Description of the tomato variety Ermak F1, features of cultivation and care

Criteria for the Ermak variety

A vegetable grower needs a detailed description in order to avoid mistakes when growing, correctly position the plant on the site and comply with all care requirements.


  • Slightly leafy.
  • Determinant.
  • Height up to 55 cm.
  • Ovaries 5-6 pcs.
  • Ripens in 135-139 days.


  • Shape: round-oval.
  • Color: orange-red.
  • Weight: 65-75 g.
  • Cameras: 3-5 pcs.
  • The density is high.
  • The skin is rough.
  • High degree of transportability.
  • Long shelf life.

A detailed description of the tomato hybrid allows the summer resident to make the right decision.

Application and yield of the variety

A characteristic feature of the variety is the versatility of its use. Preparing fresh salads, canning, all types of processing, drying and other ways to use vegetables.

The yield of the variety is 4.5-7.5 kg per 1 m2. Subject to all planting and care requirements.

Growing methods

The Ermak hybrid is planted in 2 ways: direct sowing in the ground and seedling method. Summer residents recommend the second method. Because in this case the harvest is expected 15-20 days earlier.

Seeds are sown 2 months in advance. Be sure to pick the plants at the stage of appearance of 2 true leaves. The seedlings must be carefully looked after if in the future the summer resident wants to receive the declared volume of harvest.

To do this, maintain a temperature regime of +15-17 ⁰C for the first days, then +20-22 ⁰C. Daylight hours for normal plant development are 14-16 hours; if there is a lack of sunlight, special lighting devices are installed.

Plants must be fed with growth stimulants or complex mineral fertilizers.

Plants should be hardened off before moving to a permanent location. To do this, Ermak tomatoes are taken out into the open air. 1 day for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time, reaching 8 hours. 4-6 plants per 1 m2 are placed in the ground.

Description of the variety Tomato Ermak

You will never get tired of admiring Ermak.
Its fruits look like huge crimson balls, even and smooth. Throughout the summer, wave after wave, Ermak will surprise you with an excellent harvest. One or two of these giants will be enough for you to prepare a cup of your favorite summer salad. This tomato belongs to the series of extra-large-fruited tomatoes.

The subject of our special concern is extra-large-fruited tomatoes with fruits weighing up to 500 g and above. These are the tomatoes every gardener dreams of. Designed for cultivation both in greenhouses and in open ground.

We recommend not to thicken the planting and constantly water the bushes evenly. The soil should be constantly moist, especially during fruit growth. When there are changes in water supply, giant tomatoes are prone to cracking. The price is for 12 pcs. tomato seeds

On this page of our online store you can order tomato seeds by mail, cash on delivery. Seeds are sent without prepayment. Payment for ordered seeds occurs at the Russian Post office upon receipt.

When working with seeds, it is necessary to carry out disinfection

containers (boxes, seedlings). Hands should be wearing gloves or should be washed periodically and wiped with napkins. There are very frequent cases when the infection gets on the seeds due to insufficiently carefully treated containers. New containers must be washed; it is advisable to soak already used containers for a day in a deochlor solution, 1 tablet per 5 liters of water, and then rinse thoroughly.

In soil you make yourself, with the addition of no more than 20% of purchased soil, tomatoes grow much better.

It is necessary to mix 35% peat, 20% purchased high-quality soil with fertilizers and microelements, 30% garden soil not from tomatoes, steamed to 60 degrees, 10% your own or purchased vermicompost, 4% perlite, 1% vermiculite.

The closer to bright and warm spring days you sow the seeds, the higher the solar activity, which means all phases of seedling development pass faster. Varieties and hybrids for open ground; it is not advisable to sow seedlings early. If weather conditions are unsuitable for planting in a permanent location, the seedlings may overgrow and lose their quality.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in seedling containers, at the bottom of which it is necessary to make drainage from fine charcoal,

and then pour 5-7 cm of well-mixed seedling soil. Level the soil. Make grooves 1 cm deep at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other. Moisten the soil from a spray bottle with a weak solution of potassium humate with microelements. Place tomato seeds in the grooves, lightly pressing them into the soil with a fingertip or a toothpick at a distance of 2-2.5 cm from each other. Once again lightly spray with a solution of humate (humate + 7 or humate + iodine) from a spray bottle, which stimulates and accelerates the growth process. Fill the top with a 0.5 cm layer of dry soil, which must then be carefully compacted (pressed against the base).

Seedling containers are covered with film to create a greenhouse effect and placed in a warm place with a temperature of + 28-30 degrees C. Hybrid tomato seeds are more demanding of heat during germination, unlike varietal ones. If the temperature conditions are not observed, the seeds may rot and not germinate or will germinate slowly and for a long time.

. With the emergence of seedlings, the temperature for the first 2-3 days is reduced to plus 15-18 degrees during the day and 10-12 degrees at night. This technique protects the seedlings from being pulled out and creates conditions for better development of the root system.

4-7 (maximum 10) days after germination, remove the film and place the tomatoes under 24-hour lighting for 3-5 days. Then the daylight hours for tomatoes should be at least 14 - 16 hours a day under lighting or on a light and warm, draft-free window sill.

A week after germination, the temperature regime is changed to plus 20-25 degrees during the day and 12-15 degrees at night. After 2 weeks from germination, the seedlings are planted in individual seedling containers.

Pour a 2 cm layer of fine charcoal into a 400 ml seedling container with drainage holes at the bottom. You can grind the charcoal for barbecue, which is sold in all stores. Add nitrogen-free complex fertilizer borofosk 1/5 teaspoon. It is phosphorus, boron and potassium that will participate in the formation of the first brush. Fill halfway with soil.

Use a teaspoon to remove the seedling from the container and transfer it to a container for seedlings. Cover the roots completely with soil, squeezing it carefully to prevent the formation of air pockets. Water the soil with a weak solution of calcium nitrate, 1/2 teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water. Add soil on top and do not water again. Place seedling containers in pallets and place them under lighting.

The next watering after picking is carried out after 5 days until the earthen clod is completely wetted. Then water only after the soil has completely dried. If the plants are slightly wilting, it is recommended to spray them with a weak solution of potassium humate or a weak solution (1/3 of the recommended dose) of a complete mineral complex for tomato seedlings,

but do not water until the earthen clod is completely dry. During the growth of seedlings, it is recommended to spray it 1-3 times per leaf with calcium nitrate, normally 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water.

Cultivation care

There is nothing complicated about caring for tomatoes. The Ermak variety does not require dressing or shaping. The main conditions are compliance with watering and fertilizing standards. Water in the evening with warm water. Gardeners recommend installing drip irrigation, so the moisture goes directly to the roots.

See also

Characteristics and description of the Dachnik tomato variety, its yieldRead

Feed with organic matter or complex mineral fertilizers. Alternating them with each other, fertilize at least 3 times. The first time is 7-10 days after transplantation, then during flowering and fruiting.

Loosening the soil will provide oxygen access to the roots and retain moisture in the soil longer. Removing weeds will retain most of the nutrients in the soil and help avoid the development of diseases and pest attacks.

Description of the tomato variety Ermak F1, features of cultivation and care

The late tomato variety Ermak F1 is a productive variety that does not require care. Summer residents value it for its disease resistance and excellent commercial qualities.

Criteria for the Ermak variety

A vegetable grower needs a detailed description in order to avoid mistakes when growing, correctly position the plant on the site and comply with all care requirements.

  • Slightly leafy.
  • Determinant.
  • Height up to 55 cm.
  • Ovaries 5-6 pcs.
  • Ripens in 135-139 days.
  • Shape: round-oval.
  • Color: orange-red.
  • Weight: 65-75 g.
  • Cameras: 3-5 pcs.
  • The density is high.
  • The skin is rough.
  • High degree of transportability.
  • Long shelf life.

A detailed description of the tomato hybrid allows the summer resident to make the right decision.

Growing methods

The Ermak hybrid is planted in 2 ways: direct sowing in the ground and seedling method. Summer residents recommend the second method. Because in this case the harvest is expected 15-20 days earlier.

Seeds are sown 2 months in advance. Be sure to pick the plants at the stage of appearance of 2 true leaves. The seedlings must be carefully looked after if in the future the summer resident wants to receive the declared volume of harvest.

To do this, maintain a temperature regime of +15-17 ⁰C for the first days, then +20-22 ⁰C. Daylight hours for normal plant development are 14-16 hours; if there is a lack of sunlight, special lighting devices are installed.

Plants must be fed with growth stimulants or complex mineral fertilizers.

Plants should be hardened off before moving to a permanent location. To do this, Ermak tomatoes are taken out into the open air. 1 day for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time, reaching 8 hours. 4-6 plants per 1 m2 are placed in the ground.

Cultivation care

There is nothing complicated about caring for tomatoes. The Ermak variety does not require dressing or shaping. The main conditions are compliance with watering and fertilizing standards. Water in the evening with warm water. Gardeners recommend installing drip irrigation, so the moisture goes directly to the roots.

Feed with organic matter or complex mineral fertilizers. Alternating them with each other, fertilize at least 3 times. The first time is 7-10 days after transplantation, then during flowering and fruiting.

Loosening the soil will provide oxygen access to the roots and retain moisture in the soil longer. Removing weeds will retain most of the nutrients in the soil and help avoid the development of diseases and pest attacks.

Application and yield of the variety

A characteristic feature of the variety is the versatility of its use. Preparing fresh salads, canning, all types of processing, drying and other ways to use vegetables.

The yield of the variety is 4.5-7.5 kg per 1 m2. Subject to all planting and care requirements.

Positive properties of the Ermak variety

The characteristics of the variety are good and bad. To evaluate a variety, the gardener evaluates the presence of pros and cons. This plays a key role in deciding whether to grow a crop on a plot or not.

  • Ripens together.
  • Suitable for one-time cleaning.
  • The fruits are durable, easy to transport and retain their presentation.
  • Tolerant of heat, drought, poor lighting of the area.
  • Universal in use.
  • Resistant to late blight, septoria.
  • There is no way to collect seeds yourself.
  • Afraid of lowering temperature.

To evaluate the Ermak variety, summer residents are advised to grow several plants for testing, and for the gardener to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the crop.

The opinion of summer residents regarding Ermak tomatoes

The presence of positive reviews works better than the most thoughtful advertising from the manufacturer. It is gardeners that the vegetable grower trusts most.

Valentina Georgievna: “I planted Ermak on the advice of a friend. I didn't regret it. The tomatoes taste excellent, the hybrid is unpretentious and disease-resistant. I like it very much and will continue to grow it.”

The versatility of Ermak tomatoes makes the hybrid popular among housewives and summer residents.

Positive properties of the Ermak variety

The characteristics of the variety are good and bad. To evaluate a variety, the gardener evaluates the presence of pros and cons. This plays a key role in deciding whether to grow a crop on a plot or not.


  • Ripens together.
  • Suitable for one-time cleaning.
  • The fruits are durable, easy to transport and retain their presentation.
  • Tolerant of heat, drought, poor lighting of the area.
  • Universal in use.
  • Resistant to late blight, septoria.


  • There is no way to collect seeds yourself.
  • Afraid of lowering temperature.

To evaluate the Ermak variety, summer residents are advised to grow several plants for testing, and for the gardener to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the crop.

Tomato Ermak F1: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews from summer residents with photos

The late tomato variety Ermak F1 is a productive variety that does not require care. Summer residents value it for its disease resistance and excellent commercial qualities.

Criteria for the Ermak variety

A vegetable grower needs a detailed description in order to avoid mistakes when growing, correctly position the plant on the site and comply with all care requirements.


  • Slightly leafy.
  • Determinant.
  • Height up to 55 cm.
  • Ovaries 5-6 pcs.
  • Ripens in 135-139 days.


  • Shape: round-oval.
  • Color: orange-red.
  • Weight: 65-75 g.
  • Cameras: 3-5 pcs.
  • The density is high.
  • The skin is rough.
  • High degree of transportability.
  • Long shelf life.

A detailed description of the tomato hybrid allows the summer resident to make the right decision.

Growing methods

The Ermak hybrid is planted in 2 ways: direct sowing in the ground and seedling method. Summer residents recommend the second method. Because in this case the harvest is expected 15-20 days earlier.

Seeds are sown 2 months in advance. Be sure to pick the plants at the stage of appearance of 2 true leaves. The seedlings must be carefully looked after if in the future the summer resident wants to receive the declared volume of harvest.

To do this, maintain a temperature regime of +15-17 ⁰C for the first days, then +20-22 ⁰C. Daylight hours for normal plant development are 14-16 hours; if there is a lack of sunlight, special lighting devices are installed.

Plants must be fed with growth stimulants or complex mineral fertilizers.

Plants should be hardened off before moving to a permanent location. To do this, Ermak tomatoes are taken out into the open air. 1 day for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time, reaching 8 hours. 4-6 plants per 1 m2 are placed in the ground.

Cultivation care

There is nothing complicated about caring for tomatoes. The Ermak variety does not require dressing or shaping. The main conditions are compliance with watering and fertilizing standards. Water in the evening with warm water. Gardeners recommend installing drip irrigation, so the moisture goes directly to the roots.

See also Characteristics and description of the Kolibri tomato variety Read

Feed with organic matter or complex mineral fertilizers. Alternating them with each other, fertilize at least 3 times. The first time is 7-10 days after transplantation, then during flowering and fruiting.

Loosening the soil will provide oxygen access to the roots and retain moisture in the soil longer. Removing weeds will retain most of the nutrients in the soil and help avoid the development of diseases and pest attacks.

Application and yield of the variety

A characteristic feature of the variety is the versatility of its use. Preparing fresh salads, canning, all types of processing, drying and other ways to use vegetables.

The yield of the variety is 4.5-7.5 kg per 1 m2. Subject to all planting and care requirements.

Positive properties of the Ermak variety

The characteristics of the variety are good and bad. To evaluate a variety, the gardener evaluates the presence of pros and cons. This plays a key role in deciding whether to grow a crop on a plot or not.


  • Ripens together.
  • Suitable for one-time cleaning.
  • The fruits are durable, easy to transport and retain their presentation.
  • Tolerant of heat, drought, poor lighting of the area.
  • Universal in use.
  • Resistant to late blight, septoria.


  • There is no way to collect seeds yourself.
  • Afraid of lowering temperature.

To evaluate the Ermak variety, summer residents are advised to grow several plants for testing, and for the gardener to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the crop.

The opinion of summer residents regarding Ermak tomatoes

The presence of positive reviews works better than the most thoughtful advertising from the manufacturer. It is gardeners that the vegetable grower trusts most.

Valentina Georgievna: “I planted Ermak on the advice of a friend. I didn't regret it. The tomatoes taste excellent, the hybrid is unpretentious and disease-resistant. I like it very much and will continue to grow it.”

The versatility of Ermak tomatoes makes the hybrid popular among housewives and summer residents.

The opinion of summer residents regarding Ermak tomatoes

The presence of positive reviews works better than the most thoughtful advertising from the manufacturer. It is gardeners that the vegetable grower trusts most.

Valentina Georgievna: “I planted Ermak on the advice of a friend. I didn't regret it. The tomatoes taste excellent, the hybrid is unpretentious and disease-resistant. I like it very much and will continue to grow it.”

The versatility of Ermak tomatoes makes the hybrid popular among housewives and summer residents.

Description of the tomato variety Ermak F1, features of cultivation and care

The late tomato variety Ermak F1 is a productive variety that does not require care. Summer residents value it for its disease resistance and excellent commercial qualities.

Criteria for the Ermak variety

A vegetable grower needs a detailed description in order to avoid mistakes when growing, correctly position the plant on the site and comply with all care requirements.

  • Slightly leafy.
  • Determinant.
  • Height up to 55 cm.
  • Ovaries 5-6 pcs.
  • Ripens in 135-139 days.
  • Shape: round-oval.
  • Color: orange-red.
  • Weight: 65-75 g.
  • Cameras: 3-5 pcs.
  • The density is high.
  • The skin is rough.
  • High degree of transportability.
  • Long shelf life.

A detailed description of the tomato hybrid allows the summer resident to make the right decision.

Growing methods

The Ermak hybrid is planted in 2 ways: direct sowing in the ground and seedling method. Summer residents recommend the second method. Because in this case the harvest is expected 15-20 days earlier.

Seeds are sown 2 months in advance. Be sure to pick the plants at the stage of appearance of 2 true leaves. The seedlings must be carefully looked after if in the future the summer resident wants to receive the declared volume of harvest.

To do this, maintain a temperature regime of +15-17 ⁰C for the first days, then +20-22 ⁰C. Daylight hours for normal plant development are 14-16 hours; if there is a lack of sunlight, special lighting devices are installed.

Plants must be fed with growth stimulants or complex mineral fertilizers.

Plants should be hardened off before moving to a permanent location. To do this, Ermak tomatoes are taken out into the open air. 1 day for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time, reaching 8 hours. 4-6 plants per 1 m2 are placed in the ground.

Cultivation care

There is nothing complicated about caring for tomatoes. The Ermak variety does not require dressing or shaping. The main conditions are compliance with watering and fertilizing standards. Water in the evening with warm water. Gardeners recommend installing drip irrigation, so the moisture goes directly to the roots.

Feed with organic matter or complex mineral fertilizers. Alternating them with each other, fertilize at least 3 times. The first time is 7-10 days after transplantation, then during flowering and fruiting.

Loosening the soil will provide oxygen access to the roots and retain moisture in the soil longer. Removing weeds will retain most of the nutrients in the soil and help avoid the development of diseases and pest attacks.

Application and yield of the variety

A characteristic feature of the variety is the versatility of its use. Preparing fresh salads, canning, all types of processing, drying and other ways to use vegetables.

The yield of the variety is 4.5-7.5 kg per 1 m2. Subject to all planting and care requirements.

Positive properties of the Ermak variety

The characteristics of the variety are good and bad. To evaluate a variety, the gardener evaluates the presence of pros and cons. This plays a key role in deciding whether to grow a crop on a plot or not.

  • Ripens together.
  • Suitable for one-time cleaning.
  • The fruits are durable, easy to transport and retain their presentation.
  • Tolerant of heat, drought, poor lighting of the area.
  • Universal in use.
  • Resistant to late blight, septoria.

  • There is no way to collect seeds yourself.
  • Afraid of lowering temperature.

To evaluate the Ermak variety, summer residents are advised to grow several plants for testing, and for the gardener to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the crop.

The opinion of summer residents regarding Ermak tomatoes

The presence of positive reviews works better than the most thoughtful advertising from the manufacturer. It is gardeners that the vegetable grower trusts most.

Valentina Georgievna: “I planted Ermak on the advice of a friend. I didn't regret it. The tomatoes taste excellent, the hybrid is unpretentious and disease-resistant. I like it very much and will continue to grow it.”

The versatility of Ermak tomatoes makes the hybrid popular among housewives and summer residents.

Ermak – variety of tomato plant

Variety characteristics:

Properties of the Ermak variety:

Recommended region on the map:

Information on the admission of Tomato Ermak from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 12260, registered 1977-12-31. The Tomato Ermak variety was included in the register of approved varieties in 1982. Approved for use in the regions: North Caucasus.

The originator of the Tomato Ermak variety is:

Other varieties of tomato plant

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Variety selection

Tomato Summer resident - a variety for busy gardeners

The Summer Resident tomato did not get its name by chance. After all, summer residents, although very enthusiastic people, are mostly busy with their main jobs and cannot visit their gardens every day. This tomato does not require constant participation in its destiny; it easily forgives the absence of the owner on the site.

Description of the Dachnik variety, its characteristics, growing region

The Summer Resident tomato is not young: it was registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 1999. The variety was obtained by specialists from the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing; the originator was, among other things, the seed industry. At that time, there was no such wave of new varieties and hybrids, and each new product could be tracked by amateur gardeners. The summer resident turned out to be a lifesaver for many enthusiasts, although it is officially approved for cultivation only in the North Caucasus region, of course, in open ground. Yes, it is not profitable to plant this tomato in a greenhouse: its bush is not tall, and a lot of free space will be wasted. But in those regions where tomatoes can grow without greenhouses, gardeners began to plant this variety with pleasure.

Infographics: a brief description of the Dachnik tomato variety according to the State Register

Brief description of the tomato variety Dachnik according to the State Register

The Dachnik variety is a representative of determinate tomatoes; its bushes rarely exceed the half-meter mark in height and practically do not require the formation or even tying of shoots. The bush is semi-spreading in shape, branching and foliage are at an average level. Leaves are of normal size and color. 4–5 fruits are formed in the cluster.

The summer resident’s bushes are small, but covered with fruits

In terms of ripening time, the variety is classified as an early ripening variety; the first fruits ripen approximately 100 days after germination. In the south, it is sometimes even considered ultra-early, although now there are many varieties that ripen a week or two earlier than Dachnik. The first wave of the harvest, lasting one and a half to two weeks, is the main one, then fruiting continues little by little until frost.

The fruits are medium-sized, round or flat-round in shape, scarlet or red in color, containing at least four seed nests. The weight is in the range of 50–100 g: tomatoes cannot be called leveled. The taste of fresh fruits is characterized as good, with a pronounced “tomato” aroma. The skin is thin, the pulp is medium dense. The main purpose is salad, but the size of the fruit allows them to be preserved as a whole.

Since at the time of its appearance the variety was recommended for commercial production, that is, for large agricultural enterprises, its tests were carried out not in small gardens, but in field conditions, where it showed good yield. In official documents it is given in terms of per hectare. On average, the variety produces from 250 to 350 c/ha, which is at the level of standard commercial varieties. In the open ground, summer residents, with not very careful care, can harvest up to 4 kg of tomatoes per square meter. The possibility of industrial cultivation is based, among other things, on the good transportability of the crop. Fresh tomatoes can be stored for up to three weeks.

The variety is highly resistant to diseases, including fusarium and blossom end rot. Despite its regionalization in the south, it has good cold resistance. Since the bushes of this tomato are quite compact and stocky, it is often planted indoors, as well as on the balcony.

Video: full characteristics of the Dachnik variety


In appearance, the fruits of the Dachnik tomato do not differ from many other varieties: they have the most traditional color (red), the most common shape (almost spherical), and the size is slightly smaller than average. The fruits are distinguished by their correct shape and the absence of defects in the form of any tubercles, depressions, cracks, or color distortion. These are the kind of tomatoes that people say “just like in a picture.”

The Summer Resident’s fruits are not outstanding: the most ordinary-looking tomatoes

Advantages and disadvantages, features, differences from other varieties

Like many other early-ripening, unpretentious tomatoes, Dachnik cannot boast of an exquisite taste. Something else is required of him: early and without much hassle, provide the owner with a good harvest of vitamin products. The main advantages of the variety are:

  • early ripeness;
  • simplicity of agricultural technology;
  • stable yield;
  • transportability of the crop;
  • versatility of use;
  • excellent fruit set, including in unfavorable conditions;
  • Possibility of growing on the balcony.

Among the disadvantages is not the best taste of the fruit, the possibility of late blight. In addition, despite the determinacy, it is still advisable to tie up the bushes, although not all summer residents do this: under the weight of the harvest, they can lie on the ground, and the tomatoes simply get dirty or become prey for slugs.

Since the word “summer resident” is quite common, it is also found in the names of other varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, so do not confuse Summer Resident with the tomatoes Ural Summer Resident, Summer Resident of Kuban, as well as with the hybrid Summer Resident F1, the seeds of which are sold by the agricultural company Aelita: this hybrid produces a huge amount stepsons and needs to form a bush.

There are many analogues of the Dachnik variety, including among old varieties. It is quite similar to the famous Alpha and Betta tomatoes, but ripens a little later. The advantage of these varieties, compared to Dachanik, is the absence of regional restrictions, but they are not recommended for commercial production. Of course, many new varieties and hybrids have appeared that will most likely displace Dachnik from its “legitimate” niche, but for now it is still in operation.

Tomato Alpha is similar to Dachanik in many respects, but ripens earlier

Features of planting and growing tomatoes Summer resident

The Summer Resident tomato can be grown without preparing seedlings, especially in the recommended North Caucasus region. Seeds sown directly into the garden bed with the onset of warm weather or under temporary shelter will sprout perfectly, and after the required 3.5 months it will be possible to harvest ripe tomatoes. But in regions that are not the warmest, this approach will allow you to harvest only in August, when you no longer really want tomatoes that don’t have the most exquisite taste. Therefore, in most areas, Dacha is grown through the seedling stage.

Seedlings of this tomato are easy to obtain; you should not sow the seeds too early. After all, seedlings can be planted in a garden bed only at the onset of summer, but for a summer resident they are ready for planting already at the age of one and a half months. By two months the bushes are already beginning to bloom. But the small growth of tomatoes makes it easier to install temporary shelters, which is often used to obtain an earlier harvest. Under this condition, in the middle zone, planting seedlings is possible as early as May 10–15, which means that seeds can be sown in boxes in mid-March.

No pots are required to grow Summer Resident seedlings: stocky plants grow well in a common box

The seedlings of this tomato usually do not stretch and can easily be transplanted into the garden. You can plant it often: every 30–35 cm. Stake stakes are desirable, but not required: fruits are often protected from contamination by mulching the bed with a layer of dry, clean straw. This tomato is watered according to the usual rules, but it is believed that even during the fruiting period, watering should not be reduced much: the fruits are not susceptible to cracking. Fertilizing is highly desirable, but busy summer residents get normal harvests without it if the bed is initially well-filled with fertilizers.

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