The basics of crop rotation from experienced summer residents: what can be planted after carrots next year

The article describes the basic rules of crop rotation - what can be planted after carrots, companion plants, and after which it is best to plant carrots for the next year.

Carrots quite deplete the soil, taking away a large amount of nutrients. Therefore, after it you need to work on restoring the fertile layer.

After harvesting, green manure is planted: mustard, phacelia, oats, rye or other herbs that restore nutrients. You can also apply organic, mineral or complex fertilizers.

Why is it important to follow the rules of crop rotation?

If you neglect crop rotation, you can lose a significant part of the harvest. Planting vegetables according to his rules is necessary for the following reasons :

  1. When growing one type of crop, the same pathogens and pests accumulate in the soil, which requires additional treatment of the plants.
  2. The same vegetable crops absorb certain nutrients from the soil. Sucking out the same microelements greatly depletes the earth. The problem is solved by applying mineral and organic fertilizers, which will require material costs.
  3. If crop rotation rules are not followed, toxic substances (viburnum) accumulate in the soil and are released by plant roots. And if vegetables are grown in the same place for several years in a row, then the concentration of harmful compounds will be exceeded and will have a depressing effect on the planted crops.

In addition, following the rules of alternating vegetables will reduce the number of weeds and prevent soil depletion .

Crop rotation of carrots in greenhouses and open ground

In greenhouses, maintaining crop rotation rules is difficult due to the savings in usable space and energy costs. Carrots get along well with tomatoes, garlic, cucumbers and onions. In greenhouses it is used as the main crop, and onions as an additional one.

Carrots are most often grown in open ground. This vegetable is highly susceptible to its own toxins released during growth . It is recommended to re-grow it on the site only after 4-5 years.

Green manure is used to improve soil health . The pattern of alternating vegetables after carrots is as follows: in the first year - sowing green manure crops, in the second year - cabbage or cucumbers, in the third - green manure again, in the fourth - onions.

The note! Green manures include mustard, legumes, vetch, rapeseed, alfalfa, clover, lupine, oats, buckwheat, and radish. They contain large quantities of microelements important for plants (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus), as well as proteins, sugars, and starch. When grown, their root system normalizes the soil structure.

Crop rotation: table

Name of vegetable cropThe best predecessorsIt is possible, but not advisable to plant after these cropsStrictly prohibited
TomatoesCarrots, beets, green manure, pumpkin, early and mid-ripening white and cauliflower, onions, cucumbers, radishes, peppers, herbs.Late cabbageTomatoes, potatoes

Gardening requires careful planning from the summer resident. It is necessary to conduct an annual analysis of planting; this is the only way to make amazing discoveries for yourself, to understand why it is better to plant tomatoes in open ground and, thus, influence the increase in productivity.

On a note! Tomatoes cannot be grown after cineraria and petunia, since these beautifully flowering plants and tomatoes belong to the Solanaceae family. Tansy, flax, coriander, and nasturtium can grow together with tomatoes.

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What is best to plant after carrots next year?

Carrots greatly deplete the soil . It takes a lot of potassium and phosphorus from the ground: 4 times more than tomatoes, and 3 times more than cucumbers. Planting these vegetables with the addition of organic and mineral fertilizers will restore the balance of nutrients in the soil.

These plants also include:

  • various varieties of pepper;
  • cabbage, early radish, lettuce and mustard;
  • legumes (beans, peas, beans);
  • nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, physalis, sweet potatoes);
  • artichokes ensuring good drainage.

It is advisable to plant vegetable crops that have a shallow root system and an “above-ground” yield.

What should not be planted?

Of course, you can’t plant carrots themselves.

They won't grow well:

  • beet;
  • melons (watermelons, pumpkins, squash, melons, zucchini);
  • greens and herbs;
  • celery, chard and spinach;
  • onion and garlic.

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Is it possible to plant garlic and onions after carrots for the winter?

It is not advisable to sow onions and garlic after harvesting carrots . Root crops deplete the soil and the soil needs to be allowed to rest. The best option is green manure plants.

The best predecessors for carrots

Carrots are one of the most popular vegetable crops, which are successfully grown by domestic gardeners. Cultivating it in garden beds does not present any difficulty, so even a novice gardener can successfully grow vegetables. It will only be necessary to provide the plantings with appropriate care, and also take into account which crops are best to plant carrots in the beds. Among the best predecessors we can note:

  • Cabbage.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Onion.
  • Potato.

It is an undemanding vegetable that can grow and produce an excellent harvest even without any fertilizer. However, it should be remembered that carrots can have pests similar to various vegetables, so they must be planted taking into account crop rotation.

Excellent results are shown by planting carrots in the beds after garlic and cucumbers. Such crops require various mineral fertilizers, and they do not have any associated insect pests.

What is the best way to grow carrots?

Carrots are sensitive to soil components and fertilizers contained in it .
It’s good if its predecessors are cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, and potatoes. Alternating with these vegetables helps preserve the quality of the soil and the necessary components for nutrition. Suitable predecessors :

  • nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes and physalis);
  • pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons;
  • cabbage, onion and garlic;
  • spicy herbs (basil, tarragon);
  • green herbs (spinach, chard);
  • legumes (peas, beans, beans).

Bad predecessors for carrots

Undesirable plants include parsley, caraway, dill and celery. They have a lot in common: diseases, pests and nutrients consumed. It is not recommended to sow after sunflowers and eggplants.

Carrots: planting features

The tasty orange root vegetable is the best source of vitamins. This is why gardeners love him so much. To reap a rich harvest, you need to monitor the quality of the soil in which carrots will be grown. The vegetable does not like clay in the soil; carrots will be small in it. And sandy soils have a beneficial effect on the growth of root crops.

The timing of planting is also of great importance. You can plant carrots before winter; the seeds tolerate frost well. Late-ripening carrots are planted at the end of June. Early varieties can be sown as early as the end of April.

Proper care is no less important. After the first leaves appear, it is necessary to thin out the planting. There is no need to water the vegetable too often, but watering should be plentiful. Good development of carrots is facilitated by regular loosening of the soil and weeding.

What to plant nearby

When planning plantings in the garden, pay attention to the compatibility of different plants . They can either support each other or oppress each other.

An example of beneficial coexistence is carrots and onions. Both plants are often affected by onion and carrot flies, respectively. The carrot fly cannot tolerate the smell of onions, and the onion fly cannot tolerate the smell of carrots. Therefore, by planting vegetables in one bed, you can grow an excellent harvest of both. Instead of onions, you can plant garlic.

Important! Be sure to grow onions and carrots side by side.

They get along well with carrots:

  • legumes (peas, beans) make the soil loose and enrich it with nitrogen;
  • lettuce – it helps retain moisture;
  • spinach, tomatoes, radishes, cabbage, radishes, beets;
  • various herbs.

Unfavorable neighborhood

You cannot grow cabbage, cucumbers and fennel nearby, as well as dill, celery and other umbelliferous plants - they attract common pests.

Important! Carrots don't like being around weeds. Plant in a weed-free area.

Tomatoes after onions

Due to its specific taste, the succulent plant is rarely affected by pests. Without proper care, green onions become wild and thrive among weeds. The exotic taste of the plant and the phytoncides it secretes into the soil repel pests, so gardeners tend to plant tomatoes after onions. How does the earth feel? Is it possible to plant tomatoes in the garden if their predecessor was an aromatic vegetable - onions?

Green onions are perennial plants, but in our climatic conditions they are grown as an annual crop. After harvesting the bulbs, the soil is prepared for planting the following crops.

Soil after growing onions

Soil characteristics after growing onions:

  • a slightly alkaline soil reaction is observed, which has a beneficial effect on nightshade crops;
  • onions are indifferent to potassium and nitrogen fertilizers, so the soil after onions is rich in potassium and nitrogen;
  • onions release phytoncides - special substances that, when released into the soil, help repel pests and destroy bacteria;
  • bacteria do not linger in the soil, since they are indifferent to onion roots.

Conclusion: the considered factors allow us to conclude that it is possible to grow tomatoes after onions and then carry out the correct rotation of fruit crops.

Advice from experienced gardeners

Based on classical techniques, many experienced gardeners give useful recommendations :

  1. In the beds after the carrots, it is good to plant strawberry and wild strawberry bushes.
  2. To protect against carrot flies, it is advisable to plant calendula or marigolds along the perimeter of the bed, and use alternating rows of onions and carrots.
  3. Experienced vegetable growers advise planting carrots after beans.
  4. It is recommended to exclude salad as a precursor due to the same diseases.
  5. A good neighbor is the leek.
  6. You can’t sow the root crop after sweet pepper; the taste may change.
  7. You can grow beets next to carrots; they protect against diseases.
  8. Carrot beds should not be placed next to an apple tree; the taste of both plants will deteriorate.
  9. The root crop does not grow well in soil saturated with manure; it is better to plant potatoes, cabbage, and cucumbers in such beds. And next year - carrots.
  10. If parsley grew on the site, then it is strictly forbidden to plant carrots in this place. When there is no other area, dig up the soil and treat it with potassium permanganate.
  11. Perennial berry bushes can be planted in carrot beds.

Vegetable crop rotation table

Can be plantedNeutralCan't plant
PotatoLegumes, pumpkins, cabbageAny root vegetables, onions, garlicVegetables from the nightshade family
TomatoesPumpkin, legumes, onions, garlic, carrots, all types of cabbage, greensBeetrootPotatoes, peppers, eggplants
Eggplant, pepperCucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, onions, garlic, melons, beans, carrots, greensBeetrootPotatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin
Onion garlicPotatoes, legumes, pumpkin crops, all types of cabbageBeetroot, tomatoesPepper, onion, garlic, physalis, greens, carrots
Pumpkin cropsLegumes, potatoes, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, onions, cornBeetroot, greensPumpkin crops
LegumesPumpkins, strawberries, potatoes, all types of cabbage, onionsBeets, tomatoes, greens, carrots, vegetables from the nightshade familyCorn, legumes
CarrotOnions, pumpkins, all types of cabbage, potatoes, greensTomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers, eggplantsCarrots, beets
BeetPotatoes, pumpkins, greensLegumes, tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers, eggplants, cornAll types of cabbage
CabbageOnions, garlic, legumes, potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkinsTomatoes, carrots, peppers, eggplants, corn, greensCabbage, radishes
GreeneryPumpkins, onions, garlic, legumesTomatoes, eggplants, peppers, beets, potatoes, cornCabbage, carrots

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

In regions with a cold climate, it is not always possible to grow tomatoes in open ground, so you have to build a greenhouse on the site and grow a heat-loving vegetable there. Since the greenhouse is a stationary structure, it is not possible to change the place where tomatoes are planted. But even when growing vegetables not in open ground, but under cover, you can organize crop rotation using green manure grasses.

Neutral soils are best suited for tomatoes, but when growing vegetables, the soil becomes acidic. Accordingly, the task of a farmer growing vegetables in a greenhouse is to adjust the acidity of the soil. Green manure beans or mustard will cope best with this task.

In the fall, after harvesting, or in early spring, any legume or white mustard is planted. Both crops are equally good as green manures that reduce soil acidity. It is recommended to plant green manure before winter. They need to be mowed 10-14 days before planting tomatoes. If spring is early and warm, green manure can be planted immediately before planting the main vegetable crop.

What to do if it is not possible to alternate plantings

If the plot is small and you want to place as many crops as possible on it, then we are not talking about alternation. It happens that a vegetable grower likes potatoes to grow in one place, carrots in another, cabbage in a third, and so on from year to year, he doesn’t want to change anything. Of course, the soil will be severely depleted within a few years. To replenish nutrition reserves in the soil, you need to worry about applying fertilizers in the fall.

In autumn and winter, the earth should rest, renew itself, and return to a healthy state. Necessary actions to prepare the soil for spring planting:

  • harvest vegetables;
  • clear the area of ​​tops;
  • sow green manure in the summer so that they have time to ripen before the cold weather;
  • dig up the ground along with green manure;
  • use preparations with bacteria to quickly process the soil;
  • on cold days, the area is covered with film to create all conditions for grass processing;
  • You can add humus, mineral fertilizers, ash, and compost.

Over the winter, all substances will be processed, the earth will replenish its reserves and rest. The soil will be cleared of toxins and will be light and loose. To kill pests and microbes, the area can be treated with fungicides 2 weeks before sowing. In the spring, carrots or another crop are planted in its place.

After which crops is it not recommended to plant tomatoes?

The basic rule of crop rotation for obtaining high tomato yields is that tomato bushes cannot be placed in beds where vegetable crops from the Solanaceae family were grown last year.

Undesirable precursors for tomatoes:

  • potato;
  • eggplant;
  • bell and hot peppers;
  • physalis.

It is especially undesirable to plant tomato seedlings in beds after potatoes. It consumes huge amounts of nitrogen from the soil, depleting it and making it practically infertile.

For the same reason, you should not plant tomato seedlings in beds where strawberries were grown last year. To produce a large number of berries, it requires the maximum amount of nitrogen, which it receives from fertilizers and soil. After growing strawberries, the soil should “rest” for at least 1-2 years to improve its fertility and vitamin and mineral composition.

To restore the composition and quality of the soil, it is necessary to apply organic or mineral fertilizers based on nitrogen, which will negatively affect the summer resident’s budget. But even the application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers does not guarantee success in the subsequent cultivation of tomatoes.

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