The most delicious tomatoes with an impressive appearance - Samokhval tomato: full description of the variety

The ideal yellow variety - what does it really mean? Tomato Samokhval is high-yielding and easy to care for. Its fruits are extremely tasty and presentable in appearance. Designed for planting in open areas and in greenhouse conditions.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonYellowLargeVarietyFlat-round

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Samokhval is an indeterminate tall variety. The shoots grow strong and strong. Features of the bushes:

  • shoot height 1.4-1.7 m;
  • trunks need pinching and pinching;
  • 5-6 tomatoes are tied on a brush;
  • In total, 6-8 fruitful clusters are formed.

Ripening time is average - 110-125 days from germination.

Characteristics of tomatoes:

  • average weight 200-250 g;
  • large fruits weigh up to 800 g;
  • the flesh is fleshy, moderately juicy;
  • The skin is soft and does not crack.

The taste is sweet with a slight hint of sourness. Yellow tomatoes are an excellent choice for vitamin-rich summer salads; they are added to assorted dishes and hot dishes.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out 60-70 days before planting the plants in a permanent place. To do this, the seed is treated with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate and a growth stimulator.

The seeds are placed in a container with soil to a depth of 1.5 cm, watered with warm water using a spray bottle, and covered with film until the sprouts hatch. The optimal temperature for seed germination is +23…+25 °C.

To form strong seedlings, periodic fertilizing with complex fertilizers is recommended. In the phase of formation of 1-2 true leaves, diving is carried out. For this purpose, you can use separate peat pots, with which the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place.

When planting in the ground, 2-3 bushes are placed per 1 m². To obtain large fruits, regulate the number of ovaries in the cluster. The variety responds well to watering.

Characteristics of tomato

Samokhval is a tomato hybrid, which is a rather interesting mid-ripe type of agronomy. According to information provided by competent specialists, the fertile stage of a tomato, from the first sprouts of the variety to the ripe fruit, is approximately 100-120 days. According to its color variety, Samokhval is included in the category of yellow-fruited and orange crops.

Special characteristics of Samokhval:

  1. The number of fruits - the harvest from one bush exceeds four kilograms.
  2. Fruiting is positive.
  3. Cultivation - the variety is not picky and has good yield, both in greenhouse conditions and in greenhouses and in open ground.
  4. Immunity – resistant to fungal infections (fruit rot), viral infections (tomato mosaic), and necrosis bacteria.

The most favorable soil for cultivating the Samokhvala variety is:

  • Russian territory (excluding the northern part).
  • Ukrainian territory.
  • Territory of Belarus (excluding the northern part).

This tomato variety belongs to the low-growing classification. On open soil, Samokhval reaches a height of one and a half meters, in greenhouse or greenhouse conditions - no more than 115-120 centimeters. This type of tomato belongs to the average type in terms of the number of leaves on the trunk. As for shoot formations, it is a very pronounced type. The leaves of Samokhval are fleshy and dark green in color. The initial cluster with fruit is formed no lower than the ninth leaf, which is a positive feature. The distance from the crop to the ground is significant, which means that the fruits are not subject to rapid rotting and are protected from small pests. The next clusters with fruits begin to form no earlier than after three leaves. There are 4-5 tomatoes per fertile bunch.

The best determinate varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Determinate varieties of tomatoes are convenient to grow in open ground. They do not need such high support as tall varieties need, and if they need formation, it is minimal. Experienced agronomists advise new farmers and gardeners to start growing tomatoes with indeterminate varieties. In addition, low-growing tomatoes usually ripen quickly and smoothly, and therefore they are perfect for regions with short summers.

If you are looking for a suitable variety of low-growing tomatoes, then you can definitely choose something from the options offered below. We have selected for you the best determinate varieties of tomatoes for open ground.

The best low-growing tomato varieties for exhaust gas

Rio Grande

A variety of Dutch selection, the bushes of which can reach 50-60 centimeters in height in open ground, and the inner part of the medium-sized plum-shaped fruits has good elasticity. Thanks to this, they are perfectly stored and are suitable for pickling and drying.

Determinate tomato Rio Grande


This variety was developed by the Dutch, endowing it with excellent commercial qualities. Large and beautiful fruits have a high dry matter content, which makes them suitable for long-term transportation. Bobcat tomatoes are suitable for growing in open ground exclusively in the southern regions. They have good immunity and long-term fruiting.

Tomato Bobcat


One of the new determinate varieties of tomatoes. The fruits are quite large and dense - ideal for salads and store well. A strong plant is rarely infected with various diseases and, with proper care, always produces an excellent harvest.

Tomato variety Linda


The main trunk reaches a height of 45 cm and is quite strong so that the tomato does not fall without a garter. However, regular stepsoning is necessary. Riddle is an ultra-early variety. The fruits reach a weight of 150 g, beautiful and dense.

Beautiful Danko tomato fruits

Petrusha the gardener

This variety is one of the last fruits of the labor of Siberian breeders. By growing it, you don’t have to waste time and energy on planting. Its fruiting period is long, its yield and drought resistance are quite high, and its fruits are universally used. The 60-centimeter bush looks very elegant in an area of ​​open ground.

Parsley gardener - an elegant tomato bush for open ground


A tomato with large heart-shaped fruits covered with a thin peel. Height - 50 cm, the bush needs to be formed and strengthened. It has good drought tolerance and excellent taste. Productivity is average, transportation is not advisable.

Heart-shaped tomato variety Danko

Crimson Giant

This hybrid has truly gigantic raspberry fruits. The average height of the bushes is 70 cm. The fruits ripen early, so late blight cannot overcome them. The greatest advantage is the highest productivity.

Huge fruit of the Raspberry giant variety


Determinate variety of tomatoes of medium ripeness with plum-shaped fruits of high quality. The plant is standard - a garter may not be required. This hybrid is usually grown for canning.

Roma - tomato for canning

Summer resident

Gardeners love the tomato for its unpretentiousness, endurance of low temperatures, and consistently high yield. Fruit ripening is early. The height of the bush is half a meter.

Summer resident - an unpretentious tomato for open ground

The best determinate varieties of tomatoes for open ground, in our opinion, should not be left out of your attention. Try to grow at least one of the proposed varieties on your plot of land, and you will not have to regret your choice. Of course, if all the necessary planting and care rules are followed.

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