A gift from Dutch breeders - the President tomato: a detailed description of the hybrid and the secrets of caring for it

Origin of the variety

The breeding variety President F1 was bred in 2007; breeders from Holland worked on it for several years. The customer of this variety was the world famous company Monsanto. Having passed a series of tests in Russia, the tomato crop was recognized as one of the best and entered into the State Register, and not every variety receives such an honor.

The appearance on the market and description of the President tomato variety caused a stir among gardeners, because the unpretentious variety to weather conditions, diseases and pests produces a large harvest and practically does not require attention.

Characteristics of the variety

President tomatoes attract attention at first sight. They look very beautiful: even, smooth, glossy, medium-sized fruits that literally weigh down the trunk. Tomatoes ripen together and have fruits of the same size. Characteristics of tomato : powerful vine, reaching a height of up to three meters.

Varietal characteristics of the crop:

  • The culture is indeterminate. The bush grows throughout the growing season and reaches three meters.
  • Tomato foliage is small and dark green in color.
  • Tomatoes begin to set after 7-8 leaves, then after two.
  • Has a small number of stepsons that need to be removed.
  • Early ripening variety. From sunrise to collection it takes from 95 to 100 days. In greenhouse conditions, ripening begins a little earlier.
  • It is recommended to carry out tying, despite the powerful trunk.
  • In the President tomato, 5-6 fruits ripen on each branch.
  • The berries are almost the same size and ripen together. The average fruit weight is around 300 g.
  • At technical ripeness, tomatoes are light green in color, while at biological ripeness they are red-orange.
  • The fruits are round in shape with slight flattening.
  • Tomatoes tolerate transportation and long-term storage well due to their thick skin.
  • The pulp of the selection variety is juicy and dense. The seminal chambers contain free fluid.
  • The President has a rather weak aroma and a not very rich taste, which is typical for hybrids.
  • High yield. Under film coverings it can reach up to 9 kg. sq. m.
  • The selection is highly resistant to most types of diseases.

Attention!!!! Tomatoes of the President F1 variety are considered a salad variety. However, due to their thick skin, they are well suited for pickling and salting.

The President hybrid has one feature that is rarely found among other varieties - if after harvesting the tomato is put to ripen in boxes and stored in a dark place, after 7-10 days the berries gain sugar content due to fermentation. After aging, the taste of tomatoes becomes significantly better.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Hybrid President is in great demand among Russian summer residents. They are grown for their own consumption, as well as on farms. Most gardeners, having planted tomatoes for testing once, continue to grow them in the future.

The hybrid has many positive qualities:

  • high yield;
  • high taste and commercial qualities;
  • resistance to transportation and storage;
  • high immunity to major tomato diseases4
  • do not require constant care;
  • can be used in all types of preservation and processing;
  • Suitable for film shelters and open ground.

Important!!! President F1 is intended for cultivation in all regions of Russia, as it is unpretentious to all types of climate.

According to gardeners , the President has several disadvantages:

  • the plant must be carefully tied up due to its long stems and heavy fruit clusters ;
  • branches can break under the weight of tomatoes, so supports are needed;
  • Due to the early ripening of tomatoes, in regions with cold climates, President is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses.

Compared to the number of positive qualities, there are practically no negative aspects.

Growing regions

President tomatoes are suitable for growing in all regions, including the northern part of the country.

In the southern regions, tomatoes grow well in open ground; in zones with temperate and cold climates, cultivation in greenhouse conditions is recommended.

Disease resistance

President tomatoes have good immunity to most diseases. With timely preventive measures, you can completely forget about diseases. Under film coatings of pests, President tomatoes may be threatened by greenhouse whitefly, which can be easily controlled using simple store-bought preparations.

When grown outdoors, problems with slugs may arise. These harmful insects can be fought with ash and hot pepper. Ash is scattered on the ground near plants in any quantity, since ash also acts as a mineral fertilizer. Hot pepper is also sprinkled on the soil at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 square meter. m. After this, watering is needed so that the ash and pepper penetrate the ground.

Application of fruits

President f1 tomatoes are positioned as a salad variety. But, judging by the reviews of gardeners, the use is universal. Because of their thick skin, they are excellent for pickling and pickling.

It is also good to use the hybrid for making sauces, ketchups and juices, since the tomatoes are very juicy.


tomato tolerates transportation well. The fruits are dense and have a thick skin, which allows them to be transported over long distances without losing their presentation and taste.

Keeping quality

The fruits of the President variety are distinguished by their keeping quality. In addition to the fact that tomatoes can be stored for up to three weeks, they also acquire improved taste. Due to fermentation, the amount of sugar in tomatoes increases, and sweetish tomatoes become even tastier.


Hybrid tomatoes are in demand among gardeners due to their commercial qualities and yield. The number of tomatoes collected from the greenhouse and open ground is practically the same.

With proper care, timely treatment against insects and diseases, pinching and tying, a gardener can get up to 9 kg. with sq.m., and not every varietal tomato can boast of such a harvest.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety has a large list of advantages:

  • one of the main positive aspects of the variety is its high yield;
  • attractive appearance of the fruit and high taste;
  • the harvest can be stored for a long time, accumulating taste and benefits;
  • the thick skin prevents cracking and allows the crop to be transported over long distances;
  • the President variety is highly resistant to diseases, especially late blight and Alternaria;
  • tomatoes do not make any special demands on the composition of the soil and can withstand bad weather;
  • universal fruits;
  • the plant can be grown both in open beds and in a greenhouse.

Since the President variety is unpretentious to weather conditions and can withstand heat and cold, it can be grown in both the northern and southern regions of Russia. Anyone who has planted this variety in their summer cottage notes good yields in any conditions. The plant rarely gets sick and tolerates bad weather well.

Judging by the reviews, vegetable growers attribute only a few features in care to the disadvantages of the variety. The stem stretches high, and several large fruits are formed on each cluster, so it is necessary to install a support for tying. You need to tie up not only the stem, but also the side branches.

Description of the variety

Hybrid tomato President, according to description : early ripening, indeterminate. Only 95-100 days pass from sunrise to harvest. Suitable for growing in any region of Russia, in greenhouse conditions and open ground. Like any other tomato, President has its own growing characteristics, if observed, you can get a rich harvest.

Description of the bush and fruits

Since the plant is indeterminate, the stem is able to grow until the end of fruiting. Some of the tomato bushes reach a height of up to three meters, this causes some inconvenience, since not every gardener has a greenhouse of the required height. The bushes themselves are compact and do not have much landscaping. The leaves of the plant are small, there are few stepsons.

The fruits of the President are quite large, up to 300 g. A distinctive feature of the fruits is smooth, round berries, rich bright orange color, slightly flattened. The stalk of the plant is small, the tomatoes do not crack even when they are overripe. They are distinguished by uniform ripening and identical fruits.

Distinctive features

Distinctive features include the following qualities:

  • plant height;
  • identical fruits;
  • improvement of taste when lying down;
  • resistance to diseases.

These points distinguish the plant from most varietal plants and hybrid selections.

Description and characteristics of tomato President F1, reviews, photos

High-yielding, early, indeterminate (unlimited growth) Dutch tomato hybrid for greenhouses.

The bush is tall and requires tying to a support and pinching. The manufacturer recommends forming the plant into 1-2 stems. The first inflorescence is formed above the 7-9 leaves. The leaf is small, dark green. The inflorescence is intermediate.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are round, dense, smooth, red in color at maturity, weighing about 200 grams, good (for a hybrid) taste. These tomatoes are universally used - suitable for fresh salads and canning. To eat fresh, let the tomatoes ripen on the bush, then their taste will be much better.

The yield of this hybrid is very high - up to 8 kg per bush (in greenhouse conditions, subject to agricultural practices and drip irrigation).

The advantages of this tomato: resistance to late blight, alternaria and other major tomato diseases. High commercial quality of fruits.

You can see other interesting varieties and hybrids of tomatoes with photos, descriptions and reviews in our Tomato Catalog. Enjoy watching.

Originator: Seminis (Holland).

The President 2 tomato is included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in the Russian Federation.

Features of cultivation

President tomatoes are unpretentious to weather and climatic conditions. However, in warm regions the yield is significantly higher than in the northern part of the country. In greenhouses, a good harvest is obtained in temperate climates.

To successfully grow President tomatoes under film cover, it is recommended to purchase high arches to make the tomatoes comfortable.

Timing of sowing seeds

Considering that the variety is early ripening, sowing of seeds should begin 40-45 days before planting in a permanent place. Sowing seeds depends on the region of residence:

  • Southern part of the country – February-March.
  • Central Russia – mid-March-early April.
  • Siberia – mid-April-early May.

Plants are planted in warm soil. The acceptable ground temperature for diving to a permanent location is 10C.

How to prepare seeds

Preparing seeds is a standard process for a gardener. To prevent plants from acquiring diseases that could survive on the seed material, it is necessary to carry out disinfection.

There are several ways to treat seeds:

  1. Soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate. You need to take a small container and pour in a few manganese crystals. Stir thoroughly so that no crystals remain, and place the seeds there for 1-2 hours.
  2. Soaking in hydrogen peroxide. To do this, you need to take two pieces of cotton fabric (cotton pads will do). Place one piece of paper in a flat container, sprinkle the seeds on it and cover with a second piece on top. Pour 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on top. Soaking should be from 2 to 4 hours.

Important!!!! Hydrogen peroxide promotes rapid germination of seeds.

Sowing seed material

You can sow President tomatoes either in a common container or each seed in an individual container. Peat tablets are well suited as individual containers. A seed is placed in a special hole in a peat tablet and then they are placed in one container.

You can also sow President in a common container in the ground. With this method, you need to maintain a distance between seeds of at least 1 sq.cm.

After planting, the soil or tablets should be spilled with water and covered with film. The container with the film is placed in a dark place until germination. With the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed and the seedlings are moved to a sunny place.

Rules for planting seedlings

You need to dive the President into a permanent place when he has 7-8 real sheets. The beginning of the ovary is allowed. Greenhouse soil is fertilized before planting tomatoes. Urea or humus is used as fertilizer.

Transplanting tomatoes into the ground

Before transplanting the President into open ground, the ground is dug up two weeks before the planned picking. Just as in a greenhouse, the soil is fertilized with urea or humus.

On the day of picking, you need to dig holes 30-40 cm deep. Pour 5 liters of warm, settled water into each hole, only after that plant the tomatoes.

Attention!!!! It is immediately recommended to install pegs and tie up the tomatoes. It is necessary to maintain a distance of no more than 4 bushes per 1 sq.m.

How to grow tomato seedlings yourself

The President tomato variety is recommended for all regions, but in the north it should be grown in greenhouses, and in the south of the country its seeds can be sown in the ground. However, due to the long period of fruiting, the seedling method of cultivation would be preferable.

Optimal timing

Early ripe tomatoes are sown at a time that depends on the region and growing conditions. In central Russia, they are sown at the end of March, but if the tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse, they can be sown earlier. Tomato seedlings of the “President” variety are planted in a permanent place at the age of 50–55 days from emergence.

Soil mixture

It is worth taking care of preparing the soil for seedlings. You can buy it, or you can prepare the following mixture - mix garden soil with peat (humus) and sand in a 1:1:1 ratio. You can add a half-liter jar of ash and 20 g of superphosphate to the prepared soil mixture. The finished mixture must be disinfected. You can use the following methods:

  • pour boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • bake in the oven at +80…+90 °C;
  • treat with a 3% solution of copper sulfate.

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Growing container

The seedling container can be any of your choice:

Boxes. Their advantage is the possibility of reusable use and ease of transportation. It is important that the plants in them do not overgrow and do not become closely intertwined with their roots.

Plants should be removed from them carefully.

Plastic cassettes Require searching for a pallet and are difficult to transport.

Plastic cups. Easy to use and inexpensive, but not easy to transport

They are often replaced with homemade products made from plastic bottles. You need to make drainage holes in them yourself.

Peat cups and tablets. They additionally nourish plants, but are more expensive and require more frequent moistening.

Seedling pots. Reusable containers, ideal for seedlings. Tomatoes need pots 12–17 cm deep and the same width. Their disadvantage is that they take up a lot of space, are difficult to transport, and plants must be removed from them with care.

Seed preparation

Before planting in the ground, it is recommended to disinfect seed material by placing it in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Then it should be rinsed well. To ensure the germination of seeds, they must be germinated before sowing.

To do this, they are distributed over damp gauze and covered with it on top. At the same time, they can withstand temperatures of about +22…+30 °C. Every day the seeds are checked for germination and the moisture content of the tissue is monitored. They usually appear in the next few days. To improve seed germination, you can add stimulants (for example, Epin) when soaking.

Sowing seeds

Seeds are sown immediately in separate pots or in one seedling container, followed by picking in the phase of 2-3 leaves. The soil is moistened before sowing. Furrows are made with a depth of about 1 cm and row spacing of 4 cm. The seeds are placed in them at a distance of 2 cm from each other, then covered and slightly compacted on top with soil.

When sowing a seed in a separate container, it can be buried 1 cm in the center of the pot using a pencil. After sowing, the soil is sprayed from above with water, and the container itself is covered with film and placed in a warm place (+25 ° C). Every day the film is opened, the moisture content is checked and aired for 20 minutes.

Seedling care

When sprouts appear, the container with tomato sprouts is transferred to a illuminated place with a lower temperature of +15...+18 °C. Tomatoes are light-loving crops and it is best for them to choose the most illuminated window (south, east, west). Otherwise, you will have to illuminate this crop with a fluorescent lamp for up to 12 hours of daylight, placing it on top of the plants.

The seedlings should be watered during the day with settled warm water at +25…+28 °C. Tender sprouts are not watered at first, but sprayed, preventing the soil from drying out, or the soil is moistened with a syringe. Tomato seedlings, starting from two weeks of age, can be fed with superphosphate or complex fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. Before planting in the ground, such fertilizing is done 2 more times.

Hardening of seedlings

A few weeks before planting, the seedlings begin to harden off. This is done in warm weather by placing containers of tomatoes on the balcony. First, the tomatoes spend a little time there (30 minutes). Then the time period is gradually increased and on the last day the plants are already outside for the whole day. At the same time, the balcony window opens, and the seedlings gradually get used to the sun's rays. If there is no balcony, then you can open a window for hardening. There should be no drafts.


Plant care is standard and includes simple techniques:

  • President tomatoes are responsive to nitrogen fertilizers in the first month.
  • Fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus must be applied during the period of fruit appearance.
  • It is necessary to use boric acid during flowering and fruiting.
  • It is imperative to remove the stepsons.
  • Mulching will help retain moisture in the soil and protect against weeds.
  • Formation of bushes into one trunk during dense planting. If the plantings are not thickened, they can be formed into two trunks.
  • You can collect brown-colored fruits, this will help reduce the load on the branches and trunk.

Watering rules

It is recommended to do the first watering 10 days after diving to a permanent place.

The President needs to be watered once every 7-8 days. In dry weather, you can increase watering to once every 3 days.

Fertilizer application

To get a good harvest of President tomatoes, you need to fertilize regularly. Summer residents recommend the following fertilizer scheme:

  1. The first time fertilizing should be done 21 days after planting in the ground. Ideal fertilizer is suitable for this.
  2. The second application of fertilizers should be carried out during the flowering period. It is recommended to use the drug "Agricola-Vegeta".
  3. The third time the fertilizing should be applied during the flowering period of the third cluster. For this, gardeners recommend purchasing “Sodium Humate”.
  4. The last feeding should be done two weeks after the third. You should use superphosphate for the solution.

President tomatoes respond well to alternating mineral and organic fertilizers.

Formation of tomato

It is recommended to form the President variety into one trunk. It is imperative to tie up plants and make supports for branches to avoid breaking the branches.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

Tomato variety President is planted in open ground after 50 days from germination. The threat of frost should pass and the average daily temperature should reach +12…+15 °C. If there is a possibility of a sharp drop in temperatures, it is recommended to plant tomato seedlings in tunnels and cover them with a special film.

It is better to choose a quiet, windless day for landing. In places with unfavorable conditions for late blight (greenhouses, rainy areas), it is necessary to treat the soil with a solution of copper sulfate a day before planting. The beds themselves for planting have been prepared and fertilized with organic fertilizers since the fall.

Find out what to spray tomatoes for ovary.

They are dug up with manure, humus or peat. During planting, you can add a little ash to the holes. Planting is carried out according to the scheme for indeterminate crops. The distance between rows should be 0.7–1 m, and between bushes - 0.5–0.7 m. In a greenhouse, it is optimal to plant them in a checkerboard pattern with row spacing of 0.7–0.8 m and a distance between plants of 0. 6 m.

Diseases and pests

The hybrid variety President is resistant to most diseases. But this does not mean that it does not require care. In any case, preventive measures must be taken.


Despite the President’s resistance to most diseases, he, like all other tomatoes, is susceptible to an unpleasant disease - late blight. This is practically the only disease that can affect President tomatoes.

Of the harmful insects, the ones you need to be most wary of are the whitefly and the Colorado potato beetle.

Disease and pest control

Phytophthora is the only disease of the President. It is worth noting that when grown in a greenhouse, it eliminates the disease of late blight. As a preventive measure, you can use the drug "Fitosporin". There is no need to water the plants with this preparation; spraying is sufficient.

Traditional methods will help you get rid of whiteflies:

  • Planting garlic and dill helps scare away insects.
  • Hot peppers also repel whiteflies. To do this, sprinkle the soil around the tomatoes with pepper.
  • The drug "Confidor" will also be an excellent assistant in getting rid of whiteflies.

As for the Colorado potato beetle, it needs to be removed only by hand collection.

The nuances of growing in open ground and greenhouses

The President is not demanding about care, but still, basic care will not be superfluous. You can get a good harvest only if you take care of the plant:

  1. To grow tomatoes in open ground it is necessary to install a trellis.
  2. The optimal age of seedlings for transplanting to a permanent place is 45-55 days.
  3. You cannot transfer overgrown seedlings to the garden bed.
  4. In greenhouse conditions, President tomatoes must always be ventilated.

A few simple rules will help you get a bountiful harvest to the delight of the gardener.

History of growing hybrid tomatoes President and President 2

President tomatoes were known and actively cultivated in Russia when the Dutch company MONSANTO HOLLAND BV introduced the President 2 hybrid at the end of 2005. The latter has been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation since 2007 and is recommended for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouses in the entire territory of Russia.
These tomatoes have also become widespread in Moldova and Ukraine. Tomato President 2 was bred in Holland

Possible difficulties during cultivation

Sometimes gardeners encounter some difficulties when growing President f1. Such difficulties may include:

  1. Rot on a plant is not of viral origin; it may be caused by excess moisture.
  2. Sunburns. Especially if watering or spraying was carried out during the scorching sun.
  3. Breakage of stems under the weight of fruits if the plant is not tied up.
  4. Long ripening of berries due to delay in removing excess ovaries.

Growing an excellent harvest in your garden plot is easy if you take into account all the nuances of crop care .

Harvesting and application

President tomatoes can be harvested not only after they are fully ripe, but also when they have brown fruits. As mentioned above, President is a very shelf-stable variety and also acquires improved taste after ripening outside the bush.

The tomato is considered a salad variety, but it is also excellent for processing and preservation. Juices, sauces and pastes from President are tasty and aromatic.


In the photo you can see the appearance of tomato bushes and fruits

The president.


In the video you can familiarize yourself with growing President tomatoes , the appearance of plants and the rules of planting and care.

Farmer reviews

Gardeners speak well of the President hybrid and highlight its unpretentiousness and good yields.

Igor Valentinovich, Voronezh: “I have been growing tomatoes in a greenhouse for many years. The costs of growing and planting this hybrid quickly pay for themselves due to the high tomato yield.”

Tamara, Omsk: “The tomatoes never got sick, so I was satisfied with the hybrid. The tomatoes look like the photos on the Internet. And the taste is quite decent, not watery.”

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