Hybrid with excellent yield - Pink Rose F1 tomato: detailed description of the variety and characteristics

There are many interesting and valuable new products among pink tomatoes. Hybrid Pink Rose F1 is one of the most productive and favorite tomatoes among farmers of various sizes - from farmers to gardeners. It is grown in industrial quantities and for oneself. Pleases with the abundance of harvest and excellent taste.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-earlyPinkAverageHybridFlat-round

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Pink Rose F1 is an indeterminate tall hybrid, which, according to its product characteristics, can be classified as a beef group. Tomatoes have a lot of meat and few seeds.

What are the features of the bushes:

  • height 1.7-2 m;
  • moderate branching;
  • 5-6 tomatoes on the bunches;
  • the number of clusters reaches 8-10.

The ripening period is mid-early - 100-105 days from germination. Fruiting and yield of the harvest are friendly.

Characteristics of tomatoes:

  • average weight 230-270 g;
  • the flesh is fleshy, moderately juicy;
  • the skin does not crack in any of the revolutions;
  • there is no greenery at the stalk;
  • round and flattened shape;
  • taste with a predominance of sweetness over sourness.

Other varieties of tomatoes with the word Pink in their name

Tomato Pink Moon (hybrid) is included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation in 2022. It is recommended to grow in greenhouses and under film. Refers to an early ripening hybrid. Tomatoes are put in salads. The tomatoes are flat-round, medium-ribbed, weighing 170–200 g. Their color is pink and their taste is excellent. The number of seed nests is 4 – 6. The skin is dense.

The Pink Shine tomato (hybrid) is included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 2022. It is recommended to plant it in a greenhouse and under film. This is a mid-late hybrid. The fruits are put in salads. The bushes are indeterminate. The dark emerald leaves are long. The tomatoes are round, somewhat flattened at the poles, medium-ribed, weigh 215 g each. The color is deep pink, the skin is thick, the taste is dessert. In the greenhouse, 14 kg of vegetables are harvested per 1 m².

The Pink Harvest F1 tomato was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 2015. Its difference from other Pink varieties is that the tomato is suitable for growing not only in a greenhouse, but also in an open area. The variety is mid-season. The bushes are indeterminate, that is, they do not stop growing even after fruit sets.

The Pink Paradise F1 tomato was bred in Japan in 2009. This is an indeterminate variety, so the bushes need to be tied up. 4 kg of fruits are removed from 1 m². Tomatoes are put into salads and canned. The first brush grows after the appearance of 5–7 pairs of leaves. Tomatoes are flat-round, pink in color. The skin is thin but dense, the fruits are easy to transport. Fruit weight - 125 - 200 g. There is no green spot near the stalk. Planted in open ground and in a greenhouse. It takes 120 days from germination to harvest.

Seeds are sown from mid-February. Seedlings are planted in the greenhouse from mid-April.

The first time they are fed with nitrogen, and when fruit sets - with phosphorus and potassium. For better pollination, you can shake the stems a little, shaking pollen from one flower to another.

Description of appearance

Pink and Rose is a neat shrub with expressive lush inflorescences in pink tones. Due to its external characteristics and cultivation characteristics, this variety is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners.

Did you know? The Latin name of the plant is Hydrangea, which translates as “vessel of water”, because hydrangea is incredibly moisture-loving.


P&R has wide pyramidal powerful inflorescences with large flowers. The diameter of the flower is about 15 cm, and its length is 25–30 cm. This unusual shrub is able to transform during long flowering. At the beginning of the season, its flowers have snow-white petals.

Then bright pink tones appear in the palette - the pink base of the inflorescences harmoniously combines with the white crown. And by the end of the season the color turns raspberry pink. It was this ability that determined the name of the variety.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • productivity;
  • landings in several turns;
  • universal use;
  • endurance to adverse factors;
  • disease resistance;
  • tolerance to temperature changes.


  • the need for formation.


  • early ripeness;
  • productivity;
  • amicable maturation;
  • disease resistance;
  • endurance to heat and cold snaps;
  • easy cultivation.


Cultivation of the variety

The agricultural technology of the Dutch hybrid is standard and includes pinching, shaping bushes and tying up stems, installing drip irrigation, loosening and weeding or mulching, and applying organic and mineral fertilizers.


Transferring seedlings to the ground begins in mid-May. In heated greenhouses it is permissible to sow and plant earlier

It is important to do this before the flower brush appears. But if it doesn’t work, the brush is removed, giving the plant the opportunity to begin active growth. Greenhouses are prepared in the fall by treating them with sulfur bombs to prevent bacteria and pests.

The soil is dug up and fertilized with humus - 1 bucket per 1 m²

Greenhouses are prepared in the fall, treated with sulfur bombs to prevent bacteria and pests. The soil is dug up and fertilized with humus - 1 bucket per 1 m².

In spring, the soil is loosened and fertilized with humus - 10 liters per 1 m².

Add 1 tbsp to seedling holes 20 cm deep. l. superphosphate, pour in warm water and transfer the seedlings along with a lump of earth.

Hybrid Pink Unicum is formed into 1-2 stems, removing side shoots. The stems are tied to trellises or wooden stakes. After the fruits appear, pluck off all the leaves up to the first flower cluster, and then the rest as soon as the flowers begin to set. The foliage is left only at the top.

In the regions of the middle zone, in early August, the top is pinched and underdeveloped brushes are removed. In the south, a similar procedure is carried out in late August. All energy will be used to form the remaining fruits.

When watering tomatoes, they adhere to the principle: it is better to underwater than to overwater. Plants like moderately moist soil, so drip irrigation is the best solution.

How it works? The water gradually evaporates, and condensation accumulates inside a large container and flows down the walls into the ground. The root system receives a sufficient amount of moisture.

Organic and mineral fertilizers are used for fertilizing.

2 weeks after planting, tomato bushes are fertilized with nitrogen:

  • mullein infusion – 1 l;
  • infusion of green fertilizers – 1 l;
  • wood ash – 1 l;
  • water – 10 l.

The mixture is infused for 48 hours and used for watering at the root, 1 liter per bush.

When flowers appear, the bushes are irrigated with boric acid to speed up the formation of ovaries and improve the taste of the fruit. Ratio: 5 g of substance per 5 liters of water. Treatment frequency: 1 time every 2 weeks.

After the ovaries appear, they proceed to treatment with a vitamin composition:

  • water – 5 l;
  • baking soda – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • potassium permanganate - on the tip of the knife;
  • iodine – 5 drops.

The bushes are sprayed with the prepared solution once every 7 days. Instead of water, you can use whey to protect plants from fungal diseases.

The hybrid needs potassium-phosphorus supplements. Gardeners prefer ready-made mineral compositions: “Kemira Lux”, “Calcium nitrate”, “Solution”, ammophos, nitrophoska, nitroammophos.

In the southern regions, it is permissible to grow a hybrid in open ground if there are no sharp changes in the average daily temperature. The culture reacts painfully to stressful conditions: growth stops and the number of ovaries decreases.

But the plant is resistant to drought if you provide it with abundant watering.

Diseases and pests

Hybrid Pink Unicum is endowed with strong immunity at the genetic level.

The culture is not afraid of nightshade diseases:

  • cladospirosis (brown spot);
  • fusarium;
  • verticillium;
  • tobacco mosaic virus.

To be on the safe side, preventive treatments against late blight are used with “Fitosporin” and solutions with whey or kefir (100 ml of fermented milk product per 1 liter of water).

Proper care helps prevent late blight infection: mulching and frequent weeding of the soil, removing weeds, monitoring moisture levels, removing lower leaves.

To combat aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, and mole crickets, use:

  • insecticides: “Aktara”, “Vertimek”, “Decis Profi”, “Mospilan”, “Sirocco”, “Borey”;
  • biological products: “Fitoverm”, “Nemabakt”, “Bitoxibacillin”, “Fitosporin-M”.

At this same time, prepare containers for seedlings. The soil for future tomatoes is scalded with water at a high temperature, or boiling water. Seeds are planted after 7 days at a depth of 1.5 to 2 cm. At the very beginning, for faster germination, greenhouse conditions are created by covering the containers with film. When greenery appears, remove the film

Important! During this period, it is necessary to establish sufficient lighting

Picking occurs when two full green leaves are formed. After 2 months, the bushes are planted in the chosen place for constant growth.

Reviews from flower growers

Lyudmila, 54 years old, Novosibirsk

Rose Pink Intuition has been growing for me for three years now. The flowers are simply extraordinary, each has its own color, stays on the bush for a long time, and is not afraid of rain. If you cut them, they stand perfectly in a vase - at least two weeks. Everyone who comes to visit immediately pays attention to this bush. It winters well without any shelter, just under the snow. A very beautiful and hardy variety.

Sofia, 28 years old, Moscow region

This rose is a real beauty and not at all capricious. Not afraid of either rain or bright sun. The bush is quite tall, the shoots are strong and even. The flowers are magnificent, as if painted by an artist, I love looking at them. In my opinion, when the days are hot, the flowers become lighter, and in the cool summer they are more vibrant. I planted Pink and Red Intuition next to each other, it turned out very picturesque, they complement each other perfectly.

Inna, 57 years old, Barnaul

A very effective, healthy and quite unpretentious variety. The flowers are large, beautiful, with bright pink streaks, remain fresh for a very, very long time, stay on the bush for up to 18 days, do not spoil from rain, but have almost no smell. The bush blooms profusely and almost without interruption. It can winter well under snow cover; I don’t provide any shelter for it. I didn’t get sick with anything, there weren’t even aphids. This rose is one of my favorites in my garden. I advise everyone to definitely plant it, it will not disappoint you.

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