of the bed (take 1 tablespoon of the substance per 1 square meter of area).

Parsley septoria, or white spot

This fungal disease affects leaf petioles, foliage and shoots. In the middle of the summer period, brown spots form on the lower leaf blades; after a while they become lighter, but their dark border does not change its color. As the disease progresses, the upper leaf blades are also affected. Over time, the foliage turns yellow and dries out, and the petioles break. As a result, parsley yields suffer greatly. At the end of the growing season, all plant residues must be removed from the site and burned. Then the site is excavated. For preventive purposes, before sowing, the seed must be heated at a temperature of 45 to 50 degrees. Carry out 2 treatments on the leaves in the first ten days of July with a break of 1.5 weeks with a solution of Energen (20 drops of the substance are taken per 1 liter of water).


As a rule, parsley is affected by this disease in the first weeks of summer. In diseased bushes, spots of brownish-red color form on the underside of the leaf blades, which merge with each other over time. As a result, the foliage turns yellow prematurely, dries out and loses its taste. To cure a diseased plant, it will need the same treatment as for white spot.

Early burn or cercospora

On the surface of the shoots and foliage of the affected bush, brown or pale yellow spots are formed, reaching about 0.6 cm in diameter and having an irregular shape. With high humidity, a light gray coating appears on the surface of the spots. Sick bushes experience stunted growth, as well as yellowing and drying of the foliage. The disease actively develops during the day if the weather is humid and warm, as well as on foggy nights and if heavy dew falls in the morning. If the disease is just beginning to develop, the area will need to be sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (1%). If this is necessary, then similar spraying is carried out several more times with a break of 10–12 days. The bushes should be sprayed for the last time no later than half a month before harvest.

Parsley can also be affected by diseases such as: felt and white rot, peronosporosis (downy mildew), aster jaundice, etc.

Parsley pests

The following pests most often settle on parsley bushes:

carrot psyllid

This small pest feeds on plant sap. Its larvae also feed on parsley juice, while they are wrapped in foliage, and the bush becomes like a terry one. To get rid of psyllids, you need to spray the bushes 2 times with Iskra, Fitoverm, Iskra Bio or Karbofos. Such treatments are carried out in May, when a mass emergence of adults is observed, as well as in July after the formation of larvae.

Stem nematode

This small worm reaches only one and a half millimeters in length; it lays eggs in the tissues of this plant. Such a pest at almost any stage of development feeds on parsley juice, while the affected parts of the bush experience stunted growth, bending and death. For preventive purposes, when preparing seed for sowing, it must be heated in a thermos with hot water (about 45–50 degrees) for a quarter of an hour. When the parsley crop is harvested, the area will require deep digging. It is also necessary to adhere to the rules of crop rotation.

carrot fly

This pest is only half a centimeter long and has a green tint color. This fly prefers damp places. If she settles in a bed of parsley, then the bushes will experience a lag in development, and the foliage will turn purple-red, then yellow and, in the end, it will die off. If parsley grows near carrots, then the likelihood that such a fly will settle on the bushes increases greatly, because this pest is attracted by the carrot smell. To mask the strong smell of carrots, it is recommended to treat its bushes with a solution consisting of 1 bucket of water, 1 tbsp. l. ground red or black pepper and 1 tsp. liquid soap. You can also cover the soil surface between the rows with a layer of a mixture consisting of sand and naphthalene (10:1). Since such a pest enters the ground for the winter, it is recommended to carry out deep digging after harvesting in the autumn.

melon aphid

This pest is omnivorous. As a rule, it appears on the site in the last days of June, and in 1 season it can produce up to 10 generations. These insects are found on the underside of leaf blades, stems and flowers, and they suck the juice from the bushes. The affected plant stops growing and dies. You also need to take into account that aphids are considered the main carrier of various incurable diseases. For prevention purposes, it is necessary to remove all weeds from the garden bed immediately after they appear, trim and destroy the yellow parts of the bush, and after harvesting, be sure to deep dig the area. If, nevertheless, aphids settle on the bushes, then they will need to be sprayed with any soap solution, for example: for 1 bucket of water you can take 40 grams of laundry soap. If this is necessary, then the bushes are sprayed 3 or 4 times with a break of 5 days.

Types and varieties of parsley

It was already mentioned above that gardeners cultivate 2 types of parsley, namely: leaf and root. Leaf parsley comes in two varieties, namely curly and smooth. They differ from each other only in appearance. All varieties of this plant are divided according to ripening time. The most popular varieties of parsley will be described below.

Top 3 varieties of parsley for winter sowing: Maestro, Kornevaya Berlinskaya, Curly Moskrause

Smooth leaf parsley varieties

  1. Gloria . This early variety is distinguished by its productivity; it is intended for cultivation in open ground, as well as in a greenhouse. The rosette is low, and the leaf blades are large and long. This parsley is used fresh for food, as well as for preparing preparations for the winter.
  2. Bogatyr . This productive variety is very fragrant, it grows back quickly after cutting. The long-petioled large leaf blades are dark green and have a triangular shape. Duration of ripening is 70–80 days.
  3. Hamburger . This variety, created not so long ago, has a medium height and has fragrant, delicate foliage of a rich green color. The variety ripens in 75–90 days. It can be eaten both dried and fresh.
  4. Carnival . The variety is characterized by high productivity. The fragrant, long-petioled, medium-sized leaf blades have a dark green color. The foliage grows back relatively quickly after cutting. After the seedlings appear, no more than 60 days will pass before harvesting.

The following varieties are also very popular among gardeners: Italian Giant, Green Crystal, Appetizing, Fragrant Wall, Rosava, Green Carpet, etc.

Curly varieties of leaf parsley

  1. Mooskrause 2 . This German variety, distinguished by its compactness, has heavily corrugated, fragrant leaf blades of a dark green color. After cutting, young leaves grow back in no longer than 40 days. This variety is drought and frost resistant.
  2. Bravo . The bushes have vertical long shoots and are quite easy to harvest. Very fragrant, highly corrugated leaf blades have a rich green color.
  3. Astra . An early-ripening variety with high yields, it has grooved leaf plates that are part of dense rosettes. After cutting, foliage grows back in a fairly short time. This parsley is intended for cultivation both in a greenhouse and in open ground.
  4. Esmeralda . This is a medium-ripening variety with foliage that grows quickly after cutting. The bush can weigh up to 50 grams. The rosette contains from 25 to 30 short-petioled, curly leaf blades.
  5. Breeze . The height of the leaf rosette of this vigorous variety is about 0.75 m, the duration of ripening is approximately 80 days. One bush can weigh about 60 grams. Tender leaves remain fresh for a long time after cutting.

Also quite popular among gardeners are such varieties as: Frize, Curly, Triplex, Cinderella, Element, Claudia, Moskurland, Slava Erfurt, Kaderava, Darki.

Varieties of root parsley

  1. Sugar . This early-ripening variety is distinguished by its productivity. Dense, whitish-gray root vegetables have a conical shape; they reach a length of about 0.3 m, a diameter of about 65 mm, and their weight is up to 60 grams. Very tasty white pulp has a light yellow center. From the moment the seedlings appear until the onset of technical ripeness, 85 to 100 days pass.
  2. Alba . A late-ripening variety characterized by productivity. Very tasty root vegetables weigh about 0.3 kg. The advantages of this variety also include the absence of lateral roots in root crops, as well as their excellent keeping quality.
  3. Bordovikskaya . In this late variety, the white root vegetables have a shape similar to a carrot; they weigh about 0.2 kg. The pulp is fragrant and white. If root vegetables are stored correctly, they will have excellent shelf life.
  4. Harvest . The variety has a medium ripening period and is resistant to frost and diseases. After the seedlings appear, they reach technical ripeness in 130 days. The length of juicy root vegetables is about 20 centimeters.
  5. The final . The variety has a medium ripening period and is distinguished by its yield. The length of the root crops is about 23 centimeters, their weight is up to 0.2 kg, and their shape is similar to an elongated cone. They have high taste qualities.

In addition to these varieties, popular ones are: Konika, Lekar, Eagle, Good Morning, Tops and Roots, Berlinia and Piquant.

Which variety to choose for different regions?

Any variety is suitable for open ground; parsley is a frost-resistant plant. Some varieties can withstand temperatures as low as -5 degrees.

The best varieties for the Moscow region and central regions:

  • Berlinia;
  • Titanium;
  • Aster;
  • Konika;
  • Carnival;
  • Festival;
  • Fragrant;
  • Green crystal;
  • Common leaf;
  • Delicate aroma.

Seeds are planted immediately in open ground.

Frost-resistant varieties are suitable for northern regions, but parsley will have to be planted in a greenhouse. Most hybrids have a long ripening period, and parsley simply will not have time to ripen in time.

Properties of parsley: benefits and harms

Beneficial properties of parsley

Fresh parsley leaves contain a large amount of microelements and vitamins that the human body needs. It is interesting that already in Ancient Egypt such a culture was worth its weight in gold. Today, this plant is also quite popular; it is used in medicine, cooking, and also in cosmetology.

Few people know that the greens of such a plant contain the same amount of carotene that is contained in carrots, while it contains approximately the same amount of vitamin C as in lemon. 50 grams of parsley contains the daily requirement of ascorbic acid. Greens contain vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B12, PP, as well as folic acid, fatty acids, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium. Thanks to these vitamins and elements, parsley has beneficial properties, namely:

  • helps improve the functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland;
  • helps improve metabolic processes in the body;
  • helps strengthen blood vessels;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • helps strengthen gums;
  • helps improve oxygen metabolism and stimulates brain function;
  • Helps control satiety and appetite;
  • has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • is effective in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and nephritis;
  • helps in overcoming depression, as well as in restoring strength.

The decoction, infusion and juice of this culture have healing properties. The juice is used during the treatment of heart, respiratory and eye diseases. During the treatment of diseases of the optic nerve system, a mixture of parsley and carrot juice (1:3) is very effective. A mixture of garlic and parsley has a powerful diuretic effect; it is most often used to normalize high blood pressure. In addition, products that include garlic and parsley help stabilize cholesterol levels, and also have an antiviral effect, remove toxins from the body, reduce high blood clotting, and are also used to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

The extract of this plant is used to make a cream with a whitening effect, because this herb helps whiten the skin and lighten age spots and freckles. This plant is also used to eliminate swelling, treat bruises and insect bites, and also to improve scarring of fistulas and ulcers.

A decoction, oil, extract and infusion of such a medicinal plant are used to treat female diseases, for example, pain during menstruation, menstrual irregularities, and they also help improve the mental and physical condition during menopause. Parsley remedies help men relieve pain from inflammation of the prostate gland, and they also have a general strengthening effect.

To prepare a decoction of parsley, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped roots of such a plant and combine them with 1 tbsp. just boiled water The mixture should boil for only 1 minute, then cover the container with a lid and leave to cool. It is recommended to drink the decoction 3 times a day before meals, 1-2 tbsp. l, it helps with anemia, malaria, prostatitis, intestinal disorders, increased gas formation and is used to strengthen the immune system.

Parsley. Medicinal properties and contraindications.


Parsley can be harmful if eaten in very large quantities. It contains myristicin, an overdose of which causes headaches, hallucinations, nausea, overexcitement, weight loss and muscle cramps. It is better to avoid taking products made from parsley during pregnancy, as well as for patients with oxaluria, urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder and nephritis. During breastfeeding, it is also recommended to exclude parsley from the diet, as it contains spicy essential oil.

Harvesting and storage of garden crops

Spicy herbs and parsley roots are collected 2-3 months after planting. For winter storage, it is useful to leave the stems and leaves. They are cut off with a sharp knife at the root during the summer, leaving the shoots inside. And in the fall all stems are cut off.

Parsley is often stored dried. To do this, young greens are collected in dry, sunny weather. After sorting out the grass stems, they are washed and dried on a towel. Tie the parsley into bunches and hang it in the shade under a canopy. You cannot leave the grass in the sun - it will lose its beneficial properties and turn yellow. After the herb has completely dried, it is crushed and poured into a glass container for storage. You can immediately chop the plucked stems with leaves and dry them on a baking sheet in the oven, setting the temperature to 50 degrees.

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