Description and yield of tomato Nasha Masha with photos and reviews

Characteristics and description

Hybrid Nasha Masha is a mid-early, high-yielding crop recommended for growing in greenhouses. Subject to proper agricultural practices, vegetables can also be grown in open ground.

Distinctive features

Characteristic features of the hybrid:

  • bush height - 1.6-1.7 m;
  • stems are dense and strong;
  • medium sized leaves;
  • shoot growth is unlimited;
  • the first inflorescence is formed above the 10th leaf;
  • In total, 7-8 fruiting clusters are laid on the bush, one every 3 leaves;
  • the bunch consists of 5-6 fruits;
  • weight of one fruit - up to 180 g;
  • 100–104 days pass from seed germination to fruit ripening.

The hybrid is resistant to fusarium, tobacco mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, and tolerates extreme conditions, stress, temperature changes and lack of light.

Fruit characteristics

The crop is high-yielding: up to 10 kg of tomatoes are harvested from 1 m2 of land under optimal cultivation conditions.

The fruits have:

  • bright red color;
  • round or slightly square shape;
  • smooth texture;
  • thick skin;
  • pronounced tomato taste.

At the breaking point, the tomatoes are sugary; in taste, sweetness prevails over sourness. The weight of one fruit is up to 200 g.

Description of the tomato variety Nasha Masha, its features and characteristics

The variety we are talking about has a number of distinctive features from other categories and varieties. The Nasha Masha f1 tomato is far superior to other fruits in a number of distinctive features. Let's look at the main features:

  1. Ability to ripen early.
  2. The growth process is limited by a number of criteria.
  3. The fruit is medium in size.
  4. It has a high yield.
  5. The tomato stem is dense and strong.

How to make a tomato fruitful with your own hands?

The best means are considered to be stimulants and timely watering, because only this creates conditions for accelerated growth of the tomato.

The main thing in this matter is to prevent an overdose of special drugs, which often do not bring any results and can even harm the fetus as a whole.

It is not at all necessary to seek qualified help from specialists to grow Masha F1, since you can plant the seeds yourself. You can learn how this is done from specialized literature or learn from your own experience. It is this aspect that is considered the most effective.

How to achieve rapid growth of f 1?

It is known that the above-mentioned product is distinguished by its fertility and ability to ripen quickly. Reviews from gardeners indicate that two to three months after planting Nasha Masha tomatoes, you can already remove and eat their pulp. What are the characteristics and description of the variety we are talking about?

To ensure that your tomato grows quickly, take note of the following:

  1. The tomato is not able to grow in soil conditions, which means this should not be allowed.
  2. It is important to observe the timing and timing of watering.
  3. The amount of light should be sufficient for the growth and development of the fetus.
  4. Our Masha grows in greenhouse conditions in northern Russia, as well as in conditions of high humidity.
  5. Watering is advisable in the afternoon.

What is F1?

The description of the leaves and stems of the fruit indicates that Our Masha may be attacked by Colorado potato beetles. Elimination of parasites of this type is possible by using a soap solution - otherwise the tomato will die.

Our Masha f1 is suitable for canning, as well as for consumption in the form of salads, fresh and as juices. Russian gardeners strongly recommend growing this particular variety.

Judging by the reviews from satisfied clients, it’s hard to wait for better results. All fruits of the Nasha Masha F1 variety are abundant and fleshy. In the southern regions of Russia, the crop can be harvested two or three times a year; in the north of the country it is impossible to do without greenhouse cultivation. The main thing is to use stimulants and other rapid growth products of tomatoes.

Thus, in our opinion, the best option for growing tomatoes is the Nasha Masha f1 variety, since it has acceptable characteristics for most properties compared to its closest competitors. Only love for the product will make it possible to appreciate all the qualities of a tomato and create the prerequisites for its rapid growth and development, regardless of the growing climatic conditions.

How to plant seedlings

The hybrid Nasha Masha is grown in seedlings, which allows young bushes to form a powerful root system and speed up harvesting. Seeds are planted 60–65 days before the intended planting in the ground.

Average sowing time:

  • for the southern regions of Russia - the end of February - the first half of March;
  • for the central ones - the second half of March;
  • for the northern ones - early April.

Seed preparation

The seed material is pre-soaked in a growth stimulant so that the seedlings appear quickly and the germination percentage is high. Use “Zircon”, “Epin-Extra”, “Ecogel”, following the instructions on the package.

The manufacturer processes the hybrid seeds himself, but for additional disinfection, the seed is kept in a solution of potassium permanganate (30 minutes), then dried in the sun.

Attention! Seeds collected independently are not suitable: the second generation of hybrid tomatoes differs from the first in characteristics. Growers obtain seed by crossing parent varieties.

Soil and container

For sowing you will need:

  • shallow plastic containers or boxes (7–10 cm) with drainage holes in the bottom;
  • transparent film or glass according to the size of the containers;
  • soil disinfected with potassium permanganate or high temperature.

For seedlings, purchase a universal soil mixture or prepare the substrate yourself from peat, river sand and turf soil in equal proportions.


Sowing of tomatoes is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The container is filled with soil and lightly compacted.
  2. Make grooves 2 cm deep at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other.
  3. Seeds are placed one at a time at the bottom of the grooves, every 1-2 cm.
  4. Fill the grooves with soil and water with a small amount of water.
  5. Cover the container with film or glass that allows sunlight to pass through.

Seeds are germinated at a temperature of +25…+30 °C. The containers are placed near the battery or radiator while maintaining high humidity under the film and sealing the container tightly.

The first shoots appear 3–5 days after sowing. If the temperature is below +20 °C, the time period increases.

Seedling care

As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the container is placed in a well-lit place. For seedlings to be strong, the daylight hours should be 16 hours. Additionally, phytolamps are used.

In the early stages, water the seedlings carefully, at the root, using a pipette or syringe. The top layer of soil should remain moist. Only warm, settled water is suitable.

Important! If the temperature in the room drops at night, it is better to postpone watering to the morning so that the fungus does not multiply in the soil.

With the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate containers, preferably directly into peat pots. This will make it possible in the future not to injure the root system when transplanting to a permanent place. It is important to dive as early as possible, while the seedlings are taking root well.

The abundant tomato “Mashenka” will give an excellent harvest, even when grown by a novice gardener

The Mashenka tomato is another wonderful gift from breeders to Russian gardeners and farmers. In 2011, it was recognized as one of the best new varieties.

Mashenka’s fruits are distinguished not only by their excellent taste, but also by their exceptional health benefits. They contain many vitamins, pectins, minerals, proteins and organic acids.

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Tomato “Mashenka”: description of the variety

Variety nameMashenka
general descriptionMid-season indeterminate variety
Ripening period112-116 days
FormRound, slightly flattened
Average weight of tomatoes210-260 grams
ApplicationDining room
Productivity of the variety25-28 kg per sq.m
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistanceHighly disease resistant

It belongs to the tall indeterminate varieties; the length of the shoots can reach 2 meters or more. It is not a standard bush. The tomato is mid-season, the fruits ripen 112–116 days after emergence.

One of the main advantages of the variety is its high resistance to many diseases characteristic of tomatoes. Mashenka is practically not affected by tobacco mosaic, fusarium, alternaria and late blight.

The yield of the variety is very high! From one bush you can collect from 5.5 to 12 kg. The average yield per square meter of planting is 25–28 kg.

You can compare the yield of this variety with others in the table below:


The main disadvantage is that it requires pinching and tying up.

Fruit characteristics

  • Mashenka’s fruits are very large, even gigantic, round in shape, flattened at the top and bottom.
  • Average weight - 210–260g, maximum - 630g.
  • The coloring is even, monochromatic, deep red.
  • There is no green spot near the peduncle; there are no inclusions.
  • There can be 4 or 6 cameras.
  • Dry matter is about 4.8–5.1%.
  • Sugars 4–4.2%.
  • The fruits do not last very long - only 2-3 weeks.

Mostly salad due to the large size of the fruits, which simply will not fit through the neck of the jar. Also used to make juice, sauce and paste.

The fruits are distinguished by very friendly, almost simultaneous ripening.

You can compare the weight of fruits with other varieties in the table below:

You can see photos of the “Mashenka” tomato variety below:

Features of cultivation

Tomato Mashenka is suitable for the Central and Central Black Earth, North Caucasus regions, as well as the Urals, Volga region, Western and Eastern Siberia.

To obtain seedlings, it is recommended to sow seeds in March, the deadline is early April. Before planting in a permanent place, the seedlings are fed 2 or 3 times with a special complex for seedlings.

It can be transplanted into open ground in the third ten days of May or the first ten days of June. Planting should be done according to the 65x45 cm pattern.

Important! It is better to form a bush into one shoot, cutting off all the stepsons. It must be tied to a vertical or horizontal support so that the stem does not break under the weight of the fruit

Watering and fertilizing are carried out according to the standard scheme. When 4–6 bunches of fruit form on the shoot, the top needs to be pinched to stop further growth.

Read useful articles about fertilizers for tomatoes:

  • Organic, mineral, phosphorus, complex and ready-made fertilizers for seedlings and the TOP best.
  • Yeast, iodine, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, ash, boric acid.
  • What is foliar feeding and when picking, how to carry it out.

Pests and diseases

Among the harmful insects, aphids can attack. To get rid of it, you can use insecticides such as Iskra M, Decis Profi, Confidor, Aktara, Fufanon, Actellik.

No less harm can be caused by cutworm caterpillars. They actively eat leaves and reproduce very quickly. Chemicals such as Confidor, Coragen, Fastak and Proteus will help eliminate the threat. You can catch adult butterflies using pheromone traps.

The Mashenka tomato variety is high-yielding and unpretentious. It does not suffer from temperature changes, diseases and various stresses, so it is suitable even for novice farmers and gardeners.


We invite you to familiarize yourself with other productive tomato varieties in the following video:

In the table below you will find links to articles about tomatoes with different ripening periods:

How to grow tomatoes

When seedlings are planted in beds or in a greenhouse, the next stage of crop cultivation begins, associated with flowering and fruiting. During this period, more attention is paid to the above-ground parts of plants.

Landing rules

Bushes that have formed 3-4 pairs of true leaves and one flower cluster are planted in a permanent place. No more than 4 plants are placed on a plot of 1 m2, the depth of the holes is 30 cm.

Before picking, fertilizers are applied to each bush:

  • a handful of humus;
  • 1 tbsp. l. wood ash;
  • 10 g superphosphate;
  • 5 g potassium sulfate.

For your information ! It is good to plant tomatoes in beds where legumes, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, parsley or dill grew last season.

After planting, the ground around each bush is carefully mulched. It is better to use straw or sawdust, but other natural materials will also work.

Care during the growing season and fruiting

Tomatoes are watered at the root with settled warm water in the afternoon, when the soil is well warmed up. The soil around the bushes should remain loose, permeable to air and free of weeds.

During the flowering period, tomatoes are fed twice a month with complex mineral fertilizers: Floromix, Ecolist, Basfoliar. Every 10 days, the bushes are pruned: the side shoots are cut off, leaving petioles 1-2 cm long.

The bushes of the hybrid Nasha Masha are formed into 2 stems. They are tied to a support, and supports are installed under heavy fruit clusters.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Thanks to its powerful root system, the Nasha Masha tomato is able to remain without moisture for a long period. When the fruits have already set, rare but abundant moisture is preferable.

The hybrid has heavily leafy shoots with numerous leaves and shoots. If the lateral shoots become more than 10 cm, the yield drops by 40–60%.

Diseases and pests

The culture is resistant to fusarium, cladosporiosis and tobacco mosaic virus. To prevent late blight, bushes are regularly sprayed with Ridomil Gold, Fitosporin, and Bordeaux mixture.

The most dangerous insect pests are:

To combat them, insecticides “Fitoverm”, “Confidor”, “Aktofit” and others are used.

Important! During the period of fruit ripening, chemicals cannot be used: they are absorbed by plant tissues and enter the human body through the fruits. Use biological drugs or folk remedies.

Features of tomato varieties Masha f1 and Mashenka

The Mashenka tomato is a hybrid plant and one of the best achievements of Russian breeders.
Tomatoes are distinguished by their beautiful appearance, pleasant smell and taste, good immunity and high content of healthy substances. Tomatoes are grown throughout the country in closed greenhouses, rarely in the garden. In the southern regions, it yields even higher yields than the famous European and South American varieties.

General description of the variety

Tomato Nasha Masha F1 is an indeterminate plant with unlimited stem growth. With sufficient fertilizer and good weather, it reaches a height of 200 cm or more.

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Characteristics and description of the variety:

  1. The trunk is thick, strong, powerful, brown in color. The root system is well developed and reliably holds the shoot in the ground. The crown is dense, the leaves are medium-sized, strong, bright green.
  2. This hybrid's tomatoes have a regular spherical, slightly flattened shape. The peel is thin, dense, scarlet in color. The taste of tomatoes is noteworthy. It is rich, sweet, slightly sour. The pulp is dense, without white spots in the middle. Children like the fruit fresh, straight from the garden.
  3. The yield of the hybrid variety is one of the highest among analogues and varieties: varietal tomato produces up to 9 kg of fruit per bush and up to 30 kg per square meter. The average weight of a ripe tomato is 250-300 g; sometimes giants weigh 600-650 g. The composition of tomatoes deserves attention. They are rich in organic acids, vitamins, minerals, pectins and proteins.
  4. The fruits are used to prepare salads, purees, ketchups and sauces. When fresh they are used for juice. Tomatoes are not suitable for canning because they do not fit into the necks of standard jars. In a dark room, tomatoes retain their presentation for 3-4 months.

Growing rules

The seeds are sold in a package with a photo of ripe tomatoes; tomatoes have a ripening period of 110-115 days after the first shoots appear. It is recommended to immerse the grains in the ground in the second or third ten days of March. Flowerpots with nutrient soil or peat tablets are used.

Features of growing tomatoes Masha and Mashenka are as follows:

  • seedlings should be fed monthly;
  • plants are transplanted into the ground in late spring or early summer;
  • the stems need to be tied up, as they bend and break under the weight of the crop;
  • after the stem reaches a height of 140-160 cm, it is broken at the top to stop further growth.

It is better not to use unusual chemicals to control pests. According to the recommendation, tomatoes should be sprayed with household insecticides and the soil around the roots should be watered with solutions of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. It is advisable to immediately collect parasitic insects from fruits and leaves to prevent tomato disease. We talk about diseases and measures to combat them in more detail in other articles.

Caring for them involves regular watering, loosening and mulching the soil. Periodically you need to trim the stepsons.

Reviews from gardeners

Natalya, 39 years old, Zelenograd

I have been cultivating this variety at my dacha for several years. It has the following advantages: unpretentious, high yield, excellent presentation. I like that the seeds from ripened vegetables can be reused.

Nikolay, 55 years old, Vladimir

I grew this tomato in a greenhouse, planted it, and everyone in the house likes it. We make juices and ketchups from the fruits, put some in the basement, and sell the excess on the market.

Elena, 43 years old, Krasnodar

I love working in the garden. For the second year in a row I have been growing Masha tomatoes. The plants are easy to grow and care for; you just need to water them regularly and abundantly. I collect 25-27 kg per square meter. A garter is required so as not to destroy the stem and branches.

Advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid

Advantages of the Nasha Masha f1 tomato:

  • immunity to diseases characteristic of nightshades;
  • rapid fruit ripening;
  • long shelf life;
  • good transportability;
  • high productivity;
  • resistance to extreme conditions.

Disadvantages of a hybrid:

  • needs a garter and numerous supports;
  • forms many stepchildren;
  • The taste is inferior to other varieties of culture.

Tomato variety “Mashenka”: reviews, description, characteristics, yield, photos and videos

The tomato variety “Mashenka” is considered one of the best achievements of Russian selection. Tomato fruits have a beautiful appearance, a pleasant aroma and excellent taste, high resistance to diseases and a large number of substances beneficial to the human body.

Tomato variety “Mashenka”:

Origin of the Mashenka tomato variety

Altai breeders worked on the creation of the tomato variety “Mashenka”. The tomato received recognition in 2011 as one of the best new varieties.

Farmer reviews

Olga, Moscow: “The hybrid is resistant to cladosporiosis. I liked that the bush is strong. The fruits are juicy and salad, the harvest is plentiful. However, the taste is inferior to other varieties.”

Alexey, Malakhovka village: “Until the first of August, the bush grew 2.2 m high, each harvested about 4 kg. Fruit weight is 100 g on average. If you rate the taste on a five-point scale, it’s a four.”

Tatyana, Pskov: “Our Masha is a productive and small crop, just right to roll into jars. She remained healthy until the coldest weather and did not get sick with cladosporiosis.”

Protection from diseases and pests

The Mashenka variety is resistant to major crop diseases. Agricultural techniques help reduce the risk of diseases: ventilating the greenhouse, rationing watering, weeding. If dark spots or other symptoms are detected, the plantings are treated with Ridomil or Topaz.

Pests cause significant damage to vegetable crops. The most dangerous for tomatoes are thrips, spider mites, aphids, and mole crickets. Folk remedies help fight insects: infusions of onion and garlic peels, wood ash. Extreme measures are the use of insecticides Iskra or Fufanon.

Tomato yield Mashenka

According to reviews, the Mashenka tomato from Biotechnika bears the largest fruits. Some specimens reach 600 g. From 6 to 12 kg of fruits are removed from the bush. Depending on the planting density, the yield per 1 sq. m reaches 25 kg of tomatoes. Fruiting is positively affected by good lighting, moisture and nutrients.

Characteristics of tomatoes

The plant is indeterminate. On average, its height reaches from 1.5 to 1.7 m. The bush has a powerful root system and a strong stem, with spreading branches. Gardeners recommend forming a bush with 1-2 stems. In the future, the plant requires additional support, pinching and obligatory gartering of branches.

The foliage is medium in size, standard in shape, dark green in color. The plant has a normal inflorescence. The first brush is laid after the 10th leaf, each subsequent one – after 3 leaves. About 5 fruits are formed on the brush. The growing season ranges from 100 to 104 days.

The Nasha Masha tomato is highly resistant to fungi such as fusarium, cladosporiosis and tobacco mosaic. Experienced gardeners advise carrying out no more than two preventive sprayings against viruses and pests per season.

The fruits of the Nasha Masha variety can be characterized as follows:

  1. Large tomatoes weigh about 180-200 g.
  2. Ripe tomatoes are bright red. There is a slight orange blotch around the stalk.
  3. The tomato has a dense, smooth and shiny skin that protects it from cracking. The fruits have barely noticeable ribbing.
  4. The pulp is dense, sugary with a pronounced tomato aroma. Inside there are cells with small seeds.
  5. Has good taste. It is grown mainly for processing into tomato products. Most often, tomatoes are used to make paste, ketchup and juice. The taste of tomatoes will perfectly complement any vegetable salad.
  6. The fruits ripen on the cluster at the same time.

The yield of the Nasha Masha variety is quite high. From 1 sq.m. 7-10 kg of fruits are removed. Tomatoes can be stored for a long time, about 4 weeks. The main thing is to provide them with the necessary conditions: coolness and lack of humidity. Tomatoes tolerate long-distance transportation well. At the same time, they retain their presentation.

Characteristics of the variety

The tomato variety Mashenka belongs to the mid-early crops. The first fruits set 100 days after emergence. Disperses seeds. Fruiting is long. Harvesting takes place until the end of October, until frosts reach minus 5 °C.

Plants are planted in open ground and in a greenhouse. It all depends on the region in which the crop is grown.

Description of the bush and fruits

Based on the description, the bushes are of indeterminate type. They do not stop growing throughout the entire growing season. When planted in open ground, their height reaches 1.5 m. In a greenhouse they grow up to 1.7 m. There is little foliage. The leaf blade is medium in size, oval in shape and dark green in color.

The following characteristics of the fruit are noted:

  • round shape;
  • deep red skin color;
  • the surface is smooth, non-ribbed;
  • a small amount of seeds is contained in 4 chambers;
  • average weight – 350 g.

According to the description, the yield indicators of the Mashenka variety are high. 10 fruits are formed on each brush. In open ground, up to 10 kg of crop is harvested from a bush.

In a greenhouse you can harvest 12-14 kg of tomatoes. Such characteristics are possible if all rules for caring for the crop are followed.


According to the description of Mashenka tomatoes, they contain a small amount of dry matter. This means that they are used primarily to create juices, sauces and tomato paste.

Fruits are good for making juice

Some housewives grow it for preparing fresh salads and canning. Due to their resistance to cracking, fruits retain their commercial quality well during heat treatment.

Resistance to adverse conditions

Based on their characteristics, tomatoes tolerate long-term frosts well. They can withstand temperatures down to minus 5 °C, thanks to which the crop bears fruit until the end of October.

This variety does not tolerate drought well, so watering should be frequent and plentiful. In addition to this, mulching is carried out, which protects the bushes and root system from drying out.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The immunity of the Mashenka tomato variety is good, so the crop is not affected by typical diseases (powdery mildew, root rot, tobacco mosaic and late blight). Signs of aphids and cutworms sometimes appear on the surface of plants.

Against aphids, use a solution of “Aktara” (20 g per 5 l of water) or “Decis” (50 g per 5 l). To combat the cutworm, use a solution of “Koragen” (60 g per 10 l) or “Fastaka” (1 ampoule per 3 l).

Growing regions

This variety is cultivated in all regions of Russia, both in open ground and in greenhouses. The most common places for growing the variety include:

  • Volga region;
  • Moscow region;
  • Siberia;
  • Ural;
  • North Caucasus.

How to grow seedlings

The Nasha Masha variety is grown in seedlings. On the package with seeds there is a characteristic and description of the variety that will help you grow a tomato correctly.

Sowing of seeds is carried out 60-65 days before the seedlings are planted in the greenhouse. For seedlings, you need to prepare a special container in the form of a box and purchase universal soil. You can create the soil yourself by mixing equal parts of components such as peat, turf soil and coarse river sand.

Seeds are prepared before sowing. They are soaked in a growth stimulator for 30 minutes, then dried in sunlight. To disinfect planting material, you can use a weak solution of manganese. The seeds are kept in it for no more than half an hour.

The soil in the container is compacted and holes 2 cm deep are made in it. Seeds are placed in them and sprinkled with peat and soil. Immediately water the seedlings with warm water and cover with film.

The box is placed in a warm place where the temperature is not lower than 20 °C. With the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed and the container is transferred to a well-lit place. Experts advise keeping the temperature in the room within 17-18 °C for the first week. Then the temperature is increased to 22-25 °C.

As soon as a pair of true leaves appear on the young shoots, the seedlings are picked. It is best to immediately plant it in peat pots. This will allow you not to remove the plant from the container when transplanting it into the ground and not injure the root system.

Before planting Nasha Masha tomatoes, the soil should be well fertilized. Humus or complex mineral fertilizers are suitable for this. It is believed that good predecessors in beds for nightshade crops are legumes, cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, dill and parsley.

When planting plants in beds, you need to ensure that per 1 square meter. there were no more than 4 bushes.

After planting, the holes should be mulched with organic material. For tomatoes of the Nasha Masha variety, straw or ordinary sawdust is most often used. Next, the beds are watered with settled water.

Tomato care in the future will consist of regular watering, fertilizing with complex fertilizers, loosening the soil and preventative spraying of bushes against pests.

Growing tomatoes

They begin sowing seeds for seedlings in the spring, several months before planting the plants in the ground.

How to prepare seeds?

Recommendations for preparing seed material:

  • Soak the planting material in clean, warm water for 16-17 hours;
  • Then keep in the preparation for an hour to stimulate seed growth.

Sowing seed material

How to plant correctly:

  • Prepare a container for seedlings, pour a 4-5 cm layer of soil;
  • Level the soil and water;
  • Spread the prepared seed material in rows with a distance of at least 4-5 cm, and bury them into the soil one centimeter;
  • The interval between seeds should be at least two centimeters. High density will prevent good ventilation;
  • Cover the seeds with a layer of soil on top and leave the container with seedlings in a warm and well-lit place;
  • Cover containers with plantings with film or cover with transparent glass. To prevent increased humidity, it is necessary to wipe off any condensation from the glass cover.

To obtain good, healthy seedlings, use special purchased soil, which contains vermicompost and various soil organisms, which help in the future to avoid the application of fertilizers to the soil. When preparing the soil yourself, give preference to turf soil and washed coarse sand.

Rules for planting seedlings

Basic landing rules:

  • It is not recommended to water the seedlings before picking, otherwise they will begin to grow rapidly. After several leaves appear, begin to water abundantly. They dive and transplant each shoot into an individual small container. Cover the sprouts with soil up to the level of the cotyledon leaves;
  • After sufficient strengthening of the sprouts, the hardening procedure begins. Remove the seedlings to fresh air for a short period;

ATTENTION: Hardening should be carried out in calm weather and at an air temperature not lower than +8 ºС.

  • If the sprouts are stretched too much, it is necessary to tear off the lower ones as the upper leaves grow. Carry out the procedure no more than three times, tearing off only a few leaves;
  • In early June, seedlings are planted in a permanent place. For planting, only strong sprouts are selected that are at least 30 cm in height and have a stem whose diameter is approximately 1 cm. Each sprout must have a flower brush and at least 10 leaves.

Fruit and varietal characteristics of “Our Masha”

Tomatoes of this variety belong to an early ripening hybrid of the indeterminate type. The plant is medium-sized, with medium-sized leaves of a dark green hue. Tomatoes have a simple inflorescence, the first of which is located above the tenth leaf. All subsequent ones appear every three sheets.

Tomato trusses are simple; each of them bears an average of five fleshy fruits. The entry into fruiting begins after a hundred days or a little more than 3-4 days. About 8-10 kilograms are usually removed from one square meter.

As for the tomatoes themselves, the following features are noted:

  • cube-shaped fruits;
  • medium ribbing;
  • smooth, thick skin;
  • the color of unripe tomatoes is green with a darker shade near the stalk, and that of ripe tomatoes is red;
  • the presence of 4 or more seed nests;
  • by weight – 180 -200 grams;

  • optimal taste characteristics - grainy-sugar plan on the break.

It turns out that the variety is very prolific and ready for rapid ripening. Ideal for salad use.

About the features of planting and caring for the described variety

“Our Masha” suggests sowing seedlings in the middle of the first spring month. Picking should be done when one or two true leaves appear. Seedlings are planted in mid-May under film cover, and in open ground at the beginning of the summer period. The age of the sprouts is two months or a little more for a couple of days, and when planting, adhere to the 60x50 cm pattern.

In order for plants to develop properly and bear fruit abundantly, standard actions are necessary:

  • timely watering, preferably in the afternoon;
  • weeding on a regular basis;
  • sufficient provision of light;
  • loosening process;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Taking into account the characteristics of the stems and leaves of tomatoes, it can be stated that the plants are susceptible to attacks from Colorado potato beetles. To eliminate these types of parasites, a soap-based solution is used. Otherwise, the tomatoes may die.

In order to successfully grow “Our Masha” F1, the seeds are planted by gardeners themselves, without seeking the help of experts. Reading literature can also be used, but the best mentor is personal experience. This is precisely what the reviews of those who planted “Our Masha” testify to.

Opinion of gardeners and summer residents

Reviews from summer residents indicate the possibility of harvesting 3-4 times during the growth period of the bushes. This is a very large indicator for a greenhouse hybrid.

Gardeners note that it is quite possible to germinate the seeds of this hybrid variety without seeking the help of specialists. All you need for this is a little patience, more experience and a desire to learn new plant varieties.

The Nasha Masha tomato is deservedly considered one of the best greenhouse hybrids, as evidenced by a number of its positive characteristics. In the conditions of the northern regions, gardeners are increasingly choosing Our Masha for planting in their greenhouses.

tomato Monastic meal - description and characteristics of the variety

“Our Masha” in the judgments of gardeners

According to reviews from gardeners, removing and eating the pulp of such tomatoes is relevant already after 60-65 days after planting. Most are very pleased with the harvest, even emphasizing that it is difficult to expect more worthy results. Meatiness and abundance are the main advantages of Nasha Masha, although its taste is not outstanding.

I started growing this hybrid variety along with other hybrids. This variety turned out to be average - not super charming, the taste is close to many good types, but it did not disappoint. The yield was slightly above average. What I really liked was the appearance of the tomatoes – smooth, large, some of them weighed about 300 grams.

On the advice of neighbors, I planted “Our Masha” in a greenhouse. The taste is not bad, juicy, but, most importantly, I liked the variety for the strong condition of the bushes and their resistance to cladosporiosis. The yield was also impressive; about 9 kilograms were collected per square meter. The fresh salads were delicious.

Some gardeners in the southern regions celebrate harvesting two or three times a year. At the same time, the vast majority are engaged in work in the greenhouse. Everyone mentions the use of stimulants and other beneficial products for the rapid growth and development of tomatoes.

So, “Our Masha” has its undeniable advantages over other tomatoes. It is possible to achieve the creation of preconditions for the desired development and growth, and it does not matter in what climate this will occur. After all, the main thing for any lover of a piece of land is love for the land and what you plant.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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Description of plants

  • Nasha Masha tomatoes are tomatoes of Russian selection. This is their absolute advantage - tomatoes bred in our climate usually take root very well and do not require adaptation or complex care. Therefore, if the issue of variety is not important for you, always choose “native” ones - they will grow better and produce a stable and high-quality harvest.
  • In terms of ripening time, the variety is quite early - about 100 days pass from the first day of seedlings until the harvest ripens, sometimes more. In general, quite a lot depends on the region in which you grow tomatoes and the deadline may shift.
  • The variety is suitable for cultivation throughout Russia, but there are a number of nuances. In the southern regions, where there is a lot of sun and warmth, Our Masha sometimes calmly bears fruit several times a year. But in the northern regions, I don’t even recommend trying to grow these bushes in open areas - you probably won’t succeed. If you do not live in the warmest place, it is better to choose a greenhouse.
  • The bushes are quite powerful and vigorous, with unlimited growth. They reach a height of about one and a half meters, after which they must be pinched and tied to a support. Otherwise, the shoots will not support the weight of the crop and may simply break.

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