Characteristics of the variety, advantages, diseases and control measures when growing Tolstushka tomato

Description of tomato variety Tolstushka

The variety was bred by Dutch breeders. It has good endurance and disease resistance. Tomato Fatty is a determinate (short-growing) species.

The height of the bush does not exceed 80 cm, it is quite compact and does not need shaping

The stem is pubescent, thick, and as the fruit ripens, it needs to be tied to a trellis or support.

The leaves are small in size, have a characteristic shape for tomatoes, are light green, the bush is not densely covered, and the plant does not need thinning. The veins on the leaf plate are weakly expressed, the leaf is not embossed. Flower clusters begin to form in the internodes around the 9th leaf; the inflorescence is simple, consisting of 8 small white buds. After pollination, fruits are set in the clusters.

The Tolstushka tomato variety is a mid-early variety: 100-110 days pass from the appearance of the first shoots to the ripening of the first harvest.

Features of the variety

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Tolstushka:

  • mid-early maturation;
  • determinant type;
  • growing season 112-116 days;
  • height of tomatoes up to 80 cm;
  • compact bush;
  • average foliage.

Features of the fruits of the Tolstushka variety:

  • flat-round shape of tomatoes;
  • pronounced ribbing at the stalk;
  • Red color;
  • average weight of tomatoes 200-250 g;
  • sweet delicate taste;
  • fleshy pulp.

According to the description and photo, Tolstushka tomatoes are intended for inclusion in the daily diet, canning in pieces, making purees, juices, and lecho. Up to 6 kg of fruits are harvested from one tomato bush. The fruits have a good presentation, which is preserved during short transportation.

Description of fruits

The fruits of the Tolstushka tomato have a flat-round shape; closer to the stalk they are ribbed, but generally smooth. The color of the tomatoes is bright, red, well defined. At the stage of technical maturity, a green spot may appear in the area of ​​the stalk, and light stripes spread throughout the fruit. At the stage of consumer ripeness, the color of Tolstushka tomatoes becomes uniformly red.

The weight of the fruit ranges from 200 to 250 g, some specimens grow up to 350 g. They are juicy, sweet, with a slight sourness, the skin is dense but tender. When broken, the pulp has a fine-grained consistency. Each fruit has 4 seed chambers, but few seeds are produced.

Characteristics of the variety

The Tolstushka variety belongs to the indeterminate species. Its characteristics are generally similar to all plants of this type.

  1. This is a tall hybrid; its height in closed ground can reach 2.5 - 3 m.
  2. The variety is considered early, due to the ripening of the fruits.
  3. It is grown in 2 stems, and the tomato yield will be greater.
  4. Green fruits collected at the coloring stage are capable of ripening.
  5. Tomato Thick is suitable for all types of consumption.
  6. The plant is resistant to viruses and diseases inherent in nightshade crops.

Not everyone has a huge greenhouse, so each gardener chooses his own method of growing and limiting the growth of tomatoes.

The best predecessors for tomatoes will be crops such as:

  • radish;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • turnip.

When grown, they do not deplete the soil. And legumes are able to accumulate nitrogen in the root area, which is necessary for the growth of all plants.

Characteristics of the tomato Fatty

This is a mid-early, determinate variety. It is recommended to grow it in greenhouses, greenhouses, and film-type shelters. In open ground, the Tolstushka variety is grown in the south of Russia.

The bush is not tall, the length of the stem does not exceed 80 cm, but it needs a garter, since full-sized fruits can damage the plant during the ripening period.

This is a natural variety, not a hybrid, its seeds are suitable for collection and further germination.

Seedlings of the Tolstushka variety are recommended to be rooted in areas where zucchini, parsley, and cauliflower were previously grown.

The fruits of the variety retain good presentation for a long time and are suitable for transportation. Thanks to the dense peel, they do not crack. If the fruits are collected at the stage of technical maturity, they can be stored for a long time in a cool room, and spontaneous ripening occurs.

Since 2011, the Tolstushka tomato has been included in the State Register of the Russian Federation as a variety recommended for cultivation in spring film greenhouses.

Tomato yield Fatty and fruiting

The ripening of Tolstushka tomatoes begins in the second half of July. Farmers harvest up to 7 kg of tomatoes from one bush. The weight of the first fruits reaches 250 g, the second harvest is more modest: the weight of each tomato does not exceed 190 g.

It is recommended to grow the Tolstushka tomato under film and only in the southern regions - in open ground

Regular watering and fertilizing have a good effect on crop productivity. In warm climates with stable temperature conditions, the Tolstushka variety bears fruit best.

Fruit ripening is uniform, which greatly simplifies harvesting. It is recommended to remove tomatoes from the bush once a week. The fruits can be harvested at technical maturity; they turn red quickly, are stored well, retain a unique taste, and the plant has the ability to quickly form new ovaries without becoming depleted.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Tomatoes of the Tolstushka variety have a universal purpose: they are suitable for processing and fresh consumption. The large size of the fruit does not allow it to be used for whole fruit canning. Tomato juice, paste, lecho, and various sauces are prepared from tomatoes. The taste of tomatoes of the Tolstushka variety is well revealed in summer salads with herbs.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The tomato is resistant to diseases, especially fusarium and verticillium, but can suffer from blossom end rot. Bushes must be regularly inspected and quickly responded to the appearance of the first signs of disease. Insects rarely attack the Tolstushka variety.

Planting tomatoes

Tomatoes that have reached a height of 25 cm are ready to be transplanted to the site. They have a developed root system and 5-7 leaves. Planting is carried out in May, when the ground and air warm up.

A place for growing tomatoes is selected in the fall. Predecessors must be taken into account. Tomatoes are grown after carrots, beets, grains, melons or legumes, onions, and green manure. Planting is not carried out after any varieties of tomatoes, peppers and potatoes, since the crops are characterized by common diseases and pests.

Advice! The soil for tomatoes is fertilized with wood ash and humus.

In spring, the soil is loosened and planting holes are made. Thick tomatoes are placed every 40 cm, rows - every 50 cm. The optimal seating scheme is a checkerboard pattern. This way the tomatoes will receive maximum illumination, and caring for them will be much easier.

Tomatoes Tolstushka are transferred together with a lump of earth. Soil is poured onto the roots and compacted. The last step is to water the plants abundantly. Over the next 10-14 days, do not disturb the tomatoes, do not add water or fertilizer.

Pros and cons of the variety

Tomato Tolstushka is unpretentious in care and does not require pinching or additional shaping of the bushes.

You can get a good harvest even in regions with an unfavorable climate if you grow the crop in a greenhouse


  • compact bush size;
  • high productivity;
  • good taste of fresh fruits;
  • resistance to pests and diseases.


  • greenhouse cultivation;
  • massive fruits not suitable for whole fruit canning.

Important! The yield and taste of tomatoes of the Tolstushka variety do not depend on solar activity.

Even the shortcomings of the Tolstushka variety can be called its features, which do not spoil the overall impression of the culture.

Variety care

Thick tomatoes require constant care. Plantings are watered and various types of fertilizers are applied.

According to its characteristics and description, the Tolstushka tomato variety is classified as undersized. The bush does not require shaping, which simplifies the care of the variety. Tomatoes are tied to a support. To prevent the fruit clusters from falling to the ground, a net is stretched between the tomatoes.

Watering plants

Tomatoes Tolstushka are watered regularly. At different stages of development, tomatoes require a certain amount of moisture. Before use, water is poured into barrels, where it must be warmed and settled.

After planting and before flowering begins, apply 5 liters of water weekly under the roots of the tomatoes. In young plants, the root system is not yet sufficiently developed to extract moisture from the deep layers of the soil.

Advice! A lack of moisture is indicated by curling and wilting of the tops.

When the buds and ovaries begin to form, water the Tolstushka tomatoes more often. Every 3-4 days, 3 liters of water are added under the bushes. When fruiting, you need to reduce watering to 3 liters of water weekly. Excess moisture causes cracking of tomato fruits.

Fertilizer application

Fertilizing promotes the development and fruiting of Tolstushka tomatoes. After planting, the tomatoes are fertilized with a solution of bird droppings diluted with water 1:15. The fertilizer contains nitrogen, so in the future it is better to choose fertilizers with other microelements.

Advice! During the formation of ovaries and fruiting, tomatoes are fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer.

You can get a product for processing Tolstushka tomatoes by dissolving superphosphate and potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water. Each substance is measured in 40 g.

Treating tomatoes leaf by leaf helps replace root feeding. Then take 10 g of mineral fertilizer per large bucket of water.

Tomatoes Tolstushka react positively to organic fertilizers. Wood ash is a universal fertilizer. It is added to the water 2 days before watering. The ash can be embedded in the soil to a depth of 5-8 cm, after which the plantings can be watered.

Protection from diseases

The tomato variety Tolstushka has average resistance to pathogens. Plants rarely suffer from fusarium and verticellosis. If the rules of agricultural technology are violated, the spread of blossom end rot of tomatoes may occur. If dark spots appear on the leaves and stems, the affected parts of the plants must be eliminated. Plantings are treated with products that contain copper.

To protect against diseases, watering standards are observed, the greenhouse or greenhouse is regularly ventilated, and excess tops are cut off. Every 2-3 weeks, preventive treatments are carried out with Fitosporin or other biological products.

Features of cultivation

Seeds for seedlings are sown in early March. Tomato plump requires neutral soil with good drainage. It is prepared in advance by mixing garden soil with sand, humus and peat in equal parts.

The nutrient mixture will allow you to grow strong seedlings without the use of fertilizers

A drainage layer is poured onto the bottom of the containers for seedlings, and the prepared soil mixture is covered on top. The containers are first doused with boiling water, and the soil is fried in the oven for 2 hours to disinfect.

2 days before planting the seeds, they are moistened in warm water, laid out on damp gauze, and allowed to hatch.

Make shallow furrows on the surface of the nutrient soil mixture using a ruler.

The seeds are laid out in a rut at the same distance from each other (1-1.5 cm), covered with light fluffy soil, and watered. The containers are covered with film and placed in a warm, well-lit place. The air temperature during the day should not fall below + 28 ᵒС, and in the evening + 18 ᵒС. The soil is moistened as the top layer dries.

As soon as the first shoots hatch, the film is removed, daylight hours are increased to 12 hours, including artificial lighting.

After two leaves appear on the seedlings, each plant is planted in larger pots

The seedlings do not need fertilizing; they receive all the necessary substances from the soil mixture.

2 weeks before the expected date of planting seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse, they are hardened off. The seedlings are taken out to the balcony during the day for half an hour or an hour, gradually extending the time of the air baths.

Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse at the end of April, and in open ground - in the first half of May, in the southern regions - as soon as the soil warms up well.

The area is carefully dug up, 20 g of urea and 10 g of potassium sulfate are added per 1 square meter. m. Planting holes are dug at a distance of 0.4 m, and an interval of at least 0.5 m is maintained between rows.

Supports are immediately installed near each hole

After planting, the tomato bushes are thoroughly watered, and the next day the soil is loosened. Watering is carried out as the top layer dries. It is important to ventilate in greenhouses. Once every 2 weeks, fertilize with mullein solution, pouring it directly under the root. To prevent the fruits from rotting, weeds are removed and the soil is mulched.

As soon as the ovaries begin to form, the tomato bushes are tied up. The Tolstushka tomato does not need pinching or bush shaping.

Preparing seedlings

To obtain a high yield, Tolstushka tomato seeds are germinated indoors. The resulting seedlings are transferred to the site in late spring. The seedling method is reliable and effective, but in the southern regions it is permissible to plant seeds directly into the ground.

Planting seeds

Planting work begins with soil preparation. It is obtained by combining peat, turf soil and sawdust in a ratio of 7:1:1.5. The soil for tomatoes is fertilized with humus or rotted manure.

An alternative option is to purchase ready-made soil intended for growing tomatoes. It is convenient to plant seeds in peat pots containing a complex of useful substances.

Advice! Seeds of the Tolstushka tomato variety are placed in salted water. Any grains on the surface are removed.

The remaining seeds are wrapped in several layers of gauze and placed in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. After half an hour, the gauze along with the seeds is washed with warm water, then left in a plate for 3 days. The fabric is constantly moistened with water.

The soil is moistened and poured into containers. Prepared seeds of the Tolstushka variety are planted at intervals of 2 cm and covered with a layer of chernozem 1 cm thick. The containers are covered with glass or polyethylene, and then kept warm without access to light.

Conditions for seedlings

When tomato sprouts appear, the containers are moved to a window or other illuminated place. For half a day, seedlings should be illuminated by the sun or phytolamps. Lighting devices are placed at a height of 30 cm from the sprouts and turned on during short daylight hours.

Thick tomato seedlings are provided with other conditions:

  • temperature during the day is 21-25°C, at night 16-18°C;
  • watering with warm water;
  • ventilation of the room.

To water the Tolstushka variety, use settled water. It is more convenient to spray plants from a spray bottle. It is enough to add moisture 1-2 times a week when the soil begins to dry out.

When the seedlings have 2 leaves, they are transplanted into larger containers. If tomato seeds were planted in peat soils, then replanting is not required. Before picking, water the tomatoes and then carefully transfer them to a new container along with a lump of earth. Use the same soil as when planting seed.

3 weeks before transferring to the site, the tomatoes are hardened. In the room with seedlings, open the window for several hours, but protect the tomatoes from drafts. Then the containers are moved to the glazed balcony. Before planting, tomatoes should be left in the fresh air for 24 hours.

Pest and disease control

The Tolstushka tomato is not susceptible to garden diseases, but the creators of the variety recommend preventive treatment. For this purpose, fungicides are used: Aktara, Bravo, Bordeaux mixture.

Tomato Fat, according to gardeners, is susceptible to blossom end rot

To prevent a common disease of tomatoes, calcium solutions, chalk, and crushed eggshells are added to the soil; regular watering is recommended.

Garlic infusion will protect you from small insects: 100 g of crushed product per 1 liter of water. The drug is infused for a day. Before use, it is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Tomato Marmande

Tomato variety Tolstushka has gained popularity and attracted attention due to the presence of great advantages compared to its competitors.

These include:

  • small and compact bush;
  • excellent taste;
  • strong classic aroma;
  • suitability for transportation and long-term storage;
  • attractive appearance of the fruit;
  • there is no need for stepsoning;
  • high productivity;
  • large fruit;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • low maintenance requirements.

According to reviews from gardeners, no significant deficiencies were found in the variety. Some only note that to grow Tolstushka it is advisable to have a greenhouse, and the fruits are not suitable for pickling or canning whole, due to their large size.

Tomatoes of the Tolstushka variety are loved not only by summer residents, but also by professional farmers. With minimal labor and material costs, you can get a bountiful harvest of high-quality, universal-purpose tomatoes. The tomato is not capricious, it easily tolerates unfavorable weather conditions, and even a novice gardener can grow it.

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Growing tomatoes

To get a bountiful harvest, tomatoes are cultivated through seedlings.

How to prepare seeds:

  • The seed material is dipped into a salted aqueous solution. Seeds that float to the surface are discarded;
  • High-quality seeds in a gauze bag are placed in a pale solution of potassium permanganate. After 30 minutes, the gauze with seeds is washed in clean water and left for three days on a saucer for germination.

Sowing seed material:

  • Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of March;
  • Tomato seedlings require neutral soil with good drainage. Before sowing, prepare the soil. Mix peat, turf soil and sawdust in a ratio of 7:1:1.5. Humus or rotted manure is used as fertilizer. An alternative would be to purchase a ready-made substrate. It is convenient to sow seed material in peat pots, which contain a complex of useful substances;
  • The containers are filled with moistened soil. Seed material is sown at intervals of 2 cm and sprinkled with a 1 cm layer of black soil. Containers should be covered with glass or polyethylene and placed in a warm, dark place;
  • With the emergence of seedlings, the containers are moved to a lighted windowsill;
  • Water the seedlings with settled water using a spray bottle. Water 1-2 times a week as the soil dries;
  • After the formation of two permanent leaves, the seedlings are planted in a larger container. When sowing seed material in peat pots, picking is not carried out;
  • For three weeks before planting in a permanent place, the seedlings begin to harden. In the room where the seedlings are located, keep the window open for several hours, avoiding drafts. Then the containers are moved to a glassed-in balcony. Immediately before transplanting, the seedlings should be left outdoors for 24 hours.

Rules for planting seedlings:

  1. Planting in a greenhouse structure is carried out in May in completely heated soil;
  2. Seedlings ready for planting should have a height of 25 cm, a developed root system and 5-7 leaves;
  3. In the fall, wood ash and humus are added to the soil;
  4. In spring, the soil is thoroughly loosened and planting holes are formed at intervals of 40 cm, the row spacing is set at a distance of 50 cm. It is optimal to use a checkerboard pattern. This way the tomatoes will be provided with maximum lighting, and this will greatly facilitate further care of the plantings. It is recommended to plant no more than 4-5 seedlings per 1 m2;
  5. Tomato seedlings are transplanted together with a lump of earth. Sprinkle soil on the roots and compact it a little;
  6. Finally, the tomato bushes are watered abundantly.

How to grow tomatoes

After 2 months, the seedlings are ready for transplanting. By this time, young plants reach a height of 25 cm, they have a fully developed root system and at least 6 true leaves.


A place for beds with tomatoes is chosen in the fall, taking into account what crops grew on the ground previously. Tomatoes are planted where legumes, melons, carrots or beets grew before them. Following the rules of crop rotation leads to maximum fruiting rates. The soil is fertilized with wood ash and humus.

In spring, the ground is loosened, removing weeds with roots, and holes are made 15 cm deep.

Planting pattern: 40 cm – distance between seedlings, 50 cm – between rows. For 1 sq. m place 4-5 plants in a checkerboard pattern. This method of planting provides maximum lighting and ventilation for young bushes.

The seedlings are transferred into the holes along with a lump of earth, sprinkled with soil and compacted. Then water abundantly and do not disturb the bushes for 2 weeks. During this time, tomatoes adapt to new conditions.

Tomato care Fatty

Regular watering is established as seedlings take root in open beds. Water only with warm, settled water, strictly at the root, without getting on the leaves. The water is pre-settled and heated in the sun in barrels. Before flowering begins, apply 5 liters of water under each tomato bush.

When forming buds, the amount of moisture is reduced to 3 liters, since excess leads to cracking of the fruit. Water at least 2 times a week. On hot and dry days, watering is increased up to 3-4 times as the soil dries out.

After each watering, the soil is loosened and hilled up. This agricultural technique not only saturates the soil with oxygen, but also becomes a preventative measure in the fight against late blight and pests.

The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings. Bird droppings (1:15) are well suited as fertilizer at this stage of development. But since the fertilizer contains nitrogen, it is not used in the future.

The second feeding is applied when the ovaries are forming. Feed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, for example, superphosphate and potassium sulfate (40 g of each fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water). These microelements are also fed during the fruiting period.

Important! The culture responds well to the addition of organic matter. Universal fertilizer – wood ash. It is added to the water 2 days before watering.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Thanks to the small number of shoots, the bushes do not require regular pinching, which significantly simplifies care. But for a better quantitative indicator, plants are formed into 2 stems.

The crop cannot be done without a garter, otherwise the branches will not support the weight of ripe fruits. Tie as necessary to wooden or metal supports. This will not only protect the plants from damage, but will also simplify harvesting.

Diseases and pests

The culture has proven itself to be highly resistant to the main diseases of the Solanaceae family.

Preventive treatment of plants includes spraying with Bravo preparations or copper sulfate. “Bravo” is a contact fungicide and provides good protection against fungal diseases, such as late blight. Copper sulfate also has the same effect.

Decoctions of onion peels and garlic (100 g per 1 liter, infuse for 1 day) save you from viruses and pests. The finished infusion is diluted with water 1:10 and sprayed on the plants. Many pests are repelled by strong odors and decoctions of strong-smelling herbs. Also, such herbs are planted next to tomatoes, and mustard bushes can even repel the Colorado potato beetle.


Seeds for seedlings are sown in the second half of March, and two months later the plants are transplanted into a greenhouse. The seeds are first disinfected by immersing them in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.

The first layer of soil is poured into the seedling container and the seeds are laid out on it (at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other), and then moistened with a spray bottle.

Another layer of earth 1 cm thick is poured on top. The container is covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm place, maintaining a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C.


Excess leaves and shoots should be removed from plants

4-5 days after sowing, seedlings appear - they are watered with warm water and the film is removed. Place the container with seedlings on the windowsill and lower the temperature to 16°C for a week.

In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, seedlings are picked. The plants are transplanted into separate pots, while adding mineral fertilizers. Before transplanting into the greenhouse, the seedlings are hardened (the pots are taken outside for a week, increasing the hardening time every day).


The first feeding of seedlings is carried out no earlier than 6-7 days after picking. Until the seedlings have taken root and the roots have begun to work, this is not necessary.


Before planting seedlings, the soil in the greenhouse is disinfected and loosened. The bushes are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other. There is a space of 50 cm between the rows.

Ash, mineral fertilizers, compost, and ground eggshells are added to the holes. Plants are watered at the root with warm, settled water.


Egg shells, even crushed into powder, become available to plant roots in the form of calcium no earlier than 2 years after application. It can be applied only on acidic soils to deoxidize it. But acidic soil is not suitable for tomatoes; the soil should be neutral with a pH of 5.5-6.0.

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