Review of new varieties and hybrids of tomatoes for the 2016-2017 season

Breeding activity does not stand still, but constantly and actively expands biological diversity. For the next season, popular agricultural companies are offering new varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. Their seeds are already on sale.

Every year, producers try to obtain even better varieties and hybrids with such characteristics as high yield, excellent fruit taste, short ripening period, etc. What pleased us with this year’s breeders.

Many people mistakenly believe that hybrids are genetically modified products, that is, obtained from transgenic organisms. But this opinion is fundamentally wrong. Hybrids are born as a result of interspecific crossing of plants, and not genetic experiments. For example, yellow watermelon is the result of crossing a wild watermelon (it has yellow flesh) with a regular one.

New items from

This agritech firm was founded in 1994. It operates in the seed sales market for professionals and amateurs in all regions from the Urals to the Far East. not only sells seeds of vegetable and flower crops of domestic and foreign selection, but also has its own experimental and demonstration fields. This makes it possible to evaluate seeds in a sharply continental climate. This season the company offers 4 new products.


This early variety is distinguished by such characteristics as bush compactness, excellent setting, attractive appearance of elongated oval fruits (average weight 95-100 g) and high yield.

Novosibirsk red and Novosibirsk pink

Novosibirsk red tomato

Novosibirsk pink tomato

These early varieties have similar characteristics, they differ only in the color of the fruit. The first inflorescence is laid above the 8th leaf, and the subsequent ones - after 1-2 leaves. Among the advantages of these varieties, it is worth noting the compactness of the bush, high yield, excellent fruit set, and their original cube-shaped shape. At the same time, the tomatoes are very dense, weighing from 90 to 110 g.

All of these tomato varieties are ideal for growing in open ground.

Kira F1

This early ripening hybrid is recommended for growing in protected ground. Unlike the previous ones, this plant is indeterminate (more than 2 m in height). The fruits are dense, red, elliptical in shape, weighing 25-30 g, very tasty.

The full range of products offered by agro can be found on the website

Tomato “Ampelny”, mixture

Tomato "Ampel" is a mixture of cherry seeds of the varieties 'Waterfall' and 'Thumbelina'. Both varieties are early ripening, from germination to fruit ripening 100-110 days. Plants are indeterminate, medium-sized. A cluster contains 15-20 fruits, each weighing 15-20 g, with excellent taste. Productivity reaches 7-8 kg per m².

Tomato “Ampelny”, mixture We especially want to draw your attention to the proposed combination of varieties. You can grow these tomatoes not only in hanging baskets in greenhouses and tall barrels in the garden, but also at home - on loggias and balconies. And this allows not only summer residents, but also city residents to enjoy the taste of their real tomatoes! The advantage of this mixture of varieties is ease of care: during growth, the shoots do not need to be pinched and shaped; you just need to promptly remove yellowed and dried leaves. But in order to reap a good harvest, it is important to take into account that the plants must be planted in a container of at least 5 liters, and even better, take a pot of about 7-8 liters. Make the right choices. We wish you a successful harvest, regardless of the vagaries of nature! The full range of tomato varieties can be found on our website Source:…

New items from

produces and sells more than 3,000 varieties and hybrids of vegetable and flower crops under the trademarks “Royal Harvest” and “Royal Flowerbed”. The company works closely with well-known breeders who are working on new, more productive and disease-resistant varieties and hybrids.


Tomatoes of this early-ripening variety begin to ripen at the end of June, the harvest is harvested 60-70 days after emergence. The plant is determinate, standard (25-35 cm high), does not require pinching, is suitable for growing in a greenhouse (seedling method), in warm beds under double cover (sowing is carried out in April-May). The fruits are round, weighing 50-70 g, ideal for fresh consumption and making salads. The compact bush looks very decorative and looks great on a windowsill, garden bed or flower bed.

Kinder F1

Early maturing hybrid for brush harvesting. From germination to fruit ripening – 80-90 days. The plant is determinate, 100-120 cm high, weakly leafy. On each branched cluster, 18-20 fruits weighing 25-35 g ripen together. They are very tasty, sweet, and uniform. Ideal for home cooking, preparing and decorating salads.


Mid-season indeterminate variety. The plant is tall (110-130 cm), begins to bear fruit 100-107 days after emergence. The fruits are red, pear-shaped, multi-chambered, juicy, dense, weighing 170-190 g. They are used mainly for fresh salads, but the concentrated taste and rich aroma of sweet pulp make these tomatoes one of the best for making tomato paste, juices and canning in pieces. own juice.

More information about these and other plant varieties can be found on the company’s website.

Bear Paw

Tomato variety Bear's Paw

This mid-early variety pleased with the abundance of weighty, sugary fruits weighing from 400 to 800 grams. From one bush we managed to harvest 5-6 kilograms! Each bunch produces 4 to 5 crimson-red tomatoes, which are very tasty both in salads and in homemade preparations. Bear's Paw is an indeterminate variety, which means it is best planted exclusively in greenhouses.

New items from Russian Vegetable Garden

The history of the group began back in 1991. To date, more than 1 billion seed packets have been produced and sold under this brand. The manufacturer has its own scientific base in Shchelkovo (Moscow region), where they select varieties and hybrids, produce, clean, sort and package original and reproduction seeds. There are also laboratories for breeding research and quality control, summer and winter greenhouses, a professional climatic storage facility for especially valuable and source seeds, and an exclusive experimental demonstration site.

Blueberry and cream F1, mixture

These small tomatoes with contrasting (yellow and purple) colors create a unique duet in the garden and on your table, complementing each other with both color and taste. During the ripening period, tall plants are generously strewn with clusters of sweet and juicy fruits weighing about 20 g.

Plum drop F1

This new hybrid with delicious fruits of original color will not leave anyone indifferent. Two shades - deep purple and rich yellow - merge together in each pear-shaped tomato weighing 40 g. The fruits contain a lot of anthocyanins and carotene. Plants 90-150 cm high under favorable conditions can produce up to 500 beautiful and healthy fruits per season!

Gigantissimo F1

The name of the new hybrid speaks for itself. The fruits of this indeterminate plant can reach a weight of 1400 g. On bushes up to 180 cm high, 75-80 days after planting the seedlings, juicy and fleshy tomatoes of a rich red color with excellent taste ripen.

The products of Russian Vegetable Garden can be found on the website

New products from agro

Agro is a breeding and seed production company that was founded on October 1, 1990 on the basis of the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing (VNIIO). Field of activity – selection, production and wholesale of seed and planting material: flower bulbs (Dutch and domestic selection), seedlings of ornamental and fruit crops, seedlings, indoor plants. The company also sells fertilizers, plant protection products and other materials needed by an amateur gardener.

Terek F1

This early ripening hybrid is intended for cultivation in protected ground. Beautiful, round, bright red and sweet, like caramel, fruits (weighing 17-19 g) ripen 90-95 days after emergence. The bushes are tall, need staking, and form long clusters of 15-30 fruits each. Tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption and whole-fruit canning. The hybrid is resistant to cladosporiosis and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).

More detailed information about the agricultural company and the new tomato variety can be found on the website

New items from

The main task that specialists set for themselves is to provide Russians with high-quality vegetable and flower seeds created in Russia. Breeding centers located in the city of Aleksin, Tula region, in the cities of Pavlovskaya Sloboda and Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, as well as in the city of Krymsk, Krasnodar region, have been able to successfully and quickly create seeds of popular varieties and hybrids for more than 20 years.

little fox

This large-fruited, mid-early, tall variety for film greenhouses will appeal to those who love rich harvests, excellent quality of bright fruits and simple formation into one stem with the removal of all stepsons. The fruits of the Fox variety tomato are bright orange, weighing up to 280 g, oval in shape. The fruits have delicate pulp and thin skin, which, oddly enough, is not prone to cracking.


This tall tomato is recommended for growing in film greenhouses, where the bush is formed into one stem. The variety is excellent for whole-fruit canning. The fruits have an original shape, reminiscent of a banana, and a bright yellow-orange color. The skin is thin, but quite durable. The pulp is sweet and sour. The average weight of tomatoes is 100-120 g.

Striped flight

Medium-sized cocktail tomato for growing in greenhouses, under temporary film covers and in open ground. Fruits weighing 30-40 g are arranged on long clusters of 20-30 pieces and are held very firmly and do not fall off. Ripe tomatoes acquire a chocolate-burgundy color with green stripes and a sweet and sour taste. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption; they are good for pickling and pickling, both ripe and unripe.

Creme brulee

Medium-sized variety with white fruits. Suitable for growing in greenhouses and under temporary film covers. The fruits, weighing 200-250 g, are slightly flattened and sour in taste. Ideal for fermentation in barrels and preparing salads.

Black Pearl

A medium-early tall variety for growing in film greenhouses and in open ground with a garter to a high support (pergola, building roofs, high fence). Plants look good and can even be used as landscape design elements. Small Black Pearl tomato fruits (weighing 25-30 g) ripen, acquire a rounded shape, they have very delicate pulp and brown skin with a pinkish tint.

Detailed information about varieties and hybrids can be found on the website

Tomato 'One hundred pounds'

The 'One Hundred Poods' tomato has received permanent registration from a huge number of gardeners. This variety enjoys well-deserved love for its high yield, sweet taste, original fruit shape and disease resistance, even in stormy summer conditions. The variety is indeterminate, with a long fruiting period, mid-early. The fruits ripen in clusters of 3-5 pieces. after 110-115 days from full germination.

Tomato 'One hundred pounds' Consistently high fruiting will ensure a yield of at least 10 kg per m². The variety is tall, we recommend growing it in film greenhouses, forming it into one or two stems. In the southern regions and in open ground you can get an excellent harvest; in such conditions, tomato bushes grow more compact. The 'One Hundred Poods' tomato, as the name suggests, is distinguished by large fruits (up to 500 g), and their size does not become smaller from the first clusters to the very top. The weight of medium-sized tomatoes is 200-300 g. The bright red fruits have an original pear-shaped shape, similar to a tightened bag due to the strong ribbing at the stalk. Tomatoes of this variety have a wonderful sweet taste, juicy and dense pulp, ideal for salads and juices. Valued for their high content of sugars, lycopene and beta-carotene. Housewives note another culinary feature - the skin of ripe fruits is easy to peel, even without scalding. In rainy summer conditions, the 'One Hundred Poods' variety has proven itself to be particularly resistant to lack of heat, excess humidity and resistant to a whole range of fungal and bacterial diseases, such as late blight, gray rot, bacteriosis and others. According to our summer residents, many varieties of tomatoes were sick, but 'One Hundred Poods' was not! Very unpretentious to grow, this variety is very responsive to the quality of care. And with regular fertilizing, it significantly increases productivity. But, as our clients noted, the tomato needs gartering of the clusters, as they can break off under the weight of the fruit. And one more nuance - ripe fruits can be stored for a long time. And to enjoy the classic sweet tomato taste, eat them immediately after picking.

New items from

St. Petersburg (trade mark "House of Seeds"), one of the five largest seed companies in Russia. The main areas of its activity: selection, production, processing and sale of more than 1,500 types of varietal seeds of vegetable and flower crops (packaged and weighted), soils, fertilizers, agrochemicals and other products for the garden.


An early ripening determinate variety for open and protected ground. The fruits ripen 100-105 days after emergence. The bush is spreading, the central shoot reaches a height of 50-60 cm. The fruits are bright red, round, smooth, very tasty, weighing 120-150 g. This variety gives good yields, while being unpretentious to growing conditions.


An early ripening variety (100-105 days from germination) for growing in film greenhouses and open ground, which is characterized by high yield even in cold and damp summers. A low bush (up to 1 m) is densely strewn with elegant sweet fruits, shaped like peppers, with an average weight of 70-80 g.


Indeterminate (i.e. with unlimited growth), large-fruited, high-yielding, early-ripening variety of tomatoes intended for cultivation in protected soil. The fruits ripen 110-120 days after emergence and are mainly used for making salads. On the bush there are 8-12 clusters with 3-5 fruits in each. The tomatoes are red, round, fleshy, slightly flattened on the sides, weighing 200-400 g. The sugary pulp contains a small amount of seeds.

You can find out more about new products from Sortsevosch on the website.

New varieties of hybrid tomatoes for 2022

New hybrid varieties created by breeders will, in their opinion, become a real sensation this year. Planting these new plants will be a pleasure, and picking the fruits will be even more enjoyable.

Black bunch tomatoes on a branch resemble a bunch of black currants in an enlarged size. Individually, the fruits resemble a plum. I definitely want to try it. “Black Bunch” is the result of long work by our compatriots - breeders with the help of foreign scientists


  1. Big Mama. Early ripening. High-yielding. The fruits are large, up to 300 g.
  2. Empire. Grows up to 2 m. Oval-shaped fruits weighing up to 140g. Well stored and transported. Mid-season.
  3. Openwork. High-yielding. Ripens in 110 days. There is resistance to disease. The weight of the fruit reaches 400 g.
  4. Gaiduk. Excellent yield. Early ripening. There is resistance to diseases. It can reach 1.5 m in height.
  5. Black bunch. The fruits are black. Early ripening. Tomatoes weigh up to 50g and grow in tassels. Excellent taste properties. The peel contains a large amount of antioxidants.

The choice is great. You can try something new.

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