6 plants that can be planted with tomatoes in a greenhouse

A greenhouse has long become an indispensable attribute of any garden or summer cottage. It reliably covers tender early seedlings of peppers, eggplants and tomatoes until planting in a permanent place. In a greenhouse it is possible to grow several harvests of greenery and protect remontant raspberries from early autumn frosts that destroy their harvest. Any vegetable crop loved by the owners will take root in the greenhouse. But when deciding what to plant in the greenhouse along with tomatoes, it is worth considering the compatibility of the crops. Not all of them get along together.

Features of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Greenhouse tomatoes grown in proximity to other plants require their own microclimate. Good lighting is preferable for plants, but they also thrive in cloudy weather. The ambient temperature should be moderate and the room should be ventilated frequently. They need to be constantly fed with fertilizers and watered at the roots. Tomatoes need to be planted with plants with similar requirements.

Tomatoes vitally need fertilizers enriched with potassium and phosphorus. And excessive nitrogen content leads to the fall of the ovaries and a decrease in the amount of yield. Due to the frequent use of organic fertilizers, nitrates accumulate in fruits. Greenhouse neighbors of tomatoes should have similar requirements.

Sweet peppers in a greenhouse along with tomatoes

The correct choice of neighboring crops will help not only save space on the site, but also save energy and time for caring for plants. They will not transmit the same pests and diseases, nor will they have a depressing effect on each other. You can even arrange some semblance of symbiosis in the garden bed if you choose the right companions for the plants. It’s enough to figure out how to make a conveyor bed and what to plant next to the tomatoes in the greenhouse so that the plants feel comfortable.

Features and characteristics of tomato culture

The tomato belongs to the nightshade family along with potatoes, eggplant, tobacco, peppers and a number of other plants. They are distinguished by serrated lobed leaves arranged in pairs, flowers that are collected in inflorescences, and a taproot system. Flowering nightshades can occur from spring to summer, and harvesting occurs from summer to autumn. The resulting fruits will be berries or capsules.

Tomatoes are grown in greenhouses all over the world. Thanks to this growing method, its fruits can be consumed fresh all year round. Most greenhouse varieties are indeterminate, so vertical or horizontal trellises are used to support them. The height of the plants reaches 3 m. Determinate or bush tomatoes can also be planted in a greenhouse, but such planting is carried out much less frequently.

Did you know? Red tomatoes have more nutrients than yellow ones.

Tomatoes are inherently perennials, but are usually grown as annuals. Tomato fruits are multi-locular berries. Often they are collected in brushes. The range of fruit sizes is quite wide - from 1.3 to 10 cm. In addition, the fruits are characterized by a wide range of colors.

Greenhouse - into cells

What can you plant with cucumbers in a greenhouse?

To grow many types of plants in one greenhouse, it can be divided into zones using film, polycarbonate sheets, plywood or slate.

Important! In addition to the doors, at the beginning and end of the greenhouse there must be at least 2 windows located in the center.

It is equally important to choose the right material for zoning. For example, to keep the greenhouse warm in the evening, you can use sheets of dark slate, plywood or metal, since they warm up well during the day. If you need the room to be light enough, it is better to use film or polycarbonate.

What crops can coexist with tomatoes in a greenhouse?

You can grow a rich harvest by choosing the right plants that are compatible with each other. In small areas, vegetables are often planted closely. If you know perfectly how to properly organize the proximity of tomatoes and other vegetables, the plants will not transmit pests and diseases to each other, which will protect the crop from significant losses.

The neighborhood of tomatoes and other vegetables

It is worth considering the interests of not only tomatoes, but also their neighbors. For example, cabbage will be less susceptible to flea beetle attacks typical of cruciferous vegetables if its seedlings are planted next to tomatoes. Tomatoes protect turnips and onions from late blight. Experiments with the choice of varieties and planting time lead to very interesting results. Knowing the compatibility of tomatoes with other crops in a greenhouse, it is easy to choose neighbors for the plant.

It is good to plant vegetables next to seedlings of sweet peppers and eggplants. Tomatoes can be “settled” next to:

  • cabbage (white, cauliflower, broccoli or kohlrabi),
  • corn,
  • sunflower,
  • beans,
  • sweet peas,
  • various types of spicy herbs,
  • physalis.

Tomatoes go well with melons: watermelons and melons. Pests do not attack tomatoes if parsley (curly or regular), anise, celery and mint are nearby. Marigold flowers can be planted next to the same purpose.

Advice! To save space, you can use the edges of your beds or the space between them to plant flowers and herbs.

The proximity of tomatoes and early ripening crops - onions and garlic, Chinese cabbage, radishes - is an excellent solution. Vegetables will not have to fight among themselves for nutrients, because the formation of ovaries in tomatoes will begin after the early harvest. A tomato greenhouse will become a reliable shelter for any seedlings: both vegetables and flowers. You can sow the material directly into the ground or into boxes placed on the floor or shelves.

Endive lettuce, asparagus, celery, and bush beans will get along well next to tomatoes. Chives will help repel aphids. Therefore, all these plants can be safely planted next to tomatoes.

what to plant with what


Tomatoes and peppers in neighboring beds or in the same greenhouse. Separate the cucumbers and melon away from the cucumbers, otherwise they will cross-pollinate and the melon will be bland. Carrots, somewhere near the garlic. In one bed there is lettuce, radishes, dill. After harvesting the radishes, sow more dill in the vacant space. Sow the salad in small batches at intervals of 10 days. Otherwise, you won’t have time to eat it, it will go to waste, and the fresh ones will grow. I heard that tomatoes love being next to basil. Now some advice from personal experience, even though you don’t have much space, try not to thicken the plantings. This is especially true for cucumbers and tomatoes. They love space. Plant one plant at a distance of at least 50cm from another. This way the harvest will be greater.


You can plant tomatoes and parsley next to garlic, dill and lettuce with cucumbers, the main thing is not to plant dill and carrots next to each other, they can’t stand each other

The combination of basil and tomatoes

Basil is the best companion for tomatoes. Its proximity repels hornworms and has a positive effect on the taste of the crop. Therefore, it is worth planting basil in a greenhouse with tomatoes. It also tolerates proximity to tomatoes well. He only needs enough light and nutrition.

Tomatoes and basil

Mixed plantings with other herbs (thyme, sage, mint) are no less beneficial for tomatoes; they create protection for the garden bed from earthen pests.

Many gardeners do not know what else can be planted in a greenhouse with tomatoes. For example, to improve the quality of tomato juice and increase the shelf life of the crop, you can plant borage nearby. Among herbs, vegetables do not tolerate only proximity to lemon balm.

What vegetables cannot be planted with tomatoes in the same greenhouse?

When growing tomatoes, it is imperative to control the temperature and humidity of the environment. That is why the correct choice of crops adjacent to tomatoes is very difficult - most vegetables do not feel comfortable next to tomatoes:

  • Frequent watering and high humidity, which cucumbers love so much, are contraindicated for tomatoes;
  • During growth, dill absorbs all the beneficial substances needed by tomatoes;
  • young tomato seedlings will be suppressed by fennel;
  • close proximity to peas is fraught with the fact that during the growth process they creep up to the tomatoes, wrap around them, and deprive them of light, so it is better to plant peas further away.

Neighborhood with some melons, such as pumpkins, squashes and zucchini, is also excluded. As they grow, they fill all available space.

Cucumbers and tomatoes in one greenhouse

If there is a critical lack of space on the plot, cucumbers and tomatoes can be planted side by side, but this will significantly affect the quality and quantity of the harvest, not for the better.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are such popular vegetables that it is impossible to imagine the human diet without them. Summer residents grow them not only for fresh consumption, but also stock up for the winter by canning them. These vegetables are mainly grown in greenhouse conditions. If they are cultivated for sale in large quantities, it is necessary to make a separate shelter for each. Amateur gardeners often grow cucumbers and tomatoes in the same room.

Important! This option is quite possible provided that the microclimate of the greenhouse is adapted to each vegetable, because they have completely different requirements for ventilation, temperature and humidity of the environment.

Cucumbers prefer a humid, warm climate and do not tolerate direct sunlight on their surface. They need to be watered by sprinkling, which is strictly contraindicated for tomatoes.

On a note. It is necessary to organize the placement of these plants in such a way that they are at a sufficient distance from each other.

If the length of the greenhouse allows, it can be delimited inside with polycarbonate, plywood or boards. In this case, you have to make exits from the greenhouse on both sides. Then airing the tomatoes will in no way harm the cucumbers. In turn, the tomatoes will not suffer from excess moisture when watering the cucumbers.

The list of vegetables given in the article is not complete. It contains the most popular and well-known vegetables that can be grown by both experienced gardeners and gardeners, as well as amateur beginners.

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Why you can’t plant tomatoes next to cucumbers

Categories: cucumbers You can’t plant tomatoes and cucumbers together. We received a question from Anastasia: “Why can’t you plant tomatoes next to cucumbers? What can you plant next to cucumbers?

Cucumbers: basic information

  • Varieties: Sheer perfection f1, Connie f1, Director f1, Atlantis f1, Artist f1, Chayote, Graceful, Herman f1, Competitor, Kibria f1, Adam f1, Courage f1, Zyatek f1, Envy of everyone f1, Berendey f1, Chinese, Gunnar f1, Parthenocarpic, Balcony miracle f1
  • Typical problems: Ovaries, Diseases, Pests, Bugs, Spider mites
  • Features of care: Care, Secrets, Tying, Planting, Greenhouse, Growing, Lighting, Temperature
  • Plant genus: Cucumber
  • Type: Pumpkin
  • Homeland: India
  • Number of varieties: more than 100
  • All questions about cucumbers
  • All articles about cucumbers

Tomatoes and cucumbers are among the most common crops that are planted side by side in greenhouses and hotbeds. But you can’t plant them together. Cucumbers, being near a tomato, wither, turn pale, and begin to rot. Cucumbers love high humidity temperatures and frequent but not abundant watering. Cucumbers require a higher temperature to grow than tomatoes.

Why is it better to separate cucumbers and tomatoes?

  • You cannot plant cucumbers next to tomatoes because high air humidity causes the tomatoes to become covered with fungus and bacterial diseases, their flowers are not pollinated, the yield of tomatoes decreases, and the taste of the fruit becomes bitter. Therefore, in a greenhouse with tomatoes, you can leave the window open overnight, which promotes good ventilation, saturating the leaves of the plant with oxygen.

High air humidity causes tomatoes to become covered with fungus

  • Cucumber crops suffer due to lack of moisture in the air and soil. Large cucumber leaves evaporate a lot of moisture, and if atmospheric humidity is low, the roots cannot cope with absorbing moisture from the soil, and the leaves wither. You can grow cucumbers in greenhouses. By actively evaporating moisture, plants create an ideal microclimate with high humidity indoors.
  • Tomatoes grow better in open ground; in a greenhouse next to the cucumbers, they find themselves in an overly humid microclimate, which is formed due to the release of excess moisture by the leaves of the cucumbers, causing the tomatoes to become covered with a bacterial crust and infections. If, under such conditions, you open a window in the greenhouse, then the cucumbers begin to suffer from the draft.

The listed growing conditions make tomatoes and cucumbers incompatible for planting in adjacent beds.

It is not advisable to plant cucumbers and tomatoes together in the same greenhouse due to different cultivation techniques. If space is limited and you have to plant conflicting crops next to each other, then it is better to fence their beds with film and grow them on different sides.

By actively evaporating moisture, cucumbers create an ideal microclimate with high humidity indoors.

Another way to separate cucumbers and tomatoes in a greenhouse is to dig in sheets of old roofing felt or iron, which separate the soil for both crops, which allows you to control the level of moisture and the nature of fertilizers for each of them.

Another crop that is not recommended to be grown next to cucumbers is potatoes. In addition to potatoes, it is better not to plant radishes and radishes next to cucumbers.

Cucumbers should not be planted next to corn. In itself, this crop does not compete with cucumbers for light and soil, but as they grow, cucumbers trail along the corn, causing harm to the plant.

If in open ground the differences are smoothed out a little and different crops can be grown in neighboring beds, then in cramped greenhouses plants begin to compete for square meters of soil, watering and sunlight. Therefore, it is not recommended to grow ardent antagonists in greenhouses.

Tomatoes grow better in open ground; in a greenhouse next to cucumbers they find themselves in an overly humid microclimate

On the pages of our resource you can also learn how to preserve buds on tomato and pepper seedlings.

The best neighbors for cucumbers

Cucumbers can be planted next to the following crops:

  • beans;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • bell pepper;
  • eggplants;
  • cabbage;
  • kohlrabi;
  • broccoli;
  • beets;
  • salad;
  • basil;
  • dill;
  • fennel;
  • onions;
  • spinach;
  • garlic;
  • calendula.

The best neighbor of cucumbers is bell peppers.
Peppers, like cucumbers, prefer warm, stuffy air and do not like drafts. The best way to combine eggplants, peppers and cucumbers in the garden is to plant the pepper seedlings and eggplant seeds on the sunny side, and place the cucumber seeds a little further away. The proximity of cucumbers to dill has a good effect on their productivity. Cucumbers grow best next to cauliflower and early white cabbage.

Methods for separating cucumbers and tomatoes

To separate cucumber and tomato bushes, it is important to fulfill the following conditions:

  • hang film between crops to create an optimal microclimate;
  • divide the soil using an iron sheet;
  • make separate entrances for the tomato and cucumber compartments;
  • leave a large number of vents for ventilation in the compartment with tomatoes.

Cucumbers and tomatoes in one greenhouse (video)

If it is not possible to plant crops in open ground, but it is possible to plant vegetables in a greenhouse, then you can set aside a greenhouse for cucumbers and peppers, and plant tomatoes and eggplants in a greenhouse. Thus, if it is not possible to breed cucumbers and tomatoes in different greenhouses, then by making efforts to separate the crops, you can limit yourself to a single space.


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